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One Page Comic: Red Robin By Mathew R Wilmot

Based on the DC Comics character created by Marv Wolfman & Pat Broderick

INT. THE BATCAVE. NIGHT. 1: RED ROBIN enters the batcave via a small metal door. RED ROBIN (caption) I had promised myself I wouldnt do this. Come here... tonight 2: RED ROBIN closes the door and locks it using the key pad beside it. RED ROBIN (contd) (caption) Its not easy for him. I know he wouldnt admit it even after all this time. Even though he knows what became of him 3: RED ROBIN looks across the batcave though the various spot lights lighting a path towards a series of glass cases. BATMAN is standing in front of one facing it. RED ROBIN (contd) (caption) I guess its one of his greatest regrets. A constant reminder that he isnt super 4: RED ROBIN begins to make his way though the cave. RED ROBIN (contd) (caption) he wont acknowledge how great he is though. To me he is the finest example of a true hero. 5: RED ROBIN stands next to BATMAN, they both look at the glass case. RED ROBIN (contd) (caption) he may operate in a world world of darkness but he is a shining beacon to us all RED ROBIN (contd) hey BATMAN hey... 6: Before them stands the case holding JASON TODDS robin costume. (CONTINUED)



RED ROBIN (caption) anniversaries are never a happy occasion in this family. All we can do is be there END.

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