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2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research

IPv6 Attack Scenarios Testbed

* Wan Nor Ashiqin Wan Ali, * Abidah Hj Mat Taib, * Naimah Mohd Hussin and * Jamal Othman
* Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia,

Abstract— Deploying IPv6 in the enterprise network will increase attacks need to be filtered at router, thus, some of the Access
the security issues since some of IPv6 features bring Control Lists (ACLs) have been configured to encounter the
vulnerabilities. Thus, mitigating them with appropriate security attacks before they arrive at host.
policy is vital. By having attack scenario testing, it will expose
network administrators to the IPv6 potential attack. For example, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section
Bad ACK-Reset attack is used by an attacker to reset a new 2 discusses on IPv6 attacks scenarios, Section 3 describes a test
connection after exploiting network. Also, Packet Fragmentation bed simulation using GNS3 application, Section 4 states the
attack is capable to control over the packet fragmentation services purpose of testing, Sections 5 identifies the assessment criteria
yet can cause problems in security measurement. Hence, this and Section 6 designs the framework of testing. The rest of the
paper tested Bad ACK-Reset and Packet Fragmentation attack sub-topics are testbed of testing, experimental tools, test
scenarios for analysis. This paper used Scapy (2.0.1) to generate procedure, findings, conclusion and last section closes the
packets for testing. A testbed simulation has been designed by paper with some conclusions.
using Graphical Network Simulator 3 (GNS3). Several ip6tables
rules and access control lists (ACLs) were implemented at the host II. IPV6 ATTACK SCENARIOS
and the router respectively to counter Bad ACK-Reset and Packet
IPv6 attacks are becoming possible due to wider application
Fragmentation attack scenarios. Information gained from the
testing will provide a clear understanding on IPv6 security issues
of the IPv6 in the present network. Moreover, recent
and help to design a proper network security policy. The current development has shown that computer devices and networks
results from the testing can be used for future research in are enabled with IPv6 utilization. Unintentionally, when
generating the security policies. Thus, our further research will enterprises start to deploy IPv6, they still need to maintain the
focus on modelling the created security policy for IPv6 IPv4 concurrently. Hence, security issues have been increased
deployment. since enterprises need to maintain the coexistence condition of
IPv4 and IPv6 [4].
Keywords— IPv6 deployment; IPv6 attack scenarios; security Researchers [9], [4], [10] found that the number of attacks
policy; GNS3; IP6tables have been increased with the IPv6 deployment since attackers
I. INTRODUCTION manipulate the vulnerabilities of IPv6. However, with
knowledge and understanding about IPv6 attacks, administrator
Handling threats due to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is better equipped to counter the IPv6 security issues. For
deployment become an important issue to be discovered [1], instance, this paper demonstrates Bad ACK-Reset and Packet
[2], [3], [4]. Since enterprises need to deploy IPv6 sooner or Fragmentation attacks that can occur in IPv6 deployment.
later, they must also consider about the security issues related The Bad ACK-Reset attack [11] can be used to generate a
to IPv6 deployment. Therefore, we need to run a testing of connection after doing something bad to the victim host but
several attacks which related to the IPv6 deployment in order still desire to create an additional session without any
to create an appropriate set of security policy that can be acknowledgement to that victim. Thus, an attacker can inject
implemented and enforced in the host firewall and also the any malicious packet which can harm the victim host again and
perimeter firewall. again by resetting new connection. The Bad ACK-Reset attack
This paper focuses on attacks testing setup using Graphical indicates the IPv6 attacks which can be occurred when attacker
Network Simulator 3 (GNS3) simulation software [5]. The is capable to reset new connection between the victim host.
GNS3 supports any testbed simulation using Cisco routers.
Meanwhile, Packet Fragmentation attack is usually being
The testbed simulation focuses on testing several attacks used to make the content of data transferred become unclear,
which related to the Internet Control Message Protocol for thus it can be passed through the firewall [12]. It can also be
IPv6 (ICMPv6) [6]. Attacking activities have been conducted seriously misused by an attacker to inject various malicious
using THC IPv6 Toolkits [7] and Scapy [8] in order to test on packets by using the packet fragmentation. The packet
IPv6 attacks. The documentation of ip6tables in RFC 4890 has fragmentation attack can occur in both IPv4 and IPv6 network.
been considered in our testing simulation. However, some

This work was sustained in part by the Fundamental Research Scheme

Grant (FRGS), code project: “600-RMI/SSP/FRGS 5/3/Fsp (54/2010)” and
Dana Kecemerlangan UiTM, code project: “600-RMI/ST/DANA 5/3/Dst

978-1-4673-1310-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 464

2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research

However, since our works are focusing on IPv6 attacks, we implementation is crucial for enterprises to manage their
have tested this kind of attack by applying IPv6 addresses. This organization security properly.
attack is adopted from [12] and re-testing in our experimental
testbed. This testing was performed in a private network to isolate it
from the running network. Hence, the testing did not create any
III. TESTBED SIMULATION USING GNS3 APPLICATION conflict with the public network or organization network
because it is hazardous to test the attacks scenarios by using
Graphical Network Simulator 3 (GNS3) provides researcher organization network.
to emulate complex or simple networks. In addition, the GNS3 Figure 1 shows the basic of organization network topology
application can combine the actual devices and virtual devices which adopt the distributed firewall concept [18]. The
together in one or more networks. The virtual devices can be distributed firewall concept point out that it is important to
expressed as virtual machine, router and other virtual network manage the host firewall besides perimeter firewall [18], [19].
devices. Thus, this testing will provide appropriate mechanisms that can
Besides, GNS3 supports the Cisco IOS by using Dynamips represent host firewall which are ip6tables rules and ACLs.
which can make thing easier since it provides GUI. Users are
capable to run any commands as long as the commands and
parameters used are sustained by Cisco IOS. Besides Cisco,
GNS3 also supports Juniper routers and PIX Firewall.
In addition, GNS3 application is an open source which is
free, can be installed and available to be used in various types
of operating system such as Windows, MacOS, Linux and
others. However, GNS3 does not replace the router because it
is used for education and lab testing purposes.
A. Purpose
The aim of the testing presented here is to point out Bad
ACK-Reset and Packet Fragmentation attacks can occur in
IPv6 deployment. Indirectly, there are solutions provided in
this testing which can be practiced to prevent the attacks from
B. Assessment Criteria
The attack scenarios have been tested and evaluated using
Wireshark which is an open-source packet analyzer [13].
Therefore, packets are observed according to each frame inside
the packets. After the packets are observed, some prevention is
applied to counter the attack scenarios. Then, the testing is
repeated two times; the first testing is without any filtering rule
and the second condition is with appropriate filtering rules. The
attack scenarios are tested several times with some filtering
rules until we get the appropriate rules. Packets are captured
and analyzed again to see whether the rules are capable to Figure 1. Organization Network Topology
counter those attacks.
C. Framework D. Experimental Testbed Setup
This attack scenario testing is conducted as a preliminary The testbed simulation was designed by using GNS3
study to prove that enterprises need to properly manage their application. The existing firewall was tested to review whether
host firewall. Several studies have revealed the importance of it can support IPv6 traffic or not. Some of the attacks which
firewall management and some security issues when users start related to IPv6 deployment were tested and the packet of traffic
to deploy IPv6 [14], [15], [16], [9]. Indirectly, enterprises must was captured for depth analysis.
protect their own organization firewall in order to sustain their The testing simulation was designed by using one virtual
business activities since they are using much more network router and two computers (Windows XP, Centos). A guest
applications compared to individual user. operating system (Virtual Ubuntu) was installed in the host
With the existence of IPv6, enterprises cannot totally rely on operating system (Windows XP) to support this testing setup.
perimeter firewall since it is a mandatory of IP Security (IPsec) All computers are connected using virtual router which has
in IPv6 installation [17]. The perimeter firewall cannot see the been configured using GNS3 application.
content of any packet if the attacker uses IPsec. If end-to-end Two nodes which represent Node A (Centos) and Node B
IPsec is used, it means that transmitted data are encrypted and (Virtual Ubuntu) have been configured with dual-stack
only destination host can decrypt it. Therefore, host firewall addresses. The dual-stack addresses have been configured to

2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research

represent the coexistence condition of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. IV. FINDINGS DISCUSSION
Even though the experimental setup was in dual-stack
addresses, but this testing only focuses on IPv6 attack scenarios. A. Bad ACK-Reset Attack
Figure 2(a) shows the testbed topology designed using GNS3 The Bad ACK-Reset attack [21] can be used to generate a
application. connection after doing something wrong to the victim host but
still desire to create an additional session without any
acknowledgement. The Bad ACK-Reset attack has been tested
in IPv4 network and some rules to counter the attack which are
applied [11]. Hence, the same Bad ACK-Reset code has been
adapted in this testing to test whether it is possible to be
occurred in IPv6 addresses. TABLE I shows the captured packet
from the testing.
Based on T ABLE I, the Node B
(2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186) has been attacked
with a sort of content rule for "BAD STUFF" by Node A
(2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559). The content was
separated into two parts to urge TCP reassembly, thus victim
host did not aware the content rule as it came with single
segment. The attacker could send any SYN packet without
victim’s acknowledgement because the Bad ACK-Reset attack
would reset the connection again.
The Bad ACK-Reset attack can be prevented by using the
ip6tables rules which has been tested with the testbed
Figure 2(a). Testbed Topology Using GNS3 Application simulation:
#ip6tables –A INPUT –s ‘ipv6_address’ –j DROP
R1#sh run ! #ip6tables –A INPUT –s ‘ipv6_network_prefix’ –d
Building configuration... interface FastEthernet0/1 ‘ipv6_network_prefix’ –j ACCEPT
! ip address #ip6tables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -s ‘ipv6_address’ -d
ipv6 unicast-routing ‘ipv6_network_prefix’ --tcp-flags RST, RST --destination-port 80
! duplex auto
interface FastEthernet0/0 speed auto
ip address ipv6 address 2607:F0D0:1002:53::3/64 The Bad ACK-Reset attack has been tested again after
duplex auto ipv6 enable ip6tables are implemented. T ABLE II shows that attacker
speed auto ! cannot reset the connection once again. Therefore, the attacker
ipv6 address End is restricted to continue the communication with the victim
2607:F0D0:1002:52::2/64 nodes with those ip6tables rules.
ipv6 enable

Figure 2(b). Router Configuration

The virtual routers [20] have been configured by using

router emulator that is Dynamips. The router configuration for
this testing can be referred in Figure 2(b).
E. Test Procedure
Firstly, we created a private network for our testing by using
GNS3. Then, we configured the router and computers to ensure
that the connection was successful. Subsequently, we tested the
network with the Bad ACK-Reset and Packet Fragmentation
attacks using Scapy (2.0.1). Those attacks had been tested
without applying any rule at first. At that moment, they were
captured and analyzed by using Wireshark. The testing had
been repeated by applying some rules to counter the problem.
From there, we could define which rules are appropriate to
prevent the attacks from occurring.

2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research


No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info
1 0.000000 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 LOOP Reply

2 3.933787 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 TCP 9415 > http [SYN] Seq=0

Win=8192 Len=0
3 3.933804 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 TCP http > 9415 [RST, ACK] Seq=1
Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0
4 4.135994 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 TCP 9415 > http [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=3
Win=8192 Len=0
5 4.136011 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 TCP http > 9415 [RST] Seq=3 Win=0
6 4.209749 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 HTTP Continuation or non-HTTP traffic
7 4.209755 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559 TCP http > 9415 [RST] Seq=2 Win=0


No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info

1 0.00000 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 LOOP Reply

2 2.85805 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: TCP 47916 > http [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192
7 559 b186 Len=0
3 7.87003 fe80::c601:aff:fe74:1 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation for
9 b186 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186
from c4:01:0a:74:00:01
4 7.87006 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b fe80::c601:aff:fe74:1 ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement
4 186 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186
5 10.0072 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 c4:01:0a:74:00:01 LOOP Reply

B. Packet Fragmentation Attack Then, the Node A gets a “Parameter Problem” message from
Fragmentation is the method of IP packet separation where the Node B which means there is a parameter problem because
an IP packet is divided into smaller packets. Thus, the packet of an invalid header. However, the Node A can still keep on
can easily be transmitted through the network which does not sending the fragmented packet to the Node B. Thus, the
allow huge packets transmission [12]. However, this network administrator can implement Access Control List
fragmentation method can be misused by an attacker to send (ACL) to block the Packet Fragmentation attack. Some ACL
any hidden attack inside the packet. Attacker can hide their rules are implemented at the router to counter the attack:
attacks into countless small fragments, so that it can bypass the (config)#ipv6 access-list BLOCKFRAGMENTS
network attack detection or network filtering. We have injected (config-ipv6-acl)#permit 88 any any
the testing with a single packet of Packet Fragmentation attack. (config-ipv6-acl)#permit 103 any any
Figure 3 shows the snapshot of testing when we injected a (config-ipv6-acl)#permit icmp any any router-advertisement
Packet Fragmentation attack; we got a reply from the victim (config-ipv6-acl)#permit icmp any any router-solicitation
host. (config-ipv6-acl)#deny ipv6 any 2607:f0d0:1002:52::/64
(config-ipv6-acl)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
(config-if)#ipv6 traffic-filter BLOCKFRAGMENTS in

T ABLE IV shows the captured packet of Packet

Fragmentation attack which has been filtered using ACL rules.
From the T ABLE IV, we can see that Node A
(2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559) tries to send the IPv6
packet fragmentation again to the Node B
Figure 3. Snapshot of Packet Fragmentation Attack (2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186). The Node A then still
gets a “Parameter Problem” message from the Node B.
Based on T ABLE III, Node A However, Node A cannot keep on sending the fragmented
(2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3:7559) sent the IPv6 packet packet to the Node B since the fragmented packet is blocked at
fragmentation to the Node B the router.

2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research


No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info

1 0.0000 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3: 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: IPv6 IPv6 fragment (nxt=TCP (0x06) off=800
00 7559 b186 id=0x2)
2 0.0000 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3: ICMPv6 Parameter Problem (erroneous header field
29 b186 7559 encountered)
3 2.5597 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3: 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: IPv6 IPv6 fragment (nxt=TCP (0x06) off=800
02 7559 b186 id=0x2)
4 2.5597 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96: 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3: ICMPv6 Parameter Problem (erroneous header field
25 b186 7559 encountered)
5 2.6295 c4:02:05:08:00:01 c4:02:05:08:00:01 LOOP Reply


No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info

1 0.0000 c4:02:05:08:00:01 c4:02:05:08:00:01 LOOP Reply
2 1.6064 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96 IPv6 IPv6 fragment (nxt=TCP (0x06) off=800
98 3:7559 :b186 id=0x2)

3 1.6065 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe9 2607:f0d0:1002:52:230:18ff:fea3 ICMPv6 Problem (erroneous header field encountered)

23 6:b186 :7559
4 6.6037 fe80::a00:27ff:fe96:b186 fe80::c602:5ff:fe08:1 ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation for fe80::c602:5ff:fe08:1
58 from 08:00:27:96:b1:86
5 6.6190 fe80::c602:5ff:fe08:1 fe80::a00:27ff:fe96:b186 ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable (Administratively
23 prohibited)
6 6.6218 fe80::c602:5ff:fe08:1 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96 ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation for
43 :b186 2607:f0d0:1002:53:a00:27ff:fe96:b186 from

V. CONCLUSION [5] GNS3. (2011, 9th May). GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator. Available:
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paper highlights some IPv6 attack scenarios analysis which Available:
uses GNS3 application in modelling the testing topology. [8] J. Novak. (2011, 10th June). A Taste of Scapy. Available:
Currently, we are testing on several IPv6 attack scenarios in
order to study in depth about IPv6 deployment and its
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contributed to this research. 2008.
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