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General Surgery – Exam 2020 ( Corona Online Exam )

1-In simple nodular goiter T3 and T4 are usually elevated *

A. True
B. False

2- Best line of treatment of parotid abscess

A. Hilton Method
B. Parotidectomy

3-Simple multinodular goiter

A. Never turns into malignant

B. May be treated with carbimazole
C. May leads to retrosternal extension
D. Can be associated with tachycardia

4-Exophthalmos is common with papillary carcinoma of thyroid.

A. True
B. False

5-Hoarseness of voice is a common symptom with primary thyrotoxicosis

A. True
B. False

6- Occult tumor can be a presentation for papillary carcinoma

A. True
B. False

7-Medullary carcinoma can be a part of MEN syndrome

A. True
B. False
8-Thyroglossal cyst may leads to flstula after surgical excision

A. Ture
B. False

9-In cancer parotid the swelling moves up and down with deglutition

A. True
B. False

10-Best investigation for cancer salivary gland

A. Sonar
B. Fine needle biopy

11-Patient with cancer parotid, may present with

A. Drippling of saliva
B. Hoarseness of voice

12-In submandibular gland bimanual examination is

A. Positive
B. Negative

13-Calcitonin is the best tumour marker for papillary carcinoma

A. True
B. False

14-Cleft lip is due to failure of fusion between frontonasal process and maxillary process * D“

A. True
B. False

15Aphthous ulcer is usually associated with enlarged cervical lymph nodes *

A. True
B. False
16-Follicular carcinoma is of better prognosis than papillary carcinoma

A. True
B. False

17-Radioactive iodine is the best line of treatment for 2ndry thyrotoxicosis * P“

A. True
B. False ?

18-Most of salivary stones are

A. Radiopaque
B. Radiolucent

19-Cleft palate is treated by zigzag incision

A. True
B. False

20-Best treatment of simple nodular goiter is subtotal thyroidectomy

A. True
B. False

21-Stenson ducts opens opposite to

A. 1st upper molar

B. 2nd upper molar
C. Floor of the mouth

22-Salivary stones are more common in

A. Parotid gland
B. Submandibular gland

23-In case of thyrotoxicosis TSH is usually u depressed

A. True
B. False
24-The main cause of parotid abscess is

A. Streptococcus
B. Staph. Aureus

25-Simple nodular goiter may turn into malignancy’ U5‘

A. True
B. False

26-Cardiovascular manifestations are more common with simple goiter

A. True
B. False

27-Psammoma bodies usually present with papillary tumors ' [T

A. Ture
B. False

28-Tuberculous ulcer may be

A. Painless
B. Associated with cervical lymph nodes enlargement

29- In cancer parotid

Can be treated with superficial parotidectomy

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