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Introduction JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE AGENDA FOR DAY 1 JCL Introduction JOB Statement JOB Parameters ( Positional and

Keyword ) What is JCL ?. Question What is JCL ?. JCL stands for JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE Provides a Mechanism to communicate the requirements to execute a program, to the MVS operating system. JCL consists of statements that provide specifications to execute a JOB JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE (JCL) Why we need JCL ?. Question Why we Need JCL ?. Job control language will identify all the resources needed by the program to the MVS Operating system. You need to have JCL , If you want to run your program in batch mode in a mainframe environment. Control serious of JOB executed in Mainframe Environment How JCL Works ?. Question HOW JCL WORKS ?. Every JCL coded has to be run; In Mainframe terminology, it is called submitting the JCL; henceforth known as submitting the JOB

There is a subsystem in MVS called JES (short for Job Entry Subsystem) that manages JOBS submitted to the system by users JES Receives JOBS Schedules JOBS based on their priority Allocates resources to JOBS as they execute Processes output generated by JOBS JES RESP Structure of JCL Overview JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE JOB STMNT EXEC STMT DD STATEMENT STRUCTURE OF JCL oVERVIEW General Format of JCL Statement JCL Statements are coded as 80 bytes records and are categorized into following fields: IDENTIFIER Field NAME Field OPERATION Field PARAMETER Field COMMENT Field Basic Format for JCL Statement Question and Answers Overview

JOB STATEMENT Overview What is JOB STATEMENT ?. Question CODING RULES FOR JOB STATEMENT Overview Coding Rules for of Job Statement Example: Coding Rules for of Job Statement Coding Rules for of Job Statement for Operation Field

Coding Rules for of Job Statement JCL Field Definition Rules PARAMETER fields follow OPERATION field and separated by commas COMMENT field Follows parameter field and can contain any details Must be preceded by one blank Can be entered in all lines

Coding Rule for Parameter Field Coding Rules for Parameter Field Parameter Fields Parameter fields are of two types Positional and Keyword Parameters Positional Parameters Should be coded in a specific sequence Separated by commas Omitted parameters indicated by a comma to indicate the positional nature

Keyword Parameters No specific sequence and can be coded in any order Format is parm=<value> Separated by commas Follow positional parameters Can be omitted altogether if required Position and Keyword Parameters Coding Rules for Positional Parameter Coding Rules for Keyword Parameter(1) Coding Rules for Comment field Coding Rules for Comment Field JOB STATEMENT JOB statement identifies the JOB to the system JOB Statement consists of JOBNAME JOB operator Positional Parameters Accounting Info Programmer NAME Keyword Parameters MSGCLASS CLASS MSGLEVEL NOTIFY REGION

TIME PRTY COND RESTART TYPRUN JOB NAME Starts in column 3 following the identifier field Should be between 1 to 8 characters First character should be Alphabetic and not a Number Should be followed by a space JOB Operator Preceded and succeeded by a blank space Positional Parameters JOB statement consists of two positional parameters Job Accounting Information Programmer name Accounting Information Identifies the Account number to the system to track the CPU time used by the JOB Has two positional sub parameters Account number and Additional Accounting info Format is (<account-number>, <additional-accounting-info>) Format is installation dependent Within accounting info, If only <account-number> is specified, then parantheses can be omitted If only <additional-accounting-info> is specified, then the absence of <accountnumber> is specified by a comma to indicate the positional nature of the sub parameters

Accounting Information - Examples KEYWORD PARAMETERS Overview Keyword Parameters Keyword parameters follow positional parameters and can be in any order Some of the keyword parameters used in the JOB statement are CLASS NOTIFY PRTY REGION TIME TYPRUN MSGCLASS MSGLEVEL COND RESTART CLASS PARAMETER Is an optional keyword parameter Specifies the type of JOB submitted to the system Some JOBS are CPU intensive, while others are more Input-Output oriented; JOB characteristics like these are identified to the system by the CLASS parameter Format is CLASS=<class> where <class> is a character between A to Z or 0 to 9 Installations will have a default class assigned to the CLASS parameter Programmers to check with system administrator about list of classes defined in the system CLASS Parameter in JOB Statement NOTIFY PARAMETER

Specifies the user to whom JOB is to be submitted after completion Can specify the user ID or the parameter (&SYSUID) PRTY PARAMETER PRTY Specifies priority for scheduling JOBS within a CLASS Permitted value ranges from 0 to 14 or 0 to 15 depending on JES2 PRTY PARAMETER MSGCLASS PARAMETER Is an optional keyword parameter Specifies the specific output device to which the messages are to be routed after completion of the JOB Format is MSGCLASS=<classname> where <classname> is a character between A to Z or 0 to 9 Assigns JOB log to a particular sysout CLASS Installations will have a default class assigned to the MSGCLASS parameter Programmers to check with system administrator about list of message classes defined in the system MSGLEVEL PARAMETER Is an optional Keyword parameter Controls the level of listing of the JCL output of the JOB Formats available are MSGLEVEL=(<statements>, <messages>) MSGLEVEL=statements MSGLEVEL=(, <messages>) Permitted values for statements are 0 for listing only JOB statement 1 for listing all JCL statements including procedures 2 for listing only input statements

Permitted values for messages are 0 for not listing any allocation messages 1 for listing all allocation messages Preferred option is MSGLEVEL=(1,1) MSGLEVEL=(0,0) MSGLEVEL=(0,0) JESJCL: Shows only JOB statement details JESYSMSG: Shows no allocation message details; Shows only Start and Stop times JESJCL: Shows only JOB statement details JESYSMSG: Shows all allocation messages JESJCL: Shows all JCL statements JESYSMSG: Shows no allocation message details; Shows only Start and Stop times MSGLEVEL=(1,1) JESJCL: Shows all JCL statements JESYSMSG: Shows all allocation message MSGLEVEL=(2,0) JESJCL: Shows all JCL statements without substitutions JESYSMSG: Shows no allocation message details; Shows only Start and Stop times MSGLEVEL=(2,1) JESJCL: Shows all JCL statements without substitutions JESYSMSG: Shows all allocation message COND Parameter Overview COND PARAMETER Specifies whether the JOB should continue or terminate depending on the outcome of any step in the JOB

Before each step is executed, the system checks the COND parameter against the return code from completed JOB step If satisfied, the system terminates the JOB, else it executes the JOB Format is COND=((code, operator), (code, operator) ) Interpretation of Condition Codes COND PARAMETER In this visual, condition code set at JOB level is COND=(4,LT) which interprets that if the Return Code from any step is greater than 4, bypass the remaining steps in the JOB Program RTCODE04 if executed returns a RC of 4 RTCODE08 if executed returns a RC of 8 RTCODE16 if executed returns a RC of 16 In the executed JOB STEP3 is bypassed as the Return Code from STEP2 is 8 which is greater than 4 COND PARAMETER Visual shows part of the JOBLOG of JOB executed with COND=(4,LT) JOBLOB shows the JOB terminated with STEP2 COND PARAMETER In the visual, condition code set at JOB level is COND=(8,GE) which interprets that if the RC from any step is less than or equal to 8, bypass the remaining steps in the JOB Program RTCODE16 in STEP1 if executed, returns a RC of 16 RTCODE00 in STEP2 if executed, returns a RC of 0 RTCODE04 if executed returns a RC of 4 Result is STEP3 is bypassed as the RC from STEP2 is 0 which is less than 8 COND PARAMETER Visual shows part of the JOBLOG of JOB executed with COND=(8,GE)

JOBLOG shows the JOB terminated with STEP2 REGION PARAMETER Specifies the amount the workspace required by the operating system to execute the JOB Value specified will apply to each step Formats are: REGION=<value>K REGION=<value>M REGION parameter should only be in units of K or M indicating Kilobytes or Megabytes of workspace requested; Results in JCL error if unit is not specified If omitted, a default value is assigned by the system If REGION=0M is specified, the system takes the most optimum space Region Region Region ADDRSPC PARAMETER TIME PARAMETER Specifies the maximum CPU execution time permitted for the JOB If actual CPU execution time exceeds value specified in the TIME parameter, JOB will fail with S322 abend Formats are TIME=(minutes, seconds) TIME=minutes TIME=(,seconds) TIME=1440 TIME=NOLIMIT Seconds can be in the range from 0 to fifty nine

TIME Parameter TYPRUN PARAMETER TYPRUN is used for special JOB processing Formats are TYPRUN=HOLD TYPRUN=SCAN TYPRUN=HOLD causes the JOB to be held in the input queue till released by an operator TYPRUN=SCAN causes the JCL to be scanned for syntax errors and reports the errors. The JOB is not executed when this option is used RESTART PARAMETER Is an optional keyword parameter Instructs the JOB to restart execution from a specific step, instead of from beginning of the JOB Formats are RESTART=<stepname> RESTART=<stepname.procstepname> END

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