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me A= Walgreens Boots Alliance ee February 21,2023 Tony Perkins, President Family Research Counc 801 Street NW ‘Washington, 0¢ 20001 Dear Mr. Perkins ‘Tank you for your letter to CEO Rosalind Brewer regarding the dspensing of Mifepristone. While Walgreens public expressed its intent to become a certified pharmacy under the Food and Drug Administration's (°FDA") program, the company has made clear that it only would do so consistent with ll applicable laws, and 2352 result, would nat be able to dispense Mifepristone in all locations. Additionally, Walgreens has not made any representations about using the mailto dispense this drug currently, Walgreens i nt dispensing Mifepistone in any of our locations. A you know, to become certified by the FDA, participating pharmacies must satisty a range of safety and risk mitigation requirements to dlspense this drug, As we work through the certification process including the evaluation of our pharmacy ‘network as welas training protocols and updates fr our pharmacists, we wil certainly keep your views in ‘mind Thank you again. We very much appreciate you communicating your concerns. Sincerely, (0p. — Chuck Greener Senior Viee President Chief Global Public affairs Officer Walrene Bot llnes | 08 War Road | MS3AEA | rel SONS | SR Tei Be7 315220 | wnwsnagensbooustancecom

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