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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

An Introduction to UML & Rational ROSE

AIM :An Introduction to UML & Rational ROSE. UML
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of developing an object oriented software and the software development process. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using the UML helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software.

Goals of UML:
The primary goals in the design of the UML were: 1. Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models. 2. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts. 3. Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes. 4. Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language. 5. Encourage the growth of the OO tools market. 6. Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks, patterns and components. 7. Integrate best practices.

Why Use UML?

As the strategic value of software increases for many companies, the industry looks for techniques to automate the production of software and to improve quality and reduce cost and time-to-market. These techniques include component technology, visual programming, patterns and frameworks. Businesses also seek techniques to manage the complexity of systems as they increase in scope and scale. In particular, they recognize the need to solve recurring architectural problems, such as physical distribution, concurrency, replication, security, load balancing and fault tolerance. Additionally, the development for the World Wide Web, while making some

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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

things simpler, has exacerbated these architectural problems. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was designed to respond to these needs.

Types of UML Diagrams

Each UML diagram is designed to let developers and customers view a software system from a different perspective and in varying degrees of abstraction. UML diagrams commonly created in visual modeling tools include:

Use Case Diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases. Class Diagram models class structure and contents using design elements such as classes, packages and objects. It also displays relationships such as containment, inheritance, associations and others. Interaction Diagrams

Sequence Diagram displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the interaction. This consists of the vertical dimension (time) and horizontal dimension (different objects). Collaboration Diagram displays an interaction organized around the objects and their links to one another. Numbers are used to show the sequence of messages.

State Diagram displays the sequences of states that an object of an interaction goes through during its life in response to received stimuli, together with its responses and actions. Activity Diagram displays a special state diagram where most of the states are action states and most of the transitions are triggered by completion of the actions in the source states. This diagram focuses on flows driven by internal processing. Physical Diagrams

Component Diagram displays the high level packaged structure of the code itself. Dependencies among components are shown, including source code components, binary code components, and executable components. Some components exist at compile time, at link time, at run times well as at more than one time. Deployment Diagram displays the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components, processes, and objects that live on them. Software component instances represent run-time manifestations of code units.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


ROSE stands for Rational Object Oriented Software Engineering. Rational Rose is a set of visual modeling tools for development of object oriented software. Rose uses the UML to provide graphical methods for non-programmers wishing to model business processes as well as programmers modeling application logic. Rational Rose facilitates the use of UML, Component Object Modeling (COM), Object Modeling Technique(OMT), and Booch 93 method for visual modeling.

When to use Rational ROSE??

y y Modeling can be useful at any point in the application development process. Initial Design Work (Requirement Analysis and Definition) Use Cases Class Diagrams Sequence Diagram Refinement of Early Models (System & Software Design) Introduced in Middle of Project Rational Rose includes tools for reverse engineering as well as forward engineering of classes and component architectures. You can gain valuable insights to your actual constructed architecture and pinpoint deviations from the original design. Rose offers a fast way for clients and new employees to become familiar with system internals

y y

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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


1. Use Case 2. Collaboration 3. Sequence 4. Class 5. State chart 6. Activity 7. Component 8. Deployment The version of Rational ROSE used in our lab. is 2002.05.00.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

EXPERIMENT NO. 1 Automatic Teller Machine(ATM)

This diagram consists of 2 actors and 7 use cases, which are described as follows: Actors: 1. CUSTOMER: He is the sole reason why this diagram has been developed. Here customer represents all those who go to ATMs for cash retrieval. CUSTOMER can access the use cases like change of pin no., amount to be withdrawn etc. but he has no access to certain use cases like update the transaction list etc. 2. ATM MACHINE: this is the second actor in the diagram and has access to all the use cases in the diagram like error msg., updating the lists etc. Use cases: 1. Pin number access: this use case allows customer to enter the pin no. and machine to check if its correct or not. 2. Check for the validity of the card: this use case allows only the machine to check whether the card is authentic or not. 3. Change of pin no.: it allows the customer to change the pin no. of the card and machine to store the new pin no. 4. Display date of last transaction: this use case shows the customer the date of last transaction. This use case is accessible only to the machine. 5. Show all transactions held: it allows the machine to show all the transactions held using that card. 6. 6) Show the balance: this use case allows the machine to show the current balance left in the customers account. 7. Amount to be withdrawn: customer uses this case to tell the amount he needs. 8. Error msg.(request>balance): this use case shows an error msg.if amount requested by the customer exceeds the balance left in his account. 9. Update the transaction list: if the request is granted then the machine updates the transaction list using this use case. 10. Update the balance left: machine changes the balance to (balance-request).

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year









Automatic Teller Machine (Class diagram)






Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

The class diagram of ATM utilizes mainly 4 classes, 7 variables and 11 methods. Classes: A. Card Reader: This class is used to read the details of the ATM card and to check whether the ATM card is valid or not. It uses one attribute and three methods. Attributes 1. Card number: this is an attribute used by the class card reader to check whether the card is valid or not. Methods 1. read card: this method reads the attribute card number and matches it with the database in the system. 2. Accept card: this method accepts the card if the card is valid and the user can carry on further transactions. 3. Reject card: this method rejects the card if the card is not valid and the user is prompted accordingly. B. Account: This class represents the account of the user in the bank. This class uses three attributes and four methods. Attributes 1. account number: this attribute is the account number that is provided to the user by the bank and is used in all the transactions with the bank. 2. Pin: this is a unique code provided to the user by the bank it is used in all the ATM transactions hat the user performs. 3. Balance: this is used to represent the balance of money left in the users account in the bank account that he has. Methods 1. open: this methods checks the pin number provided by the user and the allows him to log into his account. 2. Withdraw funds: this method help the user to withdraw amount from the account it calls the method verify fund so as to verify is the user has the required minimum balance before withdrawing. It also calls method deduct funds to deduct the withdrawn amount from the users account. 3. Deduct fund: this method is used to deduct the amount withdrawn from the users from his account. It is invoked by withdraw funds. 4. erify funds: this method is used to check whether the user posses the minimum amount of money in his account before he can withdraw money from his account. C. ATM screen: this class is the user interface. It uses no attributes and two methods to interact with user. Methods 1. prompt: this method prompts the user to insert his card and various other details into the machine. 2. Accept input: this methods acquires whatever input is provided by the user and forwards to other classes. D. Cash Dispenser: this class utilizes one attribute and two methods. Attributes 1. cash balance: this attributes represents the cash to be paid to the user.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

Methods 1. provide cash: this method is used to provide the desired amount to the user. Provide receipt: this methods prints a receipt of the transaction and provides to the user.


c a rd re a d e r c a r d n u m b er

a t m s c re e n

p ro m p t () a c c e p t c a rd () e je c t c a rd () re a d c a rd () a c c e p t in p u t ()

c a s h d is p e n s e r ac c ount a c c ou n t n u m b e r p in b a la n c e o p e n () w it h d ra w fu n d s () d e d u c t fu n d s () ve rify fu n d s () pro vid e c a s h () p ro vid e re c e ip t () c a s h b a la n c e



Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

neha : Us er

c ard reader : devic e

atm s c reen : s c reen

neha's ac c ount : ac c ount

c as h dis pens er : dis pens er

1: ac c ept c ard 2: read c ard no.

3: initializ e sc reen

4: open ac c ount 5: prom pt for pin

6: enter pin(1234) 7: verify pin 8: prom pt for trans act ion

9: s elec t trans ac tion(wit hdral)

10: prom pt for c c ount

11: enter ac c ount(5000rs ) 12: wit hdrawl 13: verify fund

14: deduc t funds

15: provide cas h

16: provide rec eipt

17: ejec t c ard


Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

11: enter amount 9: select transaction 5: enter pin Customer 4: prompt for pin 8: promt for transaction 10: prompt for amount 6: open account ATM SCREEN

7: verify pin 1: ACCEPT CARD

3: INITIALISE SCREEN 12: withdraw funds 16: verify funds 17: deduct funds 2: READ CARD

CARD READER 15: eject cash

USER ACCOUNT 13: provide cash 14: provide receipt CASH DISPENSER


Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Library Management (Use Case Diagram):
The use case diagram consists of 4 actors and 8 use cases. Actors: 1. User: The student utilizing the library for the purpose of issuing and returning books. 2. Librarian: The person incharge of the library operations he ensures the smooth running of the library also helps in procuring books for the library. 3. Operator: The person incharge of issuing and returning the books to the library he sits on the computer and keeps record of the transactions taking place in the library. 4. Bar Code Reader: This is the device used to read the barcode on the books for the purpose of issuing and returning of books, the barcode is used as a unique id for each and every book. Use Cases: 1. login: This is used by the operator and the librarian to log into the library management system. 2. Issue book: Used by the operator to issue book to the user with the help of the bar code reader. 3. Return book: This used case is used by the operator to return book from the user with the help of the bar code reader. 4. Query book: Used by the user to query book from the system with the help of the operator. 5. Maintain catalogue: Used by the operator to keep the record of the books in the library updated. 6. Generate report: the librarian to generate a report on the proper functioning of the library uses this use case. 7. Maintain login: the librarian to add and remove logins into the library management system uses this use case. 8. Maintain student detail: Used by the librarian to maintain details of each and every user and to regularly keep the details updated with the addition and removal of student.


Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

Library Management System (Class Diagram):

The Class Diagram of ATM comprises of 5 classes, 20 attributes and 15 methods. Classes: 1. Book Details: This class processes the book either to be returned or to be issued. arious attributes which deal directly with the book such as book id, name etc are the attributes of this class. Attributes y Book ID: This attribute holds the value of book id of the current book accessed. y Book Name: This attribute holds the name of the current book accessed. y Publisher: This attribute holds the name of the publisher of the current book accessed. 2. Student details: This Class directly holds the student information. This class also performs the check if the user is authentic or not and performs appropriate actions accordingly. It also updates the information in the student database accordingly with the action student perform regarding the return of the book or issue of the same. Attributes y Name: This attribute holds the name of the student who is accessing the library service. y Roll no: This attribute holds the roll no of the student who is accessing the library service. y Course: This attribute holds the course undertaken by the student who is accessing the library service. 3. Student issue Details: This class comes into action when student information regarding the issued book is needed to be accessed from the database. It uses 2 attributes named Bar code details and book id. Attributes y Student Barcode ID: This attribute holds the barcode d of the student which is unique for every student and which acts as primary key to access the issued book database. 4. Issued book details: This Class holds the appropriate methods and attributes, which controls the issued book analysis regarding the fine etc. Also the further action is also decided by this class whether to return the book or reissue it. Attributes y Book ID: This attribute holds the book id of the currently accessed issued book. y Student ID: This attribute holds the student id who has issued the book designated by book id. 5. Login Details : This class secures the library by eliminating trespassing in the library by use of login id and password.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


request for book issue check validity student is valid Available

book not available student is invalid Book is returned Book is issued

request denied


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year



Bar code student info reader controller read barcode submit barcode

Book info controller

Message box

student details

return book

Book details

get details submit validate if fine update update book return successful

validate details invalid student

submit book code check availibility not available add record add record issue success

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year



9: validate details

1: read barcode

2: submit barcode

student info controller

Bar code reader 4: submit student details 6: update return book 10: invalid student 3: get details 5: validate if fine

11: submit book code 14: add record

7: update 8: book return successful

Book details Message box

15: add record 13: not available 12: check availibility 16: issue success

Book info controller

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Student registration process(use case diagram)
This use case diagram has three actors and nine use cases. Actors: 1. Student: This is the main person in the whole scenario. He is the one who wants to get registered under an institution or a course. 2. Attendant: He is the one who helps the Student in choosing the course and has all the information regarding the institute. He also helps in getting the application forms and other important stuff for the student. 3. Registrar: He is like the administrator of the institute. He controls all the student lists and other institute details like vacancy lists as well. Use cases: 1. Request for course: the student can make a request for a particular course to the registrar 2. Request for cancellation: the student can send a request for cancellation of application to the registrar. 3. List of registered students: a student can also view the current list of registered students in order check his own status. 4. Application form: the application form can be viewed by the student as well as the scrutiny officer who verifies if all the details in the application form are true by comparing fee and the student details available to them. 5. Fee details: students as well as the scrutiny officer can access fee details in order to perform their functions. 6. Student details: the scrutiny officer to ensure that all the details in the form are correct and not fabricated accesses these. 7. Vacancy detail: the registrar accesses the vacancy details to know when all the seats are filled and hence the registration process is over. 8. Updating vacancy and fee details: the registrar updates the vacancy details and the fee details. 9. Updating list: the registrar keeps on updating the registered student list.

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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year




account manager

scrutiny officer

request for the course

prompt for form submission

submit form details form verification

if valid check student details

return details to registrar prompt for fee submission submit fees

confirm fee submition grant admission letter request for cancellation verification of details

confirm details forward student details

return fees after deducting cancellation charges

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

1: request for the course 3: submit form details 11: request for cancellation student 2: prompt for form submission 7: prompt for fee submission 10: grant admission letter registrar

15: return fees after deducting cancellation charges

9: confirm fee submition 6: return details to registrar 13: confirm details 4: form verification 12: verification of details

8: submit fees

14: forward student details 5: check student details

account manager

scrutiny officer

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Travel Agency (use case diagram)
This use case diagram has two actors and seven use cases. Actors: 1. Traveler: This is the main actor for whom the system is developed. The traveler can check availability of tickets make payments, book tickets and generate bill 2. Administrator: This actor is responsible for maintaining the system and can update the database, generate bills, etc.

Use cases: 1. Verify: It is used for authenticating the details of the user accessing the system. 2. Check Availability: It allows a traveler to check the availability of the required tickets. 3. Update customer Database: This updates the information about the customer or the traveler in the database maintained in the system. 4. Update Main Database: This is used by the administrator to update the data regarding the travel plans, availability of tickets and pending payments. 5. Book Ticket: It describes the operations required by the user/ traveler to book tickets. 6. Generate Bill: After a request for tickets is made by the traveler, administrator uses this to generate the bill. 7. Print Bill: This allows a traveler to generate a hard copy of the bill.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Insurance Management System (use case diagram)

This use case diagram has two actors and five main use cases. Actors: 1. Customer: He is the main actor for whom the system is developed. Customer can select the type of insurance, mode of payment and the EMI plan. 2. Agent: He is the actor responsible for devising policies and types of insurances.

Use Cases: 1. EMI: This use case allows the customer to select the way he wants to pay his emi. It extends use cases quarterly, monthly and yearly. 2. Type of insurance: Used by the customer and agent to select the appropriate type of insurance. It extends use cases life insurance, health insurance and vehicle insurance. 3. Mode of Payment: It allows a customer to select the mode of payment. It extends cheque and cash use cases. 4. Policy: Used by customer to select appropriate policy plan 5. Maturity: It handles all operations concerning maturity of insurance policies.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


types of nsurance <<extends>>

<<extends>> customer fe nsurance


EMI <<extends>> <<extends>> <<extends>> quarter y year y month y mode of payement <<extends>>

po cy

nterest rate


f na amount

by cash


hea th care nsurance

veh c a nsurance


matur ty

$      #

! "





         %           %          % %






Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


l f ri

r i tr ti



5: ll t





l t t


t 8:






t 3: ll t t t rit l r i 2: fi t r t fi r i t r f

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


: customer


type of insurance



amount to be paid

: agent

1: apply for insurance

2: choose the type of insurance 3: allot the type of insurance 4: choose policy 5: allot policy 6: select the paritcular emi 7: calculate the amont

8: pay the amount

9: amount paid

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Railway Reservation System(USE-CASE):
A software has to be developed for automating the manual railway reservation system. The system should be distributed in nature. The Railway Reservation System use case diagram consists of three actors (external users) & seven use cases (functions) of the system. Actors: 1. Admin: is the central authority of the system. The admin has access to modules like update train informations, report generation and login. 2. Reservation clerk: has access to login, view reservation status, view train schedules and hence accordingly reserve and cancel the seats allotted to the passengers. 3. Passenger: passenger is any person who wishes to use the services offered by the railways, that is, travelling by train. Passenger has access to modules like view reservation status, view train schedules. Use Cases: 1. Reserve Seat: A passenger should be able to reserve seats in the train. A reservation form is filled by the passenger and given to the clerk, who then checks for the availability of seats for the specified date of journey. If seats are available, then the entries are made in the system regarding the train name, train number, date of journey, boarding station, destination, person name, sex and total fare. Passenger is asked to pay the required fare and the tickets are printed. If the seats are not available then the passenger is informed. 2. Cancel Reservation: A passenger wishing to cancel a reservation is required to fill a form. The passenger then submits the form and the ticket to the clerk. The clerk then deletes the entries in the system and changes in the reservation status of that train. The clerk crosses the ticket by hand to mark as cancelled. 3. Update train information: Only the administrator enters any change related to the train information like change in the train name, train route etc. in the system. 4. Report generation: Provision for generation of different reports should be given in the system. The system should be able to generate reservation chart, monthly train report etc. 5. Login: For security reason all the users of the system are given a userid and a password. Only if the id and password are correct the user is allowed to enter the system. 6. View Reservation Status: All the users should be able to see the reservation status of the train online. The user needs to enter the train number and the pin number printed on his ticket so that the system can display his current reservation status like confirmed, RAC or wait listed. 7. View Train Schedule: Provision should be given to the see the information related to the train schedules for the entire train network. The user should be able to see the train name, train number, boarding and destination station, duration of journey etc.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Employee Management System(USE-CASE):
The employee management use case diagram consists of three actors(external users) & seven use cases(functions) of the system. Actors: 1. Manager: Manager is an actor who can access the employee details add or delete the employee of the company depending on the interviews results. The interviews of which employee & boss are the part. The manager have access to the projects details of the company and decides depending on the work experience of the particular employee, that if the employee can handle the project. Therefore, Manager is important user of the company who decides how the project should be completed within the time & cost constraints. 2. Boss: Boss is the owner of the company, so the same is critical user for the software system, Boss is an actor for the system who can access the work experience of the particular employee and on his/her capability can promote employee to the higher position, increment or decrement salary and perks for the particular employee. 3. Employee: Employee is most important actor in view of our system, employee is the one for whom the particular system has been created. An employee can access the project details of the project, which are allocated to them. An employee is the worker for the company who actually do the development work of the particular project. Use Cases: 1. Interviews:- The result of this function of the system explains the addition or removal of an employee from the company ,Manager is the one who conducts the interviews and with the help of Boss take critical decisions regarding the employee and updates the employee details regarding project. 2. Employee details:- This function contains the details for the identification of the employee such as his/her name, security number, the project allocated to him/her and his/her position in the company. 3. Project details:-This use case or function of the system tells about the project which the company are handling ,the project's name and the dates of submission and completion of the project by the company. 4. Work experience:- This use case tells about in how many companies and for how much period of time the particular has worked in the same field. It also represents the work done and time taken by the employee within the company. The use case is very helpful in calculating the effort 5. made by the person which decides the salary and perks given to him/her. 6. Promotion:- This function contains the information about when the particular employee is promoted and to which position in the company, the decision of promotion is made on the basis of his/her work experience within the company.

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

7. Salary:- This function calculate the monthly salary given to the employee , the calculation are made on the basis of the overtime and leaves taken by the employee and also on his/her position within the company. 8. Perks:-This use case keep track of the information regarding the other remunerations available to the employee such as notebook, vehicle, housing facilities etc.


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


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: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Hospital Management System(USE-CASE):
The use case diagram in this case consists of 4 actors and 10 use cases. Actors: 1. Patient: The person who visits the hospital for treatment or to avail any of the services of the hospital comes under this category. 2. Doctor: The persons who serve the patient in the form of diagnosis, treatment of ailments diseases, carrying out tests, etc. 3. Administrator: this person manages the overall working of the hospital by keeping track of all hospital employees, i.e nurses, doctors as well as patients well- being and needs. 4. Nurse: All the persons present to help out the doctor in treatment of patienst come under this category. Use-cases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Login Admit Patient Maintain nurse and doctor information Gets admitted Examine patient Discharge Patient Generate Report and pay bill Take report and pay bill Maintain patient status information

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


login a d m i n i stra to r

d o cto r

a d m i t p a ti e n t

m a i n ta i n n u rse a n d d o cto r i n fo rm a ti o n

g e n e ra te re p o rt a n d b i l l

p a ti e n t g e ts a d m i tte d n u rse

e xa m i n e p a ti e n t

m a i n ta i n p a ti e n t sta tu s i n fo rm a ti o n

d i sch a rg e p a ti e n t

ta ke re p o rt a n d p a y b i l l

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

re ce p ti o n p a ti e n t _ n o . d e p a rtm e n t_ n o . p re p a re _ re p o rt( ) p re p a re _ b i l l ( ) p a ti e n t_ d e ta i l s( ) p ro vi d e _ re p o rt( ) p ro vi d e _ b i l l ( ) d e p a rtm e n t p a ti e n t _ sta tu s_ i n fo ( )

a cco u n ts d e p a rtm e n t p ro vi d e _ re ce i p t( )

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


: p a ti e n t

re c e p ti o n

d e p a rtm e n t

a c co u n ts d e p a rtm e n t

1 . se n d s p a ti e n t's sta tu s re p o rt

2 . p re p a re s fi n a l re p o rt a n d b i l l

3 . se n d s th e b i l l

4 . p a ys th e b i l l 5 . g i v e s th e re c e i p t

6 . g i v e s th e re p o rt a n d re ce i p t

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


d e p a rtm e n t

: p a ti e n t 1 : 1 . se n d s p a ti e n t's sta tu s re p o rt

2 : 2 . p re p a re s fi n a l re p o rt a n d b il l




: 6 . g i v e s th e re p o rt a n d re ce i p t : 3 . se n d s th e b il l

4 : 4 . p a ys th e b il l

re c e p ti o n

: 5 . g i v e s th e re ce i p t

a c co u n ts d e p a rtm e n t

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


Common Entrance Test(USE-CASE):
The following use case diagram is developed for an automated machine for the common entrance test.The use case diagram in this case consists of 2 actors and 7 use cases. Actors1. Student- He is the person who takes the CET examination. 2. Professor- He is the person from a college who prepares the questions of the examination.

Use cases 1. Application for CET- The module allows student to apply for the exam. 2. Roll No. Generator- This module generates a unique roll no. for all those students who have applied for the exam. 3. Examination Database- This module keeps track of details related to the examination. 4. Question Database- Consists of the questions designed for the examination. 5. Result Database- Keeps a track of the results. 6. Counseling- After the results counseling for the seats is done. 7. College- College is allotted after the counseling.


Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year


4 22

P oe

Co ege

13 2

Coun e ng

Re u Da aba e

01 2

66 2 2 55

u e





S uden


na on Da aba e

6 6 2 2 55

u e

on Da aba e

4 1 4


App a on o CET

Ro No. Gene a o

0 1 703

033 2

Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

Verification : S Database : Student 1.Student submits the documents.

Result Database : R Database

Seat Allotment : Interface

College Registration

2.Documents are verified. 3.Result is verified from the result database.

4.Allotment process begins after verification 5.Registration is done in the respected college


Name Enroll no. Class

: Neha Misra : 0121042708 rd : CSE 3 year

2: 2.Documents are verified.

:S Database

: 1.Student submits the documents.


5: 5.Registration is done in the respected college Seat Allotment : Interface College Registration

Q C IE HGE ED B 9 F P C @ 9 BA 9

: 3.Result is verified from the result database. Result Database : R Database

: 4.Allotment process begins after verification

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