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History Study guide 1. Major General Arnold was accused of many things during his military govern of Pennsylvania.

One was taking advantage of his military command and using it to gain personal profit. After he was convicted he was tried and George Washington treated home like any other criminal. Arnold thought he had not received enough recognition for his duties as a general. During his stay in Pennsylvania he met a British thinking woman, Peggy Shippen. Before falling in love with Arnold, Peggy was romanced by Andre, a British commander who would soon be Arnolds contact. Peggy was a major part of Major Arnold life; many people believe she convinced him to betray America. 2. The Articles of confederation were considered the first official government of the United States. Each state had to have at least 2 representatives, but most did not show up because they had to leave their families for long periods of time. But the representative that did show were mostly bachelors (James Madison) and older men (Samuel Adams), bachelors did not have immediate family and the older men had family but the children had already grown up. Taxes were to be handled by the size of the state; taxes were determined by the proportion to property value of the states land. Lack of centralized government is what state leaders wanted, to avoid a government like Britain, tyrannical. It had no president and no national judiciary. 3. Originally Thomas Jefferson drafted a policy for regulating the expansion of the north west territory. Jefferson wanted to give the land freely to new settlers, this would help avoid speculation. Second he wanted the North West to become new states instead of them being colonies of the old states. He also prohibited slavery. Congress adopted parts of Jefferson's policy. Congress did not accept giving free land or the prohibition of slavery, problems that would hurt them in the future. While the North West was being sold speculation occurred. Buyers of land were being sold property that the Indians lived on, this caused much violence. In 1787 the northwest ordinance prohibited slavery and demanded settlers to treat Native Americans humanely and fairly. 4. After the war the United States was in debt. One state that had absurdly high taxes was Massachusetts. Farmers in west Massachusetts could not keep up with the taxes and repetitively petitioned against them. The legislature ignored all their complaints. In fall of 1786 several armed men took over court houses until the state constitution was revised. Most rebels were jailed, some hanged. 4000 men gained leniency by confessing their misconduct and swearing an oath of allegiance to the state. The disqualification act prohibited rebels to vote, join public office, jury or operate a tavern for 3 years. Shays rebellion led people to believe the articles of confederation were losing its grip on power. 5. Democracy is protected by checks and balances to make sure tyranny did not rise. Democrats set up a government with limits and checks on all three types of government; judicial, executive, and legislative. A powerful president could veto congress, but the congress had the power to override the presidents vetoes.

6. Federalists were pro-constitution and anti-federalists were against it. Federalist were usually high class educated individuals from the east and anti were usually from farmers from the west. Anti-federalists argued that there were flaws in the articles of confederation but the new government in the new constitution was to strong and would lead to tyranny. Anti-federalists believed it would hurt individual liberty. Bill of rights stated basic rights for American citizens. James Madison created these amendments to convince states to ratify their constitution. First 8 amendments dealt with individual liberty and 9-10 dealt with State authority. 7. Washington was a unifying figure. He was voted unanimously in to office. People trusted him to exercise the untested powers of presidency. Most people trusted him after he gave his military sword to the continental congress at the end of the war, symbolizing the subsevierence of military power to law. 8. Alexander Hamiltons goal was to make the new country credit worthy, not dept free. Hamiltons economic solution was to wake the national dept bigger by easing off state depts. Madison disagreed because some states already paid their depts. And it would be unfair raising everybodys taxes just because the depts. of some states got added to the national dept. Hamilton also wanted to make a bank chartered by congress. He wanted to improve domestic manufacturing in America by imposing taxes on imported goods. Federalists believed in the national banks. Republicans said that the banks would be unconstitutional. Bonds would also make extremely high taxes. 9. The whiskey rebellion was caused by Hamiltons high taxes. The whiskey rebellion started because of a 25%excise tax on whiskey that farmers had to pay when they brought their grain to the distillery. Most members from congress drank rum so it didnt affect them. Western farmers were economically hurt and decided to protest the oppressive taxation. One stubborn tax collector john Neville was ambushed by farmers and his house was burned to the ground. Seven thousand Pennsylvanian farmers marched to Pittsburg against the tax; some thought it was going to be an attack. George Washington marched with 13000 soldiers to Pennsylvania. But when he got there the protesters were gone. Repeat of shays rebellion, when farmers thought taxes were too high and they rebelled against it. But this time there was no violence when the militia got there. 10. Tecumseh was an Ohio Indian who lost the majority of his family to battles against the white settlers. Tecumseh saw many treaties that ultimately forced natives to move further west. He refused to assimilate. He was always on the move convincing other Indians to join his pro Indian cause. When the war of 1812 came he joined Britain in the fight against the Americans. All Tecumseh wanted was to defeat the whites and take the land back. The Indian confederacy did not last long, after 800 Indian men were killed in their alliance with Britain, Britain never helped the Indians recover. 11. Britain was always in the north east Canada region pushing up against the United States along with the Indians. War hawks were mostly lawyers from the south and the west,

they were expansionists and they welcomed the war to both intensify war against the Indians and to stop impressments, New Englanders dragged their feet to going to war. 12. Changes in transportation helped carry people, commodities, and information throughout America. Innovations in banking, practices and tariff policies promoted swift economic growth. Before 1815 transportation was slow and extremely expensive. Then the network of roads, canals, and finally railroads were created. Improved transportation moved goods into wider markets. Transportation also promoted the expansion of manufacturing. New factories asked for more women workers. 13. Most of Jacksons presidency was described as solving the Indian problem. He did not believe the Indians would be smart enough to assimilate. He explained to congress that white settlers destroyed the recourses surrounding Indian lands and by relocating them it would save them from extinction. Some Indians went quietly and some fought and defended their lands. The Cherokee tribe took a different approach, they had set up a government framed by the americanone, they assimilated the best they could and still upholder some Indian traditions. The Cherokee tribe went to court to try and appeal the state law and protect their law. They did not succeed because jack on refused to give part of Georgia to the Indians. Most Cherokees refused to move so Jacksons successor martin van buren sent out military troops to remove them. The Cherokees were then forced to make a 1200 mile journey to the west nearly A QUARTER OF THEM DIED ON THE WAY. THE JOURNY WAS CALLED THE TRAIL OF TEARS. 14. Charles Finney was a lawyer that turned in to a minister. He lived in North West New York where the earie canal changes the social landscape over night. Canal towns brought jobs and profit along with drinking, prostitution, and gambling. Finney saw this place as perfect places to start evangelical movements. In Rochester NY he sustained 6 month revival through 1830-31. Thousands of converts. 15. Nat Turner was a devoted Christian and a born slave. He taught himself how to read and thought he could talk to god. He thought that god sent him signs that told him he had to seek vengeance on the white slave owners. Turner attacked and killed many whites with his mini militia. But the next day hundreds of white farmers captured most of Nat turners followers. Hanged about 20 and banished the rest from Virginia. 10 days later they found Nat turner hiding in the nearby woods. Ironically Virginia was the nicest of all the slave states, the south ended up strictening all slave laws. 16. 25% of white settlers did own slaves. There were 8 million white settlers and 4 million enslaved blacks! Yeomen farmers made the rest of the population. They lived off the land, self sustained farmers. 17. Slavery was already interwoven in southern society. Slavery made south extremely high profit because there slaves did not get payed, profit was maximized. Slavery was what gave southerners a life of luxury. 18. The second great awakening was a religious movement that concentrated on the cleansing united states of drinking, unmatrimonial sex and slavery. During the second great

awakening from 1800 to 1820 church membership doubled. temperance movement intensified war against alchohol. Second great awakening fanatics wanted to get rid of slavery just like abolishionists. 19. Many northerners shared the sam e view as southerners. That slavery was nessesary and sometimes even desirable. They believed that the us economy was dependant on slavery, they were partially right. They also thought they were racially superior. 20. The manifest destiny was the idea of the united states expanding across the north American continent. From the atlantic to the pacific ocean. It was used by democrats to justify the war against mexico.the concept was denounced by whigs. 21. None 22. President james polk promised to expand the new country on to Oregon and to Alaska, but after he was elected he realized he was too close to war with mexico to start another war with Britain over us claims in Canada. So he renewed the old offer of dividing the land by the 49th parallel. 23. Polk declared war against mexico because mexico passed the boundary of the united states , has invaded our territory and shed American blood on American soil. Lincoln and whigs described polks war as ridiculous and as bulling on the countrys weak neighbor. 24. The Missouri compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery in most of the luisianna teritiory. Misousi was a line that divided the free andslave states. The Kansas Nebraska act opened new doors for slavery . 25. In 1847 , senator lewis cass of michigan offered a coprimise through which the doctrine of popular soveignty, by which the people who settled in the territory would decide for themselves slaverys fate. Cass thought that the idea supported Americas democratic tradition. Bleeding Kansas was caused by the Kansas Nebraska act which nullified the Missouri act and implemented the concept of popular sovereignty. Because popular sovergnty determined wether or not the state became free or not, massive immigration from bothe sides occurred. 26. Dread Scott vs sandford, the court announced its judgement towards slavery . dread scot was a slave of a military doctor who was always on the move. He argued that because he resided in illionios and Wisconsin, both free states, he and his family should be free. He returned to st luis missuiri where he fought his case and lost. The judge did not belive that the black slave did not have the right to be in court because HE WAS inferior and he was not a citizen of the united states. 27. None 28. When the republican party won the 1860 election , many southerners concluded they would have to secede from the union. The south thought president Lincoln would abolish slavery. Lincoln mainly focused on the free states because they counted for more electoral votes.

29. Northerners had about double the souths population. And were more economically stable. They were also more industrialized. The south thought they could win wecause they compared themselves to the 13 colonies fight ing for independence against Britain. 30. Lincoln would first emancipate that slaves in the rebel colonies , freeing each slave as the passed each state. By doing this he slowly destroyed the souths economy.he called it a military necessity also most of congress was leaning towards emancipation. 31. On july 4th 1863 ulyssus grant won a battle in Vicksburg, on the same day a message was received that Gettysburg was also conquered. . these wins were the turning point of the war.the confederation could not replace the 60,000 soldiers lost. Atlantas victory raised electoral votes back on the replublican side and Lincoln was voted on again. 32. Shermans march to see was when war hardened veterarns destroyed all they could not eat this crushed the will of the southern people. 33. Johnson pardon most rebels and even military leaders. He gained many high statured friends from the south this way.he wanted them to agree that all confederacy depts. Were illegal and to accept the 13th amendment to ratify slavery.he also did not agree with black voting. He gave land back to the southern people instead of disbursing it to blacks so the could have land of their own. Congress passed the 14th amend only congress had the right to pardon exrebels and congress had the right to reduce any representation of any state if states refused any adult males to vote. Readmission of states required the 14th amendment. Military reconstruction divided south into five districts. Congress passed civil bill full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings enjoyed by white citizens. 34. Tenure office act demanded the approval of the state for the dismissal of any government official. When Johnson requested the removal of the secretary of war the senate disapproved and but Johnson removed him anyway. President Johnson was impeached for misusing his power and committing a crime by dismissing the secretary of war without the senates permission. He was not removed from office because vote came short of two thirds by one.

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