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Independent Reading Assignment 9CP -- Dialectical Journals

Each semester, you are required to read two outside reading books in addition to the work we do as a class; each semester you will read one book independently and one with a small group. The first assignment you will have to complete is an independent dialectical journal, in which you will record quotes and your own responses while you read. Since we will be reading regularly in class, you will have time to work on your dialectical journals in class. However, it is your responsibility to write down at least 20 entries. A dialectical journal is a simple, but effective tool to help you develop your skills as a reader and writer. The format is simple; you divide your paper into two columns: on the left you copy quotations from your book and on the right you write your responses to that particular quotation. Each journal entry needs to have the date and page number recorded for each quotation. While I encourage you to write down your dialectical journal entries in your notebooks, or on lined paper, your final assignment will need to be typed, printed, and proofread for grammar and spelling errors. I also require that your responses have at least two sentences.


Sample Dialectical Journal Select a quotation from the text and copy it onto the left side of your paper/table Date of journal entry and page number of quotation 7/25/11 pg. 17 Write a question, make a prediction, a personal connection, a comparison, a judgment, or draw a conclusion about the quotation on the right side of your paper/table Sample response # 1 I find it interesting how American immigrants often have a more positive opinion of this country than I do. I wholeheartedly agree with Zeitoun here because I too watch how many leaders in America fall short of their own expectations and marvel at how this once great country has recently failed the American people. Sample response # 2 Here, the author reminds his readers of the stark reality that Zeitoun faced complete loss of civil rights. As an American citizen, I have made a point to know exactly what my rights are, and the makeshift government in New Orleans violated the fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth amendments. I think Zeitoun should have sued the police in connection with this event.

Sample entry #1 - Zeitoun His frustration with some Americans was like that of a disappointed parent. He was so content in this country, so impressed with and loving of its opportunities, but then why, sometimes, did American fall short of their best selves?

Sample entry # 2 Zeitoun Watching the evidence on the table mount, Zeitouns shoulders slackened. Most municipal systems were not functioning. There were no lawyers in the station, no judges.

7/30/11 pg. 215

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