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ERS 220

Tutorial 2
Combinational Logic Design
Principles and Practices

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011

N.B All questions must be answered using proper digital system processes.
Switching Algebra Theorems / Omruiling Algebra Theorems


(T5) X + X = 1


X . X = 0

(T6) X + Y = Y + X



(T7) (X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z)


(X . Y) . Z = X . (Y . Z)

(T8) X . Y + X . Z = X . (Y + Z)


(X + Y) . (X + Z) = X + Y . Z

(T9) X + X . Y = X


X . (X + Y) = X

(T10) X . Y + X . Y = X

(T10) (X + Y) . (X + Y) = X

(T11) X . Y + X . Z + Y . Z = X . Y + X . Z

(T11) (X + Y) . (X + Z) . (Y + Z) = (X + Y) . (X +

(T12) X + X + .. + X = X

(T12) X . X . .. . X = X

(T13) (X1 . X2 . .. . Xn) = X1 + X2 + .. +


(T13) (X1 + X2 + .. + Xn) = X1 . X2 . .. . Xn

Given the following equation. / Gegee die volgende vergelyking.

F = A.B.C.D + A.B.C.E + B.C.E + A.C.D.E + B.C.E + A.B +

A.C.D.E + A.B.C.D + A.D.E
1.1. Simplify the equation F using Switching Algebra Theorems. Indicate which Theorem, if
any, is being used at each step. / Vergemaklik die vergelyking F Omruiling Algebra Theorems
gebruik. Dui aan wat theorem, indien enige, tot elke stap gebruik is.








ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011


The following figure shows a combinational logic circuit. / Die volgende figuur toon n
kombinatoriese logika stroombaan.

2.1. Derive the output F using the Algebraic Technique.



ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011

2.2. Simplify the output equation F of the circuit using Switching Algebra Theorems. Please
indicate which Theorem, if any, is being used at each step. / Vergemaklik die afvoer vergelyking
f van die stroombaan Omruiling Algebra Theorems gebruik. Dui aan wat theorem, indien enige, tot
elke stap gebruik is.








Given the following circuit. / Gegee die volgende stroombaan.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011

3.1. Complete the Truth Table. Hint: Use all input combinations. / Voltooi die waarheidstabel.
Wenk: Gebruik al toevoer kombinasies.

3.2. Determine the canonical sum for F. / Bepaal die canonical som vir F.

3.3. Determine the canonical product for F. / Bepaal die canonical produkt vir F.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011

3.4. Draw the minimised logic diagram using only 2 gates. / Teken die klein logiese diagram
gebruik slegs 2 hekke.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011


For the sum-of-products function H below, use the Karnaugh maps to derive the minimum
sum-of-products expression. Indicate prime implicants and distinguished 1-cells. / Vir die
som-van-produkte funksie H hieronder, gebruik die Karnaugh diagram om die minimum som-vanprodukte uitdrukking af te lei. Dui aan prima implicants en kenmerkende 1-selle.

H = PQRST (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29)


ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011


For the product-of-sums function H below, use the Karnaugh maps to derive the minimum
sum-of products expression. / Vir die produk-van-somme funksie H onder, gebruik die Karnaugh
karate om af te lei die minimum som-van-produkte uitdrukking.



(0, 2, 3, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26) + d(1, 5, 29, 31)


ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011


For the product-of-sums function H below, use the Karnaugh maps to derive the minimum
product-of-sums expression. / Vir die produk-van-somme funksie H onder, gebruik die Karnaugh
karate om af te lei die minimum produkt-van-somme uitdrukking.



(1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31)


ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011


Given the following sum-of-products. / Gegee die volgende som-van-produkte.

F1 = ABC + ABC
F2 = ABC + ABC
F3 = ABC + ABC
Design the following PLA to perform the above functions. / Ontwerp die volgende PLA om uit
te voer die boonste funksies.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011



Given the following two Boolean functions. / Gegee die volgende Boolse funksies.

F = ABCD (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14)

G = ABCD (1, 6, 9, 12, 13)
Implement the functions F and G using 1 or more 74x138 decoders and 1 or more multiple
input NAND gates. / Implementeer die funksies F en G deur gebruik te maak van een of meer
74x138 dekodeerders en een of meer meervoudige inset NEN hekke.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011



Given the following Boolean function / Gegee die volgende Boolse funksie

F = ABCD (1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14)

Implement function F using a single 74x151 MUX and one inverting gate. / Implementeer die
funksie F deur gebruik te maak van n enkele 74x151 MUX en een omkerende hek.

ERS 220 Tutorial 2 2011



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