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MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1


March 31, 2010

(MIt|gate and Assess r|sk from Vo|can|c
Impact on 1erra|n and human Act|v|t|es)

A Luropean Commlsslon l7 8esearch pro[ecL for cooperaLlon.
SLarLlng daLe: CcLober 1
, 2008 - uuraLlon: 4 years

1he MIAVI1A pro[ect |s f|nanced by the Luropean Comm|ss|on under the
7th Iramework rogramme for kesearch and 1echno|og|ca|
Deve|opment, Area "Lnv|ronment", Act|v|ty 6.1 "C||mate Change,
o||ut|on and k|sks"

A mulLldlsclpllnary Leam: 13 parLners

MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1


volcanlc erupLlons are one of Lhe mosL lmpresslve, vlolenL and dramaLlc
agenLs of change on LarLh. lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL Lhe populaLlon aL rlsk from
volcanoes ls aL leasL 300 mllllon ln 2000. AL a larger scale, volcanlc emlsslons
(gas and ash) can affecL human healLh, damage bulldlng and lnfrasLrucLures
and dlsLurb alr-Lrafflc, llLLle ls known abouL Lhelr lmpacL on agrlculLure.

volcanlc phenomena consLlLuLe Lherefore a mulLl level LhreaL Lo human
socleLles and Lhe envlronmenL. Assesslng and managlng mulLl-hazard and
mulLl-rlsk aL volcanoes ls under responslblllLy of governmenL laboraLorles and
clvll defence auLhorlLles and lL requlres Lhe comblnaLlon and coordlnaLlon of
many capablllLles and lnsLrumenLal Lechnlques, lnvolvlng experLlse ln
volcanology, geology, physlcs (slgnal processlng, daLa analysls) agrlculLure and
soclal sclences.

ln developed counLrles, llke Lhose ln Lhe Luropean unlon (Lu), volcanlc rlsk
assessmenL and managemenL are Lackled Lhrough good sclenLlflc knowledge
and monlLorlng (ChesLer eL al., 2002), alLhough Lhere are remalnlng numerous
posslble lmprovemenLs.
lor lnLernaLlonal CooperaLlon arLner CounLrles (lCCs), Lhe sLaLe of rlsk
managemenL ls generally less favourable. Several posslble reasons can be

- Local populaLlons ofLen llve on volcano slopes, where land ls avallable or
cheaper and Lhe soll ferLlle, Lo susLaln Lhelr dally needs,

- Avallable resources (budgeL and/or sclenLlflc capablllLles) may be lnsufflclenL
Lo cover a large number of acLlve volcanoes ln Lhe counLry (e.g. lnsufflclenL
monlLorlng lnsLrumenLaLlon aL some dangerous volcanoes),

- Long reLurn perlods beLween erupLlons or evenLs may resulL ln a low
percepLlon of Lhe LhreaL by local auLhorlLles and Lhe populaLlon,

1he pro[ecL MIA-VI1A, whlch ln lLallan means my llfe", ls a 48-monLh pro[ecL
LhaL has been deslgned Lo address mulLldlsclpllnary aspecLs of volcanlc LhreaL
assessmenL and managemenL ln Lhe lCC and Luropean volcanoes, from
prevenLlon Lo crlsls managemenL and recovery.

lollowlng un lnLernaLlonal SLraLegy for ulsasLer 8educLlon
recommendaLlons and sLarLlng from shared exlsLlng
knowledge and pracLlces, MIA-VI1A pro[ecL alms aL
supporLlng some of Lhe lCCs, Lhe mosL exposed Lo volcanlc
LhreaL, Lhrough deve|op|ng too|s and |ntegrated cost
effect|ve methodo|og|es to m|t|gate r|sks from var|ous
hazards on act|ve vo|canoes (prevent|on, cr|s|s management
and recovery). 1herefore, Lo fulfll Lhe Luropean Commlsslon
requlremenLs MIA-VI1A lncludes local organlzaLlons lnvolved
ln volcanlc rlsk assessmenL and managemenL ln lCCs, organlzaLlons LhaL have
experLlse relaLed Lo volcanlc LhreaL and organlzaLlons LhaL address Lhe enLlre
volcanlc dlsasLer managemenL cycle.
MIA-VI1A w|shes to support Sc|ent|sts
and c|v|| protect|on Author|t|es of ICCs
to br|dge the gap between pred|ct|on
and assessment from one s|de and
prevent|on and emergency management
from the other.
uome-collapse pyroclasLlc flows
aL Merapl. hoLo by CvCPM
Pouses desLroyed by a uC/lahar.
hoLo by Marco lulle
SLrombollan exploslon. hoLo by
Marco lulle
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1
1he pro[ecL's mulLldlsclpllnary Leam gaLhers clvll defence agencles, naLlonal
geologlcal and volcanologlcal surveys, sclenLlflc Leams (earLh sclences, soclal
sclences, bulldlng, soll, agrlculLure, lnformaLlon Lechnologles (l1) and
LelecommunlcaLlons) and an l1 prlvaLe company (Lable 1).

8ureau de 8echerches Ceologlques eL Mlnleres (Coor) 88CM lrance
naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of geophyslcs and volcanology lnCv lLaly
lnsLlLuLo Superlor 1ecnlco lS1 orLugal
LaboraLolre de Ceographle hyslque Cn8S lrance
norweglan lnsLlLuLe for Alr 8esearch nlLu norway
kLLL kLLL lLaly
lnsLlLuLo de Lngenharla de SlsLemas e CompuLadores
lnvesLlgao e uesenvolvlmenLo
lnLSC-lu orLugal
Pohenhelm unlverslLaL uPCP Cermany
unlverslLy of Cambrldge uCAM unlLed klngdom
ulrecLlon de la uefense eL de la SecurlLe Clvlle uuSC lrance
ueparLmenL of Clvll roLecLlon of lLaly uC lLaly
naLlonal MeLeorologlcal and Ceophyslcal lnsLlLuLe lnMC Cape verde
MlnlsLry of lndusLry, Mlnes and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL MlnlMlu1 Cameroon
CenLre for volcanology and Ceologlcal Pazard MlLlgaLlon CvCPM lndonesla
hlllpplne lnsLlLuLe of volcanology and Selsmology PlvCLCS hlllpplnes
1oble 1 - llst of pottlclpoots

ln such an approach, Lhe ma|n ob[ect|ves of Lhe pro[ecL are:
prevent|on too|s based on rlsk assessmenL Lhrough r|sk mapp|ng and
reallzaLlon of posslble damage scenar|os,
lmprovemenL of cr|s|s management capablllLles based on mon|tor|ng and
ear|y warn|ng systems and secure commun|cat|ons,
reducLlon of peop|e's vu|nerab|||ty and developmenL of recovery
capab|||t|es afLer an evenL occurs (reslllence) for both |oca| commun|t|es and
eco|og|ca| systems,

1hese Lhree ob[ecLlves lmply Lhe deslgn of an |ntegrated |nformat|on system
whlch comprlses daLa organlsaLlon and Lransfers.

8esulLs wlll be achleved ln parLnershlp wlLh local sclenLlsLs and sLakeholders ln
Afrlca (Cameroon, Cape verde), ln Asla (lndonesla, hlllpplnes) and wlll be
valldaLed on a Carlbbean volcano (MonLserraL).

1he ob[ecLlves wlll be reached Lhrough sharlng - Lransfer of know-how,
Lhrough sclenLlflc and Lechnologlcal developmenL, and Lhrough

MIA-VI1A |s work|ng |n
c|ose cooperat|on w|th
|oca| stakeho|ders and w|||
deve|op usefu| products
not on|y for the
part|c|pat|ng ICCs but a|so
for other countr|es w|th
s|m||ar r|sks.
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1

1he cholce of LargeL slLes was declded ln relaLlon Lo Lhe maln global ob[ecLlve
of Lhe pro[ecL.

lL wlll be applled on 3 lCC volcanoes:

Mount Cameroon (Cameroon)
Iogo (Cape Verde)
Merap| and ke|ut (Indones|a)
kan|aon (h|||pp|nes)

1he chosen volcanoes are slLed ln varlous geodynamlcal conLexLs (subducLlon
zones and lnLraplaLe volcanoes) and exhlblL all dangerous volcanlc
phenomena (Lable 2). Such varleLy of phenomena and geodynamlc conLexLs
wlll allow us Lo flnd common feaLures and hlghllghL dlfferences LhaL wlll enrlch
Lhe knowledge daLabase and lmprove speclflc monlLorlng requlremenLs and
alerL level seL-up.

Vo|can|c phenomena
Iogo Merap|, ke|ut kan|aon Soufr|ere n|||s
lovo flow x x x
lytoclostlc flow x x x
lobots x x x
1eptbo foll, bolllstlcs x x x x x
llook ot sectot collopse,
x x x x x
volcoolc qos x x x x
kockfolls x x x x
ottbpookes x x x x x
1sooomls x x
Soc|o-econom|c features
lopolotloo llvloq lo bozotJ-
ptooe oteos
430 000 33 000 Merapl: 440 000 ~30 000 4 000
llvellbooJs larmlng larmlng larmlng, quarry larmlng larmlng,
flshlng, Lourlsm
1oble 2 - 5ommoty of tepotteJ volcoolc pbeoomeoo ooJ soclo ecooomlc feototes ot tbe cboseo volcoooes.

ln addlLlon, houslng sLock, populaLlon, culLural and soclo-economlc facLors
dlffer from one counLry Lo anoLher. lor example, kanlaon volcano
(hlllpplnes) has 3 dlfferenL eLhnlclLles and dlsLrlcLs.

Clvll proLecLlon pracLlces are also dlfferenL on each volcanlc slLe. Whlle Lhe
army ls ln charge of evacuaLlon ln lndonesla, Lhe Cfflce for Clvll uefence
manages crlses ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
ulscusslon on Lhose varlous ways of crlsls managemenL wlll allow all clvll
defence agencles Lo flnd ouL besL pracLlces, ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe volcanlc Lype
and phenomena and soclo-economlc conLexLs. ln order Lo be efflclenL, we wlll
sLarL from Lhe exlsLlng capaclLles and pracLlces of Lhe lCCs. lor each volcano,
we wlll brldge Lhe gaps ln currenL rlsk assessmenL meLhodologles.
A brlef descrlpLlon for each LargeL slLe follows.

1he chosen targets are
representat|ve of the
ma[or|ty of vo|canoes |n
ICCs for cu|tura|
econom|ca| s|tuat|on
and phenomena.
Cr|s|s management and
C|v|| rotect|on pract|ces
are taken by d|fferent
Inst|tut|ons |n the chosen
MIA-VI1A starts from the
ex|st|ng capac|t|es and
pract|ces of the ICCs
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1
kan|aon volcano (hlllpplnes, 2433 m hlgh), locaLed 36 km
souLheasL of 8acolod ClLy, ls one of Lhe slx mosL acLlve volcanoes ln
Lhe hlllpplnes wlLh aL leasL 24 eplsodes of unresL slnce 1866.
PlsLorlcal erupLlons from kanlaon have Lyplcally conslsLed of
phreaLlc exploslons of small-Lo-moderaLe slze LhaL produce mlnor
ash-falls near Lhe volcano.
A slgnlflcanL compllcaLlon for rlsk managemenL ls Lhe presence of
four dlfferenL eLhno-llngulsLlc groups on Lhe flanks of Lhe volcano,
whlch dlsplay lnLernal dlfferences LhaL may lnfluence Lhelr response
Lo crlses or dlsasLer. lurLhermore kanlaon volcano marks Lhe
boundary beLween Lwo admlnlsLraLlve reglons. ln Lhe evenL of
volcanlc crlsls, managemenL wlll be Lhe responslblllLy of Lwo
8eglonal ulsasLer CoordlnaLlng Counclls. LffecLlve cooperaLlon
beLween auLhorlLles ls necessary Lo address Lhls vulnerable
slLuaLlon. 1he presenL monlLorlng sLaLus of kanlaon volcano ls
consldered lnsufflclenL.

Ma|n act|v|t|es k|sk mapp|ng, mon|tor|ng, soc|o-econom|ca| ana|ys|s,
vu|nerab|||ty (eco|ogy and |nfrastructure)

Mount Cameroon (WesLern Afrlca, 4093 m hlgh) ls a
masslve, sLeep-slded, elongaLed volcano. More Lhan 300 flssure-
conLrolled clnder cones occur on Lhe flanks and surroundlng
lowlands. A large saLelllLlc peak, LLlnde (also known as LlLLle MounL
Cameroon), ls locaLed on Lhe souLhern flank near Lhe coasL.
PlsLorlcal acLlvlLy, Lhe mosL frequenL of wesL Afrlcan volcanoes, was
flrsL observed ln Lhe 3Lh cenLury 8C. uurlng hlsLorlcal Llme,
moderaLe exploslve and effuslve erupLlons have occurred from
boLh summlL and flank venLs. MosL erupLlons lnvolve lava flows
someLlmes reachlng Lhe sea as lL occurred ln 1922 and 1999.
ApproxlmaLely 430,000 people llve nearby, ln an area comprlslng
one of Cameroon's maln economlc resources, and lncludlng Lhe
clLles of 8uea and Llmbe. AddlLlonal rlsk arlses from landslldes aL
many places around Lhe volcano.
Ma|n act|v|t|es Soc|o-econom|ca| ana|ys|s, scenar|o bu||der software

Iogo volcano (Cape verde lslands, 2829 m) conslsLs of a slngle
masslve sLraLovolcano LhaL ls Lhe mosL promlnenL of Lhe Cape
verde lslands. 1he roughly clrcular 23-km-wlde lsland ls LruncaLed
by a large 9-km-wlde 1 km hlgh caldera breached Lo Lhe easL and
wlLh a headwall 1 km hlgh, LhaL formed as a resulL of masslve
laLeral collapse. A very youLhful sLeep-slded cenLral cone, lco, rlses
more Lhan 1 km above Lhe caldera floor. lco was apparenLly ln
almosL conLlnuous acLlvlLy from Lhe Llme of orLuguese seLLlemenL
ln 1300 Au unLll around 1760. LaLer hlsLorlcal lava flows, some from
venLs on Lhe caldera floor, reached Lhe easLern coasL below Lhe
breached caldera. LrupLlons aL logo could produce Lsunamls LhaL
can affecL Lhe ALlanLlc coasL, ashes LhaL would perLurbaLe Lhe maln
alr-road llnklng Lurope Lo SouLh-Amerlca and uSA Lo Afrlca, and
would affecL Lhe maln agrlculLure and mosL producLlve land ln
Ma|n act|v|t|es k|sk mapp|ng, mon|tor|ng, strateg|c
te|ecommun|cat|on so|ut|on

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known erupt|on: 2006

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known Lrupt|on: 2000

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known erupt|on: 1993

24 unresLs slnce 1866
36 km from 8acolod, ~ 300.000 lnhablLanLs
4 eLhnollngulsLlc groups
nIGnLIGn1: ~ 430000 |nhab|tants
nIGnLIGn1: Alr Lrafflc llnes,
subslsLence cropplng
hoLo by !. lonseca
hoLo by .8archl
hoLo by . 1hlerry
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1

Merap| (!ava - lndonesla, 2968 m hlgh) ls one of lndonesla's
mosL acLlve volcanoes, lles ln one of Lhe world's mosL densely
populaLed areas and ls Lhe youngesL and souLhernmosL of a
volcanlc chaln exLendlng nnW Lo ungaran volcano. yroclasLlc
flows and lahars accompanylng growLh and collapse of Lhe sLeep-
slded acLlve summlL lava dome have devasLaLed culLlvaLed lands on
Lhe volcano's wesLern-Lo-souLhern flanks and caused many
faLallLles durlng hlsLorlcal Llme. erlod of erupLlon ls 2-4 years. ln
1993, 440.000 people were aL hlgh rlsk ln areas prone Lo pyroclasLlc
flows, surges and lahars, accompanylng growLh and collapse of Lhe
sLeepslded acLlve summlL lava dome. 1he lasL slgnlflcanL evenLs
occurred ln Aprll-!une 2006.

Ma|n act|v|t|es k|sk mapp|ng, soc|o econom|ca| ana|ys|s and

ke|ut volcano (!ava - lndonesla, 1731 m hlgh) ls a
sLraLovolcano wlLh a summlL craLer lake LhaL has been Lhe source
of some of lndonesla's mosL deadly erupLlons (more Lhan 30 slnce
1000 Au). 1he e[ecLlon of waLer from Lhe craLer-lake durlng
keluL's Lyplcally shorL, buL vlolenL erupLlons has creaLed
pyroclasLlc flows and lahars LhaL have caused wldespread
faLallLles and desLrucLlon. AfLer more Lhan 3000 people were
kllled durlng an erupLlon ln 1919, a serles of Lunnels were
consLrucLed, reduclng Lhe lake's volume before Lhe lasL erupLlon
ln 1990. ln Lhe lasL cenLury Lhe reLurn perlod of erupLlons has
been 13-30 years.

Ma|n act|v|t|es k|sk mapp|ng, mon|tor|ng

Soufr|re n|||s (MonLserraL, 1100 m hlgh) ls a complex,
domlnanLly andeslLlc volcano (1100 m) and lL occuples Lhe
souLhern half of Lhe lsland of MonLserraL. 8lock-and-ash flow and
surge deposlLs assoclaLed wlLh dome growLh predomlnaLe ln flank
deposlLs aL Soufrlere Pllls. no hlsLorlcal erupLlons were recorded
on MonLserraL unLll 1993. Small-Lo-moderaLe ash erupLlons
beglnnlng ln LhaL year were laLer accompanled by lava-dome
growLh and pyroclasLlc flows LhaL forced evacuaLlon of Lhe
souLhern half of Lhe lsland and ulLlmaLely desLroyed Lhe caplLal
clLy of lymouLh, causlng ma[or soclal and economlc dlsrupLlon.

Ma|n act|v|t|es Va||dat|on

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known Lrupt|on: 2006

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known erupt|on: 2008

Vo|cano 1ype: SLraLovolcano
Vo|cano Status: PlsLorlcal
Last known Lrupt|on: 2010 (conLlnulng)

nIGnLIGn1S: 23 km from ?ogyakarLa,
300000 people around.
nIGnLIGn1S: 3000 deaLhs ln 1919
nIGnLIGn1S: very well monlLored,
dome collapse ln !uly 2008
hoLo by . !ousseL
hoLo by CvCPM
hoLo from hLLp://
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1

Cr|g|na| methodo|ogy and gu|de||nes for mu|t|-hazard and r|sk
mapp|ng on act|ve vo|canoes, based on research on the MIA-
VI1A's target vo|canoes, va||dated by |oca| author|t|es. 1h|s
methodo|ogy w||| |ntegrate a temp|ate for r|sk management
WebGIS, and |t can be used |n other countr|es threatened by
act|ve vo|canoes.
Demonstrat|on and va||dat|on of new methods to mon|tor
vo|canoes, |ntegrat|ng remote sens|ng techn|ques and
geophys|cs (gas, se|sm|c|ty and ground deformat|on).
kepos|tory of frag|||ty curves for vo|can|c hazards, more
spec|f|ca||y regard|ng bu||d|ngs, so||s and agr|cu|ture A
s|mu|at|on of d|fferent erupt|on scenar|os and the |mpact on
eco|og|ca| vu|nerab|||ty.
Gu|de||nes for |ntegrat|on of soc|o-econom|c aspects |n r|sk
m|t|gat|on: proposa|s and examp|es for m|t|gat|on strateg|es to
bu||d commun|ty res|||ence to vo|can|c hazards, commun|ty-
based d|saster r|sk management p|ans, recommendat|ons on
how to |ntegrate bottom-up and top-down r|sk m|t|gat|on
Gu|de||nes and robust |n s|tu too|s for commun|cat|ons dur|ng
cr|s|s |n |so|ated p|aces. More part|cu|ar|y, the demonstrat|on of
poss|b|||ty of us|ng GLCNL1Cast's serv|ces |n natura| d|saster
management may prove to be a h|gh|y |nnovat|ve progress |n
th|s cruc|a| doma|n.

ln order Lo make Lhe pro[ecL explolLable for a wlde range of
lnsLlLuLlons lnvolved ln rlsk managemenL and Lo make Lhe
meLhodology wldely avallable even for oLher lCC counLrles, whlch
are noL dlrecLly lnvolved lnLo Lhe pro[ecL dlssemlnaLlon and valldaLlon
of resulLs are cruclal. lor LhaL, resulLs wlll be presenLed ln semlnars
and workshops and wlll be dlssemlnaLed Lhrough lnLernaLlonal
organlsaLlons (un lSu8, World food programme, lnLernaLlonal lund
for AgrlculLural uevelopmenL (llAu), unLSCC), and Lhrough
lnLernaLlonal lnlLlaLlves (CLC).

AL Lhe end of Lhe pro[ecL, lL ls planned LhaL all
resulLs wlll be presenLed ln an lnLernaLlonal
workshop and summarlzed ln a flnal handbook
prepared for sLakeholders havlng Lo manage
rlsks assoclaLed wlLh acLlve volcanoes. 1hls
handbook wlll conLaln meLhodology and
resulLs achleved, wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve Lo brldge
Lhe gap beLween sclenLlsLs, Clvll AuLhorlLles
and CovernmenL, Lo glve more lnformaLlon Lo
all Lhe sLakeholders and Lo make Lhe
meLhodology wldely avallable even for Lhe
oLher lCC counLrles whlch are noL lnvolved ln
Lhe pro[ecL.

- vulnerabllLy +
Pazard map of MounL Cameroon
(from 1hlerry eL al., 2007)
vulnerablllLy rlsk of dlfferenL crops
(Wllson eL al. 1997) based upon
observaLlons aL Merapl 2006. Cnly dlrecL
lmpacLs of ash-fall are consldered.

ClS lnformaLlon flow charL
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1

1he work p|an of MIA-VI1A |s d|v|ded |n 8 work packages (W) of
wh|ch W1 |s ded|cated to the pro[ect management.
8es|de th|s, the pro[ect |s organ|sed at two |eve|s:

Acqu|s|t|on of data, deve|opment of new too|s and
methodo|og|es (W2 - W6),

Invo|vement of end users and stakeho|ders (W7) and
d|ssem|nat|on (W8),

1he fo||ow|ng chart presents the organ|zat|on of the work p|an and
the methodo|og|ca| framework w|th re|ated |nformat|on f|ows for
manag|ng vo|can|c threat.

Work package breakdown regardlng seamless rlsk managemenL scheme
CosL effecLlve Lools for lnLegraLed
W7 - W8
revenLlon, awareness, lnformaLlon
and recommendaLlons
Soclal and economlcal
facLors analyses
knowledge daLabase
8lsk mapplng
Scenarlo bullders
W7 - W8
Crlses managemenL, communlcaLlons
and preparedness
lnLegraLed lnformaLlon sysLem
(daLa organlzaLlon and
Lransfers, communlcaLlon)
Data ana|ys|s and eva|uat|on
(Sc|ent|f|c Inst|tut|on)
A|ert |eve|
Databases, maps,
evo|ut|on scenar|os
Databases, maps,
evo|ut|on scenar|os
strategy and
vo|can|c context Commun|ty
based maps
Commun|ty based
W1 - ro[ects management,
W2 - know|edge database and
web-GIS des|gn,
W3 - Cost effect|ve too|s for
|ntegrated mon|tor|ng.
W4 - Irag|||ty curves and eco|og|ca|
vu|nerab|||ty assessment,
WS - Soc|o-econom|ca|
vu|nerab|||ty and res|||ence,
W6 - Commun|cat|on strateg|es for
cr|s|s management,
W7 - User's needs and vo|can|c
threat management,
W8 - Va||dat|on and d|ssem|nat|on
of resu|ts and user's tra|n|ng.
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1

As a newly sLarLed pro[ecL, MIA-VI1A's acLlvlLles have reached, as planned,
Lhe end of Lhe lnlLlal phase. uurlng Lhe flrsL year Lhe varlous resulLs LhaL have
been obLalned are brlefly summarlzed ln Lhe followlng boxes.

Iogo Vo|cano (Cape Verde)

1he lnsLallaLlon of some equlpmenLs for ground monlLorlng (se|sm|c and
t||t lnsLrumenLaLlons) ls ln progress (W3),

rogress was obLalned for algorlLhm and producLs developmenL for
vo|can|c ash and SC
from space daLa (W3),

Some SynLheLlc AperLure 8adar processlng (DLM extract|ons) are
proceedlng (W3),

Secondary daLa, as spaLlal daLa (dlglLal maps, orLhophoLo, ClS 1/10.000
MosLelros, saLelllLe lmages), sLaLlsLlcal dlglLal daLa and daLa on rlsk
managemenL, were collecLed (W3),

Interv|ews and quest|onna|res were dlssemlnaLed among Lhe populaLlon
from Lhe targeted v|||ages (MunlclpallLles of So llllpe, MosLelros and
SanLa CaLarlna) (W3),

Speclflc workshops and meet|ngs wlLh Lhe local auLhorlLles/sLakeholders
were organlzed,

upgrade of exlsLlng lnfrasLrucLure for ln slLu data transm|ss|on and
lnsLallaLlon of a sate|||te antenna (W6).

SlLes for seLLlng up 3 se|smometers were chosen, Lhree oLhers wlll be seL-
up before Lhe end of Lhe year (W3),

DLM from ALCS-ALSA8 and 2 hlgh resoluLlon lmages acqulred by
LAnuSA1 was exLracLed (W3),

rogress were obLalned for algorlLhm and producL developmenL for
vo|can|c ash and SC
from space daLa (W3),

Land |nventory (spaLlal dlsLrlbuLlon of landscape unlLs, solls and land use)
on provlnclal and munlclpallLy level and personal lnLervlews wlLh farmers
were carrled ouL (W4),

1opsolls were sampled for esLabllshlng so|| frag|||ty curves (W4),

new bu||d|ng's vu|nerab|||ty curves were esLabllshed (W4);

Interv|ews wlLh key |nformants and |oca| stakeho|ders were conducLed
durlng fleld work, ln order Lo assess local needs and Lo ldenLlfy LargeL
communlLles whlch shall beneflL from C8u88 (CommunlLy-8ased ulsasLer
8lsk 8educLlon) programmes (W3).

Workshops he|d dur|ng
the f|rst year:
- Cape verde (logo, !une
- lndonesla (?ogyakarLa,
!uly 2009)
- hlllpplnes (8acolod,
AugusL 2009)

8acolod (hlllpplnes): lnLeracLlve
bralnsLormlng on volcanlc rlsk
percepLlon wlLh munlclpallLy
counclls' represenLaLlves. hoLo by
SlLe for a fuLure MlA vl1A vSA1
anLenna aL logo lsland. hoLo
by !. lonseca
Lxample of uv camera operaLlng
aL Lhe porL of 8oLLerdam, Poek
van Polland . hoLo by lred raLa.
MIA VI1A / March 2010 / newsleLLer no 1
llve se|smo|og|ca| stat|ons were seL-up (W3),

DLM exLracLlon from SA8 lnLerferomeLry are proceedlng, an hlgh
resoluLlon opLlcal lmage from Culck8lrd had collecLed (W3),

rogress were obLalned for algorlLhm and producL developmenL for
vo|can|c ash and SC
from space daLa (W3),

CollecLlon, reprocesslng and lnLegraLlon of secondary data lnLo a ClS
(Lopographlc maps, locaLlon of sprlngs and sand mlnlng acLlvlLles, ecL)
were done (W3),
ulssemlnaLlon of quest|onna|res Lo map Lhe elemenLs aL rlsk and Lhe maln
facLors of vulnerablllLy was carrled ouL aL Lhe vlllage's scale (W3)

Mount Cameroon
A tra|n|ng sess|on (1 week) on saLelllLe lmage processlng was organlsed by
lnCv for Cameroonlan parLners (W3),

DLM exLracLlon, derlved from SA8 lnLerferomeLry by uslng ALCS-ALSA8S
daLa, ls ln progress (W3),

Anclllary daLa (geo|og|ca| and hazard maps, GS daLa, SAk and LC daLa,
eLc.) were collecLed (W3),

Interv|ews and quest|onna|res were dlssemlnaLed among Lhe populaLlon
from Lhe targeted v|||ages (W3)

I|na| Users and User's need
uurlng Lhe flrsL year Lhe pro[ecL ldenLlfled Lhe neLwork of organlsaLlons
lnvolved ln volcanlc rlsk managemenL, from Lhe volcano observaLorles Lo Lhe
sclence communlLy and surveys, lncludlng clvll defence, land use planners,
local, reglonal and naLlonal AuLhorlLles for each LargeL volcano. ln Cape
verde, ln parLlcular, user's requlremenLs were polnLed ouL and flrsL
suggesLlons were lssued Lo naLlonal AuLhorlLles. We recelved a poslLlve feed
back from Lhe CovernemenL and from Lhe resldenL of Lhe 8epubbllc of Cape

ln order Lo make people aware abouL Lhe exlsLence of such pro[ecL, durlng
2009 several MlA vl1A meeLlngs and hlgh level workshops were organlzed, ln
Cape verde (logo, !une 2009), lndonesla (?ogyakarLa, !uly 2009) and
hlllpplnes (8acolod, AugusL 2009) Lo presenL Lhe MIA-VI1A pro[ecL Lo local
AuLhorlLles (MlnlsLers, Covernors, Mayors, Pead of Clvll roLecLlon Agencles,
A flrsL Lralnlng course sesslon on 8emoLe Senslng Lechnlques and
appllcaLlon, ln order Lo supporL Lhe remoLe senslng acLlvlLles wlLhln MlA-vl1A
pro[ecL, was organlzed by lnCv ln 8ome (March, 2009) for MlnlMlu1
(Cameroon) parLners.
1hls newsleLLer represenLs Lhe flnal dlssemlnaLlon sLep for Lhe flrsL year.
MeeLlng wlLh Lhe Mayor of
MosLelros, logo, and Lhe
Counclllor for Clvll roLecLlon,
ln uecember 31, 2008
SeLLlng up selsmomeLers aL
Merapl. hoLo by . !ousseL

News|etter n.1


vlLLorlo 8osl & Chlara CrlsLlanl

(ueparLmenL Clvll roLecLlon of lLaly -
volcanlc 8lsk Servlce).


Ld|tor|a| board:
lerre 1hlerry, Amelle Wagner,
vlLLorlo 8osl, Chlara CrlsLlanl,
!oao lonseca.

1exL and flgures are based on
reporLs prepared by MlA-vl1A
W leaders.

lerre 1hlerry
(MIA-VI1A pro[ecL coordlnaLor)


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