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Power-Efficient Communication Algorithms for Wireless

Mobile Sensor Networks

Chuan-Ming Liu and Chuan-Hsiu Lee Li-Chun Wang

Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Info. Eng. Dept. of Comm. Eng.
National Taipei Univ. of Tech. National Chiao-Tung University
Taipei, Taiwan Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

ABSTRACT and relates to (1) the energy consumption and (2) the qual-
One important issue in wireless sensor networks is how to ity of service. An energy efficient data-gathering protocol
gather sensed information in an energy efficient way since can make the system live longer; therefore, improves the
the energy is a scarce resource in a sensor node. Many pro- service time.
tocols have been proposed for data-gathering between wire-
less sensor nodes. However, most of these protocols work on 2. PROBLEMS
static wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we provide Our work is to develop a clustering-based data-gathering
clustering-based and time-driven protocols which minimize protocol for wireless mobile sensor networks, which consists
energy dissipation for data-gathering in wireless mobile sen- of a number of rounds and each round has two major phases:
sor networks where the sensor nodes are capable of mobility. (1) organizing clusters and (2) message transmission phases.
We first consider the node mobility when organizing clusters. In the phase of organizing clusters, there are two steps: one
Our protocols will have a sensor node select a proper cluster- step is to elect the cluster-heads and then the following step
head to join in order to save energy. We then consider how is to form the clusters.
to elect the cluster-heads and provide two algorithms for We first introduce a mechanism to form the clusters by
cluster-head election. Last, we implement all the protocols considering the node’s mobility. Then, we provide two dif-
and perform the experiments for evaluating the protocols. ferent algorithms to elect the cluster-heads. We measure the
Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.2 [Network energy efficiency by the system lifetime in terms of number
Protocols]: Routing protocols of rounds which a system experiences. We consider the wire-
General Terms: Algorithms, Performance. less mobile sensor networks where:(1) The BS is fixed and
located far away from the sensor nodes, (2) All the sensor
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobility, Data Gath- nodes are homogeneous and power limited, (3) Each sensor
ering, Energy-Efficiency. node is equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System)
device, (4) Each sensor node is capable of moving: each
1. INTRODUCTION sensor node has a constant speed and fixed direction (Note
A wireless sensor network consists of a large number of that, different sensor nodes may have different speeds and
tiny, low-power, cheap sensors having sensing, data process- directions.), (5) All sensor nodes are time-synchronized.
ing, and wireless communication components. In this paper,
we provide three data-gathering protocols in wireless mobile 3. CLUSTERING WITH MOBILITY (CM)
sensor networks where the sensor nodes are capable of mov- Recall that each sensor node can use its location informa-
ing. Many protocols have been proposed for data gathering tion obtained from the attached GPS device to calculate its
or communication between wireless sensor nodes [2, 3, 6, 7, speed and direction. In CM (clustering sensor nodes with
8, 10, 13]. To our knowledge, most of these protocols work mobility) protocol, the sensor node then uses such informa-
on static wireless sensor networks. Nevertheless, in many tion to estimate the distances from itself to all the cluster-
applications, the sensor nodes can move either by outside heads at some given time t; therefore, can have a better
force or its mobility component. decision on which cluster to join. We further define such a
In order to measure the performance of a data-gathering given time t as the clustering factor Tc which impacts the
protocol, we will measure the lifetime of a system. The life- organizing of the clusters.
time of a system is the duration in which the system works
We provide two distributed algorithms which avoid the
case that there is no cluster-head in a round. The basic idea
of the first algorithm is based on LEACH but simply skips
the round which has no cluster-heads elected. The other
distributed algorithm uses the unique ids of the sensor nodes
Copyright is held by the author/owner. and decides the cluster-heads by counting.
PE-WASUN’04, October 7, 2004, Venezia, Italy.
ACM 1-58113-959-4/04/0010.

System Lifetime(200m x 200m;1J)
Tc Protocol Round (first Number
: LEACH dead node) of rounds
: CM
: CM−C
CM-C 456 899
0.7 CM-IR 411 831
CM 310 656
accumulated number of dead nodes


60 LEACH 297 604

CM-C 460 905
0.72 CM-IR 419 833
CM 313 656

LEACH 297 604
20 CM-C 454 913
0.74 CM-IR 419 841
CM 309 659
300 400 500 600
700 800 900
LEACH 297 604
CM-C 461 899
0.76 CM-IR 413 833
Figure 1: The system lifetime of the wireless mobile CM 309 657
sensor network which has 100 sensor nodes in the LEACH 297 604
range of 200m× 200m; the speed of each sensor node CM-C 458 916
is 0.5 m/sec; each sensor node has initial energy 1.0J 0.78 CM-IR 420 843
and sends 2000-bit data packet. CM 308 661
LEACH 297 604
CM-C 457 916
5. EXPERIMENTS 0.8 CM-IR 420 856
We implement LEACH and our protocols in C++. The CM 310 658
result shows that, by using our protocols, the whole system LEACH 297 604
can live longer. Generally, all of our protocols make the sys-
tem lifetime longer than LEACH: (1) protocol CM makes
the system lifetime 5%-10% longer than LEACH and (2) Table 1: System lifetimes (in terms of the number
Protocols CM-IR and CM-C perform much better and have of rounds) using different values of clustering factor
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