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join to explore

Dr. John A. McArthur

Assistant Professor of Communication

Directions and Preparations

When you RSVP to this course, your acceptance indicates that you will be present during all class times so that you can participate in the questions and conversations on the topics at hand. Upon your acceptance, you choose to complete 3 compositions that deal with questions about media aesthetics as you understand them. These will be due approximately every 4 weeks throughout the term. Evaluation of your compositions will be based on your thought process, and you will be held to a high standard which you will move toward over the duration of the term. All submitted compositions will be accompanied by reflection papers. In addition, you will complete midterm exam and final project. I encourage you to fully and confidently consider the questions we pose in class and to complete the everyday assignments so that you can begin thinking about your compositions. Late work will not be accepted unless arrangements have been made in advance. Please also note that this course will invoke Queens University of Charlottes policies, the Honor Code, Student Disability Services, the Center for Academic Success, and other items as listed in The Fine Print. Our textbooks will be composed of Gees What Video Games have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy, Coates Watches Tell More than Time and a series of readings available electronically on our Moodle site. Dr. McArthur is available in Dana 102A (during posted office hours or by appointment) on Twitter @JAMcArthur, or by email at

communication 309
mondays and wednesdays

Media Aesthetics 12:001:15 PM


THE FINE PRINT Disability Accommodations : If you are a student with a verified disability and you require accommodations, please provide me with the necessary memorandum that was given to you by Student Disability Services. Contact: The Coordinator of Disability Services: Sandy Rogelberg, 704-337-2508. Honor Code: The Honor Code, which permeates all phases of university life, is based on three fundamental principles. It assumes that Queens students: a) are truthful at all times, b) respect the property of others, and c) are honest in tests, examinations, term papers, and all other academic assignments. Please contact me if you believe a violation of the Honor Code has occurred. It is a violation of the Honor Code for a student to be untruthful concerning the reason for a class absence. University Closings / Cancelled Classes: In the rare occasion when it is necessary to close the university announcements will be made on TV and radio, and will be posted on the Queens web site ( Students who live on campus will be notified of a decision to cancel classes through their voice mail. Commuter students should call the Queens Information Hotline (704 -337-2567). NOTE: If classes are meeting but you feel that you cannot find a safe way to get to class, you should notify me as soon as possible. Intellectual Property Policy: Queens University of Charlotte faculty and students adhere to the Queens Intellectual Property Policy. See Faculty Handbook, http://, and

FALL SEMESTER 2010 knight-crane in co nve r g enc e l a b o r a t o r DANA 110 y

T O L E A R N about the ways that messages in media are created. T O U N D E R S T A N D the creation of discourses in the media. T O A P P L Y principles of design to the created discourse. T O A S S E S S the role of medium and modality as expressions. T O C O N S I D E R the various avenues of distribution. T O CONCEPTUALIZE CRITICALLY the aforementioned discourse, design, production, and distribution as they each relate to the character and quality of messages.

M _____________________ __ will attend __ will not attend FALL TERM 2010 Please return this card to Dr. John A. McArthur on or before our third class meeting.
An affirmative RSVP indicates that you understand this syllabus, you have taken the opportunity to ask any questions that you have about the course, and that you are willingly committing yourself to be an active member and participant in Media Aesthetics, COMM 309.

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