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6 H y d ro c arb o n s : alkan e s an d alkA nes e rs en s w

Answers to Topic 6 Test yourself questions

1 a) CH4, methane; C2H6, ethane; C3H8, propane; C4H10, butane. b) CH2 2 In a straight chain alkane with n carbon atoms, each carbon atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms except the carbon atoms at the end of the chain, each of which has an extra hydrogen atom. So the total of H atoms is 2n + 2. 3 Compounds in a series of organic compounds have similar properties because they have the same functional group, but there is a gradation in properties along the series. 4 a) C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g) b) CO2, H2O, carbon (soot) and carbon monoxide 5 There will be insufficient air for petrol vapour to burn completely in the engine resulting in the production of poisonous carbon monoxide in the exhaust fumes. 6 a) Propane, 42C; butane, 0.5C b) Gas cylinders need a good pressure of gas inside to keep the gas flowing smoothly. In a very cold wintry spell, butane (boiling temperature 0.5C) would liquefy unlike propane (boiling temperature 42C) and this would significantly reduce the gas pressure. 7 CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl, chloromethane CH3Cl + Cl2 CH2Cl2 + HCl, dichloromethane CH2Cl2 + Cl2 CHCl3 + HCl, trichloromethane CHCl3 + Cl2 CCl4 + HCl, tetrachloromethane 8 a) Bromine does not react with hexane in the dark. But sunlight can cause the homolytic fission of bromine molecules to bromine atoms (free radicals) and this starts the reaction. The products are bromohexane and hydrogen bromide, so the orange colour of bromine fades. Br2(l) + C6H14(l) HBr(g) + C6H13Br(l) The acid fumes are fumes of hydrogen bromide coming off the solution. It provides a large proportion of our energy needs and is the source of most of our organic chemicals, particularly plastics. Because the reserves of crude oil are not limitless and it is nonrenewable. Ethanol and ETBE have oxygen in their molecules. This helps to facilitate the combustion of any petrol containing them. Cracking and reforming Cracking increases our supplies of the gasoline (petrol) fraction and produces short chain alkenes that are used to manufacture polymers (plastics). High temperatures (c. 500C) with zeolite (silicate) catalysts.

b) c)

9 a)


10 a)

b) 11 a)



+ CH3 CH=CH2

c) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 H2 +

13 Fossil fuels increase the atmospheric concentration of CO2, leading to an increased greenhouse effect and climatic changes throughout the world. Fossil fuels are an extremely valuable non-renewable resource that should be conserved for the future. This would
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G. Hill and A. Hunt 2008 Edexcel Chemistry for AS CD-ROM

6 H y d ro c arb o n s : alkan e s an d alkA nes e rs en s w

also promote a more sustainable lifestyle. Various answers are possible here including: reduce travel (especially air travel) reduce transport of goods (particularly food) over large distances promote the purchase and use of locally produced food and other goods encourage the use of smaller vehicles (if necessary by taxing larger vehicles heavily) explore and use alternative fuels. Biofuels remove CO2 from the atmosphere during the growth of the plants from which they are obtained. This same CO2 is returned to the atmosphere when the biofuels burn. So, the balance of CO2 is unchanged neutral. Sustainable development means planning to live within the means of the environment in order that the Earths natural resources are not destroyed, but will be available for future generations. In terms of fuels, this means conserving fossil fuels by reducing their consumption not only because they contain valuable non-renewable resources, but also because their combustion contributes to global warming and climate change. One of the means of reducing our use of fossil fuels is by using alternative fuels biofuels, fuel cells and nuclear fuels. Both carbon atoms in ethene are surrounded by three centres of negative charge (two single bonds and one double bond). These three centres of negative charge will repel one another as far as possible so they will occupy trigonal positions around the carbon atom resulting in bond angles of 120. 18 Because rotation could only happen if the double bond is broken, and the energy of molecules at normal temperatures is insufficient for this. 19 pent-2-ene only 20 a)




b) position isomerism c) cis- and trans-1,2-dibromoethene 21 a) CH3CH2CH3, propane; platinum or palladium catalyst at room temperature, or nickel catalyst at 150C . b) CH3CHClCH2Cl, 1,2-dichloropropane; room temperature c) CH3CHOHCH2OH, propane-1,2-diol, dilute acidified KMnO4(aq) at room temperature. 22 a) Addition of hydrogen using a catalyst


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6 H y d ro c arb o n s : alkan e s an d alkA nes e rs en s w

b) Saturated organic compounds have only single bonds between the atoms in their molecules. Unsaturated organic compounds contain one or more double or triple bonds between atoms in their molecules. Vegetable oils contain unsaturated compounds with C=C double bonds in their molecules. These can be converted to solid, saturated compounds in products such as low fat spreads by the addition of hydrogen. c) Saturated fats, such as cream, cause arteriosclerosis in which the linings of the arteries become hardened and furred. Unsaturated fats are much less likely to cause this. 23 a)

b) c)

is the more stable.

2-chlorobutane 24 a) 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethene b)

c) poly(tetrafluoroethene) 25 a) High temperature, high pressure, with initiators b) Because it has such useful properties as low density, flexibility, easily moulded, transparent, good insulator, resistance to water, acids and alkalis. c) They are not biodegradable.

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