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ED215R DDP Key Performance Feedback 5-7 minute video Lesson plan Self assessment (specific to DDP assignment)

No Evidence Minimal Evidence Sufficient Evidence

The lesson plan and the clip you selected demonstrate a clear

Extensive Evidence

understanding of your chosen balanced literacy component (either reading or writing) and how to use it with literacy learners in your field placement.

Although not all components of shared reading were evident in Mollys lesson, she discussed in detail the reasons for that, including not having the components of the instructional strategies covered in her methods class prior to teaching the lesson. The self-assessment demonstrates:

a thorough understanding of your selected balanced literacy component

Yes, components of shared reading were discussed in the self assessment. The self-assessment demonstrates:
an accurate identification and of how at least two Alverno Education Abilities were used to show growth in your choice of one Wisconsin Standard for Teacher Development and Licensure

Molly focused on communication,, discussing how she utilized that ability in discussing the objective for the lesson, along with discussing the chosen book. She chose Standard 6, which also relates to verbal and non-verbal communication. The second ability selected was Coordination. Molly integrated all of the lesson components, along with incorporating conferencing with her cooperating teacher about the lesson. Communication was also integrated into conferencing. The self-assessment demonstrates:

an analysis of the challenges and how they were addressed

Molly shared that one challenge that she faced was not having the background information needed from her methods class prior to doing this assignment. Her second challenge involved classroom management. She was not sure how much freedom that she had in implementing strategies to keep the students on-task. The self-assessment demonstrates:
an insightful evaluation of your current understanding and practice of the selected component in the classroom related to what might you would do differently in future lessons

Molly clearly discussed changes that she would make if she were to teach the lesson again. These include 1. She would use a big book, which also had small copies. 2. She would read the book the first time, emphasizing vocabulary. 3. The next time that she read the book, she would focus on her objective for the lesson. 4. She would improve on classroom management by implementing some creative strategies to address the issues at hand.

ED 225 The self-reflection paper is

word-processed and meets Level 3 writing criteria.

ED 325
Overall Performance: Little or No Evidence Minimal Evidence X Sufficient Evidence Extensive Evidence

The self-reflection paper is word processed and meets Level 4 writing criteria.


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