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Name: Shidqi Faiz Dhiaulhaq

NIM: E2214401075
Class: IC D3 Keperawatan

Task 1:

Utilization of Google Classroom as Media

Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Source: Journal
Publisher: 1 Maret 2021
Author: Rini Atikah,Rani Titik Prihatin, Herni hernayati,Jajang Misbah

Currently the world is shocked by the outbreak of a disease caused by a virus named
Corona or known as Covid-19.
Due to existence the covid-19 pandemic, caused various implementations policy to cut the chain
of spread of the virus the covid-19. Social distancing is a tough choice for each country in
implementing policies for prevention of the spread of covid-19, because of this policy negative
impact on all aspects of life.
In essence, learning is a process for organize and manage the entire existing environment
around students so they can process and encourage students to carry out the learning process
There is two types of learning namely conventional learning and brave. According to Djamarah,
learning methods conventional is the traditional learning method or It is also known as the
lecture method because it has been used for a long time This method has been used as a
means of oral communication between teachers and students in the learning process and
In learning history methods conventionally characterized by lectures accompanied by
explanation and division of tasks and exercises. Whereas online learning stands for “on the
network” as a substitute for the word online that we often use in relation to internet technology.
along with the development of information and communication technology, then a new learning
system emerged, namely online learning. Online learning or learning in the network
is distance learning that uses the internet and some technology as the media used.
To support online learning then the need for a social media platform. Social media is one of the
media where its users can search for information, communicate with each other and establish
friendship online. As is well known, various media social, namely one of them is google
Google Classroom allows teaching and learning activities be more productive and meaningful
with simplify tasks, improve collaboration, and build communication. Teachers can create
classes,assign assignments, send feedback, and view all in one place.In Indonesia the
government had to close schools and universities located in areas exposed to Covid-19.
The closure of schools in Indonesia will immediately impact on the learning process in schools.
Teacher and students who usually do learning online immediately in class, at this time forced to
move inside distance learning process to avoid its occurrence crowds as a measure to prevent
the spread of Covid-19. Various educational problems in Indonesia are sufficient many, starting
from curriculum issues, quality, competence,even good leadership competence at the level
ranks top or bottom level. Various cases of complaints appening in the field, both school leaders
and para educators who lament such leadership dimensions matters of management, discipline,
bureaucracy and administration Disorganized. Then what is no less important is the matter
leadership in schools also plays a role in coloring the face organizing the world of education and
widening gaps and internal conflicts of educators. It is from this problem that the writer tries to
find the solution with various efforts and strategies undertaken to develop diverse student
thinking variety, especially during the current pandemic requires students to study at home, then
attendance Google Classroom is one solution with various problems currently being faced.
 Google classroom
Google Classroom enables learning activities teaching becomes more productive and
meaningful with simplify tasks, improve collaboration, and build communication. Teachers can
create classes, assign assignments, send feedback, and view all in one place. Schools and
nonprofits get Google Classroom as a core G Suite ser.
for Education and G Suite for Nonprofits for free. Every people with personal Google accounts
can too use Classroom for free.
 Google Classroom functionality
Google Classroom is a free web-based tool developed by Google. It was introduced at 12
August in the year 2014. This application is used by teachers and students, to share files
between them. On Google Classroom, teachers can create assignments for students, as well
can collect assignments from them. Both teachers and students can work without using paper in
this application.
Here are some things to do while studying online with Google Classroom:
Share course material/syllabus
b. Assign/submit assignments
c. Hold an interactive question and answer test/quiz
d. Viewing upcoming assignments via Google Calendar Apart from the various benefits above,
Google Classroom is suitable as an option for online learning because this platform is free,
accessible to anyone who uses a smartphone, and is relatively safe.
Google Classroom features
Google Classroom is easy to set up. Teachers can set up classes and invite students
as well as teaching assistants. On the Classwork page, they get share information—
assignments, questions, and materials. With Google Classroom, teachers can save time and
paper. They can create classes, assign assignments,communicate, and manage, all in one
place. Google Classroom also offers better management. Students can view assignments in
the Assignments page, in the class stream, or on the class calendar. All Class materials are
automatically stored in the Google Drive folder.
Plus, Google Classroom enables flows communication between teachers and students or
between students more effective. Teachers can create assignments, send
announcements, and start class discussion directly. Students can share material between each
other and interact in class streams or via email. Teacher can also quickly see who has been and
have not completed the task, and immediately provide value and real-time input. Equally
important, Google
Affordable and safe classrooms that are provided free of charge schools, nonprofits, and
individuals and does not contain advertising and never use user content or student data for
advertising purposes.
Supported devices Google Classroom can be accessed using the internet
on a computer with any browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, including Safari. In
general,Google Classroom supports major browser releases for free sustainable. In other
words, no installation required due to Google Web-based Classroom. However, installation is
required when accessing Google Classroom through the device mobile, as it is also available for
mobile devices based on Android and Apple.

Task 2:
1. Utilization of Google Classroom as Media Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
2. Rini Atikah,Rani Titik Prihatin, Herni hernayati,Jajang Misbah
3. I get the article from journal file:///C:/Users/ditao/Downloads/988-3319-1-PB.pdf
4. I chose the article because it is very interesting and useful especially for us students
5. the use of learning by using google classroom has benefits which can be seen positively
from student learning outcomes which are increasing every day through assignments
and quizzes. Student perception Regarding the subjects that are carried out through the
courage to use the Google Classroom application, namely students feel happyuse
Google classroom because it's easy and the teacher/educator isn't burdensome by
giving lots of assignments, Google classroom is flexible, that is easy to access anywhere
and anytime, constrained by internet access from the absence of a network data and
smartphones that are used to support all students for the implementation of e-learning
learning. As for the research method used is the method of literature study is a series of
activities that are relevant to the method collecting library data, reading and taking notes,
and managing research materials
6. In my oppinion, The journal is quite interesting and informative because it explains online
learning via Google Classroom during the Covid 19 pandemic

7. Mention two interesting or informative points that you found in the article along with the
reason why you choose those points.

Interesting or informative points Reason

On Google Classes, teachers can create In my opinion, it is interesting, because

assignments for students, as well can facilitate student learning can also
can collect assignments from them. Both make positive use of social media by not
teachers and students using a lot of paper
can work without using paper in this

 Broad Integration I think, it is informative, because This

Google Classroom is also integrated with application will greatly help educators
several other learning applications made in providing learning materials
by other Google,such as classcraft, Pear
Deck, Quizizz, Tynker, Us, and small sis.
Collaboration between Google

8. Based on the article, which point do you agree and disagree with the writer? Mention at
least two. Why? You can also add your experience for the reason.

Point Agree/Disagree & Reason

Apart from that, Google Classroom is also

economical from the other side I couldn’t agree more, because little
quota internet users. Because, this internet usage
application focuses on
learning, both in material assistance and
in giving assignments.

Teachers can create classes, I agree with the statement, because

assign assignments, send feedback, and google classroom ery easy in learning
view all in one place. Non-profit schools between teachers and students
and institutions get Google Classroom as
a core service of G Suite for Education
and G Suite for Nonprofits for free.

9. Would you like to recommend the article to others? Why? Why not?
I would like to recommend the article to others, because because it contains some
interesting and useful information for the readers
Task 3:
My Response toward “Utilization of Google Classroom as Media Learning During the
Covid-19 Pandemic’’
Utilization of Google Classroom as Media Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
I get the article from journal file:///C:/Users/ditao/Downloads/988-3319-1-PB.pdf
The writer of the journal is Rini Atikah,Rani Titik Prihatin, Herni hernayati,Jajang Misbah
the use of learning by using google classroom has benefits which can be seen positively from
student learning outcomes which are increasing every day through assignments and quizzes.
Student perception Regarding the subjects that are carried out through the courage to use the
Google Classroom application, namely students feel happyuse Google classroom because it's
easy and the teacher/educator isn't burdensome by giving lots of assignments, Google
classroom is flexible, that is easy to access anywhere and anytime, constrained by internet
access from the absence of a network data and smartphones that are used to support all
students for the implementation of e-learning learning. As for the research method used is the
method of literature study is a series of activities that are relevant to the method collecting
library data, reading and taking notes, and managing research materials.
On Google Classes, teachers can create assignments for students, as well
can collect assignments from them. Both teachers and students
can work without using paper in this application.
Google Classroom is also integrated with several other learning applications made by other
Google,such as classcraft, Pear Deck, Quizizz, Tynker, Us, and small sis. Collaboration
between Google Classroom.
Apart from that, Google Classroom is also economical from the other side quota internet
users. Because, this application focuses on learning, both in material assistance and
in giving assignments.Teachers can create classes,assign assignments, send feedback, and
view all in one place. Non-profit schools and institutions get Google Classroom as a core
service of G Suite for Education and G Suite for Nonprofits for free.
The article is quite interesting and informative, I would like to recommend the article to
others, because because it contains some interesting and useful information for the readers

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