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group process feedback

plus, questions and answers

the inner child

hi sheree,

firstly, thank you for a wonderful experience. truly great. i have a few things to report. first, when we came
to the candle lighting. my computer room has lots of paper and it was windy and ron was horrified that i
was going to light a candle, so i lit an ethereal one instead. it was a beautiful purple and white candle, with
gold sparkles. when i lit it, the flame flared up really high and a great feeling of peace came over me. it was
quite extraordinary and felt really wonderful. the vortex clearing was great and left me feeling as if i
weighed about a stone less (i only wish!!!!) i felt a great weight lift from my shoulders and i felt so calm
and at peace with the world and all that’s in it, and especially with myself. the self healing went well. as
before, all was well until i got to the throat chakra. there i felt a blockage. also some stuff about
communication came up, that i didn't think had anything to do with childhood stuff, and i will re visit that
later if it still feels as if it is there, but i think it has been released. i let it go and then i saw a light blue mist
all around, and in it were smokey gray blobs. as i watched, the gray blobs started to float out of the blue
mist and go off into the light, and as they did, the light around became brighter, until here was no gray left
and the light was all clear. it was amazing and felt absolutely wonderful. i assumed it was all the old
negative stuff going off into the light to be transformed. i got quite a pain in my left cheek, but i just let it
go and it went away. not sure what that was. my heart chakra felt warm and lots of love around. i felt as if i
was back with you all in the chatroom for a while. i could feel the love. the others were ok, and when i had
finished i felt really relaxed and calm and didn't really want to get up and on with things, but after a bit of
grounding all was well. thanks again sheree and everyone. great experience.

elizabeth hibel


thank you so much sheree for facilitating this most sacred event. it was truly a wonderful experience. in
fact, my life has been totally accelerated from the first meditation and the posting of our pictures. so much
so that i have not been able to put it into words much yet. not only have many memories of my current life,
family and friends come up for healing but many other dimensional experiences have come into this and in
general the universe has responded in many ways. knowing there are no accidents makes it all the more
interesting. for the past three or four days, numbers have come up in multiple's of the same number like
222, 333, etc. this has occurred every time i noticed the clock, cash register amounts, gas, change, number
of emails...anything with numbers. i don't know what the message is in that, just that it was a very
prominent occurrence. i feel like i have been living in parallel worlds and watching some kind of a movie
most of the time since the beginning. everyone's contributions of their experience has meant more to me
than you may realize and i thank you all...and all of the posts as well. someone wrote during the vortex
clearing this past evening she felt that we were all present together. i also felt this very strongly and love. i
experienced many positive emotions and could see in my heart light filling strands or threads of
unbeforeknown wounds as wisps of clouds being healed were transformed. i had glimpses of angels, us as
angels, our higher selves and the ascended masters working with us, individually and collectively. i love
you all and thank you for being there, and ones in spirit, and helping me also to heal with you. it is perfect
and i can still hear the laughter and tears, see your faces, and feel your heart. and music, celestial harmonic
sounds and tones. many doors have opened. i think the chp can be as you choose to allow it, bringing in
perception of other dimensions if you are inclined that way but ideally is intended to help bring to light
issues and experiences one had as a child for healing and loving and forgiving that child (ourselves) and/or
the people in one's life that were the source of the emotional/physical pain and sadness. by bringing these
things to light for healing and releasing where those kinds of feelings have been carried with us through our
lives in our cells of our body and existed there and in our minds hidden from our knowing yet affecting our
reactions and choices to life in the present. and for me, i experienced good feelings too and became aware
of much happiness and joy i had known and with my negative thinking chose to view it incorrectly and now
see as the truth that it was though there was much to forgive also in myself and others. and ultimately, the
opportunity to bring these buried feelings that held me hostage has been so freeing and i feel like now i
have much room inside me for new life experiences. i also feel a greater love for myself and everyone i
have known. interestingly, today all the people in my environment seem more real, caring and sincere. and i
feel more in touch with me and them. i am much more able to hear what others are saying and find myself
responding to their needs knowing i am getting through. i really had no expectations initially but did feel
guided to do it and when everyone began to put their pictures up (and they are o so sweet), though i wasn't
sure i even had one as much of my stuff is in storage...and the journey began. but it is only as far out as you
let it be....that is what i started out to say. i have done some inner child healing before with some guided
meditation and cried and felt deep emotion but this is the first time i have felt free from the ongoing mental
drama running in the background dictating parts of my life and affecting the whole of me. doing it as a
group with others and hearing what they have to say about what they care to share is very helpful, more
than i would have ever suspected. i feel more love. and for me, there were messages in everything and all of
the posts here about whatever in the ongoingness have always had great meaning to me even though i can't
always respond to each.. i never even noticed who in particular was in the chp unless it was clearly stated.
after i started the process, i just expanded it somewhat with what i was already being, pursuing and
becoming; and i would say it "oomphed" my life in general into clarity. i feel like when one is healed many
are healed and so "with allowing" anyone in my lamda is more better because i am better in that i am a
more whole, complete and healed person. i had no idea i was carrying all that around and was very
surprised to know it, but it is not bizarre stuff.

with love, amanda …co creating with source

hi sheree

when i got to the invocation to the angels i was so full of emotion that tears came up for me - it was
immensely heart opening and i felt you all with me. during the actual vortex healing i felt sharp pains in my
heart (right side) and it kept up for quite a while. just opened up and allowed the feelings to be and
surrendered. i actually got messages at each chakra this time.

7th - stabilize your energy

6th - create physical balance (create the structure) - “i (source) will energize the movement”
5th - got a visual of a nebula - message was “what you say is out there on the edge, step more into it. share
what you know.”
4th - another visual of a pink oval cloud and then green musical symbols on a black backdrop - “sing and
dance, it feeds you.”
3rd - “invoke your presence. do not fear it. all is well.”
2nd - visual of gigantic waves - “embrace your power to change.”
1st - “i am”
this was unbelievably powerful for me, sheree. i still feel very moved. thank you so much for co-creating
this sacred process with source. i am so grateful for your light and the light of this group in my life.
big, big hugs and kisses,
adela <>
dearest sheree,

with the warmest of hearts i thank you for giving me a wonderful healing experience. last night as i waited
for the time of the dkm vortex healing, i felt as if something very holy was about to take place. after i
cleared out my house with the healing symbols and ask for my reiki guides and angels to be present for the
healing i felt very calm and very anxious, as the group healing started i felt the presence of two angels or
beings who were on either side of me sort of holding me up. i felt very emotional during the whole process.
i felt the presence all the other people who were in the chp as being in the same room. after the vortex
healing i felt these cords being pulled from my body, at first the larger ones and then a lot of smaller ones.
after we closed the chat i went into my bedroom to do the dkm healing. i didn’t feel a whole lot during the
7th and 6th charkas except very giddy and a lot of chatter in my head like joyous talking, also the song (i can
see for miles and miles) kept coming into my head. when i got to my 5th chakra i felt that i still had a cord
there related to my not forgiving myself for being a lousy father to my daughter when she was young and i
released that to source. i didn’t feel much anything worth reporting on any of the other charkas. i got up
after the healing and wasn’t up very long before i went to bed, did some meditation and went to sleep.

namaste bob hart

hello sheree,

i so love how all of you are articulating your experience from the chat on sunday.
i am having a hard time putting into the only thing that comes to mind is total awe. i will do my
best to share with you my experience. prior to the chat - i had done the shk before going to bed- and that
collective clearing energy, made its way into my physical body and then...could not sleep - i was tired, but
not ready for i puttered around till the wee hours of the morn... feeling ready to jump in with the
group med on sunday night, lighting my candles clearing the space - had my print out of all the wonderful
souls sharing this journey....and then the doorbell rings....i hear my husband greeting his older brother
whom we have not seen in a couple of years as they live in san diego ca (we are in il) who flew in for a
whirlwind funeral for katie's mom who is now celebrating being back with source - so i had to bow out of
the sacred moment and sent my higher self in to partake with all of you... after they left, i went back to my
vortex instructions finished up then gratefully off to bed. i had a lucid dream with many pillars of light in a
circle - i could sense the presence of metatron, and aa raphael - this was indeed something that my mind
was eager to see what was happening..then out of each pillar of light - i do not really have words for this,
but it is as close to a description as i can come to - any way - out of these lights emerges the most beautiful
children - as if being released - or excited to be a lot of excitement around these little
ones...imagine my surprise as i see myself in one of theses child forms...and the dawning of realization of
what is happening - the vortex - i am crying in my dream - and in my sleep...for the sheer beauty of the
moment of what i am witnessing.

i am healed i am whole i am perfect as i am... as are each and every one of you.

i thank all of you from the deep recesses of my heart for this awe inspiring journey -
for you chp-sters in round is an amazing process and i wish you every joy and happiness that i and
everyone else received as you go through this process the next time angel sheree offers.
it is with amazement and wonder that i look at every day....through the eyes of a child....mine!

in gratitude,
karen sullivan <>

hi sheree
i received the choku rei instructions at 11:52 and immediately set about following the cleansing of the
house and voicing the affirmations. i lay down on the bed and began the reiki treatment and just now, at
4:20 woke up. i have no conscious memory of what happened during the four hours. i can only tell you that
right now, i feel so totally rested, stress free and light as a cloud. my heart is open and i feel the need to
shed tears. i pray that all will be reveled at the proper time.

i have just completed the sei heiki process and although i am still processing some of the feelings, i have to
say that it was/is a very light filled experience. after completing the self treatment, i drifted off into a very
peaceful sleep with the words, "you are deeply loved" resonating throughout my body.

i know now.... i am loved, always have been and always will be and as with each of us, there is indeed
genuine value to me. sheree you have opened so many doors of opportunity for me and i shall be forever
grateful for being led down this path. you are one awesome soul, lady!!!

peace, love and harmony, cynsayrely (cynthia) yours


i just finished the ckr. i'm still in some way in it...i did ground myself but i feel like my mind is still wide
open and empty and has a lot to process on what happened in the self-treatment.

i started with my crown chakra and it brought up things that was almost to hard to look at, i kept on remind
me that i'm safe and i have the power and all the help that i need to accept....i don't know if i was success
with it - i have again a blank space in my memory...

i continue with the third-eye and then i saw myself falling of a cliff, someone catch me before i got to the
ground and pot me safe on the ground....i continue the self treatment and i saw myself seating on a huge
bird (dragon maybe :-) ) and fly away. from there i felt only warmth - love fills my all body until i finished
the self-treatment.

when i opened my i kept my eyes staring on the roof i thought that i was illusion when i saw all the roof
cover with a bright green color, looked around me in the walls and it was the same all the walls cover with
that bright green - it made me so happy i know that i saw healing all around me. before seating on the
computer i drank a lot of water i really needed it :-)

that's almost about it, i don't have any conclusions or any other thing yet but i feel that i coming back to
myself writing this mail. and a ill pain in my throat chakra.


chp/shk done

as i drew the symbols in the corners of my home, i felt very appreciative that our homes were being
included in this process. it is becoming more and more clear to me how everyone and everything is so
connected. this part felt really good. i did the preparation, and remembered to bring my stone that i have
started using. it's a beautiful little rhodochrosite that has many little crystals all over. i purchased this stone
many, many years ago on a vacation not knowing why except that it was just so pretty. i did the
affirmations and palm activations, and then was interrupted (long story). i remember sheree saying that
whatever you do is good, and just went along with it. in the past i know i would have felt very frustrated,
but not said anything. i tried to do the self treatment later, but fell asleep. it had been a very long and
emotional day, as we had been out of town at a funeral most of the day. this morning, after one more
interruption, i was able to complete the self treatment. it went well, but nothing noteworthy. when i was
done, i had a cough and remembered that i used to cough relentlessly when i was a child and even into
young adulthood. i'm thinking that the incident i remember with the ckr meditation was actually the
beginning of my not speaking up when i really want to. not sure, but it does make sense (maybe not to
anyone else, but to me it does). feeling fantastic right not…sure hope it lasts!!

vortex clearing :

when i started to make my list, i thought "oh, this won't be too long. i can't think of too many people, as i
generally like everybody". ok, well maybe i haven't liked everybody.....geepers, that was a long list! the
group chat was such an incredible experience. i thought beforehand (maybe i should stop thinking ahead,
huh?) how can this be effective over a computer line? well, like the rest who have posted, i did feel you all
there. i felt the love, the connecting. and the light! very, very powerful!!!!

i couldn't do the self healing right away. it was maybe an hour or so later. i got up afterwards and wrote
what happened. following is what i wrote: the first thing i noticed was that i saw a color green (first time
i've seen color)….a beautiful deepish shade of mint green. then my breathing changed. it seemed much
deeper, stronger and well, just different than usual. as i did the self treating, i could not feel the energy in
my hands like usual. instead, i felt the energy in the areas my hands were touching. most of the time i felt
like my heart was beating in my throat, and quite loudly at that. when i was done (or so i thought), i felt like
i wanted to share this energy with my hubby who was at that time sleeping next to me. i wrapped my arm
around his, and after awhile, i felt him shake…..he was still asleep. i then saw a large circle of beautiful
sparkling light colors….. like sparkling gems. after that i laid there and felt wave after of wave of energy
throughout my entire body. it felt like every cell was just sparkling away like ripples on the lake when the
sun is shining. this went on for almost an hour, after witch i had to get up and get some water, as i was
incredibly thirsty. i also wanted to document this, as i'm having a difficult time believing what just
transpired. i am in awe………. and so grateful to sheree for facilitating all of this…..and to all the other
participants……what a wonderful group you are. i feel so very blessed. and above all…..thank you god!!! i
then went back to bed, and the waves of energy started again. only this time they were much softer, gentler
and this is how i went to sleep.

awesome!! (((hugs))) peg

hello sheree,

i'll start with the vortex chat events.

i kept having all sorts of "family catastrophes" occur at the time i was trying to access the chat
line. once i did, it got louder. so much so, i had to find the laptop and take it into my room and
lock the door. it just got noisier. once we began, i felt like i was jumping out of my skin.
when sheree asked how we were all feeling, i had to be honest: i was feeling restless. once everyone sent
the violet flame, my body (especially both my arms) started to warm up. i felt like i was being lovingly
held up. as the chat progressed, i lost my wireless connection and got booted out twice! when everyone
else started to get booted out i wondered if there was something preventing us from this. as sheree asked us
to state three times that nothing would prevent our healing everything started to flow so beautifully!!
my overall physical experience during the chat was a lot of yawning. this is a good thing! this is how my
body processes high light information. it's a release for me. i was yawning like crazy and when i placed
my hands over my heart, it jumped a number of times. it was the weirdest thing, it felt like there was a
battle inside of my heart. i've felt these "twinges" before but they were rocking last night! it's hard to
explain how it feels because its not just a physical reaction, its more like a struggle. hard to explain.

anyway, throughout the chat, i felt warmth, peace and contentment. i asked all the angels i could think of to
assist me with this as well as god and jesus. the only other thing that i heard in my head is that i am
michael's girl. aa michael has a great sense of humor!

i have not completed my dkm process yet. i am taking the time this morning now that it is quiet to proceed.
last night, i asked the angels to assist me as i slept and i fell into a deep sleep. i woke up this morning
feeling like a heavy fog has been lifted and i am at peace. yay!

love to all and deepest gratitude to sheree and all the angels and archangels present.


hello all,

thank you for your support last night! i really appreciate it. it was a challenging evening. phones
ringing, bill's computer wouldn't let him into yahoo. dogs barking. then, when we got upstairs seemed the
dogs had all had accidents all over. they never do that. so...was at a frustrated level and really fighting
to be in the now. during the online work was more tense than i realized until you all sent the violet light and
support. then, i felt calm. finally. at some point, i saw an image of myself incased in plaster and it started to
crumble from the top and i was that was incredible! afterwards, when we finished cleaning
up after the dogs, did the self reiki. not too much at the crown and 6th chakra. the throat showed a lot of
things unsaid, or better left unsaid. let it be cleared and asked that what came out of my mouth was for the
higher good of all. heart chakra i started to heat up. but still felt i was resisting, so asked for help from all
i'd called to support this endeavor. i saw all of them around me and i was the little child i used to be. i ran to
them one at a time and got a big hug and was told i was loved by each. aa michael told me he would always
be there to protect me. then the floodgates opened and i cried and cried. good tears. cleansing tears. so
much love. then i heard this voice say, "hello little girl" and turned and it was my father and he was young.
i ran to him and he picked me up and hugged me and i really cried then.
my mother was also there and she hugged me too, but it seemed it always was.

but she told me she'd always loved me and i was hard for her to express it. and, it was ok.
then i was brought to a mirror when i watched myself grow up...couldn't see it clearly, but i knew that was
what was happening and when i was grown i just lifted off the ground and flew. such an incredible feeling
of joy and freedom! then, as an adult, i went and thanked all that had helped. there was a bit more
at the lower chakras pertaining to sexual abuse and it was removed. overall, it was incredible. i asked for aa
raphael to do a physical healing on me at the end to release a lot of the physical symptoms i'd been having
lately. i felt very much purged afterwards. still a bit fragile...but knowing something profound had
happened. thank you sheree for doing this!!! it was incredible!

with great love, zihna jones, phd <>

hello everyone....

i first wish to say thank you--thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. i honestly want to say that i have
never felt so much love and support . it is truly amazing how i feel your love and light with me
throughout my day and night. i feel surrounded by a circle of love and light. i feel a sense of safety and
security that i have never known, but even more a sense of peace that has washed over me on
wednesday and has stayed there since. it is so powerful and calming. i feel very safe in all your "arms"--
thank goodness for all the love that is being shared. you all who have shared have instilled hope and
inspiration into my being once again--thank you so much for your plethora of feelings and emotions. i will
keep in my mind your strength and courage as i go forward.

i am grateful to all your beautiful souls for joining me on this journey and seeing me through to the end of
the old and the beginning of the new. thank you everyone for providing me a sacred space where i felt safe
enough and supported to share as well. you are blessed with the gift of love, compassion and strength--i am
so glad to have met you. please feel free to contact me as well--long after the group has come to an end i
will still be there for you. sheree, a special thank you for opening your heart to help so many heal--you are
a blessing to us all.

peace, love and light, april

this has been so unexpected and wonderful. i don't think, at the beginning of this, i could have imagined
how things would be now. if i'd known then how i'd feel now, i'm not sure i would have bothered - because
at the beginning of this, i was so clouded and unhealed i thought only the most ruthless actions could bring
any relief - and i thought that relief would come in the form of changing my environment (ie magically
ending up in a new car and house). instead the changes are so much more profound than i could have
imagined. i feel so cleansed and cleared. it feels like channels have been cleared and i'm once again able to
see and communicate. i easily knew my guides when i was a child and, even though the only thing i
remember clearly is my "fairy godmother" and a couple astral projections, the re-connections i'm
experiencing now during my meditations feel like coming home. i'm a bit of an "adrenaline junkie" so i
really loved the first 2-3 meditations - i had so much clearing and healing to do, and those meditations so
unbelievable powerful... the next meditations were wonderful but took a little longer to work into/thru me...
more like gentle rain after the thunderstorms of the first meditations. it wasn't until this week that i finally
saw how much stronger i am. i'm still sad that it's ending but i'm also pretty excited to see what i start doing


hi everyone

the vortex healing for me was amazing. i prepared the room etc before hand and sat and meditated for a
short while so as to be nice and relaxed, but the meditation took me deeper than i thought. i lost the group a
couple of times and had to re start my computer each time. it really played up. i arrived back as sheree was
talking about the records. it was good and i enjoyed it. there was more going on though and i cant explain
how i felt. something was happening to me. i missed most of the stuff but i got what i needed. although
never did an actual hands on healing. it was 2-30/3.00 before getting to bed. i was very tired yet a feeling
of being awake (strange).as soon as i lay down i was wide awake and fully alert. i could feel my body
shaking inside and out. then i don't know if i astral traveled or went into a past life but i was in another
land. i didn't recognize it, but the people were leading a white ox children dressed similar to the peruvian
style yet different. i seen a building, a ruin of ancient times. it's difficult to describe, but it consisted of lots
of small spaces i expect they were tiny rooms. the word catacomb's came to mind but then it couldn't have
been them as i believe they are underground and have no idea what they look like anyway.
this morning i had a client so didn't have a lot of time to do a healing on myself and didn't know what
sheree wanted us to do, so i tried doing a dkmo healing and there was nothing, in fact all was dark.
i worked with the soul and inner child with my client. and the whole session was quite aw some.
i had a feeling of empowerment i suppose you could call it. i felt it was my spirit self working if that makes
sense. i felt wonderful, beautiful. i feel i have found myself. i knew when i was working what a beautiful
soul i am. i know now how i have been hording all this rubbish and these ideas the ego. i have been fighting
myself all these years. now i know who i am and what i have to do. i feel so charged up and tingling, even
now i can feel my feet tingling as well as my head rising as every part of me is charged. i feel emotional but
its not a sadness its a happy emotion when we find what we have lost like finding my true spirit coming out
of the darkness into the light. i have always known i am good at my work but yet there was always the
nagging behind it all saying i'm not but now i know i am good i am good not the ego saying this.
i have been set free and i thank you sheree and every single one of you for your part. i don't know if there
will be more issues coming up, i'm not looking for them and if there is then that’s ok.

i love you all

thank you

i did my dkm meditation on friday. i was at the vortex clearing chat on thursday. it was

when i went into meditation friday afternoon, i reconnected with the vortex energy we created the night
before. then i drew the symbols in my four corners and center, penduled my palms, brought in source and
light and called in all my angels, spirit guides and dr usui, and others. i laid down and started the dkm
meditation at my crown. i must say that i did not have anything happen that was spectacular. in fact, the
only thing that was happening during the meditation for the entire duration of all 7 chakras was that my
mind was racing uncontrollably. in fact, it was rather uncomfortable and irritating. i can always count on
going into meditation to at least escape all the madness and 'noise' of the outside world. it is my reprise
from everything and everybody. however, this time i did not get that. all the previous meditations i was able
to get to a calm, clear place and to relax so deeply that at times i even fell asleep. i came out of this
meditation rather irritated and uptight. i felt like i needed another meditation to follow this one. i am
trusting though that i did receive what i needed to from this and the spirit and source were doing what i
needed. i was very consciously drawing the symbols and bringing in the light with each chakra. all this
seemed to do was irritate and excite. on a daily basis since then though, i have been very focused and calm.
i am in a calm, clear place and am able to pull myself out of any negative mental programming or
emotions. in the past i would go into a negative thought or emotion and then be caught almost in a
whirlpool of negativity going further and further into despair and negativity until i was about to break. i
have been able to stay pretty much above all of that though. it is very nice. i also have been aware of my
expectations that diane talked about. so, i am trying to release my expectations of what i think healing
should look like. i also remind myself that healing is like walking a labyrinth. you never pass that same
path twice even if at first it looks like you were at that spot before.

thanks for sharing and being part of this process with me. i appreciate it.

dear souls in the light,

just a note to say how much i appreciate you all and sheree for the
sacred space you have created here.

i still have an after glow of the ckr. still feeling expansive.

people who i haven't thought of in years, alive and deceased flutter
through my mind and as they do i feel the need to "send the into the
light". no special feelings come with the thoughts of these people.
i do not know if these are issues or not. i do know it is okay not
to know.

soooooo, these past days have been very gentle and loving. i am at
in the light,

hello everyone,

well--it took me until today to be ready for this process. i have not
had the opportunity to read your entries, but will read them later
today...i have spent the last few hours really absorbing my

it was really tough to do for me...but the experience was amazing and
i am still reeling in emotions and think i may be for some time.

the most amazing experience was from beginning...after my affirmation

i let go and felt a lot of pressure on my head and around my head
almost like a headache--i stayed there for some time allowing myself
to be filled with light and love and then moved down to my third

my third eye---i began to see colors: blue, indigo, green, indigo,

green, blue and indigo...then i was in a meadow--it was a vibrant
colorful meadow. i was there dancing, drifting lightly through it...i
was beautiful--long, flowing beautiful curly hair--dancing playfully
in a white flowing summer dress. i looked beautiful--i even had
flowers in my hair i was thinner than i a now---i felt like it was my
future self--it didn't feel like me now. i saw a round building it
was glowing and i ascended the steps lightly and naturally as if i
was an anxious child--i was alone in this meadow, but i didn't feel
alone i felt surrounded by peace, light and love. i went into the
building where i saw a round table. then i looked around the room
and the table was there i was in the middle of the table--surrounded
by chairs and people--people i didn't see their faces, but the people
were familiar to me. i was being asked questions and i was answering--
i don't know what the exchange was, but i remember i felt as if i was
conveying sadness. then these questions i remember:

me: why am i here?

them: you needed to see that you are not alone. that you are loved
and that you are surrounded by love. we are here with you to guide
and protect you.

it felt like it was time to go and i received a hug from each and
everyone (as i type this i feel an ache in my heart chakra).

me: i love it here. i don't want to go.

them: you must go.

me: will i be back?

them: absolutely.

me: i don't want to go. it is so beautiful and loving here and so

them: you have to. you must finish your journey.

me: may i ask one question. (they nodded) will i find love?

them: yes.

me: i know i said one question, but i have more, may i? (they
agreed) will i have love and get married and have children?
them: yes.

then i saw me the person i was in the meadow but i was with children.
i thought is that two or three and i felt two as confirmation to
answer me. then i was back in the open meadow--i felt so much love
and peace--it was truly beautiful.
i moved to my throat chakra and saw me at 19/20 in my parents living
room--i had sat down to talk to them--i informed them that i had been
going to see a therapist for about one year and discovered that i was
sexually abused as a child--at that point i wasn't sure what happened
but that i thought it was my brother jeff. they looked at me and
asked if i dreamed it? if this was a fantasy? they didn't believe
me and on some level i still don't think they do. it was significant
b/c once again i was not being heard and i was written off. i felt
pain in my lower back and my stomach---it was a twinging kind of
pain. i moved into my younger brother randy calling me crazy and a
liar about what i said.

i moved down to my heart chakra and felt a was

being filled with light and love and i was welcoming it.

i moved to my solar plexus--i saw me as a little girl in tap dance

outfit--a friend's birthday party. then i saw me being called fat,
lazy and ugly by both my brothers--i was in middle school--perhaps
just after 12 years old. i was afraid of both my brothers at that
time--they were so mean to me. i remember i started to really put on
the weight then---that must be when the abuse stopped because i
thought of weight and still do to some extent as my protector---if i
was fat and ugly no one would want me and no one would hurt me.

i moved to my sacral---the tears started to flow--i felt so much

sadnesss--- (edited)

at my sacral and root i felt chills take over me that coldness again-
-i have a lot of work to do on those two chakras. when i sat up--i
asked to be grounded and got up to get my journal---i felt like i was
in a haze and memories were still flooding in me....i sat down and
wrote and ask to be grounded on this plane again because i felt like
i was not grounded. i am feeling much better right now...but feeling
a little hazy.

i am still feeling the love from the third eye and the crown and
heart---so i am going to cling to those feelings for the rest of my
day as i go forward into a few things i must do. as i type all of
this--i keep getting some body memories i think that is what they are.

peace and love to you all, april

the past few days have been great. i have such a great feeling after
ckr . i felt wonderful to let go of some people/things and have all
of these positive feelings surface. but as the adage goes, what goes
up must come down. this morning, it was if all of the negative
things i have felt about myself started bubbling to the surface.
there have been times in my life when i have felt ashamed for
something i had done or more precisely something i hadn't done so
well. they were my deep dark secrets, which i kept buried hoping
that firstly, if i buried them deeply enough they would go away and
secondly, heaven forbid should someone find out about my shame, i
would never live it down. this has always been detrimental to me
because i have never been able to face these situations and talk to
someone who might able to advise me or to help me deal with the
problem from the beginning, possibly saving the day. in these
situations i always concentrate on the tree and miss the forest, and
this has been more detrimental and painful in the long run. for
example, i remember taking a course in college, which i wasn't doing
well in (near death situation for a straight a student), but was too
embarrassed to talk to my guidance counselor about it. had i done
so, i would have realized that i didn't need the credits and dropped
the course and it would have ended there. instead i ended up with a
bad grade, which affected my gpa permanent. this is just one example
of many such situations that continue to this day.
it has been the first time though, that i was actually able to look
at these situations without berating myself. i felt sort of
detached… like i was taking an objective inventory. i know that i
need to forgive myself for the past and forgive others who have made
me feel less than adequate. an old rhyme that we used to say as
children came to mind and i just realized how wrong it is. whenever
someone used to make fun of someone else, and i used to get my share
being overweight, we would always say "sticks and stones may break my
bones, but words can never hurt me"-and oh how wrong we were. we
just keep building up the protective armor, the thick skin and tried
to show that it didn't faze us, and slowly we became more timid. i
don't mean shy, i mean timid, quiet and out of the way-trying to
disappear into the woodwork, so that you were invisible and someone
did see you therefore they didn't make fun of you.
wow. i can't believe that i just wrote all of this. this is sooo
strange to me, it is so out of character. i am usually a very, very
closed person, especially when it comes to things deeply hidden in
the crevices of my psyche. it has become easier to open up and see
things from a different angle, something i never thought i would, not
only with you but also with myself. and i can credit this to your
love and light and the positive "telepathic" communication we all
have which raises our vibratory frequencies and allows us to heal
without reliving the depth of the pain.
having read all of your posts, i know that there are many of you that
have gone through very tragic situations and i know that compared to
what you have gone through, my issues appear so trivial. the only
thing i can say is that i feel your pain and return it with love,
surrounded by light for the best route towards healing to all. niki
dear sherre and group members!
the hardest part for me about the om was not doing it, but to share
it with you, oh boy, that is hard. the most difficult is writing
about the releasing of my uncle. i was sexually molested by him.
since i had memory, until the age of 12 years old. i followed the
instructions and i knew i was safe and protected. i knew the
archangels were there, i knew my holy guardian angels were there.
but facing that pain in the face, was difficult. i had blamed myself
for so long. i turned into an overachiever, always making sure that my parents
and siblings were happy with me, no matter what. i did not want them
to have a reason not to love me. so i made myself excell at
everything. as you can see, that its why was so hard to release this man into
the light, and with him all the shame and guilt i felt
over "protecting" my sister. i started having what doctors called
nervous stomach at the age of 4, which later developed in crohns
disease. due to this i lost my second son, in my third trimester.
however, i did release him and i asked the angels to take my pain
and guilt with it. praying for him has gotten easier, praying for my
cousins and sister it is something that i feel very good about. and
the best was praying for my son, who is in a very happy and loved
about my ckr
i did this, sunday around 12:30 am. i spend the saturday night in
preparation. i wanted to do it friday. but i felt i was not there
yet. it was so wonderful the relief and love, i felt. i had a
cleansing bath and then i had cleansed my room and extended the
symbols to the whole house. the whole house was filled with light
and love. then i called the divine light and love, with the 4
archangels around me, raphael, michael, gabriel, and auriel. i said
my affirmations of having the source light in me and around me to
cleanse, heal and purify us in all levels. i visualised the light
coming to my hands as i traced the symbols. after affirming and
praying for a while, i laid down. i saw the light coming in to my
crown and moving easily down to my third eyes, were visions of love
were just manifesting, i saw how much i was love, by my husband,
son, parents and family, as it went down my throat, i felt that i
can speak up, and that there is no shame in sharing my experiences
anymore, as it went down to my heart, i saw a emerald green and
salmon pink flower where my little girl(me) was sitting smiling at
me and i let her know, i love her so much, she let me know she
always love me. i move down to my solar plexus and my message there
was again i am love, i do not have to achieve it, it is. the navel
was more difficult, i got the sense of a lot of hurt been in there.
like i swallowed up and bundle it. so i intended to be unravel and
my womb felt tingling, here i also felt longing for my son and i
accepted this knowing that he is well. then finally to my root, and
i felt this as a vessel, a cup of sorts welling up with all the
light. all this time, i felt accepted and love, by the beings of
light, no judgment, i realized my judgment was from me. and i
intended to dissolve it. i say thanks to all and accepted their
gifts of realizations. thanks sheree for making it a safe and protected
place to talk and to learn. light and love, isabell
hello friends,

the ckr experience was absolutely wonderful. i feel as if i

was "transformed" overnight, if that is possible.

i started with setting up my space, pending palms, ckr etc., and then
went on to do my self reiki as usual( i usually listen to specific
music when i do reiki, it really helps me.) as soon as i placed my
hands over my eyes, my eyes started tearing for no apparent reason.
i say no apparent reason, because i did not feel said or remember
something which would have triggered such a reaction--or at least i
though i didn't. once the tearing cycle was over, i
could "visualize" that i lost or was separated from someone. the
weird thing is that this loss did not seem to be from this lifetime.
i didn't feel loss/sadness though. moving on to the next position
(side of face), i thought that i received 3rd degree burns on my ears
from the intensity of the heat. this eventually dissipated, and i
move onward. when i reached my throat charka, i saw the following: i
was holding open the door for an aunt of mine, waiting for her to
leave. i guess there are some issues here. growing up my mother's
attitude towards her always bothered me. my sister and i always felt
that she had "preferential" treatment by my mother, while at the same
time we always felt that this relationship was one sided and that she
did not feel the same. (she is a younger cousin of my mother's, with
whom my mother had an "mother/daughter" relationship growing up and
i guess that we were always envious of this.) she also was the
relative which the children (cousins) liked the least, as she was
strict and bossy, despite the fact that she was in her early 20's.
it felt good though, letting go.

the rest of my self treatment continued without a hitch-i fell

asleep during part of it as i usually do. given my very hectic
schedule, my free time is very limited. in this regard, i have asked
that whatever healing i need, that it also be provided as i sleep. i
think that this is what happened last night.

this morning when i woke up, i felt like something was lifted from my
shoulders--so high, so radiant, positive…like nothing could go wrong,
at least nothing which is in my power. i want to honestly say that
this is the first time i have felt like this. something is working….

thank you all for your love and light, which have helped raise the
vibratory frequency of this group and its healing potential.

in light,


finally, relief!

it was so nice to do this meditation with love, light, support, and protection. i really needed the healing this
process gave.

i followed the manual and did the process as described. i was actually really anticipating this one because i
know the power and comfort the healing energy can give.

when i was doing the opening affirmations, i felt an amazing shift in my energy and body. i felt all of you
there with me. i did the ckr symbols in the corners of my house as well as the center, earth and sky. i felt
myself within the pyramid of power from the aa michael meditation. i also felt you all surrounding me
sitting in the crystal chairs.

i concentrated on each chakra individually. i have known that i had a block in the 5th chakra, throat area. i
have been working through issues surrounding speaking my truth and feeling safe enough to voice my
truth. there was always a fear that the other would not want to hear what i had to say, would get mad with
me, or worse yet, reject me. i have a memory of me at about 10(?) wanting to talk with my parents after
them returning home. it was about midnight when they got back. i had something i really needed to talk
with them about. they were not even concerned why their 10 year old daughter was awake in the kitchen at
midnight. for some reason, this was not even a huge red flag for them. anyway, i attribute this to when i lost
my voice. i have since then felt that what i had to say did not matter and that if i did say it, i would not be
heard. i finally feel that it is time to heal this wound. i know that my voice matters and that i will be heard.
and, if i am not heard, it may not be me or what i am saying. it may be the other not willing to listen or
unwilling to listen. the rest of the meditation went fine. i spaced out after the solar plexus chakra. in all, it
took me 1 hour from start to finish. and i am so relieved to have had this healing and energy boost.

it is awesome!

thanks for listening and for hearing what i have to say.


hi all, so many things have been happening so fast it's been hard keeping up. before i even
laid down for the om the tears came because i was just certain that i was not going to have
anything to talk about. that you would all think i was unconnected because i don't always get
the results that everyone else gets. i wasn't good enough as i was. i should be like everyone
else. etc. etc. etc. then i calmed down and assured myself that this group would accept me as i
am. and what's wrong with being who i am? i don't have to be like everyone else etc. etc. in
the meditation mom and daddy came up and as i mentioned before i know they loved me and
did the best they could at that time so i hold no grudges but that little girl needed to feel that
love. she needed to feel special. so i saw myself at three sitting in their laps and they were
hugging and kissing me and telling me how much they loved me and what a wonder little girl
i was and how lucky they were to have me. (the things i constantly tell my grandchildren) i
stayed with that for quite awhile just being flooded with their love and acceptance. then i
drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling much lighter. however emotions were still high. for
the next couple of days i had to stay out of crowded places. i was in a grocery store sunday
that was quite crowded and i had to leave my husband there to finish checking out. i had to
get out or i would have broken down in tears. i have no idea why except that i highly
sensitive to energy right now and there may have been some negativity there. my hubby said
that my face was flushed and of course he was quite concerned. bless his heart. with all these
emotions coming up i have asked for guidance on how to bring them to the surface. it's
starting to happen. there are things that have happened over the years that caused me pain
and if i think about them i still get a knot in my stomach or the tears come. i'm having a inner
dialogue with these people and then letting it go. in some instances i know it's time to let
them go from my life. i was a pack rat. i kept holding on to them and resenting them at the
same time. and when i can think about these instances and feel nothing then i know it's gone.
some are taking longer than others. some i feel are my fault because i could not be upset
unless i bought into their opinions. but when you have very low self-esteem and self worth
it's easy to be swayed. since my meditation i feel like i have so much more self confidence
and self esteem. i feel good about myself and i have no intention of letting anyone make me
feel inferior again. i still have a lot to deal with but as i said before i feel so much lighter. also
found out the hard way that sugar was just as bad for me right now as being in crowds. i got
the same results. actually any chemicals. diet soda is nothing but chemicals and that really
did a job on me. i hope i didn't ramble too long. love & light, sheila

and the real challenges

during the second project, it came to me to keep all the questions and responses that were
posted. i wish i had done so in the first project, but didn’t think of it. i honestly had no
idea what this project could become. these select q & a’s are from one six week process
only, but they will help you enormously. please read them. i am eternally grateful to the
brave souls that came, opened their hearts for this delicate and sacred healing, and left a
stunning record of their growth for others to witness. i can assure them that no greater gift
will they ever give. to personally witness the healing of another, to know and feel their
unfoldment is deeply humbling and sacred beyond words. i have left out the names due to
the intensely personal notes shared here. please forgive me that this has not been properly
edited yet. in time. i don’t worry so much about that.

i have posted the q & a’s beginning at the start of the process, and continues as it actually
unfolded. i have purposely included only the more difficult situations that arose in order
to balance the wonderful, gleaming comments in the overall feedback. it would not be
fair to the reader to withhold the moments of great difficulty, pain and despair. these
moments are every bit as important as the moments where light came bursting through to
shine as miracles in our awareness. to experience all of these together is the magic and
wonder of this group process.

there were moments of bliss and moments of nothingness. bare quiet. moments where
people felt like they needed to do things a second time, and moments of heart wrenching
despair and heart openings. moments of panic over physical sensations, emotional
sensations, mental exhaustion, and more. each day presented new challenges, questions,
doubts, illumination, releasing, clarity, and aha glimpses into the intimate workings of the
universe. it was all there. from the depth of ego hell, to the highest light experience, this
process walked us through all aspects of ourselves. we could not have done this without
source light. the angels were present the entire way.

several have dropped off, for it is not an easy journey. it requires great courage and belief
in the power of love and light to hold you through it all. this process has been divinely
guided and protected since it’s inception. nothing can harm it or the hopeful souls who
enter to redefine themselves. we are surrounded in the great source light, and it is good.

thank you god. thank you angels.


friends in the light:

so glad to hear all the sharing. i had posted about the silence
earlier and did not see anyone begin so i was afraid to intrude on
that silence.

well you can imagine how difficult it is to open at the heart level to strangers. it is truly
the biggest hurdle to jump on a soul opening project like this. people will usually be very
cautious, and apprehensive at first. but, source works miracles. and so do we. :-)

love, sheree


(for some reason, i don’t have the original question, but the response will assist you in
any case)

i have found that sometimes we repress certain emotions and memories for a host of
reasons, and our current loved ones (friends included) bear the brunt of those stuffed,
hidden desires, feelings, etc. your memories of the boy you spoke of, have an energy, and
that energy is alive, floating about outside your full conscious knowing waiting to be seen
and understood in the context of your life now. that is why they are being shown to you.
those old memories have something to do with your current life experience. they are
likely connected in some way. it is far more complicated than this, but it is a clue. and
one clue will lead to another. you don't have to figure it all out. let the messages come-
write them down - ask for help and answers will come, but the good news is that the light
has shown you where to look.



i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who didn't see people in my om they were
expecting to see! i wonder if perhaps there are layers? maybe we have to do a first
layer of forgiving before we can more on to other layers?

i recall that there were others in our first group that had the same experience and it was
strange for them. but, some things were illuminated later on, in a way that brought some
understanding. i do read a lot about this idea of *peeling an onion*. that would be
appropriate here. it is released on some level of a closer awareness-where it can *seep* in
gently - sometimes through dreams perhaps. i have seen both situations. this is why it is
so important not to judge things. we have no idea of knowing anything for certain, and as
soon as we make up our mind about this or that, we may disallow the bigger message. try
to remain fully open and allowing. write things down. look at them, then ask for help to
see the meaning. you will be shown. it may not be right now. or next week. but, you will
be shown.

love, sheree

now i seem to be in emotional turmoil started this
evening. i no longer feel i trust my husband, an
emotion i never thought possible for me to have.
now my instincts tell me to protect myself emotionally as i
feel very vulnerable and afraid..... almost in a
child like way.

love & light

these emotions are coming from the part of you that is deeply afraid. these emotions are
not unusual. whenever we make a declaration to truly heal, we will meet with all kinds of
stuff that pushes our buttons. it is appropriate in order to awaken to ourselves. without the
awakening to the truth of you, it will be impossible to heal the false you. the ego mind
that wishes for you to be stuck in distrust of everyone and everything. during this
process- please do not make any rash decisions or make any judgments about anything.
the ego will play tricks on you now. last ditch effort thingy. let her play her harmless
games. they are not for you. turn your face to the light and own it. you showed up to the
game in full uniform, waiting for your turn at bat,. time to hit one out. :-) you have many
loving hearts here to journey with. ……sheree


i can honestly say that last night i was really wondering why i was putting myself
through this process and digging up the past. i even dragged out my high school
yearbooks to look at. am i torturing myself here or what? ha, ha! anyway, i am
keeping faith and trust that i would not be here if there was not a reason. and,
seeing my daughter wrap those toddler arms around me is enough for me to keep
on keeping on. see you all tonight in the chat and see you at the finish line.........

keeping the faith is all you really need to get to the other side. :-) and your daughter is
infused with angel energy to assist you. you are very fortunate. i have the same in my
daughter. the lights hoped you would be ready for this. they gave you a companion. you
are on task. perfect !!!

love, sheree


i'm wondering if i'll find anger as i go through the process, and i'm afraid that i
won't be able to stand it. i feel so raw and exposed now. i don't quite trust myself
to protect me. i know that i have loving energy surrounding me, but my self-
reputation is that i forget to work with the energy lessons i learn. i forget to give
myself treatments, don't have time to meditate, forget to call on angels & guides
and soon i end up alone again with just daydreams. i'm grateful that this is a group
working on it - i trust myself to participate a lot more than i trust myself to take
care of me.

all self love happens as we chose to make it so. :-) the choice to be love is often very
painful. because experiencing love includes illuminating that which isn't. do not worry,
all is well.



i was kind of hoping for some feedback on that part though - would some (all?) of
the attraction i felt be because of this project and the releasing that's happening?
would any guy who was the first i flirted with cause these stomach flutters, simply
because my stomach's ready to flutter? i wouldn't even give him my phone
number (though i did promise to find him when i go shopping next saturday ;-)
because i felt a need to keep some distance while i'm doing this work... though it
was all i could do not to go back and invite him to a movie! does this sound like
part of the project?


this does indeed come as part of the awakening/healing gift basket ;-) ain't it grand!
when i first experienced the truth of things, all kinds of things, as you describe, happened
to me. people would say hello to me constantly. i recall sitting on the bleachers at a
basketball practice for my son, and no one was there. one woman walked in, walked all
the way to the top, where i was sitting, and sat down right next to me. that had never
happened. people would sit down next to me at movie theaters when every other seat was
open- and it would piss me off at first. this went on for some time, and still does, when i
am in light. this is a new vibe. if you can keep it, you better get used to these things.


my logical mind kept feeding me thoughts of disappointment and

discouragement that i wanted my result to be 'better' or different
but as soon as these thoughts would enter they would be replaced by
a knowing that i need to release my ideas of what a healing should
look, feel or act like. i need to release my idea that giving up old
beliefs and perceptions must be a painful struggle where the old is
torn from my clutching grasp while i am left dangling with no
support. so i trust that my healing is complete and that healing can
truly be peaceful and soft and easy on my heart and soul.
love to you all.


…sometimes, we just need to stop ourselves and celebrate our wins. and this one is huge.
where we stop the thought process that screams 'you're doing it all wrong you stupid
bitch!" i have heard that wench many a times while on my path. i have learned to live in
peace with her, for the most part. she knows i am no fool. i love her dearly, for i
understand her, and i created her. but, i can also uncreate her. sheree


i just feel tired... my actual thought was that i just feel too tired to have to control
what's happening. don't know why i feel i have to control it, but i wonder if that's
one more reason why i'm not comfortable meeting and befriending people. it's just
so much work. i don't know why i feel i have to control it, but i don't know if i can
manage not trying to control. wish we could have group hugs too... i used to go to
overeaters anonymous meetings just because they always ended with a big group

everything you are feeling is normal. :-) honestly. there is alot going on with you now,
energetically. that is why i ask people not to get too involved in other things, or take
additional reiki attunements while they are doing the rhp. this is sacred work, and
requires your full attention. it is exhausting at times, and exilerating at others, and it will
likely go back and forth. be patient with yourself sweetie. all is truly well. the universe is
opening up to you, and you to it. this will bring a shift. and you will feel this as it
happens. the more you simply allow for whatever you are feeling, and observe it with
source light, the easier it will be. call on the angels to assist- and source. if you resonate
to the energy known as jesus, i would certainly call upon him to illuminate all things, and
help you with your discomforts. if you resonate to a different energy, please connect.
there are trillions of lights available to you, including your own guardian angels and
guides. speak to them daily please. never hesitate to post here for help. :-)



wow--these exercises we have done really are hard work. if you told me
answering those questions would be painful, profound and difficult--i wouldn't
have guessed. while i must say i do have some resistance with them--i really think
they are truly beneficial because had niki or samantha not responded it may not
have brought to my awareness that i am still affected by those feelings.

we can all relate to what you have written. all of us, in some way. the wonderful thing
about doing group healing is the exchange of information and feeling. people usually do
not open up with each other. it's all an act. in a situation like this, the light is made visible
and we see we are alike in so many ways. all humans are the same, with the same fears.
our self love is what heals. you are grand and gorgeous. once we finish this process, you
are free to release all unloving thoughts about yourself. don't even write them anymore.
for now, it is necessary to dig deep and learn with god's lamp, but when we are done, we
can make the conscious effort to move beyond the past. think only good thoughts about
yourself. our ego's love to torment us. this process will put the ego in her place. we
emerge as butterflies- and free of bondage- all transformed and ready to fly. our pasts will
always be a part of us. and we love every part of ourselves. but, there is a brighter day
ahead. and we know this. we affirm our wanting of it- and take action each day to bring it
forth into our awareness. it will not always be easy- but we are cleansed and we are
powerful. we take a dozen witness's with us who know the truth of our light and beauty.
all is well. now- and forever.



this entire experience has been very strange for me and i really don't
know what to make of it. i guess there are lessons here. i am just
not clear as to what they are. the only thing that comes to my mind,
given that we are working with the shk symbol, is that many times our
emotional issues manifest themselves as physical symptoms. i know
that when i am under a lot of stress/pressure, i get ill. it is sort
of my body's way of telling me to slow down. this sort of
scratching the surface, especially since i can't understand why i
find it so difficult to diet, why i feel that i need to keep the
buffer, despite the fact that is unhealthy…i will continue on my path,
because only when we come to terms with self can we really forgive,
grow and move forward. much love and light to all,

yes, this is not unusual at all. we all had sensations such as the ones you describe. do not
worry- they will pass. when i told you all that this process is not for sissies, did you think
i was kidding? when i asked you to sign a release form, did you wonder why? lol i know
what you are going through. you are clearing- cleansing- purifying- healing- and
receiving more light into your being than you have ever received while in this body.
believe it.

you are healing on the mental and emotional level in big ways. every single solitary
thought you have ever held- in all lifetimes - that was not aligned with light is now
aligning because you have asked that it be done. you have consciously chosen to heal.
many people have no clue what this really entails. you are getting a sense of it. but, are
you dead? are you bleeding from your eyeballs yet? are you pulling your hair out? are
your feet webbing right before your eyes. ;-) of course not. this is thee most gentle way
the light has to assist you- through the light of love and reiki. but, it comes with a few
energetic adjustments. it passes. it passes. it passes.

i found the shk to be the most intense for me. i cried for days. i had aches and pains out
the ass. i was also pissed at the world. only the angels kept me sane as i was trying to do
the process myself, and guide others. it was a difficult week- and then it passed. :-)
i shall repeat what i have said: do not resist what you are going through. do not judge
what you are going through. you must trust that all is well. you must accept that you will
*feel* certain things. let your body go into the arms of source light and stay calm and
centered. better advice i do not have. but, i do indeed understand your thoughts and
feelings. aren't you glad i suffered first? ;-)

imagine a dark, dank, simmering volcano that hasn't stirred in centuries- full of lies, deep
pain, shame, suffering beyond words, guilt, enormous fear, and illusion. what if that
volcano begged to cleanse, and then one day everything came spewing out? it would be
quite ugly perhaps. it would earth moving. compare what you are going through with this
process to that. put it into perspective my friend.

love and blessings, sheree


hi group, i did the shk exercise today and i like kate do not remember a lot about it. i did not
have any childhood issues come up but i was interrupted near the end. i might do it again. i
felt a lot of energy on the crown and third eye but then it seemed to settle down. i felt very
relaxed and calm but i was a little disappointed.

you are feeling normal feelings. :-) first of all, you are deeply loved girlfriend.
we go into everything with an *idea* of what something will look and feel like, and then,
when things go differently, our ego's get in there and cause us to question, doubt and feel
badly. just another tactic in the ego arsenal. you will get used to noticing them more and
more. this particular tool is very useful to the ego, since most of us have great difficulty
not judging things. the only way to dissolve this ridiculous tool is to stop judging.

the tool goes to work as soon as you have judged, which happens all the time for 99% of
the people on the planet. it happens to me daily. i am becoming better at being aware
however, and this is the path. awareness. when you feel disappointment it is because
you held an expectation. you invested in it on some level - maybe not consciously. truth
be told, it matter not at this point. release it all. you have no use for it. it is a distraction
from the good that is happening for you as we speak.

many of us want fireworks- drama- big meaning to spill forth and make miracles visible.
this will happen as we grow *upwards*. but, in glimpses mostly. sometimes, energy
works below the radar. you will *sense* it soon enough. don't anticipate it. become your
best observer. you will learn more by raising your light elevation above the level of the
body and watching your reactions to life. sometimes healing is years in the making.
sometimes, it happens in an instant- and we will not know why this occurs.

it is a waste of precious time to analyze everything. just let it go and know that all is
well. let your ego know "nice try". take what's next- and let it unfold *naturally*.

go with the flow into the river of light. you do not need another shk process. i promise.
you got exactly what the doctor ordered.

love, sheree


(clipped) i was figuring i'd let myself re-do the forgiveness/michael meditations
over the weekend if i needed to. is that a helpful idea, or would you recommend
against it?

i have to be careful, because i don't want to recommend against anything. it is my intent
that you will follow your heart. if you feel you would like to do the aa michael meditation
for this specific item, i sense that this is a great idea. but, if we go back to repeat
something simply because the first round was uneventful, i don't see that as useful. in
fact, i see that as likely confusing to our being. that this memory has surfaced is not to be
ignored. it is why we do this process. to recall, forgive, love -light and release. so- yes, i
would do the meditation for this item :-) please let us know how it goes. you are a brave
soldier and an inspiration to us all.



i want to run away…i want to

stay. the more i try to refocus, to concentrate, the dizzier i
get. my head feels like it weighs 1000 pounds with pins and needles
stuck all over the place-like it is expanding, like my brain is
enlarging and is spilling over outside my skull. i don't know how
else to describe it. i seem to be elsewhere-physically here but my
sprit/soul is observing from a distance. things just flow. i have
become an observer-less reactive, more passive.

i know it will pass. it is just so hard to go through this in all of

the other dimensions of existence and simultaneously have to function
on an earthly plane.

i am sorry if i am rambling…it has just been very hard for me-letting

go and trusting.

love and light to all,

yep, yep and more yep. :-) i am sorry love. i know it can be challenging. if it is too much,
it is important that you make the conscious decision to either slow down, or cease the
process until you are feeling better. yes, you can forge on, if you have trust and a strong
faith. but, please be mindful of your physical needs. this is a serious and major clearing
process; the likes of which i have never experienced. it comes with all of the above
physical sensations- and miracles. your healing journey will not be over when we are
finished with this process. it will go on, and new things will come to light over time. this
is the beginning.

if you are using the pendy to balance your energies daily, you should have an easier time
of it. also, self reiki and lots of water and healthier eating. please get outside and
walk/breathe for at least 15 minutes each day if your are experiencing significant mental
-emotional or discomfort and headaches. self nurturing and alone time is good too.
this is your time. it isn't about anyone else but you and your healing journey.
lastly- ask yourself - honestly - if there is something you are resisting.

love, sheree


hi sheree

as i wasn't ready to do the sei he kei, i did a reverse turn today and went back to
the meditation and cho-ku-rei over again.

just need to clue everyone in before i speak to this. (name) was the only one in chat last
night until the last minute when isabell arrived. i thought it odd for a second, but have
learned that nothing is by accident. i assumed that there was important info that either
she needed from me- with full attention - or i from her. it turned out to be both.

i had read her posting yesterday about repeating the ckr. my *sense* was that it was fine
to do, if she felt the urge. i am always hesitant to tell people what to do. it is so important
to be our own person and follow our heart. i had no significant concerns at the time, but
*something* about it was off in my mind. diving timing played a critical role last night in
teaching me more about how this works. (name) was the catalyst. :-)

i began the chat between her and i asking her about her posting. i found it to be very
interesting, and felt there was valuable info in it for me and the process as a whole- so i
know from experience, that in order to get to the answers, i have to ask the right

after a couple of minutes she stated that she had formulated her om list with specific
people in mind, but those people did not show up for release. or, in any other way.
instead, other people showed up. i intuited that these people that showed up for her in the
om were recent issues. she confirmed this. it's not what she expected. she has negative
feelings towards these people, who once were friends. she was devastated by their
actions. these are the ones that showed up in her om- uninvited it *appears*. this
confused her- and possibly made her more angry. in any case, it was not satisfactory to

my guides showed me that she will need to release the current people and the
current situation, to some degree, before enough light can *get in* to help her heal
the deeper childhood issues. the current energy body is not conducive for inner child
healing at this point. that is my impression. there are blockages of great anger that will
likely prevent her from a light filled and productive process. it can be easily rectified. :-)
she asked me how and i advised her to see these people with light eyes. she admitted this
would be very difficult. i explained that she can take as much time as she wants, but the
truth of her and them will shine sooner or later- and delay is not in anyone's best interest.

she can ask for help- have patience, and do the inner work it will take each day, with
dedication to be light. it may unfold to her great benefit this week, this month, or next
year. it might be several lifetimes. the choice is hers to make. she will not be able to make
it alone. she will need the help of the light. this is where miracles come in. fact is, there
are messages in the current situation that she needs in order to proceed. or, she can
proceed without them, only to circle back around for what was intended before.

the light was correct in showing her those *specific* people for release at the 1st om.
she can move forward of course, without trust in the light, and do what she feels is best
for her. or, she can allow. she can know that the highest lights of heaven are on it.

the important lesson for me is to truly remember that our healing process is very
individual. there are never any hard and fast rules. yes, we will share some similarities,
but ultimately, the process is quite personal. i suspect that after i have been doing this a
few years, more answers will come. :-)

(name) courage and honesty in sharing has helped me and this process in ways that are
immeasurable. this posting, which will go in the new q & a portion of the manual, will
save so many souls a tremendous amount of time. and, i am grateful to her. and to the
angels with her that communicated to me.

love, sheree

sheree, is this normal? has anyone undergone any physical symptoms

such as this? i know from my experience doing a past life regression
experience back in the fall--i felt everything from my past life
physically and no one else had. it was a tremendous experience and
unbelievable how i felt it physically. maybe that is my "gift" i use
that term loosely because while it is something extraordinary it
isn't necessarily always fun. i am grateful for the ability.

i have good news and bad news. the good news is that it is normal. the bad news is that it
is normal. ;-) you are a normal. i hope not to disappoint you. it's all good and useful and
trustworthy. how do i know? because i know the truth. you are in god's hands.
i have walked this road. i have witnessed all of these things in others. all is well. trust the
light. you are right on track. kick back, enjoy the view of yourself.



gosh, i'm really struggling with this one.

i've been getting a little braver about not wearing my earplugs constantly - mostly
because it isn't too noisy, and when it does get noisy it doesn't last long. but now
my closest neighbor is getting loud again and having lots and lots of company
from 5pm through midnight and on until i go to bed (he's mid to early 20s, and
even though he works - i do remember that one doesn't need much sleep in the
20s)... the reason i mention the company is because they park so that they block
my driveway and this drives me crazy, even if i'm not going anywhere. i know it's
super petty on my part but it freaks me out as badly as noise does. i'm constantly
popping up and down to look out the window and see if anyone's parked
inappropriately -- which is to say, i react the same way to this "violation" as i do
to noise. (my voice of reason reminds me that they don't do it as often as they
used to, and they do move the cars readily when i do need to go somewhere).
then i sat down planning to do the exercise, finally, and while reading it, it
sounded to me like this is very very much an ego problem for me. especially since
the words that go through my head are ones about how unfairly i'm being treated,
how i'm being disrespected and how i shouldn't allow myself to tolerate this
treatment. so even though my deeper self is being bullied by my ego... i know my
inner self isn't so much meek as it is mild, but after the ego lecture i start feeling
like i am being cowardly and meek and small by not handling the situation as
aggressively and obsessively as necessary.

i'm also aware of some childhood/mother themes going on in these dialogues also.
(hey, maybe i am doing the exercise after all lol). but last night, i just couldn't sit
down and do any writing about it. i decided to play with my pendulum and alpha-
chart. i tried once before with my first pendulum, but last night i used my newer
one (the warrior goddess one) because i just thought she'd be the one for the alpha
work. (yes, this is related because i asked about my noise problems). to my
shocked surprise i seemed to get some information, and after the previous
paragraph i'm thinking my guide was chiding my ego. it's still rough for me, so i
didn't get full sentences. i also noticed that the spelling was pretty lose. a few
weeks ago i would have assumed it wasn't working, but last night i thought that if
you say the light is making your spelling worse then a light source probably isn't
going to pay much attention to spelling - so i was more liberal and just asked y/n
if i was translating correctly. my first message was worn vuz, which i confirmed
to mean worn views - as in i'm looking at stuff the way i always do and i'm just
wearing it out (like a worn spot in a rug). i couldn't make a lot of sense of the next
few q/a's, but the last message i got was that i was exaggerating (u r xgr) (doesn't
look like exaggerate but i got a y and i heard the word spoken in my head so i
went with it). i think both sounds like a message to my ego - that i'm a broken
record that makes things even worse than they are... (and if i'm honest, i have to
admit that's true).

you are so wise beyond your years. you are a teacher. own it. you know this stuff. you are
awake and aware :-) that is the truth of the matter.

from your writing - it sounds to me that you are in contact with an angel or spiritual
guide. please try not to judge any messages as *dark* just because they make you flinch.
the light tells it like it is. they don't often sugar coat things. they don't see things the way
we do. they state facts. as they see it. we often take offense and think if it's not loving, it's
evil. that is our ego perspective. if you look on as an observer, you will see better. worn
vuz is a perfect example of the kind of messaging i get. to the point to the max. . and
kudos to you for the translation. few would have picked that up. they do like to use
symbology. so, what you were getting in your head was matching up. this is how it works
for me too. as i am penduling, i am also hearing and sensing. it all flows together. if we
are open. i love the "you are exagerating." the light you have with you- and it is light - is
setting a tone with you and is hoping you will feel it. picture this light from what you
have heard thus far. i see a calm, centered, intelligent and kind soul light who will not
waste time or energy. she will lift you up through common sense and truth. thank her
darlin. and thank yourself. you have come a damned long way and i am so pleased to be
part of it. keep reading more in the pendy files. keep talking and posting. i am lovin' your
presence. sheree

sheree and all

right now i'm crying and scared because i'm afraid there's going to be a loud party
and i won't be able to cope and i just don't know what to do. i don't want to go
home but my babies (cats) are there and i can't go far from them. i just don't know
how i'm supposed to cope; i know there's worse things going on in the world but i
get so distracted by the noise and my fears and i can't think anymore. i just don't
understand how people manage to tolerate it


dearest, i am so sorry you are having this fear and pain hon. i do understand. i wish i
could make it all go away for you. this, of course, is to be expected. you have taken the
plunge to heal. you signed up for the dive. the universe, that loves you, believes you.
all the stuff that blocks us from being whole will be brought to the surface for healing
and release. no doubt about that. it will happen. no matter what. you are being given
*another* opportunity to choose fearlessness.

the doctors were not wrong when they said it is all in our mind. it is. i recall doing a
reading for you, and i suspect there are some answers in there, if you judge not what
answers look like. you are now faced with a choice. and you are fully awake now- so you
cannot really run and hide - because you made the trip to the light and you can now see.

what you can do is drop to your knees and thank source for giving you yet another chance
to trust and have faith in your self. you will choose to heal from this issue. you may need
to work daily with reiki at the crown-third eye and ears. i would self reiki daily twice for
15 minutes each and ask source and aa raphael to heal you of this *fear*. it will be done. i
promise. i can feel it to my core.

you must believe that you deserve unconditional love. you do. all you ask for is given.
but, we have to do the inner work. the angels cannot do it for you.

this is happening honey because it must. it is your response to this we can control. you
may not have all the answers right now. you will in time. trust and believe and do the
daily inner work with love and patience in your heart. as you show yourself that you
aren't weak anymore; things will be revealed to you, but not until you are strong enough
and open enough. now is the time. stop responding negatively. each time you see these
people- see the christ in them - make yourself. make yourself. send love and light to
them. bless them and the house they live in. ask god to grow them a lovely garden. ask
god to surround them with love. fake it if you have to- just reject any negative thoughts
towards these people now. reject fear and sadness. you know the truth. operate from the
truth. as you elevate your own energy and ask for light for them, you will start

to see small minute differences, that will evolve into larger differences, and then before
you know it, this issue will be healed.

and you will - by then - know what caused the issue- and many more details. if you wish
to. or you can smile and say..."wow! cool". you will have to have the strength of mind to
choose. you will not be ready emotionally, but you do have the mental capacity to call the
thing up. you can delay and sink back into old habits. it is your choice. no one is going to
save you from this hon. you must be the one. take control of your emotions with god's

end of q and a

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