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Chapter 8 – Data Management

Data Management is accessed via the middle button in the upper left corner of
the screen.

Each database entry shows its transfer status.

The Local database is shown by default.

For information on sorting Data Management, refer to Defaults for Data

Management on page 13-44.

Clearing Space on the Local Database

Note The amount of empty space in the local database is shown above the To Do


To clear space for new studies.

The following delete options are available (see Figure 8-1):

[Delete Selected] Deletes all selected studies

Deletes studies that were already transferred (for these studies

[Delete Transferred]
the Transferred column has value = Transferred)

[Delete Archived] Deletes studies that were archived

After pressing one of these three buttons, the Confirm Delete popup appears
(see Figure 8-2).

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Clearing Space on the Local Database Data Management

The [Delete selected] button is disabled by default. To enable this button, place
a checkmark in the Delete untransferred data checkbox. The transfer status
of data that has not been transferred appears in red

To delete data:

1. Select the data to be deleted.

To select multiple items, hold down <Ctl> and click on each item.

Note • To deselect data that has not been transferred, hold down <Ctl> and click
the data.
• To delete all data listed, select [Delete Selected].

2. Click the [Delete Selected] button. The Delete Studies dialog appears, see
Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1 Delete Studies Dialog

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Infinia + Hawkeye 4 User’s Guide
Data Management Transferring Data

Figure 8-2 Confirm Delete popup

Transferring Data


To transfer data to Processing and Review stations in addition to Auto Transfer

at the end of acquisition. It is possible to transfer data to PACS systems.

Infinia data must not be transferred to or archived on an eNTEGRA system. This will
cause loss of data attributes.

1. Click on relevant source button to view the contents of this source


2. Select the appropriate data from the selected source repository.

3. Click on the appropriate destination button to initiate the transfer.

4. Ensure that the data has been transferred to the destination by selecting
the Transfer Log tab.

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Infinia + Hawkeye 4 User’s Guide
Opening a Completed Study Data Management

5. Check the progress of the transfer. An icon appearing alongside the study
identifies the status as shown in the table below.

Icon Description

Archived Icon – Shows that data has been archived on PACS

via storage commit. Studies are marked as archived if all
images were successfully received and a storage commit
message was received.

Transferred Icon – Data was transferred. The icon will not

appear unless all images were successfully auto-transferred or
manually transferred to at least one destination.

Note To clear the list of completed jobs in the Transfer Log, select the
[Hide Completed] checkbox.

[Cancel Send] can be used to cancel a transfer

Opening a Completed Study

1. Click on the local source button to view the contents of this source

2. Double click on the desired study.


Select the appropriate study and click [View Study].

The study session is opened at the Review tab and shows the acquired
scans. Additional scans can be added (refer to Adding a Scan to a Study
on page 6-20).

Note As long as a study is open, it remains in the To Do List and its status remains

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Data Management Infinia-Xeleris Connectivity

Infinia-Xeleris Connectivity

z Infinia can only transfer data to Xeleris processing stations.

z Certain Xeleris factory applications are options and do not have a

default definition as Ignite applications.

z Workaround: A simple way to enable such applications for Ignite is the


On Xeleris:

 Clone the desired application.

 Shutdown and restart Xeleris.

On Infinia:

 From System Configuration, select the DICOM Stations tab. Select

the Xeleris station and press [Get Auto-Processing App. List].

 Within the Protocol Editor append the desired "user" application for
auto-processing to the auto-processing list.

 Test run the Infinia protocol to see that auto-processing takes place
on Xeleris

z Starting with Xeleris v.1.1, Whole Body Slicing for Infinia has the
capability to compute fused images for MFOV scans with CT/AC “ON”.
This feature is not available in Xeleris 1.0.

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Infinia + Hawkeye 4 User’s Guide
Data Transfer Troubleshooting Data Management

Data Transfer Troubleshooting

Dataset Transfer Problems

If problems occur in dataset transfer:

1. Perform a Partial shutdown of the Infinia application.

2. Restart the application and attempt the transfer again.

3. If the failure persists, perform a Partial shutdown again.

4. Perform a DB Recovery as follows:

Windows Start buttonÆ Programs Æ Infinia Acquisition Console Æ

DB Recovery

5. Wait two minutes after the activation of the recovery. Restart the application
and attempt the transfer again.

If the failure persists, fill in a problem report (see Creating a Problem

Report on page 12-8) and attach the study to the problem report by
selecting the checkbox. Notify the Online Center of the problem report. In
the description of the problem. Please be sure to mention the following:

z Date and time the scan was acquired

z Details about the events that occurred during the acquisition of this

z When double clicking the problematic dataset, is the dataset displayed

in the viewing card?

If the untransferred dataset(s) are the five spots acquired with a Whole Body
Step & Shoot scan, take note that this data is intentionally not transferred from

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Infinia + Hawkeye 4 User’s Guide

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