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================================================================== CHANGES.txt is a list of code changes for each release of PyCrust. ================================================================== ===== 0.8.

1 (12/20/2002 to //2002) ===== Improved keyboard handling with Autocomplete active. You can now use Enter as well as Tab to select an item from the list. ----Disabled autocomplete for lists of 2000 items or more. The current implementation of wxSTC can't handle lists this big. ----Changed filling to always display docstrings for objects. This is useful for objects whose docstrings have been decorated, rather than coming directly from the source code. (Hmmm. Sounds like someone is doing some decorating. I wonder where that would be helpful. ;-) ----Fixed handling of icon. Added file. ----===== 0.8 (10/29/2002 to 12/16/2002) ===== Added "help" to startup banner info. ----Made all wx and stc imports explicit. No more import *. ----Replaced use of wx's true and false with Python's True and False. ----Changed introspect.getRoot() to use tokenize module. This does a slightly better job than the previous parsing routine and the code is clearer. ----Improved handling of whitespace and empty types during introspection. ----Fixed cut/copy clipboard problem under Linux. (Robin Dunn rocks!!!) ----Added shell.about() which works like this: >>> shell.about() PyCrust Version: 0.8 Shell Revision: 1.80 Interpreter Revision: 1.15 Python Version: 2.2.2 wxPython Version: Platform: linux2 ----Added copy plus and paste plus to shell menu. ----Moved shell menu from to ----Added sys.stdin.readlines() support. ----Added time.sleep() in readline() and OnIdle() event handler to free up the CPU. ----=====

0.7.2 (2/22/2002 to 8/27/2002) ===== Tweaked getAttributeNames() to pick up a few more attributes: '__bases__', '__class__', '__dict__', '__name__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name' ----Added a tests directory and unit tests. ----Improved support for empty types in the shell: [], () and {} as far as when call tips and autocompletion are available. Added support for the other triple string - ''''''. ----Refactored to improve testability. ----Improved call tips for unbound methods by leaving the "self" parameter, since unbound methods require an instance be passed. ----Fixed call tip bug where a tip was displayed when a "(" was typed after an object that wasn't callable. ----Fixed getAllAttributeNames when str(object) fails. ----Added brace highlighting. (Thank you, Kevin Altis.) ----Fixed problem displaying unicode objects in PyFilling. ----Changed how checks for expandable objects. Lists are now expandable objects. ----Made the key handling more robust when there is an active text selection that includes text prior to the last primary prompt. Thanks to Raul Cota for pointing this out. ----Fixed wxSTC problem with brace highlighting and non-us keyboards. (Thank you for the patch, Jean-Michel Fauth.) ----Added busy = wxBusyCursor() to key point in shell and filling. ----Added OnCloseWindow handler to ShellFrame and CrustFrame. ----Default to SetWrapMode(1) for shell and namespace viewer. ----Added shell.wrap() and shell.zoom(). ----Added Raul Cota autoCompleteKeys hooks. ----Cleaned up various little key handling bugs. ----Changed input methods to get values from shell, rather than dialog boxes. Renamed readIn to readline and readRaw to raw_input. ----===== 0.7.1 (12/12/2001 to 2/21/2002) ===== Fixed OnChar() issues effecting European keyboards, as reported by Jean-Michel Fauth. -----

Fixed issue with xmlrpc objects reported by Kevin Altis. ----Fixed some introspect/PyFilling issues with regard to Python 2.2. ----Fixed font background color as reported by Keith J. Farmer. (Thanks) ----Fixed problem with call tips and autocompletion inside multiline commands as report by Kevin Altis. ----Improved OnKeyDown handling of cut/copy/paste operations based on feedback from Syver Enstad. (Thanks) ----Added a method to display some help info. ----Changed sort of items in the namespace viewer to case insensitive. ----Changed attributes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.upper(), y.upper())) in advance of an upcoming fix to an autocompletion matching bug in wxSTC. ----Improved support for ZODB by allowing namespace drilldown into BTrees. ----Added shell.PasteAndRun() to support pasting multiple commands into the shell from the clipboard. Ctrl+Shift+V or v. ----Enter now always processes a command (or copies down a previous one.) To insert a line break, press Ctrl+Enter. ----Escape key clears the current, unexecuted command. ----History retrieval changed to replace current command. Added new keys to insert from history - Shift+Up and Shift+Down. ----Better call tips on objects with __call__ methods. ----Improved call tip positioning calculation. ----===== 0.7 (10/15/2001 to 12/11/2001) ===== Changed how command history retrieval functions work. Added Alt-P, Alt-N as keybindings for Retrieve-Previous, Retrieve-Next. ----Added full support for mult-line commands, similar to IDLE. ----Changed introspect.getAttributeNames() to do a case insensitive sort. ----Changed Cut/Copy/Paste to deal with prompts intelligently. Cut and Copy remove all prompts. Paste can handle prompted or not-prompted text. ----Added CopyWithPrompts() method attached to Ctrl-Shift-C for those times when you really do want all the prompts left intact. ----Improved handling of the shell's read-only zone. ----Changed CrustFrame.__init__ parameter spec to include all parameters allowed by a wxFrame. ----Changed FillingText to be read-only.

----Renamed to to eliminate package/module name conflicts that kept you from doing "from PyCrust import shell" inside files located in the PyCrust directory. ----Renamed to and to to maintain consistency. ----Removed the __date__ property from all modules. ----Fixed bug in introspect.getCallTip(), reported by Kevin Altis. ----===== 0.6.1 (9/19/2001 to 10/12/2001) ===== Changed to always position to the end of existing text, as suggested by Raul Cota. ----Changed introspect.getAllAttributeNames() to break circular references in object.__class__, which occurs in Zope/ZODB extension classes. ----Changed filling.FillingTree.getChildren() to introspect extension classes. ----Fixed minor bugs in introspect.getCallTip() that were interfering with call tips for Zope/ZODB extension class methods. ----In preparation for wxPython 2.3.2, added code to fix a font sizing problem. Versions of wxPython prior to 2.3.2 had a sizing bug on Win platform where the font was 2 points larger than what was specified. ----Added a hack to introspect.getAllAttributeNames() to "wake up" ZODB objects that are asleep - in a "ghost" state. Otherwise it returns incomplete info. ----===== 0.6 (8/21/2001 to 9/12/2001) ===== Added and and can now be run standalone, as well as ----Added and moved some code from to it. ----Added command history retrieval features submitted by Richie Hindle. ----Changed shell.write() to replace line endings with OS-specific endings. Changed and to use os.linesep in strings having hardcoded line endings. ----Added shell.redirectStdin(), shell.redirectStdout() and shell.redirectStderr() to allow the surrounding app to toggle requests that the specified sys.std* be redirected to the shell. These can also be run from within the shell itself, of course. ----The shell now adds the current working directory "." to the search path: sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) -----

Added support for distutils installations. ----===== 0.5.4 (8/17/2001 to 8/20/2001) ===== Changed default font size under *nix to: 'size' : 12, 'lnsize' : 10, ----Changed Shell to expect a parameter referencing an Interpreter class, rather than an intepreter instance, to facilitate subclassing of Interpreter, which effectively broke when the Editor class was eliminated. ----Fixed, which had been broken by previous changes. Created InterpreterAlaCarte class as an example for use in the demo. ----Split into and in anticipation of PyFilling. ----===== 0.5.3 (8/16/2001) ===== Added patch to to fix wxPython bug: wxID_SELECTALL = NewId() # This *should* be defined by wxPython. ----===== 0.5.2 (8/14/2001 to 8/15/2001) ===== Shortened module names by dropping "PyCrust" as a prefix. ----Changed version to VERSION in version module. ----Added Options menu to PyCrust application. ----Eliminated the Editor class (and editor module) by merging with Shell. This means that Shell "is a" wxStyledTextCtrl rather than "has a". There just wasn't enough non-gui code to justify the separation. Plus, Shell will be much easier for gui toolkits/designers to deal with now. ----===== 0.5.1 (8/10/2001 to 8/14/2001) ===== Added introspect module. Moved some functionality from PyCrustInterp to introspect. ----Changed introspect.getRoot() to no longer remove whitespace from the command. This was a remnant of a previous approach that, when left as part of the current approach, turned out to be a really bad thing. ----Changed introspect.getRoot() to allow commands of '', "", """""", [], (), and {} to pass through. This allows you to type them, followed by a dot, and get autocomplete options on them. -----

Changed introspect.getRoot() to identify some situations where strings shouldn't be considered roots. For example: >>> import PyCrust # To illustrate the potential problem. >>> len('') Typing the dot at the end of "PyCrust" in the second line above should NOT result in an autocompletion list because "PyCrust" is part of a string in this context, not a reference to the PyCrust module object. Similar reasoning applies to call tips. For example: >>> len('dir(') Typing the left paren at the end of "dir" should NOT result in a call tip. Both features now behave properly in the examples given. However, there is still the case where whitespace precedes the potential root and that is NOT handled properly. For example: >>> len('this is a dir(') and >>> len('This is') More code needs to be written to handle more complex situations. ----Added locals=None parameter to Shell.__init__(). ----Added support for magic attribute retrieval. Users can change this with: >>> shell.editor.autoCompleteIncludeMagic = 0 ----Added the ability to set filters on auto completion to exclude attributes prefixed with a single or double underscore. Users can exclude one or the other or both with: >>> shell.editor.autoCompleteExcludeSingle = 1 >>> shell.editor.autoCompleteExcludeDouble = 1 ----===== 0.5 (8/8/2001) ===== Mostly just a final version change before creating a release. ===== 0.4 (8/4/2001 to 8/7/2001) ===== Changed version/revision handling. Fixed bugs. ===== 0.3 (8/2/2001 to 8/3/2001) ===== Removed lots of cruft. Added lots of docstrings. Imported to CVS repository at SourceForge. Added call tips.

===== 0.2 (7/30/2001 to 8/2/2001) ===== Renamed several files. Added command autocompletion. Added menus to File, Edit and Help Added sample applications:,, and ===== 0.1 (7/1/2001 to 7/19/2001) ===== Added basic syntax coloring much like Boa. Added read-only logging much like IDLE. Can retrieve a previous command by putting the cursor back on that line and hitting enter. Stdin and raw_input operate properly so you can now do help() and license() without hanging. Redefined "quit", "exit", and "close" to display a better-than-nothing response. Home key honors the prompt. Created SourceForge account, but nothing was posted. ================================== In the beginning, there was pie... (7/1/2001) ================================== Blame it all on IDLE, Boa and PythonWin. I was using all three, got frustrated with their dissimilarities, and began to let everyone know how I felt. At the same time, Scintilla looked like an interesting tool to build a shell around. And while I didn't receive much in the way of positive feedback, let alone encouragement, I just couldn't let go of the idea of a Scintilla-based Python shell. Then the PythonCard project got to the point where they were talking about including a shell in their development environment. That was all the incentive I needed. PyCrust had to happen... =============== CVS Information =============== $Date: 2003/01/04 04:14:49 $ $Revision: $ $Id: CHANGES.txt,v 2003/01/04 04:14:49 RD Exp $

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