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3 Experimental Procedure Build all the circuits described above using the LM324 quad operational amplifier integrated circuit shown in figure 2.26 Low- pass filter 1. Turn on the power to the filter board. Feed a sinusoidal signal of the least possible amplitude generated by the signal generator at 10Hz into the integrator input and observe both the input and the output on the oscilloscope. Calculate the gain. 2. Starting with a frequency of 10Hz, increase the signal frequency in steps of 10Hz up to 200Hz and record the output at each frequency. You will use these values to plot a graph of the output voltaje versus frequency. Next, find the generator frequency for which the output is 0.707times that observed at 10Hz.This is the -3 dB point or the high-corner frequency. Record this value. 2. Verifity the operation of a low-pass filter as an integrator at high frequencies by observing the phase shift between the input and the output. Record the phase shift at the highcorner frequency. High-pass filter 1. Feed a sinusoidal signal of the least possible amplitude generated by the signal generator at 200 Hz into the differentiator input and observe both the input and the output on the oscilloscope. Calculate the gain. 2. Starting with a frequency of 200 Hz, decrease the signal frequency in steps of 20 Hz to near dc and record the output at each frequency. You will use these values to plot a graph of the output voltage versus frequency. Next find the generator frequency for which the output is 0.707-times that observed at 200 Hz. this is the 3 dB point or the low-corner frequency. Record this value. 3. Verify the operation of a high-pass filter as a differentiator at low frequencies by observing the phase shift between the input and the output. Record the phase shift at the low-corner frequency. Another simple way to observe the differentiating behavior is tofeed a 10-Hz square wave into the input and observe the spikes at the output.

Bandpass filter For a 1-v p-p sinusoidal signal, vary the frequency from 10-150 Hz. Record the high- and lowcorner frequencies. Find the center frequency and the passband gain of this filter.

Bandstop / notch filter Feed a 1-V p-p 60 Hz sinusoidal signal into the filter, and measure the output voltage. Repeat the same for a 100- Hz sinusoid. Record results. ECG amplifier 1. Connect LA and RA inpust of the amplifier to ground and observe the output. Adjust the 100-k pot to null the offset voltage. 2. Connect LA and RA inputs to the signal high and the RL input to signal high ( 60 Hz ) and RL to signal low. This is the common mode operation. Calculate the common mode gain. 3. Connect the LA input to the signal high (30Hz) and the RA input to the signal low ( through an attenuator to avoid saturation ). This is the differential mode operation. Calculate the differential mode gain. 4. Find the frequency response of the amplifier. 5. Connect three electrodes to your body. Connect these electrodes to the amplifier inputs. Observe the amplifier output. If the signal is very noisy, try twisting the leads together. When you get a good signal, get a recording on the chart recorder. ORS detector. 1. Apply three electrodes. Connect the electrodes to the input of the ECG amplifier board. Turn on the power to the board. Turn on the power to the board and observe the output of the ECG amplifier on the oscilloscope. Try pressing the electrodes if there is excessive noise. 2. Connect the output of the ECG anplifier to the input of the QRS detector board. Observe the following signals on the oscilloscope and then record them on a stripchart recorder with the ECG (TP1) on one channel and each of the other test signal (TP2-TP6) on the other channel. Use a responsably fast paper speed (e.g; 25mm/s).

QRS detector. Figures 2.24 and 2.25 show the block diagram and complete schematic for the QRS detector. The QRS detector consists of the following five units. 1. QRS filter. the power spectrum of a normal ECG signal has the greatest signal-to noise ratio at about 17 Hz. therefore to detect the QRS complex, the ECG is passed through a bandpass filter with a center frequency of 17 Hz. and a band-width of 6 Hz. This filter has a large amount of ringing in its output. 2. Half-wave rectifier. The filtered QRS is half-wave rectified, to be subsequently compared with a threshold voltage generated by the detector circuit. 3. Threshold circuit. The park voltage of the rectified and filtered ECG is stored on a capacitor. A fraction of this voltage ( threshold voltage ) is compared with the filtered and rectified ECG output. 4. Comparator. The QRS pulse is detected when the threshold voltage is exceeded. the capacitor recharges to a new threshold voltage afther every pulse. hence a new threshold the termined from the past history of the signal is generated after every pulse.

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