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1. a) OPD Queues in Hospital.

Hospital has in majority 3 diIIerent services Ior the patients.

1. Out Patient Department
2. Emergency Department
3. On call Ambulance Service.

We will take an example oI OPD queue in any common hospital:
Arrival Process in OPD:
O According to Source: Input Population is InIinite. Patients may belong to
the area, city, state or nation (e.g AIIMS)
O According to number: People can come individually as well as in group.
O According to time: Random Distribution oI Patients.
Service Process in OPD:
O ormally there will be a single queue Ior OPD registration and once
registered, patient wait in diIIerent queues Ior diIIerent departments
(queue Ior Medicine, queue Ior Ortho, Queue Ior E% etc).
Queue Discipline:
O irst Come irst Serve: Patient Coming Iirst Ior registration will be served
Iirst by the doctor.

PerIormance Parameters Ior the OPD Queuing System:

1. Queue Length:
Average umber oI patients waiting in the queue to be served by the doctor
and average umber oI patients waiting in the queue Ior registration.
Large queues oI Registration may lead towards patients moving to other
2. System Length:
Average number oI patient waiting in the queue and being served by doctor.
3. Waiting %ime:
%he average time the patient has to wait in the queue to be served.
4. %otal %ime in the System
Average time the patient takes, Irom entry into the hospital and served by the
5. Idle %ime at the registration desk and idle time oI the doctor.

System could be improved by analyzing the parameters above and giving an
approximate time oI service by doctor. Registration desk can call up the patient
beIore some speciIied time oI service so that patient doesn`t need to wait in queue
Ior indeIinite time.

b) Railway Reservation Counter

Arrival Process at Counter:
O According to Source: Input Population is InIinite. %ravellers may belong
to the area, city, state or nation.
O According to number: People can come individually as well as in group.
O According to time: Random Distribution oI %raveller.
Service Process at Counter:
O Multiple acilities with Multiple Queues. (e.g short distance tickets, long
distance tickets)
Queue Discipline:
O irst Come- irst Serve: Patient coming Iirst at the counter will be served
Iirst by the server.

PerIormance Parameters Ior the Queuing System:

1. Queue Length:
Average umber oI customers waiting in the queue to be served at the
counter. Large queues at ticket counter may lead towards customer
2. System Length:
Average number oI customers waiting in the queue and customers who
have got the tickets.
3. Waiting %ime:
%he average time the customers has to wait in the queue to be served.
4. %otal %ime in the System
Average time the customers takes, right Irom entry into the %icket Counter
and getting ticket and leaving system.
5. Idle %ime at the ticket counter desk.

%he overall ticketing system can be improved by the using other mediums to
book tickets
e.g Installing %icketing Kiosks at various places and not just at one place.
Booking over the phone.
Booking on mobile phone and also ensuring secure transaction.


Job Machine 1 Machine 2
1 2 1
2 4 5
3 1 4
4 2 6
5 5 4
6 6 4

Lets assume the Iirst the order Machine1 Machine 2

Machine 1 has the least time Ior job 3 and so does the Machine 2 Ior the Job 1.
Applying Johnson`s rule place Job 3 Iirst and Job 1 last:

Step 1: 3 1

Remove Job 1 & 3
Job Machine 1 Machine 2
1 2 1
2 4 5
3 1 4
4 2 6
5 5 4
6 6 4

ow Machine 1 has least time Ior Job 4.
Apply Johnson rule and place job 4 aIter Job 3.

Step 2: 3 4 1

ow Machine 1 has least time Ior Job 2 and so does Machine 2 Ior Job 5 & 6.
%his will lead to 2 possibilities:

Step 3: 3 4 2 5 6 1
3 4 2 6 5 1

Machine 1 Machine 2
Job In Out In Out
3 0 1 1 5
4 1 3 5 11
2 3 7 11 16
5 7 12 16 20
6 12 18 20 24
1 18 20 24 25

Machine 1 Machine 2
Job In Out In Out
3 0 1 1 5
4 1 3 5 11
2 3 7 11 16
6 7 13 16 20
5 13 18 20 24
1 18 20 24 25

ow lets assume the order to be Machine 2 Machine 1

Job Machine 2 Machine 1
1 1 2
2 5 4
3 4 1
4 6 2
5 4 5
6 4 6

Machine 1 has the least time Ior job 1 and so does the Machine 2 Ior the Job 3.
Applying Johnson`s rule place Job 1 Iirst and Job 3 last:

Step 1: 1 3
Remove Job 1 & 3

Job Machine 2 Machine 1
1 1 2
2 5 4
3 4 1
4 6 2
5 4 5
6 4 6

ow Machine 1 has least time Ior Job 4.
Apply Johnson rule and place job 4 beIore Job 3.

Step 2: 1 4 3
Remove Job 4
Job Machine 2 Machine 1
1 1 2
2 5 4
3 4 1
4 6 2
5 4 5
6 4 6

ow Machine 1 has least time Ior Job 2 and so does Machine 2 Ior Job 5 & 6.
%his will lead to 2 possibilities:

Step 3: 1 5 6 2 4 3
1 6 5 2 4 3

Job Machine 2 Machine 1
1 1 2
2 5 4
3 4 1
4 6 2
5 4 5
6 4 6

Machine 2 Machine 1
Job In Out In Out
1 0 1 1 3
5 1 5 5 10
6 5 9 10 16
2 9 14 16 20
4 14 20 20 22
3 20 24 24 25

Machine 2 Machine 1
Job In Out In Out
1 0 1 1 3
6 1 5 5 11
5 5 9 11 16
2 9 14 16 20
4 14 20 20 22
3 20 24 24 25

%otal time required Ior all the jobs processed is 25 and its same Ior all possible
two options each Ior order M1-M2 and M2-M1.


Option 1: Corporate Bond will give in all $55273 back aIter 5 years as per
13 interest. %hat is profit oI 25273 on top oI principle.
In case oI Iailure it will give profit oI $ 20000 on top oI principle.

Option 2: PreIerred Stock will see a growth by Iactor 4 in case oI success
30000 x 4 120000 which means profit oI 90000 on top oI principle.
In case oI Iailure the principle is reduced to halI i.e loss oI 15000.

Option 3: Common Stock will see a growth by Iactor 8 in case oI success
30000 x 8 240000 which means proIit oI 210000 on top oI principle.
In case oI Iailure the will go to zero i.e. loss oI 30000.

1. Sue Pansky is very .onservative so she will adopt the maximin strategy
Ior decision making.

Success ailure
25273 20000
90000 -15000
210000 -30000

By Maximin strategy, Sue will opt Ior maximum proIit Irom the worst
case Ior 3 options i.e Corporate Bond.

2. Ray Cahn will use the :rwi. Prin.iple, which used the degree of
optimism which Ior Ray is 11.

Success x
ailure x
25273 20000 20580
90000 -15000 -3450
210000 -30000 -3600

rom this Ray will opt Ior Corporate Bond.

3. As Lila Battle is also very conservative, she will also apply the Maximin
strategy as in point 1 and opt Ior .orporate bond.
4. eorge Yates will use :rwi. Prin.iple, which used the degree oI
optimism. As eorge thinks that its equally likely oI success. %he degree
oI optimism is 50 Ior him.

Success x
ailure x
25273 20000 22636
90000 -15000 37500
210000 -30000 90000

or the matrix above, the maximum value is Ior Common Sto. thereIore
eorge Yates will opt Ior Common Sto..
5. Peter Metarko is very optimisti. thereIore he will use Maximax stragegy
and opt Ior the option which will give him maximum proIit out oI best
cases Ior 3 options.
In this case it is Common Sto..
6. Julia can remove Preferred sto. option and still cater to the need oI risk
seekers and risk avoiders.

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