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I want to be a Shield Moo, so I don't get captured by the Wind Bullet.

It's better to be an Armored Moo, I can get captured by the Wind Bullet if I get
shot in the back.
If I get hit by enough moos, my armor disappears and I become a target!
What if you had a shield & armor at the same time?
An Armored Shield Moo? Brilliant idea! Let's try!
Ack! Err... Woah!
[It became too heavy to take even one step...]
[Absolutely Safe! Tamura Kiiro]
P. 33

Types Of Dreams
What are these Huepow?
Those are Dream Stones [Dream Fragments].
Wow! They look like strawberries!
Maybe someone has been dreaming of them...
They must have been dreaming of a garden.
I think I'm dancing with others in this one!
Nevermind, it's just strawberries being boiled...
I gotta make myself look good for Lephise!
I'm so happy that I met you, Balue. *heart*
What am I thinking? She will never say that!
[How can Balue complete his tower in this condition?]
[This is the 5th Time Today]
P. 34

The Legend Of The Wind?

This is the Pendant of the Moon Kingdom...
Pendant of the Moon Kingdom?
Yes, it is one of the legends of Phantomile.
I think I remember the Legend of the Moon Kingdom, Grandpa.
I also know the "Legend of the Wind" too.
"When The Wind Blows..."
"Rake in the profits from powering homes with its energy!"
I guess so...
[I can't remember where I am now...]
I Thought The Same Thing
[Plants Regrow]
Granny! The plants are no longer withered!
The water must be flowing again!
Granny! If water revives withered trees, you think it'll also revive your wrinkled
That's the 3rd one...
P. 35

What fun! A swing!
Well this isn't very interesting...
Why isn't this any fun?
Because you're supposed to jump across them.
Sir Ghadius!!
Our wishes will certainly come true now!
I have confidence we will succeed,
Is it my eyes...
3 wishes! I saw 3 shooting stars in your cloak!
Well you've been working hard...
P. 36

*cute noises* Anyone find me yet?
Peek-a-boo...Hey! How did you know? You're all terrible!
You told them all didn't you? You're horrible!
Who put me out?
Hehheh, It was just a prank Boomie!
Can't we just laugh at this?
What's going on over here?
It was a weak Boomie!
P. 37

The Cloak!
I can be just like Ghadius with his cloak.
I'm gonna try it on. *heart*
Hey there Joka-sir!
I like the style of it.
Well I don't.
What? But it's loincloth!
We Had To So Something!
The Moon Kingdom has re-risen!
I won't let you get away with your plan Ghadius!
I will stop you!
[Balue's Tower is nearing completion!]
We just had to do something...
(We could have just waited for him to finish and avoid all this trouble.)
[End of "Absolutely Safe!"]

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