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#jpwheless's underwater base mod

#falling sand: owen piette's falling sand game

#version 4.4, file subversion 2
group solids wall rock plant wood glass acrylic grate radiator insulator metal
ngrate grate2 nwall
group liquids water saltwater sand salt oil dirt mud cement lacrylic lglass map
remover coolant extinguisher
group gases steam oxygen co2 hydrogen methane
group lifesupport1 powerp swfilter scrubber electro k&b reactor airfilter dock
pipe1 pipe2 pipe3 pipem
group lifesupport2 electricity switch deton gate condenser turbine rebreather
rbclean battery converter lcontainer
group life person fish sfish coral spore reanimate
group destructive fire ember torch lava timer c4 detcord acid nwaste radiation
neutronium squib killervirus fishvirus nuke
group war rfactory rbfish bfactory bbfish red blue rshield bshield virusfish
sources saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater
saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater saltwater

element empty 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
#clears the screen.
element clear 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
self 0.5 clear 1.0 empty
pexplosion clear empty 1024 empty
#eraser element.
element drain 50 50 50 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 drain 1.0 empty
hotself 90 drain
neighbor 1.0 drain water 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain smoke 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain oil 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain steam 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain steam2 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain sand 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain salt 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain saltwater 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain fish 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain sfish 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain deadfish 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain blood 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain person 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain corpse 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain poo 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain ewater 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain esaltwater 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain mglass 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain mmetal 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain coolant 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain electricity 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain methane 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain map 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain macrylic 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain dirt 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain mud 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain cement 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain hydrogen 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain oxygen 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain co2 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain rbfish 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain rbfish2 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain bbfish 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain bbfish2 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain nwaste 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain radiation2 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain plasma5 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain rcoolant 1.0 drain empty
neighbor 1.0 drain dcoolant 1.0 drain empty
#acrylic. it melts with fire. also good for making bases out of.
element acrylic 190 190 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.300000 1
self 1.0 acrylic 1.0 macrylic
hotself 78 acrylic
#molten acrylic
element macrylic 190 255 0 0.900000 0.000000 0.700000
1.300000 0
self 0.02 macrylic 1.0 fire
neighbor 0.2 macrylic empty 1.0 macrylic fire
neighbor 0.9 macrylic water 1.0 macrylic steam
neighbor 0.75 macrylic oil 1.0 macrylic fire
neighbor 1.0 macrylic plant 1.0 macrylic fire
#a solid element. good for making bases out of.
element wall 128 128 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
self 0.5 wall 1.0 lava
hotself 98 wall
hotcolor wall 255 0 0
#wet cement. dries to wall.
element cement 128 128 158 1.000000 0.000000 0.900000
0.500000 1
self 0.0001 cement 1.0 wall
neighbor 0.05 cement wall 1.0 wall wall
neighbor 0.5 cement fire 1.0 wall empty
neighbor 0.5 cement fire2 1.0 wall empty
neighbor 0.5 cement bfire 1.0 wall empty
neighbor 0.5 cement torch 1.0 wall torch
neighbor 0.5 cement ember 1.0 wall ember
neighbor 0.5 cement mglass 1.0 wall mglass
neighbor 0.5 cement msalt 1.0 wall msalt
neighbor 0.5 cement mmetal 1.0 wall mmetal
neighbor 0.5 cement lava 1.0 wall lava
neighbor 0.5 cement lava2 1.0 wall lava2
neighbor 0.5 cement lava3 1.0 wall lava3
#wet glass. dries.
element lglass 128 128 158 1.000000 0.000000 0.900000
0.500000 1
self 0.0001 lglass 1.0 glass
neighbor 0.05 lglass glass 1.0 glass glass
neighbor 0.5 lglass fire 1.0 glass empty
neighbor 0.5 lglass fire2 1.0 glass empty
neighbor 0.5 lglass bfire 1.0 glass empty
neighbor 0.5 lglass torch 1.0 glass torch
neighbor 0.5 lglass ember 1.0 glass ember
neighbor 0.5 lglass mglass 1.0 glass mglass
neighbor 0.5 lglass msalt 1.0 glass msalt
neighbor 0.5 lglass mmetal 1.0 glass mmetal
neighbor 0.5 lglass lava 1.0 glass lava
neighbor 0.5 lglass lava2 1.0 glass lava2
neighbor 0.5 lglass lava3 1.0 glass lava3
#wet acrylic. dries.
element lacrylic 128 128 158 1.000000 0.000000 0.600000
0.500000 1
self 0.0001 lacrylic 1.0 acrylic
neighbor 0.05 lacrylic acrylic 1.0 acrylic acrylic
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic fire 1.0 acrylic empty
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic fire2 1.0 acrylic empty
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic bfire 1.0 acrylic empty
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic torch 1.0 acrylic torch
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic ember 1.0 acrylic ember
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic mglass 1.0 acrylic mglass
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic msalt 1.0 acrylic msalt
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic mmetal 1.0 acrylic mmetal
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic lava 1.0 acrylic lava
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic lava2 1.0 acrylic lava2
neighbor 0.5 lacrylic lava3 1.0 acrylic lava3
#a solid element. make the sea floor out of this.
element rock 162 125 111 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
self 0.5 rock 1.0 lava
hotself 98 rock
hotcolor rock 255 0 0
#soluable in water.
element salt 240 220 240 0.900000 0.000000 0.800000 0.500000
self 1.0 salt 1.0 msalt
hotself 98 salt
#molten salt. hot.
element msalt 255 89 84 0.900000 0.000000 0.800000 1.400000
self 0.01 msalt 1.0 salt
neighbor 0.5 msalt water 0.4 salt steam 0.6 salt water
neighbor 0.5 msalt saltwater 0.3 salt steam 0.1 salt salt 0.6 salt
neighbor 0.3 msalt coolant 1.0 salt coolant
#inert element. make your base out of this.
element glass 240 240 240 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 glass 1.0 mglass
hotself 95 glass
hotcolor glass 255 255 0
#molten glass
element mglass 255 235 0 0.900000 0.000000 0.850000
1.100000 0
self 0.01 mglass 1.0 glass
neighbor 0.5 mglass water 0.4 glass steam 0.6 glass water
neighbor 0.5 mglass saltwater 0.3 glass steam 0.1 glass salt 0.6
glass saltwater
neighbor 0.3 mglass coolant 1.0 glass coolant
#inert. melts to glass when heated.
element sand 238 204 128 0.900000 0.000000 0.800000 0.500000
self 0.5 sand 1.0 glass
hotself 92 sand
hotcolor sand 255 0 0
neighbor 0.2 sand fire 0.5 glass empty 0.5 sand empty
neighbor 0.2 sand fire2 0.5 glass empty 0.5 sand empty
#does nothing. useful for explosion aftermaths.
element smoke 102 107 84 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.100000
self 0.01 smoke 1.0000 empty
#amorphous carbon. dust-like.
element carbon 80 80 80 0.000000 0.000000 0.600000
0.100000 0
#left-over junk.
element dust 128 128 128 0.900000 0.000000 0.100000 0.100000
self 1.0 dust 1.0 fire
hotself 70 dust
element gunk 101 117 62 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
self 1.0 gunk 1.0 ember
hotself 70 gunk
#burns other elements. source of energy.
element fire 247 63 63 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.300000
self 0.06 fire 0.5 fire2 0.5 empty
hotcolor fire 255 63 63
neighbor 0.9 fire water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 fire oil 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 fire plant 1.0 fire fire
#burns other elements. source of energy.
element fire2 247 126 63 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.200000
self 0.08 fire2 1.0 empty
hotcolor fire2 255 160 63
neighbor 0.9 fire2 water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 fire2 oil 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 fire2 plant 1.0 fire fire
#blue fire.
element bfire 95 162 243 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.800000
self 0.050000 bfire 1.0000 empty
neighbor 0.9 bfire water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 bfire oil 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 bfire plant 1.0 plant fire
neighbor 1.0 bfire wood 1.0 ember fire
#burns for a little while.
element ember 200 50 50 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.800000
self 0.002 ember 1.0000 fire
neighbor 0.2 ember empty 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 0.9 ember water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 ember oil 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 1.0 ember plant 1.0 ember fire
element lava 190 35 35 1.000000 0.000000 0.980000 1.200000
self 0.01 lava 0.5 lava2 0.5 lava3
neighbor 0.5 lava saltwater 0.15 wall steam 0.15 rock steam 0.05 wall
salt 0.05 rock salt 0.3 rock saltwater 0.3 wall saltwater
neighbor 0.5 lava water 0.2 wall steam 0.2 rock steam 0.3 wall water
0.3 rock water
neighbor 0.5 lava coolant 0.5 wall coolant 0.5 rock coolant
element lava2 100 35 35 1.000000 0.000000 0.980000 1.200000
self 0.01 lava2 0.5 lava 0.5 lava
neighbor 0.5 lava2 saltwater 0.15 wall steam 0.15 rock steam 0.05 wall
salt 0.05 rock salt 0.3 rock saltwater 0.3 wall saltwater
neighbor 0.5 lava2 water 0.2 wall steam 0.2 rock steam 0.3 wall water
0.3 rock water
neighbor 0.5 lava2 coolant 0.5 wall coolant 0.5 rock coolant
element lava3 230 35 35 1.000000 0.000000 0.800000 1.200000
self 0.01 lava3 1.0 lava2
neighbor 0.01 lava3 empty 1.0 lava2 fire
neighbor 0.7 empty lava3 1.0 lava3 empty
neighbor 0.5 lava3 saltwater 0.15 wall steam 0.15 rock steam 0.05 wall
salt 0.05 rock salt 0.3 rock saltwater 0.3 wall saltwater
neighbor 0.5 lava3 water 0.2 wall steam 0.2 rock steam 0.3 wall water
0.3 rock water
neighbor 0.5 lava3 coolant 0.5 wall coolant 0.5 rock coolant
#infinite fire.
element torch 100 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.900000
neighbor 0.4 torch empty 1.0 torch fire
neighbor 0.2 torch water 1.0 torch steam
neighbor 0.2 torch saltwater 0.5 torch steam 0.5 torch salt
neighbor 0.2 torch oil 1.0 torch fire
#put your base under this stuff. turns to steam when heated.
element water 52 52 255 0.700000 1.000000 0.500000 0.400000
self 0.2 water 1.0 steam
hotself 60 water
hotcolor water 200 200 255
#electrically charged water
element ewater 92 92 255 0.700000 1.000000 0.500000
0.400000 0
self 0.2 ewater 1.0 steam
hotself 60 ewater
hotcolor ewater 200 200 255
neighbor 0.8 ewater water 1.0 water ewater
neighbor 1.0 ewater saltwater 1.0 esaltwater ewater
#will eventually condense.
element steam 85 85 255 -1.000000 1.000000 0.020000 0.500000
self 0.001 steam 1.0 water
neighbor 0.5 steam empty 1.0 steam2 steam2
#will eventually condense.
element steam2 85 85 255 -1.000000 1.000000 0.010000
0.500000 0
self 0.001 steam2 0.5 water 0.5 empty
#like the ocean.
element saltwater 0 0 150 0.700000 0.000000 0.600000
0.600000 1
self 0.1 saltwater 0.8 water 0.2 salt
hotself 65 saltwater
neighbor 0.01 water salt 0.7 saltwater saltwater 0.3 saltwater empty
neighbor 0.001 saltwater saltwater 1.0 salt steam
hotneighbor 50 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 0.08 saltwater water 1.0 water saltwater
neighbor 0.2 saltwater salt 1.0 saltwater saltwater
hotneighbor 50 saltwater salt
#electrified saltwater.
element esaltwater 60 40 150 0.700000 0.000000 0.600000
0.600000 0
self 0.1 esaltwater 0.8 steam 0.2 salt
hotself 65 esaltwater
neighbor 0.8 esaltwater saltwater 1.0 saltwater esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 ewater salt 1.0 esaltwater esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 esaltwater salt 1.0 esaltwater esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 esaltwater water 1.0 ewater esaltwater
neighbor 0.5 esaltwater fire 1.0 salt steam
neighbor 0.5 esaltwater fire2 1.0 salt steam
#source of water.
element spout 10 100 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 0.5 spout 1.0 water
hotself 75 spout
neighbor 0.75 spout empty 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout steam 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout steam2 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout hydrogen 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout oxygen 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout methane 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.75 spout co2 1.0 spout water
neighbor 1.0 spout fire 1.0 spout water
neighbor 1.0 spout fire2 1.0 spout water
neighbor 1.0 spout bfire 1.0 spout water
neighbor 1.0 spout corpse 1.0 spout water
neighbor 1.0 spout poo 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.5 spout sand 1.0 empty empty
#source of saltwater.
element sspout 10 100 100 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 0.5 sspout 1.0 saltwater
hotself 75 sspout
neighbor 0.75 sspout empty 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout steam 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 0.75 sspout steam2 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout water 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout hydrogen 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout oxygen 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout methane 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout co2 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout fire 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout fire2 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout bfire 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout corpse 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 1.0 sspout poo 1.0 sspout saltwater
neighbor 0.5 sspout sand 1.0 empty empty
#grows in water. put under k&b to decompose poop.
element plant 32 204 32 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 0.5 plant 1.0 fire
hotself 75 plant
neighbor 0.2 plant water 1.0 plant plant
neighbor 0.05 plant bfire 1.0 fire bfire
neighbor 0.2 plant wood 1.0 wood wood
neighbor 0.1 plant ewater 1.0 wood ewater
neighbor 0.1 plant esaltwater 1.0 wood esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 plant saltwater 1.0 wood saltwater
neighbor 0.1 plant salt 1.0 wood salt
#dead plant. burns slowly. can make your base luxurious with this. rots
element wood 157 119 47 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 0.5 wood 1.0 ember
hotself 80 wood
neighbor 0.001 wood water 1.0 gunk water
neighbor 0.001 wood saltwater 1.0 gunk saltwater
neighbor 0.05 wood fire 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 0.05 wood fire2 1.0 ember fire2
neighbor 0.05 wood bfire 1.0 ember fire
element dirt 163 103 47 0.500000 0.000000 0.400000 0.300000
self 1.0 dirt 1.0 lava
hotself 92 dirt
neighbor 0.4 dirt water 0.5 mud empty 0.5 dirt empty
neighbor 0.4 dirt saltwater 0.5 mud empty 0.5 dirt empty
neighbor 0.4 dirt ewater 0.5 mud empty 0.5 dirt empty
neighbor 0.4 dirt esaltwater 0.5 mud empty 0.5 dirt empty
element mud 133 73 17 0.700000 0.000000 0.700000 0.500000
self 0.5 mud 0.5 dirt 0.5 steam
hotself 50 mud
neighbor 0.2 mud fire 1.0 dirt steam
neighbor 0.2 mud fire2 1.0 dirt steam
neighbor 0.5 mud bfire 1.0 dirt steam
neighbor 0.4 mud ember 0.5 dirt ember 0.5 steam ember
neighbor 0.8 mud mmetal 0.5 dirt mmetal 0.5 steam mmetal
neighbor 0.8 mud mglass 0.5 dirt mglass 0.5 steam mglass
neighbor 0.8 mud macrylic 0.5 dirt macrylic 0.5 steam macrylic
neighbor 0.8 mud msalt 0.5 dirt msalt 0.5 steam salt
neighbor 0.8 mud lava 0.5 dirt lava 0.5 steam lava
neighbor 0.8 mud lava2 0.5 dirt lava2 0.5 steam lava2
neighbor 0.8 mud lava3 0.5 dirt lava3 0.5 steam lava3
element oil 128 64 64 0.700000 1.000000 0.200000 0.500000
self 0.5 oil 1.0 fire
hotself 70 oil
neighbor 1.0 oil bfire 1.0 fire bfire
#heat timer. if it is put inside another material, it needs to be insulated. also,
seperate it from the explosive with some empty.
element timer 170 97 61 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.010000
self 1.0 timer 1.0000 fire
hotself 90 timer
neighbor 1.0 timer fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 timer fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 timer bfire 1.0 fire bfire
#people need this to live.
element oxygen 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 0.080000
0.100000 1
self 1.0 oxygen 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 oxygen
neighbor 0.4 oxygen bfire 1.0 bfire bfire
neighbor 0.4 oxygen electricity 1.0 bfire electricity
#people exhale this.
element co2 90 100 100 1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 0.100000
self 1.0 co2 1.0 empty
hotself 70 co2
#explosive gas.
element hydrogen 141 167 175 -1.000000 0.500000 0.090000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 hydrogen 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 hydrogen
pexplosion hydrogen fire 20 bfire
pexplosion hydrogen fire2 20 bfire
pexplosion hydrogen bfire 20 bfire
pexplosion hydrogen electricity 20 bfire
#very natural gas.
element methane 151 177 95 -1.000000 1.000000 0.090000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 methane 1.0 fire
hotself 70 methane
neighbor 1.0 methane fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 methane fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 methane bfire 1.0 fire bfire
neighbor 1.0 methane electricity 1.0 fire bfire
#underground methane pocket. connect a pipe to it to power your base using a
powerp. it's uncompressed when it goes through a pipe.
element mpocket 121 147 65 -0.400000 1.000000 0.180000
0.300000 1
self 1.0 mpocket 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 mpocket
neighbor 1.0 mpocket pipe1 0.9 mpocket met1 0.1 empty met1
pexplosion mpocket bfire 50 bfire
pexplosion mpocket electricity 50 bfire
pexplosion mpocket powerp 16 bfire
pexplosion mpocket cpowerp 16 bfire
pexplosion mpocket bpowerp 16 bfire
#underground oil pocket. connect a pipe to it to power your base using a powerp.
it's uncompressed when it goes through a pipe.
element opocket 98 34 34 0.700000 1.000000 0.400000
0.300000 1
self 1.0 opocket 1.0 fire
hotself 80 opocket
neighbor 1.0 opocket pipe1 0.9 opocket oil1 0.1 empty oil1
pexplosion opocket fire 50 fire
pexplosion opocket fire2 50 fire
pexplosion opocket electricity 50 fire
pexplosion opocket powerp 16 bfire
pexplosion opocket cpowerp 16 bfire
pexplosion opocket bpowerp 16 bfire
#fills stuff up. put only in closed containers. works with many liquids, many
gasses and battery.
element filler 3 160 131 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000
0.100000 1
self 1.0 filler 1.0 fire
hotself 80 filler
neighbor 1.0 filler empty 1.0 filler filler
neighbor 1.0 filler sand 1.0 sand sand
neighbor 1.0 filler salt 1.0 salt salt
neighbor 1.0 filler oil 1.0 oil oil
neighbor 1.0 filler water 1.0 water water
neighbor 1.0 filler saltwater 1.0 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 1.0 filler cement 1.0 cement cement
neighbor 1.0 filler lglass 1.0 lglass lglass
neighbor 1.0 filler lacrylic 1.0 lacrylic lacrylic
neighbor 1.0 filler dirt 1.0 dirt dirt
neighbor 1.0 filler mud 1.0 mud mud
neighbor 1.0 filler acid 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 filler coolant 1.0 coolant coolant
neighbor 1.0 filler hydrogen 1.0 hydrogen hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 filler methane 1.0 methane methane
neighbor 1.0 filler mpocket 1.0 mpocket mpocket
neighbor 1.0 filler opocket 1.0 opocket opocket
neighbor 1.0 filler oxygen 1.0 oxygen oxygen
neighbor 1.0 filler co2 1.0 co2 co2
neighbor 1.0 filler battery 1.0 battery battery
neighbor 1.0 filler mpocket 1.0 mpocket mpocket
neighbor 1.0 filler fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 filler fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 filler bfire 1.0 bfire bfire
#monoammonium phosphate . puts out fire, and cools molten stuff. acts similar to
coolant, but pipes don't suck it up. it even repairs damaged nwall.
element map 220 220 240 1.000000 0.000000 0.980000 0.900000
self 0.5 map 1.0 map
hotself 30 map
neighbor 1.0 map fire 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map fire2 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map bfire 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map torch 1.0 map broken
neighbor 1.0 map ember 1.0 map wood
neighbor 1.0 map mmetal 1.0 map metal
neighbor 1.0 map mglass 1.0 map glass
neighbor 1.0 map macrylic 1.0 map acrylic
neighbor 1.0 map lava 1.0 map wall
neighbor 1.0 map lava2 1.0 map wall
neighbor 1.0 map lava3 1.0 map wall
neighbor 1.0 map electricity 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map msalt 1.0 map salt
neighbor 1.0 map radiation2 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map radiation 1.0 map empty
neighbor 1.0 map nwall2 1.0 map nwall
neighbor 1.0 map plasma2 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 map plasma3 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 map plasma4 1.0 empty empty
#an all purpose remover. removes many liquids and gasses, including co2, nwaste,
and map and excluding water.
element remover 167 107 160 0.700000 1.000000 0.800000
0.990000 1
self 0.03 remover 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 remover co2 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 map remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 acid remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 filler remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 salt remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 lacrylic remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 lglass remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 cement remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 coolant remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 deadfish remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 nwaste remover 1.0 remover remover
hotneighbor 60 nwaste remover
neighbor 1.0 dirt remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 mud remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 dust remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 carbon remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 aggra1 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 aggra2 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 aggra3 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 vapor1 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 vapor2 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 vapor3 remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 sand remover 1.0 remover remover
neighbor 1.0 remover wall 1.0 fire remover
hotneighbor 85 remover wall
pexplosion remover fire 32 fire
pexplosion remover fire2 32 fire
pexplosion remover bfire 32 fire
pexplosion remover mglass 32 fire
pexplosion remover msalt 32 fire
pexplosion remover lava 32 fire
pexplosion remover lava2 32 fire
pexplosion remover lava3 32 fire
#goes boom. also put on reactor to make a larger version of a meltdown.
element c4 250 242 156 1.000000 0.000000 0.800000 0.500000
neighbor 1.0 c4 empty 1.0 c4 fire
hotneighbor 70 c4 empty
neighbor 1.0 c4 c4 1.0 c4 fire
hotneighbor 70 c4 c4
pexplosion c4 fire 50 fire
pexplosion c4 fire2 50 fire
pexplosion c4 bfire 50 fire
pexplosion c4 cmetal 50 fire
pexplosion c4 ewater 50 fire
pexplosion c4 esaltwater 50 fire
pexplosion c4 electricity 50 fire
pexplosion c4 acid 50 fire
#fuse. burns fast.
element detcord 62 113 53 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
neighbor 1.0 detcord empty 1.0 detcord fire
hotneighbor 70 detcord empty
neighbor 1.0 detcord detcord 1.0 detcord fire
hotneighbor 70 detcord detcord
pexplosion detcord fire 4 fire
pexplosion detcord fire2 4 fire
pexplosion detcord bfire 4 fire
#blue fire.
element bfire 95 162 243 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000
self 0.04 bfire 1.0000 empty
#cools stuff to ~ 10*. put touching whatever you want to cool. also use in
element coolant 80 197 203 0.700000 1.000000 0.400000
1.000000 1
self 1.0 coolant 1.0 coolant
hotself 10 coolant
hotcolor coolant 120 197 203
neighbor 0.05 coolant water 1.0 empty water
neighbor 0.05 coolant saltwater 1.0 empty saltwater
#a structural material. also condenses steam. conducts heat and electricity, but
the latter weakens it.
element radiator 86 128 131 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.000000 1
hotcolor radiator 126 128 131
neighbor 1.0 radiator steam 1.0 radiator water
neighbor 1.0 radiator steam2 0.5 radiator water 0.5 radiator
neighbor 1.0 radiator rcoolant 1.0 radiator coolant
neighbor 0.1 radiator cmetal 1.0 cmetal cmetal
#insulates. it does burn, but it doesn't conduct heat. combine this and radiator
for a good firewall.
element insulator 106 148 151 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 1
neighbor 0.01 fire insulator 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 0.01 fire2 insulator 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 0.01 insulator bfire 1.0 fire bfire
#gets rid of water and steam. just click inside water/steam.
element water??? 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
0.000000 1
self 0.05 water??? 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 water water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 saltwater water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 ewater water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 esaltwater water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 steam water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 steam2 water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 sspout water??? 1.0 water??? water???
neighbor 1.0 spout water??? 1.0 water??? water???
#grate. keeps unwanted stuff, like people and particulates, away from equipment.
usually put over airfilters, scrubbers, or water intakes.
element grate 128 178 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 0.5 grate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 grate
hotcolor grate 255 0 0
neighbor 0.8 grate water 1.0 wgrate empty
neighbor 1.0 grate ewater 1.0 wgrate empty
neighbor 1.0 grate esaltwater 1.0 swgrate empty
neighbor 1.0 grate saltwater 1.0 swgrate empty
neighbor 0.8 grate oil 1.0 ograte empty
neighbor 0.8 grate oxygen 1.0 oxgrate empty
neighbor 0.8 grate hydrogen 1.0 hgrate empty
neighbor 0.8 grate co2 1.0 cgrate empty
neighbor 0.8 oxgrate co2 1.0 cgrate oxygen
neighbor 0.8 grate methane 1.0 mgrate empty
#water in grate.
element wgrate 128 178 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 wgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 wgrate
neighbor 1.0 wgrate grate 1.0 grate wgrate
neighbor 1.0 wgrate empty 1.0 grate water
#saltwater in grate.
element swgrate 128 178 129 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 swgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 swgrate
neighbor 1.0 swgrate grate 1.0 grate swgrate
neighbor 1.0 swgrate empty 1.0 grate saltwater
#oil in grate.
element ograte 128 178 130 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 ograte 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 ograte
neighbor 1.0 ograte grate 1.0 grate ograte
neighbor 1.0 ograte empty 1.0 grate oil
#oxygen in grate.
element oxgrate 128 178 138 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 oxgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oxgrate
neighbor 1.0 oxgrate grate 1.0 grate oxgrate
neighbor 1.0 oxgrate empty 1.0 grate oxygen
#hydrogen in grate.
element hgrate 128 178 131 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 hgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 hgrate
neighbor 1.0 hgrate grate 1.0 grate hgrate
neighbor 1.0 hgrate empty 1.0 grate hydrogen
#co2 in grate.
element cgrate 128 178 132 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 cgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 cgrate
neighbor 1.0 cgrate grate 1.0 grate cgrate
neighbor 1.0 cgrate empty 1.0 grate co2
neighbor 1.0 cgrate oxygen 1.0 oxgrate co2
#methane in grate.
element mgrate 128 178 133 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 mgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 mgrate
neighbor 1.0 mgrate grate 1.0 grate mgrate
neighbor 1.0 mgrate empty 1.0 grate methane
#grate. only lets people through. put at the beginning of pipes that lead to other
crew quarters
element grate2 158 208 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 0.5 grate2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 grate2
hotcolor grate 255 0 0
neighbor 0.8 grate2 person 1.0 pgrate oxygen
neighbor 0.8 grate2 starvingp 1.0 pgrate oxygen
neighbor 0.8 grate2 dyingp 1.0 pgrate oxygen
neighbor 0.8 grate2 hungryp 1.0 pgrate oxygen
#person in grate.
element pgrate 128 178 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 0.5 pgrate 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 pgrate
neighbor 1.0 pgrate grate2 1.0 grate2 pgrate
neighbor 1.0 pgrate empty 1.0 grate2 person
#power plant. burns hydrogen, methane, or oil. it must be kept cool. connect with
pipe to life support.
element powerp 131 138 167 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 powerp 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 powerp
hotcolor powerp 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 powerp hydrogen 1.0 cpowerp methane
neighbor 1.0 powerp methane 0.5 cpowerp methane2 0.5
cpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 powerp methane2 1.0 cpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 powerp oil 0.5 cpowerp oil6 0.5 cpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 powerp oil6 1.0 cpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 powerp cpowerp 1.0 cpowerp powerp
neighbor 0.3 cpowerp bpowerp 1.0 bpowerp bpowerp
neighbor 0.3 powerp bpowerp 1.0 bpowerp bpowerp
neighbor 1.0 powerp person 1.0 cpowerp fire
neighbor 1.0 powerp corpse 1.0 cpowerp fire
neighbor 1.0 powerp deadfish 1.0 cpowerp fire
pexplosion powerp water 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp steam 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp steam2 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp ewater 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp saltwater 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp esaltwater 26 bfire
pexplosion powerp acid 26 bfire
#charged powerp.
element cpowerp 151 158 197 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.010000 0
self 1.0 cpowerp 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 cpowerp
hotcolor cpowerp 255 0 0
neighbor 0.3 cpowerp bpowerp 1.0 bpowerp bpowerp
neighbor 1.0 cpowerp metal 1.0 powerp cmetal
neighbor 1.0 cpowerp pipe1 1.0 powerp ele1
pexplosion cpowerp water 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp steam 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp steam2 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp ewater 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp saltwater 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp esaltwater 26 bfire
pexplosion cpowerp acid 26 bfire
#broken powerp.
element bpowerp 131 138 197 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.050000 0
self 1.0 bpowerp 1.0 mmetal
hotself 70 bpowerp
neighbor 1.0 bpowerp hydrogen 1.0 bpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 bpowerp methane 1.0 bpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 bpowerp methane2 1.0 bpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 bpowerp oil 1.0 bpowerp empty
neighbor 1.0 bpowerp oil6 1.0 bpowerp empty
#a temporary element for powerp.
element methane2 151 177 95 -1.000000 1.000000 0.090000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 methane2 1.0 fire
hotself 70 methane2
neighbor 1.0 methane2 fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 methane2 fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 methane2 bfire 1.0 fire bfire
#a temporary element for powerp.
element oil6 128 64 64 0.700000 1.000000 0.200000 0.500000
self 0.5 oil6 1.0 fire
hotself 70 oil6
neighbor 1.0 oil6 fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 oil6 fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 oil6 bfire 1.0 fire bfire
#generic metal. conducts electricity, too.
element metal 150 150 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.300000
self 1.0 metal 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 metal
hotcolor metal 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 metal cmetal 1.0 cmetal metal
neighbor 1.0 metal ewater 1.0 cmetal water
neighbor 1.0 metal esaltwater 1.0 cmetal saltwater
#charged metal.
element cmetal 215 220 24 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 cmetal 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 cmetal
hotcolor cmetal 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 cmetal empty 1.0 metal electricity
neighbor 1.0 cmetal fish 1.0 metal deadfish
neighbor 1.0 cmetal plant 1.0 metal wood
neighbor 1.0 cmetal water 1.0 metal ewater
neighbor 1.0 cmetal saltwater 1.0 metal esaltwater
#molten metal
element mmetal 255 150 150 0.900000 0.000000 0.860000
1.100000 0
self 0.0005 mmetal 1.0 metal
#pipe #1. this is the first layer you put in a pipe, also the intake. use pipes to
transport materials around your base.
element pipe1 200 200 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.100000
self 1.0 pipe1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 electricity 1.0 ele1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 cmetal 1.0 ele1 metal
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 salt 1.0 st1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 water 1.0 wat1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 ewater 0.5 wat1 empty 0.5 ele1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 oil 1.0 oil1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 saltwater 1.0 sw1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 esaltwater 0.5 sw1 empty 0.5 ele1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 oxygen 1.0 oxy1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 co2 1.0 co21 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 methane 1.0 met1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 hydrogen 1.0 hyd1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 person 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 starvingp 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 dyingp 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 fish 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 sfish 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 deadfish 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 corpse 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 spore 1.0 pipe1 gunk
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 pgrate 1.0 per1 grate2
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 coolant 1.0 coo1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 dcoolant 1.0 coo1 empty
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 ele1 1.0 ele1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 st1 1.0 st1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 wat1 1.0 wat1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 oil1 1.0 oil1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 sw1 1.0 sw1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 oxy1 1.0 oxy1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 co21 1.0 co21 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 met1 1.0 met1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 hyd1 1.0 hyd1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 per1 1.0 per1 pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 coo1 1.0 coo1 pipe1
#electricity in pipe.
element ele1 160 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 ele1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 ele1
neighbor 1.0 ele1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 ele2
#salt in pipe.
element st1 160 190 21 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 st1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 st1
neighbor 1.0 st1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 st2
#water in pipe.
element wat1 160 190 22 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 wat1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 wat1
neighbor 1.0 wat1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 wat2
#oil in pipe.
element oil1 160 190 23 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oil1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oil1
neighbor 1.0 oil1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 oil2
#saltwater in pipe.
element sw1 160 190 24 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 sw1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 sw1
neighbor 1.0 sw1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 sw2
#oxygen in pipe.
element oxy1 160 190 25 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oxy1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oxy1
neighbor 1.0 oxy1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 oxy2
#co2 in pipe.
element co21 160 190 26 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 co21 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 co21
neighbor 1.0 co21 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 co22
#methane in pipe.
element met1 160 190 27 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 met1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 met1
neighbor 1.0 met1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 met2
#hydrogen in pipe.
element hyd1 160 190 28 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 hyd1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 hyd1
neighbor 1.0 hyd1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 hyd2
#person in pipe.
element per1 160 190 29 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 per1 1.0 ember
hotself 80 per1
neighbor 1.0 per1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 per2
#coolant in pipe.
element coo1 160 190 30 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 coo1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 coo1
neighbor 1.0 coo1 pipe2 1.0 pipe1 coo2
#pipe #2. this is the second layer you put in a pipe.
element pipe2 200 150 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 pipe2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 ele2 1.0 ele2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 st2 1.0 st2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 wat2 1.0 wat2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 oil2 1.0 oil2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 sw2 1.0 sw2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 oxy2 1.0 oxy2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 co22 1.0 co22 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 met2 1.0 met2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 hyd2 1.0 hyd2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 per2 1.0 per2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipe2 coo2 1.0 coo2 pipe2
#electricity in pipe.
element ele2 0 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 ele2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 ele2
neighbor 1.0 ele2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 ele3
#salt in pipe.
element st2 0 190 21 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 st2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 st2
neighbor 1.0 st2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 st3
#water in pipe.
element wat2 0 190 22 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 wat2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 wat2
neighbor 1.0 wat2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 wat3
#oil in pipe.
element oil2 0 190 23 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oil2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oil2
neighbor 1.0 oil2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 oil3
#saltwater in pipe.
element sw2 0 190 24 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 sw2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 sw2
neighbor 1.0 sw2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 sw3
#oxygen in pipe.
element oxy2 0 190 25 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oxy2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oxy2
neighbor 1.0 oxy2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 oxy3
#co2 in pipe.
element co22 0 190 26 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 co22 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 co22
neighbor 1.0 co22 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 co23
#methane in pipe.
element met2 0 190 27 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 met2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 met2
neighbor 1.0 met2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 met3
#hydrogen in pipe.
element hyd2 0 190 28 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 hyd2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 hyd2
neighbor 1.0 hyd2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 hyd3
#person in pipe.
element per2 0 190 29 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 per2 1.0 ember
hotself 80 per2
neighbor 1.0 per2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 per3
#coolant in pipe.
element coo2 0 190 30 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 coo2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 coo2
neighbor 1.0 coo2 pipe3 1.0 pipe2 coo3
#pipe #3. this is the third layer you put in a pipe, and the output.
element pipe3 200 20 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 pipe3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 ele3 1.0 ele3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 st3 1.0 st3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 wat3 1.0 wat3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 oil3 1.0 oil3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 sw3 1.0 sw3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 oxy3 1.0 oxy3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 co23 1.0 co23 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 met3 1.0 met3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 hyd3 1.0 hyd3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 per3 1.0 per3 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 pipe3 coo3 1.0 coo3 pipe3
#electricity in pipe.
element ele3 90 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 ele3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 ele3
neighbor 1.0 ele3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 ele1
neighbor 1.0 ele3 empty 1.0 pipe3 electricity
neighbor 1.0 ele3 metal 1.0 pipe3 cmetal
neighbor 1.0 ele3 water 1.0 pipe3 ewater
neighbor 1.0 ele3 saltwater 1.0 pipe3 esaltwater
#salt in pipe.
element st3 90 190 21 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 st3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 st3
neighbor 1.0 st3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 st1
neighbor 1.0 st3 empty 1.0 pipe3 salt
neighbor 1.0 st3 water 1.0 pipe3 salt
neighbor 1.0 st3 saltwater 1.0 pipe3 salt
#water in pipe.
element wat3 90 190 22 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 wat3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 wat3
neighbor 1.0 wat3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 wat1
neighbor 1.0 wat3 empty 1.0 pipe3 water
#oil in pipe.
element oil3 90 190 23 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oil3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oil3
neighbor 1.0 oil3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 oil1
neighbor 1.0 oil3 empty 1.0 pipe3 oil
#saltwater in pipe.
element sw3 90 190 24 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 sw3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 sw3
neighbor 1.0 sw3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 sw1
neighbor 1.0 sw3 empty 1.0 pipe3 saltwater
#oxygen in pipe.
element oxy3 90 190 25 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 oxy3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 oxy3
neighbor 1.0 oxy3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 oxy1
neighbor 1.0 oxy3 empty 1.0 pipe3 oxygen
#co2 in pipe.
element co23 90 190 26 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 co23 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 co23
neighbor 1.0 co23 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 co21
neighbor 1.0 co23 empty 1.0 pipe3 co2
#methane in pipe.
element met3 90 190 27 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 met3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 met3
neighbor 1.0 met3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 met1
neighbor 1.0 met3 empty 1.0 pipe3 methane
#hydrogen in pipe.
element hyd3 90 190 28 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 hyd3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 hyd3
neighbor 1.0 hyd3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 hyd1
neighbor 1.0 hyd3 empty 1.0 pipe3 hydrogen
#person in pipe.
element per3 90 190 29 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 per3 1.0 ember
hotself 80 per3
neighbor 1.0 per3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 per1
neighbor 1.0 per3 empty 1.0 pipe3 person
neighbor 1.0 per3 co2 1.0 pipe3 person
neighbor 1.0 per3 oxygen 1.0 pipe3 person
neighbor 1.0 per3 water 1.0 pipe3 person
neighbor 1.0 per3 saltwater 1.0 pipe3 person
#coolant in pipe.
element coo3 90 190 30 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000
self 1.0 coo3 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 coo3
neighbor 1.0 coo3 pipe1 1.0 pipe3 coo1
neighbor 1.0 coo3 empty 1.0 pipe3 coolant
#creates pipes. just draw it like the pipe you want, then put start at the
beginning. you will probably have to finish the end of it, unless the length is a
multiple of 3.
element pipem 200 230 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.300000
self 1.0 pipem 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 pipem
neighbor 1.0 pipem empty 1.0 pipem glass
neighbor 1.0 pipem water 1.0 pipem glass
neighbor 1.0 pipem saltwater 1.0 pipem glass
neighbor 1.0 pipem pipe1 1.0 pipe2b pipe1
neighbor 1.0 pipem pipe2 1.0 pipe3b pipe2
neighbor 1.0 pipem pipe3 1.0 pipe1b pipe3
#part of pipem.
element pipe1b 180 180 201 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
self 1.0 pipe1b 1.0000 pipe1
#part of pipem.
element pipe2b 200 200 221 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
self 1.0 pipe2b 1.0000 pipe2
#part of pipem.
element pipe3b 220 220 241 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
self 1.0 pipe3b 1.0000 pipe3
#switch. water turns it on. it can only be turned on once.
element switch 200 150 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 switch 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 switch
hotcolor switch 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 switch water 1.0 onswitch empty
neighbor 1.0 switch ewater 1.0 onswitch empty
#on switch.
element onswitch 150 150 25 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 onswitch 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 onswitch
hotcolor onswitch 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 onswitch switch 1.0 onswitch onswitch
#switch operated detonator.
element deton 150 97 61 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
self 1.0 deton 1.0 fire
hotself 80 deton
neighbor 1.0 deton onswitch 1.0 fire onswitch
neighbor 1.0 deton fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 deton fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 deton bfire 1.0 fire bfire
neighbor 1.0 deton electricity 1.0 fire empty
#electricity. this is what powers your base. also very hot. credit for the
flashiness goes to 11neil11
element electricity 80 104 222 1.000000 0.000000 0.100000
1.600000 1
self 0.001 electricity 1.0 spark
neighbor 1.0 electricity empty 1.0 electricity edge
neighbor 0.1 electricity broken 1.0 empty broken
neighbor 1.0 electricity mmetal 1.0 empty mmetal
neighbor 1.0 electricity metal 1.0 empty cmetal
neighbor 1.0 electricity radiator 1.0 empty cmetal
neighbor 1.0 electricity plant 1.0 empty wood
neighbor 1.0 electricity powerp 1.0 empty bpowerp
neighbor 1.0 electricity cpowerp 1.0 empty bpowerp
neighbor 1.0 electricity switch 1.0 empty broken
neighbor 1.0 electricity onswitch 1.0 empty broken
neighbor 1.0 electricity water 1.0 empty ewater
neighbor 1.0 electricity ewater 1.0 empty ewater
neighbor 1.0 electricity saltwater 1.0 empty esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 electricity esaltwater 1.0 empty esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 electricity swfilter 1.0 empty broken
neighbor 1.0 electricity cswfilter 1.0 empty broken
#electricity's flashiness. credit goes to 11neil11
element edge 255 255 70 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 1.400000
self 1.0 edge 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 edge electricity 1.0 electricity edge
neighbor 1.0 edge cmetal 1.0 empty cmetal
element spark 255 255 70 -1.000000 1.000000 0.010000 1.500000
self 0.05 spark 1.0 empty
#broken electrical components.
element broken 85 81 51 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 broken 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 broken
hotcolor broken 255 0 0
neighbor 0.0001 broken empty 1.0 broken spark
neighbor 1.0 broken switch 1.0 broken broken
neighbor 1.0 broken onswitch 1.0 broken broken
neighbor 1.0 broken swfilter 1.0 broken broken
neighbor 1.0 broken cswfilter 1.0 broken broken
#disappears with switch.
element gate 143 177 203 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.500000
neighbor 1.0 gate ewater 1.0 dgate water
neighbor 1.0 gate onswitch 1.0 dgate onswitch
neighbor 1.0 gate dgate 1.0 dgate dgate
#disappearing gate.
element dgate 143 167 203 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.300000
self 0.7 dgate 1.0 empty
#electric desalinator. put a funnel overhead to collect the steam.
element swfilter 54 145 141 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 swfilter 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 swfilter
neighbor 1.0 swfilter ele3 1.0 cswfilter pipe3
neighbor 1.0 swfilter cmetal 1.0 cswfilter metal
neighbor 1.0 swfilter cswfilter 1.0 cswfilter swfilter
#charged saltwater filter. 101
element cswfilter 74 165 141 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 cswfilter 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 cswfilter
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter saltwater 0.8 swfilter steam 0.2 swf empty
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter esaltwater 0.5 swfilter steam 0.5 swf empty
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter water 1.0 swfilter steam
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter ewater 1.0 swfilter steam
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter fish 0.5 swfilter blood 0.5 cswfilter gunk
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter deadfish 0.5 swfilter blood 0.5 cswfilter
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter sfish 0.5 swfilter blood 0.5 cswfilter gunk
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter person 0.5 swfilter blood 0.5 cswfilter
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter corpse 0.5 swfilter blood 0.5 cswfilter
neighbor 1.0 cswfilter salt 1.0 swf empty
#saltwater in filter.
element swf 54 145 261 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
neighbor 1.0 swf empty 1.0 swfilter salt
neighbor 1.0 swf cswfilter 1.0 cswfilter swf
neighbor 1.0 swf swfilter 1.0 swfilter swf
#turns co2 into oxygen. needs electricity and oxygen.
element scrubber 157 17 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 scrubber 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 scrubber
neighbor 1.0 scrubber oxy3 1.0 boxy pipe3
neighbor 1.0 scrubber cmetal 1.0 cscrubber metal
neighbor 1.0 scrubber ele3 1.0 cscrubber pipe3
neighbor 1.0 scrubber cscrubber 1.0 cscrubber scrubber
neighbor 1.0 scrubber celectro 1.0 cscrubber celectro
neighbor 1.0 scrubber water 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 scrubber ewater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 scrubber saltwater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 scrubber esaltwater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 scrubber belectro 1.0 bscrubber belectro
#charged scrubber.
element cscrubber 177 37 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 cscrubber 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 cscrubber
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber metal 1.0 scrubber cmetal
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber belectro 1.0 bscrubber belectro
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber bscrubber 1.0 bscrubber bscrubber
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber oxy3 1.0 soxy pipe3
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber person 1.0 cscrubber blood
neighbor 1.0 cscrubber corpse 1.0 cscrubber blood
#oxygen in scrubber.
element boxy 157 17 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 boxy 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 boxy
neighbor 1.0 boxy cmetal 1.0 soxy metal
neighbor 1.0 boxy cscrubber 1.0 soxy soxy
neighbor 1.0 boxy scrubber 1.0 scrubber boxy
#oxygen in scrubber.
element soxy 157 17 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 soxy 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 soxy
neighbor 1.0 soxy cscrubber 1.0 cscrubber soxy
neighbor 1.0 soxy scrubber 1.0 scrubber soxy
neighbor 1.0 soxy airfilter 1.0 airfilter soxy
neighbor 1.0 soxy co2 0.5 scrubber oxygen 0.5 soxy oxygen
neighbor 1.0 soxy empty 0.5 scrubber oxygen 0.5 soxy oxygen
#turns water into oxygen and hydrogen through electrolysis. needs electricity and
water. connect with pipe to scrubber to transfer oxygen.
element electro 127 157 24 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 electro 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 electro
neighbor 1.0 electro cmetal 1.0 celectro metal
neighbor 1.0 electro ele3 1.0 celectro pipe3
neighbor 1.0 electro celectro 1.0 celectro electro
neighbor 1.0 electro belectro 1.0 belectro belectro
#charged electro.
element celectro 147 177 44 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 celectro 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 celectro
neighbor 1.0 celectro metal 1.0 electro cmetal
neighbor 1.0 celectro water 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 celectro saltwater 0.5 eoxy hydrogen 0.5 eoxy gunk
neighbor 1.0 celectro ewater 1.0 belectro methane
neighbor 1.0 celectro esaltwater 1.0 belectro methane
neighbor 1.0 celectro belectro 1.0 belectro belectro
neighbor 1.0 celectro eoxy 1.0 eoxy celectro
neighbor 1.0 celectro person 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 celectro corpse 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 celectro fish 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 celectro sfish 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
neighbor 1.0 celectro deadfish 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
#oxygen in electro.
element eoxy 157 27 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 eoxy 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 eoxy
neighbor 1.0 eoxy celectro 1.0 celectro eoxy
neighbor 1.0 eoxy electro 1.0 electro eoxy
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 eoxy 1.0 oxy1 electro
neighbor 1.0 eoxy water 1.0 eoxy hydrogen
#broken scrubber.
element bscrubber 167 37 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 bscrubber 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 bscrubber
neighbor 1.0 bscrubber soxy 1.0 bscrubber bscrubber
neighbor 0.01 bscrubber oxygen 1.0 bscrubber hydrogen
neighbor 0.01 bscrubber co2 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 0.01 bscrubber empty 1.0 bscrubber methane
#broken electro.
element belectro 177 37 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.010000 0
self 1.0 belectro 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 belectro
neighbor 1.0 belectro eoxy 1.0 belectro belectro
neighbor 0.01 belectro oxygen 1.0 belectro hydrogen
neighbor 0.01 belectro co2 1.0 belectro methane
neighbor 0.01 belectro empty 1.0 belectro methane
#cross between a kitchen and a bathroom. make an empty chamber behind it to catch
the poop, and then put some plant in the bottom to decompose it.
element k&b 238 221 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 k&b 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 k&b
neighbor 1.0 k&b methane 1.0 food1 empty
neighbor 1.0 food1 k&b 1.0 k&b food1
neighbor 1.0 k&b water 1.0 bk&b water
neighbor 1.0 k&b ewater 1.0 bk&b ewater
neighbor 1.0 k&b saltwater 1.0 bk&b saltwater
neighbor 1.0 k&b esaltwater 1.0 bk&b esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 k&b electricity 1.0 bk&b empty
neighbor 1.0 k&b bk&b 1.0 bk&b bk&b
neighbor 1.0 food1 oxygen 1.0 food oxygen
neighbor 1.0 k&b waste 1.0 waste k&b
#broken k&b.
element bk&b 177 37 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.010000
self 1.0 bk&b 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 bk&b
neighbor 1.0 bk&b food 1.0 bk&b bk&b
neighbor 1.0 bk&b person 1.0 bk&b blood
neighbor 1.0 bk&b hungryp 1.0 bk&b blood
neighbor 1.0 bk&b starvingp 1.0 bk&b blood
neighbor 1.0 bk&b dyingp 1.0 bk&b blood
neighbor 1.0 bk&b waste 1.0 bk&b bk&b
neighbor 0.01 bk&b oxygen 1.0 bk&b poo
neighbor 0.01 bk&b co2 1.0 bk&b methane
#food. stationary
element food 255 127 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 food 1.0 ember
hotself 70 food
#food. moving.
element food1 255 127 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 food1 1.0 ember
hotself 70 food1
neighbor 1.0 food1 waste 1.0 waste food1
#poo in k&b.
element waste 150 112 61 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000
self 0.5 waste 1.0 fire
hotself 70 waste
neighbor 1.0 waste empty 1.0 k&b poo
#condenses steam and coolant. put at the beginning of a pipe.
element condenser 64 128 235 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 1
self 1.0 condenser 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 condenser
neighbor 1.0 steam condenser 1.0 empty csteam
neighbor 1.0 steam2 condenser 0.5 empty csteam 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 rcoolant condenser 1.0 empty ccoolant
neighbor 1.0 csteam condenser 1.0 condenser csteam
neighbor 1.0 ccoolant condenser 1.0 condenser ccoolant
#steam in condenser.
element csteam 64 128 255 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 csteam 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 csteam
neighbor 1.0 csteam pipe1 1.0 condenser wat1
#coolant in condenser.
element ccoolant 64 128 245 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 ccoolant 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 ccoolant
neighbor 1.0 ccoolant pipe1 1.0 condenser coo1
#a temporary oxygen supply. needs no power, but becomes dirty and nonfunctional
over time. clean with rbclean.
element rebreather 210 115 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 rebreather 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 rebreather
neighbor 0.2 rebreather empty 1.0 rebreather oxygen
neighbor 0.05 rebreather co2 1.0 rebreather oxygen
neighbor 0.001 co2 rebreather 1.0 oxygen dirtyrb
pexplosion rebreather water 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather ewater 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather saltwater 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather esaltwater 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather fire 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather fire2 16 bfire
pexplosion rebreather bfire 16 bfire
#dirty rebreather
element dirtyrb 115 115 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 dirtyrb 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 dirtyrb
pexplosion dirtyrb water 16 bfire
pexplosion dirtyrb ewater 16 bfire
pexplosion dirtyrb saltwater 16 bfire
pexplosion dirtyrb esaltwater 16 bfire
#rebreather cleaner. also removes corpses.
element rbclean 167 137 160 0.700000 1.000000 0.800000
0.900000 1
self 0.005 rbclean 1.0 oxygen
neighbor 0.5 rbclean dirtyrb 1.0 oxygen rebreather
neighbor 0.01 rbclean oxygen 1.0 oxygen oxygen
neighbor 0.01 rbclean co2 1.0 co2 co2
neighbor 1.0 rbclean corpse 1.0 rbclean rbclean
pexplosion rbclean water 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean ewater 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean saltwater 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean esaltwater 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean fire 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean fire2 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean bfire 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean lava 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean mmetal 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean mglass 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean macrylic 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean msalt 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean lava 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean lava2 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean lava3 16 bfire
pexplosion rbclean acid 16 bfire
#a more permanant air supply. all it needs is power. use with nuclear, infinite,
or methane/oil bases.
element airfilter 170 115 200 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 airfilter 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 airfilter
neighbor 1.0 airfilter ele3 1.0 aoxy pipe3
neighbor 1.0 airfilter cmetal 1.0 aoxy metal
neighbor 1.0 airfilter water 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 airfilter ewater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 airfilter saltwater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 airfilter esaltwater 1.0 bscrubber methane
neighbor 1.0 airfilter person 1.0 airfilter blood
neighbor 1.0 airfilter corpse 1.0 airfilter blood
#oxygen in airfilter.
element aoxy 157 17 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 aoxy 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 aoxy
neighbor 1.0 aoxy airfilter 1.0 airfilter aoxy
neighbor 1.0 aoxy co2 1.0 airfilter oxygen
neighbor 1.0 aoxy empty 1.0 airfilter oxygen
pexplosion aoxy water 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy saltwater 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy ewater 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy esaltwater 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy fire 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy fire2 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy bfire 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy lava 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy mmetal 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy mglass 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy macrylic 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy msalt 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy lava 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy lava2 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy lava3 6 bfire
pexplosion aoxy acid 6 bfire
#swims in saltwater.
element sfish 9 247 134 0.700000 1.000000 0.570000 0.500000
self 1.0 sfish 1.0 deadfish
hotself 50 sfish
neighbor 0.8 sfish saltwater 1.0 saltwater sfish
neighbor 0.0002 saltwater sfish 1.0 saltwater deadfish
neighbor 0.01 sfish deadfish 1.0 sfish saltwater
neighbor 0.5 sfish gunk 1.0 sfish saltwater
neighbor 0.01 sfish empty 1.0 deadfish empty
neighbor 0.1 sfish water 1.0 deadfish water
neighbor 0.1 sfish steam 1.0 deadfish steam
neighbor 0.1 sfish steam2 1.0 deadfish steam2
neighbor 0.2 sfish sand 1.0 deadfish sand
neighbor 0.2 sfish salt 1.0 deadfish salt
neighbor 0.2 sfish oil 1.0 deadfish oil
neighbor 0.2 sfish plant 1.0 deadfish plant
neighbor 1.0 sfish ewater 1.0 deadfish ewater
neighbor 1.0 sfish esaltwater 1.0 deadfish esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 sfish cmetal 1.0 deadfish metal
#swims in freshwater.
element fish 9 247 134 0.700000 1.000000 0.470000 0.500000
self 1.0 fish 1.0 deadfish
hotself 50 fish
neighbor 0.8 fish water 1.0 water fish
neighbor 0.0002 water fish 1.0 water deadfish
neighbor 0.01 fish deadfish 1.0 fish water
neighbor 0.5 fish gunk 1.0 fish water
neighbor 0.01 fish empty 1.0 deadfish empty
neighbor 0.1 fish saltwater 1.0 deadfish saltwater
neighbor 0.1 fish steam 1.0 deadfish steam
neighbor 0.1 fish steam2 1.0 deadfish steam2
neighbor 0.2 fish sand 1.0 deadfish sand
neighbor 0.2 fish salt 1.0 deadfish salt
neighbor 0.2 fish oil 1.0 deadfish oil
neighbor 0.2 fish plant 1.0 deadfish plant
neighbor 1.0 fish ewater 1.0 deadfish ewater
neighbor 1.0 fish esaltwater 1.0 deadfish esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 fish cmetal 1.0 deadfish metal
#dead fish.
element deadfish 180 230 230 1.000000 0.000000 0.700000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 deadfish 1.0 ember
hotself 70 deadfish
neighbor 0.0001 deadfish water 1.0 gunk water
neighbor 0.0002 deadfish saltwater 1.0 gunk saltwater
neighbor 0.01 deadfish fish 1.0 fish water
neighbor 0.01 deadfish sfish 1.0 sfish saltwater
#circulatory liquid.
element blood 255 0 0 0.700000 0.500000 0.200000 0.500000
self 0.005 blood 1.0 empty
element poo 150 112 61 0.700000 0.500000 0.450000 0.500000
self 0.5 poo 1.0 fire
hotself 70 poo
neighbor 0.02 poo plant 1.0 methane plant
neighbor 0.0001 poo empty 1.0 methane empty
#person. drowns in water.
element person 216 179 109 1.000000 0.500000 0.020000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 person 1.0 ember
hotself 60 person
neighbor 0.5 person oxygen 1.0 oxygen person
neighbor 0.8 co2 person 1.0 person co2
neighbor 0.005 oxygen person 1.0 person co2
neighbor 0.5 person empty 1.0 dyingp empty
neighbor 0.002 person co2 1.0 dyingp co2
neighbor 0.1 person water 1.0 dyingp water
neighbor 0.1 person saltwater 1.0 dyingp saltwater
neighbor 0.8 person ewater 1.0 corpse water
neighbor 0.8 person esaltwater 1.0 corpse esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 person cmetal 1.0 corpse metal
neighbor 0.1 person electricity 1.0 corpse empty
neighbor 0.004 person person 1.0 person hungryp
neighbor 0.001 wall person 1.0 wall hungryp
neighbor 0.001 acrylic person 1.0 acrylic hungryp
neighbor 0.001 glass person 1.0 glass hungryp
neighbor 0.001 wood person 1.0 wood hungryp
#dying person.
element dyingp 220 170 220 0.700000 1.000000 0.060000
0.500000 0
self 0.01 dyingp 1.0 corpse
neighbor 0.5 dyingp oxygen 1.0 oxygen person
neighbor 0.5 dyingp co2 1.0 co2 dyingp
#hungry person.
element hungryp 220 190 150 0.700000 1.000000 0.060000
0.500000 0
self 0.003 hungryp 1.0 starvingp
neighbor 1.0 hungryp food 1.0 person waste
neighbor 0.8 hungryp oxygen 1.0 oxygen hungryp
neighbor 0.8 co2 hungryp 1.0 hungryp co2
neighbor 0.005 oxygen hungryp 1.0 hungryp co2
neighbor 0.5 hungryp empty 1.0 dyingp empty
neighbor 0.01 hungryp co2 1.0 dyingp co2
neighbor 0.1 hungryp water 1.0 dyingp water
neighbor 0.1 hungryp saltwater 1.0 dyingp saltwater
neighbor 0.8 hungryp ewater 1.0 corpse water
neighbor 0.8 hungryp esaltwater 1.0 corpse esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 hungryp cmetal 1.0 corpse metal
neighbor 0.1 hungryp electricity 1.0 corpse empty
#starving person.
element starvingp 230 230 200 0.700000 1.000000 0.060000
0.500000 0
self 0.005 starvingp 1.0 corpse
neighbor 1.0 starvingp food 1.0 person waste
neighbor 0.8 starvingp oxygen 1.0 oxygen starvingp
neighbor 0.8 co2 starvingp 1.0 starvingp co2
neighbor 0.005 oxygen starvingp 1.0 starvingp co2
neighbor 0.5 starvingp empty 1.0 dyingp empty
neighbor 0.01 starvingp co2 1.0 dyingp co2
neighbor 0.1 starvingp water 1.0 dyingp water
neighbor 0.1 starvingp saltwater 1.0 dyingp saltwater
neighbor 0.8 starvingp ewater 1.0 corpse water
neighbor 0.8 starvingp esaltwater 1.0 corpse esaltwater
neighbor 0.1 starvingp cmetal 1.0 corpse metal
neighbor 0.1 starvingp electricity 1.0 corpse empty
element corpse 240 240 200 0.700000 1.000000 0.200000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 corpse 1.0 ember
hotself 70 corpse
neighbor 0.03 corpse empty 0.99 corpse methane 0.01 methane
neighbor 0.01 corpse plant 1.0 methane plant
#this reanimates corpses. use only in an oxygen environment. it also fixes
infected people.
element reanimate 167 107 160 0.700000 1.000000 0.800000
0.990000 1
self 0.05 reanimate 1.0 oxygen
neighbor 1.0 reanimate corpse 1.0 reanimate person
neighbor 1.0 reanimate iperson 1.0 reanimate person
neighbor 1.0 reanimate virus 1.0 reanimate reanimate
neighbor 1.0 reanimate gvirus 1.0 reanimate glass
neighbor 1.0 reanimate wvirus 1.0 reanimate wall
neighbor 1.0 reanimate avirus 1.0 reanimate acrylic
pexplosion reanimate empty 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate fire 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate fire2 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate bfire 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate lava 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate lava2 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate mmetal 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate mglass 16 fire
pexplosion reanimate msalt 16 fire
#this is a dock for , with built-in minisubs. just make some of a wall of the crew
quarters out of this, and the people can travel through the water, then go back
element dock 201 186 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.400000
self 1.0 dock 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 dock
neighbor 0.8 dock person 1.0 wait oxygen
neighbor 0.8 dock hungryp 1.0 wait oxygen
neighbor 0.8 dock starvingp 1.0 wait oxygen
neighbor 0.8 dock dyingp 1.0 wait oxygen
neighbor 0.8 dock minisub 1.0 waity water
neighbor 0.8 dock sminisub 1.0 waity saltwater
#person disembarking a minisub.
element waity 201 186 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.400000
self 1.0 waity 1.0 ember
hotself 80 waity
neighbor 1.0 oxygen waity 1.0 person dock
neighbor 1.0 co2 waity 1.0 person dock
neighbor 1.0 dock waity 1.0 waity dock
neighbor 1.0 wait waity 1.0 waity wait
#person entering a minisub.
element wait 201 186 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.400000
self 1.0 wait 1.0 ember
hotself 80 wait
neighbor 1.0 water wait 1.0 minisub dock
neighbor 1.0 saltwater wait 1.0 sminisub dock
neighbor 1.0 dock wait 1.0 wait dock
#these are full minisubs.
element minisub 0 255 40 1.000000 0.000000 0.470000
0.400000 0
self 1.0 minisub 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 minisub
neighbor 1.0 minisub water 1.0 water minisub
neighbor 1.0 minisub saltwater 1.0 saltwater sminisub
#these are full minisubs.
element sminisub 0 255 40 1.000000 0.000000 0.570000
0.400000 0
self 1.0 sminisub 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 sminisub
neighbor 1.0 sminisub water 1.0 water minisub
neighbor 1.0 sminisub saltwater 1.0 saltwater sminisub
#coral. grows only in saltwater.
element coral 200 100 50 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 0.0001 coral 1.0 saltwater
neighbor 0.0005 saltwater coral 1.0 sfish coral
neighbor 0.01 coral empty 1.0 sand empty
neighbor 0.1 coral water 1.0 sand water
neighbor 1.0 coral ewater 1.0 sand ewater
neighbor 1.0 coral esaltwater 1.0 sand esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 coral fire 1.0 sand fire
neighbor 1.0 coral fire2 1.0 sand fire2
neighbor 1.0 coral bfire 1.0 sand bfire
neighbor 0.1 coral lava 1.0 sand lava
neighbor 0.1 coral ember 1.0 sand ember
neighbor 0.1 coral mglass 1.0 sand mglass
neighbor 0.1 coral msalt 1.0 sand msalt
neighbor 0.1 coral macrylic 1.0 sand macrylic
neighbor 0.1 coral mmetal 1.0 sand mmetal
neighbor 0.1 coral lava 1.0 sand lava
neighbor 0.1 coral lava2 1.0 sand lava2
neighbor 0.1 coral lava3 1.0 sand lava3
neighbor 0.1 coral co2 1.0 sand co2
neighbor 0.1 coral methane 1.0 sand methane
neighbor 0.0002 coral saltwater 1.0 saltwater spore
#turns into coral when it touches something.
element spore 150 100 50 0.700000 1.000000 0.570000 0.500000
self 1.0 spore 1.0 deadfish
hotself 50 spore
neighbor 0.8 spore saltwater 1.0 saltwater spore
neighbor 0.8 spore sfish 0.98 sfish spore 0.01 saltwater spore 0.01 sfish
neighbor 0.01 spore empty 1.0 deadfish empty
neighbor 0.1 spore water 1.0 deadfish water
neighbor 0.1 spore steam 1.0 deadfish steam
neighbor 0.1 spore steam2 1.0 deadfish steam2
neighbor 0.2 spore oil 1.0 deadfish oil
neighbor 0.2 spore plant 1.0 deadfish plant
neighbor 1.0 spore ewater 1.0 deadfish ewater
neighbor 1.0 spore esaltwater 1.0 deadfish esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 spore cmetal 1.0 deadfish metal
neighbor 1.0 spore fish 1.0 deadfish fish
neighbor 1.0 spore acid 1.0 deadfish acid
neighbor 1.0 spore rock 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore wall 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore acrylic 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore wood 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.05 spore glass 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore deadfish 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore sand 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore mud 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore dirt 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore wood 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore gunk 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 1.0 spore dirt 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore red 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore rshield 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore rshield2 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore blue 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore bshield 1.0 coral coral
neighbor 0.5 spore bshield2 1.0 coral coral
#red war factory. makes bomb fish that explodes against blue. connect to
element rfactory 205 93 47 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 rfactory 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 rfactory
neighbor 1.0 rfactory ele3 1.0 rfish pipe3
neighbor 1.0 rfactory cmetal 1.0 rfish metal
neighbor 1.0 rfactory rfish 1.0 rfish rfactory
pexplosion rfactory fire 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory fire2 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory bfire 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory mmetal 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory lava 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory lava2 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory lava3 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory mglass 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory msalt 24 bfire
pexplosion rfactory electricity 24 bfire
#fish in factory.
element rfish 205 123 47 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 rfish 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 rfish
neighbor 0.2 rfish empty 1.0 rfactory rbfish
neighbor 0.2 rfish water 1.0 rfactory rbfish
neighbor 0.2 rfish saltwater 1.0 rfactory rbfish2
pexplosion rfish fire 16 bfire
pexplosion rfish fire2 16 bfire
pexplosion rfish bfire 16 bfire
pexplosion rfish ewater 16 bfire
pexplosion rfish esaltwater 16 bfire
#red bomb fish.
element rbfish 235 123 47 0.700000 1.000000 0.470000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 rbfish 1.0 fire
hotself 80 rbfish
neighbor 1.0 rbfish water 1.0 water rbfish
neighbor 1.0 rbfish bbfish 1.0 bbfish rbfish
neighbor 1.0 rbfish bbfish2 1.0 bbfish2 rbfish
neighbor 1.0 rbfish saltwater 1.0 saltwater rbfish2
pexplosion rbfish blue 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish glass 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish acrylic 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish wall 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish radiator 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish insulator 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish nwall 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish bfactory 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish coral 6 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish bshield 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish bshield2 16 rsplosion
neighbor 0.5 rbfish fire 1.0 rbfish smoke
neighbor 0.5 rbfish fire2 1.0 rbfish smoke
neighbor 0.5 rbfish bfire 1.0 rbfish smoke
pexplosion rbfish ewater 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish esaltwater 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish electricity 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish lava 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish lava2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish lava3 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish mmetal 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish mglass 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish msalt 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish smoke 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish torch 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish ember 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish radiation2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma5 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma6 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma7 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma3 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish plasma4 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish acid 16 bsplosion
#red bomb fish, for saltwater.
element rbfish2 235 123 47 0.700000 1.000000 0.570000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 rbfish2 1.0 fire
hotself 80 rbfish2
neighbor 1.0 rbfish2 water 1.0 water rbfish
neighbor 1.0 rbfish2 bbfish 1.0 bbfish rbfish2
neighbor 1.0 rbfish2 bbfish2 1.0 bbfish2 rbfish2
neighbor 1.0 rbfish2 saltwater 1.0 saltwater rbfish2
pexplosion rbfish2 blue 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 glass 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 acrylic 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 wall 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 radiator 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 insulator 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 nwall 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 bfactory 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 coral 6 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 bshield 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 bshield2 16 rsplosion
neighbor 0.3 rbfish2 fire 1.0 rbfish2 smoke
neighbor 0.3 rbfish2 fire2 1.0 rbfish2 smoke
neighbor 0.3 rbfish2 bfire 1.0 rbfish2 smoke
pexplosion rbfish2 ewater 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 esaltwater 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 electricity 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 lava 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 lava2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 lava3 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 mmetal 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 mglass 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 msalt 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 smoke 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 torch 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 ember 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 radiation2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma5 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma6 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma7 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma2 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma3 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 plasma4 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 acid 16 bsplosion
#red tag. if you are making war bases, cover your bases with red and blue. only
enemy bomb fish explode against them.
element red 190 10 60 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 red 1.0 mmetal
hotself 70 red
#red explosion.
element rsplosion 190 190 10 0.000000 1.000000 0.600000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 rsplosion 1.0 fire
hotself 70 rsplosion
neighbor 0.5 water rsplosion 1.0 water water
neighbor 0.5 saltwater rsplosion 1.0 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 0.5 rsplosion empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion glass 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion wall 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion acrylic 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion radiator 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion insulator 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion nwall 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion grate 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion pipe1 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion pipe2 1.0 rsplosion blue
neighbor 1.0 rsplosion pipe3 1.0 rsplosion blue
pexplosion rsplosion hydrogen 20 fire
pexplosion rsplosion powerp 26 bfire
pexplosion rsplosion c4 50 fire
pexplosion rsplosion oxygen 8 bfire
#blue war factory. makes bomb fish that explodes against red. connect to
element bfactory 47 93 205 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 bfactory 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 bfactory
neighbor 1.0 ele3 bfactory 1.0 pipe3 bfish
neighbor 1.0 cmetal bfactory 1.0 metal bfish
neighbor 1.0 bfactory bfish 1.0 bfish bfactory
pexplosion bfactory fire 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory fire2 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory bfire 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory mmetal 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory lava 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory lava2 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory lava3 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory mglass 24 bfire
pexplosion bfactory msalt 24 bfire
#fish in factory.
element bfish 47 123 205 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 bfish 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 bfish
neighbor 0.2 bfish empty 1.0 bfactory bbfish
neighbor 0.2 bfish water 1.0 bfactory bbfish
neighbor 0.2 bfish saltwater 1.0 bfactory bbfish2
pexplosion bfish fire 16 bfire
pexplosion bfish fire2 16 bfire
pexplosion bfish bfire 16 bfire
pexplosion bfish ewater 16 bfire
pexplosion bfish esaltwater 16 bfire
#blue bomb fish.
element bbfish 47 123 235 0.700000 1.000000 0.470000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 bbfish 1.0 fire
hotself 80 bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish water 1.0 water bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish rbfish 1.0 rbfish bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish rbfish2 1.0 rbfish2 bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish saltwater 1.0 saltwater bbfish2
pexplosion bbfish red 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish glass 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish acrylic 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish wall 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish radiator 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish insulator 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish nwall 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish rfactory 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish coral 6 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish rshield 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish rshield2 16 bsplosion
neighbor 0.3 bbfish fire 1.0 bbfish smoke
neighbor 0.3 bbfish fire2 1.0 bbfish smoke
neighbor 0.3 bbfish bfire 1.0 bbfish smoke
pexplosion bbfish ewater 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish esaltwater 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish electricity 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish lava 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish lava2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish lava3 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish mmetal 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish mglass 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish msalt 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish smoke 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish torch 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish ember 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish radiation2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma5 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma6 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma7 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma3 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish plasma4 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish acid 16 rsplosion
#blue bomb fish, for saltwater.
element bbfish2 47 123 235 0.700000 1.000000 0.570000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 bbfish 1.0 fire
hotself 80 bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish2 water 1.0 water bbfish
neighbor 1.0 bbfish2 rbfish 1.0 rbfish bbfish2
neighbor 1.0 bbfish2 rbfish2 1.0 rbfish2 bbfish2
neighbor 1.0 bbfish2 saltwater 1.0 saltwater bbfish2
pexplosion bbfish2 red 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 glass 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 acrylic 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 wall 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 radiator 16 bsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 insulator 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 nwall 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 rfactory 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 coral 6 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 rshield 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 rshield2 16 bsplosion
neighbor 0.3 bbfish2 fire 1.0 bbfish2 smoke
neighbor 0.3 bbfish2 fire2 1.0 bbfish2 smoke
neighbor 0.3 bbfish2 bfire 1.0 bbfish2 smoke
pexplosion bbfish2 ewater 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 esaltwater 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 electricity 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 lava 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 lava2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 lava3 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 mmetal 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 mglass 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 msalt 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 smoke 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 torch 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 ember 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 radiation2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma5 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma6 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma7 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma2 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma3 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 plasma4 16 rsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 acid 16 rsplosion
#blue tag. if you are making war bases, cover your bases with red and blue. only
enemy bomb fish explode against them.
element blue 60 10 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
self 1.0 blue 1.0 mmetal
hotself 70 blue
#blue explosion.
element bsplosion 190 190 10 0.000000 1.000000 0.600000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 bsplosion 1.0 bfire
hotself 70 bsplosion
neighbor 0.5 water bsplosion 1.0 water water
neighbor 0.5 saltwater bsplosion 1.0 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 0.5 bsplosion empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion glass 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion wall 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion acrylic 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion radiator 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion insulator 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion nwall 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion pipe1 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion pipe2 1.0 bsplosion red
neighbor 1.0 bsplosion pipe3 1.0 bsplosion red
pexplosion bsplosion hydrogen 20 fire
pexplosion bsplosion powerp 26 bfire
pexplosion bsplosion c4 50 fire
pexplosion bsplosion oxygen 8 bfire
#red shield. it needs to be powered to protect against blue bomb fish and other
damaging stuff. also fuctions as a red tag.
element rshield 140 10 60 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 rshield 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 rshield
neighbor 1.0 rshield cmetal 1.0 rshield2 metal
neighbor 1.0 rshield ele3 1.0 rshield2 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 rshield ele2 1.0 rshield2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 rshield electricity 1.0 rshield3 empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield ewater 1.0 rshield3 water
neighbor 1.0 rshield esaltwater 1.0 rshield3 saltwater
#charged red shield.
element rshield2 150 10 50 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 rshield2 1.0 rshield
hotself 90 rshield2
neighbor 1.0 rshield rshield2 1.0 rshield2 rshield
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 water 1.0 rshield3 water
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 saltwater 1.0 rshield3 saltwater
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 empty 1.0 rshield3 empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 sand 1.0 rshield3 sand
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 coral 1.0 rshield3 coral
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 spore 1.0 rshield3 spore
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 fish 1.0 rshield3 fish
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 sfish 1.0 rshield3 sfish
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 neutronium 1.0 rshield3 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 radiation2 1.0 rshield3 radiation2
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 nwaste 1.0 rshield3 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 lava 1.0 rshield3 lava
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 lava2 1.0 rshield3 lava2
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 lava3 1.0 rshield3 lava3
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 dirt 1.0 rshield3 dirt
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 mud 1.0 rshield3 mud
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 rock 1.0 rshield3 rock
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 mglass 1.0 rshield3 mglass
neighbor 1.0 rshield2 mmetal 1.0 rshield rshield
hotneighbor 10 rshield2 mmetal
#deployed red shield.
element rshield3 160 10 60 0.000000 0.000000 8.000000
0.100000 0
self 1.0 rshield3 1.0 rshield
hotself 90 rshield3
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 bbfish 1.0 rshield water
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 bbfish2 1.0 rshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 depthcharge 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 virusfish 1.0 rshield water
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 svirusfish 1.0 rshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 radiation2 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 nwaste 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 rock 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 80 rshield3 rock
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 wall 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 85 rshield3 wall
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 lava 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 lava
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 lava2 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 lava2
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 lava3 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 lava3
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 msalt 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 msalt
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 mglass 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 mglass
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 mmetal 0.5 rshield rshield 0.5
rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 mmetal
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 macrylic 0.5 rshield rshield 0.5
rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 macrylic
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 energy 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 energy
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 neutronium 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 electricity 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 electricity
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 ember 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 ember
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 torch 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 torch
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 fire 0.9 rshield3 empty 0.1 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 fire
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 fire2 0.9 rshield3 empty 0.1 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 fire2
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 bfire 0.9 rshield3 empty 0.1 rshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 rshield3 bfire
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 spore 1.0 rshield esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 coral 1.0 rshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma2 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma3 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma4 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma5 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma6 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 plasma7 1.0 rshield empty
neighbor 1.0 rshield3 acid 0.5 rshield empty 0.5 rshield temp3
#blue shield. it needs to be powered to protect against red bomb fish and other
damaging stuff. also fuctions as a blue tag.
element bshield 10 60 140 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 bshield 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 bshield
neighbor 1.0 bshield cmetal 1.0 bshield2 metal
neighbor 1.0 bshield ele3 1.0 bshield2 pipe3
neighbor 1.0 bshield ele2 1.0 bshield2 pipe2
neighbor 1.0 bshield electricity 1.0 bshield3 empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield ewater 1.0 bshield3 water
neighbor 1.0 bshield esaltwater 1.0 bshield3 saltwater
#charged blue shield.
element bshield2 60 10 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 bshield2 1.0 rshield
hotself 90 bshield2
neighbor 1.0 bshield bshield2 1.0 bshield2 bshield
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 water 1.0 bshield3 water
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 saltwater 1.0 bshield3 saltwater
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 empty 1.0 bshield3 empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 sand 1.0 bshield3 sand
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 coral 1.0 bshield3 coral
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 spore 1.0 bshield3 spore
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 fish 1.0 bshield3 fish
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 sfish 1.0 bshield3 sfish
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 neutronium 1.0 bshield3 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 radiation2 1.0 bshield3 radiation2
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 nwaste 1.0 bshield3 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 lava 1.0 bshield3 lava
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 lava2 1.0 bshield3 lava2
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 lava3 1.0 bshield3 lava3
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 dirt 1.0 bshield3 dirt
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 mud 1.0 bshield3 mud
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 rock 1.0 bshield3 rock
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 mglass 1.0 bshield3 mglass
neighbor 1.0 bshield2 mmetal 1.0 bshield bshield
hotneighbor 10 bshield2 mmetal
#deployed blue shield.
element bshield3 60 10 160 0.000000 0.000000 8.000000
0.100000 0
self 1.0 bshield3 1.0 bshield
hotself 90 bshield3
neighbor 0.5 bshield3 rbfish 1.0 bshield water
neighbor 0.5 bshield3 rbfish2 1.0 bshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 depthcharge 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 0.5 bshield3 virusfish 1.0 bshield water
neighbor 0.5 bshield3 svirusfish 1.0 bshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 radiation2 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 nwaste 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 rock 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 80 bshield3 rock
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 wall 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 85 bshield3 wall
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 lava 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 lava
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 lava2 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 lava2
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 lava3 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 lava3
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 msalt 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 msalt
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 mglass 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 mglass
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 mmetal 0.5 bshield bshield 0.5
bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 mmetal
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 macrylic 0.5 bshield bshield 0.5
bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 macrylic
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 energy 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 energy
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 neutronium 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 electricity 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 electricity
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 ember 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 ember
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 torch 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 torch
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 fire 0.9 bshield3 empty 0.1 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 fire
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 fire2 0.9 bshield3 empty 0.1 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 fire2
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 bfire 0.9 bshield3 empty 0.1 bshield temp3
hotneighbor 10 bshield3 bfire
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 spore 1.0 bshield esaltwater
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 coral 1.0 bshield saltwater
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma2 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma3 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma4 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma5 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma6 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 plasma7 1.0 bshield empty
neighbor 1.0 bshield3 acid 0.5 bshield empty 0.5 bshield temp3
#destroys hot stuff.
element temp3 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
self 0.01 temp3 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 temp3 fire 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 fire2 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 ember 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 torch 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 rock 1.0 empty temp3
hotneighbor 70 temp3 rock
neighbor 1.0 temp3 wall 1.0 empty temp3
hotneighbor 70 temp3 wall
neighbor 1.0 temp3 lava 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 lava2 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 lava3 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 msalt 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 mglass 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 mmetal 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 macrylic 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 energy 1.0 empty temp3
neighbor 1.0 temp3 electricity 1.0 empty temp3
hotneighbor 10 temp3 electricity
neighbor 1.0 temp3 acid 1.0 empty temp3
#battery. runs out eventually. water destroys it. can be recharged.
element battery 93 128 55 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 battery 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 battery
neighbor 1.0 metal battery 0.5 cmetal dbattery 0.5 cmetal
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 battery 0.5 ele1 dbattery 0.5 ele1 battery
neighbor 1.0 water battery 0.2 ewater sbattery 0.8 water
neighbor 1.0 saltwater battery 0.2 esaltwater sbattery 0.8
saltwater sbattery
neighbor 1.0 acid battery 1.0 acid sbattery
#dead battery.
element dbattery 73 108 35 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 dbattery 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 dbattery
neighbor 1.0 dbattery battery 1.0 battery dbattery
neighbor 1.0 water dbattery 1.0 water sbattery
neighbor 1.0 saltwater dbattery 1.0 saltwater sbattery
neighbor 1.0 ewater dbattery 1.0 water battery
neighbor 1.0 esaltwater dbattery 1.0 saltwater battery
neighbor 1.0 acid dbattery 1.0 acid sbattery
neighbor 1.0 electricity dbattery 1.0 empty battery
neighbor 1.0 ele3 dbattery 1.0 pipe3 battery
neighbor 1.0 cmetal dbattery 1.0 metal battery
#shorted battery.
element sbattery 73 108 35 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.100000 0
self 1.0 sbattery 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 sbattery
neighbor 1.0 sbattery battery 1.0 sbattery sbattery
neighbor 1.0 sbattery dbattery 1.0 sbattery sbattery
#turbine. use with your nuclear reactor or infinity-type power plants.
element turbine 50 190 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 turbine 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 turbine
neighbor 1.0 turbine coolant 1.0 cturbine empty
neighbor 0.5 turbine dcoolant 1.0 tcoolant empty
pexplosion turbine ewater 20 fire
pexplosion turbine esaltwater 20 fire
pexplosion turbine water 20 fire
pexplosion turbine saltwater 20 fire
pexplosion turbine acid 20 fire
pexplosion turbine rbfish 20 fire
pexplosion turbine rbfish2 20 fire
pexplosion turbine bbfish 20 fire
pexplosion turbine bbfish2 20 fire
neighbor 1.0 turbine bfire 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion turbine bfire 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 turbine mmetal 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal
explosion turbine mmetal 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 turbine mglass 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal
explosion turbine mglass 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 turbine msalt 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion turbine msalt 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 turbine lava 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion turbine lava 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 turbine lava2 0.2 bfire turbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion turbine lava2 255 -254
#charged turbine.
element cturbine 50 190 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 cturbine 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 cturbine
neighbor 1.0 cturbine turbine 1.0 turbine cturbine
neighbor 1.0 cturbine metal 1.0 tcoolant cmetal
neighbor 1.0 cturbine pipe1 1.0 tcoolant ele1
neighbor 1.0 cturbine tcoolant 1.0 tcoolant cturbine
pexplosion cturbine ewater 20 fire
pexplosion cturbine esaltwater 20 fire
pexplosion cturbine acid 20 fire
neighbor 1.0 cturbine bfire 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion cturbine bfire 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 cturbine mmetal 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal
explosion cturbine mmetal 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 cturbine mglass 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal
explosion cturbine mglass 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 cturbine msalt 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion cturbine msalt 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 cturbine lava 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion cturbine lava 255 -254
neighbor 1.0 cturbine lava2 0.2 bfire cturbine 0.8 mmetal mmetal
explosion cturbine lava2 255 -254
#coolant in turbine.
element tcoolant 50 150 150 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 tcoolant 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 tcoolant
neighbor 1.0 tcoolant turbine 1.0 turbine tcoolant
neighbor 1.0 tcoolant empty 1.0 turbine dcoolant
neighbor 1.0 tcoolant bfire 1.0 bfire tcoolant
explosion tcoolant bfire 255 -254
#depleted coolant.
element dcoolant 80 197 203 0.700000 1.000000 0.500000
1.000000 0
self 1.0 dcoolant 1.0 dcoolant
hotself 20 dcoolant
hotcolor dcoolant 120 197 203
neighbor 0.05 dcoolant water 1.0 empty water
neighbor 0.05 dcoolant saltwater 1.0 empty saltwater
#steam coolant.
element rcoolant 80 197 203 -1.000000 0.400000 0.100000
1.010000 0
self 1.0 rcoolant 1.0 rcoolant
hotself 50 rcoolant
hotcolor rcoolant 120 197 203
neighbor 0.05 rcoolant water 1.0 empty water
neighbor 0.05 rcoolant saltwater 1.0 empty saltwater
neighbor 0.001 rcoolant empty 1.0 coolant empty
#nuclear reactor. put it in a container of nwall filled with coolant. do not let
flammables touch it.
element reactor 85 205 85 0.000000 0.000000 0.900000
1.010000 1
neighbor 0.3 reactor coolant 1.0 reactor rcoolant
hotneighbor 5 reactor coolant
neighbor 0.0005 coolant reactor 1.0 rcoolant nwaste
neighbor 0.005 empty reactor 1.0 radiation2 reactor
pexplosion reactor turbine 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor c4 256 plasma5
pexplosion reactor hydrogen 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor mpocket 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor methane 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor oxygen 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor oil 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor oil6 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plant 32 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plasma5 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plasma6 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plasma3 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plasma3 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor plasma4 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor water 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor saltwater 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor steam 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor steam2 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor rsplosion 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor bsplosion 26 plasma5
pexplosion reactor acid 26 plasma5
#nuclear waste. do not let flammables touch it. very destructive, this is what
lightning reactors convert into energy.
element nwaste 100 230 100 1.000000 0.000000 1.0000000
1.010000 1
neighbor 0.3 nwaste coolant 1.0 nwaste rcoolant
hotneighbor 30 nwaste coolant
neighbor 0.1 nwaste empty 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste salt 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste sand 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste mglass 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste macrylic 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste mmetal 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste lava 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste lava2 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste lava3 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste dust 1.0 nwaste radiation
neighbor 0.5 nwaste msalt 1.0 nwaste radiation
pexplosion nwaste turbine 8 radiation
pexplosion nwaste c4 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste hydrogen 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste mpocket 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste methane 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste oxygen 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste oil 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste oil6 32 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste opocket 32 plasma5
neighbor 1.0 nwaste water 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste saltwater 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste oxygen 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste co2 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste dirt 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste mud 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste steam 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste steam2 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste virus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste wvirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste gvirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste avirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste ravirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste ivirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste nvirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste revirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
neighbor 1.0 nwaste bvirus 0.5 nwaste radiation 0.5 nwaste
pexplosion nwaste water 10 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste plasma5 5 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste saltwater 10 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste steam 10 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste steam2 10 plasma5
pexplosion nwaste acid 10 plasma5
#grate. only lets nuclear waste through
element ngrate 128 148 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.100000 1
self 1.0 ngrate 1.0 ngrate
hotself 40 ngrate
hotcolor grate 255 0 0
neighbor 0.8 ngrate nwaste 1.0 nwaste2 empty
#nwaste in grate.
element nwaste2 128 178 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.100000 0
self 0.5 nwaste2 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 nwaste2
neighbor 1.0 nwaste2 ngrate 1.0 ngrate nwaste2
neighbor 1.0 nwaste2 empty 1.0 ngrate nwaste
#nuclear wall. put around nuclear reactor and nuclear waste. it can degrade: if it
turns red, replace it.
element nwall 100 100 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000 0.400000
neighbor 0.0001 nwall radiation 1.0 nwall2 radiation
neighbor 0.0001 nwall radiation2 1.0 nwall2 radiation2
neighbor 0.0001 nwall nwaste 1.0 nwall2 nwaste
neighbor 0.00001 nwall reactor 0.01 nwall2 reactor 0.99 nwall
neighbor 0.01 nwall water 1.0 nwall2 water
neighbor 0.01 nwall mud 1.0 nwall2 water
neighbor 0.02 nwall saltwater 1.0 nwall2 saltwater
neighbor 0.01 nwall steam 1.0 nwall2 steam
neighbor 0.01 nwall steam2 1.0 nwall2 steam2
#nuclear wall. replace immediately.
element nwall2 255 100 100 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 nwall2 1.0 lava
hotself 90 nwall2
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 radiation 1.0 radiation radiation
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 radiation2 1.0 radiation2 radiation2
neighbor 0.005 nwall2 nwaste 1.0 nwaste nwaste
neighbor 0.0001 nwall2 reactor 0.2 radiation reactor 0.8
nwall reactor
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 water 1.0 fire water
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 mud 1.0 fire water
neighbor 0.02 nwall2 saltwater 1.0 fire saltwater
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 steam 1.0 fire steam
neighbor 0.01 nwall2 steam2 1.0 fire steam2
#part of a lightning reactor. it converts nuclear waste into electricity. connect
to ngrate, but first enclose in lcontainer.
element converter 122 86 51 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.200000 1
self 1.0 converter 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 converter
neighbor 1.0 converter ngrate 1.0 temp1 ngrate
neighbor 1.0 vaccuum converter 1.0 vaccuum canvertr
neighbor 1.0 canvertr converter 1.0 canvertr canvertr
#part of a lightning reactor. it converts nuclear waste into electricity. connect
to ngrate, but first enclose in lcontainer.
element temp1 122 86 51 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000 0.200000
self 1.0 temp1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 temp1
neighbor 1.0 temp1 empty 1.0 temp1 pump
neighbor 0.2 temp1 vaccuum 1.0 canvertr vaccuum
neighbor 0.2 temp1 canvertr 1.0 canvertr canvertr
#activated converter.
element canvertr 122 86 51 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
1.000000 0
neighbor 0.2 canvertr nwaste2 0.98 ewaste nwaste2 0.02 ewaste
neighbor 0.2 canvertr nwaste 0.98 ewaste nwaste 0.02 ewaste
#nwaste in the converter.
element ewaste 122 86 91 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
1.100000 0
neighbor 1.0 ewaste canvertr 1.0 canvertr ewaste
neighbor 1.0 ewaste converter 1.0 canvertr ewaste
neighbor 1.0 ewaste vaccuum 1.0 canvertr electricity
pexplosion ewaste empty 64 temp2
#pumps the empty out of a lightning chamber
element pump 200 0 200 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000
self 0.001 pump 0.5 vaccuum 0.5 pump
neighbor 0.5 pump empty 1.0 pump pump
neighbor 1.0 pump vaccuum 1.0 vaccuum vaccuum
#absense of matter. crucial in a lightning reactor.
element vaccuum 10 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.001000
0.010000 0
self 1.0 vaccuum 1.0 vaccuum
hotself 20 vaccuum
neighbor 1.0 vaccuum empty 1.0 empty empty
#contains a lightning reaction. do not introduce foreign matter into the chamber!
element lcontainer 122 96 41 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.200000 1
self 1.0 lcontainer 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 lcontainer
neighbor 1.0 lcontainer vaccuum 1.0 cantainr vaccuum
#activated lcontainer
element cantainr 122 96 41 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
1.000000 0
neighbor 1.0 cantainr electricity 1.0 econt edge
neighbor 0.0001 cantainr empty 1.0 empty empty
#electricity in lcontainer.
element econt 122 96 81 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000 1.200000
neighbor 1.0 econt cantainr 1.0 cantainr econt
neighbor 1.0 econt lcontainer 1.0 cantainr econt
neighbor 1.0 pipe1 econt 1.0 ele1 cantainr
neighbor 1.0 metal econt 1.0 cmetal cantainr
neighbor 1.0 empty econt 1.0 electricity cantainr
pexplosion econt virusfish 64 temp2
pexplosion econt svirusfish 64 temp2
pexplosion econt iperson 64 temp2
pexplosion econt deton 64 temp2
pexplosion econt fish 64 temp2
pexplosion econt mmetal 64 temp2
pexplosion econt msalt 64 temp2
pexplosion econt mglass 64 temp2
pexplosion econt radiation 64 temp2
pexplosion econt radiation2 64 temp2
pexplosion econt nwaste 64 temp2
pexplosion econt lava 64 temp2
pexplosion econt lava2 64 temp2
pexplosion econt lava3 64 temp2
pexplosion econt powerp 64 temp2
pexplosion econt cpowerp 64 temp2
pexplosion econt bpowerp 64 temp2
pexplosion econt sfish 64 temp2
pexplosion econt person 64 temp2
pexplosion econt dyingp 64 temp2
pexplosion econt starvingp 64 temp2
pexplosion econt corpse 64 temp2
pexplosion econt coral 64 temp2
pexplosion econt poo 64 temp2
pexplosion econt oil 64 temp2
pexplosion econt oil6 64 temp2
pexplosion econt methane 64 temp2
pexplosion econt hydrogen 64 temp2
pexplosion econt oxygen 64 temp2
pexplosion econt mpocket 64 temp2
pexplosion econt c4 64 temp2
pexplosion econt detcord 64 temp2
pexplosion econt acid 64 temp2
#electricity. this is part of a lightning reactor.
element electricity 80 100 222 1.000000 0.000000 0.100000
1.600000 0
self 1.0 electricity 1.0 electricity
neighbor 1.0 electricity vaccuum 1.0 electricity edge
neighbor 1.0 vaccuum electricity 1.0 electricity vaccuum
neighbor 1.0 empty electricity 1.0 electricity empty
pexplosion electricity empty 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dust 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity wood 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity acrylic 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity glass 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity wall 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity nwall 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity nwall2 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ngrate 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma5 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma6 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma7 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma2 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma3 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plasma4 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity radiation 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity radiation2 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity nwaste 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity fire 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity fire2 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rock 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bfire 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity gvirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity wvirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity avirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ravirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ivirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity nvirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity revirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bvirus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity virus 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity virusfish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity svirusfish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity iperson 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity torch 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ember 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity metal 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cmetal 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity switch 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity onswitch 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity deton 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity spout 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity sspout 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity fish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity mmetal 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity msalt 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity mglass 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity insulator 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity lava 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity lava2 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity lava3 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity powerp 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cpowerp 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bpowerp 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity electricity 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity broken 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity gate 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity swfilter 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cswfilter 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity scrubber 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cscrubber 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity boxy 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity soxy 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity electro 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity celectro 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity eoxy 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bscrubber 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity belectro 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity k&b 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bk&b 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity food 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity food1 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity waste 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity csteam 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ccoolant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rebreather 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dirtyrb 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rbclean 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity sfish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity person 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dyingp 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity starvingp 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity corpse 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity coral 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rfactory 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bfactory 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity red 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity blue 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rfish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity bfish 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity battery 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dbattery 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity sbattery 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity turbine 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cturbine 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity tcoolant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity water 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity saltwater 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity ewater 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity esaltwater 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity poo 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity sand 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity salt 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity coolant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dcoolant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity rcoolant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cement 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity dirt 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity mud 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity oil 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity oil6 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity plant 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity methane 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity hydrogen 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity oxygen 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity mpocket 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity lacrylic 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity lglass 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity cement 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity c4 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity detcord 64 temp2
pexplosion electricity acid 64 temp2
element edge 255 251 70 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 1.400000
self 1.0 edge 1.0 vaccuum
neighbor 1.0 edge electricity 1.0 electricity edge
#electrical explosion.
element temp2 200 0 200 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000
self 0.5 temp2 0.8 empty 0.1 electricity 0.1 rock
neighbor 1.0 temp2 glass 1.0 temp2 gvirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 wall 1.0 temp2 wvirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 acrylic 1.0 temp2 avirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 radiator 1.0 temp2 ravirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 insulator 1.0 temp2 ivirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 nwall 1.0 temp2 nvirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 red 1.0 temp2 revirus
neighbor 1.0 temp2 blue 1.0 temp2 bvirus
element plasma5 255 255 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
self 0.2 plasma5 0.98 plasma6 .02 plasma7
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 water 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 sand 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 salt 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 saltwater 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 oil 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 dust 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 steam 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 steam2 0.9 plasma5 plasma6 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 remover 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 fish 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 sfish 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 deadfish 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 poo 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 blood 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 spore 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 ewater 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 coolant 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 electricity 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 methane 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 hydrogen 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 map 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 wall 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 wall
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 rock 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 rock
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 glass 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 glass
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 acrylic 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 acrylic
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 wood 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 wood
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 plant 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 plant
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 lava 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 lava
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 lava2 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 lava2
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 lava3 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 lava3
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 mglass 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 mglass
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 mmetal 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 mmetal
neighbor 0.4 plasma5 msalt 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
hotneighbor 2 plasma5 msalt
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 cement 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 sspout 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 reactor 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 ngrate 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 nwall 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 filler 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.1 plasma5 oxygen 0.9 plasma5 plasma5 0.1 fire
neighbor 0.2 plasma5 empty 1.0 plasma3 radiation
explosion plasma5 empty 255 255
element plasma6 255 50 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
self 0.2 plasma6 0.98 plasma5 .02 plasma7
neighbor 0.1 plasma6 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.4 plasma6 empty 1.0 plasma2 radiation
explosion plasma6 empty 255 255
element plasma7 110 90 90 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
self 0.03 plasma7 1.0 empty
neighbor 0.003 plasma7 plasma5 1.0 plasma7 plasma7
neighbor 0.003 plasma7 plasma6 1.0 plasma7 plasma7
neighbor 0.1 plasma7 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.4 plasma7 empty 1.0 plasma2 fire
explosion plasma7 empty 255 255
element plasma2 255 150 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
neighbor 0.1 plasma2 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 plasma2 empty 1.0 plasma3 fire
explosion plasma2 empty 255 255
element plasma3 255 150 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
neighbor 0.1 plasma3 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 plasma3 empty 1.0 plasma4 fire
explosion plasma3 empty 255 255
#plasma. 246
element plasma4 255 150 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
2.000000 0
neighbor 0.1 plasma4 empty 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 plasma4 empty 1.0 fire fire
explosion plasma4 empty 255 255
#a product of nuclear waste, it eats away at stuff.
element radiation 0 150 0 00.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.300000 1
self 0.05 radiation 1.0 radiation2
element radiation2 0 255 0 -1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.500000 0
self 0.01 radiation2 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 empty 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dust 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 carbon 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 plant 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 wood 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 acrylic 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 0.05 radiation2 glass 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.5 radiation2 wall 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.4 radiation2 rock 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 gvirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 wvirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 avirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 ravirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 ivirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 nvirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 revirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 bvirus 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 p1virus 0.2 dust radiation2 0.8 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 p2virus 0.2 dust radiation2 0.8 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 p3virus 0.2 dust radiation2 0.8 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 virus 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 virusfish 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 svirusfish 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 iperson 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 torch 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 ember 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 metal 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 cmetal 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 switch 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 onswitch 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 deton 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 spout 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 sspout 0.3 dust radiation2 0.7 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 fish 0.5 deadfish radiation2 0.5 blood
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 mmetal 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 msalt 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 mglass 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.3 radiation2 radiator 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 insulator 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 lava 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 lava2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 lava3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 powerp 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 cpowerp 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 bpowerp 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 pipe1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 pipe2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 pipe3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 electricity 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 broken 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.5 radiation2 gate 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 swfilter 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 cswfilter 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 scrubber 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 airfilter 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 aoxy 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 cscrubber 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 boxy 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 soxy 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 electro 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 celectro 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 eoxy 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 bscrubber 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 belectro 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 k&b 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 bk&b 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 food 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 food1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 waste 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 csteam 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 ccoolant 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 rebreather 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dirtyrb 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 rbclean 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 sfish 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 person 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dyingp 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 starvingp 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 corpse 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 coral 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 rfactory 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 bfactory 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 red 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 rshield 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 rshield2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 blue 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 bshield 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.9 radiation2 bshield2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 rfish 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 bfish 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dock 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 wait 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 waity 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 minisub 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 sminisub 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 battery 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dbattery 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 sbattery 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 turbine 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 cturbine 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 tcoolant 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 converter 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 canvertr 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 econt 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 lcontainer 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.6 radiation2 cantainr 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 ele1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 st1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 wat1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oil1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 sw1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oxy1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 co21 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 met1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 hyd1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 per1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 coo1 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 ele2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 st2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 wat2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oil2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 sw2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oxy2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 co22 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 met2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 hyd2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 per2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 coo2 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 ele3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 st3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 wat3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oil3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 sw3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 oxy3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 co23 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 met3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 hyd3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 per3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 0.7 radiation2 coo3 0.5 dust radiation2 0.5 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 water 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 steam 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 steam2 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 saltwater 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 ewater 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 esaltwater 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 poo 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 sand 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 salt 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 coolant 0.3 rcoolant radiation2 0.7
coolant empty
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dcoolant 1.0 rcoolant radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 rcoolant 1.0 rcoolant radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 cement 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 dirt 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 mud 1.0 empty radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 oil 1.0 fire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 oil6 1.0 fire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 plant 1.0 fire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 methane 1.0 fire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 hydrogen 1.0 fire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 oxygen 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 mpocket 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 opocket 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 lacrylic 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 lglass 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 0.8 radiation2 cement 1.0 bfire radiation2
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 c4 1.0 fire c4
neighbor 1.0 radiation2 detcord 1.0 fire detcord
#carries a nasty spontaneous-combustion virus. travels through building materals
and multiplies in oxygen (the virus, not the fish).
element virusfish 173 0 124 0.700000 1.000000 0.470000
0.500000 1
self 1.0 virusfish 1.0 sand
hotself 60 virusfish
neighbor 1.0 virusfish water 1.0 water virusfish
neighbor 1.0 virusfish saltwater 1.0 saltwater svirusfish
neighbor 1.0 virusfish ewater 1.0 ewater virusfish
neighbor 1.0 virusfish esaltwater 1.0 esaltwater svirusfish
neighbor 1.0 virusfish glass 1.0 fish gvirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish wall 1.0 fish wvirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish acrylic 1.0 fish avirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish radiator 1.0 fish ravirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish insulator 1.0 fish ivirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish nwall 1.0 fish nvirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish red 1.0 fish revirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish rshield 1.0 fish revirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish blue 1.0 fish bvirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish bshield 1.0 fish bvirus
neighbor 1.0 virusfish oxygen 1.0 fish virus
#saltwater version of virusfish.
element svirusfish 173 0 124 0.700000 1.000000 0.570000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 svirusfish 1.0 sand
hotself 60 svirusfish
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish water 1.0 water virusfish
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish saltwater 1.0 saltwater svirusfish
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish ewater 1.0 ewater virusfish
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish esaltwater 1.0 esaltwater svirusfish
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish glass 1.0 sfish gvirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish wall 1.0 sfish wvirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish acrylic 1.0 sfish avirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish radiator 1.0 sfish ravirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish insulator 1.0 sfish ivirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish nwall 1.0 sfish nvirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish red 1.0 sfish revirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish rshield 1.0 sfish revirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish blue 1.0 sfish bvirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish bshield 1.0 sfish bvirus
neighbor 1.0 svirusfish oxygen 1.0 sfish virus
#oxygen spontaneous combustion virus. multiplies.
element virus 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 0.070000 0.100000
self 1.0 virus 1.0 bfire
hotself 80 virus
neighbor 0.4 virus bfire 1.0 bfire bfire
neighbor 0.4 virus electricity 1.0 bfire electricity
neighbor 1.0 virus oxygen 0.99 oxygen virus 0.01 virus virus
neighbor 1.0 virus co2 1.0 co2 virus
neighbor 1.0 person virus 1.0 iperson oxygen
neighbor 1.0 person virus 1.0 iperson oxygen
neighbor 1.0 person virus 1.0 iperson oxygen
neighbor 1.0 person virus 1.0 iperson oxygen
neighbor 1.0 virus glass 1.0 oxygen gvirus
neighbor 1.0 virus wall 1.0 oxygen wvirus
neighbor 1.0 virus acrylic 1.0 oxygen avirus
neighbor 1.0 virus radiator 1.0 oxygen ravirus
neighbor 1.0 virus insulator 1.0 oxygen ivirus
neighbor 1.0 virus nwall 1.0 oxygen nvirus
neighbor 1.0 virus red 1.0 oxygen revirus
neighbor 1.0 virus rshield 1.0 oxygen revirus
neighbor 1.0 virus rshield2 1.0 oxygen revirus
neighbor 1.0 virus blue 1.0 oxygen bvirus
neighbor 1.0 virus bshield 1.0 oxygen bvirus
neighbor 1.0 virus bshield2 1.0 oxygen bvirus
#person infected with the spontaneous combustion virus.
element iperson 216 179 109 1.000000 0.500000 0.070000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 iperson 1.0 ember
hotself 60 iperson
neighbor 0.1 iperson oxygen 1.0 oxygen iperson
neighbor 0.8 co2 iperson 0.99 iperson co2 0.01 iperson fire
neighbor 0.015 oxygen iperson 0.5 iperson co2 0.5 iperson
neighbor 0.5 iperson empty 1.0 iperson fire
neighbor 0.1 iperson virus 0.85 virus iperson 0.05 iperson co2
0.1 blood iperson
neighbor 1.0 iperson person 1.0 iperson iperson
pexplosion iperson fire 8 pop
pexplosion iperson fire2 8 pop
pexplosion iperson bfire 8 pop
pexplosion iperson ember 8 pop
#not soda.
element pop 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
self 1.0 pop 0.34 ember 0.33 fire 0.33 bfire
#glass spontaneous combustion virus.
element gvirus 240 240 240 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 gvirus 1.0 mglass
hotself 95 gvirus
hotcolor gvirus 255 255 0
neighbor 1.0 gvirus glass 1.0 glass gvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus wall 1.0 glass wvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus acrylic 1.0 glass avirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus radiator 1.0 glass ravirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus insulator 1.0 glass ivirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus nwall 1.0 glass nvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus red 1.0 glass revirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus rshield 1.0 glass revirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus rshield2 1.0 glass revirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus blue 1.0 glass bvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus bshield 1.0 glass bvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus bshield2 1.0 glass bvirus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus oxygen 1.0 glass virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus co2 1.0 glass virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus pipe1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus ele1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus st1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus wat1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus oil1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus sw1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus oxy1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus co21 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus met1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus hyd1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus per1 1.0 glass p1virus
neighbor 1.0 gvirus coo1 1.0 glass p1virus
#wall spontaneous combustion virus.
element wvirus 128 128 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.100000 0
self 0.5 wvirus 1.0 lava
hotself 98 wvirus
hotcolor wvirus 255 0 0
neighbor 1.0 wvirus glass 1.0 wall gvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus wall 1.0 wall wvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus acrylic 1.0 wall avirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus radiator 1.0 wall ravirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus insulator 1.0 wall ivirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus nwall 1.0 wall nvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus red 1.0 wall revirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus rshield 1.0 wall revirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus rshield2 1.0 wall revirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus blue 1.0 wall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus bshield 1.0 wall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus bshield2 1.0 wall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus oxygen 1.0 wall virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus co2 1.0 wall virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus pipe1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus ele1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus st1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus wat1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus oil1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus sw1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus oxy1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus co21 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus met1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus hyd1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus per1 1.0 wall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 wvirus coo1 1.0 wall p1virus
#acrylic spontaneous combustion virus.
element avirus 190 190 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.300000 0
self 1.0 avirus 1.0 macrylic
hotself 78 avirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus glass 1.0 acrylic gvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus wall 1.0 acrylic wvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus acrylic 1.0 acrylic avirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus radiator 1.0 acrylic ravirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus insulator 1.0 acrylic ivirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus nwall 1.0 acrylic nvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus red 1.0 acrylic revirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus rshield 1.0 acrylic revirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus rshield2 1.0 acrylic revirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus blue 1.0 acrylic bvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus bshield 1.0 acrylic bvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus bshield2 1.0 acrylic bvirus
neighbor 1.0 avirus oxygen 1.0 acrylic virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus co2 1.0 acrylic virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus pipe1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus ele1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus st1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus wat1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus oil1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus sw1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus oxy1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus co21 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus met1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus hyd1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus per1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
neighbor 1.0 avirus coo1 1.0 acrylic p1virus
#radiator spontaneous combustion virus.
element ravirus 86 128 131 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
1.000000 0
hotcolor ravirus 126 128 131
neighbor 0.1 ravirus cmetal 1.0 cmetal cmetal
neighbor 0.1 ravirus electricity 1.0 cmetal electricity
neighbor 1.0 ravirus glass 1.0 radiator gvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus wall 1.0 radiator wvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus acrylic 1.0 radiator avirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus radiator 1.0 radiator ravirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus insulator 1.0 radiator ivirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus nwall 1.0 radiator nvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus red 1.0 radiator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus rshield 1.0 radiator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus rshield2 1.0 radiator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus blue 1.0 radiator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus bshield 1.0 radiator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus bshield2 1.0 radiator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus oxygen 1.0 radiator virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus co2 1.0 radiator virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus pipe1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus ele1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus st1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus wat1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus oil1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus sw1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus oxy1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus co21 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus met1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus hyd1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus per1 1.0 radiator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ravirus coo1 1.0 radiator p1virus
#insulator spontaneous combustion virus.
element ivirus 106 148 151 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
neighbor 1.0 ivirus fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 ivirus fire2 1.0 fire fire2
neighbor 1.0 ivirus bfire 1.0 fire bfire
neighbor 1.0 ivirus glass 1.0 insulator gvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus wall 1.0 insulator wvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus acrylic 1.0 insulator avirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus radiator 1.0 insulator ravirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus insulator 1.0 insulator ivirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus nwall 1.0 insulator nvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus red 1.0 insulator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus rshield 1.0 insulator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus rshield2 1.0 insulator revirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus blue 1.0 insulator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus bshield 1.0 insulator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus bshield2 1.0 insulator bvirus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus oxygen 1.0 insulator virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus co2 1.0 insulator virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus pipe1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus ele1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus st1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus wat1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus oil1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus sw1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus oxy1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus co21 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus met1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus hyd1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus per1 1.0 insulator p1virus
neighbor 1.0 ivirus coo1 1.0 insulator p1virus
#nwall spontaneous combustion virus.
element nvirus 100 100 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.200000
0.400000 0
neighbor 0.01 nvirus water 1.0 nwall2 water
neighbor 0.01 nvirus saltwater 1.0 nwall2 saltwater
neighbor 0.01 nvirus steam 1.0 nwall2 steam
neighbor 0.01 nvirus steam2 1.0 nwall2 steam2
neighbor 1.0 nvirus glass 1.0 nwall gvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus wall 1.0 nwall wvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus acrylic 1.0 nwall avirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus radiator 1.0 nwall ravirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus insulator 1.0 nwall ivirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus nwall 1.0 nwall nvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus red 1.0 nwall revirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus rshield 1.0 nwall revirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus rshield2 1.0 nwall revirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus blue 1.0 nwall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus bshield 1.0 nwall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus bshield2 1.0 nwall bvirus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus oxygen 1.0 nwall virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus co2 1.0 nwall virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus pipe1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus ele1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus st1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus wat1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus oil1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus sw1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus oxy1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus co21 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus met1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus hyd1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus per1 1.0 nwall p1virus
neighbor 1.0 nvirus coo1 1.0 nwall p1virus
#red spontaneous combustion virus.
element revirus 190 10 60 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 revirus 1.0 mmetal
hotself 70 revirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus glass 1.0 red gvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus wall 1.0 red wvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus acrylic 1.0 red avirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus radiator 1.0 red ravirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus insulator 1.0 red ivirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus nwall 1.0 red nvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus red 1.0 red revirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus rshield 1.0 red revirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus rshield2 1.0 red revirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus blue 1.0 red bvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus bshield 1.0 red bvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus bshield2 1.0 red bvirus
neighbor 1.0 revirus oxygen 1.0 red virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus co2 1.0 red virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus pipe1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus ele1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus st1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus wat1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus oil1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus sw1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus oxy1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus co21 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus met1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus hyd1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus per1 1.0 red p1virus
neighbor 1.0 revirus coo1 1.0 red p1virus
pexplosion bbfish revirus 16 bsplosion
pexplosion bbfish2 revirus 16 bsplosion
#blue spontaneous combustion virus.
element bvirus 60 10 190 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 bvirus 1.0 mmetal
hotself 70 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus glass 1.0 blue gvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus wall 1.0 blue wvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus acrylic 1.0 blue avirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus radiator 1.0 blue ravirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus insulator 1.0 blue ivirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus nwall 1.0 blue nvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus red 1.0 blue revirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus rshield 1.0 blue revirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus rshield2 1.0 blue revirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus blue 1.0 blue bvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus bshield 1.0 blue bvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus bshield2 1.0 blue bvirus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus oxygen 1.0 blue virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus co2 1.0 blue virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus pipe1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus ele1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus st1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus wat1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus oil1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus sw1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus oxy1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus co21 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus met1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus hyd1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus per1 1.0 blue p1virus
neighbor 1.0 bvirus coo1 1.0 blue p1virus
pexplosion rbfish bvirus 16 rsplosion
pexplosion rbfish2 bvirus 16 rsplosion
#virus in pipe.
element p1virus 160 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 p1virus 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus pipe2 1.0 pipe1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus pipe1 1.0 pipe1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus ele1 1.0 ele1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus st1 1.0 st1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus wat1 1.0 wat1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus oil1 1.0 oil1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus sw1 1.0 sw1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus oxy1 1.0 oxy1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus co21 1.0 co21 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus met1 1.0 met1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus hyd1 1.0 hyd1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus per1 1.0 per1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus coo1 1.0 coo1 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus ele2 1.0 ele1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus st2 1.0 st1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus wat2 1.0 wat1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus oil2 1.0 oil1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus sw2 1.0 sw1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus oxy2 1.0 oxy1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus co22 1.0 co21 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus met2 1.0 met1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus hyd2 1.0 hyd1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus per2 1.0 per1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus coo2 1.0 coo1 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus glass 1.0 pipe1 gvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus wall 1.0 pipe1 wvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus acrylic 1.0 pipe1 avirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus radiator 1.0 pipe1 ravirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus insulator 1.0 pipe1 ivirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus nwall 1.0 pipe1 nvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus red 1.0 pipe1 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus rshield 1.0 pipe1 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus rshield2 1.0 pipe1 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus blue 1.0 pipe1 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus bshield 1.0 pipe1 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus bshield2 1.0 pipe1 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus oxygen 1.0 pipe1 virus
neighbor 1.0 p1virus co2 1.0 pipe1 virus
#virus in pipe.
element p2virus 0 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 p2virus 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus pipe3 1.0 pipe2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus pipe2 1.0 pipe2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus ele2 1.0 ele2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus st2 1.0 st2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus wat2 1.0 wat2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus oil2 1.0 oil2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus sw2 1.0 sw2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus oxy2 1.0 oxy2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus co22 1.0 co22 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus met2 1.0 met2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus hyd2 1.0 hyd2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus per2 1.0 per2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus coo2 1.0 coo2 p2virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus ele3 1.0 ele2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus st3 1.0 st2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus wat3 1.0 wat2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus oil3 1.0 oil2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus sw3 1.0 sw2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus oxy3 1.0 oxy2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus co23 1.0 co22 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus met3 1.0 met2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus hyd3 1.0 hyd2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus per3 1.0 per2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus coo3 1.0 coo2 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus glass 1.0 pipe2 gvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus wall 1.0 pipe2 wvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus acrylic 1.0 pipe2 avirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus radiator 1.0 pipe2 ravirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus insulator 1.0 pipe2 ivirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus nwall 1.0 pipe2 nvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus red 1.0 pipe2 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus rshield 1.0 pipe2 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus rshield2 1.0 pipe2 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus blue 1.0 pipe2 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus bshield 1.0 pipe2 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus bshield2 1.0 pipe2 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus oxygen 1.0 pipe2 virus
neighbor 1.0 p2virus co2 1.0 pipe2 virus
#virus in pipe.
element p3virus 0 190 20 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.200000 0
self 1.0 p3virus 1.0 mmetal
hotself 80 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus pipe1 1.0 pipe3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus pipe3 1.0 pipe3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus ele3 1.0 ele3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus st3 1.0 st3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus wat3 1.0 wat3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus oil3 1.0 oil3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus sw3 1.0 sw3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus oxy3 1.0 oxy3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus co23 1.0 co23 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus met3 1.0 met3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus hyd3 1.0 hyd3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus per3 1.0 per3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus coo3 1.0 coo3 p3virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus ele1 1.0 ele3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus st1 1.0 st3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus wat1 1.0 wat3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus oil1 1.0 oil3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus sw1 1.0 sw3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus oxy1 1.0 oxy3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus co21 1.0 co23 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus met1 1.0 met3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus hyd1 1.0 hyd3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus coo1 1.0 coo3 p1virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus glass 1.0 pipe3 gvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus wall 1.0 pipe3 wvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus acrylic 1.0 pipe3 avirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus radiator 1.0 pipe3 ravirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus insulator 1.0 pipe3 ivirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus nwall 1.0 pipe3 nvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus red 1.0 pipe3 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus rshield 1.0 pipe3 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus rshield2 1.0 pipe3 revirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus blue 1.0 pipe3 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus bshield 1.0 pipe3 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus bshield2 1.0 pipe3 bvirus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus oxygen 1.0 pipe3 virus
neighbor 1.0 p3virus co2 1.0 pipe3 virus
#ultra-dense matter similar to a black hole. note that stuff heats up as it's
compressed. draw only one pixel of this stuff, otherwise two particles will
collide and flash to pure energy.
element neutronium 120 120 120 1.000000 0.000000 5.000000
1.100000 1
self 1.0 neutronium 1.0 neutronium
hotself 70 neutronium
pexplosion neutronium neutronium 96 energy
neighbor 1.0 neutronium drain 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wall 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dust 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium carbon 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wood 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium acrylic 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium glass 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wall 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rock 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium nwall 0.9 neutronium fire 0.1 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium nwall2 0.9 neutronium fire 0.1 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ngrate 0.9 neutronium fire 0.1 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium nwaste2 0.9 neutronium fire 0.1 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium radiator 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium insulator 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium gvirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wvirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium avirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ravirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ivirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium nvirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium revirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bvirus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium p1virus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium p2virus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium p3virus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium virus 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium virusfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium svirusfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium iperson 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium torch 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ember 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium metal 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cmetal 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium switch 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium onswitch 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium deton 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium spout 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sspout 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium fish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium mmetal 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium msalt 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium mglass 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lava 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lava2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lava3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium powerp 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cpowerp 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bpowerp 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium pipe1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium pipe2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium pipe3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium electricity 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium broken 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium gate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium swfilter 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cswfilter 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium scrubber 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium airfilter 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium aoxy 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cscrubber 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium boxy 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium soxy 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium electro 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium celectro 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium eoxy 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bscrubber 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium belectro 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium k&b 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bk&b 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium food 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium food1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium waste 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium condenser 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium csteam 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ccoolant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rebreather 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dirtyrb 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rbclean 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium reactor 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium fish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium person 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dyingp 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium starvingp 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium corpse 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium deadfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium blood 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium gunk 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium coral 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium spore 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rfactory 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bfactory 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium red 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rshield 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rshield2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium blue 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bshield 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bshield2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rbfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bbfish 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rbfish2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bbfish2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium battery 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dbattery 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sbattery 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium turbine 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cturbine 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium tcoolant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium converter 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium canvertr 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium econt 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lcontainer 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cantainr 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ele1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium st1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wat1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oil1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sw1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oxy1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium co21 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium met1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium hyd1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium per1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium coo1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ele2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium st2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wat2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oil2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sw2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oxy2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium co22 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium met2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium hyd2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium per2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium coo2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ele3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium st3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wat3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oil3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sw3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oxy3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium co23 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium met3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium hyd3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium per3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium coo3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium grate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium swgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ograte 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oxgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium hgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium mgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium grate2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium pgrate 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dock 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium minisub 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sminisub 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium waity 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium wait 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium water 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium steam 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium steam2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium saltwater 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium ewater 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium esaltwater 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium poo 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium sand 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium salt 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium map 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium coolant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dcoolant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium rcoolant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium dirt 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium mud 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oil 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oil6 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plant 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium methane 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium hydrogen 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium oxygen 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium co2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium mpocket 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium opocket 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lacrylic 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium lglass 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium cement 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium c4 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium detcord 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium timer 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium nwaste 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium radiation 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium radiation2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma5 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma6 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma7 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium plasma4 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium fire 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium fire2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium bfire 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium smoke 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium empty
neighbor 1.0 neutronium aggra1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium aggra2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium aggra3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium vapor1 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium vapor2 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium vapor3 0.8 neutronium fire 0.2 neutronium
neighbor 1.0 neutronium vaccuum 1.0 neutronium empty
#pure energy. comes from the collision of two neutronium particles. vaporizes
anything it comes into contact with.
element energy 255 255 255 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000
1.200000 0
self 0.5 energy 1.0 empty
hotself 90 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy energy 1.0 energy energy
explosion energy energy 255 255
neighbor 1.0 energy empty 1.0 energy empty
explosion energy empty 255 255
neighbor 1.0 energy drain 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wall 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dust 0.2 energy vapor2 0.8 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy carbon 0.2 energy vapor2 0.8 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wood 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy acrylic 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy glass 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wall 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rock 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy nwall 0.45 energy vapor1 0.45 energy
vapor3 0.1 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy nwall2 0.45 energy vapor1 0.45 energy
vapor3 0.1 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy ngrate 0.45 energy vapor1 0.45 energy
vapor3 0.1 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy nwaste2 0.45 energy vapor1 0.45 energy
vapor3 0.1 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy radiator 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy insulator 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy gvirus 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wvirus 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy avirus 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ravirus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ivirus 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy nvirus 0.45 energy vapor1 0.45 energy
vapor3 0.1 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy revirus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bvirus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy p1virus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy p2virus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy p3virus 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy virus 0.1 energy vapor2 0.9 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy virusfish 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy svirusfish 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy iperson 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy torch 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ember 0.4 energy vapor2 0.6 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy metal 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cmetal 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy switch 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy onswitch 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy deton 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy spout 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sspout 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy mmetal 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy msalt 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy mglass 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy lava 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy lava2 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy lava3 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy powerp 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cpowerp 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bpowerp 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy pipe1 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy pipe2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy pipe3 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy electricity 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy broken 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy gate 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy swfilter 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cswfilter 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy scrubber 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy airfilter 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy aoxy 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cscrubber 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy boxy 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy soxy 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy electro 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy celectro 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy eoxy 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bscrubber 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy belectro 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy k&b 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bk&b 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy food 0.3 energy vapor2 0.7 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy food1 0.3 energy vapor2 0.7 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy waste 0.3 energy vapor2 0.7 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy condenser 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy csteam 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy ccoolant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rebreather 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dirtyrb 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rbclean 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy reactor 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sfish 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy fish 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy person 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dyingp 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy starvingp 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy corpse 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy deadfish 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy blood 0.3 energy vapor2 0.7 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy gunk 0.4 energy vapor2 0.6 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy coral 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy spore 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rfactory 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bfactory 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy red 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rshield 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rshield2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy blue 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bshield 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bshield2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rfish 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bfish 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rbfish 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bbfish 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rbfish2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy bbfish2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy battery 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dbattery 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sbattery 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy turbine 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cturbine 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy tcoolant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy converter 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy canvertr 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy econt 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy lcontainer 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cantainr 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ele1 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy st1 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wat1 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy oil1 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sw1 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy vapor3
neighbor 1.0 energy oxy1 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy co21 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy met1 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy hyd1 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy per1 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy coo1 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ele2 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy st2 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wat2 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy oil2 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sw2 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy vapor3
neighbor 1.0 energy oxy2 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy co22 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy met2 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy hyd2 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy per2 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy coo2 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ele3 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy st3 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wat3 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy oil3 0.8 energy fire 0.2 energy vapor1
neighbor 1.0 energy sw3 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy vapor3
neighbor 1.0 energy oxy3 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy co23 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy met3 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy hyd3 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy per3 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy coo3 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy grate 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wgrate 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy swgrate 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ograte 0.8 energy fire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy oxgrate 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy hgrate 0.8 energy fire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cgrate 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy mgrate 0.8 energy fire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy grate2 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy pgrate 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dock 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy minisub 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sminisub 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy waity 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy wait 0.8 energy vapor1 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy water 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy steam 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy steam2 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy saltwater 0.8 energy bfire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy ewater 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy esaltwater 0.8 energy fire 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy poo 0.3 energy vapor2 0.7 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy sand 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy salt 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy map 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy coolant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dcoolant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy rcoolant 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cement 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy dirt 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy mud 0.6 energy vapor3 0.4 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy oil 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy oil6 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy plant 0.5 energy vapor2 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy methane 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy hydrogen 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy oxygen 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy co2 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy mpocket 1.0 energy bfire
neighbor 1.0 energy opocket 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy lacrylic 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy lglass 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy cement 0.8 energy vapor3 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy c4 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy detcord 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy timer 1.0 energy fire
neighbor 1.0 energy nwaste 0.8 energy vapor2 0.2 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy radiation 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy radiation2 1.0 energy energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma5 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma6 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma7 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma2 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma3 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy plasma4 0.5 energy energy 0.5 energy
neighbor 1.0 energy fire 1.0 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy fire2 1.0 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy bfire 1.0 energy empty
neighbor 1.0 energy vaccuum 1.0 energy empty
#gaseous metallic crap.
element vapor1 90 90 90 -1.00000 0.500000 0.050000
0.000000 0
self 0.001 vapor1 0.5 empty 0.5 aggra1
neighbor 0.2 vapor1 vapor1 1.0 aggra1 aggra1
hotneighbor 80 vapor1 vapor1
#gaseous organic crap.
element vapor2 90 90 90 -1.00000 0.500000 0.050000
0.000000 0
self 0.001 vapor2 0.5 empty 0.5 aggra2
neighbor 0.2 vapor2 vapor2 1.0 aggra2 aggra2
hotneighbor 80 vapor2 vapor2
#gaseous metalloid crap.
element vapor3 132 95 81 -1.00000 0.500000 0.050000
0.000000 0
self 0.001 vapor3 0.5 empty 0.5 aggra3
neighbor 0.2 vapor3 vapor3 1.0 aggra3 aggra3
hotneighbor 80 vapor3 vapor3
#liquid metallic crap.
element aggra1 160 160 160 0.500000 0.800000 0.700000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 aggra1 1.0 mmetal
hotself 90 aggra1
neighbor 1.0 aggra1 metal 1.0 metal metal
neighbor 1.0 aggra1 carbon 1.0 metal carbon
neighbor 1.0 aggra1 rock 1.0 metal rock
neighbor 0.0001 aggra1 aggra1 1.0 metal metal
neighbor 0.0001 aggra1 aggra2 1.0 metal carbon
neighbor 0.0001 aggra1 aggra3 1.0 metal rock
#liquid organic crap.
element aggra2 110 110 110 0.500000 0.800000 0.500000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 aggra2 1.0 carbon
hotself 90 aggra2
neighbor 1.0 aggra2 metal 1.0 carbon metal
neighbor 1.0 aggra2 carbon 1.0 carbon carbon
neighbor 1.0 aggra2 rock 1.0 carbon rock
neighbor 0.0001 aggra2 aggra1 1.0 carbon metal
neighbor 0.0001 aggra2 aggra2 1.0 carbon carbon
neighbor 0.0001 aggra2 aggra3 1.0 carbon rock
#liquid metalloid crap.
element aggra3 172 135 121 0.500000 0.800000 0.600000
0.500000 0
self 1.0 aggra3 1.0 lava
hotself 90 aggra3
neighbor 1.0 aggra3 metal 1.0 rock metal
neighbor 1.0 aggra3 carbon 1.0 rock carbon
neighbor 1.0 aggra3 rock 1.0 rock rock
neighbor 0.0001 aggra3 aggra1 1.0 rock metal
neighbor 0.0001 aggra3 aggra2 1.0 rock carbon
neighbor 0.0001 aggra3 aggra3 1.0 rock rock

#think hiroshima. credit goes to killacure 24.

element nuke 250 250 50 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.200000 1

explosion nuke empty 162 255

pexplosion nuke fire 162 plasma5

#quickly dissolving goes to killacure 24.

element extinguisher 220 220 240 1.000000 0.000000 0.980000
0.900000 1
self 0.06 extinguisher 1.0 empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher fire 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher fire2 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher bfire 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher torch 1.0 extinguisher broken
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher ember 1.0 extinguisher wood
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher mmetal 1.0 extinguisher metal
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher mglass 1.0 extinguisher glass
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher macrylic 1.0 extinguisher acrylic
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher lava 1.0 extinguisher wall
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher lava2 1.0 extinguisher wall
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher lava3 1.0 extinguisher wall
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher electricity 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher msalt 1.0 extinguisher salt
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher radiation2 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher radiation 1.0 extinguisher empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher nwall2 1.0 extinguisher nwall
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher plasma2 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher plasma3 1.0 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 extinguisher plasma4 1.0 empty empty

#silent but goes to killacure 24.

element killervirus 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 0.080000 .500000 1
neighbor 1.0 person killervirus 1.0 corpse killervirus
self 0.1 killervirus 1.0 killervirus2
neighbor .36 oxygen killervirus 1.0 killervirus killervirus
neighbor .36 co2 killervirus 1.0 killervirus killervirus
neighbor 0.2 killervirus killervirus2 1.0 killervirus2 killervirus2
element killervirus2 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 .0800000
0.500000 0
self 0.05000 killervirus2 1.0000 oxygen

#turns a base into an aquarium >:-).credit goes to killacure 24.

element fishvirus 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 0.080000 .500000 1
neighbor 1.0 person fishvirus 1.0 sfish fishvirus
self 0.1 fishvirus 1.0 fishvirus2
neighbor .36 oxygen fishvirus 1.0 fishvirus fishvirus
neighbor .36 co2 fishvirus 1.0 fishvirus fishvirus
neighbor 0.2 fishvirus fishvirus2 1.0 fishvirus2 fishvirus2
element fishvirus2 0 100 100 -1.000000 1.000000 .0800000
0.500000 0
self 0.05000 fishvirus2 1.0000 saltwater

#tends to melt throught things, but it's diluted as it does so. credit for the
idea goes to killacure 24.
element acid 118 240 30 0.700000 0.000000 0.650000 0.900000
self 1.0 acid 0.6 salt 0.4 steam
hotself 80 acid
neighbor 0.01 acid water 1.0 water water
neighbor 0.01 acid saltwater 1.0 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 0.01 acid ewater 1.0 ewater ewater
neighbor 0.01 acid esaltwater 1.0 esaltwater esaltwater
neighbor 0.5 acid wall 0.5 acid empty 0.5 empty empty
neighbor 0.8 acid carbon 0.3 acid empty 0.7 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid plant 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.8 acid wood 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.8 acid acrylic 0.7 acid empty 0.3 empty empty
neighbor 0.4 acid rock 0.4 acid empty 0.6 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid nwall2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.4 acid radiator 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.8 acid insulator 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid gvirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid wvirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid avirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid ravirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid ivirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid nvirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid revirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid bvirus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid p1virus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid p2virus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid p3virus 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid virusfish 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid svirusfish 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid iperson 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 0.7 acid torch 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid ember 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid metal 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid cmetal 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid switch 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid onswitch 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid deton 1.0 fire deton
neighbor 0.6 acid powerp 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.6 acid cpowerp 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.8 acid bpowerp 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid pipe1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid pipe2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid pipe3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid broken 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid swfilter 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid cswfilter 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid scrubber 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid airfilter 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid aoxy 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid cscrubber 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid boxy 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid soxy 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid electro 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid celectro 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid eoxy 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid bscrubber 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid belectro 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid k&b 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid bk&b 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid food 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid food1 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid waste 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid condenser 0.6 acid empty 0.4 acid empty
neighbor 0.7 acid csteam 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid ccoolant 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid rebreather 0.6 acid empty 0.4 acid empty
neighbor 0.7 acid dirtyrb 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid sfish 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid fish 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid person 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid dyingp 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid starvingp 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid corpse 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid deadfish 0.8 acid blood 0.2 empty blood
neighbor 1.0 acid gunk 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.6 acid coral 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid rfactory 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid bfactory 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid red 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.5 acid rshield 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.5 acid rshield2 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid blue 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.5 acid bshield 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.5 acid bshield2 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid battery 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid dbattery 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid sbattery 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid turbine 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid cturbine 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid tcoolant 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 acid converter 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 acid canvertr 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 acid econt 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 acid lcontainer 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.2 acid cantainr 0.2 acid empty 0.8 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid ele1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid st1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid wat1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oil1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid sw1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oxy1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid co21 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid met1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid hyd1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid per1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid coo1 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid ele2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid st2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid wat2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oil2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid sw2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oxy2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid co22 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid met2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid hyd2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid per2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid coo2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid ele3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid st3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid wat3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oil3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid sw3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oxy3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid co23 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid met3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid hyd3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid per3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid coo3 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid grate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid wgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid swgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid ograte 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid oxgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid hgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid cgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid mgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid grate2 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid pgrate 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid dock 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.6 acid minisub 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.6 acid sminisub 0.8 acid empty 0.2 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid waity 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.7 acid wait 0.6 acid empty 0.4 empty empty
neighbor 0.5 acid map 0.4 acid empty 0.6 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 acid c4 1.0 fire c4
neighbor 1.0 acid detcord 1.0 fire detcord
neighbor 1.0 acid timer 1.0 fire timer

#goes boom. also put on reactor to make a larger version of a meltdown.

element squib 15 242 120 1.000000 0.000000 0.800000 0.500000
neighbor 1.0 squib empty 1.0 squib extinguisher
hotneighbor 70 squib empty
neighbor 1.0 squib squib 1.0 squib extinguisher
hotneighbor 70 squib squib
pexplosion squib extinguisher 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib extinguisher 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib extinguisher 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib cmetal 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib ewater 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib esaltwater 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib electricity 50 extinguisher
pexplosion squib acid 50 extinguisher
#an element designed to take out a base. it latches on and then explodes. credit
for the idea goes to killacure 24.
element depthcharge 150 195 20 1.000000 0.000000 0.800000
0.200000 1
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge wall 1.0 dc2 wall
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge acrylic 1.0 dc2 acrylic
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge glass 1.0 dc2 glass
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge rock 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge sand 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge dirt 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge mud 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge salt 1.0 acid acid
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge radiator 1.0 dc2 radiator
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge insulator 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge nwall 1.0 dc2 nwall
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge plant 1.0 dc2 plant
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge wood 1.0 dc2 wood
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge grate 1.0 dc2 grate
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge coral 1.0 dc2 coral
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge red 1.0 dc2 red
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge blue 1.0 dc2 blue
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge bshield 1.0 dc2 bshield
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge rshield 1.0 dc2 rshield
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge bshield2 1.0 dc2 bshield2
neighbor 1.0 depthcharge rshield2 1.0 dc2 rshield2
pexplosion depthcharge acid 12 acid
#the timer stage of a depthcharge.
element dc2 255 10 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.010000
neighbor 1.0 insulator dc2 1.0 dc2 broken
hotneighbor 80 insulator dc2
pexplosion dc2 broken 12 acid
neighbor 1.0 dc2 empty 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 water 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 saltwater 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 ewater 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 esaltwater 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 sand 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 dirt 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 mud 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 oxygen 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 co2 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 salt 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 wall 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 acrylic 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 glass 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 rock 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 radiator 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 nwall 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 plant 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 wood 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 grate 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 coral 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 sfish 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 fish 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 spore 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 deadfish 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 red 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 blue 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 bshield 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 rshield 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 bshield2 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 rshield2 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 bshield3 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 rshield3 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 pipe1 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 pipe2 1.0 dc2 insulator
neighbor 1.0 dc2 pipe3 1.0 dc2 insulator

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