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4440 Nor t h W ol cot t Av e nue Chicag o, Il l inois 606 40 ( 773) 273-7131 t ony.g e be l y@g mail .com SUMMARY
Antho ny Gebe ly i s an inte ra ctive di re ctor wit h six yea rs of expe rie nce in the field of Comp ute r Scien ce. He cu rren tly hold s the position of i nte rac tive di recto r for Do mu, bu t h as also held ro les s uc h a s: inte ra ctive ma nage r, lea d web d evelo per usi ng Dru pal /PH P/ MyS QL, fro nt -en d deve lope r u sing H T ML/ CS S/JavaSc ript , an d h as archite cte d seve ra l cont ent ma nage m ent sys tem s du rin g hi s rol e a s softwa re en ginee r for the Op pe nhei mer Fa mi ly F ounda tio n a nd Gree n Ex cha nge . He h as al so deve lope d e-co mme rce and so cia l m edia st ra tegie s fo r seve ra l o rga niza tions .

Project Management
Team Management, Proposal Writing, UML, Used several Software Development Processes, though mostly Agile Development.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, C++, Java, UI Design, WordPress, Drupal, RDBMs, Adobe Creative Suite, Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac, LAMP.

Online Marketing
Search Engine Marketing, Managing customer relationships with Twitter and Facebook, Link Building, Community Building.

EXPERIENCE Interactive Director Domu

Managed the apartment-finding website, Domu ( Maintained website infrastructure and Drupal 6 installation. Interfaced between the marketing and development teams to achieve development goals, while also keeping the website in sync with marketing campaigns and the brands overall image.

June 2010 Present

Interactive Manager Greater Than

Managed design/development for several projects while simultaneously developing an e-commerce/content-management platform for A Fresh Squeeze ( to manage B2B relationships and content for the Squeeze Card using the Drupal content-management system.

October 2009 June 2010

Project Manager Atlas Software Technologies, Inc.

Simultaneously managed an average of 10 projects and interfaced with a development team in Calcutta, India. Developed dynamic solutions for clients in the areas of SEO, SEM, and social media.

October 2007 September 2009

Project Manager Warm Blankets Orphan Care, Intl.

Managed the rollout of the organizations online Orphan Advocate Team initiative to help sponsor orphan homes in Africa, Indonesia and Cambodia. Aided in the creation of a social media strategy for the organization.

April 2009 September 2009

Software Engineer Global Alliance for Africa

Designed an intuitive interface for a content-management system including a navigation-manager and a personal-pages module. Managed development throughout the software development lifecycle.

November 2008 August 2009

Project Manager The Green Exchange

Architected the website: and its accompanying contentmanagement system. Managed the clients expectations while coordinating with an overseas development team.

April 2008 June 2008

Software Engineer Oppenheimer Family Foundation

Designed a PHP/MySQL based grant-management application that allows the Oppenheimer family to administer grant applications via an online-interface.

February 2008 June 2008

Lead Web Developer Women for Women International

Lead web developer for Women for Women Internationals U.S. web site. Orchestrated a constant flow of web site changes and micro-site roll-outs using Subversion.

October 2007 May 2008

Web Developer Rowan University

Developed a web-based content-management system using PHP and MySQL to handle image uploads and frequent content changes. The back-end also provides an interface to a click-able world map. Trained the International Centers staff to use the software and administer the databases.

January 2005 May 2008

Web Developer New Jersey State Consortium for International Studies

Developed a web-based content-management system using PHP and MySQL that provides easy access to the sites underlying data.

May 2005 June 2008

EDUCATION Rowan University, Glassboro New Jersey, USA

Bachelor of Science degree in the Computer Sciences.

September 2004 May 2007

Macquarie University, Sydney New South Wales, Australia

Semester abroad in Australia.

February 2005 June 2005 September 2001 May 2004

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Mount Laurel New Jersey, USA

Bachelor of Science degree in the Computer Sciences.

Domu Rowan University International Center World of Tea and


Volunteered for the New Hope Community Center in Siem Reap, Cambodia in September 2008, taught English to native Khmer speakers. Mentored mentally & physically challenged students in the Salem County School-to-Careers Initiative, 2006-2007. Volunteered for the Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance during 2002, prepared meals for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Received the National Eagle Scout Award in 2000.

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