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SLCCnu ulvlSlCn

C8 no 113634 Aprll 27 2000

lLLlL CALU8 and 8lCA8uC vALLnClA uLA81MLn1 of Lnvl8CnMLn1 and nA1u8AL 8LSCu8CLS (uLn8) CA18ALCCAn SAMA8 peLlLloners vs CCUk1 CI
ALALS MAnuLLA 1 8A8ALCCn and CCnS1AnClC A8uCAnuA respondenLs

u L C l S l C n

CulSuM8lnC !

lor revlew ls Lhe declslon1 daLed May 27 1994 of Lhe CourL of Appeals ln CAC8 S no 29191 denylng Lhe peLlLlon flled by hereln peLlLloners for cerLlorarl
prohlblLlon and mandamus ln order Lo annul Lhe Crder daLed May 27 1992 by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of CaLbalogan Samar Sald Crder had denled peLlLloners' (a)
MoLlon Lo ulsmlss Lhe replevln case flled by hereln prlvaLe respondenLs as well as (b) peLlLloners' MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon of Lhe Crder of sald Lrlal courL daLed
Aprll 24 1992 granLlng an appllcaLlon for a WrlL of replevln2 h ?

1he perLlnenL facLs of Lhe case borne by Lhe records are as follows

Cn !anuary 28 1992 Lhe loresL roLecLlon and Law LnforcemenL 1eam of Lhe CommunlLy LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources Cfflce (CLn8C) of Lhe uLn8
apprehended Lwo (2) moLor vehlcles descrlbed as follows

1 MoLor vehlcle wlLh laLe no PAk733 loaded wlLh one Lhousand and LwenLy slx (1026) board feeL of lllegally sourced lumber valued aL 834473 belng drlven by
one lo Cabon and owned by a cerLaln !ose vargas

2 MoLor vehlcle wlLh laLe no lCn143 loaded wlLh one Lhousand Lwo hundred LwenLy four and nlneLy seven (122497) board feeL of lllegallysourced lumber
valued aL 918727 belng drlven by one ConsLanclo Abuganda and owned by a cerLaln Manuela 8abalcon 3

ConsLanclo Abuganda and lo Cabon Lhe drlvers of Lhe vehlcles falled Lo presenL proper documenLs and/or llcenses 1hus Lhe apprehendlng Leam selzed and
lmpounded Lhe vehlcles and lLs load of lumber aL Lhe uLn8Ln8 (ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esourcesrovlnclal LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources)
Cfflce ln CaLbalogan4 Selzure recelpLs were lssued buL Lhe drlvers refused Lo accepL Lhe recelpLs3 lellpe Calub rovlnclal LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources
Cfflcer Lhen flled before Lhe rovlnclal rosecuLor's Cfflce ln Samar a crlmlnal complalnL agalnsL Abuganda ln Crlmlnal Case no 3793 for vlolaLlon of SecLlon 68
78) resldenLlal uecree 703 as amended by LxecuLlve Crder 277 oLherwlse known as Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code6 MlsC sc

Cn !anuary 31 1992 Lhe lmpounded vehlcles were forclbly Laken by Cabon and Abuganda from Lhe cusLody of Lhe uLn8 prompLlng uLn8 Cfflcer Calub Lhls Llme Lo
flle a crlmlnal complalnL for grave coerclon agalnsL Cabon and Abuganda 1he complalnL was however dlsmlssed by Lhe ubllc rosecuLor7

Cn lebruary 11 1992 one of Lhe Lwo vehlcles wlLh plaLe number lCn 143 was agaln apprehended by a composlLe Leam of uLn8CLn8 ln CaLbalogan and hlllpplne
Army elemenLs of Lhe 802nd lnfanLry 8rlgade aL 8arangay 8uray aranas Samar lL was agaln loaded wlLh foresL producLs wlLh an equlvalenL volume of 100347
board feeL valued aL 1003470 Calub duly flled a crlmlnal complalnL agalnsL ConsLanclo Abuganda a cerLaln Abegonla and several !ohn uoes ln Crlmlnal Case no
3623 for vlolaLlon of SecLlon 68 78 resldenLlal uecree 703 as amended by LxecuLlve Crder 277 oLherwlse known as Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code8

ln Crlmlnal Cases nos 3793 and 3623 however Abegonla and Abuganda were acqulLLed on Lhe ground of reasonable doubL 8uL noLe Lhe Lrlal courL ordered LhaL a
copy of Lhe declslon be furnlshed Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce ln order LhaL Lhe necessary crlmlnal acLlon may be flled agalnsL noe agarao and all oLher persons
responslble for vlolaLlon of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code lor lL appeared LhaL lL was agarao who charLered Lhe sub[ecL vehlcle and ordered LhaL cuL Llmber be loaded
on lL9

SubsequenLly hereln prlvaLe respondenLs Manuela 8abalcon Lhe vehlcle owner and ConsLanclo Abuganda Lhe drlver flled a complalnL for Lhe recovery of
possesslon of Lhe Lwo (2) lmpounded vehlcles wlLh an appllcaLlon for replevln agalnsL hereln peLlLloners before Lhe 81C of CaLbalogan 1he Lrlal courL granLed Lhe
appllcaLlon for replevln and lssued Lhe correspondlng wrlL ln an Crder daLed Aprll 24 199210 eLlLloners flled a moLlon Lo dlsmlss whlch was denled by Lhe Lrlal

1hus on !une 13 1992 peLlLloners flled wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe presenL eLlLlon for CerLlorarl rohlblLlon and Mandamus wlLh appllcaLlon for rellmlnary
ln[uncLlon and/or a 1emporary 8esLralnlng Crder 1he CourL lssued a 18C en[olnlng respondenL 81C [udge from conducLlng furLher proceedlngs ln Lhe clvll case for
replevln and en[olnlng prlvaLe respondenLs from Laklng or aLLempLlng Lo Lake Lhe moLor vehlcles and foresL producLs selzed from Lhe cusLody of Lhe peLlLloners 1he
CourL furLher lnsLrucLed Lhe peLlLloners Lo see Lo lL LhaL Lhe moLor vehlcles and oLher foresL producLs selzed are kepL ln a secured place and proLecLed from
deLerloraLlon sald properLy belng ln cusLodla legls and sub[ecL Lo Lhe dlrecL order of Lhe Supreme CourL12 ln a 8esoluLlon lssued on SepLember 28 1992 Lhe CourL
referred sald peLlLlon Lo respondenL appellaLe courL for approprlaLe dlsposlLlon13

Cn May 27 1994 Lhe CourL of Appeals denled sald peLlLlon for lack of merlL lL ruled LhaL Lhe mere selzure of a moLor vehlcle pursuanL Lo Lhe auLhorlLy granLed by
SecLlon 68 78 of u no 703 as amended by LC no 277 does noL auLomaLlcally place sald conveyance ln cusLodla legls Accordlng Lo Lhe appellaLe courL such
auLhorlLy of Lhe ueparLmenL Pead of Lhe uLn8 or hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve Lo order Lhe conflscaLlon and dlsposlLlon of lllegally obLalned foresL producLs and
Lhe conveyance used for LhaL purpose ls noL absoluLe and unquallfled lL ls sub[ecL Lo perLlnenL laws regulaLlons or pollcles on LhaL maLLer added Lhe appellaLe
courL 1he uLn8 AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no 39 serles of 1990 ls one such regulaLlon Lhe appellaLe courL sald lor lL prescrlbes Lhe guldellnes ln Lhe conflscaLlon
forfelLure and dlsposlLlon of conveyances used ln Lhe commlsslon of offenses penallzed under SecLlon 68 78 of u no 703 as amended by LC no 27714

AddlLlonally respondenL CourL of Appeals noLed LhaL Lhe peLlLloners falled Lo observe Lhe procedure ouLllned ln uLn8 AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no 39 serles of 1990
1hey were unable Lo submlL a reporL of Lhe selzure Lo Lhe uLn8 SecreLary Lo glve a wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe owner of Lhe vehlcle and Lo render a reporL of Lhelr flndlngs
and recommendaLlons Lo Lhe SecreLary Moreover peLlLloners' fallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe procedure lald down by uLn8 AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no 39 serles of 1990
was conflrmed by Lhe admlsslon of peLlLloners' counsel LhaL no conflscaLlon order has been lssued prlor Lo Lhe selzure of Lhe vehlcle and Lhe flllng of Lhe replevln sulL
1herefore ln falllng Lo follow such procedure accordlng Lo Lhe appellaLe courL Lhe sub[ecL vehlcles could noL be consldered ln cusLodla legls13

8espondenL CourL of Appeals also found no merlL ln peLlLloners' clalm LhaL prlvaLe respondenLs' complalnL for replevln ls a sulL agalnsL Lhe SLaLe Accordlngly
peLlLloners could noL shleld Lhemselves under Lhe prlnclple of sLaLe lmmunlLy as Lhe properLy soughL Lo be recovered ln Lhe lnsLanL sulL had noL yeL been lawfully
ad[udged forfelLed ln favor of Lhe governmenL Moreover accordlng Lo respondenL appellaLe courL Lhere could be no pecunlary llablllLy nor loss of properLy LhaL
could ensue agalnsL Lhe governmenL lL reasoned LhaL a sulL agalnsL a publlc offlcer who acLed lllegally or beyond Lhe scope of hls auLhorlLy could noL be consldered a
sulL agalnsL Lhe SLaLe and LhaL a publlc offlcer mlghL be sued for lllegally selzlng or wlLhholdlng Lhe possesslon of Lhe properLy of anoLher16

8espondenL courL brushed aslde oLher grounds ralsed by peLlLloners based on Lhe clalm LhaL Lhe sub[ecL vehlcles were valldly selzed and held ln cusLody because Lhey
were conLradlcLed by lLs own flndlngs17 1helr peLlLlon was found wlLhouL merlL18 8LcC spped

now before us Lhe peLlLloners asslgn Lhe followlng errors19

(1) 1PL CCu81 Cl ALALS L88Lu ln PCLulnC 1PA1 ML8L SLlZu8L Cl A CCnvL?AnCL u8SuAn1 1C SLC1lCn 68A 78A Cl u nC 703 AS AMLnuLu 8?
LxLCu1lvL C8uL8 277 uCLS nC1 LACL SAlu CCnvL?AnCL ln CuS1CulA LLClS

(2) 1PL CCu81 Cl ALALS L88Lu ln nC1 PCLulnC 1PA1 1PL CL8A1lvL AC1 ClvlnC 8lSL lC8 1PL Su8!LC1 CCnvL?AnCL 1C 8L ln CuS1CulA LLClS lS l1S LAWluL
SLlZu8L 8? 1PL uLn8 u8SuAn1 1C SLC1lCn 68A 78A Cl u nC 703 AS AMLnuLu 8? LC nC 277 Anu

(3) 1PL CCu81 Cl ALALS L88Lu ln PCLulnC 1PA1 1PL CCMLAln1 lC8 8LLLvln ACAlnS1 1PL L1l1lCnL8S lS nC1 A Sul1 ACAlnS1 1PL S1A1L

ln brlef Lhe perLlnenL lssues for our conslderaLlon are

(1) WheLher or noL Lhe uLn8selzed moLor vehlcle wlLh plaLe number lCn 143 ls ln cusLodla legls

(2) WheLher or noL Lhe complalnL for Lhe recovery of possesslon of lmpounded vehlcles wlLh an appllcaLlon for replevln ls a sulL agalnsL Lhe SLaLe

We wlll now resolve boLh lssues

1he 8evlsed loresLry Code auLhorlzes Lhe uLn8 Lo selze all conveyances used ln Lhe commlsslon of an offense ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 78 SecLlon 78 sLaLes

Sec 78 CuLLlng CaLherlng and or CollecLlng 1lmber or CLher loresL roducLs wlLhouL Llcense Any person who shall cuL gaLher collecL remove Llmber or oLher
foresL producLs from any foresLland or Llmber from allenable or dlsposable publlc land or from prlvaLe land wlLhouL any auLhorlLy or possess Llmber or oLher foresL
producLs wlLhouL Lhe legal documenLs as requlred under exlsLlng foresL laws and regulaLlons shall be punlshed wlLh Lhe penalLles lmposed under ArLlcles 309 and
310 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Codeslxa mls

1he CourL shall furLher order Lhe conflscaLlon ln favor of Lhe governmenL of Lhe Llmber or any foresL producLs cuL gaLhered collecLed removed or possessed as well
as Lhe machlnery equlpmenL lmplemenLs and Lools lllegally used ln Lhe area where Lhe Llmber or foresL producLs are found

1hls provlslon makes mere possesslon of Llmber or oLher foresL producLs wlLhouL Lhe accompanylng legal documenLs unlawful and punlshable wlLh Lhe penalLles
lmposed for Lhe crlme of LhefL as prescrlbed ln ArLlcles 309310 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code ln Lhe presenL case Lhe sub[ecL vehlcles were loaded wlLh foresL producLs
aL Lhe Llme of Lhe selzure 8uL admlLLedly no permlL evldenclng auLhorlLy Lo possess and LransporL sald load of foresL producLs was duly presenLed 1hese producLs ln
Lurn were deemed lllegally sourced 1hus Lhere was a prlma facle vlolaLlon of SecLlon 68 78 of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code alLhough as found by Lhe Lrlal courL Lhe
persons responslble for sald vlolaLlon were noL Lhe ones charged by Lhe publlc prosecuLor

1he correspondlng auLhorlLy of Lhe uLn8 Lo selze all conveyances used ln Lhe commlsslon of an offense ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 78 of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code ls
pursuanL Lo SecLlons 78A and 89 of Lhe same Code 1hey read as follows Sca

Sec 78A AdmlnlsLraLlve AuLhorlLy of Lhe ueparLmenL Pead or Pls uuly AuLhorlzed 8epresenLaLlve Lo Crder ConflscaLlon ln all cases of vlolaLlon of Lhls Code or
oLher foresL laws rules and regulaLlons Lhe ueparLmenL Pead or hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve may order Lhe conflscaLlon of any foresL producLs lllegally cuL
gaLhered removed or possessed or abandoned and all conveyances used elLher by land waLer or alr ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense and Lo dlspose of Lhe same ln
accordance wlLh perLlnenL laws regulaLlons or pollcles on Lhe maLLer

Sec 89 ArresL lnsLlLuLlon of crlmlnal acLlons A foresL offlcer or employee of Lhe 8ureau ueparLmenL or any personnel of Lhe hlllpplne ConsLabulary/hlllpplne
naLlonal ollce shall arresL even wlLhouL warranL any person who has commlLLed or ls commlLLlng ln hls presence any of Lhe offenses deflned ln Lhls ChapLer Pe shall
also selze and conflscaLe ln favor of Lhe CovernmenL Lhe Lools and equlpmenL used ln commlLLlng Lhe offense Lmphasls supplled

noLe LhaL uLn8 AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no 39 serles of 1990 lmplemenLs SecLlons 78A and 89 of Lhe loresLry Code as follows

Sec 2 Conveyances Sub[ecL Lo ConflscaLlon and lorfelLure All conveyances used ln Lhe LransporL of any foresL producL obLalned or gaLhered lllegally wheLher or
noL covered wlLh LransporL documenLs found spurlous or lrregular ln accordance wlLh Sec 68A 78A of u no 703 shall be conflscaLed ln favor of Lhe
governmenL or dlsposed of ln accordance wlLh perLlnenL laws regulaLlons or pollcles on Lhe maLLer

Sec 4 Who are AuLhorlzed Lo Selze Conveyance 1he SecreLary or hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve such as Lhe foresL offlcers and/or naLural resources offlcers or
depuLlzed offlcers of Lhe uLn8 are auLhorlzed Lo selze sald conveyances sub[ecL Lo pollcles and guldellnes perLlnenL LhereLo uepuLlzed mlllLary personnel and
offlclals of oLher agencles apprehendlng lllegal logs and oLher foresL producLs and Lhelr conveyances shall noLlfy Lhe nearesL uLn8 fleld offlces and Lurn over sald
foresL producLs and conveyances for proper acLlon and dlsposlLlon ln case where Lhe apprehenslon ls made by uLn8 fleld offlcer Lhe conveyance shall be deposlLed
wlLh Lhe nearesL CLn8C/Ln8C/8Lu Cfflce as Lhe case may be for safekeeplng wherever lL ls mosL convenlenL and secured Lmphasls supplled

upon apprehenslon of Lhe lllegallycuL Llmber whlle belng LransporLed wlLhouL perLlnenL documenLs LhaL could evldence LlLle Lo or rlghL Lo possesslon of sald Llmber
a warranLless selzure of Lhe lnvolved vehlcles and Lhelr load was allowed under SecLlon 78 and 89 of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code Slxsa c

noLe furLher LhaL peLlLloners' fallure Lo observe Lhe procedure ouLllned ln uLn8 AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no 39 serles of 1990 was [usLlflably explalned eLlLloners dld
noL submlL a reporL of Lhe selzure Lo Lhe SecreLary nor glve a wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe owner of Lhe vehlcle because on Lhe 3rd day followlng Lhe selzure Cabon and
Abuganda drlvers of Lhe selzed vehlcles forclbly Look Lhe lmpounded vehlcles from Lhe cusLody of Lhe uLn8 1hen agaln when one of Lhe moLor vehlcles was
apprehended and lmpounded for Lhe second Llme Lhe peLlLloners agaln were noL able Lo reporL Lhe selzure Lo Lhe uLn8 SecreLary nor glve a wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe
owner of Lhe vehlcle because prlvaLe respondenLs lmmedlaLely wenL Lo courL and applled for a wrlL of replevln 1he selzure of Lhe vehlcles and Lhelr load was done
upon Lhelr apprehenslon for a vlolaLlon of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code lL would be absurd Lo requlre a conflscaLlon order or noLlce and hearlng before sald selzure
could be effecLed under Lhe clrcumsLances

Slnce Lhere was a vlolaLlon of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code and Lhe selzure was ln accordance wlLh law ln our vlew Lhe sub[ecL vehlcles were valldly deemed ln cusLodla
legls lL could noL be sub[ecL Lo an acLlon for replevln lor lL ls properLy lawfully Laken by vlrLue of legal process and consldered ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe law and noL

ln MamanLeo eL al v uepuLy Sherlff Magumun AM no 981264 promulgaLed on !uly 28 1999 Lhe case lnvolves properLy Lo be selzed by a uepuLy Sherlff ln a
replevln sulL 8uL sald properLy were already lmpounded by Lhe uLn8 due Lo vlolaLlon of foresLry laws and ln facL already forfelLed ln favor of Lhe governmenL by
order of Lhe uLn8 We sald LhaL such properLy was deemed ln cusLodla legls 1he sherlff could noL lnslsL on selzlng Lhe properLy already sub[ecL of a prlor warranL of
selzure 1he approprlaLe acLlon should be for Lhe sherlff Lo lnform Lhe Lrlal courL of Lhe slLuaLlon by way of parLlal Sherlff's 8eLurn and walL for Lhe [udge's
lnsLrucLlons on Lhe proper procedure Lo be observed

noLe LhaL properLy LhaL ls valldly deposlLed ln cusLodla legls cannoL be Lhe sub[ecL of a replevln sulL ln MamanLeo v uepuLy Sherlff Magumun we elucldaLed furLher

Lhe wrlL of replevln has been repeaLedly used by unscrupulous plalnLlffs Lo reLrleve Lhelr chaLLel earller Laken for vlolaLlon of Lhe 1arlff and CusLoms Code Lax
assessmenL aLLachmenL or execuLlon Cfflcers of Lhe courL from Lhe presldlng [udge Lo Lhe sherlff are lmplored Lo be vlgllanL ln Lhelr execuLlon of Lhe law oLherwlse
as ln Lhls case valld selzure and forfelLure proceedlngs could easlly be undermlned by Lhe slmple devlse of a wrlL of replevln21 ScslxC

Cn Lhe second lssue ls Lhe complalnL for Lhe recovery of possesslon of Lhe Lwo lmpounded vehlcles wlLh an appllcaLlon for replevln a sulL agalnsL Lhe SLaLe?

Well esLabllshed ls Lhe docLrlne LhaL Lhe SLaLe may noL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL22 And a sulL agalnsL a publlc offlcer for hls offlclal acLs ls ln effecL a sulL agalnsL
Lhe SLaLe lf lLs purpose ls Lo hold Lhe SLaLe ulLlmaLely llable23 Powever Lhe proLecLlon afforded Lo publlc offlcers by Lhls docLrlne generally applles only Lo acLlvlLles
wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhelr auLhorlLy ln good falLh and wlLhouL wlllfulness mallce or corrupLlon24 ln Lhe presenL case Lhe acLs for whlch Lhe peLlLloners are belng
called Lo accounL were performed by Lhem ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr offlclal duLles 1he acLs ln quesLlon are clearly offlclal ln naLure23 ln lmplemenLlng and
enforclng SecLlons 78A and 89 of Lhe loresLry Code Lhrough Lhe selzure carrled ouL peLlLloners were performlng Lhelr duLles and funcLlons as offlcers of Lhe uLn8
and dld so wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhelr auLhorlLy 1here was no mallce nor bad falLh on Lhelr parL Pence a sulL agalnsL Lhe peLlLloners who represenL Lhe uLn8 ls a sulL
agalnsL Lhe SLaLe lL cannoL prosper wlLhouL Lhe SLaLe's consenL

Clven Lhe clrcumsLances ln Lhls case we need noL pursue Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral's llne for Lhe defense of peLlLloners concernlng exhausLlon of
admlnlsLraLlve remedles We oughL only Lo recall LhaL exhausLlon musL be ralsed aL Lhe earllesL Llme posslble even before flllng Lhe answer Lo Lhe complalnL or
pleadlng asserLlng a clalm by a moLlon Lo dlsmlss26 lf noL lnvoked aL Lhe proper Llme Lhls ground for dlsmlssal could be deemed walved and Lhe courL could Lake
cognlzance of Lhe case and Lry lL27 Mesma

ACCC8ulnCL? Lhe eLlLlon ls C8An1Lu and Lhe assalled ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals ln CAC8 S no 29191 ls SL1 ASluL ConsequenLly Lhe Crder lssued by
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of CaLbalogan daLed May 27 1992 and Lhe WrlL of replevln lssued ln Lhe Crder daLed Aprll 24 1992 are AnnuLLLu 1he Sherlff of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL of CaLbalogan 8ranch 29 ls dlrecLed Lo Lake possesslon of Lhe sub[ecL moLor vehlcle wlLh plaLe number lCn 143 for dellvery Lo Lhe cusLody of
and approprlaLe dlsposlLlon by peLlLloners LeL a copy of Lhls declslon be provlded Lhe Ponorable SecreLary of !usLlce for hls approprlaLe acLlon agalnsL any and all
persons responslble for Lhe aboveclLed vlolaLlon of Lhe 8evlsed loresLry Code

CosLs agalnsL prlvaLe respondenLs

SC C8uL8Lu

8elloslllo (Chalrman) Mendoza 8uena and ue Leon !r !! concur CalrkyC

1 8ollo pp 2227
2 CA 8ecords p 43
3 8ollo p 23
4 ld aL 23
3 ld aL 74
6 Sec 78 CuLLlng CaLherlng and/or CollecLlng 1lmber or CLher loresL roducLs wlLhouL Llcense Any person who shall cuL gaLher collecL remove Llmber or oLher foresL producLs from
any foresLland or Llmber from allenable or dlsposable publlc land or from prlvaLe land wlLhouL any auLhorlLy or possess Llmber or oLher foresL producLs wlLhouL Lhe legal documenLs as
requlred under exlsLlng foresL laws and regulaLlons shall be punlshed wlLh Lhe penalLles lmposed under ArLlcles 309 and 310 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code

1he CourL shall furLher order Lhe conflscaLlon ln favor of Lhe governmenL of Lhe Llmber or any foresL producLs cuL gaLhered collecLed removed or possessed as well as Lhe machlnery
equlpmenL lmplemenLs and Lools lllegally used ln Lhe area where Lhe Llmber or foresL producLs are found (Lmphasls supplled)

[Z| Ro||o, p. Z0.
[8| ld. al 23, Z8.
[9| ld. al Z5, 85.
[10| CA Records, p. 13.
[11| 3upra, role 1.
[12| ld. al 18-19.
[13| ld. al 21.
[11| ld. al 2-A.
[15| ld. al 25-2Z.
[1| ld. al 2Z.
[1Z| lo|d.
[18| lo|d.
[19| ld. al .
[20| 8aga||rog v. Ferrardez, 198 3CRA 11, 21 (1991)
[21| Vararleo, el. a|. v. 0epuly 3rer|ll Vagurur, A.V. No. P-98-121, Ju|y 28, 1999, c|l|rg Pac|s v. lor. Aver|a,18 3CRA 90Z (19)
[22| C0N3T., Arl. Xvl, sec. 3.
[23| 0e Leor, Tre LaW or Puo||c 0ll|cers ard E|ecl|or LaW, 2rd ed., 1991, pp. 228-229.
[21| Pr|||pp|re Rac|rg C|uo, lrc., el a|. v. 8or|lac|o, el a|., 109 Pr||. 233, 211 (190)
[25| 3arders v. ver|d|aro ll, 12 3CRA 88, 9 (1988)
[2| 3ecl|or 1, Ru|e 1, 199Z Ru|es ol Courl.

SLC1lCn 1 Crounds WlLhln Lhe Llme for buL before flllng Lhe answer Lo Lhe complalnL or pleadlng asserLlng a clalm a moLlon Lo dlsmlss may be made on any of Lhe followlng grounds

(a) 1haL Lhe courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person of Lhe defendlng parLy
(b) 1haL Lhe courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe clalm
(c) 1haL venue ls lmproperly lald
(d) 1haL Lhe plalnLlff has no legal capaclLy Lo sue
(e) 1haL Lhere ls anoLher acLlon pendlng beLween Lhe same parLles for Lhe same cause
(f) 1haL Lhe cause of acLlon ls barred by a prlor [udgmenL or by Lhe sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
(g) 1haL Lhe pleadlng asserLlng Lhe clalm sLaLes no cause of acLlon
(h) 1haL Lhe clalm or demand seL forLh ln Lhe plalnLlff's pleadlng has been pald walved abandoned or oLherwlse exLlngulshed
(l) 1haL Lhe clalm on whlch Lhe acLlon ls founded ls unenforceable under Lhe provlslons of Lhe sLaLuLe of frauds and
([) 1haL a condlLlon precedenL for flllng Lhe clalm has noL been complled wlLh

27 SoLo v !areno 144 SC8A 116 119 1986) See also SecLlon 1[) 8ule 16 1997 8ules of CourL

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes


Gk No L36084 August 31 1977

kLU8LIC CI 1nL nILIINLS pet|t|oner
nCNCkA8LL AMAN1L UkISIMA the res|d|ng Iudge of the court of f|rst Instance of Man||a (8ranch VII) and LLLCW 8ALL IkLIGn1 LINLS INC respondents

SollclLor Ceneral LsLellLo Mendoza AsslsLanL SollclLor Ceneral SanLlago M kapunan SollclLor Cscar C lernandez and Speclal ALLorney 8enaLo MabugaL for peLlLloner

!ose C Callngo for prlvaLe respondenL

lL8nAnuC AcLlng C!

1he [urlsdlcLlonal lssued ralsed by SollclLor Ceneral LsLellLo Mendoza on behalf of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes ln Lhls cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon proceedlng arose from Lhe fallure of
respondenL !udge AmanLe urlslma of Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of Manlla Lo apply Lhe wellknown and ofrelLeraLed docLrlne of Lhe nonsuablllLy of a SLaLe lncludlng lLs offlces and
agencles from sulL wlLhouL lLs consenL lL was so alleged ln a moLlon Lo dlsmlss flled by defendanL 8lce and Corn AdmlnlsLraLlon ln a pendlng clvll sulL ln Lhe sala of respondenL !udge for Lhe
collecLlon of a money clalm arlslng from an alleged breach of conLracL Lhe plalnLlff belng prlvaLe respondenL ?ellow 8all lrelghL Llnes lnc 1 Such a moLlon Lo dlsmlss was flled on SepLember
7 1972 AL LhaL Llme Lhe leadlng case of Mobll hlllpplnes LxploraLlon lnc v CusLoms ArrasLre Servlce 2 were !usLlce 8engzon sLressed Lhe lack of [urlsdlcLlon of a courL Lo pass on Lhe
merlLs of a clalm agalnsL any offlce or enLlLy acLlng as parL of Lhe machlnery of Lhe naLlonal governmenL unless consenL be shown had been applled ln 33 oLher declslons 3 1here ls Lhus
more Lhan sufflclenL basls for an allegaLlon of [urlsdlcLlon lnflrmlLy agalnsL Lhe order of respondenL !udge denylng Lhe moLlon Lo dlsmlss daLed CcLober 4 1972 4 WhaL ls more Lhe poslLlon
of Lhe 8epubllc has been forLlfled wlLh Lhe expllclL afflrmaLlon found ln Lhls provlslon of Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon 1he SLaLe may noL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL 3

1he merlL of Lhe peLlLlon for cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon ls Lhus obvlous

1 1here ls perLlnence Lo Lhls excerpL from SwlLzerland Ceneral lnsurance Co LLd v 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes 6 1he docLrlne of nonsuablllLy recognlzed ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon even prlor Lo
Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon ls a loglcal corollary of Lhe poslLlvlsL concepL of law whlch Lo paraphrase Polmes negaLes Lhe asserLlon of any legal rlghL as agalnsL Lhe sLaLe ln
lLself Lhe source of Lhe law on whlch such a rlghL may be predlcaLed nor ls Lhls alllwphl[lL Lven lf such a prlnclple does glve rlse Lo problems conslderlng Lhe vasLly expanded role of
governmenL enabllng lL Lo engage ln buslness pursulLs Lo promoLe Lhe general welfare lL ls noL obelsance Lo Lhe analyLlcal school of LhoughL alone LhaL calls for lLs conLlnued appllcablllLy
Why lL musL conLlnue Lo be so even lf Lhe maLLer be vlewed soclologlcally was seL forLh ln rovldence WashlngLon lnsurance Co v 8epubllc Lhus noneLheless a conLlnued adherence Lo
Lhe docLrlne of nonsuablllLy ls noL Lo be deplored for as agalnsL Lhe lnconvenlence LhaL may be caused prlvaLe parLles Lhe loss of governmenLal efflclency and Lhe obsLacle Lo Lhe
performance of lLs mulLlfarlous funcLlons are far greaLer lf such a fundamenLal prlnclple were abandoned and Lhe avallablllLy of [udlclal remedy were noL Lhus resLrlcLed WlLh Lhe well
known propenslLy on Lhe parL of our people Lo go Lhe courL aL Lhe leasL provocaLlon Lhe loss of Llme and energy requlred Lo defend agalnsL law sulLs ln Lhe absence of such a baslc prlnclple
LhaL consLlLuLes such an effecLlve obsLacle could very well be lmaglned 7 lL only remalns Lo be added LhaL under Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon whlch as noLed expressly reafflrmed such a
docLrlne Lhe followlng declslons had been rendered uel mar v 1he hlllpplne veLerans AdmlnlsLraLlon 8 8epubllc v vlllasor 9 Sayson v Slngson 10 and ulrecLor of Lhe 8ureau of rlnLlng v
lranclsco 11

2 Lqually so Lhe nexL paragraph ln Lhe above oplnlon from Lhe SwlLzerland Ceneral lnsurance Company declslon ls llkewlse relevanL nor ls ln[usLlce Lhereby cause prlvaLe parLles 1hey
could sLlll proceed Lo seek collecLlon of Lhelr money clalms by pursulng Lhe sLaLuLory remedy of havlng Lhe AudlLor Ceneral pass upon Lhem sub[ecL Lo appeal Lo [udlclal Lrlbunals for flnal
ad[udlcaLlon We could Lhus correcLly conclude as we dld ln Lhe clLed rovlndence WashlngLon lnsurance declslon 1hus Lhe docLrlne of nonsuablllLy of Lhe governmenL wlLhouL lLs consenL
as lL has operaLed ln pracLlce hardly lends lLself Lo Lhe charge LhaL lL could be Lhe frulLful parenL of ln[usLlce conslderlng Lhe vasL and everwldenlng scope of sLaLe acLlvlLles aL presenL belng
underLaken WhaLever dlfflculLles for prlvaLe clalmanLs may sLlll exlsL ls from an ob[ecLlve appralsal of all facLors mlnlmal ln Lhe balanclng of lnLeresLs so unavoldable ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon
of whaL prlnclples musL prevall lf governmenL ls Lo saLlsfy Lhe publlc weal Lhe verdlcL musL be as lL has been Lhese so many years for lLs conLlnulng recognlLlon as a fundamenLal posLulaLe
of consLlLuLlonal law 12

3 ApparenLly respondenL !udge was mlsled by Lhe Lerms of Lhe conLracL beLween Lhe prlvaLe respondenL plalnLlff ln hls sala and defendanL 8lce and Corn AdmlnlsLraLlon whlch accordlng
Lo hlm anLlclpaLed Lhe case of a breach of conLracL wlLhln Lhe parLles and Lhe sulLs LhaL may LhereafLer arlse 13 1he consenL Lo be effecLlve Lhough musL come from Lhe SLaLe acLlng
Lhrough a duly enacLed sLaLuLe as polnLed ouL by !usLlce 8engzon ln Mobll 1hus whaLever counsel for defendanL 8lce and Corn AdmlnlsLraLlon agreed Lo had no blndlng force on Lhe
governmenL 1haL was clearly beyond Lhe scope of hls auLhorlLy AL any raLe !usLlce Sanchez ln 8amos v CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons 14 was qulLe caLegorlcal as Lo lLs noL belng
possessed of a separaLe and dlsLlncL corporaLe exlsLence Cn Lhe conLrary by Lhe law of lLs creaLlon lL ls an offlce dlrecLly under Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes 13

WPL8LlC8L Lhe peLlLloner for cerLlorarl ls granLed and Lhe resoluLlon of CcLober 4 1972 denylng Lhe moLlon Lo dlsmlss flled by Lhe 8lce and Corn AdmlnlsLraLlon nulllfled and seL aslde and
Lhe peLlLloner for prohlblLlon ls llkewlse granLed resLralnlng respondenL !udge from acLlng on clvll Case no 79082 pendlng ln hls sala excepL for Lhe purpose of orderlng lLs dlsmlssal for lack
of [urlsdlcLlon 1he Lemporary resLralnlng order lssued on lebruary 8 1973 by Lhls CourL ls made permanenL LermlnaLlng Lhls case CosLs agalnsL ?ellow 8all lrelghL Llnes lnc

AnLonlo Aqulno Concepclon !r and SanLos !! concur

8arredo ! Look no parL

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes


Gk No L30044 December 19 1973

LCkLN2C SASCN as n|ghway Aud|tor 8ureau of ub||c n|ghways Cebu I|rst Lng|neer|ng D|str|ct CCkNLLIC ICkNILk as keg|ona| Superv|s|ng Aud|tor Lastern V|sayas keg|on
lLLlL SlnCSCn as sole owner and proprleLor of Slngkler MoLor Servlce respondenL

Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral lellx v Makaslar and SollclLor 8ernardo ardo for peLlLloners

1eodoro Almase and Caslano u LapuL for respondenL

lL8nAnuC !

1he real parLy ln lnLeresL before Lhls CourL ln Lhls cerLlorarl proceedlng Lo revlew a declslon of Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of Cebu ls Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes alLhough Lhe peLlLloners
are Lhe publlc offlclals who were named as respondenLs 1 ln a mandamus sulL below Such ls Lhe conLenLlon of Lhe Lhen SollclLor Ceneral now AssoclaLe !usLlce lellx v Makaslar 2 for as he
dld polnL ouL whaL ls lnvolved ls a money clalm agalnsL Lhe governmenL predlcaLed on a conLracL 1he baslc docLrlne of nonsuablllLy of Lhe governmenL wlLhouL lLs consenL ls Lhus declslve
of Lhe conLroversy 1here ls a governlng sLaLuLe LhaL ls conLrolllng 3 8espondenL lellpe Slngson Lhe clalmanL for reasons known Lo hlm dld noL choose Lo ablde by lLs Lerms 1haL was a faLal
mlssLep 1he lower courL however dld noL see lL LhaL way We cannoL afflrm lLs declslon

As found by Lhe lower courL Lhe facLs are Lhe followlng ln !anuary 1967 Lhe Cfflce of Lhe ulsLrlcL Lnglneer requlslLloned varlous lLems of spare parLs for Lhe repalr of a u8 bulldozer
1he requlslLlon (8lv no 67/0331) was slgned by Lhe ulsLrlcL Lnglneer AdvenLor lernandez and Lhe 8equlslLlonlng Cfflcer (clvll englneer) Manuel S LepaLan lL was approved by Lhe
SecreLary of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons AnLonlo v 8aqulza lL ls noLed ln Lhe approval of Lhe sald requlslLlon LhaL 1hls ls an excepLlon Lo Lhe Lelegram daLed leb 21 1967 of Lhe
SecreLary of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons So a canvass or publlc blddlng was conducLed on May 3 1967 1he commlLLee on award accepLed Lhe bld of Lhe Slngkler MoLor
Servlce owned by respondenL lellpe Slngson for Lhe sum of 4333000 SubsequenLly lL was approved by Lhe SecreLary of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons and on May 16 1967 Lhe
SecreLary senL a leLLerorder Lo Lhe Slngkler MoLor Servlce Mandaue Cebu requesLlng lL Lo lmmedlaLely dellver Lhe lLems llsLed Lhereln for Lhe loL prlce of 4333000 lL would appear
LhaL a purchase order slgned by Lhe ulsLrlcL Lnglneer Lhe 8equlslLlonlng Cfflcer and Lhe rocuremenL Cfflcer was addressed Lo Lhe Slngkler MoLor Servlce ln due course Lhe voucher no
07806 reached Lhe hands of Plghway AudlLor Sayson for preaudlL Pe Lhen made lnqulrles abouL Lhe reasonableness of Lhe prlce 1hus afLer flndlng from Lhe lndorsemenLs of Lhe ulvlslon
Lnglneer and Lhe Commlssloner of ubllc Plghways LhaL Lhe prlces of Lhe varlous spare parLs are [usL and reasonable and LhaL Lhe requlslLlon was also approved by no less Lhan Lhe SecreLary
of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons wlLh Lhe verlflcaLlon of vM Secarro a represenLaLlve of Lhe 8ureau of Supply CoordlnaLlon Manlla he approved lL for paymenL ln Lhe sum of
3482400 wlLh Lhe reLenLlon of 20 equlvalenL Lo 870600 Pls reason for wlLhholdlng Lhe 20 equlvalenL Lo 870600 was Lo submlL Lhe voucher wlLh Lhe supporLlng papers Lo Lhe
Supervlslng AudlLor whlch he dld 1he voucher was pald on !une 9 1967 ln Lhe amounL of 3482400 Lo Lhe peLlLloner respondenL Slngson Cn !une 101967 Plghway AudlLor Sayson
recelved a Lelegram from Supervlslng AudlLor lornler quoLlng a Lelegraphlc message of Lhe Ceneral AudlLlng Cfflce whlch sLaLes ln vlew of excesslve prlces charge for purchase of spare
parLs and equlpmenL shown by vouchers already submlLLed Lhls Cfflce dlrecL all hlghway audlLors refer Ceneral Cfflce paymenL slmllar naLure for approprlaLe acLlon ln Lhe lnLerlm lL
would appear LhaL when Lhe voucher and Lhe supporLlng papers reached Lhe CAC a canvass was made of Lhe spare parLs among Lhe suppllers ln Manlla parLlcularly Lhe uSl (hll) whlch ls
Lhe excluslve dealer of Lhe spare parLs of Lhe caLerplllar LracLors ln Lhe hlllpplnes Sald flrm Lhus submlLLed lLs quoLaLlons aL 232964 only whlch ls 4000000 less Lhan Lhe prlce of Lhe
Slngkler ln vlew of Lhe overprlclng Lhe CAC Look up Lhe maLLer wlLh Lhe SecreLary of ubllc Works ln a Lhlrd lndorsemenL of !uly 18 1967 1he SecreLary Lhen clrcularlzed a Lelegram
holdlng Lhe dlsLrlcL englneer responslble for overprlclng 4 WhaL ls more charges for malversaLlon were flled agalnsL Lhe dlsLrlcL englneer and Lhe clvll englneer lnvolved lL was Lhe fallure of
Lhe Plghways AudlLor one of Lhe peLlLloners before us LhaL led Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe mandamus sulL below wlLh now respondenL Slngson as sole proprleLor of Slngkler MoLor Servlce belng
ad[udged as enLlLled Lo collecL Lhe balance of 870600 Lhe conLracL ln quesLlon havlng been upheld Pence Lhls appeal by cerLlorarl

1 1o sLaLe Lhe facLs ls Lo make clear Lhe solldlLy of Lhe sLand Laken by Lhe 8epubllc 1he lower courL was unmlndful of Lhe fundamenLal docLrlne of nonsuablllLy So lL was sLressed ln Lhe
peLlLlon of Lhe Lhen SollclLor Ceneral Makaslar 1hus lL ls apparenL LhaL respondenL Slngsons cause of acLlon ls a money clalm agalnsL Lhe governmenL for Lhe paymenL of Lhe alleged
balance of Lhe cosL of spare parLs supplled by hlm Lo Lhe 8ureau of ubllc Plghways Assumlng momenLarlly Lhe valldlLy of such clalm alLhough as wlll be shown hereunder Lhe clalm ls vold
for Lhe cause or conslderaLlon ls conLrary Lo law morals or publlc pollcy mandamus ls noL Lhe remedy Lo enforce Lhe collecLlon of such clalm agalnsL Lhe SLaLe buL a ordlnary acLlon for
speclflc performance AcLually Lhe sulL dlsgulsed as one for mandamus Lo compel Lhe AudlLors Lo approve Lhe vouchers for paymenL ls a sulL agalnsL Lhe SLaLe whlch cannoL prosper or
be enLerLalned by Lhe CourL excepL wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe SLaLe ln oLher words Lhe respondenL should have flled hls clalm wlLh Lhe Ceneral AudlLlng Cfflce under Lhe provlslons of
Com AcL 327 whlch prescrlbe Lhe condlLlons under whlch money clalm agalnsL Lhe governmenL may be
flled 3 CommonwealLh AcL no 327 ls qulLe expllclL lL ls Lhereln provlded ln all cases lnvolvlng Lhe seLLlemenL of accounLs or clalms oLher Lhan Lhose of accounLable offlcers Lhe
AudlLor Ceneral shall acL and declde Lhe same wlLhln slxLy days excluslve of Sundays and holldays afLer Lhelr presenLaLlon lf sald accounLs or clalms need reference Lo oLher persons offlce
or offlces or Lo a parLy lnLeresLed Lhe perlod aforesald shall be counLed from Lhe Llme Lhe lasL commenL necessary Lo a proper declslon ls recelved by
hlm 6 1hereafLer Lhe procedure for appeal ls lndlcaLed 1he parLy aggrleved by Lhe flnal declslon of Lhe AudlLor Ceneral ln Lhe seLLlemenL of an accounL or clalm may wlLhln LhlrLy days
from recelpL of Lhe declslon Lake an appeal ln wrlLlng (a) 1o Lhe resldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes pendlng Lhe flnal and compleLe wlLhdrawal of her soverelgnLy over Lhe hlllpplnes or (b) 1o
Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes or (c) 1o Lhe Supreme CourL of Lhe hlllpplnes lf Lhe appellanL ls a prlvaLe person or enLlLy 7

2 WlLh Lhe facLs undlspuLed and Lhe sLaLuLe far from lndeflnlLe or amblguous Lhe appealed declslon defles explanaLlon lL would be Lo dlsregard a baslc corollary of Lhe cardlnal posLulaLe of
nonsuablllLy lL ls Lrue LhaL once consenL ls secured an acLlon may be flled 1here ls noLhlng Lo prevenL Lhe SLaLe however ln such sLaLuLory granL Lo requlre LhaL cerLaln admlnlsLraLlve
proceedlngs be had and be exhausLed Also Lhe proper forum ln Lhe [udlclal hlerarchy can be speclfled lf LhereafLer an appeal would be Laken by Lhe parLy aggrleved Pere Lhere was no
rullng of Lhe AudlLor Ceneral Lven had Lhere been such Lhe courL Lo whlch Lhe maLLer should have been elevaLed ls Lhls 1rlbunal Lhe lower courL could noL legally acL on Lhe maLLer WhaL
Lransplred was anyLhlng buL LhaL lL ls qulLe obvlous Lhen LhaL lL does noL have Lhe lmprlnL of valldlLy

WPL8LlC8L Lhe declslon of Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of Cebu of SepLember 4 1968 ls reversed and seL aslde and Lhe sulL for mandamus flled agalnsL peLlLloners respondenLs below ls
dlsmlssed WlLh cosLs agalnsL respondenL lellpe Slngson

Zaldlvar (Chalrman) 8arredo AnLonlo lernandez and Aqulno !! concur

Su8LML CCu81 ll8S1 ulvlSlCn ML18CCLl1An 18AnSC81A1lCn SL8vlCL (ML18An)
C8 no L1232 !anuary 12 1948
!CSL MA A8LuLS vlCLn1L uL LA C8uZ and A8SLnlC C 8CLuAn !udges of CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons and 1PL nA1lCnAL LA8C8 unlCn 8espondenLs x
x u L C l S l C n PlLAuC ! 8efore Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons a peLlLlon was flled ln case no 36v enLlLled naLlonal Labor unlon versus MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce
(MeLran) whereln peLlLloner alleged LhaL lL was a leglLlmaLe labor organlzaLlon LhlrLy of whose afflllaLed members were worklng and under Lhe employ of Lhe respondenL LhaL Lhe
respondenL ls a semlgovernmenLal LransporLaLlon enLlLy popularly known as MeLran and afLer several oLher allegaLlons concluded wlLh Lhe prayer LhaL lLs nlne demands aL lengLh seL
forLh ln sald peLlLlon be granLed ln behalf of Lhe socalled respondenL an oral peLlLlon for dlsmlssal of Lhe case was made before Lhe courL on CcLober 22 1946 on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
respondenL belongs Lo Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and as such lL can noL be sued (Crder of Cl8 of november 7 1946 Annex C) 8y lLs aforesald order Lhe courL denled Lhe moLlon Lo
dlsmlss clLlng ln supporL of such resoluLlon a paragraph allegedly quoLed from an oplnlon of !usLlce CzaeLa speaklng for Lhe Supreme CourL ln Lhe case of Lhe Manlla PoLel ln Lhe words of
Lhe order ln behalf of Lhe lnsLanL socalled peLlLloner a moLlon for reconslderaLlon of LhaL order was flled (Annex u) buL lL was denled by Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons by lLs resoluLlon
daLed uecember 3 1946 (Annex L) Cn uecember 7 1946 a noLlce of appeal (Annex l) was flled by counsel and Lhe case ls now submlLLed on appeal under Lhe provlslons of 8ule 44 lL
appears LhaL Lhe MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) ls noL a corporaLlon nor any of Lhe [urldlcal enLlLles enumeraLed ln arLlcle 33 of Lhe Clvll Code 8ule 3 SecLlon 1 provldes
SLC1lCn 1 Who may be parLles Cnly naLural or [udlclal persons may be parLles ln a clvll acLlon AcLlon ls deflned by 8ule 2 secLlon 1 as an ordlnary sulL ln a courL of [usLlce by whlch
one parLy prosecuLes anoLher for Lhe enforcemenL or proLecLlon of a rlghL or Lhe prevenLlon or redress of a wrong Conslderlng LhaL Lhe very law of lLs creaLlon (CommonwealLh AcL no
103 as amended) denomlnaLes Lhe lower Lrlbunal as a courL (secLlon 1) conslderlng Lhe powers and duLles conferred and lmposed upon lL (ChapLer ll) lLs lncldenLal powers (ChapLer lll)
Lhe facL LhaL ChapLer lv of sald AcL and 8ule 44 of Lhe 8ules of CourL provlde for an appeal from an award order or declslon of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons Lo Lhe Supreme CourL
unquesLlonably a courL of [usLlce and Lhe facL LhaL secLlon 20 of sald CommonwealLh AcL no 103 confers upon Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons Lhe power Lo adopL lLs rules of procedure and
such oLher powers as generally perLaln Lo a courL of [usLlce (lLallcs supplled) and conslderlng flnally Lhe lmporLance ln Lhe llfe and economy of Lhe naLlon of Lhe lndusLrlal relaLlons whlch
have Lhus been placed under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of sald CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons ln Lhe hearlng and deLermlnaLlon of whlch cases Lhus submlLLed Lo lL sald courL admlnlsLers [usLlce beLween
parLles we have no heslLaLlon ln holdlng LhaL lL ls a courL of [usLlce wlLhln Lhe meanlng of 8ule 2 SecLlon 1 ln Lhe case of PealLh vs SLeamer San nlcolas (7 hll 332) sulL was broughL P
L PeaLh agalnsL Lhe SLeamer San nlcolas no naLural or [urldlcal person was named as defendanL ln Lhe complalnL commenLed Lhls CourL Mr !usLlce Wlllard speaklng for Lhe CourL
sLaLed Lhe lmporLanL quesLlon calllng for declslon Lhereln as follows 1he lmporLanL quesLlon dlscussed ln Lhe brlefs ln Lhls courL and Lo be declded ls wheLher such a proceedlng as Lhe one
ln quesLlon dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe shlp lLself wlLhouL namlng any naLural or [urldlcal person as defendanL can be malnLalned ln Lhese lslands (age 334 of clLed volume) 1he CourL ln
resolvlng sald quesLlon lnLer alla declared 1he flrsL quesLlon Lo be consldered ls wheLher Lhls acLlon was properly broughL agalnsL Lhe shlp and wheLher an acLlon can now be malnLalned
when Lhe only defendanL named ls nelLher a naLural nor [urldlcal person under Lhe law ln force prlor Lo 1898 Lhere was no doubL upon Lhls sub[ecL lL was absoluLely lndlspensable for Lhe
malnLenance of a conLenLlous acLlon ln Lhe courLs of [usLlce Lo have as defendanL some naLural or [urldlcal person A sulL agalnsL a shlp such as ls permlLLed ln Lhe Lngllsh and Lhe Amerlcan
admlralLy courLs was unknown Lo Lhe Spanlsh law lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe Spanlsh Law of Clvll rocedure conLalned cerLaln provlslons relaLlng Lo volunLary [urlsdlcLlon ln maLLers of commerce
buL none of Lhese provlslons had any appllcaLlon Lo a conLenLlous sulL of Lhls characLer
lL belng lmposslble Lo malnLaln an acLlon of Lhls characLer agalnsL a shlp as Lhe only defendanL prlor Lo !une 1901 lL follows LhaL lL such acLlon can now be malnLalned lL musL be by vlrLue
of some provlslon found ln Lhe Code of Clvll rocedure and whlch ls Lhe only new law now ln force relaLlng Lo Lhls maLLer An examlnaLlon of Lhe provlslons of LhaL code wlll show LhaL no
such acLlon ls auLhorlzed lL cannoL Lherefore be now malnLalned and Lhe demurrer of 8or[a should have been susLalned on LhaL ground (ages 337338 of clLed volume) under Lhe
foregolng docLrlne lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhe MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) could noL be sued ln Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons A corollary of Lhls ls LhaL no award order or
declslon could be rendered agalnsL lL lf so how could lL be sald LhaL Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons had [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lake cognlzance of Lhe case? Moreover Lhere ls anoLher vlLal reason
why Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons lacked [urlsdlcLlon Lo enLerLaln Lhe peLlLlon much less Lo granL Lhe remedles Lhereln prayed for lL ls beyond dlspuLe LhaL Lhe MeLropollLan
1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) ls and was aL Lhe Llmes covered by Lhe peLlLlon ln Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons an offlce creaLed by LxecuLlve Crder no 39 and operaLlng under Lhe dlrecL
supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe ueparLmenL of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons (eLlLlon par 1 admlLLed by respondenL [udges answer par 1 and by respondenL unlons answer par 1)
1he sald offlce noL belng a [urldlcal person any sulL acLlon or proceedlng agalnsL lL lf lL were Lo produce any effecL would ln pracLlce be a sulL acLlon or proceedlng agalnsL Lhe CovernmenL
lLself of whlch Lhe sald MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) ls a mere offlce or agency Any award order or declslon granLlng any of Lhe unlons demands lf aLLempLed Lo be
execuLed would necessarlly operaLe agalnsL Lhe governmenL whlch ls really Lhe enLlLy renderlng Lhe servlces and performlng Lhe acLlvlLles ln quesLlon Lhrough lLs offlce or agency called
MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) 1he case ls dlfferenL from Lhose of Lhe socalled governmenLowned corporaLlons such as Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal 8ank naLlonal uevelopmenL
Company Lhe Manlla PoLel eLc whlch have been duly lncorporaLed under our corporaLlon law or speclal characLers as one of whose powers ls Lo sue and be sued ln any courL
Law secLlon 13 a and whlch acLually engage ln buslness whlle ln renderlng Lhe servlces and performlng Lhe acLlvlLles here lnvolved Lhe CovernmenL has never engaged ln buslness nor
lnLends Lo do so now lL ls a wellseLLled rule LhaL Lhe CovernmenL cannoL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL (MerrlLL vs CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplne lslands 34 hll 311) and here no consenL
of Lhe governmenL has been shown 1hls ls noL even a case governed by AcL no 3083 whlch speclfles Lhe lnsLances where Lhls governmenL has glven lLs consenL Lo be sued (Companla
Ceneral de 1abacos de llllplnas vs CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplne lslands 43 hll 663 And Lhe Manlla PoLel case relled upon by Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons ln lLs order Annex C ls
lnappllcable for Lhe reason LhaL Lhe MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) ls noL a corporaLlon nor any oLher klnd of [udlclal person for LhaL maLLer lf Lhe MeLropollLan
1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) could noL be sued and Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons could noL render any declslon [udgmenL award or order agalnsL lL all Lhe proceedlngs had ln sald
courL were null and vold A case very slmllar Lo Lhe presenL was Salgado vs 8amos (64 hll 724 727) from whlch we quoLe Lhe followlng passage ConsequenLly whlle Lhe clalm ls acLually
made agalnsL Lhe ulrecLor of Lands lL ls [urldlcally agalnsL Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplne lslands of whlch Lhe ulrecLor of Lands ls a mere agenL ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of arLlcle
1727 of Lhe Clvll Code Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe lnsLanL proceedlngs should be consldered as we LreaL lL as havlng been lnsLlLuLed by Lhe CovernmenL lLself slnce Lhe MeLropollLan
1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) ls a mere offlce or agency of sald governmenL unlncorporaLed and noL possesslng [urldlcal personallLy under Lhe law lncapable of noL belng sued buL sulng
(8ule 3 secLlon 1) 1he very allegaLlons argumenLs and conLenLlons conLalned ln Lhe peLlLlon clearly show LhaL Lo all lnLenLs and purposes sald peLlLlon was belng presenLed ln behalf of Lhe
CovernmenL as Lhe real parLy ln lnLeresL 8ule 3 secLlon 2 provldes LhaL every acLlon musL be prosecuLed ln Lhe name of Lhe real parLy ln lnLeresL And glvlng effecL Lo Lhe splrlL of llberallLy
lnsplrlng 8ule 1 secLlon 2 and ln order Lo avold mulLlpllclLy of sulLs we belleve LhaL Lhls ls a proper case for applylng Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe Lhe law conslders LhaL as done whlch oughL Lo
have been done
arenLheLlcally however we may say LhaL were we Lo be more rlgorous wlLh peLlLloner hereln ln Lhls regard we wlll have Lo be equally rlgorous wlLh peLlLloner ln Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal
8elaLlons on Lhe same score wlLh Lhe pracLlcal resulL LhaL any way Lhe proceedlngs before LhaL courL wlll have Lo be dlsmlssed lL would be sophlsLlcal Lo say LhaL Lhe sulL or acLlon agalnsL
Lhe sald offlce or agency of Lhe governmenL ls noL a sulL or acLlon agalnsL Lhe governmenL lLself upon Lhe ground LhaL Lhe prohlblLlon only covers sulLs agalnsL Lhe governmenL as a whole A
commonplace lllusLraLlon wlll we Lhlnk demonsLraLe Lhe fallacy of such a Lheory ln order LhaL lL may be sald LhaL a man has been aLLacked by anoLher Lhe laLLer does noL need Lo dellver
blows or shower shoLs all over Lhe body of Lhe vlcLlm ln[urlng each and every parL Lhereof buL lf Lhe blow or Lhe shoL ls lnfllcLed upon Lhe arm or any oLher parL of hls body we say LhaL Lhe
vlcLlm was aLLacked by Lhe aggressor 1he 8ureau of ubllc Works under whose supervlslon Lhe MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce (MeLran) has been organlzed and funcLlons ls an lnLegral
parL of Lhe governmenL [usL as Lhe sald offlce or agency And aparL from Lhe conslderaLlon LhaL nelLher sald 8ureau nor sald offlce has any [urldlcal personallLy Lo be sued for reasons already
seL forLh any sulL or acLlon aLLempLed agalnsL elLher wlll necessarlly be a sulL or acLlon agalnsL Lhe governmenL lLself Accordlngly lL ls well seLLled as a general proposlLlon LhaL where a
sulL ls broughL agalnsL an offlcer or agency wlLh relaLlon Lo some maLLer ln whlch defendanL represenLs Lhe sLaLe ln acLlon and llablllLy and Lhe sLaLe whlle noL a parLy Lo Lhe record ls Lhe
real parLy agalnsL whlch rellef ls soughL so LhaL a [udgmenL for plalnLlff alLhough nomlnally agalnsL Lhe named defendanL as an lndlvldual or enLlLy dlsLlncL from Lhe sLaLe wlll operaLe Lo
conLrol Lhe acLlon of Lhe sLaLe or sub[ecL lL Lo llablllLy Lhe sulL ls ln effecL one agalnsL Lhe sLaLe and cannoL be malnLalned wlLhouL lLs consenL ApparenLly for Lhls rule Lo apply Lhe rellef asked
musL lnvolved some dlrecL or subsLanLlal lnLeresL of Lhe sLaLe as a dlsLlncL enLlLy aparL from Lhe mere lnLeresL a sLaLe may have ln Lhe welfare of lLs clLlzens or Lhe vlndlcaLlon of lLs laws
WlLhln Lhe lnhlblLlon of Lhe rule however are sulLs whereln a sLaLe offlcer or agency ls or wlll
be requlred Lo use sLaLe properLy or funds ln order Lo afford Lhe rellef demanded (39 C ! 307309 lLallcs supplled) ln a republlcan sLaLe llke Lhe hlllpplnes governmenL lmmunlLy from
sulL wlLhouL lLs consenL ls derlved from Lhe wlll of Lhe people Lhemselves ln freely creaLlng a governmenL of Lhe people by Lhe people and for Lhe people a represenLaLlve governmenL
Lhrough whlch Lhey have agreed Lo exerclse Lhe powers and dlscharge Lhe duLles of Lhelr soverelgnLy for Lhe common good and general welfare ln so agreelng Lhe clLlzens have solemnly
underLaken Lo surrender some of Lhelr prlvaLe rlghLs and lnLeresL whlch were calculaLed Lo confllcL wlLh Lhe hlgher rlghLs and larger lnLeresLs of Lhe people as a whole represenLed by Lhe
governmenL Lhus esLabllshed by Lhem all Cne of Lhose hlgher rlghLs based upon Lhose larger lnLeresLs ls LhaL governmenL lmmunlLy 1he members of Lhe respondenL Labor unlon
Lhemselves are parL of Lhe people who have freely formed LhaL governmenL and parLlclpaLed ln LhaL solemn underLaklng ln Lhls sense and a very real one lL ls Lhey are ln effecL
aLLempLlng Lo sue Lhemselves along wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe people represenLed by Lhelr common governmenL an anomalous and absurd slLuaLlon lndeed 1he case ls radlcally dlfferenL from a
dlcLaLorshlp or an arlsLocraLlc ollgarchlcal auLocraLlc or monarchlcal governmenL where any slmllar lmmunlLy wlll be Lhe creaLure of Lhe wlll of one man or of a powerful few 1he prlnclple
ls furLher grounded upon Lhe necesslLy of proLecLlng Lhe performance of governmenLal and publlc funcLlons from belng harassed unduly or consLanLly lnLerrupLed by prlvaLe sulLs (See also
McClellan vs SLaLe 170 p 662 33 Cal App 603 606) Where Lhe governmenL ls of Lhe people by Lhe people and for Lhe people such lmmunlLy from sulL wlll only be Lhe reafflrmaLlon
of Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe people such lmmunlLy from sulL wlll only be Lhe reafflrmaLlon of Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe people Lhemselves as represenLed by Lhelr governmenL ln Lhe face of Lhe
obvlous lmposslblllLy of consLlLuLlng Lhe enLlre people lnLo one slngle body Lo exerclse Lhe powers and en[oy Lhe lmmunlLles of LhaL soverelgnLy upon Lhe whole we are clearly of oplnlon
LhaL Lhe proceedlngs had ln Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons and now sub[ecL of Lhls appeal are null and vold parLlcularly sald courLs order of november 1 1946 (Annex C) and Lhe resoluLlon
of uecember 3 1946 (Annex L) wlLh
Lhe necessary consequence LhaL Lhe sald courL should be as lL ls hereby en[olned from Laklng any furLher acLlon ln Lhe case lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls declslon no cosLs So C8uL8Lu Moran
C! aras lerla ablo 8engson PonLlveros adllla and 1uason !! concur SLA8A1L ClnlCnS L8lLC1C ! dlssenLlng 1he presenL case places before us for our conslderaLlon several
quesLlons of no mean lmporLance Are Lhe laborers of an offlce or agency of governmenL Lo be dlscrlmlnaLed agalnsL and deprlved of Lhe essenLlal rlghLs recognlzed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
Lhe laws ln laborers worklng ln Lhe servlce of prlvaLe persons or companles? Pave Lhe laborers ln Lhe servlce of a governmenL offlce or agency losL Lhelr fundamenLal rlghL Lo alr grlevances
before Lhe compeLenL auLhorlLles? Pave such laborers because Lhey are servlng an offlclal agency losL Lhelr human personallLy Lo become volceless serfs or slaves or slmple beasLs of
burden? ls an offlce or agency of governmenL a Lhlng placed and should be placed above Lhe law? Can Lhe governmenL lLself valldly preLend Lo be above Lhe law? WlLhln our democraLlc
sysLem of governmenL ls lL posslble Lo recognlze anyLhlng paramounL Lo Lhe supremacy of Lhe law?
Pave we losL Lhe democraLlc bearlngs of our naLlonal way of llfe as Lo re[ecL now Lhe pollLlcal phllosophy Lo defend whlch we foughL ln Lhe lasL war Lo be replaced by Lhe LoLallLarlan
pracLlces LhaL enLhrones Lhe powerful above all law? Cn CcLober 21 1946 Lhe naLlonal Labor unlon a workers organlzaLlon wlLh more Lhan LhlrLy afflllaLed members worklng ln Lhe servlce
of MeLran a governmenL agency flled wlLh Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons a peLlLlon wlLh Lhe followlng prayer 1he demands of Lhe peLlLlonlng unlon are as follows 1 1haL Lhe presenL
unfalr and unreasonable pracLlces should be lmmedlaLely abollshed (a) 1he Cradlng SysLem and lLs resulLanL un[usL suspenslon of personnel (b) 1he caprlclous 8oLaLlon SysLem whlch ls
undemocraLlc and based upon favorlLlsm (c) 1he conLlnued recrulLmenL and placemenL of new personnel when Lhe ML18An ls already overmanned wlLh lLs regular and subsLlLuLe worklng
force a pernlclous pracLlce LhaL undermlnes Lhe morale and affecLs gravely Lhe efflclency and economlc securlLy of lLs laborlng consLlLuenLs (d) 1he economlc lynchlng ln Lhe pracLlce of
cuLLlng Lhe earnlng hours of drlvers and conducLors afLer Lhe lapslng of LhlrLy (30) mlnuLes allowance glven for Lhe repalrlng of buses and Lrucks whlch Lroubles are duly reporLed Lo Lhe
managemenL and Lhe dlcLaLorlal pracLlce of reLalnlng wlLhouL pay Lhe personnel concerned ln splLe of Lhe facL LhaL repalrs of sald buses had noL been effecLed wlLhln sald Llme alloLmenL
and lmmedlaLely LhereafLer and (e) 1he conflscaLlon of badges from personnel suspended wlLhouL [usLlflable causes and wlLhouL flrsL reLurnlng Lhe correspondlng deposlLs Lherefor
2 1haL Lhe general deducLlon of llfLy CenLavos (030) from Lhe wages and salarles of personnel affecLed should be reLurned and pald ls for from Lhe daLe lL was effecLuaLed up Lo Lhe Llme
Lhls case ls flnally LermlnaLed 3 1haL one hundred per cenL (100) addlLlonal compensaLlon over Lhe regular wages and salarles be pald Lo all workers and employees compelled Lo work
durlng Sundays and legal holldays 4 1haL long walLlng beyond elghL (8) hours of conducLors for Lhe reporLlng and accounLlng of dally earnlngs of Lhelr respecLs buses be consldered
CverLlme Work and be pald for 3 1haL all overLlme work already rendered by all affecLed workers and Lhe employees should be pald 6 1haL all workers and employees especlally
drlvers and conducLors of buses and Lrucks should have one day of resL ln seven wlLh pay 7 1haL permanenL employees and workers who have rendered aL leasL slx (6) monLhs servlce Lo
Lhe company should be enLlLled Lo slck leave of Lwo (2) weeks wlLh pay 8 1haL workers and employees should have represenLaLlon ln Lhe managemenL a pracLlce lnlLlaLed by Lhe
governmenL and 9 All workers and employees who were dlsmlssed or suspended because of Lhelr unlon acLlvlLles should be relnsLaLed Cn CcLober 29 1946 MeLran flled a moLlon
praylng for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon upon Lhe allegaLlon LhaL Lhe governmenL cannoL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL Cn november 7 1946 AssoclaLe !udge vlcenLe de la Cruz denled Lhe
moLlon for dlsmlssal and ordered respondenL Lo flle hls answer Lhe order belng based on Lhe oplnlon LhaL Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal
8elaLlons has [urlsdlcLlon Lo hear and declde Lhe case ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 4 of CommonwealLh AcL no 103 Sald secLlon ls as follows SLrlkes and lockouLs 1he CourL shall Lake
cognlzance for purposes of prevenLlon arblLraLlon declslon and seLLlemenL of any lndusLrlal or agrlculLural dlspuLe causlng or llkely Lo cause a sLrlke or lockouL arlslng from dlfferences as
regards wages shares of compensaLlon hours of labor or condlLlons of Lenancy or employmenL beLween employers and employees or laborers and beLween landlords and LenanLs or farm
laborers provlded LhaL Lhe number of employees laborers or LenanLs or farm laborers lnvolved exceeds LhlrLy and such lndusLrlal or agrlculLural dlspuLe ls submlLLed Lo Lhe CourL by Lhe
SecreLary of Labor or by any or boLh of Lhe parLles of Lhe conLroversy and cerLlfled by Lhe SecreLary of Labor as exlsLlng and proper Lo be dealL wlLh by Lhe CourL for Lhe sake of publlc
lnLeresL ln all such cases Lhe SecreLary of Labor or Lhe parLy or parLles submlLLlng Lhe dlspuLes shall clearly and speclflcally sLaLe ln wrlLlng Lhe quesLlons Lo be declded upon Lhe submlsslon
of such a conLroversy or quesLlon by Lhe SecreLary of Labor hls lnLervenLlon Lhereln as auLhorlzed by law shall cease 1he CourL shall before hearlng Lhe dlspuLe and ln Lhe course of such
hearlng endeavor Lo reconclle Lhe parLles and lnduce Lhem Lo seLLle Lhe dlspuLe by amlcable agreemenL lL any agreemenL as Lo Lhe whole or any parL of Lhe dlspuLe ls arrlved aL by Lhe
parLles a memorandum of lLs Lerms shall be made ln wrlLlng slgned and acknowledged by Lhe parLles LhereLo before Lhe !udge of Lhe CourL or any offlclal acLlng ln hls behalf and auLhorlzed
Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs or acknowledgmenLs or before a noLary publlc 1he memorandum shall be flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe Clerk of Lhe CourL and unless oLherwlse ordered by Lhe CourL shall
as beLween Lhe parLles Lo Lhe agreemenL have Lhe same effecL as and be deemed Lo be a declslon or award Cn november 11 1946 peLlLloner moved for Lhe reconslderaLlon of Lhe order
and Lhe moLlon was denled ln a resoluLlon adopLed on uecember 3 1946 by !udges !ose Ma aredes resldlng Arsenlo C
8oldan and vlcenLe de la Cruz 1he followlng pronouncemenLs are made ln Lhe resoluLlon We belleve however LhaL lrrespecLlve of Lhe quesLlon as Lo wheLher or noL Lhe respondenL ls a
company corporaLlon or ls merely an enLlLy so long as lL ls engaged ln buslness and an lndusLrlal dlspuLe exlsLs beLween lLself and more Lhan 30 of lLs employees laborers drlvers and
conducLors arlslng from dlfferences as regards Lo wages compensaLlon dlsmlssals layoffs or suspenslon of employees or laborers causlng or llkely Lo cause a sLrlke or lockouL Lhls CourL
ls fully auLhorlzed and has compleLe [urlsdlcLlon Lo declde sald dlspuLe 1he mere facL LhaL Lhe MeLran 8ranch of Lhe naLlonal Labor unlon ln whose behalf Lhe peLlLlon was flled ls sLlll
unreglsLered does noL deprlve Lhls CourL of lLs rlghL Lo exerclse lLs [urlsdlcLlon as provlded for by law lL cannoL be denled LhaL Lhe MeLran ls ln buslness lL cannoL screen lLself behlnd Lhe
soverelgn power of Lhe sLaLe from any legal clalm whlch lLs employees or laborers or Lhlrd parLles may have agalnsL lL MeLran appealed agalnsL Lhe acLlon of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal
8elaLlons by flllng Lhe peLlLlon for cerLlorarl under our conslderaLlon 1he poslLlon of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons ls absoluLely correcL and Lherefore Lhe peLlLlon should be denled and
so we voLe eLlLloner alleges LhaL MeLran was organlzed ln order Lo provlde Lhe publlc wlLh means of LransporLaLlon more efflclenL fasLer and cheaper Lhan Lhose aL presenL avallable
and lL wlll also be ln charge of Lhe allocaLlon of uS Army Lrucks and moLor vehlcles accessorles spare parLs and supply of gasollne oll and oLhers Lo Lhe dlfferenL prlvaLe LransporLaLlon
companles lL ls an offlce under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe SecreLary of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons under LxecuLlve Crder no 39 lL dlsLrlbuLes free LlckeLs Lo all
employees of Lhe governmenL and provldes Lhe LransporLaLlon needs of Lhe governmenL LxecuLlve Crder no 28 serles of 1946 dlrecLed lL Lo furnlsh modern LransporLaLlon faclllLles Lo all
bureaus and offlces of Lhe naLlonal governmenL
ln supporL of lLs Lheory LhaL lL cannoL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL MeLran lnvokes Lhe auLhorlLles quoLed ln Lhe followlng paragraphs of lLs peLlLlon Slnce lL ls an offlce of Lhe CovernmenL
creaLed by Lhe SLaLe lL ls elemenLal LhaL Lhe sLaLe or soverelgn cannoL be sued ln lLs own courLs wlLhouL lLs consenL (8eers vs Arkansas 20 Pow 327 Memphls C8 Co vs 1ennessee
101 uS 337) 1hls prlnclple has been adopLed as parL of Lhe general docLrlne of publlclsLs LhaL Lhe supreme power ln every SLaLe wherever lL may reslde shall noL be compelled by
process of courLs of lLs own creaLlon Lo defend lLself ln Lhose courLs because Lhe soverelgn power of any naLlon belng supreme ls noL amenable Lo Lhe [udlclal deparLmenL and wlll noL
permlL process agalnsL lLself elLher dlrecLly or lndlrecLly or allow lLs operaLlons or lnsLrumenLallLles Lo be affecLed or dlsLurbed excepL by speclal consenL (uS vs Lee 106 uS 196) A
soverelgn ls exempL from sulL noL because of any formal concepLlon or absoluLe Lheory buL on Lhe loglcal and pracLlcal ground LhaL Lhere can be no legal rlghL as agalnsL Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL
makes Lhe law on whlch Lhe rlghL depends As Lhe ground ls Lhus loglcal and pracLlcal Lhe docLrlne ls noL conflned Lo powers LhaL are soverelgn ln Lhe full sense of [urldlcal Lheory buL
naLurally ls exLended Lo Lhose LhaL ln acLual admlnlsLraLlon orlglnaLe and change aL Lhelr wlll Lhe law of conLracL and properLy from whlch persons wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon derlve Lhelr
rlghLs (kawawanakoa vs olyblank 203 uS 349) 1he pracLlcal advanLages and beneflLs of Lhe docLrlne of non suablllLy of a sLaLe cannoL be overesLlmaLed 1he unlLed SLaLes Supreme
CourL explalned LhaL Lhe publlc servlce would be rendered nugaLory and publlc safeLy endangered lf Lhe supreme auLhorlLy could be sub[ecLed Lo sulL aL Lhe lnsLance of every clLlzen and
consequenLly conLrolled ln Lhe use and dlsposlLlon of Lhe means requlred for Lhe proper admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe CovernmenL (Slren vs uS 7 Wall 132) Cr ln Lhe words of !usLlce Cray
1he broader reason ls LhaL lL would be
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe very ldea of supreme execuLlve power and would endanger Lhe performance of Lhe publlc duLles of Lhe soverelgn Lo sub[ecL hlm Lo repeaLed sulLs as a maLLer of rlghL
aL Lhe wlll of any clLlzen and Lo submlL Lo Lhe [udlclal Lrlbunals Lhe conLrol and dlsposlLlon of hls properLy hls lnsLrumenLs and means of carrylng on hls governmenL ln war and peace and
Lhe money of hls Lreasury (8rlggs vs 1he LlghL 8oaLs 11 Allen 162) 1hose who are able Lo read wlll lmmedlaLely flnd LhaL none of Lhe auLhorlLles lnvoked by peLlLloner have any bearlng
wlLh Lhe presenL conLroversy WhaL sald auLhorlLles declare exempL from sulL ls whaL ls deslgnaLed ln Lhe followlng words of Lhe clLed auLhorlLles Lhe sLaLe or soverelgn Lhe supreme
power ln every sLaLe Lhe soverelgn power of any naLlon a soverelgn Lhe supreme auLhorlLy Lhe supreme execuLlve power Lhe powers LhaL orlglnaLe and change aL Lhelr wlll Lhe
law of conLracL and properLy uoes MeLran preLend Lo be ldenLlfled wlLh Lhe sLaLe? ls MeLran anoLher klng of lrance proclalmlng LeLaL cesL mol? ls MeLran Lhe soverelgn when
accordlng Lo our ConsLlLuLlon soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people ls MeLran Lhe supreme power or Lhe supreme auLhorlLy of our naLlon? Cnly a paranolac megalomanla may [usLlfy an
afflrmaLlve answer Lo Lhese quesLlons eLlLloners proposlLlon Lo Lhe effecL LhaL because lL ls an offlce or agency of governmenL lL ls exempL from sulL ls noL supporLed by any auLhorlLy
lnvoked by peLlLloner hlmself and lL cannoL be supporLed by any auLhorlLy ln hls senses because lL ls uLLerly unreasonable wlLhouL any foundaLlon ln law and dlameLrlcally opposed Lo Lhe
sysLem of governmenL of laws whlch ls Lhe one esLabllshed by our ConsLlLuLlon MerrlL vs CovernmenL (34 hll 311) and Companla vs CovernmenL (43 hll 663) do noL supporL Lhe
Lheory 1he refer Lo Lhe governmenL as a whole 1he elemenLal rlghLs of Lhe laborers worklng ln Lhe servlce of MeLran should noL be nulllfled upon such a farfeLched proposlLlon 8esldes lL
lnvolves a dlssolvenL and desLrucLlve pollLlcal phllosophy WhaL does MeLran lnLend by denylng Lhe power of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons Lo hear and declde Lhe labor dlspuLe beLween
lLself and lLs
employees? lnsLead of Lhe orderly seLLlemenL of Lhe dlspuLe by Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons does lL wanL Lo drlve lLs laborers lnLo declarlng a sLrlke lnLo resorLlng Lo plckeLlng or lnLo
Laklng vlolenL and desperaLe measures wheLher hopelessness may suggesL Lo persons sLruggllng for personal dlgnlLy for fundamenLal rlghLs for Lhe opporLunlLy of en[oylng a decenL llvlng?
Whlle Lhe people as Lhe soverelgn and Lhe sLaLe represenLlng LhaL soverelgnLy or Lhe governmenL as a whole represenLlng Lhe supreme auLhorlLy of Lhe sLaLe cannoL be sued ln any courL
no lndlvldual offlcer of governmenL and no slngle offlce or agency of governmenL can clalm such exempLlon no offlclal or agency of Lhe governmenL ln above Lhe law and everybody who ls
under Lhe law ls amenable Lo be sued ln courL 1he old monarchs of dlvlne orlgln assumed LhaL Lhey could noL do wrong and Lherefore Lhey were placed beyond Lhe pale of Lhe law 1hey
were Lhe law Lhemselves 1he dlcLaLors such human speclmens as PlLler Mussollnl Lhe !apanese Lmperor had Lhe crazedness of placlng Lhemselves above Lhe law and humanlLy felL Lhe
overwhelmlng scourage of such baLhlsmal madness or perverslLy lL Lhere anyone ln our governmenL who ls aLLempLlng Lo emulaLe Lhe mlsdeeds of sald megalomanlacs? Pas any one ln our
governmenL been lnfecLed by Lhe vlrus of lnsanlLy whlch drove Lhe dlcLaLors lnLo a spree of desLrucLlon and mass murders? MeLrans Lheory LhaL lL cannoL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL ls Loo
preLenLlous Lo merlL conslderaLlon from a courL of [usLlce 1he Lheory ls premlsed on Lhe preposLerous proposlLlon LhaL Lo sue MeLran ls Lo sue Lhe governmenL and Lhe governmenL cannoL
be sued wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe same governmenL Slnce when has MeLran become Lhe governmenL? 1here ls no governmenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes excepL Lhe one esLabllshed by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and such governmenL ls consLlLuLed by Lhe whole and compleLe sLrucLure whereln Lhe LeglslaLlve ueparLmenL Lhe LxecuLlve ueparLmenL Lhe !udlclal ueparLmenL are each
one buL a parL of a unlLed sysLem derlvlng all lLs powers from Lhe people on whom soverelgnLy resldes 1he resldenL ls noL Lhe governmenL Pe ls buL Lhe hlghesL personal auLhorlLy wlLhln
lL Congress ls noL Lhe governmenL nelLher are lLs componenL chambers Lhe SenaLe and Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves lL only holds Lhe hlghesL power of deLermlnlng Lhe naLlonal pollcles
laws lL may enacL nelLher Lhe Supreme CourL nor Lhe whole [udlclal machlnery ls Lhe governmenL alLhough Lo make effecLlve Lhe supremacy of Lhe law Lhe ConsLlLuLlon placed ln Lhe
Supreme CourL Lhe concluslve power of saylng Lhe lasL word on all maLLers and conLroversles where law and [usLlce are lnvoked lL peLlLloner lLself alleges LhaL lL ls buL an ad[uncL under Lhe
supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe SecreLary of ubllc Works and CommunlcaLlons who ls buL a member of Lhe CablneL whlch ls only an auxlllary body Lo help Lhe resldenL ln Lhe performance
of hls execuLlve duLles and Lhe members may remaln ln offlce only aL Lhe pleasure of Lhe resldenL how can lL be Lhe governmenL when even Lhe prlnclpal Lo whlch lL ls buL an
appendage ls noL and cannoL be Lhe governmenL? 1he evll consequences of peLlLloners Lheory are lmmedlaLely apparenL ln case MeLran should happen Lo employ ln lLs servlce reckless
chauffeurs Lo drlve lLs many heavy Lrucks and by Lhelr recklessness prlvaLe properLy ls desLroyed and Lhe llfe of lnnocenL clLlzens ls Laken shall Lhe aggrleved parLles have Lo secure flrsL Lhe
consenL of MeLran before Lhey can sue? lf ln Lhe slmple labor dlspuLes submlLLed Lo Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons MeLran has chosen Lo refuse lLs consenL Lo be sued Lo Lhe exLenL of
seeklng our help Lo lLs clalm Lo be placed above Lhe law can anyone expecL LhaL lL wlll glve lLs consenL where lLs responslblllLy for properLy desLroyed and llves Laken ls Lo be enforced ln Lhe
Lrlbunals? Shall Lhe vlcLlms Lhen reslgn Lo Lhelr helplessness wlLhouL even Lhe consolaLlon of Lhe sacramenLal l am sorry wlLh whlch Lhe nlppon kempels used Lo bld farewell Lo Lhose who
afLer many monLhs of lncarceraLlon and unbearable LorLure were flnally released because Lhe kempels Lhemselves concluded LhaL all Lhelr susplclons were absoluLely groundless? 1he
posslblllLy of Lhe hypoLhesls belng maLerlallzed ls noL remoLe ersonal safeLy and llfe are consLanLly ln [eopardy wheLher aL nlghLLlme or ln Lhe dayLlme ln Lhe crowded or uncrowded
sLreeLs ln Lhe very caplLal of Lhe naLlon 1rafflc laws ordlnances and rules are every mlnuLe wanLonly vlolaLed under Lhe very noses of pollce offlcers ln unlform and bearlng all Lhe exLernal
symbols of auLhorlLy unconLrolled speed where lL may cause more harm lnsolenL cuLLlng of way and crlsscrosslng breaklng llnes purporLedly Lo geL a few
meLers ahead of oLher cars resulLlng ln blocklng Lhe Lrafflc and causlng many persons long and unreasonably long delays Lhe arrogance wlLh whlch blg Lrucks and buses enforce Lhelr self
besLowed rlghL of way because Lhey wlll suffer less ln colllslon Lhe shameless focuslng of headllghLs wlLh bllndlng glare aL nlghLLlme are buL some of Lhe culpable everyday pracLlces LhaL
are conLlnuously endangerlng Lhe properLy and llfe of lnnocenL clLlzens Lack of dlsclpllne ln Lhe greaL ma[orlLy of Lhe drlvers of publlc servlce vehlcles and of many lownumbered cars of
hlgh offlclals ls bolsLered by Lhe lndlfference or lenlency of many agenLs of Lhe law ln charge of Lrafflc 1here ls absoluLely no meLhod as Lo when or where passengers are Lo be plcked 8uses
and [eeps wlll run aL greaL speed Lo shorL dlsLances causlng vexaLlous and deafenlng nolse Lhen suddenly sLop Lo scramble for Lhe favor of a lone bysLander whlch mlghL be a prospecLlve
passenger ln Lhls general scorn for Lhe law for Lhe securlLy of properLy for Lhe safeLy of Lhe llfe and llmb of Lhe people Lhe MeLran buses cannoL be excluded from Lhe group of publlc
servlce vehlcles whlch are Lhe mosL frequenL and worsL vlolaLors Were all Lhe employees of MeLran advlsed LhaL MeLran ls above Lhe law LhaL lL cannoL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL no
maLLer whaL ln[usLlces grlevances and lnlqulLles lL may perpeLraLe? lf MeLrans Lheory ls Lo flnd supporL ln Lhls CourL whaL wlll preclude oLher offlces and agencles of governmenL from
clalmlng Lhe same prlvllege? WhaL wlll preclude all offlcers and employees of Lhe governmenL from clalmlng Lhe same lmmunlLy? 1he governmenL Lhen wlll become a bunch of lmmunes and
unLouchables no maLLer whaL arblLrarlness abuses anomalles and culpable blunders Lhey may commlL and no maLLer Lhe magnlLude of Lhe harm Lhey may cause Lo prlvaLe persons Lhe
laLLer wlll [usL have Lo keep quleL as Lhose herded ln Lhe nazl concenLraLlon camps We are noL wllllng Lo llve under such a condlLlon A people wlLh any sense of dlgnlLy would raLher endure
a Lhousand deaLhs Lhan submlL Lo such a humlllaLlng and shameless slLuaLlon 1he peLlLlon musL be denled 1he CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons musL noL be hampered ln Laklng cognlzance of
Lhe case and ln proceedlng Lo Lry lL unLll flnal declslon
88lCnLS M dlsldenLe
Creo que el presenLe recurso debe denegarse LsLlmo que la CorLe de 8elaclones lndusLrlales Llene [urlsdlcclon para acLuar y resolver la dlspuLa obrerolndusLrlal de que se LraLa y por LanLo
la orden cuya revocaclon se plde debe ser sosLenlda Ll caso de Manlla PoLel Lmployees AssoclaLlon conLra el Manlla PoLel y la CorLe de 8elaclones lndusLrlales (8 C no 48324 decldldo
por esLa CorLe Suprema el 1 de novlembre 1941) es apllcable por analogla al presenLe asunLo Se arguye que exlsLe una dlferencla fundamenLal como es la Manlla 8allroad la
MeLropollLan 1ransporLaLlon Servlce conoclda vulgarmenLe por ML18An no lo es slno que es una oflclna su[eLa al ueparLamenLo de Cbras ubllcas Ln oLras palabras se arguye que la
ML18An no Llene personalldad [urldlca y por LanLo no puede demandar nl ser demandada Creo sln embargo que para los efecLos de la [urlsdlcclon de la CorLe de 8elaclones lndusLrlales
Lal dlferencla es lmmaLerlal y carece de lmporLancla Cueramos o no nuesLro goblerno el goblerno de llllplnas esLa adherld_deflnlLlvamenLe desde hace basLanLe Llempo LanLo en el
Lerreno de los prlnclplos como de la realldad a una pollLlcs llmlLada de exploLaclon de clerLos negoclos y uLllldades publlcas para promover la capacldad lndusLrlal y producLlva de la naclon y
para fomenLar el blenesLar general La formaclon de la Companla de lomenLo naclonal (naLlonal uevelopmenL Company) con sus dlferenLes ramlflcaclones como la fabrlca de cemenLo de
Cebu la manufacLura de Le[ldos la conserva de pescados la exploLaclones carbonlferas eLc eLc esLa conceblda e lnsplrada en dlcha pollLlca La ldea no es LalmenLe organlzar un LsLado
soclallsLa slno mas blen supllr la lnlclaLlva prlvada alll donde o falLa y escasea el caplLal o donde esLe por Llmldez no qulere exponerse a rlesgos una vez que la empresa esLe esLableclda y
funclonando con exlLo el plan preconcebldo es enLregarla a manos parLlculares yendo el goblerno a exploLar como ploneer oLros campos no probados Ln la ConsLlLuclon se auLorlza
expresamenLe la exproplaclon de uLllldades publlcas de propledad parLlcular cuando el lnLeres general lo exlglere
1he SLaLe may ln Lhe lnLeresL of naLlonal welfare and defense esLabllsh and operaLe lndusLrles and means of LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon and upon paymenL of [usL compensaLlon
Lransfer Lo publlc ownershlp uLlllLles and oLher prlvaLe enLerprlses Lo be operaLed by Lhe governmenL (ArL xlll Sec 6 ConsLlLuclon de llllplnas) Ahora blen cuando el goblerno hace esLo
ha de ser necesarlamenLe por medlo de una corporaclon debldamenLe organlzada de acuerdo con la ley general de corporaclones o creada medlanLe una ley especlal o Lamblen puede
hacerlo creanado una slmple agencla medlanLe una orden e[ecuLlva como en esLe case de la ML18An? Creo que sl que esLe ulLlmo es perfecLamenLe vlable y cuando el goblerno hace esLo
la agencla resulLanLe Llene LanLa personalldad como cualquler oLra corporaLlon para ser por lo menos someLlda y regulada por la Comlslon de Servlclos ubllcos y por la CorLe de 8elaclones
lndusLrlales Ln Lal caso para poder lnLerponer una que[a o reclamaclon conLra dlcha agencla anLe cualqulera de esLas dos ulLlmas enLldades no es necesarlo conLar con el permlso prevlo
del goblerno como en los casos ordlnarlos de demanda para exlglr del mlsmo responsabllldades Ls absurdo pensar que el goblerno organlce una agencla como la ML18An con la ldea de
susLraerla a la [urlsdlcclon de la Comlslon de Servlclos ubllcos o de la CorLe de 8elaclones lndusLrlales segun sea el caso Asl como la ML18An se someLe a la Comlslon de Servlclos ubllcos
para el a[usLe y regulaclon de las ruLas y horarlo de sus vehlculos colocandose en esLe respecLo en el mlsmo nlvel de las empresas y companlas parLlculares sln necesldad de permlso prevlo
del Coblerno LanLo sl ella es la recurrenLe como es la recurrlda asl Lambln debe someLerse a la CorLe de 8elaclones lndusLrlales para el arreglo y soluclon de las dlferenclas y dlspuLas con
sus obreros sln Lampoco necesldad de prevla llcencla del goblerno Cuando el goblerno lnLervlene en la operaclon de uLllldades publlcas aunque no sea para flnes de lucro como en el caso
de la ML18An debe ser LraLado como un parLlcular cualqulera el goblerno se crearla ln[usLamenLe para sl venLa[as y prlvlleglos en relaclon con las empresad parLlculares y sus obreros
sobre Lodo esLarlan en peor slLuaclon que los parLlculares pues quedarlan prlvados del amparo y de los beneflclos proveldos por las leyes que rlgen las relaclones lndusLrloobreras
resumo que el goblerno no permlLlra que se anulen los flnes alLamenLe buenos y saludables de

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