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Technical Service Info

Fault monitoring in PVED electric activations

If one or several mechanical or electrical errors occur so that the spool for a crane function is suddenly
outside neutral position without an activation signal from the remote control box, this will be detected as an
error in the fault monitoring of the PVED. The safety monitoring intervenes and starts up a routine whereby
the spool is moved back into neutral position a number of times in rapid succession. This will be visible as
the control valve lever is moving corresponding to a spool movement in the hydraulic dead band. Then the
RCL 5300 indicates an error, the PVSK-module goes back into neutral position and the hydraulic system
becomes de-pressurized (dump).
It is possible to stop the spool/lever movement at any time by pushing the stop button on the RCL 5300 box
or the remote control box (dump).

Based on an internal failure in the PVED, the above-mentioned type of error may appear. We speak of a
minor error quota and the supplier has registered an error rate of 1.5 % on PVEDs manufactured in the
weeks 35-11 through 04-12.
If a crane operator informs about a crane stop due to a vibrating lever, it is possible - according to the below
procedure and scopes of warranty - to make a claim on a PVED.

A new PVED software version 2.90 has been developed, and in case of the error mentioned, it starts up a
brief safety routine, where the spool is moved back into neutral position only twice and then the oil is led to
tank (dumped). The intervention has thus been improved as regards safety. Cranes/PVEDs with an older
software version must be upgraded to version 2.90 in connection with the next service overhaul/visit to a
service point. Download of software cannot be compensated by HMF.
The software version 2.90 is available via an Online Update of the CGW 5355 service terminal.

Procedure for handling complaints

In case that an operator has noticed a vibrating control valve lever with a crane stop as a consequence, it is
possible to follow the following procedure according to an extended guarantee:
- If the PVED in question has been date stamped between week 35-11 and 04-12 (see example below), all
the PVEDs of the PVG 32 control valve from the same period may be replaced.
- This is an extended guarantee of up to three years in relation to the above-mentioned date stamping. The
complaints deadline for PVEDs with the above-mentioned date stamping is therefore week 35-14 and 04-
15 respectively.
- Download the PVED software version 2.90 to all the changed PVEDs that have a lower software version.
- Save the crane profile with the black box registration of errors in the CGW and send it to HMF Technical
Service Department.
- Delete the registration of errors from the black box of the RCL (menu item 1.5.4).
- Send a warranty claim to HMF according to the ordinary procedure for handling complaints. State the
production date and crane function for each PVED.
- Mark the package with the replaced PVEDs with the warranty number and send it to HMF Technical
Service Dpt. Each single PVED must be cleaned and its packaging must be marked by the production
number and the crane function.

The above-mentioned extension of guarantee is only applicable to errors as mentioned in this Service
Information sheet.
HMF compensates 1 hour for the first PVED and 0.25 hours for each additional PVED that is to be replaced.

Date stamping
The production date is on PVED electric
activations indicated as the first four (4) digits
of the production number.

5011 = week 50 in year 2011.

Rev.: 36-13 HMF Technical Service Department

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