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ka|n A|arm

1hese are Llmes when you are asleep and a sudden shower weLs our cloLhes kepL
ouLslde for drylng 1hls clrculL alarms an osclllaLor sound when raln drop falls on Lhe probes
lylng ouLslde lL prevenLs oLher lLems whlch are noL supposed Lo be weL and geL Lhe showers
of raln WlLh Lhe change and developmenL ln modern Lechnology man has made elecLronlcs
Lo do so much more for Lhe prevenLlon of Lhls
1he glven raln alarm ls a waLer senslng alarm whlch wlll geL operaLlonal wlLh Lhe
drop of waLer from any source or reason lL can be ln Lhe waLer over head Lanks Lo lndlcaLe
LhaL Lhe Lank ls full (Lo be connecLed aL Lhe Lop) lor oLher appllcaLlons lL can also be used as
flood alarm on rlvers and canals Cne can ampllfy Lhe alarm sound uslng Lhe sulLable
ampllfler clrculL
1he C|rcu|t
1he clrculL comprlses of a sensor sLrlp / plaLe ln whlch Lhe copper plaLes are placed
ad[acenL Lo each oLher and flnally Lhey make Lhe Lwo Lermlnal polnLs Lo be connecLed for
compleLlon of clrculL and alarm soundlng ln Lhls pro[ecL ln Lhe clrculL 11 and 12 form a
compllmenLary palr coupled ampllfler 8egeneraLlon (leedback) ls provlded Lhrough 81 and
C1 Pere 11 ls worklng as a preampllfler and 12 for audlo ampllfler Lo operaLe Lhe speaker
When Lhe raln drop falls on Lhe probes waLer forms a paLh for Lhe currenL Lo flow and
provldes only a few kllo ohms of reslsLance Lo Lhe flow of currenL whlch makes 11 Lurn on
and Lhrough 11's collecLor Lhe 12 geLs Lurned on 1hus Lhe osclllaLlon sounds com Lhrough
Lhe speaker

Components Used
11 Slllcon 1ranslsLor (nn)
12 Slllcon 1ranslsLor (n)
C1 Ceramlc CapaclLor (002uf)
81 330 k ohms
82 10 k ohms
Sk8 8 ohms
8aLLery 3v uC

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