You are on page 1of 12


SofLware Llcense AgreemenL

nC1lCL 1C uSL8 LLASL 8LAu 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 CA8LluLL? 8? CC?lnC lnS1ALLlnC C8 uSlnC ALL
C8 An? C81lCn Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L ?Cu ACCL1 ALL 1PL 1L8MS Anu CCnul1lCnS Cl 1PlS
AC8LLMLn1 lnCLuulnC ln A81lCuLA8 1PL LlMl1A1lCnS Cn uSL CCn1AlnLu ln SLC1lCn 2
18AnSlL8A8lLl1? ln SLC1lCn 4 WA88An1? ln SLC1lCnS 6 Anu 7 LlA8lLl1? ln SLC1lCn 8 Anu
SLClllC 8CvlSlCnS Anu LxCL1lCnS ln SLC1lCn 14 ?Cu AC8LL 1PA1 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 lS LlkL An?
W8l11Ln nLCC1lA1Lu AC8LLMLn1 SlCnLu 8? ?Cu 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 lS LnlC8CLA8LL ACAlnS1 ?Cu
Anu An? LLCAL Ln1l1? 1PA1 C81AlnLu 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu Cn WPCSL 8LPALl l1 lS uSLu lC8
LxAMLL ll ALlCA8LL ?Cu8 LMLC?L8 ll ?Cu uC nC1 AC8LL 1C 1PL 1L8MS Cl 1PlS
AC8LLMLn1 uC nC1 uSL 1PL SCl1WA8L vlSl1 P11//WWWAuC8LCCM lC8 1L8MS Cl Anu
LlMl1A1lCnS Cn 8L1u8nlnC 1PL SCl1WA8L lC8 A 8Llunu

?ou may have anoLher wrlLLen agreemenL dlrecLly wlLh Adobe (eg a volume llcense agreemenL) LhaL
supplemenLs or supersedes all or porLlons of Lhls agreemenL

Adobe and lLs suppllers own all lnLellecLual properLy ln Lhe SofLware 1he SofLware ls llcensed noL sold
Adobe permlLs you Lo copy download lnsLall use or oLherwlse beneflL from Lhe funcLlonallLy or
lnLellecLual properLy of Lhe SofLware only ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhls agreemenL use of some
Lhlrd parLy maLerlals lncluded ln Lhe SofLware may be sub[ecL Lo oLher Lerms and condlLlons Lyplcally
found ln a separaLe llcense agreemenL or 8ead Me flle locaLed near such maLerlals

1PL SCl1WA8L MA? lnCLuuL 8CuuC1 AC1lvA1lCn Anu C1PL8 1LCPnCLCC? uLSlCnLu 1C
8LvLn1 unAu1PC8lZLu CC?lnC 1PL AC1lvA1lCn 1LCPnCLCC? MA? 8LvLn1 ?Cu8 uSL Cl 1PL
SCl1WA8L ll ?Cu uC nC1 lCLLCW 1PL AC1lvA1lCn 8CCLSS uLSC8l8Lu ln 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu
uCCuMLn1A1lCn vlslL hLLp//wwwadobecom for lnformaLlon abouL producL acLlvaLlon

1 ueflnlLlons
Adobe means Adobe SysLems lncorporaLed a uelaware corporaLlon 343 ark Avenue San !ose
Callfornla 93110 lf subsecLlon 10 (a) of Lhls agreemenL applles oLherwlse lL means Adobe SysLems
SofLware lreland LlmlLed unlL 3100 Lake urlve ClLy WesL Campus SaggarL u24 8epubllc of lreland a
company organlzed under Lhe laws of lreland and an afflllaLe and llcensee of Adobe SysLems
CompuLer means a compuLer devlce LhaL accepLs lnformaLlon ln dlglLal or slmllar form and
manlpulaLes lL for a speclflc resulL based on a sequence of lnsLrucLlons
lnLernal neLwork means a prlvaLe proprleLary neLwork resource accesslble only by employees and
lndlvldual conLracLors (le Lemporary employees) of a speclflc corporaLlon or slmllar buslness enLlLy
lnLernal neLwork does noL lnclude Lhe lnLerneL or any oLher neLwork communlLy open Lo Lhe publlc
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo membershlp or subscrlpLlon drlven groups assoclaLlons and slmllar
ermlLLed number means one (1) unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed under a valld llcense (eg volume
llcense) granLed by Adobe
SofLware means (a) all of Lhe lnformaLlon wlLh whlch Lhls agreemenL ls provlded lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo (l) Adobe or Lhlrd parLy sofLware flles and oLher compuLer lnformaLlon (ll) sample and sLock
phoLographs lmages sounds cllp arL and oLher arLlsLlc works (SLock llles) (lll) relaLed explanaLory
wrlLLen maLerlals and flles (uocumenLaLlon) and (lv) fonLs and (b) any modlfled verslons and coples
of and upgrades updaLes and addlLlons Lo such lnformaLlon provlded Lo you by Adobe aL any Llme Lo
Lhe exLenL noL provlded under a separaLe agreemenL (collecLlvely updaLes)

2 SofLware Llcense As long as you obLalned Lhe SofLware from Adobe or one of lLs auLhorlzed llcensees
and as long as you comply wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhls agreemenL Adobe granLs you a nonexcluslve llcense Lo
use Lhe SofLware ln Lhe manner and for Lhe purposes descrlbed ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon as furLher seL
forLh below See SecLlon 14 for speclflc provlslons relaLed Lo cerLaln componenLs
21 Ceneral use ?ou may lnsLall and use one copy of Lhe SofLware on up Lo Lhe ermlLLed number of
your compaLlble CompuLers or
22 Server ueploymenL ?ou may lnsLall one copy of Lhe SofLware on one CompuLer flle server wlLhln
your lnLernal neLwork for Lhe purpose of downloadlng and lnsLalllng Lhe SofLware on up Lo Lhe
ermlLLed number of oLher CompuLers wlLhln Lhe same lnLernal neLwork or
23 Server use ?ou may lnsLall one copy of Lhe SofLware on one CompuLer flle server wlLhln your
lnLernal neLwork for Lhe purpose of uslng Lhe SofLware Lhrough commands daLa or lnsLrucLlons (eg
scrlpLs) from anoLher CompuLer wlLhln Lhe same lnLernal neLwork provlded LhaL Lhe LoLal number of
users (noL Lhe concurrenL number of users) LhaL are permlLLed Lo use Lhe SofLware on such CompuLer
flle server does noL exceed Lhe ermlLLed number no oLher neLwork use ls permlLLed lncludlng buL
noL llmlLed Lo use of Lhe SofLware elLher dlrecLly or Lhrough commands daLa or lnsLrucLlons from or Lo
a CompuLer noL parL of your lnLernal neLwork for lnLerneL or web hosLlng servlces or by any user noL
llcensed Lo use Lhls copy of Lhe SofLware under a valld llcense from Adobe and
24 orLable or Pome CompuLer use 1he prlmary user of Lhe CompuLer on whlch Lhe SofLware ls
lnsLalled may lnsLall a second copy of Lhe SofLware for hls or her excluslve use on elLher a porLable
CompuLer or a CompuLer locaLed aL hls or her home provlded Lhe SofLware on Lhe porLable or home
CompuLer ls noL used aL Lhe same Llme as Lhe SofLware on Lhe prlmary CompuLer
23 8ackup Copy ?ou may make a reasonable number of backup coples of Lhe SofLware provlded your
backup coples are noL lnsLalled or used for oLher Lhan archlval purposes
26 SLock llles unless sLaLed oLherwlse ln Lhe 8eadMe flles assoclaLed wlLh Lhe SLock llles whlch
may lnclude speclflc rlghLs and resLrlcLlons wlLh respecL Lo such maLerlals you may dlsplay modlfy
reproduce and dlsLrlbuLe any of Lhe SLock llles Powever you may noL dlsLrlbuLe Lhe SLock llles on a
sLandalone basls (le ln clrcumsLances ln whlch Lhe SLock llles consLlLuLe Lhe prlmary value of Lhe
producL belng dlsLrlbuLed) SLock llles may noL be used ln Lhe producLlon of llbelous defamaLory
fraudulenL lewd obscene or pornographlc maLerlal or any maLerlal LhaL lnfrlnges upon any Lhlrd parLy
lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs or ln any oLherwlse lllegal manner ?ou may noL clalm any Lrademark rlghLs
ln Lhe SLock llles or derlvaLlve works Lhereof

3 lnLellecLual roperLy Cwnershlp 1he SofLware and any auLhorlzed coples LhaL you make are Lhe
lnLellecLual properLy of and are owned by Adobe SysLems lncorporaLed and lLs suppllers 1he sLrucLure
organlzaLlon and code of Lhe SofLware are Lhe valuable Lrade secreLs and confldenLlal lnformaLlon of
Adobe SysLems lncorporaLed and lLs suppllers 1he SofLware ls proLecLed by law lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo Lhe copyrlghL laws of Lhe unlLed SLaLes and oLher counLrles and by lnLernaLlonal LreaLy
provlslons LxcepL as expressly sLaLed hereln Lhls agreemenL does noL granL you any lnLellecLual
properLy rlghLs ln Lhe SofLware and all rlghLs noL expressly granLed are reserved by Adobe and lLs

4 8esLrlcLlons
41 noLlces ?ou may noL copy Lhe SofLware excepL as seL forLh ln SecLlon 2 and 14 Any permlLLed copy
of Lhe SofLware LhaL you make musL conLaln Lhe same copyrlghL and oLher proprleLary noLlces LhaL
appear on or ln Lhe SofLware
42 no ModlflcaLlons LxcepL as permlLLed ln SecLlon 147 you may noL modlfy adapL or LranslaLe Lhe
SofLware ?ou may noL reverse englneer decomplle dlsassemble or oLherwlse aLLempL Lo dlscover Lhe
source code of Lhe SofLware excepL Lo Lhe exLenL you may be expressly permlLLed under appllcable law
Lo decomplle only ln order Lo achleve lnLeroperablllLy wlLh Lhe SofLware
43 no unbundllng 1he SofLware may lnclude varlous appllcaLlons uLlllLles and componenLs may
supporL mulLlple plaLforms and languages and may be provlded Lo you on mulLlple medla or ln mulLlple
coples noneLheless Lhe SofLware ls deslgned and provlded Lo you as a slngle producL Lo be used as a
slngle producL on CompuLers as permlLLed by SecLlons 2 and 14 ?ou are noL requlred Lo use all
componenL parLs of Lhe SofLware buL you may noL unbundle Lhe componenL parLs of Lhe SofLware for
use on dlfferenL CompuLers ?ou may noL unbundle or repackage Lhe SofLware for dlsLrlbuLlon Lransfer
or resale See SecLlon 14 for speclflc excepLlons Lo Lhls SecLlon
44 no 1ransfer ?Cu MA? nC1 8Ln1 LLASL SLLL Su8LlCLnSL ASSlCn C8 18AnSlL8 ?Cu8 8lCP1S ln
1PL SCl1WA8L C8 Au1PC8lZL An? C81lCn Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L 1C 8L CClLu Cn1C AnC1PL8
lnulvluuAL C8 LLCAL Ln1l1?S CCMu1L8 LxCL1 AS MA? 8L L8Ml11Lu PL8Lln ?ou may however
Lransfer all your rlghLs Lo use Lhe SofLware Lo anoLher lndlvldual or legal enLlLy provlded LhaL (a) you
also Lransfer (l) Lhls agreemenL (ll) Lhe serlal number(s) Lhe SofLware and all oLher sofLware or
hardware bundled packaged or prelnsLalled wlLh Lhe SofLware lncludlng all coples upgrades updaLes
and prlor verslons and (lll) all coples of fonL sofLware converLed lnLo oLher formaLs Lo such lndlvldual or
enLlLy (b) you reLaln no upgrades updaLes or coples lncludlng backups and coples sLored on a
compuLer and (c) Lhe recelvlng parLy accepLs Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls agreemenL and any oLher
Lerms and condlLlons under whlch you purchased a valld llcense Lo Lhe SofLware nC1Wl1PS1AnulnC
1PL lC8LCClnC ?Cu MA? nC1 18AnSlL8 LuuCA1lCn 8L8LLLASL C8 nC1 lC8 8LSALL CClLS Cl
1PL SCl1WA8L rlor Lo a Lransfer Adobe may requlre LhaL you and Lhe recelvlng parLy conflrm ln
wrlLlng your compllance wlLh Lhls agreemenL provlde Adobe wlLh lnformaLlon abouL yourselves and
reglsLer as endusers of Lhe SofLware Allow 46 weeks Lo Lransfer lease vlslL
hLLp//wwwadobecom/supporL/malnhLml or conLacL Adobes CusLomer SupporL ueparLmenL for more

3 updaLes lf Lhe SofLware ls an upgrade or updaLe Lo a prevlous verslon of Lhe SofLware you musL
possess a valld llcense Lo such prevlous verslon ln order Lo use such upgrade or updaLe All upgrades and
updaLes are provlded Lo you on a llcense exchange basls ?ou agree LhaL by uslng an upgrade or updaLe
you volunLarlly LermlnaLe your rlghL Lo use any prevlous verslon of Lhe SofLware As an excepLlon you
may conLlnue Lo use prevlous verslons of Lhe SofLware on your CompuLer afLer you use Lhe upgrade or
updaLe buL only Lo asslsL you ln Lhe LranslLlon Lo Lhe upgrade or updaLe provlded LhaL Lhe upgrade or
updaLe and Lhe prevlous verslons are lnsLalled on Lhe same compuLer upgrades and updaLes may be
llcensed Lo you by Adobe wlLh addlLlonal or dlfferenL Lerms

6 LlMl1Lu WA88An1? LxcepL as may be oLherwlse provlded ln SecLlon 14 Adobe warranLs Lo Lhe
lndlvldual or enLlLy LhaL flrsL purchases a llcense for Lhe SofLware for use on CompuLers pursuanL Lo Lhe
Lerms of Lhls agreemenL LhaL Lhe SofLware wlll perform subsLanLlally ln accordance wlLh Lhe
uocumenLaLlon for Lhe nlneLy (90) day perlod followlng recelpL of Lhe SofLware when used on Lhe
recommended operaLlng sysLem and hardware conflguraLlon nonsubsLanLlal varlaLlon of performance
from Lhe uocumenLaLlon does noL esLabllsh a warranLy rlghL 1PlS LlMl1Lu WA88An1? uCLS nC1
AL? 1C A1CPLS lCn1 SCl1WA8L CCnvL81Lu ln1C C1PL8 lC8MA1S 8L8LLLASL (8L1A)
18?Cu1 S1A81L8 LvALuA1lCn 8CuuC1 SAMLL8 C8 nC1 lC8 8LSALL (nl8) CClLS Cl SCl1WA8L
C8 WL8Sl1LS CnLlnL SL8vlCLS C8 Cu SL8vlCLS (See SecLlon 14) All warranLy clalms musL be made
along wlLh proof of purchase wlLhln such nlneLy (90) day perlod lf Lhe SofLware does noL perform
subsLanLlally ln accordance wlLh Lhe uocumenLaLlon Lhe enLlre llablllLy of Adobe and lLs afflllaLes and
your excluslve remedy wlll be llmlLed Lo elLher aL Adobe's opLlon replacemenL of Lhe SofLware or
refund of Lhe llcense fee you pald for Lhe SofLware 1PL LlMl1Lu WA88An1? SL1 lC81P ln 1PlS
SLC1lCn ClvLS ?Cu SLClllC LLCAL 8lCP1S ?Cu MA? PAvL Auul1lCnAL 8lCP1S WPlCP vA8? l8CM
!u8lSulC1lCn 1C !u8lSulC1lCn lor furLher warranLy lnformaLlon please see Lhe [urlsdlcLlon speclflc
provlslons aL Lhe end of Lhls agreemenL lf any or conLacL Lhe Adobe CusLomer SupporL ueparLmenL

7 ulSCLAlML8 1PL lC8LCClnC LlMl1Lu WA88An1? lS 1PL CnL? WA88An1? MAuL 8? AuC8L Anu
l1S AlllLlA1LS Anu S1A1LS 1PL SCLL Anu LxCLuSlvL 8LMLulLS lC8 AuC8L l1S AlllLlA1LS C8
SuLlL8S 88LACP Cl WA88An1? LxCL1 lC8 1PL lC8LCClnC LlMl1Lu WA88An1? Anu An?
WA88An1? CCnul1lCn 8L8LSLn1A1lCn C8 1L8M 1C 1PL Lx1Ln1 1PL SAML CAnnC1 C8 MA? nC1
8L LxCLuuLu C8 LlMl1Lu 8? LAW ALlCA8LL 1C ?Cu ln ?Cu8 !u8lSulC1lCn AuC8L Anu l1S
AlllLlA1LS Anu SuLlL8S 8CvluL 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu ACCLSS 1C An? WL8Sl1LS CnLlnL SL8vlCLS
Anu Cu SL8vlCLS ASlS Anu Wl1P ALL lAuL1S Anu Lx8LSSL? ulSCLAlM ALL C1PL8 WA88An1lLS
CCnul1lCnS 8L8LSLn1A1lCnS C8 1L8MS Lx8LSS C8 lMLlLu WPL1PL8 8? S1A1u1L CCMMCn
LAW CuS1CM uSACL C8 C1PL8WlSL AS 1C An? MA11L8 lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C
L8lC8MAnCL SLCu8l1? nCnlnl8lnCLMLn1 Cl 1Pl8u A81? 8lCP1S ln1LC8A1lCn
ML8CPAn1A8lLl1? CulL1 Ln!C?MLn1 SA1lSlAC1C8? CuALl1? C8 ll1nLSS lC8 An? A81lCuLA8
u8CSL 1he provlslons of SecLlons 7 and SecLlon 8 wlll survlve Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhls agreemenL
howsoever caused buL Lhls wlll noL lmply or creaLe any conLlnued rlghL Lo use Lhe SofLware afLer
LermlnaLlon of Lhls AgreemenL

8 LlMl1A1lCn Cl LlA8lLl1? LxCL1 lC8 1PL LxCLuSlvL 8LMLu? SL1 lC81P A8CvL Anu AS
C1PL8WlSL 8CvluLu ln SLC1lCn 14 ln nC LvLn1 WlLL AuC8L C8 l1S AlllLlA1LS C8 SuLlL8S 8L
CCnSLCuLn1lAL lnul8LC1 C8 lnCluLn1AL uAMACLS An? LCS1 8Cll1S C8 LCS1 SAvlnCS An?
uAMACLS 8LSuL1lnC l8CM 8uSlnLSS ln1L88u1lCn L8SCnAL ln!u8? C8 lAlLu8L 1C MLL1 An?
uu1? Cl CA8L C8 CLAlMS 8? A 1Pl8u A81? LvLn ll An AuC8L 8L8LSLn1A1lvL PAS 8LLn AuvlSLu
LxCLuSlCnS AL? 1C 1PL Lx1Ln1 L8Ml11Lu 8? ALlCA8LL LAW ln ?Cu8 !u8lSulC1lCn AuC8L'S
ACC8LCA1L LlA8lLl1? Anu 1PA1 Cl l1S AlllLlA1LS Anu SuLlL8S unuL8 C8 ln CCnnLC1lCn Wl1P
1PlS AC8LLMLn1 WlLL 8L LlMl1Lu 1C 1PL AMCun1 Alu lC8 1PL SCl1WA8L ll An? 1PlS
LlMl1A1lCn WlLL AL? LvLn ln 1PL LvLn1 Cl A lunuAMLn1AL C8 MA1L8lAL 88LACP C8 A 88LACP
Cl 1PL lunuAMLn1AL C8 MA1L8lAL 1L8MS Cl 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 noLhlng conLalned ln Lhls
agreemenL llmlLs Adobe's llablllLy Lo you ln Lhe evenL of deaLh or personal ln[ury resulLlng from Adobe's
negllgence or for Lhe LorL of decelL (fraud) Adobe ls acLlng on behalf of lLs afflllaLes and suppllers for Lhe
purpose of dlsclalmlng excludlng and llmlLlng obllgaLlons warranLles and llablllLy buL ln no oLher
respecLs and for no oLher purpose lor furLher lnformaLlon please see Lhe [urlsdlcLlon speclflc
lnformaLlon aL Lhe end of Lhls agreemenL lf any or conLacL Lhe Adobe CusLomer SupporL ueparLmenL

9 LxporL 8ules ?ou agree LhaL Lhe SofLware wlll noL be shlpped Lransferred or exporLed lnLo any
counLry or used ln any manner prohlblLed by Lhe unlLed SLaLes LxporL AdmlnlsLraLlon AcL or any oLher
exporL laws resLrlcLlons or regulaLlons (collecLlvely Lhe LxporL Laws) ln addlLlon lf Lhe SofLware ls
ldenLlfled as an exporL conLrolled lLem under Lhe LxporL Laws you represenL and warranL LhaL you are
noL a clLlzen of or locaLed wlLhln an embargoed or oLherwlse resLrlcLed naLlon (lncludlng wlLhouL
llmlLaLlon lran lraq Syrla Sudan Llbya Cuba and norLh korea) and LhaL you are noL oLherwlse
prohlblLed under Lhe LxporL Laws from recelvlng Lhe SofLware All rlghLs Lo use Lhe SofLware are granLed
on condlLlon LhaL such rlghLs are forfelLed lf you fall Lo comply wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhls agreemenL

10 Covernlng Law 1hls agreemenL wlll be governed by and consLrued ln accordance wlLh Lhe
subsLanLlve laws ln force ln (a) Lhe SLaLe of Callfornla lf a llcense Lo Lhe SofLware ls purchased when you
are ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Canada or Mexlco or (b) !apan lf a llcense Lo Lhe SofLware ls purchased when
you are ln !apan Chlna korea or oLher SouLheasL Aslan counLry where all offlclal languages are wrlLLen
ln elLher an ldeographlc scrlpL (eg hanzl kan[l or han[a) and/or oLher scrlpL based upon or slmllar ln
sLrucLure Lo an ldeographlc scrlpL such as hangul or kana or (c) Lngland lf a llcense Lo Lhe SofLware ls
purchased when you are ln any [urlsdlcLlon noL descrlbed above 1he respecLlve courLs of SanLa Clara
CounLy Callfornla when Callfornla law applles 1okyo ulsLrlcL CourL ln !apan when !apanese law applles
and Lhe compeLenL courLs of London Lngland when Lhe law of Lngland applles shall each have non
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon over all dlspuLes relaLlng Lo Lhls agreemenL 1hls agreemenL wlll noL be governed
by Lhe confllcL of law rules of any [urlsdlcLlon or Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on ConLracLs for Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Sale of Coods Lhe appllcaLlon of whlch ls expressly excluded

11 Ceneral rovlslons lf any parL of Lhls agreemenL ls found vold and unenforceable lL wlll noL affecL
Lhe valldlLy of Lhe balance of Lhls agreemenL whlch wlll remaln valld and enforceable accordlng Lo lLs
Lerms 1hls agreemenL wlll noL pre[udlce Lhe sLaLuLory rlghLs of any parLy deallng as a consumer lor
example for consumers ln new Zealand who obLaln Lhe SofLware for personal domesLlc or household
use (noL buslness purposes) Lhls agreemenL ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe Consumer CuaranLees AcL 1hls agreemenL
may only be modlfled by a wrlLlng slgned by an auLhorlzed offlcer of Adobe 1he Lngllsh verslon of Lhls
agreemenL wlll be Lhe verslon used when lnLerpreLlng or consLrulng Lhls agreemenL 1hls ls Lhe enLlre
agreemenL beLween Adobe and you relaLlng Lo Lhe SofLware and lL supersedes any prlor
represenLaLlons dlscusslons underLaklngs communlcaLlons or adverLlslng relaLlng Lo Lhe SofLware

12 noLlce Lo uS CovernmenL Lnd users
121 Commerclal lLems 1he SofLware and uocumenLaLlon are Commerclal lLem(s) as LhaL Lerm ls
deflned aL 48 Cl8 SecLlon 2101 conslsLlng of Commerclal CompuLer SofLware and Commerclal
CompuLer SofLware uocumenLaLlon as such Lerms are used ln 48 Cl8 12212 or 48 Cl8
2277202 as appllcable ConslsLenL wlLh 48 Cl8 12212 or 48 Cl8 SecLlons 22772021 Lhrough
22772024 as appllcable Lhe Commerclal CompuLer SofLware and Commerclal CompuLer SofLware
uocumenLaLlon are belng llcensed Lo uS CovernmenL end users (a) only as Commerclal lLems and (b)
wlLh only Lhose rlghLs as are granLed Lo all oLher end users pursuanL Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons hereln
unpubllshedrlghLs reserved under Lhe copyrlghL laws of Lhe unlLed SLaLes Adobe SysLems
lncorporaLed 343 ark Avenue San !ose CA 931102704 uSA
122 uS CovernmenL Llcenslng of Adobe 1echnology ?ou agree LhaL when llcenslng Adobe SofLware
for acqulslLlon by Lhe uS CovernmenL or any conLracLor Lherefore you wlll llcense conslsLenL wlLh Lhe
pollcles seL forLh ln 48 Cl8 SecLlon 12212 (for clvlllan agencles) and 48 Cl8 SecLlons 22772021 and
22772024 (for Lhe ueparLmenL of uefense) lor uS CovernmenL Lnd users Adobe agrees Lo comply
wlLh all appllcable equal opporLunlLy laws lncludlng lf approprlaLe Lhe provlslons of LxecuLlve Crder
11246 as amended SecLlon 402 of Lhe vleLnam Lra veLerans 8ead[usLmenL AsslsLance AcL of 1974 (38
uSC 4212) and SecLlon 303 of Lhe 8ehablllLaLlon AcL of 1973 as amended and Lhe regulaLlons aL 41 Cl8
arLs 601 Lhrough 6060 60230 and 60741 1he afflrmaLlve acLlon clause and regulaLlons conLalned
ln Lhe precedlng senLence wlll be lncorporaLed by reference ln Lhls agreemenL

13 Compllance wlLh Llcenses lf you are a buslness company or organlzaLlon you agree LhaL upon
requesL from Adobe or lLs auLhorlzed represenLaLlve you wlll wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days fully documenL and
cerLlfy LhaL use of any and all Adobe sofLware aL Lhe Llme of Lhe requesL ls ln conformlLy wlLh your valld
llcenses from Adobe

14 Speclflc rovlslons and LxcepLlons 1hls secLlon seLs forLh speclflc provlslons relaLed Lo cerLaln
componenLs of Lhe SofLware as well as llmlLed excepLlons Lo Lhe above Lerms and condlLlons 1o Lhe
exLenL LhaL any provlslon ln Lhls secLlon ls ln confllcL wlLh any oLher Lerm or condlLlon ln Lhls agreemenL
Lhls secLlon wlll supersede such oLher Lerm or condlLlon
141 LlmlLed WarranLy for users 8esldlng ln Cermany or AusLrla lf you obLalned Lhe SofLware ln
Cermany or AusLrla and you usually reslde ln such counLry Lhen SecLlon 6 does noL apply lnsLead
Adobe warranLs LhaL Lhe SofLware provldes Lhe funcLlonallLles seL forLh ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon (Lhe
agreed upon funcLlonallLles) for Lhe llmlLed warranLy perlod followlng recelpL of Lhe SofLware when
used on Lhe recommended hardware conflguraLlon As used ln Lhls SecLlon llmlLed warranLy perlod
means one (1) year lf you are a buslness user and Lwo (2) years lf you are noL a buslness user non
subsLanLlal varlaLlon from Lhe agreed upon funcLlonallLles wlll noL and does noL esLabllsh any warranLy
rlghLs 1PlS LlMl1Lu WA88An1? uCLS nC1 AL? 1C SCl1WA8L 8CvluLu 1C ?Cu l8LL Cl CPA8CL
lC8 LxAMLL uuA1LS 8L8LLLASL 18?Cu1 S1A81L8 8CuuC1 SAMLL8 Anu nC1 lC8 8LSALL
(nl8) CClLS Cl SCl1WA8L C8 1C lCn1 SCl1WA8L CCnvL81Lu ln1C C1PL8 lC8MA1S WL8 Sl1LS
CnLlnL SL8vlCLS Cu SL8vlCLS C8 SCl1WA8L 1PA1 PAS 8LLn AL1L8Lu 8? ?Cu 1C 1PL Lx1Ln1 SuCP
AL1L8A1lCn CAuSLu A uLlLC1 1o make a warranLy clalm durlng Lhe llmlLed warranLy perlod you musL
reLurn aL our expense Lhe SofLware and proof of purchase Lo Lhe locaLlon where you obLalned lL lf Lhe
funcLlonallLles of Lhe SofLware vary subsLanLlally from Lhe agreed upon funcLlonallLles Adobe ls enLlLled
by way of reperformance and aL lLs own dlscreLlon Lo repalr or replace Lhe SofLware lf Lhls falls
you are enLlLled Lo a reducLlon of Lhe purchase prlce (reducLlon) or Lo cancel Lhe purchase agreemenL
(resclsslon) lor furLher warranLy lnformaLlon please conLacL Lhe Adobe CusLomer SupporL ueparLmenL
142 LlmlLaLlon of LlablllLy for users 8esldlng ln Cermany and AusLrla
1421 lf you obLalned Lhe SofLware ln Cermany or AusLrla and you usually reslde ln such counLry Lhen
SecLlon 8 does noL apply lnsLead sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons ln SecLlon 1422 Adobe and lLs afflllaLes
sLaLuLory llablllLy for damages wlll be llmlLed as follows (l) Adobe and lLs afflllaLes wlll be llable only up
Lo Lhe amounL of damages as Lyplcally foreseeable aL Lhe Llme of enLerlng lnLo Lhe purchase agreemenL
ln respecL of damages caused by a sllghLly negllgenL breach of a maLerlal conLracLual obllgaLlon and (ll)
Adobe and lLs afflllaLes wlll noL be llable for damages caused by a sllghLly negllgenL breach of a non
maLerlal conLracLual obllgaLlon
1422 1he aforesald llmlLaLlon of llablllLy wlll noL apply Lo any mandaLory sLaLuLory llablllLy ln
parLlcular Lo llablllLy under Lhe Cerman roducL LlablllLy AcL llablllLy for assumlng a speclflc guaranLee
or llablllLy for culpably caused personal ln[urles
1423 ?ou are requlred Lo Lake all reasonable measures Lo avold and reduce damages ln parLlcular Lo
make backup coples of Lhe SofLware and your compuLer daLa sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls
143 rerelease SofLware AddlLlonal 1erms lf Lhe SofLware ls precommerclal release or beLa sofLware
(rerelease SofLware) Lhen Lhls SecLlon applles 1he rerelease SofLware ls a prerelease verslon
does noL represenL flnal producL from Adobe and may conLaln bugs errors and oLher problems LhaL
could cause sysLem or oLher fallures and daLa loss Adobe may never commerclally release Lhe re
release SofLware lf you recelved Lhe rerelease SofLware pursuanL Lo a separaLe wrlLLen agreemenL
such as Lhe Adobe SysLems lncorporaLed Serlal AgreemenL for unreleased roducLs your use of Lhe
SofLware ls also governed by such agreemenL ?ou wlll reLurn or desLroy all coples of rerelease
SofLware upon requesL by Adobe or upon Adobes commerclal release of such SofLware ?Cu8 uSL Cl
8L8LLLASL SCl1WA8L lS A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk SLL SLC1lCnS 7 and 8 lC8 WA88An1? ulSCLAlML8S
Anu LlA8lLl1? LlMl1A1lCnS WPlCP CCvL8n 8L8LLLASL SCl1WA8L
144 1ryouL roducL Sampler nl8 AddlLlonal 1erms lf Lhe SofLware ls LryouL sLarLer producL
sampler or nl8 sofLware (1ryouL SofLware) Lhen Lhe followlng SecLlon applles 1he 1ryouL SofLware
may conLaln llmlLed funcLlonallLy and ls Lo be used for demonsLraLlon and evaluaLlon purposes only and
noL for your commerclal purposes ?Cu8 uSL Cl 18?Cu1 SCl1WA8L lS A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk SLL
SLC1lCnS 7 and 8 lC8 WA88An1? ulSCLAlML8S Anu LlA8lLl1? LlMl1A1lCnS WPlCP CCvL8n 18?Cu1
143 1lme CuL SofLware lf Lhe SofLware ls a LlmeouL verslon Lhen lL wlll cease operaLlons afLer a
deslgnaLed perlod of Llme or number of launches followlng lnsLallaLlon 1he llcense hereunder wlll
LermlnaLe afLer such perlod or number of launches unless exLended by Adobe upon your acqulslLlon of a
full reLall llcense ACCLSS 1C An? llLLS C8 Cu1u1 C8LA1Lu Wl1P SuCP SCl1WA8L C8 An? 8CuuC1
ASSCClA1Lu Wl1P SuCP SCl1WA8L lS Ln1l8LL? A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk
146 LducaLlonal SofLware roducL lf Lhe SofLware accompanylng Lhls agreemenL ls LducaLlonal
SofLware roducL (SofLware manufacLured and dlsLrlbuLed for use by only LducaLlonal Lnd users) you
are noL enLlLled Lo use Lhe SofLware unless you quallfy ln your [urlsdlcLlon as an LducaLlonal Lnd user
lease vlslL hLLp//wwwadobecom/educaLlon/purchaslng Lo learn lf you quallfy 1o flnd an Adobe
AuLhorlzed Academlc 8eseller ln your area please vlslL hLLp//wwwadobecom/sLore and look for Lhe
llnk for 8uylng Adobe roducLs Worldwlde
147 lonL SofLware lf Lhe SofLware lncludes fonL sofLware
1471 ?ou may use Lhe fonL sofLware wlLh Lhe SofLware on CompuLers as descrlbed ln SecLlon 2 and
ouLpuL Lhe fonL sofLware Lo any ouLpuL devlce(s) connecLed Lo such CompuLer(s)
1472 lf Lhe ermlLLed number of CompuLers ls flve or fewer you may download Lhe fonL sofLware Lo
Lhe memory (hard dlsk or 8AM) of one ouLpuL devlce connecLed Lo aL leasL one of such CompuLers for
Lhe purpose of havlng Lhe fonL sofLware remaln resldenL ln such ouLpuL devlce and of one addlLlonal
such ouLpuL devlce for every mulLlple of flve represenLed by Lhe ermlLLed number of CompuLers
1473 ?ou may Lake a copy of Lhe fonL(s) you have used for a parLlcular flle Lo a commerclal prlnLer or
oLher servlce bureau and such servlce bureau may use Lhe fonL(s) Lo process your flle provlded such
servlce bureau has a valld llcense Lo use LhaL parLlcular fonL sofLware
1474 ?ou may converL and lnsLall Lhe fonL sofLware lnLo anoLher formaL for use ln oLher envlronmenLs
sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng condlLlons A compuLer on whlch Lhe converLed fonL sofLware ls used or
lnsLalled wlll be consldered as one of your ermlLLed number of CompuLers use of Lhe fonL sofLware
you have converLed wlll be pursuanL Lo all Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls agreemenL Such converLed
fonL sofLware may be used only for your own cusLomary lnLernal buslness or personal use and may noL
be dlsLrlbuLed or Lransferred for any purpose excepL ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 44 of Lhls agreemenL
1473 ?ou may embed coples of Lhe fonL sofLware lnLo your elecLronlc documenLs for Lhe purpose of
prlnLlng and vlewlng Lhe documenL lf Lhe fonL sofLware you are embeddlng ls ldenLlfled as llcensed for
edlLable embeddlng on Adobe's webslLe aL
hLLp//wwwadobecom/Lype/browser/legal/embeddlngeulahLml you may also embed coples of LhaL
fonL sofLware for Lhe addlLlonal purpose of edlLlng your elecLronlc documenLs no oLher embeddlng
rlghLs are lmplled or permlLLed under Lhls llcense
148 Cnllne Servlces
1481 1he SofLware may rely upon or faclllLaLe your access Lo webslLes malnLalned by Adobe or lLs
afflllaLes or Lhlrd parLles offerlng goods lnformaLlon sofLware and servlces (Cnllne Servlces) ?our
access Lo and use of any webslLe ls governed by Lhe Lerms condlLlons dlsclalmers and noLlces found on
such slLe for example Lhe 1erms of use locaLed aL hLLp//wwwadobecom/mlsc/copyrlghLhLml Adobe
may aL any Llme for any reason modlfy or dlsconLlnue Lhe avallablllLy of any webslLe and Cnllne
1482 Adobe does noL conLrol endorse or accepL responslblllLy for webslLes or Cnllne Servlces offered
by Lhlrd parLles Any deallngs beLween you and any Lhlrd parLy ln connecLlon wlLh a webslLe or Cnllne
Servlces lncludlng dellvery of and paymenL for goods and servlces and any oLher Lerms condlLlons
warranLles or represenLaLlons assoclaLed wlLh such deallngs are solely beLween you and such Lhlrd
1483 LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? AC8LLu 8? AuC8L C8 l1S AlllLlA1LS C8 A 1Pl8u A81? ln A SLA8A1L
AC8LLMLn1 ?Cu8 uSL Cl WL8Sl1LS Anu CnLlnL SL8vlCLS lS A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk LLASL SLL
SLC1lCnS 7 Anu 8 lC8 WA88An1? Anu LlA8lLl1? LlMl1A1lCnS WPlCP CCvL8n WL8Sl1LS Anu
149 AfLer LffecLs rofesslonal 8ender Lnglne lf Lhe SofLware lncludes Lhe full verslon of Adobe AfLer
LffecLs rofesslonal Lhen you may lnsLall an unllmlLed number of 8ender Lnglnes on CompuLers wlLhln
your lnLernal neLwork LhaL lncludes aL leasL one CompuLer on whlch Lhe full verslon of Lhe Adobe AfLer
LffecLs rofesslonal sofLware ls lnsLalled 1he Lerm 8ender Lnglne means an lnsLallable porLlon of Lhe
SofLware LhaL allows AfLer LffecLs pro[ecLs Lo be rendered buL cannoL be used Lo creaLe or modlfy
pro[ecLs and does noL lnclude Lhe compleLe AfLer LffecLs user lnLerface
1410 CoLlve CoAuLhor lf Lhe SofLware lncludes Adobe CreaLlve SulLe or Adobe CoLlve sofLware and
lncludes Lhe CoLlve CoAuLhor sofLware componenL Lhen as an alLernaLlve Lo lnsLalllng and uslng a
slngle copy of CoLlve CoAuLhor sofLware wlLh Lhe oLher SofLware componenLs as permlLLed ln SecLlon
21 you may elLher (a) lnsLall and use Lhe CoLlve CoAuLhor sofLware on a ermlLLed number of your
CompuLers on whlch Lhe oLher SofLware componenLs are noL lnsLalled or (b) dlsLrlbuLe one copy of
CoLlve CoAuLhor sofLware Lo a ermlLLed number of lndlvlduals or legal enLlLles for lnsLallaLlon and use
by each such lndlvldual or enLlLy on one CompuLer provlded LhaL each such lndlvldual or enLlLy accepLs
Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls agreemenL and any oLher Lerms and condlLlons under whlch you
purchased a valld llcense Lo Lhe SofLware Such lndlvldual or enLlLy may noL furLher dlsLrlbuLe CoLlve Co
AuLhor sofLware lf Lhe SofLware ls CoLlve CoAuLhor sofLware LhaL you obLalned on a sLandalone basls
(le noL as a parL of Adobe CreaLlve SulLe or CoLlve sofLware) Lhen Lhls SecLlon does noL apply
1411 verslon Cue SofLware lf Lhe SofLware lncludes Adobe CreaLlve SulLe sofLware and Lhe verslon
Cue sofLware componenLs Lhen as an alLernaLlve Lo lnsLalllng and uslng a slngle copy of Lhe verslon Cue
workspace componenL wlLh Lhe oLher componenLs of Lhe SofLware as permlLLed ln SecLlon 21 you may
lnsLall Lhe verslon Cue workspace componenL on one CompuLer flle server wlLhln your lnLernal neLwork
LhaL lncludes aL leasL one compuLer on whlch Adobe CreaLlve SulLe sofLware ls lnsLalled ?ou may use
verslon Cue workspace sofLware only for Lhe purpose of operaLlng a workspace accesslble only by
CompuLers on such lnLernal neLwork no oLher neLwork use ls permlLLed lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
enabllng lnLerneL or web hosLed workgroups or servlces
1412 CerLlfled uocumenLs lf Lhe SofLware allows you Lo auLhor and valldaLe CerLlfled uocumenLs Lhen
Lhls SecLlon applles
14121 CerLlfled uocumenLs and Cu Servlces A CerLlfled uocumenL or Cu ls a ul flle LhaL has been
dlglLally slgned uslng (a) Lhe SofLware Cu feaLure seL (b) a cerLlflcaLe and (c) a prlvaLe encrypLlon key
LhaL corresponds Lo Lhe publlc key ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe AuLhorlng of a Cu requlres LhaL you obLaln a
cerLlflcaLe from an auLhorlzed Cu Servlce rovlder Cu Servlce rovlder ls an lndependenL Lhlrd parLy
servlce vendor llsLed aL hLLp//wwwadobecom/securlLy/parLners_cdshLml valldaLlon of a Cu requlres
Cu Servlces from Lhe Cu Servlce rovlder LhaL lssued Lhe cerLlflcaLe Cu Servlces are servlces provlded
by Cu Servlce rovlders lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo (a) cerLlflcaLes lssued by such Cu Servlce rovlder
for use wlLh Lhe SofLware's Cu feaLure seL (b) servlces relaLed Lo lssuance of cerLlflcaLes and (c) oLher
servlces relaLed Lo cerLlflcaLes lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo verlflcaLlon servlces
14122 Cu Servlce rovlders AlLhough Lhe SofLware provldes Cu auLhorlng and valldaLlon feaLures
Adobe does noL supply Lhe necessary Cu Servlces requlred Lo use Lhese feaLures urchaslng avallablllLy
and responslblllLy for Lhe Cu Servlces are beLween you and Lhe Cu Servlce rovlder 8efore you rely
upon any Cu any dlglLal slgnaLure applled LhereLo and/or any relaLed Cu Servlces you musL flrsL revlew
and agree Lo Lhe appllcable lssuer SLaLemenL and Lhls agreemenL lssuer SLaLemenL means Lhe Lerms
and condlLlons under whlch each Cu Servlce rovlder offers Cu Servlces (see Lhe llnks on
hLLp//wwwadobecom/securlLy/parLners_cdshLml) lncludlng for example any subscrlber agreemenLs
relylng parLy agreemenLs cerLlflcaLe pollcles and pracLlce sLaLemenLs and SecLlon 1412 of Lhls
agreemenL 8y valldaLlng a Cu uslng Cu Servlces you acknowledge and agree LhaL (a) Lhe cerLlflcaLe
used Lo dlglLally slgn a Cu may be revoked aL Lhe Llme of verlflcaLlon maklng Lhe dlglLal slgnaLure on Lhe
Cu appear valld when ln facL lL ls noL (b) Lhe securlLy or lnLegrlLy of a Cu may be compromlsed due Lo an
acL or omlsslon by Lhe slgner of Lhe Cu Lhe appllcable Cu Servlce rovlder or any oLher Lhlrd parLy and
(c) you musL read undersLand and be bound by Lhe appllcable lssuer SLaLemenL
14123 WarranLy ulsclalmer and LlmlLaLlon of LlablllLy Cu Servlce rovlders offer Cu Servlces solely ln
accordance wlLh Lhe appllcable lssuer SLaLemenL LxCL1 AS MA? 8L 8CvluLu ln An lSSuL8
S1A1LMLn1 ?Cu8 uSL Cl Cu SL8vlCLS lS A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk SLL SLC1lCnS 7 Anu 8 lC8 WA88An1?
ulSCLAlML8S Anu LlA8lLl1? LlMl1A1lCnS WPlCP CCvL8n Cu SL8vlCLS
14124 lndemnlLy ?ou agree Lo hold Adobe and any appllcable Cu Servlce rovlder (excepL as expressly
provlded ln lLs lssuer SLaLemenL) harmless from any and all llablllLles losses acLlons damages or clalms
(lncludlng all reasonable expenses cosLs and aLLorneys fees) arlslng ouL of or relaLlng Lo any use of or
rellance on any Cu Servlce lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon (a) rellance on an explred or revoked
cerLlflcaLe (b) lmproper verlflcaLlon of a cerLlflcaLe (c) use of a cerLlflcaLe oLher Lhan as permlLLed by
any appllcable lssuer SLaLemenL Lhls agreemenL or appllcable law (d) fallure Lo exerclse reasonable
[udgmenL under Lhe clrcumsLances ln relylng on Lhe Cu Servlces or (e) fallure Lo perform any of Lhe
obllgaLlons as requlred ln an appllcable lssuer SLaLemenL
14123 1hlrd arLy 8eneflclarles ?ou agree LhaL any Cu Servlce rovlder you uLlllze wlll be a Lhlrd parLy
beneflclary wlLh respecL Lo Lhls SecLlon of Lhls agreemenL and LhaL such Cu Servlce rovlder wlll have
Lhe rlghL Lo enforce such provlslons ln lLs own name as lf Lhe Cu Servlce rovlder were Adobe

lf you have any quesLlons regardlng Lhls agreemenL or lf you wlsh Lo requesL any lnformaLlon from
Adobe please use Lhe address and conLacL lnformaLlon lncluded wlLh Lhls producL Lo conLacL Lhe Adobe
offlce servlng your [urlsdlcLlon

Adobe AfLer LffecLs CoAuLhor CoLlve and verslon Cue are elLher Lhe reglsLered Lrademarks or
Lrademarks of Adobe SysLems lncorporaLed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and/or oLher counLrles


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