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Coordonator de disciplin: Lect. univ. drd. Gabriela Popa


Avizat Decan

Avizat Sef Departament


Suport de curs nvmnt la distan


Tematica cursului 1. Lesson one Introducing oneself (conversation) 2. Lesson two- Getting around (conversation) 3.Lesson three - Nationalities-Countries (conversation) 4.Lesson four A students daily programme 5. Lesson five The family



Autor: Carmen ANTOHE

Cuvnt nainte n condiiile civilizaiei actuale, cnd comunicarea larg ntre oameni i popoare a devenit o realitate obinuit, cunoaterea unei limbi de circulaie internaional este o necesitate. Dac n Evul Mediu limba latin a fost pentru europeni limba comun a culturii i tiinei, astzi, n epoca ordinatoarelor, a zborurilor cosmice, a transformrilor urbane spectaculoase i a dezvoltrii fr precedent a schimburilor internaionale, toi cetenii lumii nva limba englez pentru a se nelege ntre ei. Engleza este astzi limba tiinei, a tehnicii, a comerului. Lumea tiinific i intelectual folosete poate cel mai mult aceast limb, puini fiind oamenii de tiin i cercettorii care s nu o cunoasc i s nu i redacteze lucrrile direct n englez. Ilustrrile de mai sus nu epuizeaz nici pe departe lista posibil. S ne referim acum la oamenii simpli i mai puini simpli. Cine nu a trecut prin momentul penibil cnd nu putem nfiripa o conversaie cu un strin, cnd suntem redui la gesturi, mimic sau interjecii? Unele persoane sunt dispuse s remedieze carena prin studiu, sistematic chiar. Altele, se izoleaz sub imperiul fricii ndrtul unor pori zvorte i cred c limba englez este inaccesibil lor, dup cum studierea ei (chiar la nivel elementar) li se pare un efort inutil sau, oricum prea mare. Unul din scopurile acestui curs este s demonstreze c inaccesibilitatea e o prejudecat, iar efortul merit s fie ntreprins pn i de ctre cei din fire lenevoi. n nvarea limbii engleze la un nivel mediu de cunotiine se ajunge fr dificultate i sperm c acest curs conceput pentru studenii de la forma de nvmnt la distan, va demonstra c necesitatea cunoaterii limbii engleze se poate satisface de ctre oricine, uor i cu plcere. Acest curs practic de limba englez este destinat studenilor de la specializrile Geografie, Istorie-Geografie i profilul Economic anii I i II, care doresc s aib o pregtire corespunztoare n domeniile de interes. El a fost conceput n aa fel nct, n cei doi ani de studiu ai limbii engleze, s ajute la consolidarea cunotiinelor acumulate pn aici, precum i la nsuirea de noi elemente specifice specializrii studiate. Mult


Cuprins nsuirea unui limbaj de specialitate nu se poate face fr a avea o baz solid, de aceea primul an de studiu universitar al limbii engleze conine n principal elemente practice i applicative la ndemna acelora care doresc s-i nsueasc, s consolideze i s foloseasc un limbaj minim de limba englez. Cele zece lecii care alctuiesc capitolul cuprind teme axate pe principalele aspecte ale vieii cotidiene de munc, sociale, culturale avnd drept scop s formeze deprinderi de limb necesare nsuirii ulterioare a limbajului legat de problematica economic. Fiecare lecie cuprinde un text nsoit de o tem gramatical prezentat sugestiv i concis prin structuri, scheme i tabele. Schemele gramaticale prezint probleme de gramatic i construcii pentru a cror nelegere i mai ales folosire, studenii ntmpin dificulti. Expunerea gramatical este urmat de diferite tipuri de exerciii lexicale i gramaticale menite s formeze deprinderi de limb la cei ce studiaz limba englez. Obiective operaionale: dup parcurgerea acestui an de studiu studenii vor putea s: se prezinte i s fac cunotiin cu alte persoane vorbitoare de limba englez poarte o conversaie simpl, referitoare la locul natal, meserie, i s cear indicaii pentru a ajunge n locul dorit; vorbeasc despre programul su zilnic, despre vreme i mesele principale; poat s se descurce n diferite situaii cum ar fi la bibliotec i la diferite ntlniri publice; completeze un curriculum vitae;

recunoasc, s diferenieze i s foloseasc n aplicaii practice timpuri verbale precum prezentul simplu i continuu, prezentul perfect simplu i continuu, mai mult ca perfectul simplu i continuu; capete deprinderi pentru traduceri din i n limba englez.


FORMAL J.D.: Excuse me. Who are you? S.R.: Im Sandra Reynolds. Im your English teacher, and who are you? J.D.: How do you do. My names Jane David. Im a student. K.S.: And my name is Ken Smith. Im a student, too. S.R.: How do you do. (Im) glad to meet you. (Its) nice to meet you. J.D.: Its nice to meet you, too. Greetings. S.R.: Good morning. (Good afternoon; Good evening). J.D.: Good evening. How are you? S.R.: Im fine thank you. And how are you? J.D.: Very well, thank you./ Rather unwell. S.R.: Good bye. See you later. J.D.: Good night. See you tomorrow. Atenie! Nu se spune niciodat Good day, nici la ntlnire nici la desprire. n engleza modern este o form de expediere a interlocutorului, ceva de felul Poi pleca. VERY FORMAL J.D.: Good morning, Professor Reynolds. Let me introduce myself. My names Jane David. Im your new student. S.R.: How do you do. Welcome to our courses. My names Sandra Reynolds. J.D.: How do you do. Im pleased to meet you, Professor Reynolds. S.R.: Im your English Professor. What are you studying this term? J.D.: Im studying English language this term and English literature next term. S.R.: Till tomorrow then. J.D.: Its been nice knowing you. Good bye for now. INFORMAL J.D.: Hi, Im Jane. Im a new student. Who are you? 7

K.S.: Hi, Im Ken. Im a new student, too. Glad to know you. Where are you from? J.D.: Im from Canada. Are you from Canada, too? K.S.: No, Im not. Im from Scotland. J.D.: Oh, how nice! K.S.: See you soon. J.D.: Bye-bye for now. I. EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. Name = First name = Christian name = Given name: Jane, Jennifer, Robert, Mary, Kenneth, Sandra etc. Surname = Family name = Last name: Reynolds, David, Bush, Smith, MacDonald, OCasey, Roberts etc. 2. How Do We Address People? There are different ways of addressing people and of speaking: Informal or friendly between friends, teenagers, young people (classmates), businessmen; Formal between acquaintances and also for older people or people in higher jobs. Very formal for people we want to show respect to. How do we address unknown people? Excuse me, sir (madam, officer/constable etc.) Ladies and gentlemen (when addressing an audience). How about people we know? Hi, Ted / Hi, Betty (more used for young people). Hello, Fred / Hello, Barney (it is slightly more formal). We can greet acquaintances or people we know whether they are older or in higher jobs with hello, or good morning / afternoon / evening. At a very formal level, respect may be shown by adding their name: Hello, Mr. Smith (for gentlemen), Hello, Mrs. Reynolds (for married ladies), Hello, Miss David (for unmarried ladies), or Hello, Mes Green (for ladies, when their marital status is not important). If the persons have titles, they are used in calling them: Professor Hill, Dr. Brown, Dean Roberts (only one title - the highest is used together with the surname). For very high ranks we can use: Your Excellency, Your Highness, Your Sanctity. II. GRAMMAR 1.PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Pronume personale) Desemneaz persoanele ce pot aprea ntr-un dialog (vorbitorul, interlocutorul) sau nlocuiete obiectul despre care se vorbete.


Person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person

Nominative I you he, she, it we you they


Dative (to) me (to) you (to) him (to) her (to) it (to) us (to) you (to) them

Accusative me you him, her, it us you them

2. Verb TO BE present tense link verb (verb de legtur) Affirmative I am You are He, she, it is We are You are They are Interrogative Am I? Are you? Is he, she, it? Are we? Are you? Are they? Negative I am not You are not He, she, it is not We are not You are not They are not InterrogativeNegative Am I not? Are you not? Is he,she,it not? Are we not? Are you not? Are they not?

n engleza vorbit este mai folosit forma contras: Im a teacher. / Im not a teacher. Youre a student. / Youre not a student. Hes a policeman. / Hes not a policeman. Shes an air hostess. / Shes not an air hostess. Its an animal. / Its not an animal. Were workers./ Were not workers. Youre engineers. / Youre not engineers. Theyre taxi drivers. / Theyre not taxi drivers. Verbul TO BE ca verb de legtur (link verb) se folosete: cu un substantiv (la singular, ntotdeauna precedat de articolul nedefinit a sau an) I am a mother; cu un adjectiv, He is tired sau cu adverb de loc, He is in the room / He is there. EXERCISES I. Substitute the nouns in the following sentences by the personal pronouns in the correct case. Model: I like this book. I like it.

1. I am very pleased with this test paper. 2. John arrives at the faculty early. 3. I always give George good books to read. 4. Three students are talking about the exam. 5. The assistant-lecturer is asking Henry a question. 6. The professor is lending the student a book. 7. Students are very attentive during seminars. 8. I see my coleague going to the library. 9. Give mother a glass of water, please. 10. Read the lesson, please. 11. Lets go and see grandmother. 12. I want to give my grandparents a present. 13. Ill thank father tomorrow. 14. Look at Tom and me! 15. I cant see your friends. 16. Give the cat some milk. II. Fill in the blanks using the personal pronouns in brackets in the correct case: 1. This is a book for ... (he). 2. John always buys text-books for ... (they). 3. I never speak to ... (she) during lectures. 4. I am putting ... (it) on the shelf. 5. Every day, I see ... (you) in the classroom. 6. I pay attention to ... (it). 7. I tell ... (she) not to be late. 8. She requests ... (they) to take part in the scientific session.



1. (British version) Liz: Hi, Jenny, How are you? Jenny: Rather unwell this morning. And you? Liz: Oh, Im fine, thanks, but Im sorry for you. Why are you such in a hurry? Its pretty hot today, isnt it? Can I help you? Jenny: Im late for class, and I want to buy some stationery, you know, writing paper, notebooks and a ball-(point) pen. Is there a stationers near here? Liz: Yes, of course. Can you see that restaurant over there? Jenny: The one on the corner? Liz: Turn at the restaurant and keep straight on up to the next cross-roads; go across the road and take the first turning to the left. The stationers on the left side of the street. You cant miss it. Jenny: Thanks a lot. But thats quite a distance. Liz: Yes, thats right, but you can find there everything you need: there are writing paper, pads, envelopes, refills for your pen, erasers and even a marvelous assortment of greeting cards and diaries. There are also glue, ink, thumbtacks a.s.o. *** 2. (American version) Jenny: Pardon (Excuse) me, officer. Wheres the City Bank? Policeman: Its downtown, five blocks from here, straight ahead. Jenny: Is it on the left? Policeman: No. Its on the right. Its across the coffee shop. Jenny: Thanks very much. Policeman: Youre welcome. VOCABULARY stationery papetrie notebook blocnotes, carnet ball-(point) pen pix cross-road intersecie writing paper pad tampon pentru hrtia de scris envelope plic refill mine de pix eraser gum de ters diary jurnal (intim) glue lipici 11

ink cerneal thumbtack pionez Explanatory notes: 1. block (in America) = cvartal, grup de case ptrat sau dreptunghiular ntre 4 strzi. block of flats / apartment house = bloc downtown = n sau spre centrul comercial al unui ora 2. Expressing GRATITUDE (expresii de mulumire): Thanks Thank you Many thanks Thanks a lot Thanks again Thank you very much Thank you very much indeed Thank you ever much for (letting me know) - Its been really marvelous 9 3. Possible responses, depending on the occasion (posibile rspunsuri, n funcie de ocazie): Dont mention it (Im glad to help you) Its all right Its my pleasure Youre welcome Im very much obliged to you. Study and remember (expressions): It takes you only ten minutes to get there v trebuie numai zece minute ca s ajungei acolo Turn to the left/right! Luai-o spre stnga Go straight on/ahead! Mergei tot nainte The red light is on Semaforul arat rou Trolley buses run till oclock Troleibuzele circul pn la ora Would you mind telling me the way to ? Suntei amabil s-mi spunei care este drumul ctre ? Could you put me right? M-ai putea ndruma? This way, please! Pe aici, v rog! Take the first turning to the left/right Luai-o pe prima strad la stnga/dreapta At the next crossroads turn to the left/right La prima intersecie luai-o la stnga/dreapta Its on the right hand side Este pe partea dreapt Can you direct me to ? mi putei arta direcia ctre ? Is this the right way to ? Acesta este drumul ctre ? You are still some way off Suntei nc la o oarecare distan Its just round the corner Este chiar dup col We happen to be going in that direction ourselves ntmpltor i noi mergem n aceast direcie Im trying to find my way to - ncerc s gsesc drumul ctre You are going the wrong way Mergei ntr-o direcie greit Is it much of a walk? Este mult de mers pe jos? Do I take this street or that? S o iau pe aceast strad, sau pe cealalt? Its quite a distance Este destul de departe Which is the quickest way to ? Care este calea cea mai rapid ctre GRAMMAR 1. Verbul TO BE exprimnd existena there is / there are (este, se afl, se gsete / sunt, se afl, se gsesc) 12

Cuvntul neaccentuat thereeste urmat de o form a verbului TO BE n propoziii care exprim noiunea de existen (este o expresie care nu exist n limba romn. Limba francez are ceva asemntor n expresia il y a). Se folosete ori de cte ori subiectul propoziiei este o persoan oarecare nedefinit sau un obiect, iar predicatul este verbul TO BE. Aceast expresie introduce noi informaii interlocutorului: Exemple: There is (Theres) a pen on the desk. There are (Therere) two books on the table. There is a glass on the table. There are lots of interesting buildings in Edinburgh. There are writing paper pads ... There is glue in the bottle. Observai c: a) There se folosete n loc de subiect; b) There is se folosete naintea unui substantiv la singular; c) There are se folosete naintea unui substantiv la plural; Interogativul se formeaz: Is there a stationery near here? Are there many children in the room? Negativul: There is not (isnt). / There are not (arent). Observai c i n acest caz exist forme contrase, neaccentuate. Atenie! S nu confundai cuvntul THERE din expresiile THERE IS i THERE ARE cu adverbul THERE care se traduce cu ACOLO. ntr-o propoziie ele pot aprea mpreun. Ex. There are two chairs there. (Sunt dou scaune acolo).

2. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS (Pluralul Substantivelor) Rules Singular a. Majoritatea substantivelor formeaz pluralul bedroom adugnd -s la forma singularului: picture tap b. Substantivele care se termin n -sh, -ch, -tch, glass -ss, -s, -x primesc -es bus brush watch box c. Cnd substantivele se termin n -y precedat de party o consoan, -y se schimb n i i se adaug es: country 13 Examples Plural bedrooms pictures taps glasses buses brushes watches boxes parties countries

d. Substantivele care se termin n -f, -fe l schimb pe f n v i se adaug -es: e. Substantivele care se termin n -o precedat de o consoan primesc -es: f. Substantive cu pluralul neregulat:

leaf life tomato potato man woman child tooth foot goose mouse

leaves lives tomatoes potatoes men women children teeth feet geese mice

Terminaia pluralului se citete: [z] dup vocale i [iz] dup: [s], [z], [], [t], [s] dup consoane surde: consoane sonore: [b], [d], [d] [v], [g], [l], [m], [n], [], [p], [t], [f], [k], [h], [] [r], [] clocks taps baths jugs towels films wages classes brushes watches buses EXERCISES I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the phrase: 1. There ... a teacher in the classroom. 2. There ... two teachers in the classroom. 3. There ... many pupils in the classroom. 4. There ... a dog in the room. 5. There ... books and notebooks on the shelf. 6. There ... books on the floor. 7. There ... a blackboard on the wall. 8. There ... many pictures on the wals. 9. There ... a map in the classroom. 10. There ... many flowers in the garden. II. Change these sentences according to the patterns: a) There is a large table in the room. (small) / There isnt a small one. b) There are two black cats in the garden. (white) / There arent two white ones. 1. There is a short pencil in the pencil-box. (long) 2. There are three glasses on the table. (clean) 3. There are two green books in the bag. (brown) 4. There is a young man in the room. (old) 5. There are two large armchairs in the room. (small) 6. There is an old newspaper on the table. (new) 7. There is a white dog in the schoolyard. (black) 8. There are two red blouses on the chair (blue). 9. There is a tall man in the garden. (short) 10. There are two fat cats under the tree. (thin) III. Make questions and answers. 1. There is a kitchen in the flat. (Yes) 2. There are two living-rooms in the flat. (No) 3. There is a dog in the classroom. (No) 4. There are three cats in the schoolyard. (Yes) 5. There are two books on the desk. (No) 6. There is a book on the floor. (No) 7. There is a dining-room in the house. (Yes) 8. There are two bedrooms in the house. (Yes) 9. There are three armchairs in the living-room. (Yes) 10. There is a bookcase in the bedroom. (No) 14

IV. Rewrite the sentences, making the words in brackets plural: 1. Our students club often organizes (evening party). 2. She has just put ten (tomato) on the plate. 3. All the (child) who have reached the age of six go to school. 4. Have you already brushed your (tooth)? 5. She has bought two (loaf). 6. Have you turned off the hot and cold (tap)? 7. You go to the library after (class), dont you? 8. She has put six (glass) on the table. 9. There are many fallen (leaf) on the ground. 10. I have never seen such beautiful (picture). 11. (Woman) have equal rights with (man) in our country. 12. They have put the (watch) into (box) that do not exceed an overall length of two (foot). V. Use the plural of the nouns in brackets making the necessary changes. In case no change is possible, explain the reasons: 1. He was thanked for his (work) at the hospital. 2. They were fully aware of the (spirit) of the time. 3. The poet published his new (volume) at the start of the century. 4. The Chinese invented the (compass). 5. The (information) didnt come in time. 6. I have a small (cactus) at home. 7. Dont fight with him. His (force) is enormous. 8. I feel a (pain) in my leg. 9. Its a (damage) that cant be repaired. 10. I wont take anybodys (advice). 11. I dont like his (manner) of speech. 12. Six to eight hours of practice a day gave him a great (ability) for playing the piano in less than a year. 13. Lots of (people) come to the Romanian seaside every summer. 14. I like the (fabric) my husband brought me as a birthday present. 15. She has a brooch of diamonds set in (platinum).



Jenny: Meet my friend, Ingrid. Pedro: Hello. Ingrid: Hello. Pleased to meet you. What nationality are you? Pedro: Im from Peru./ Im Peruvian. Where are you from? Ingrid: Im from Sweden./ Im Swedish. Pedro: Is your family in London, too? Ingrid: No, my family is in Sweden and in Australia. Pedro: Oh! Ingrid: Are you in London on holiday or on business? Pedro: Im on business. Im a physicist. Im working in a Research Centre for three months. Its not far from London. What about you? Are you a student, or a post graduate student? If not, whats your job? Ingrid: No, Im not a student. Im visiting an English family for a year to brush up my English. Are you staying in a private house, too? Pedro: At the moment Im staying at a hotel. Ingrid: Isnt it too expensive? Pedro: It sure is, but tomorrow morning Im registering for a special Nuclear Physics Course, and then Im moving to a bed-sitter. Look! Here is my registration card. Be so kind and help me to fill it in. *** MOVING IN Because the hotel is too expensive, Pedro wants to rent a nice, small apartment / flat. So, he has two ways to find it: 1. Direct conversation Pedro: Excuse me, are you Mrs. Scott? Mrs. Scott: Yes, I am. Pedro: How do you do, Mrs. Scott. Im Pedro Gonzales your new tenant. Youre the landlady, arent you? Mrs. Scott: Yes, I am. How do you do, Mr. Gonzales. Nice to meet you. This is Maggie Baxter. Shes your neighbour. Maggie: Hello, Pedro, nice to meet you. Pedro: Hello, Maggie, glad to see you, too. Can I see the bed-sitter Mrs. Scott? Is it upstairs? 16

Mrs. Scott: Of course you can. Come in, please. Its upstairs. My flat is downstairs. Pedro: Oh, its very nice. 2. On the phone Five three oh, four nine seven eight. Mrs. Scott: Hello? Pedro: Its about the flat / apartment to let in the morning paper ads. Is it still to let? Mrs. Scott: Oh yes, of course it is. Pedro: Can you tell me about it? Mrs. Scott: There are two rooms: a living-room and a bedroom, and also a kitchen and a bathroom, of course. You can come and see it. Pedro: Where is it? Mrs. Scott: Its in the neighbourhood of the University College, near Regents Park. Pedro: Whats your address? Mrs. Scott: 54 Drummond Street, near Euston Station. Pedro: Oh, and how much is the rent? Mrs. Scott: Two hundred pounds / 200 a month. Pedro: I can come in twenty or thirty minutes. Is that all right? Mrs. Scott: Yes, of course. Oh, wait. Whats your name? Pedro: Pedro Gonzales. Mrs. Scott: Can you spell it? Pedro: P-E-D-R-O G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-S Mrs. Scott: Thank you. See you in half an hour. Pedro: Good bye. See you soon. VOCABULARY bed-sitter = bed-sitting-room garsonier, camer combinat ads. (prescurtare de la advertisements) reclam, publicitate GRAMMAR 1. THE PRESENT TENSE (Common Aspect) Timpul Prezent (Aspectul Comun) Affirmative Form I work You work He, she, it works We work You work They work Rules Negative Form I do not (dont) work You do not work He,she,it does not (doesnt) work We do not work You do not work They do not work Interrogative Form Do I work? Do you work? Does he, she, it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? Examples 17 NegativeInterogative Form Do I not work? (Dont I work?) Do you not work? Does he, she, it not work?(Doesnt he..) Do we not work? Do you not work? Do they not work?

1. Timpul prezent, aspectul comun, se folosete pentru a arta o aciune obinuit sau repetat n prezent. 2. Adeseori este folosit cu adverbe de tipul: often, usually, never, always, every year. 3. Poate arta o aciune viitoare, dac este nsoit de un adverb de timp exprimnd viitorul. In acest caz, aciunea viitoare face parte dintr-un program stabilit. 4. Este folosit n loc de prezentul continuu cu acele verbe care nu sunt ntrebuinate la forma continu (to like, to dislike, to love, to hate, to want, to own, to consist of/in, to belong)

Students study for their exams. Every year, the Academy organizes postgraduate courses. We sit for an exam tomorrow. I like this book.

THE PRESENT TENSE (Continuous Aspect) Timpul Prezent (Aspectul Continuu) Se formeaz cu verbul TO BE la prezent i participiul prezent (forma n ing) a verbului de conjugat. Mai simplu, se poate exprima: TO BE + Ving ( V este verbul de conjugat). NegativeInterogative Form Am I not working? Am I working? I am not working I am (Im) you not You are not Are you working? Are working Is he, she, it working? working You are working Is he, she, it not He, she, it is He, she, it is not working? working? working working We are working You are working They are working not Are we working? Are you working? not Are they working? not Are we working? Are you working? Are they working? not not not Affirmative Form Negative Form Interrogative Form

We are working You are working They are working

Rules Examples 1. Prezentul continuu arat o aciune n They are studying for tomorrows curs de desfurare n momentul vorbirii. examination. Uneori, momentul aciunii este fixat prin We are not planning our holidays at the 18

adverbe de timp ca: now, at the present moment. 2. Prezentul continuu exprim uneori o aciune ce caracterizeaz subiectul ntr-o anumit perioad de timp. Aceasta rezult din context. 3. Ca i aspectul comun, poate arta o aciune viitoare care a fost planificat ntr-un moment prezent, dac este nsoit de un adverb de timp exprimnd viitorul.

present moment. What are you doing here in Bucharest? I am studying economics. They are coming to see us next week.

I. Put the following sentences in the third person singular: 1. We listen to courses. 2. They take down notes. 3. You study for your exam. 4. I like learning when I enjoy the subject. 5. You always lend me your text-books. 6. I go home at 2 oclock. 7. I usually come to the faculty at 8 oclock. 8. I pay attention to what the lecturer says. 9. You like being in time for the courses. II. Make the following sentences a) interrogative b) negative 1. I leave home at 7 a.m. every day. 2. This student speasks English very well. 3. He reads very fast. 4. Students read sports magazines every day. 5. He writes his 15 homework in the afternoon. 6. I always go to the cinema with pleasure. 7. He likes to watch television on Saturday evening. 8. He likes Latin grammar. 9. He reads a few pages of Spanish literature every week. 10. You write many letters. III. Use the verbs in brackets in the present tense (common or continuous aspect): 1. Students from other countries (come) to get trained as economists at the Academyof Economic Studies. 2. We (attend) classes regularly. 3. He (like) English. 4. Today, we (study) commercial correspondence in our English seminar. 5. We (rehearse) for a show this evening. 6. They (meet) at 8 oclock tonight. 7. She just (leave) for the mountains. 8. He (not like) to borrow the books, he (prefer) to buy them. 9. Where you (hurry)? 10. We (hurry) to the lecture-hall as we (not want) to be late. IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parantheses using Present Tense Simple or Continuous:


1. I ... the water for coffee in a special pot (to boil). 2. Come and make the coffee! The water ... (to boil). 3. This shop ... at 8 a.m. and ... at 8 p.m. (to open; to close). 4. I ... the book to read the new lesson (to open). 5. Dont shout that loud! I ... you very well(to hear). 6. Dont interrupt them! They ... to a scientific broadcast (to listen). 7. I ... what you ... (to see; to mean). 8. Wait aminute, will you? I ... them off (to see). 9. A man ... with his nose (to smell). 10. Usually she ... a very quiet child, but now she ... naughty (to be; to be) V. Put the verbs in parantheses in the Present Tense Simple. Notice the adverbs they are associated with: 1. Mother never ... (to go out) without a shopping bag. 2. We often ... (to play) chess in the evenings.3. They usually ... (to do) their shopping at this supermarket. 4. She always ... (to listen to) the concerts broadcast on the radio on Sunday mornings. 5. I occasionally ... (to read) a thriller before going to sleep. 6. Our kids frequently ... (to break) something while playing hide-and-seek in their room. 7. Grandmother hardly ever ... (to take) a sleeping pill. 8. They always ... (to come) in time. 9. My husband never ... (to catch) anything when he ... (to go) fishing. 10. Do your friends sometimes ... (to ask) you to babysit? VI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions: 1. Except ... Romanian students, there is also a considerable number ... students coming ... other countries. 2. There are canteens providing meals ... the students. 4. This term, we insist ... commercial correspondence. 5. Students attend conferences ... various subjects. 6. This professor gives lectures ... political economy. 7. All higher education institutes are endowed ... libraries. 8. The students spend their holidays ... the mountains.



The clock has just struck six. Mary is in her bedroom. She has got up, opened the window and turned on the radio. She is doing her morning exercises to the music. It is half past six. Mary has got into the bathroom. She is standing at the wash-basin. What has she just done? She has just turned on the hot and cold taps. What is she going to do next? She is going to pour some water into the glass and brush her teeth. Then she is going to have a shower. She doesnt have a bath in the morning. She takes a bath before she goes to bed. Mary has already brushed her teeth with her tooth-brush and tooth-paste. She has had a warm shower. She has dried herself on the towel and has got dressed. What is she doing now? She is doing her hair in front of the looking-glass. It is seven oclock. Mary is in the dining-room. Has she already had her breakfast? No, not yet. She is laying the table for breakfast. She has just put some coffee-cups, a sugar-bowl, a milk-jug and some plates on the table. Is she going to have breakfast by herself? No, she is not. She is waiting for her brother who hasnt shaved yet. It is half past seven. Mary and her brother have just finished their breakfast. They are in a hurry. They are leaving for the Academy of Economic Studies. It takes them twenty minutes to get to the Academy by bus. They arrive there ten minutes before the bell rings. So they have a chat with their fellow-students. Only six students of their group are from Bucharest, the others either come from different parts of the country, or from other countries. They usually have a lot of things to talk about. The classes begin at eight oclock and are over at ten minutes to two three times a week. Twice a week they have classes in the afternoon. They regularly attend lectures and seminars. After classes in the morning they have their lunch at the students canteen. Then they go home on foot. On their way home they do some shopping. After a short rest they do their homework and read up for seminars. Then Mary prepares something for dinner and her brother helps her. They have their dinner at seven oclock in the evening. After dinner they usually look through some newspapers or magazines, or read some novels or listen to music, or watch a film on TV. On Sundays they often go to the students club that regularly organizes various cultural activities such as evening parties, cinema shows, lectures on music and literature with recitals by famous musicians and actors. 21

MORNING AND EVENING - What do you usually do at your office? - In the morning I receive letters and cables which I have to answer that very day. My secretary usually helps me to type the answers. Twice a week I have a meeting where we discuss different business questions with our chief manager. Almost every day I have business interviews, talks or conferences with the representatives of the foreign firms we have done business with lately. In the afternoon I usually make appointments on the phone with engineers of the producing enterprises or foreign businessmen for the next day. Sometimes I make business trips with a view to concluding sales contracts. - What do you usually do in the evening? - We generally stay at home and watch TV. Once a week we go to the pictures. Occasionally we go to a dance. - Have you been to the theatre this month? - Yes, we have been to the theatre twice this month. VOCABULARY bedroom - dormitor to strike (struck, struck) a bate, a suna to get up (got, got) a se scula to get into a intra to get to a ajunge la to get dressed a se mbrca bathroom camera de baie to stand (stood, stood) a sta n picioare sugar-bowl zaharni milk-jug can de lapte to shave a se brbieri plate farfurie to leave for (left, left) - a pleca lately n ultimul timp to do ones hair a-i aranja prul, a se coafa to turn on (the radio, the tap) a deschide (radioul, robinetul) to pour some water a turna (ceva) ap to dry oneself on the towel a se terge cu prosopul to lay (laid, laid) the table a pune masa to have breakfast / lunch / dinner a lua micul dejun / prnzul / cina to be in a hurry a se grbi to have a chat a sta de vorb to read up for seminars a se pregti pentru seminarii to do ones homework a-i face temele to have / to take a shower a face un du to conclude a sales contract a ncheia un contract de vnzare-cumprare to make an appointment a fixa o ntlnire with a view to (+gerunziu) n vederea, pentru a GRAMMAR 22

THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (Perfectul Compus) Perfectul compus se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului to have la prezent i cu participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat: TO HAVE + V3. Affirmative Form I have finished You have finished He, she, it has finished Interrogative(-Negative) Form I have not (havent) Have I (not) finished? (Havent I finished?) finished. Have you (not) finished? You have not finished. He, she, it has not (hasnt) Has he, she, it (not) finished? finished. We have not finished You have not finished They have not finished (Hasnt he,she,it finished?) Have we (not) finished? Have you (not) finished? Have they (not) finished? Common Aspect Negative Form

We have finished You have finished They have finished

Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate se formeaz din forma scurt a infinitivului, prin adugarea desinenei ed, dup urmtoarele reguli ortografice: Spelling Rules Examples 1) Verbele terminate la infinitiv n e to live lived mut pierd aceast vocal naintea to arrive arrived to celebrate celebrated desinenei ed 2) Verbele terminate la infinitive n y to study studied precedat de o consoan, schimb y n i to dry dried to hurry hurried 3) Verbele monosilabice terminate ntr-o to stop - stopped consoan precedat de o vocal scurt dubleaz consoana final 4) Verbele plurisilabice, terminate ntr-o to pre`fer - preferred consoan precedat de o vocal i avnd to com`pel - compelled accentual pe ultima silab, precum i to `travel - travelled verbele terminate n l, indiferent de accent, dubleaz consoana final


The use of the Present Perfect Tense Common Aspect Rules 1. Present Perfect exprim o aciune trecut care are legtur cu prezentul. a) Legtura poate fi temporal: aciunea ncepe n trecut i continu n present. Momentul nceperii aciunii se indic prin cuvntul since (prepoziie, conjuncie, adverb) din, de cnd. Durata aciunii se red printr-o locuiune adverbial introdus prin prepoziia for de: b) Legtura poate fi cauzal: aciunea s-a terminat, dar urmrile ei continu s existe n present: Examples I have seen this film. I have known him for many years. We have not seen him since Monday. He has not slept well since that night.

Mary has opened the window. She has turned on the tap.

2. Present Perfect se refer la o perioad Have you been to the theatre this month? de timp nc n curs, ceea ce este indicat prin adverbele sau locuiunile adverbiale: today, this week, this summer, this month, She has worked much this week. lately, of late, this morning, this year, in the last few years. 3. Present Perfect exprim o aciune care The clock has just struck six. a avut loc ntr-un trecut foarte apropiat. She has already brushed her teeth. El este nsoit atunci de adverbe de timp He hasnt shaved yet. nedefinit ca: often, seldom, ever, never, just, yet, always, already.

EXERCISES I. Speak about Marys working day according to the plan: a) What she usually does in the morning (before breakfast). b) What she generally does at the Academy of Economic Studies. c) What she usually does after classes and in the evenings. d) How she spends her time on Sundays. II. Complete the dialogues using the words in brackets: When do your classes begin? (8 oclock; generally; in the morning) How many classes do you have every day? (not more than six; sometimes four) Do you go straight home after classes? ( not always; the library or the readingroom; sometimes) What do you usually do there? ( to read books and magazines; to make notes on; to look through newspapers) 24

And when do you usually do your English lessons? (to have got the necessary books; if; to do ones homework at home) Do you work in the library till late in the evening? (not to stay; late) And how do you spend your time in the evening when you are free? (to watch television; to go to the pictures or to the theatre; to go to see ones friends) Do you go to bed late? (not very; at about 11; as a rule). III. Use since or for and translate the sentences into Romanian: 1. I havent seen her Sunday. 2. I havent seen them 1980. 3. We havent seen them ten years. 4. She has been here morning. 5. We have been here an hour and a half. 6. He hasnt shaved two days. 7. I have known him five years. IV. Insert: a) the past participle of the regular verbs: to open, to turn, to pour, to brush, to dry, to shave, to finish, to stay, to watch, to live: 1. He has just the window. 2. She has just on the radio. 3. She has already her teeth. 4. She has already some water into the glass. 5. We have already our breakfast. 6. Has she herself on the towel? 7. Has he already ? 8. Have you at home and a film on TV? 9. They havent in Constantza. b) the past participle of the irregular verbs: to see, to strike, to get up, to put, to do, to go, to come, to have, to be, to lay, to stand, to leave: 1. I have this film on TV. 2. The clock has just seven. 3. George hasnt yet. 4. Have you a sugar-bowl on the table? 5. Why havent you your hair? 6. Jane has to the students club. 7. Has your brother home? 8. She has just a cold shower. 9. Have you to the pictures this week? 10. Who has the table for breakfast? 11. Who has just at the wash-basin? 12. They have just for their office. V. Translate into English: 1. Nu v-am vzut de doi ani. Unde ai fost? 2. Cine a deschis robinetul de ap cald? 3. N-am luat nc micul dejun. 4. Ai terminat micul dejun? Da, mi-a plcut foarte mult. 5. Ct este ora le dvs.? Ceasul meu a stat. 6. De cnd suntei la Bucureti? Sunt aici de duminic. 7. De cnd locuiete fratele tu n Bucureti? Din 1974. 8. De cnd avei televizorul? Numai de dou luni.



Mary is twenty years old. She is a student of the Faculty of the Agrarian Economy and Accounting. She lives with her parents in Bucharest. Her father is a worker. He works as a welder at a large plant. Her mother is a weaver at a textile mill. Mary has a brother. Marys brother, John is a doctor at the Brncovenesc Hospital. He has been working there since 1979. He has a family of his own: a wife and three children: two sons and one daughter. Helen, Johns wife, is an assistant-lecturer at the Academy of Economic Studies. Marys grand mother and grand father are pensioners. They live in Braov. Their grand sons and grand daughter often spend their holidays at their grand parents. Marys uncle lives in a provincial town. He is a miner. His wife is a very kind woman and a good housewife. Jane, their daughter, is Marys cousin. Marys great grand mother lives with them. *** John: Where do you live? Peter: I live with my parents and grand parents in Bucharest. John: Have you got any sisters and brothers? Peter: Yes, our family is quite a big one: I have three brothers and two sisters who are twins. John: Are they older than you? Peter: I have only one brother who is older than me. The others are all younger. John: What is your elder brother? Peter: He is a civil engineer. He lives in Constantza. He is married and has two children. My sister-in-law is an economist. I can tell you Im very proud of being an uncle. I love my niece and my nephew very much. John: Oh, Im sure you do. Do they often come to Bucharest? Peter: No, they dont. You see, most of our relatives live there my uncles, aunts, and all my cousins. VOCABULARY parent printe; tat sau mam father tat mother mam welder sudor weaver estor son fiu daughter fiic 26

great grandparent strbunic sau strbunic grand mother bunic grand father bunic grand daughter nepoat de bunic (bunic) grand son nepot de bunic (bunic) housewife gospodin sister sor brother frate cousin vr sau verioar twins gemeni civil engineer inginer constructor to marry a cstori; a se cstori sister-in-law cumnat brother-in-law cumnat uncle unchi aunt mtu niece nepoat (de unchi sau mtu) nephew nepot (de unchi sau mtu) relative rud in-laws rude prin alian bachelor celibatar spinster celibatar an only child copil unic mill uzin, fabric, filatur, moar GRAMMAR I. POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS ( Adjectivele i pronumele posesive) Possessive Adjectives Plural Singular our - nostru, noastr, notri, noastre my meu, mea, mei, mele your vostru, voastr, votri, voastre your tu, ta, ti, tale their lor his lui her ei its lui, ei Possesive Pronouns Singular mine al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele yours al tu, a ta, ai ti, ale tale his al lui, a lui, ai lui, ale lui hers al ei, a ei, ai ei, ale ei its su, a sa, ai si, ale sale Plural ours al nostru, a noastr, ai notri, ale noastre yours al vostru, a voastr, ai votri, ale voastre theirs al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor

Pronumele posesiv nlocuiete att numele obiectului posedat ct i al posesorului. Pronumele posesive nu determin substantive ca adjectivele posesive, ci le nlocuiesc. 27

Observai mai jos diferena dintre adjectivul i pronumele posesiv i pronumele personal n cazul dativ/acuzativ: Possessive adjective: Its my car. Possessive pronoun: Its mine. Personal pronoun: It belongs to me. II. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS (Adjectivele i pronumele demonstrative) de apropiere de deprtare Singular this that Plural these those Se traduc: this acest, aceast; acesta, aceasta that acel, acea; acela, aceea these aceti, aceste; acetia, acestea those acei, acele; aceia, acelea 1. Possessive Adjectives Where is my book? She gave me his address. Our classroom is very nice . His coat is new. Her dress is nice. Our house stands in a quiet street The room is large. Its walls are white. Possessive Pronouns This book is mine. I have lost my pencil Please, give me yours. This is not their house, theirs is bigger than his. The new coat is his. This nice dress is hers. This house is ours. The fault is mine. These seats are theirs.

2. Demonstrative Adjectives This young man is my best friend. That house is very small. These pencils are good. Those flowers are roses.

Demonstrative Pronouns This is my dictionary and that is hers. These are his magazines, and those are mine.

III. THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE (Prezentul perfect continuu) Se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului TO BE la prezentul perfect i participiul 28

prezent (-ing) al verbului de conjugat: HAVE (HAS) BEEN + Ving Interrogative Have I been working? I have been working / Ive been working Have you been working? You have been working Has he, she, it been working? He, she, it has been working/Hes been Have we been working? Have you been working? We have been working Have they been working? You have been working They have been working Negative I have not been working / I havent been You have not been working He, she, it has not been working We have not been working You have not been working They have not been working Interrogative - Negative Have I not been working?/ Havent I been Have you not been working? Has he, she, it not been working? Have we not been working? Have you not been working? Have they not been working? Affirmative

Prezentul perfect la aspectul continuu se folosete: 1. pentru o aciune care a nceput n trecut i care continu i n present: Ive been waiting for him for half an hour. (Im still waiting for him) 2. pentru o aciune care a nceput n trecut i care tocmai s-a ncheiat: Im so sorry Im late. Have you been waiting for me for a long time? EXERCISES I. Enlarge upon: a) Your own family. b) Three relatives. Describe each one to a friend: - What each relative looks like. - Where he / she lives and works. - What his / her interests are. II. Ask questions to the following sentences, according to the model: Model: Ive been waiting for you for half an hour. How long have you been waiting for me?


1. He has been teaching French for two years. 2. Ive been writing the letter for an hour. 3. The children have been playing in the park since they came from school. 4. She has been working in the garden since 8 oclock. 5. The boys have been fishing since early in the morning. 6. He has been staying with us for a week. 7. He has been reading since I have been here. 8. I have been peeling potatoes for twenty minutes now. 9. She has been teaching at this school for five years. III. Write the following sentences in the plural: 1. This is an interesting book. 2. That clock is slow. 3. This little boy is Marys brother. 4. That young man is a student at the Faculty of Trade. 5. This family is a very big one. 6. That play was very good, the acting was wonderful indeed! 7. That is a naughty boy, isnt he? 8. This is the most beautiful crystal glass Ive ever seen. 9. That dictionary was printed in 1903. 10. This is the ring she lost yesterday. IV. Replace the underlined words by possessive adjectives: 1.Johns book is on the desk. 2. The childrens toys are neatly arranged on the shelves. 3. My sisters room is very large and clean. 4. Where are mothers shoes? 5. Our brothers new books are extremely valuable 6. Marys old flat looks quite shabby. 7. The students copybooks are all on the desks. 8. Your sisters watch is very nice and keeps good time. V. Translate into English: a) 1. Familia lor este foarte numeroas. 2. Casa noastr este situat pe o strad extrem de linitit. 3. Familia ei locuiete n Bucureti; unde locuiete a ta? 4. Fratele ei mai mare lucreaz de doi ani la o uzin de tractoare. 5. Inelul lui de logodn este aici; unde este al tu? 6. Aceast tnr este fata cumnatului vostru, nu-i aa? 7. Acestea sunt darurile de nunt pe care le-au primit tinerii cstorii de la bunica lor. 8. Aceste verighete sunt pentru nunta lor de argint. 9. Florile acelea le-am cumprat pentru stbunica mea. 10. Apartamentul acela este nc neocupat.


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