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In this part,the agent visits the customer and get to know about customer policy need.They ivestigate the need for possible s/w automation in the given policy system.By the end of the feasibility study,the team furnishes a document that holds the different specific recommendations for the customer policy system. It asks whether the agents concept of their desired new policy is actually an achievable, realistic goal, in terms of money and time of the original policy.Often it may decided to simply update an existing policy rather than to completly replace one. A documented census that the project will be successfull for the effort envolved.An objective or group of objectives should be understood prior as the root of the analysis.Aspects such as cost other alternatives and constraints on exciting and further solution, should be investigated and documented.At this point, it should be determined whether the project should continue or not.

It is an important step in system studying as the system cant be developed without the technical support.The technical issues usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation include there: Does the neccessary technology exist to do what is suggested (and can be acquired)?

Can the system be expanded if developed. Are there technical guarantess of accuracy,relability,ease of access and data security? As far as technical feasibility is concerned the requirment for building this project has been adequate ly fullfilled. In fact the requirment were easily attainable.S/W were the platform of J2ee.Java 1.4.0 version, Microsoft windows XP,1.6 GHz processor and a min. of 512 mb RAM.Hard-daisk 95 to 270 mb.Other s/w required were AST, WEBSPHERE and RaTIONAL ROSE s/w for eml diagrams.

Economic Feasibility study typically involves cost/benefit analysis.The process involves the following: Identification of costs and benefits to a given policy system. Categorization of the various costs and benefits. Select a method of evaluation. Interpret the result of analysis. Take action.

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned into info system that will meet the organisations operating requirments.The process involves the following: Is there sufficient support for the project from management?From users?

Are current business methods acceptable to the user?If not users may welcome a change that will bring about a more operational and useful system. Have the users been involved in planning and developed of the project? Will accessibility of the information be lost?Will customer be affected in an undesirable way?

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