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Use of ACORGA® NR Reagents in the Presence of

Nitrate Ions in SX: The State of the Art

Rodrigo Zambra*, Alejandro Quilodran, Gonzalo Rivera, and Osvaldo Castro

Given the relevance of the nitration threat in Chile due to high nitrate containing ores in some
plants and the lack of an available practical solution for the industry, Cytec developed a superior
line of modified aldoxime extractants.

This work presents the results of studies of different solvent Nitration is certainly a function of the nitrate concentration
extraction operations in the north of Chile where nitration in aqueous solutions, but it is also a function of the
concerns are the greatest. While all copper solvent extraction acidity, temperature, redox potential, interfacial tension
operations have some nitrates present, this paper is focused and the reactivity of the aqueous and organic phases.
on the four copper SX plants that have the potential for Nitration of oxime compounds leads not only to reduced
appreciable levels of nitrate ions in their leach solutions. copper transference capacity, but also increased phase
disengagement times, reduced interfacial tension, increased
Nitration is a phenomenon that initially attracted the entrainment and hydrolytic degradation.
interest of the copper mining industry in the late 90’s due
to the experience at Lomas Bayas where they experienced Given the relevance of the nitration threat in Chile due to
significant nitration of the organic inventory. Since then high nitrate containing ores in some plants and the lack
the industry developed the position that ketoxime-based of an available practical solution for the industry, Cytec
extractants were the best solution for operations with developed a superior line of modified aldoxime extractants.
nitration risk. These products, known commercially as the ACORGA® NR
series, provide nitration protection without reducing copper
Nitrated oximes (ketoximes and aldoximes) form stable production capacity.
Cu complexes that prevent the stripping of copper. Once
the oxime is nitrated, the oxime no longer works as an Examples of the relative performance of ACORGA NR
extractant because that portion of the organic no longer series extractants and ketoxime-based extractants are
transfers copper. discussed next.

The nitration mechanism is shown below:

NO3- + H2SO4 ⇔ HNO3 + HSO4- (1)

HNO3 + H2SO4 ⇔ NO2+ + H2O + HSO4- (2)

R1 + NO2+ R1 R1
H +

R2 R2 R2

R1 H or CH3 (aldoxime or ketoxime)

R2 C9H19 or C12H25 (nonylaldoxime or dodecylaldoxime)


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