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University Of Wales

MBA Assignment



3tudent lU: 14787



1 lnLroducLlon 3
2 lnformaLlon Lechnology 3
3 LoglsLlcs and lnformaLlon sysLems 4
4 ups lnLroducLlon 3
41 uS World porL 6
42 SmarL Labels 6
43 AuS8 1echnologles 7
44 uS 8oadneL 1ransporLaLlon SulLe 8
44 1he uS uellvery lnformaLlon AcqulslLlon uevlce 9
43 Web page 10
46 8uslness SoluLlons 10
3 8ecommendaLlons 12
31 CuLsourclng 12
32 LCommerce 13
33 CompeLlLlve 13
34 CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL and rlsk managemenL 14
6 Concluslon 13
7 8eferences 16


8uslness world and Lhe economy are rapldly changlng wlLh lnLerneL Lechnologles ln LhaL reason
lL brlngs wlLh lL very dlfferenL Lerms and appllcaLlons LnLrepreneurs and blg companles saw Lhe
value of lnformaLlon and Lhey leanL Lo manage Lo geL Lo know how hlghesL reLurn of Lhls
lnformaLlon 8esulL ls lnformaLlon managemenL has emerged for noL loslng lnformaLlon noL wasLlng
producLlve uslng and rlghL dlrecLlon
Learnlng Lo change plannlng and lmplemenLlng are Lhe mosL lmporLanL prlorlLy for Lhe long
Lerm survlval and success of Lhe enLerprlse ln Lodays compeLlLlve buslness world 1he Lype and slze
of Lhe compeLlLlon whlch faced by Lodays buslness world ls exLremely complex and rapldly
changlng Powever Lhe process of change creaLes a slgnlflcanL lmpacL of macro and mlcro conLexL
and lL redeflnes forms of buslness sLrucLures and Lhe relaLlonshlps ln Lhls conLexL all Lhe acLlvlLles
of enLerprlses sLarLed Lo use lnformaLlon Lechnology effecLlvely As a resulL enLerprlses re organlzed
for effecLlvely use Lechnology 8eynolds C (2010)

Information tecbnology

lnformaLlon 1echnology acLually ls a resulL of developmenLs ln Lhe compuLer lndusLry
lnformaLlon 1echnology ls an area whlch conLalns sLore daLa LransmlL and process Lechnologles
used for compuLer hardware and sofLware 8uL for Loday lnformaLlon 1echnology (l1) ls noL only
llmlLed area wlLh sofLware lnsLallaLlon and conflguraLlon of compuLer sysLems WlLh a vlew LodaLe
LhaL l1 has mulLlple componenLs whlch such as compuLer hardware sofLware neLworks
communlcaLlon Lechnologles Lralned manpower ln Lhls fleld procedures lnLerneL lnLraneL and
communlcaLlons Lools PlnLon M (2006)

lnformaLlon Lechnology lncludes lnformaLlon gaLherlng processlng sLorage and neLworks users
communlcaLed from place Lo place Lhrough Lhe provlslon of servlces for communlcaLlons and
compuLer Lechnologles lnformaLlon Lechnology ls communlcaLlons and lnformaLlon servlces whlch
ls lncludlng compuLer sysLems So Lhls concepL we cannoL [usL llmlL Lo compuLer hardware and
sofLware lranl Z Love (2008) lnformaLlon Lechnology has 4 baslc caLegorles

4 LqulpmenL
lnformaLlon Lechnology relaLes Lo all oLher dlsclpllnes As a resulL Lhe appllcaLlon of very dlfferenL
ways lL offers us an unllmlLed lnfluence and opporLunlLy for growLh lnformaLlon Lechnology also
provldes us access Lo lnformaLlon qulckly aL any Llme and ln anywhere lncrease ln Lhe raLe of
lnformaLlon flow lL allows cycle of Lhe Lrlangle whlch ls sclence Lechnology and Lhe producLlon
8lvard S AuberL 8 aLry M are C SmlLh P (2004)
l1 provldes Lhe companles followlng Lhlngs
Pelps declslonmaklng processes uaLabase sysLems spreadsheeL programs and many oLher
sofLware sysLems evaluaLe enLerprlse daLa and glve Lo meanlngful lnformaLlon Lo declslon maker
8educes CosLs lnformaLlon Lechnology Lools( producL developmenL manufacLurlng dlsLrlbuLlon
and cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL) greaLly reduces Lhe cosLs and provldes Llme savlng ln
addlLlon Lhe lnLerneL lnLraneL neLworklng and communlcaLlons reduces Lhe communlcaLlon cosLs
beLween offlces
Allows Lhe flow of lnformaLlon Lhe lnformaLlon flow ls provlded wlLhln Lhe company Lach level
of lnformaLlon flows qulckly Lo Lhe polnL ln LhaL reason Lhe companys employees works producLlve
AglllLy When Lhe markeL and Lhe law change Lhe company has Lo adapL Lo changes qulckly
CompuLer sysLems provlde Lo move qulckly wlLh Lhe new procedures wlLh documenL managemenL
and workflow sysLems

Logistics and information systems

uevelopmenL of lnformaLlon Lechnology seems Lo be much more lmporLanL ln LoglsLlcs
secLor Lhan several oLher secLors Coods rouLe plannlng preparaLlon of documenLs shlpmenL
dellvery recovery of cosL of goods reLurned goods loglsLlcs such as Lhe wldespread use of
lnformaLlon Lechnology and when we evaluaLe we can see on all Lhe loglsLlcs processes 1herefore
Lhe use of lnformaLlon Lechnology ln loglsLlcs sLraLeglc plannlng plays a vlLal role lnsLanL Lransfer of
quallLy lnformaLlon provldes Lo producLs aL Lhe rlghL Llme rlghL place wlLh Lhe submlsslon of correcL
lnformaLlon lnformaLlon Lechnologles provlde Lo companles' hlgh Lechnologles quallfled and mulLl
speed analysls compared Lo lLs compeLlLors lnformaLlon Lechnologles can manage LransporL
operaLlons order Laklng shlpplng lnformaLlon places of dellvery fleeL managemenL such as reLurn
load up all Lhe processes underlylng Lhe lnformaLlon Lechnology lnfrasLrucLure ln loglsLlcs processes
lrom glvlng Lhe urchasers order producLlonrelaLed loglsLlcs produces lnLeracLlve realLlme servlce

wlLh flnanclal plannlng warehouse managemenL lnvenLory conLrol shlpplng carrlers such as
plannlng Lhe enLlre process
LoglsLlcs lndusLry uses prlmarlly Lhls programs

LCommerce and LLoglsLlcs
lnLerneL lnLraneL LxLraneL
Cps Cprs 3g
LlecLronlc uaLa lnLerchange (Lul)
LnLerprlse 8esource lannlng (L8)
MaLerlal 8equlremenLs lannlng (M8 1)
ManufacLurlng 8esources lannlng (M8 2
Supply Chaln ManagemenL sysLem (SCM)
Warehouse sofLware sysLem (WSS)
1ransporLaLlon ManagemenL SysLem (1MS)
Ceographlc lnformaLlon SysLem (ClS)
vehlcle 1racklng SysLem (A1S)
Crder ManagemenL SysLem (CMS)
Advanced lannlng SysLems (AS)

Ups introduction

uS ls offerlng Lo cusLomers Supply Chaln SoluLlons loglsLlcs global frelghL flnanclal and posLal
servlces and lL lmproves Lhelr buslness performance lL ls vlbranL organlzaLlon LhaL lL develops global
supply chalns
uS servlces Lo ordlnary people on Lhe one hand uS ls a soluLlon parLner of Lhe large and small
companles A company LhaL ls able Lo accepL buslness shlpmenLs of Lhe complex such as lndlvldual
submlsslons are also accepLed
AlmosL 4300 workers work ln 1echnology deparLmenLs and ups has 12 maln servers CapaclLy of
malnframe 32000 and unlx sLorages are 10 and Lhere are almosL 192000 worksLaLlon and Lap Lop
users and ups has 13727 physlcal servers And almosL 110000 ulAuS are used AlmosL 21 mllllon
people use ups maln www page Cnllne 1racklng Average ually usage 1racklng 8equesLs 262
mllllon worklng days per


UPS World port
uS World porL ls Lhe worlds largesL fully auLomaLed package processlng faclllLy CapaclLy
ls 13 mllllon packeLs processlng also lL reached 29 mllllon packages per day ln uay of 2010 and
also Lhls operaLlon works wlLh 130 alrcrafL per day currenLly Slze of operaLlon ls almosL 3 mllllon
square feeL and Lhe capaclLy of sorL ls almosL 30000 packages ln per hour Lhls ls Lhe phase one
1he oLher phase's capaclLy ls almosL 42000 packages per hour number of conveyors are 33243
and Lhese are 133 mlles long 1here 37 scan Lunnels and 346 camera Lunnels ln Lhls planL
Small packages parcels and lrregularslzed shlpmenLs dellver Lo cusLomer wlLh uslng by hlgh
speed conveyors smarL labels and blg over head cameras 1hls auLomaLlc equlpmenL smarL label
sysLem and all over lmprovemenL sLudylng galns producLlve labour worklng opLlmum amounL of
labour force and reduclng Lhe average package cyclesorLlng span Lo company 1hls lnformaLlon
Lechnology speeds up Lhe lnLernaLlonal shlpmenLs and glves Lhe lnformaLlon Lhe cusLomer qulckly
and on Llme
1hls ls Lhe absoluLely concreLe Lechnologlcal [ungle Lhere are superslze scanners over a
hundred mlles conveyors mega compuLers are runnlng llke monsLer machlnes and one of Lhe
blggesL alr porL an earLh ln Lhls ulLlmaLe facLorles

Smart Labels
1he uS SmarL Label ls a shlpplng label whlch ls compuLergeneraLed and cusLomers can
easlly creaLe wlLh Lhelr personnel compuLers 'he baslc prlnclple of formaLlon ls 8arcode sysLem
1hls SmarL label ls very lmporLanL for where a package ls golng and when lL needs Lo geL Lhere and
lL lncludes Lhls klnd of lnformaLlon All of Lhls klnd of dlsLlncLlve alphanumerlc sequences read by
scannlng cameras 1hls slmple looklng barcodes work llke a passporL for uS

llgure SmarL label
AO Routing ode: Route a package within a UPS building.

O Postal Bar ode: ZIP Code Ior destination.
CO Service Icon: Level oI service label.
DO Maxiode: InIormation about Package.
EO tracking number: For customer Iollow a package

ADS-B Tecbnologies
ADS- is the very current and new generation technology oI air traIIic management.
This technology is using 3 principles these are CCMMunlCA1lCnS nAvlCA1lCn
Su8vLlLLAnCL 1hls ls called Lhe deploymenL of AuLomaLlc uependenL Survelllance 8roadcasL
(AuS8)lL supporLs beLLer communlcaLlon manage Lo plane and see Lhe earLhs surface Lo plloLs and
plane conLroller
1he uS's slogan ls Synchronlzlng Lhe world of commerce" ln LhaL reason uS needs Lo deal
wlLh more Lhan 100 frelghLers whlch are mlx of 8oelng 747s 737s 767s Alrbus 300s and Mu11
lanes arrlve and Lake off almosL Lhree mlnuLes ln Lhls porL Lhls means alr Lrafflc ls very busy and
also unload Lhe alrcrafL wlLh uslng conLrol of compuLer conveyor bands sorL of parcels are parL of
Lhls rush Lrafflcs All of Lhese are happenlng ln Lhe nlghL hour and Llme runs ouL Lhls means Llme ls
very lmporLanL for uS for cope wlLh all Lhls acLlons Lhls ls noL wonder for uS uS use AuS8
Lechnology across lLs alrcrafL fleeL More Lhan 100 person manage Lhls acLlvlLy and Lhey are worklng
sysLem operaLlon cabln ln Lhe company's global operaLlons cenLreuS ls uslng Lhls Lechnology
beLween plane and uS alrporL Lrafflc conLrol


UPS Roadnet@ Transportation Suite

llgure8oad neL Access

llgure8oad neL 8ouLe plannlng

ln Lhese days conslsLenLly rlslng fuel cosLs lncreaslng cusLomer servlce demands drlver and
vehlcle Lracklng and lmprovlng proflLablllLy ls very lmporLanL for companles Companles whlch are

effecLlvely managlng all aspecLs of Lhe LransporLaLlon use 1he 8oadneL 1ransporLaLlon SulL lL
permlLs rouLe load plannlng uslng wlLh C8S and dlspaLch collecL real Llme daLa collecLlon and
analysls all Lhese daLa
uS uses Lhls program opLlmum drop number dlsLance conLrol rouLe plannlng onllne daLa
collecLlon on Llme dellvery lmprove cusLomer servlce and opLlmum volume and welghL conLrol and
uslng end day reporL
Tbe UPS Delivery Information Acquisition Device

Lvery uS drlver carry own each handheld uellvery lnformaLlon AcqulslLlon uevlce (ulAu) ulAu
has been developed lnsLanLly save Lhe dellvery lnformaLlon and lnsLall Lo neLwork ulAu converL Lo
lnformaLlon even lf lL ls a reclplenLs slgnaLure and lL conLalns dlglLal lmages ln Lhls way lL glves Lo
cusLomer realLlme lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr dellvery 1hls unlque devlce also allows drlvers Lo be ln
consLanL conLacL cenLres 1he devlce changlng plckup schedules allows Lhem Lo follow Lrafflc
paLLerns and oLher lmporLanL messages
AL Lhe oLher end of Lhe specLrum uSneL ls lnLernaLlonal package processlng and dellvery of
lnformaLlon Lo global elecLronlc daLa communlcaLlons and neLwork provldlng processlng llne
uSneL uses saLelllLe for 46 counLrles more Lhan 1300 uS dlsLrlbuLlon slLe on Lhe communlcaLlon
llne Lo connecL Lo Lhe 300000 of Lhe shafL
ulAu lv has wlreless local area neLwork connecLlvlLy (Wlll) a bullLln Clobal ackeL 8adlo
Servlce (C8S) or Code ulvlslon MulLlple Access radlo (CuMA)And also has an acousLlcal modem for
dlalup access even lf lL depends on locaLlon lL provldes a connecLlon for wlLhln a nearby uS cenLre
1he devlce also can communlcaLe cusLomer personal compuLers wlLh a 8lueLooLh wlreless personal
1hls All of Lhe new Lechnology ls focused on one resulL whlch ls cusLomer saLlsfacLlon and Lhe
way ls flnd a besL cusLomer servlce
WhaL ls Lhe 8eneflL of Lhls sysLem?
O 8educe dellvery Llme and Lracklng
O Less paper and pen [ob
O roducLlve processes and operaLlonal sLuff managemenL
O More lnformaLlon abouL cusLomers and dellvery
O Cnllne waLch and easy Lo reach Lo daLa
uS 8y uslng Lhe ulAu ups doesn'L use 89 mllllon sheeLs of paper per year Lhls means 7308 Lrees
are sLlll allve

Web page
lf cusLomer ls onllne or on Lhelr [ob uS always Lry Lo flnd a soluLlon Lo your needs Lhe
cusLomer do shlpplng label creaLlon shlpmenL sLaLus Lracklng and flnd more deLalled lnformaLlon
uS can do lL all wlLh uS home page
?ou can flnd prlces and uellvery 1lmes repare your package for shlpplng LocaLe 8ranch urop
ackage you can open an accounL you can prlnL Label and lnvolces communlcaLe Lhese Lo your
shlpmenL Lo uS you can dlsplay your recenL dellvery and you can cancel your shlpmenL from uS
lnLerneL pages

Business Solutions

O 1ransportat|on Management Serv|ces
1ransporLaLlon ManagemenL Servlces
neLwork managemenL
Speclal handllng
1rade Show and ConvenLlon SupporL
O |str|but|on
uS's cusLomers achleve Lhe beneflLs of cosL and servlce neLwork of uS exlsLlng faclllLles and Lhey
can use l1 sysLems and loglsLlcs servlces
O 9ost sa|es and spare parts
Crder of crlLlcal parL sysLems
8eLurns and 8ecycle managemenL
arLs and lnvenLory managemenL
1echnlcal servlce and 8epalr
O Supp||er ] Vendor Management
Suppller managemenL
Clobal dlsLrlbuLlon managemenL

Supply chaln deslgn and plannlng servlce
O Ma|| Serv|ces
uomesLlc and lnLernaLlonal
8uslness parLnershlp ls very lmporLanL for Lhe companles 8uslnesses wanL Lo do only Lhelr own
[obs whlch are on Lhelr LalenL and skllls lf companles don'L wanL Lo use CompeLence core or
essence (Lhe baslc core) capablllLles Lhey can work wlLh ouLslde Lhe organlzaLlon or oLher
companles and lL called ouLsourclng or Lo beneflL from exLernal sources" 8uslnesses by
ouLsourclng Lo make resource savlngs as a smaller and smaller sLrucLures (downslzlng) becomlng
lean focused on Lhelr [obs
1here some companles work wlLh uS

Genera| Motor
O Manage Lhe supply chaln for CM warranLy parLs
O LffecLlvely loglsLlcs sysLem
ar|ey av|dson
O 8educe Lhe dellvery Llmes
O uecrease LransporLaLlon and lnvenLory cosLs
O uealershlp and cusLomer saLlsfacLlon
O SupporL !l1 and Lean processes managemenL
O Lower dlsLrlbuLlon cosL
O Cn Llme dellvery performance
O LvaluaLe lnvenLory and order fulflllmenL sysLem
O new dlsLrlbuLlon sLraLegy deslgn and lmplemenLaLlon
O LvaluaLe supply chaln managemenL
o|ron Group
O lmplemenL uS's exLenslve warehouslng soluLlon
O llexlble sLorage SoluLlon
O 8ellable dlsLrlbuLlon parLner
O Manage all supply chaln acLlvlLles
O Access Lo Luropean markeL

O CompeLlLlve poslLlon
O 8educe LransporLaLlon carrles
O CenLrallzed dlsLrlbuLlon cenLre
O Manage documenLaLlon bllllng cusLom clear
|tach| GS1
O CpLlmlzed LransporLaLlon
O ConsolldaLed global dlsLrlbuLlon faclllLles

1he slmplesL form of ouLsourclng ls wlLhln Lhe company prevlously produced goods or servlces
are supplled from ouLslde 8arrar Cevalr 8 (2006)
8uslness wanLs Lo do Lhelr own [obs based on Lhelr LalenL and skllls or Lhe selfs baslc skllls (core
compeLence) ls noL used ln areas Lhey used anoLher companles
1o beneflL from exLernal sources flrms compeLe wlLh Lhelr own capablllLles Lo provlde space
relaLed buslness Lo do Lhelr own ouLslde Lhe capablllLles of selfwork deflned as Lhose who
speclallze ln Lhelr supply buslnesses
uS LoglsLlcs speclallzes dlsLrlbuLlon suppller managemenL and ln sLorage uS offers servlces
Lo companles ln Lhese maLLers Companles focused Lhe producLlon Lhey recelve supporL from uS ln
Lhose areas
1hls Lrend wlll lncrease even more ln laLer years Companles wlll glve Lhese klnds of buslness
acLlvlLles whlch ls Lhe oLher companles experlence aparL from focused acLlvlLles ln addlLlon Lhe flrm
musL meeL Lo provlde acLlvlLles Lhrough ouLsourclng Company wlll be concenLraLlng enLlrely on
Lhelr baslc skllls 1herefore company wlll be compeLlLlve Lhelr own buslness
1here are many more large and small companles ln Lhe posLal secLor Cf course uS sLands ouL
ln Lhls secLor uS may noL compeLlLlve ordlnary mall area CLher companles may provlde a small
advanLage on cosL of Lhe mall ups show where more speclallzed and more and more experLs lLs
where Lhe buslness of ouLsourclng And uS should do Lhelr lnvesLmenLs ln Lhls buslness area ln Lhe
fuLure because producLlon companles are looklng for new parLnershlp loglsLlcs area
lnformaLlon Lechnology requlres ls very large lnvesLmenLs ln loglsLlcs ouLsourclng 1racklng
sysLems warehouse managemenL sysLems and communlcaLlon sysLems should make greaLer
lnvesLmenLs ln more parLlclpanLs

LlecLronlc commerce (ecommerce) goods and servlces producLlon promoLlon sales lnsurance
dlsLrlbuLlon and paymenL processlng ls done Lhrough compuLer neLworks LlecLronlc Lrade
commerclal LransacLlons elecLronlcally vla Lhe adopLlon of one or all of adverLlslng and markeL
research ls done ConslsLs of Lhree sLages paymenL order and dellvery 8oLha ! 8oLhma C
Celenhuys (2007)
LlecLronlc commerce ls consldered Lhe mosL effecLlve means ln Lerms of new lnLerneL
Lechnologles volce vldeo and LexL and lasLer and safer Lhe cosL of Lhese LransacLlons over Lhe
lnLerneL ls qulLe low compared Lo oLher vehlcles LlecLronlc commerce Lools Lhose who Lrade wlLh
each oLher Lo faclllLaLe commerclal LransacLlons of all klnds of Lechnologlcal producLs (Lelephone
fax Lelevlslon compuLer elecLronlc paymenL and money Lransfer sysLems we Lhlnk LhaL elecLronlc
daLa lnLerchange sysLems (LlecLronlc uaLa lnLerchangeLul) lnLerneL access)
Lxchanges LhaL occur ln elecLronlc form no maLLer wheLher Lhe flnal consumer or beLween
buslnesses no maLLer Lhe physlcal envlronmenL resulLlng ls a LransporL and dellvery 1herefore lL
wlll creaLe a slgnlflcanL growLh of elecLronlc commerce ln loglsLlcs lndusLry lncrease ln sales over Lhe
lnLerneL Lhe new dlsLrlbuLlon LransporLaLlon and loglsLlcs also wlll ralse Lhe models Cn Lhe oLher
hand changes ln reLalllng and Lhe developmenL of subservlces as warehouslng dlsLrlbuLlon servlce
packlng and packaglng wlll change and wlll lmprove As a resulL Lhe lnLerneL and ecommerce wlll
grow and change wlLh Lhe developmenL of loglsLlcs secLor

1here are Loo many local and lnLernaLlonal flrms ln arcel LransporLaLlon area Also Lhere ls a
very sLrong compeLlLlon beLween Lhe players ln Lhls lndusLry 1hese compeLlLlve companles also
need Lo be acLlve ln lnLernaLlonal LransporLaLlon as well as domesLlc LransporL 1herefore Lhe
lnLernaLlonally famous among flrms wlll have Lo use Lhe neLwork of local flrms ln Lhls counLry ln Lhls
compeLlLlve envlronmenL for enLer Lhls compeLlLlve domesLlc posLal area Lhey have Lo choose Lhe
mosL acLlve and Lhe mosL approprlaLe local parLner 1he lmporLanL polnL here boLh sldes of Lhe
Llssues should sulL each oLher
uS has preLLy hard compeLlLors because of Lhe secLor ls really compeLlLlve lf uS wanLs Lo
conLlnue lLs leadershlp ln Lhls secLor ln uS has Lo make Lhe Lechnologlcal lnvesLmenLs ln Lhls
growlng secLor of Lhe fuLure uS has a very blg compeLlLor whlch ls ledLx uPL 1n1 1hls
compeLlLlon companles lnvesL Lhe Lechnology every day uS ls Lhe flrsL place ln Lhls secLor because
uS glves Lhe lmporLance Lo lnvesLlng Lo Lhe 1echnologles Slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe founded
uS dellvers Lo cusLomer's easyLouse flexlble Lechnology Lo lLs cusLomers uS ls offerlngs
LhaL sLreamllne Lhelr shlpmenL processlng and lnLegraLe crlLlcal LransporLaLlon lnformaLlon lnLo Lhelr
buslness processes helplng Lhem creaLe supply chaln efflclencles lmprove Lhelr cash flows and
serve Lhelr cusLomers
1hls ls Lhe uS's dlfferences from oLher parcel or LransporLaLlon companles and ups follows Lhe
Lechnologles Lhelr operaLlons and lL offers Lhe cusLomers dlfferenL soluLlons relaLed Lechnologles

1hls klnd of Lechnologlcal approaches provldes Lo uS flrsL place ln loglsLlcs secLor 1hese means
always lnvesL Lo Lechnology and lnnovaLlon

Customer Relationsbip Management and risk management

Customer Relationsbip Management
1he concepL of cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL ls resulL of Lodays markeLlng undersLandlng
lor markeLs compeLlLlveness ls always requlre Lo be dlfferenL every Llme 1herefore one of Lhe
mosL lmporLanL ways of dlfferenLlaLlon ls cusLomer relaLlons Anderson k kerr C (2002)
8easons for Lhe emergence of C8M

Mass markeLlng ls geLLlng more and more expenslve Lhe way of Lo wln a cusLomer

markeL share ls noL lmporLanL Lhan Lhe cusLomer share
CusLomer saLlsfacLlon and cusLomer loyalLy concepLs are more lmporLanL
undersLandlng Lhe value of exlsLlng cusLomers
lnLense compeLlLlve envlronmenL
CommunlcaLlon Lechnologles (web emall ) and daLa base managemenL sysLems

1here are Lhree Lypes of Lechnologles for based on learnlng relaLlonshlps beLween cusLomer and
companles daLabase lnLeracLlve medla cusLommade mass producLlon Lechnology And fuLure
cusLomers wlll be so shorL shopplng Llmes and Lhe expecLaLlon levels are very hlgh very good aL
lnformaLlon Lechnology Companles LhaL wlll serve fuLure generaLlons have abouL lLs cusLomers a
very wlde range of daLabases and Lhey can manage cusLomer relaLlonshlps wlLh has been reached by
advanced lnformaLlon Lechnologles
ln LhaL reason CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL ls very lmporLanL for ups

Risk management
1echnology securlLy ls very lmporLanL aL Lhe era of lnformaLlon 1herefore Lhe personal and
prlvaLe lnformaLlon has been Laken from cusLomers and companles wlLhouL cusLomer or company
allowance do noL share wlLh somewhere or some place Crouhy M Calal u Mark 8 (2001)
CusLomer lnformaLlon ls very useful and very lmporLanL from lnLerneL provlder servlces and

Lechnologles ueflnlLely Lhls lnformaLlon should be secured by rovlder Company CLherwlse Lhls
sLolen lnformaLlon can be used or shared for oLher purposes or plaLforms AL Lhe same Llme Lhe
company should prevenL Lhe loss of Lhls lnformaLlon 1hese Lwo lssues are very lmporLanL for daLa
Packer aLLacks ls Lhe blggesL LhreaL of Loday lL ls noL posslble Lo answer wlLh anLlvlrus and
flrewall Lhls aLLacks 8ecause Lhe LhreaLs gaLeway server and Lermlnal (cllenL) whlch ls lncludlng all
layers and aL Lhe same Llme and lL ls comblnlng LradlLlonal meLhods of vlrus aLLack meLhods and
Lhey use all of aLLack meLhods and Lhey aLLack and hack more Lhan once lor Lhese reasons
companles should use more Lhan one sofLware whlch ls lnLegraLed SecurlLy SoluLlons (u1M unlfled
1hreaL ManagemenL)
lnformaLlon securlLy (daLa) and 8ackup (8ackup) Some of Lhe examples

- AnLlvlrus SoluLlons
- Archlvlng / 8ackup SoluLlons
- vn SoluLlons
- u1M / llrewall SoluLlons
lnformaLlon securlLy should be consldered a subsLrucLure of Lhe flrms as a whole AnLlvlrus
SoluLlons should be able Lo respond Lo spyware spam emalls vlruses phlshlng (phlshlng) aLLacks
and u8L fllLerlng
Some anLlvlrus soluLlons

- roLecLlon agalnsL spyware
- ConLenL and u8L fllLerlng
- roLecLlon agalnsL vlruses
- unsollclLed emall proLecLlon

. Conclusion
Accordlng Lo MorLer conLemporary buslness pracLlces for managlng lnformaLlon Lechnology wlll
be ln a poslLlon Lo absoluLely lndlspensable for managlng enLerprlse lnformaLlon sysLems wlll form
parL of Lhe overall buslness sLraLegy 8apldly evolvlng Lechnologles ln all secLors provldes a vasL
amounL of power Lo lnformaLlon Lechnology managers lnformaLlon Lechnology wlll be a sLraLeglc
deLermlnanL aL organlzaLlons of Lhe fuLure and also lnformaLlon Lechnology or l1 sysLem
admlnlsLraLors wlll deslgn Lo organlzaLlons and Lhey wlll adapL Lo lnformaLlon Lechnology Lo Lhe
sLraLeglc buslness plan Powever lL shouldn'L be forgoLLen lnformaLlon Lechnology do noL provlde a
sLraLeglc compeLlLlve advanLage alone lL peneLraLes almosL every area of acLlvlLy and lL allows Lhe

. Refeiences

Anderson k kerr C (2002) CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL Mcgraw Plll n?
8arrar Cevalr 8 (2006) Clobal ouLsourclng SLraLegles Cower ubllshlng Lngland
8oLha ! 8oLhma C Celenhuys (2007) LCommerce aarl rlnL SouLh Afrlca
Clarke S (2001) lnformaLlon SysLems SLraLeglc ManagemenL 8ouLledge n?
Crouhy M Calal u Mark 8 (2001)8lsk ManagemenL McCraw Plll n?
PlnLon M (2006) lnLroduclng lnformaLlon ManagemenL Lhe buslness Approach Llselver uk
lranl Z Love (2008) LvaluaLlng lnformaLlon SysLems Llselver Pungary
Leldner uL kayworLh 18 (2008) Clobal lnformaLlon SysLems Llselver Pungary
8eynolds C (2010) lnformaLlon 1echnology for Managers Course 1echnology 8osLon
8lvard S AuberL 8 aLry M are C SmlLh P (2004) lnformaLlon 1echnology and
CrganlzaLlonal 1ransformaLlon Llselver llmlLed Cxford

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8oadneL ava11ab1c !om. hLLp//wwwroadneLcom/ |Acccsscd 10 auus1 !011|

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uS WorldporL (2008)naLlonal geographlc ulLlmaLe lacLorles Mlchael Poff roducLlon usa (xvlu)

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