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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

T-1 T-2
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

( 第 123 章,附屬法例 A) (Cap. 123 sub. leg. A)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
第1部 Part 1
導言 Preliminary
1. 引稱 1-1 1. Citation 1-2
2. 釋義 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
第2部 Part 2
認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工 Authorized Persons, Registered Structural
程師、註冊檢驗人員及註冊承建商 Engineers, Registered Geotechnical
Engineers, Registered Inspectors and
Registered Contractors
3. 名列於名冊的資格 2-1 3. Qualification for inclusion in register 2-2
4. 對申請列入名冊所作的規定 2-7 4. Requirements upon application for inclusion 2-8
in register
4A. 關於列入一般建築承建商名冊及專門承建 2-9 4A. Requirements for inclusion in registers of 2-10
商名冊的規定 general building contractors and specialist
5. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工 2-11 5. Authorized person, registered structural 2-12
程師不得沒有向委託人披露而以承建商等 engineer or registered geotechnical engineer
身分行事 not to act as contractor, etc. without
disclosure to client
5A. 註冊檢驗人員不得沒有向委託人披露而從 2-11 5A. Registered inspector not to deal in building 2-12
事建築物料交易等 materials etc. without disclosure to client

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

T-3 T-4
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
第3部 Part 3
圖則、證明書及通知 Plans, Certificates and Notices
一般規定 General
6. 通知、圖則等的交付 3-1 6. Delivery of notices, plans, etc. 3-2
7. 通知等的填寫及其上的簽署 3-1 7. Completion of notices, etc. and signature 3-2
圖則 Plans
8. 就建築工程訂明的圖則 3-1 8. Prescribed plans in respect of building works 3-2
9. 就街道工程訂明的圖則 3-21 9. Prescribed plans in respect of street works 3-22
10. 建築事務監督要求取得額外圖則等的權力 3-23 10. Power of Building Authority to require 3-24
additional plans, etc.
11. 圖則須以一式兩份呈交 3-23 11. Plans to be submitted in duplicate 3-24
11A. 基礎圖則須與地盤平整工程圖則一併呈交 3-23 11A. Foundation plan to be submitted with site 3-24
formation plan
12. 圖則等須由製備的人簽署 3-23 12. Plans, etc. to be signed by person who 3-24
prepared them
13. 圖則比例 3-27 13. Ratio of plans 3-28
14. 圖則必須清楚及製圖的物料 3-29 14. Plans to be clear and material thereof 3-30
15. 建築事務監督拒絕接受圖則的權力 3-29 15. Power of Building Authority to refuse to 3-30
accept plans
16. ( 廢除 ) 3-29 16. (Repealed) 3-30
證明書 Certificates
17. ( 廢除 ) 3-29 17. (Repealed) 3-30
18. 穩定性證明書 3-29 18. Stability certificate 3-30

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

T-5 T-6
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
18A. 認可人士等發出的證明書須與圖則一併呈 3-31 18A. Certificate by authorized person, etc. to be 3-32
交 submitted with plans
通知 Notices
19. 製備呈交建築事務監督的圖則的認可人 3-31 19. Authorized person, registered structural 3-32
士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師如 engineer or registered geotechnical engineer
不再受聘須通知建築事務監督 who has prepared plans submitted to Building
Authority to notify Building Authority if he
ceases to be engaged
20. 在建築工程或街道工程展開前向建築事務 3-33 20. Notification to Building Authority before 3-34
監督發出通知 commencement of building works or street
21. ( 廢除 ) 3-35 21. (Repealed) 3-36
22. 更換認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩 3-35 22. Building Authority to be notified on change 3-36
土工程師、註冊承建商等時須通知建築事 of authorized person, registered structural
務監督 engineer, registered geotechnical engineer,
registered contractor, etc.
23. 須就委任等向建築事務監督提供的資料 3-41 23. Information to be supplied to Building 3-42
Authority respecting appointments, etc.
24. 不再獲委任的註冊承建商的責任 3-43 24. Duties of registered contractor who ceases to 3-44
be appointed
25. 註冊承建商及認可人士須在建築工程完成 3-43 25. Certificate to be given by registered contractor 3-44
時發出證明書 and authorized person on completion of
building works
25A. 供水證明書 3-47 25A. Certificates as to supply of water 3-48
26. 註冊承建商及認可人士須在街道工程完成 3-53 26. Certificate to be given by registered contractor 3-54
時發出證明書 and authorized person on completion of street

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T-7 T-8
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
27. ( 廢除 ) 3-55 27. (Repealed) 3-56
28. 就緊急工程聘用的認可人士、註冊結構工 3-55 28. Certificate to be given by authorized person, 3-56
程師、註冊岩土工程師及註冊承建商須發 registered structural engineer, registered
出證明書 geotechnical engineer and registered
contractor engaged in respect of emergency
第4部 Part 4
關於批准圖則和同意展開建築工程及街道 Procedure in connexion with Approval of
工程的程序 Plans and Consent for Commencement of
Building Works and Street Works
29. 要求批准的申請 4-1 29. Application for approval 4-2
30. 圖則的批准 4-1 30. Approval of plans 4-2
31. 要求同意展開工程的申請 4-5 31. Application for consent to commence 4-6
32. 同意展開工程 4-5 32. Consent to commencement 4-6
32A. ( 廢除 ) 4-5 32A. (Repealed) 4-6
33. 建築工程及街道工程的改動或加建 4-5 33. Alterations or additions to building works and 4-6
street works
34. 同意恢復暫停的工程 4-7 34. Consent to the resumption of suspended work 4-8
第5部 Part 5
就建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、 Duties of Authorized Person, Registered
註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師及註冊 Structural Engineer or Registered
承建商的職責 Geotechnical Engineer and Registered
Contractors Appointed in respect of
Building Works or Street Works
35. 本部所施加的職責對本條例或其他規例所 5-1 35. Duties imposed by this Part not to prejudice 5-2
施加的任何其他職責並無損害 any other duties imposed by Ordinance or
other regulations

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

T-9 T-10
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工 Authorized person, registered structural
程師 engineer or registered geotechnical
36. 認可人士向註冊承建商提供建築工程或街 5-1 36. Duty of authorized person to supply copy of 5-2
道工程圖則文本的職責 plans of building works or street works to
registered contractor
37. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工 5-3 37. Duty of authorized person, registered 5-4
程師的職責 structural engineer or registered geotechnical
38. 認可人士或註冊結構工程師將第 24 條所 5-5 38. Duty of authorized person or registered 5-6
指的通知呈交建築事務監督的職責 structural engineer to submit to Building
Authority notice under regulation 24
39. 在建築工程或街道工程完成後進行額外檢 5-7 39. Fees in respect of additional inspection upon 5-8
查的費用 completion of building works or street works
註冊承建商 Registered contractors
40. 註冊承建商在地盤備存經批准圖則及監工 5-7 40. Duty of registered contractor to keep 5-8
計劃書的職責 approved plans and supervision plans on site
41. 註冊承建商監督的職責 5-9 41. Duty of registered contractor to supervise 5-10
第6部 Part 6
費用及表格 Fees and Forms
42. 費用 6-1 42. Fees 6-2
43. ( 廢除 ) 6-25 43. (Repealed) 6-26
第7部 Part 7
雜項 Miscellaneous

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T-11 T-12
第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
44. 製備圖則的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或 7-1 44. Duty of authorized person, registered 7-2
註冊岩土工程師向建築事務監督提供他所 structural engineer or registered geotechnical
要求的資料的職責 engineer who has prepared plans to supply
to Building Authority such information as he
may require
45. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工 7-1 45. Duty of authorized person, registered 7-2
程師、註冊檢驗人員、註冊承建商等就更 structural engineer, registered geotechnical
改營業地址須通知建築事務監督的職責 engineer, registered inspector, registered
contractor, etc. to notify Building Authority
of change of business address
46. 建築事務監督在某些情況下要求新圖則的 7-1 46. Power of Building Authority to require new 7-2
權力 plans in certain cases
47. 根據本條例第 25 條發出的通知須附有圖 7-3 47. Notice under section 25 of Ordinance to be 7-4
則 accompanied by plan
48. 規例不適用於根據簡化規定展開的小型工 7-3 48. Regulations do not apply to minor works 7-4
程 commenced under simplified requirements
附表 ( 廢除 ) S-1 Schedule (Repealed) S-2

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

1-1 第1部 Part 1 1-2

第 123A 章 第1條 Regulation 1 Cap. 123A

《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

( 第 123 章第 38 條 ) (Cap. 123, section 38)

[1960 年 1 月 1 日 ] [1 January 1960]

( 格式變更 ——2012 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2012)

第1部 Part 1
導言 Preliminary
1. 引稱 1. Citation
本規例可引稱為《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》。 These regulations may be cited as the Building (Administration)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本規例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—
大型挖掘工程 (bulk excavation) 指所有挖掘工程,但就土地勘 authorized persons’ register (認可人士名冊) means the register
測、公用設施坑道、排水渠、污水渠、樁或沉箱而進行 kept under section 3(1) of the Ordinance; (L.N. 188 of 1974)
的挖掘工程除外; (1982 年第 233 號法律公告 ) bulk excavation (大型挖掘工程) means all excavation except
水務監督 (water authority)、水務設施 (waterworks) 具有《水務 excavation for ground investigation, public utility trenches,
設施條例》( 第 102 章 ) 第 2 條給予該兩詞的涵義; (1966 drains, sewers, piles or caissons; (L.N. 233 of 1982)
年第 63 號法律公告 ) geotechnical design assumption (岩土設計假定) means an
地盤平整工程圖則 (site formation plans) 指在第 8 條訂明的地 assumption regarding—
盤平整工程圖則; (1981 年第 75 號法律公告 ) (a) geological conditions;
岩土工程師名冊 (geotechnical engineers’ register) 指根據本條例 (b) groundwater and surfacewater conditions;
第 3(3A) 條備存的名冊; (2004 年第 15 號第 34 條 )
(c) site history;
岩土設計假定 (geotechnical design assumption) 指就下列事宜作
出的假定 ——

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

1-3 第1部 Part 1 1-4

第 123A 章 第2條 Regulation 2 Cap. 123A

(a) 地質狀況; (d) location and nature of services, utilities, drains and
(b) 地下水及地面水的狀況; sewers;
(c) 地盤的歷史; (e) existing site formation;
(d) 設施、公用設施、排水渠及污水渠的位置及性質; (f) foundations of existing buildings (whether on the site or
adjacent or nearby);
(e) 現有地盤平整工程;
(g) shear strength of materials;
(f) 現有建築物 ( 不論在地盤上或相鄰或附近 ) 的基礎;
(h) effect of the proposed works; and
(g) 物料的抗剪強度;
(i) any other geotechnical matters,
(h) 擬進行的工程的影響;及
on the basis of which the margin of safety of any building,
(i) 任何其他岩土事宜, street or natural, formed or man-made land is demonstrated
而在向建築事務監督呈交的文件中,是以上述假定為基 to be adequate in a submission to the Building Authority;
礎而顯示出任何建築物、街道或天然、經平整或人工建 (L.N. 75 of 1981)
築的土地的安全度是足夠的; (1981 年第 75 號法律公告 ) geotechnical engineers’ register (岩土工程師名冊) means the
結構工程師名冊 (structural engineers’ register) 指根據本條例第 register kept under section 3(3A) of the Ordinance; (15 of
3(3) 條備存的名冊; (1974 年第 188 號法律公告 ) 2004 s. 34)
認可人士名冊 (authorized persons’ register) 指根據本條例第 3(1) inspectors’ register (檢驗人員名冊) means the register kept under
條備存的名冊; (1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2011 年第 section 3(3B) of the Ordinance; (L.N. 147 of 2011)
147 號法律公告 ) site formation plans (地盤平整工程圖則) means the site formation
檢驗人員名冊 (inspectors’ register) 指根據本條例第 3(3B) 條備 plans prescribed in regulation 8; (L.N. 75 of 1981)
存的名冊。 (2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) structural engineers’ register (結構工程師名冊) means the
(1996 年第 54 號第 23 條 ) register kept under section 3(3) of the Ordinance; (L.N. 188
of 1974)
water authority (水務監督) and waterworks (水務設施) have the
meaning assigned to them by section 2 of the Waterworks
Ordinance (Cap. 102). (L.N. 63 of 1966)
(54 of 1996 s. 23)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-1 第2部 Part 2 2-2

第 123A 章 第3條 Regulation 3 Cap. 123A

第2部 Part 2
認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊 Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers,
檢驗人員及註冊承建商 Registered Geotechnical Engineers, Registered
(2004 年第 15 號第 35 條; 2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) Inspectors and Registered Contractors
(15 of 2004 s. 35; L.N. 147 of 2011)

3. 名列於名冊的資格 3. Qualification for inclusion in register

(1) 任何人除非是註冊建築師,並符合第 (6) 款的規定,否則 (1) A person shall not be included in the list of architects in the
不得列入認可人士名冊的建築師名單內。(1996 年第 54 authorized persons’ register unless he is a registered architect
號第 24 條 ) and complies with paragraph (6). (54 of 1996 s. 24)
(2) 任何人除非是土木或結構工程界別的註冊專業工程師, (2) A person shall not be included in the list of engineers in
並符合第 (6) 款的規定,否則不得列入認可人士名冊的工 the authorized persons’ register unless he is a registered
程師名單內。(1996 年第 54 號第 24 條 ) professional engineer in the civil or structural engineering
(3) 任何人除非是註冊專業測量師,並符合第 (6) 款的規定, discipline and complies with paragraph (6). (54 of 1996 s. 24)
否則不得列入認可人士名冊的測量師名單內。(1996 年第 (3) A person shall not be included in the list of surveyors in
54 號第 24 條 ) the authorized persons’ register unless he is a registered
(4) 任何人除非 —— professional surveyor and complies with paragraph (6). (54 of
1996 s. 24)
(a) 是結構或土木工程界別的註冊專業工程師,如屬後
者,則除非在結構工程方面已具備結構工程師註冊 (4) A person shall not be included in the structural engineers’
事務委員會認可的實際經驗;及 register unless he—
(b) 符合第 (6) 款的規定, (a) is a registered professional engineer in the structural or
the civil engineering discipline, and in the latter case
否則不得列入結構工程師名冊內。(1996 年第 54 號第 24 條 ) unless he has such practical experience in structural
(4A) 任何人除非 —— engineering as may be approved by the Structural
(a) 是岩土工程界別的註冊專業工程師;及 Engineers Registration Committee; and
(b) 符合第 (6) 款的規定, (b) complies with paragraph (6). (54 of 1996 s. 24)
否則不得列入岩土工程師名冊內。(2004 年第 15 號第 36 條 ) (4A) A person shall not be included in the geotechnical engineers’
register unless he—
(4B) 任何人除非 ——

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-3 第2部 Part 2 2-4

第 123A 章 第3條 Regulation 3 Cap. 123A

(a) 是列入認可人士名冊的建築師名單內的認可人士, (a) is a registered professional engineer in the geotechnical

並符合第 (8) 款的規定; engineering discipline; and
(b) 是註冊建築師,並符合第 (9) 款的規定;或 (b) complies with paragraph (6). (15 of 2004 s. 36)
(c) 按照本條例第 3(7AA)(b)(i) 條的規定獲提名, (4B) A person must not be included in the list of architects in the
否則不得列入檢驗人員名冊的建築師名單內。(2011 年第 inspectors’ register unless—
147 號法律公告 ) (a) the person is an authorized person in the list of architects
(4C) 任何人除非 —— in the authorized persons’ register and complies with
paragraph (8);
(a) 是列入認可人士名冊的工程師名單內的認可人士,
或是註冊結構工程師,並符合第 (8) 款的規定; (b) the person is a registered architect and complies with
paragraph (9); or
(b) 是建造或結構工程界別的註冊專業工程師,並符合
第 (9) 款的規定; (c) the person is nominated in accordance with section
3(7AA)(b)(i) of the Ordinance. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
(c) 是屋宇裝備 ( 建造 )、土木或材料 ( 建造 ) 工程界別
的註冊專業工程師,並符合第 (10) 款的規定;或 (4C) A person must not be included in the list of engineers in the
inspectors’ register unless—
(d) 按照本條例第 3(7AA)(b)(ii) 條的規定獲提名,
(a) the person is an authorized person in the list of engineers
否則不得列入檢驗人員名冊的工程師名單內。(2011 年第 in the authorized persons’ register, or a registered
147 號法律公告 ) structural engineer, and complies with paragraph (8);
(4D) 任何人除非 —— (b) the person is a registered professional engineer in
(a) 是列入認可人士名冊的測量師名單內的認可人士, the building or structural engineering discipline and
並符合第 (8) 款的規定; complies with paragraph (9);
(b) 是建築測量組別的註冊專業測量師,並符合第 (9) 款 (c) the person is a registered professional engineer in the
的規定; building services (building), civil or materials (building)
(c) 是工料測量組別的註冊專業測量師,並符合第 (10) engineering discipline and complies with paragraph (10);
款的規定;或 or
(d) 按照本條例第 3(7AA)(b)(iii) 條的規定獲提名, (d) the person is nominated in accordance with
section 3(7AA)(b)(ii) of the Ordinance. (L.N. 147 of
否則不得列入檢驗人員名冊的測量師名單內。(2011 年第
147 號法律公告 )
(4D) A person must not be included in the list of surveyors in the
(4E) 符合 ——
inspectors’ register unless—
(a) 第 (4B) 款 (a) 或 (c) 段的描述的人;

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-5 第2部 Part 2 2-6

第 123A 章 第3條 Regulation 3 Cap. 123A

(b) 第 (4C) 款 (a) 或 (d) 段的描述的人;或 (a) the person is an authorized person in the list of
(c) 第 (4D) 款 (a) 或 (d) 段的描述的人, surveyors in the authorized persons’ register and
complies with paragraph (8);
列入檢驗人員名冊的建築師名單、工程師名單或測量師 (b) the person is a registered professional surveyor in
名單內。(2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) the building surveying division and complies with
paragraph (9);
(5) ( 由 1996 年第 54 號第 24 條廢除 )
(c) the person is a registered professional surveyor in
(6) 除第 (7) 款另有規定外,每名根據本條提出申請的人須在 the quantity surveying division and complies with
其申請日期前的 3 年內,有連續 1 年的期間在香港具備 paragraph (10); or
(2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) (d) the person is nominated in accordance with
section 3(7AA)(b)(iii) of the Ordinance. (L.N. 147 of
(7) 第 (6) 款不適用於申請列入檢驗人員名冊的人。(2011 年 2011)
第 147 號法律公告 )
(4E) A person falling within—
(8) 根據第 (4B)(a)、(4C)(a) 或 (4D)(a) 款提出申請列入檢驗人
員名冊的人,須令建築事務監督信納,該申請人已在申 (a) subparagraph (a) or (c) of paragraph (4B);
請日期前的 7 年內,在香港取得適當的下述經驗:在任 (b) subparagraph (a) or (d) of paragraph (4C); or
何建築物修葺及保養項目中,作為認可人士、註冊結構 (c) subparagraph (a) or (d) of paragraph (4D),
師的實際經驗。(2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) may be included, as provided in that paragraph, in the list of
architects, the list of engineers or the list of surveyors in the
(9) 根據第 (4B)(b)、(4C)(b) 或 (4D)(b) 款提出申請列入檢驗人 inspectors’ register without recommendation by an Inspectors
員名冊的人,須在其申請日期前的 3 年內,最少有 1 年 Registration Committee. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
的期間 ( 或合計最少有 1 年的期間 ),在香港取得興建、
修葺及保養建築物的實際經驗,而該經驗須是檢驗人員 (5) (Repealed 54 of 1996 s. 24)
註冊事務委員會認為就該申請而言屬適當者。(2011 年第 (6) Subject to paragraph (7), every applicant under this
147 號法律公告 ) regulation shall, for a continuous period of 1 year within
(10) 根據第 (4C)(c) 或 (4D)(c) 款提出申請列入檢驗人員名冊的 the 3 years preceding the date of his application, have had
人,須最少有 3 年的期間 ( 或合計最少有 3 年的期間 ), such practical experience gained in Hong Kong as the
在香港取得興建、修葺及保養建築物的實際經驗,當中 Registration Committee considers appropriate in the case of
必須最少有 1 年是在申請日期前的 3 年內的,而該經驗 his application. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
須是檢驗人員註冊事務委員會認為就該申請而言屬適當 (7) Paragraph (6) does not apply to an applicant for inclusion in
者。(2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) the inspectors’ register. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1987 年第 70 號法律公告 )

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2-7 第2部 Part 2 2-8

第 123A 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123A

(8) An applicant for inclusion in the inspectors’ register under

paragraph (4B)(a), (4C)(a) or (4D)(a) must satisfy the
Building Authority that, within the 7 years preceding the date
of application, the applicant has had appropriate practical
experience gained in Hong Kong in any building repair
and maintenance project as an authorized person, registered
structural engineer, registered architect, registered professional
engineer or registered professional surveyor. (L.N. 147 of
(9) An applicant for inclusion in the inspectors’ register under
paragraph (4B)(b), (4C)(b) or (4D)(b) must, for a period
or periods in aggregate of not less than 1 year within the
3 years preceding the date of application, have had the
practical experience in building construction, repair and
maintenance gained in Hong Kong that the Inspectors
Registration Committee considers appropriate in the case of
the application. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
(10) An applicant for inclusion in the inspectors’ register under
paragraph (4C)(c) or (4D)(c) must, for a period or periods in
aggregate of not less than 3 years and of which at least 1 year
falls within the 3 years preceding the date of application, have
had the practical experience in building construction, repair
and maintenance gained in Hong Kong that the Inspectors
Registration Committee considers appropriate in the case of
the application. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 70 of 1987)

4. 對申請列入名冊所作的規定 4. Requirements upon application for inclusion in register

(1) 每名申請列入認可人士名冊、結構工程師名冊、岩土工 (1) Every person (other than a person mentioned in regulation
程師名冊或檢驗人員名冊的人 ( 不包括第 3(4B)(a) 或 (c)、 3(4B)(a) or (c), (4C)(a) or (d) or (4D)(a) or (d)) applying
(4C)(a) 或 (d) 或 (4D)(a) 或 (d) 條所述的人 ) ——  (2004 年 for inclusion in the authorized persons’ register, structural
第 15 號第 37 條; 2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) engineers’ register, geotechnical engineers’ register or

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-9 第2部 Part 2 2-10

第 123A 章 第 4A 條 Regulation 4A Cap. 123A

(a) 須向註冊事務委員會出示文件證據,證明他符合第 inspectors’ register must—  (15 of 2004 s. 37; L.N. 147 of

3 條的規定;及 (1974 年第 188 號法律公告 ) 2011)
(b) 須使註冊事務委員會信納他適合列入認可人士名冊、 (a) produce, to the Registration Committee, documentary
結構工程師名冊、岩土工程師名冊或檢驗人員名冊 evidence to prove compliance with the requirements of
內,如註冊事務委員會提出要求,亦須出席註冊事 regulation 3; and (L.N. 188 of 1974)
務委員會的專業面試。 (1987 年第 70 號法律公告; (b) satisfy the Registration Committee of his suitability for
2004 年第 15 號第 37 條;2011 年第 147 號法律公告; inclusion in the authorized persons’ register, structural
2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) engineers’ register, geotechnical engineers’ register or
(c) ( 由 1996 年第 54 號第 25 條廢除 ) inspectors’ register and, if required by the Registration
(1A) 第 3(4B)(a) 或 (c)、(4C)(a) 或 (d) 或 (4D)(a) 或 (d) 條 所 述 Committee, attend a professional interview before the
而申請列入檢驗人員名冊的人,須向建築事務監督出示 Registration Committee. (L.N. 70 of 1987; 15 of 2004
文件證據,證明該人符合第 3 條的規定。 (2011 年第 147 s. 37; L.N. 147 of 2011; E.R. 5 of 2018)
號法律公告 ) (c) (Repealed 54 of 1996 s. 25)
(2) 每次專業面試須由註冊事務委員會主持。 (1974 年第 188 (1A) A person mentioned in regulation 3(4B)(a) or (c), (4C)(a) or
號法律公告; 1996 年第 54 號第 25 條 ) (d) or (4D)(a) or (d) applying for inclusion in the inspectors’
register must produce to the Building Authority documentary
evidence to prove compliance with the requirements of
regulation 3. (L.N. 147 of 2011)
(2) Every professional interview shall be conducted by the
Registration Committee. (L.N. 188 of 1974; 54 of 1996 s. 25)

4A. 關於列入一般建築承建商名冊及專門承建商名冊的規定 4A. Requirements for inclusion in registers of general building

(1) 每名申請列入一般建築承建商名冊或專門承建商名冊的 contractors and specialist contractors
人 —— (1) Every person making application to be included in the register
(a) 須向有關的承建商註冊事務委員會出示文件證據, of general building contractors or the register of specialist
證明就資格、經驗及適任程度而言,均適宜將該申 contractors shall—
請人在有關名冊或分冊上註冊; (a) produce to the relevant Contractors Registration
(b) ( 申請人如是法人團體 ) 須向有關的承建商註冊事務 Committee documentary evidence to prove that he
委員會出示文件證據以顯示該申請人的董事、其他 is suitable for registration in the relevant register or
高級人員及任何由申請人就本條例而委任以代其行 sub-register in terms of qualifications, experience and
事的人的資格、經驗及適任程度;及 competence;

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-11 第2部 Part 2 2-12

第 123A 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123A

(c) 須令有關的承建商註冊事務委員會信納該申請人適 (b) in the case where the applicant is a body corporate,
宜在有關名冊或分冊上註冊。 produce to the relevant Contractors Registration
(2) 如有關的承建商註冊事務委員會要求任何申請人出席該 Committee documentary evidence relating to the
委員會的面試,則該申請人或 ( 如申請人是法人團體 ) 該 directors, other officers and any person appointed by the
申請人的董事、其他高級人員及任何由該申請人就本條 applicant to act for it for the purposes of the Ordinance
例而委任以代其行事的人即須出席。 to show the qualifications, experience and competence
of those persons; and
(1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 38 條 )
(c) satisfy the relevant Contractors Registration Committee
that he or it is suitable to be registered in the relevant
register or sub-register.
(2) An applicant, or if the applicant is a body corporate, the
directors, other officers and any person appointed by the
applicant to act for it for the purposes of the Ordinance,
shall attend an interview before the relevant Contractors
Registration Committee if the Committee requires him or it to
(L.N. 514 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 38)

5. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師不得沒有向委 5. Authorized person, registered structural engineer or registered

託人披露而以承建商等身分行事 geotechnical engineer not to act as contractor, etc. without
任何認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師,如沒有 disclosure to client
以書面向其委託人披露,則不得以承建商的身分行事,或經 No authorized person, registered structural engineer or registered
營建築物料,或直接或間接從任何承建商、次承建商、或從建 geotechnical engineer shall act as a contractor or deal in building
築物料供應商或在任何建築工程或街道工程中所使用或就該 materials or receive any payment, commission, advantage or
等工程而使用的其他貨品的供應商,收取任何款項、佣金、利 benefit of any kind whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, from
益或任何形式的得益。 any contractor, sub-contractor or supplier of building materials or
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 39 條 ) other goods used in or in connexion with any building works or
street works without disclosing the fact, in writing, to his client.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 39)

5A. 註冊檢驗人員不得沒有向委託人披露而從事建築物料交易等 5A. Registered inspector not to deal in building materials etc.
任何註冊檢驗人員,如沒有以書面向其委託人披露,則不得從 without disclosure to client

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

2-13 第2部 Part 2 2-14

第 123A 章 第 5A 條 Regulation 5A Cap. 123A

事建築物料的交易,或直接或間接從任何承建商、次承建商、 A registered inspector must not deal in building materials or

建築物料供應商、在任何建築工程中所使用的其他貨品的供 receive any payment, commission, advantage or benefit of any
應商,或在與該等工程有關連的情況下所使用的其他貨品的 kind, whether directly or indirectly, from any contractor, sub-
供應商,收取任何款項、佣金、利益或任何形式的得益。 contractor or supplier of building materials or other goods used in
(2011 年第 147 號法律公告 ) or in connection with any building works without disclosing the
fact, in writing, to the registered inspector’s client.
(L.N. 147 of 2011)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-1 第3部 Part 3 3-2

第 123A 章 第6條 Regulation 6 Cap. 123A

第3部 Part 3
圖則、證明書及通知 Plans, Certificates and Notices
一般規定 General
6. 通知、圖則等的交付 6. Delivery of notices, plans, etc.
(1) 本條例或根據本條例訂立的規例規定須送交建築事務監 (1) Every notice, form, certificate, plan or other document
督的每份通知、表格、證明書、圖則或其他文件,須以 required by the Ordinance or regulations made thereunder to
郵遞方式或於辦公時間交付建築事務監督辦事處的方式 be sent to the Building Authority shall be sent to him by post
送交建築事務監督。 or by delivering the same to his office during office hours.
(2) 凡呈交建築事務監督批准的任何圖則,或其上所顯示的 (2) Where any plans submitted to the Building Authority for his
建築工程或街道工程不符合本條例或規例的條文,建築 approval or the building works or street works shown thereon
事務監督可就每次進一步向建築事務監督呈交該等圖則, do not comply with the provisions of the Ordinance or
向 申 請 人 收 取 訂 明 費 用: (1966 年 第 63 號 法 律 公 告; regulations, the Building Authority may charge the applicant
1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1991 年第 120 號法律公告 ) the prescribed fee in respect of every further submission
但如建築事務監督信納進一步呈交任何圖則是因對本條 to the Building Authority of such plans: (L.N. 63 of 1966;
例或規例的條文真正誤解所致,則不得收取上述費用。 L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 120 of 1991)
Provided that such fee shall not be chargeable where the
Building Authority is satisfied that a further submission of
any plans was occasioned by a bona fide misinterpretation of
the provisions of the Ordinance or regulations.

7. 通知等的填寫及其上的簽署 7. Completion of notices, etc. and signature thereon

為施行本條例及規例而訂明或指明的每份通知、表格、證明 Every notice, form, certificate or other document prescribed or
書或其他文件,須清楚和正確填寫,以提供所需的資料,並須 specified for the purposes of the Ordinance and regulations shall be
妥為簽署。 clearly and correctly completed to supply the information required
(1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) therein and shall be duly signed.
(L.N. 347 of 1993)

圖則 Plans

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-3 第3部 Part 3 3-4

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

8. 就建築工程訂明的圖則 8. Prescribed plans in respect of building works

(1) 為施行本條例及規例,現就建築工程訂明下列圖則及詳 (1) The plans and details set out hereunder are prescribed, for
圖 —— the purposes of the Ordinance and regulations, in respect of
(a) 建築物的每層樓面及屋頂的圖則,其上顯示全部尺 building works—
寸、牆壁厚度、所有窗戶、便溺污水設備、廢水設 (a) plans of every floor and of the roof of the building,
備及貯水箱的位置,以及建築物每部分所擬作的用 on which there shall be shown full dimensions, the
途; thickness of walls, the position of all windows, soil
(b) 顯示下列資料的圖則 —— fitments, waste fitments and water storage tanks, and the
intended use of every part of the building;
(i) 建築物所有立面;
(b) plans showing—
(ii) 相鄰街道與已知基準面和地盤及建築物的水平
相對的水平; (i) all elevations of the building;
(iii) 與地盤相鄰的每條街道的闊度;及 (ii) the level of adjacent streets in relation to a known
datum and to the levels of the site and the building;
(iv) 任何水井的位置、深度及構造;
(iii) the width of every street adjacent to the site; and
(ba) 如建築事務監督提出要求,須將一份就地盤對擬進
行的建築工程而言是否適合的問題而作出的岩土評 (iv) the position, depth and construction of any well;
估,附連於 (a)、(b)、(c) 或 (h) 段所訂明的圖則,而 (ba) if so required by the Building Authority, a geotechnical
該岩土評估須包括擬進行的地盤平整工程及基礎工 assessment of the adequacy of the site for the proposed
程的圖則及截面圖;(1981 年第 75 號法律公告 ) building works shall accompany the plans prescribed
(baa) ( 由 1997 年第 514 號法律公告廢除 ) in subparagraph (a), (b), (c) or (h) and the geotechnical
assessment shall include plans and sections of the
(bb) 顯示下列資料的地盤平整工程圖則 —— proposed site formation works and foundation works;
(i) 已加入 (E) 節所訂明的報告所列各項要求的所 (L.N. 75 of 1981; E.R. 5 of 2018)
有地盤平整工程及相關的地面水排水工程; (baa) (Repealed L.N. 514 of 1997)
(bb) a site formation plan showing—
(i) all site formation works and associated
surfacewater drainage works incorporating the
requirements of the report prescribed in sub-sub-
paragraph (E);

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-5 第3部 Part 3 3-6

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(ii) 地盤與周圍環境的現行情況 ( 包括載有地面水 (ii) the existing nature of the site and the surrounds
平等高線、地質情況、地下水情況及地面水情 (including accurate survey plan with ground level
況的準確測量圖 ),以及在地盤上和與地盤相 contours, geological conditions, groundwater
鄰的構築物、基礎、公用設施、排水渠、污水 conditions and surfacewater conditions) and
渠與其他設施的詳情; particulars of structures, foundations, public
(iii) 在多雨期間進行建築工程時須採取的安全預防 utilities, drains and sewers and other services on
措施; and adjacent to the site;
(iv) 岩土設計假定一覽表; (iii) safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying
out the building works during periods of heavy
(v) 建築工程的進行次序及所採用的方法; rainfall;
(vi) 如建築事務監督提出要求,有關的規格及任何 (iv) a schedule of the geotechnical design assumptions;
其他有關詳情;(1982 年第 233 號法律公告 )
(v) the sequence of the building works and methods to
(vii) 如屬在附表所列地區的第 1 號地區進行的工程, be employed;
面圖顯示的所有大型挖掘工程的範圍,(1982 年 (vi) if so required by the Building Authority,
第 233 號法律公告; 1990 年第 52 號第 10 條 ) specifications and any other relevant particulars;
(L.N. 233 of 1982)
該 地 盤 平 整 工 程 圖 則 須 附 同 作 支 持 用 的 文 件,包
括 —— (vii) in area number 1 of the scheduled areas, the
envelope of all bulk excavation by means of cross-
(A) 所呈交文件的闡釋指引; sections and horizontal plan drawings marked up
(B) 一份載列包括以下各項的研究結果的報告:地 with levels above the Hong Kong Principal Datum,
形、地質、地下水、地面水、地盤的歷史、公 (L.N. 233 of 1982; 52 of 1990 s. 10)
用設施、排水渠、污水渠及其他設施,以及該 and the site formation plan shall be accompanied by
處的岩土紀錄; supporting documentation including—
(C) 一份載列土地勘測結果的報告,包括所採用裝 (A) an explanatory guide to the submission;
備和程序的全面細節;(1982 年第 233 號法律公
告) (B) a report containing the results of a study including
topography, geology, groundwater, surfacewater,
site history, public utilities, drains and sewers and
other services, and local geotechnical records;
(C) a report containing the results of ground
investigation including comprehensive details of
equipment and procedures used; (L.N. 233 of 1982)

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3-7 第3部 Part 3 3-8

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(D) 一份載列對地下水情況作出的地盤監測結果的 (D) a report containing the results of site monitoring of

報告; groundwater conditions;
(E) 一份報告,載列對 (B)、(C)、(D) 節的嚴密研究 (E) a report containing critical examination and
和詮釋、岩土設計假定一覽表、對預期的岩土 interpretation of sub-sub-paragraphs (B), (C)
問題的討論,及如在建築工程進行期間揭露岩 and (D), a schedule of the geotechnical design
土設計假定錯誤以致再不能顯示符合《建築物 assumptions, discussion of anticipated geotechnical
( 建造 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 B) 第 20 條 problems and an outline of variations of the works
的規定則在工程上應採取的變動的概要,並載 which should be adopted if, during the carrying
列地盤平整工程的設計與建造在岩土方面的要 out of the building works, a geotechnical design
求 ( 包括在測試、檢查和保養方面的要求 );(1990 assumption is revealed as being erroneous so that
年第 439 號法律公告; 2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂 compliance with regulation 20 of the Building
紀錄 ) (Construction) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. B)
(F) 足 以 顯 示 符 合《建 築 物 ( 建 造 ) 規 例》( 第 123 could no longer be demonstrated and containing
章,附屬法例 B) 第 20 條的穩定性分析;地盤 geotechnical requirements for the design and
平整工程的設計計算資料;建築工程對地下水 construction of the site formation works including
情況、地盤及任何建築物、構築物和土地的影 testing, inspecting and maintenance requirements;
響的計算資料;以及就所有其他有關的岩土事 (L.N. 439 of 1990; E.R. 5 of 2018)
宜所作出的計算資料和考慮。所有該等分析和 (F) stability analyses sufficient to demonstrate
計算資料須編排頁數,並須有一份全面的索引 compliance with regulation 20 of the Building
作為序頁;(1981 年第 75 號法律公告; 1990 年 (Construction) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.
第 439 號法律公告;2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) B); design calculations for site formation works;
(bc) 如建築事務監督提出要求,顯示下列資料的挖掘與 calculations of the effect of the building works
側向承托圖則 —— on groundwater conditions, the site and any
building, structure and land; and calculations for
(i) 已加入 (E) 節訂明的報告所列各項要求的所有 and consideration of all other relevant geotechnical
挖掘與側向承托工程 ( 包括任何土地處理和任 matters. All such analyses and calculations shall
何降低地下水位工程 ); be paginated and prefaced by a comprehensive
index; (L.N. 75 of 1981; L.N. 439 of 1990; E.R. 5
of 2018)
(bc) if so required by the Building Authority, an excavation
and lateral support plan showing—
(i) all excavation and lateral support work (including
any ground treatment and any dewatering)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-9 第3部 Part 3 3-10

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(ii) 地盤與周圍環境的現行情況 ( 包括載有地面水 incorporating the requirements of the report

平等高線、地質情況、地下水情況及地面水情 prescribed in sub-sub-paragraph (E);
況的準確測量圖 ),街道、構築物、基礎、公用 (ii) the existing nature of the site and the surrounds
設施、總水管、排水渠、污水渠和其他設施的 (including an accurate survey plan with ground
詳情,以及在地盤內和與地盤相鄰的輸水設施 level contours, geological conditions, groundwater
及基礎的用尺寸標明的位置; conditions and surface water conditions) and
(iii) 岩土設計假定一覽表; particulars of streets, structures, foundations, public
(iv) 所有地下建築工程的進行次序及所採用的方法; utilities, water mains, drains, sewers and other
services and the dimensioned location of water
(v) 對建築物與地層的移動及測壓管水位的變動作 carrying services and foundations on and adjacent
出的監測的詳情;及 to the site;
(vi) 其他規格及有關詳情, (iii) a schedule of the geotechnical design assumptions; Part 1 - 2
該挖掘與側向承托圖則須附同作支持用的文件,包 (iv) the sequence of all sub-surface building works and
括 —— methods to be employed;
(A) 所呈交文件的闡釋指引; (v) the particulars of the monitoring to be carried out
(B) 一 份 載 列 包 括 以 下 各 項 的 研 究 結 果 的 報 告: for building and ground movements and variations
地形、地質、地下水、地面水、地盤的歷史、 in piezometric levels; and
公用設施、總水管、排水渠、污水渠及其他設 (vi) other specifications and relevant particulars,
and the excavation and lateral support plan shall be
(C) 一份載列地盤勘測與實驗室測試結果的報告, accompanied by supporting documentation including—
(A) an explanatory guide to the submission;
(D) 一份載列對地下水情況作出的地盤監測結果的
報告; (B) a report containing the results of a study including
topography, geology, groundwater, surface water,
site history, public utilities, water mains, drains and
sewers and other services, and local geotechnical
(C) a report containing the results of site investigation
and laboratory testing including comprehensive
details of equipment and procedures used;
(D) a report containing the results of site monitoring of
groundwater conditions;

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-11 第3部 Part 3 3-12

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(E) 一份報告,載列對 (B)、(C)、(D) 節的嚴密研究 (E) a report containing critical examination and
和詮釋、岩土設計假定一覽表、對預期的岩土 interpretation of sub-sub-paragraphs (B), (C)
問題的討論,及如在建築工程進行期間揭露岩 and (D), a schedule of the geotechnical design
土設計假定錯誤以致再不能顯示符合《建築物 assumptions, discussion of anticipated geotechnical
( 建 造 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 屬 法 例 B) 第 4 條 problems, and an outline of variations of the works
的規定則在工程上應採取的變動的概要,並載 which should be adopted if, during the carrying
列挖掘與側向承托工程的設計與建造在岩土方 out of the building works, a geotechnical design
面的要求 ( 包括在測試、檢查和監測方面的要 assumption is revealed as being erroneous so that
求 );及 (2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) compliance with regulation 4 of the Building
(F) 足以顯示符合《建築物 ( 建造 ) 規例》( 第 123 章, (Construction) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. B)
附 屬 法 例 B) 第 4 條 的 分 析;側 向 承 托 系 統 的 could no longer be demonstrated and containing
設計計算資料;建築工程對地下水情況、地盤 geotechnical requirements for the design and
及任何建築物、構築物、街道、土地或設施的 construction of the excavation and lateral support
影響的計算資料;以及就所有其他有關的岩土 works including testing, inspecting and monitoring
事宜所作出的計算資料和考慮,所有該等分析 requirements; and (E.R. 5 of 2018)
和計算資料須編排頁數,並須有一份全面的索 (F) analyses sufficient to demonstrate compliance
引作為序頁;(1990 年第 438 號法律公告; 2018 with regulation 4 of the Building (Construction)
年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. B), design
(bd) ( 由 1997 年第 514 號法律公告廢除 ) calculations for the lateral support systems,
calculations of the effect of the building works
(c) 一張或多於一張截面圖,顯示基礎、地盤與建築物 on groundwater conditions, the site and any
最低樓面的水平、建築物高度、每一樓層的淨高、 building, structure, street, land or services, and
每幢毗鄰或相鄰建築物的窗戶的位置、樓面位置及 calculations for and consideration of all other
屋頂水平、地盤界線與界線之間的最大坡度、挖掘 relevant geotechnical matters, all such analyses
的最大深度、填料的最大厚度及所有挖掘與所有填 and calculations being paginated and prefaced by a
料的體積;(1981 年第 75 號法律公告 ) comprehensive index; (L.N. 438 of 1990; E.R. 5 of
(bd) (Repealed L.N. 514 of 1997)
(c) one or more sections showing the foundations, the levels
of the site and the lowest floor of the building, the
height of the building, the clear height of every storey,
the position of windows and of the floors and the level
of the roof of every adjoining or adjacent building, the

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-13 第3部 Part 3 3-14

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(d) 基礎圖則 —— maximum gradient boundary-to-boundary across the

(i) 顯示基礎的大小與位置,連同已進行的地盤勘 site, the maximum depth of excavation, the maximum
測工程的詳盡報告,以及擬進行的任何土地灌 thickness of filling and the volume of all excavation and
漿工程的詳圖;及 all filling; (L.N. 75 of 1981)
(ii) 如屬在附表所列地區的第 2 或 4 號地區進行的 (d) a foundation plan—
工程,附同作支持用的文件,包括 ——  (1993 (i) showing the size and position of foundations
年第 347 號法律公告 ) together with a full report of the site investigation
(A) 所呈交文件的闡釋指引; work undertaken and details of any grouting work
to the ground proposed to be carried out; and
(B) 一份載列包括以下各項的研究結果的報
告:地形、地質、地下水、地面水、地盤 (ii) in area number 2 or 4 of the scheduled areas,
的歷史、公用設施、排水渠、污水渠及其 accompanied by supporting documentation
他設施,以及該處的岩土紀錄; including— (L.N. 347 of 1993)
(C) 一份載列土地勘測結果的報告,包括所採 (A) an explanatory guide to the submission;
用裝備和程序的全面細節; (B) a report containing the results of a study
(D) 一份載列對地下水情況作出的地盤監測結 including topography, geology, groundwater,
果的報告; surfacewater, site history, public utilities,
drains and sewers and other services, and
(E) 一份報告,載列對 (B)、(C)、(D) 分節的嚴 local geotechnical records;
預期的岩土問題的討論,以及基礎工程的 (C) a report containing the results of ground
設計與建造在岩土方面的要求 ( 包括在測 investigation including comprehensive details
試、檢查和保養方面的要求 ); of equipment and procedures used;
(D) a report containing the results of site
monitoring of groundwater conditions;
(E) a report containing critical examination and
interpretation of sub-sub-paragraphs (B),
(C) and (D), a schedule of the geotechnical
design assumptions, discussion of anticipated
geotechnical problems and containing
geotechnical requirements for the design
and construction of the foundation works
including testing, inspecting and maintenance
requirements; (E.R. 5 of 2018)
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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-15 第3部 Part 3 3-16

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(F) 基礎工程的設計計算資料;(1990 年第 52 (F) design calculations for foundation works; (52

號第 10 條 ) of 1990 s. 10)
(e) 排水設施圖則,顯示排水渠或污水渠的大小及深度; (e) a drainage plan, showing the size and depth of drains
與公共污水渠或排水渠或大溝渠的接駁、任何其他 or sewers; connexions to a public sewer or drain or
處置排水的方法、存水隔氣彎管的位置,以及通風 nullah, any other method for the disposal of drainage,
辦法; the position of disconnecting traps, and the means of
(f) 區劃圖,顯示建築物及緊鄰的其他建築物的大小及 ventilation;
位置,以及鄰近街道; (f) a block plan, showing the size and position of the
(g) 如不能從區劃圖清楚辨認地盤位置,顯示地盤位置 building and of other buildings in the immediate
的索引圖; vicinity, and neighbouring streets;
(h) 載有全部尺寸及計算資料的簡圖,顯示 —— (g) where the position of the site is not clearly identifiable
from such block plan, a key plan showing the position
(i) 建築物的高度、上蓋面積、地積比率與配置符 of the site;
合《建築物 ( 規劃 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 F)
第 19、20 及 21 條 的 規 定;及 (1969 年 第 51 號 (h) a diagrammatic plan, with full dimensions and
法律公告; 1988 年第 57 號法律公告; 1990 年 calculations, showing—
第 438 號法律公告 ) (i) the height, site coverage, plot ratio and disposition
(ii) 《建築物 ( 規劃 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 F) of the building in accordance with regulations 19,
第 25、27 及 28 條就建築物所規定的空地; (2018 20 and 21 of the Building (Planning) Regulations
年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Cap. 123 sub. leg. F); and (L.N. 51 of 1969;
L.N. 57 of 1988; L.N. 438 of 1990)
(i) 顯示結構詳圖的圖則,連同一套結構工程的結構計
算資料;(1990 年第 438 號法律公告 ) (ii) any open space required, by regulations 25, 27
and 28 of the Building (Planning) Regulations
(j) 就任何在街道或未批租政府土地的上方伸出的簷篷、 (Cap. 123 sub. leg. F), for the building; (E.R. 5 of
橋梁或其他伸出物而言,清楚顯示該伸出物性質及 2018)
尺寸的圖則;(1992 年第 79 號法律公告; 1998 年第
29 號第 105 條 ) (i) plans showing structural details, together with one set of
structural calculations for the structural works; (L.N. 438
(k) 顯示以下資料的詳圖 —— of 1990)
(j) in respect of any canopy, bridge or other projection over
a street or unleased Government land, plans showing
clearly the nature and dimension of such projection;
(L.N. 79 of 1992; 29 of 1998 s. 105)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-17 第3部 Part 3 3-18

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(i) 實 用 樓 面 面 積 ( 該 詞 具 有《建 築 物 ( 衞 生 設 備 (k) details showing—

標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 (i) the usable floor area, which expression has the
123 章,附屬法例 I) 第 3 條所給予的涵義 );及 meaning given by regulation 3 of the Building
(2015 年第 192 號法律公告 ) (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,
(ii) 在建築物內設置的污水設備及廢水設備的數目 Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
及種類; (2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I); and (L.N. 192 of 2015)
(iii) ( 由 1992 年第 79 號法律公告廢除 ) (ii) the number and type of soil fitments and waste
(l) 如屬在附表所列地區進行的建築工程,顯示下列資 fitments to be provided in the building; (E.R. 5 of
料的土地勘測圖則 ——  (1990 年第 52 號第 10 條 ) 2018)
(i) 所 有 勘 探 工 程 的 位 置、大 小 及 深 度,或 其 釐 (iii) (Repealed L.N. 79 of 1992)
定準則,勘探工程包括沖孔、鑽孔、探測、測 (l) in the scheduled areas, a ground investigation plan
試、儀器的裝置、以儀器對泥土及岩石所作的 showing— (52 of 1990 s. 10)
量度及取樣,以及進行勘探工程所採用的裝備 (i) the location, size and depth, or the criteria for
和程序; determining them, of all exploratory works
(ii) 進行實驗室測試所採用的裝備和程序,以及選 including boring, drilling, probing, testing,
取測試樣本的準則;及 installation of and measurement by instruments and
(iii) 如建築事務監督提出要求,有關的規格、報告 sampling of soil and rock, and the equipment and
格式及任何其他有關詳情;(1982 年第 233 號法 procedures for carrying out the exploratory works;
律公告; 1984 年第 362 號法律公告 ) (ii) the equipment and procedures for carrying out
(m) 如屬《建築物 ( 規劃 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 F) laboratory testing and the criteria for selecting test
第 72 條適用的情況,詳細顯示按照該條為殘疾人士 samples; and
所提供的設備的圖則。(1984 年第 362 號法律公告; (iii) if so required by the Building Authority,
2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) specifications, reporting format and any other
(2) 在本條中,便溺污水設備 (soil fitment) 及廢水設備 (waste relevant particulars; (L.N. 233 of 1982; L.N. 362 of
fitment) 兩詞具有《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排 1984)
水工程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) 給予該兩 (m) where regulation 72 of the Building (Planning)
詞的涵義。 (2018 年第 5 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. F) applies, plans
showing in detail the provision made for persons with a
disability in accordance with that regulation. (L.N. 362
of 1984; L.N. 241 of 1997; E.R. 5 of 2018)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-19 第3部 Part 3 3-20

第 123A 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123A

(3) 為 施 行 本 條 例 及 規 例,現 就 拆 卸 工 程 訂 明 下 列 各 圖 (2) In this regulation, the expressions soil fitment (便溺污水設
則 —— 備) and waste fitment (廢水設備) have the meaning assigned
(a) 一幅圖則,顯示須予拆卸建築物的結構及狀況,包 to them by the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
括由該建築物承托的斜坡及土地的截面圖,以及所 Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
有受影響的建築物、構築物、街道、土地及設施; (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I). (E.R. 5 of 2018)
(b) 一幅圖則,顯示地盤與周圍環境的現有情況 ( 包括 (3) The plans set out hereunder are prescribed, for the purposes
載有地面水平等高線的準確測量圖及由拆卸建築物 of the Ordinance and regulations, in respect of demolition
承托的斜坡及土地的截面圖 ) 以及所有需要的移土 works—
工程; (a) a plan showing the construction and condition of the
(c) 一幅圖則,顯示拆卸工程進行的先後次序、裝備及 building to be demolished, including sections showing
程序; slopes and ground supported by it, and all affected
buildings, structures, streets, land and services;
(d) 一幅圖則,顯示在拆卸工程每個階段須為須予拆卸
建築物提供的承托,和為由該建築物承托的任何斜 (b) a plan showing the existing nature of the site and
坡及土地提供的承托,以及所有受影響的建築物、 surrounds (including an accurate survey plan with
構築物、街道、土地及設施; ground level contours and sections showing slopes and
ground supported by the building to be demolished) and
(e) 一幅圖則,顯示所有保障公眾的預防措施,包括隔 all necessary removal of ground;
(c) a plan showing the sequence, equipment and procedures
(f) 一幅圖則,顯示在拆卸工程每個階段須為所有受影 for the demolition works;
托。(1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) (d) a plan showing the support to be provided to the
building to be demolished and any slopes and ground
(4) 就拆卸工程訂明的圖則必須附同 —— supported by it and all affected buildings, structures,
(a) 關於須予拆卸建築物及所有受影響的建築物、構築 streets, land and services at each stage of the demolition
物、街道、土地及設施的穩定性報告; works;
(e) a plan showing all precautionary measures for the
protection of the public including dust screens, catch
fans, hoardings and covered walkways;
(f) a plan showing the support to be provided to all affected
buildings, structures, streets, land and services at each
stage of the demolition works. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(4) The prescribed plans for demolition works must be
accompanied by—
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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

3-21 第3部 Part 3 3-22

第 123A 章 第9條 Regulation 9 Cap. 123A

(b) ( 如建築事務監督認為適當 ) 承托的結構計算資料; (a) a stability report of the building to be demolished and all
(c) 穩定性報告,其內載有計算資料,顯示拆卸工程不 affected buildings, structures, streets, land and services;
會使到任何建築物、構築物、街道、土地及設施的 (b) structural calculations for supports where the Building
安全度不足夠,或導致任何建築物、構築物、街道、 Authority considers it appropriate;
土地及設施受損; (c) a stability report with calculations demonstrating that the
(d) 穩定性報告,其內載有計算資料,顯示建議使用的 demolition works will not render inadequate the margin
裝備或機械裝置不會使到任何建築物、構築物、街 of safety of, or cause damage to, any building, structure,
道、土地及設施的安全度不足夠,或導致任何建築 street, land and services;
物、構 築 物、街 道、土 地 及 設 施 受 損。(1997 年 第 (d) a stability report with calculations demonstrating that
514 號法律公告; 1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) the proposed use of equipment or mechanical plant will
(e) ( 由 1997 年第 608 號法律公告廢除 ) not render inadequate the margin of safety of, or cause
damage to, any building, structure, street, land and
services. (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608 of 1997)
(e) (Repealed L.N. 608 of 1997)

9. 就街道工程訂明的圖則 9. Prescribed plans in respect of street works

為施行本條例及規例,現就街道工程訂明下列圖則 —— The plans set out hereunder are prescribed, for the purposes of the
(a) 顯示私家街道或通路的地點的索引圖; Ordinance and regulations, in respect of street works—
(b) 布局平面圖; (a) a key plan showing the site of the private street or
access road;
(c) 縱截面圖 ( 垂直面及水平面 );
(b) a layout plan;
(d) 橫截面圖; (1990 年第 438 號法律公告 )
(c) longitudinal sections, both vertical and horizontal;
(e) 標準道路截面圖;及 (1990 年第 438 號法律公告 )
(d) cross sections; (L.N. 438 of 1990)
(f) 就街道的任何基礎及結構工程而言,顯示基礎大小
及位置的基礎圖則,連同已進行的地盤勘測工程的 (e) typical road sections; and (L.N. 438 of 1990)
詳盡報告、擬進行的任何土地灌漿工程的詳圖,以 (f) in respect of any foundation and structural works for a
及顯示結構詳圖的圖則,連同一套結構工程的計算 street, a foundation plan showing the size the position
資料。 (1990 年第 438 號法律公告 ) of foundations together with a full report of the site
investigation work undertaken and details of any
grouting work to the ground proposed to be carried out
and plans showing structural details together with one

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3-23 第3部 Part 3 3-24

第 123A 章 第 10 條 Regulation 10 Cap. 123A

set of calculations for the structural works. (L.N. 438 of


10. 建築事務監督要求取得額外圖則等的權力 10. Power of Building Authority to require additional plans, etc.
建築事務監督如認為有需要,可要求提交與供水及任何特別 The Building Authority may, where he considers it necessary,
物料的規格和使用有關的額外圖則、放大詳圖、其他文件及 require additional plans, enlarged details, other documents and
資料,或他認為需要的其他詳情。 information regarding the supply of water, specifications of and the
use of any special materials, or such other particulars as he may
consider necessary.

11. 圖則須以一式兩份呈交 11. Plans to be submitted in duplicate

(1) 每份呈交建築事務監督批准的圖則須以一式兩份呈交, (1) Every plan submitted to the Building Authority for his
而建築事務監督可就上述任何圖則要求呈交他認為需要 approval shall be submitted in duplicate, and the Building
的 額 外 文 本。 (1974 年 第 188 號 法 律 公 告 ; 1976 年 第 Authority may require the submission of such additional
241 號法律公告 ) copies of any such plan as he considers necessary. (L.N. 188
(2) 與呈交建築事務監督的圖則有關的每份地盤勘測報告, of 1974; L.N. 241 of 1976)
以及就呈交建築事務監督的圖則而擬進行的土地處理工 (2) Every report of site investigation and all details of ground
程的所有詳圖,須以一式兩份呈交。 (1974 年第 188 號 treatment work proposed in connexion with plans submitted
法律公告; 1990 年第 438 號法律公告; 1990 年第 439 號 to the Building Authority shall be submitted in duplicate.
法律公告 ) (L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 438 of 1990; L.N. 439 of 1990)

11A. 基礎圖則須與地盤平整工程圖則一併呈交 11A. Foundation plan to be submitted with site formation plan
就附表所列地區的第 1 號地區的建築工程而言,第 8(1)(d) 條 In respect of building works in area number 1 of the scheduled
所訂明的基礎圖則須與第 8(1)(bb) 條所訂明的地盤平整工程圖 areas, the foundation plan prescribed in regulation 8(1)(d) shall be
則一併呈交建築事務監督批准。 submitted to the Building Authority for his approval with the site
(1982 年第 233 號法律公告; 1990 年第 52 號第 11 條 ) formation plan prescribed in regulation 8(1)(bb).
(L.N. 233 of 1982; 52 of 1990 s. 11)

12. 圖則等須由製備的人簽署 12. Plans, etc. to be signed by person who prepared them
(1) 除第 (2) 及 (5) 款另有規定外,所有呈交建築事務監督批 (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (5), all plans, structural details
准的圖則、結構詳圖及計算資料須由認可人士製備和簽 and calculations submitted to the Building Authority for
署,而由他簽署即當作他對該等圖則、結構詳圖或計算 approval shall be prepared and signed by an authorized

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第 123A 章 第 12 條 Regulation 12 Cap. 123A

資料 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 負起所有責任。 (2004 年第 15 person, and his signature shall be deemed to be his
號第 40 條 ) assumption of all responsibility for the plan, structural details
(2) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,根據第 8(1)(d) 及 (i) 及 9(f) 條所 or calculations, as the case may be. (15 of 2004 s. 40)
規定的所有基礎圖則、結構詳圖及計算資料,須由註冊 (2) Subject to paragraph (3), all foundation plans, structural
結構工程師製備和簽署,而由他簽署即當作他對該等圖 details and calculations required under regulations 8(1)(d)
則、結構詳圖或計算資料 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 負起所有責 and (i) and 9(f) shall be prepared and signed by a registered
任。 structural engineer, and his signature shall be deemed to be
(3) 如屬第 (4) 款適用的建築工程,根據第 8(1)(d) 及 (i) 條所 his assumption of all responsibility for the plans, structural
規定的所有基礎圖則、結構詳圖及計算資料,可由認可 details or calculations, as the case may be.
人士製備和簽署,而由他簽署即當作他對該等圖則、結 (3) In the case of building works to which paragraph (4) applies,
構詳圖或計算資料 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 負起所有責任。 all foundation plans, structural details and calculations
(4) 第 (3) 款適用於下列情況的任何建築工程 —— required under regulation 8(1)(d) and (i) may be prepared
and signed by an authorized person, and his signature shall
(a) 建築結構高度不超逾 10 米; be deemed to be his assumption of all responsibility for the
(b) 建築結構的任何結構構件的跨距不超逾 6 米; plans, structural details or calculations, as the case may be.
(c) 結構構件以木料、砌石、鋼、素混凝土或鋼筋混凝 (4) Paragraph (3) applies to any building works where—
土建造; (a) the height of the construction does not exceed 10 m;
(d) 建築結構的基礎屬地面承載力不超逾 300 千帕斯卡 (b) the span of any structural element of the construction
的擴展基腳的類型,並建於現有地面水平之下不多 does not exceed 6 m;
於 2 米;及
(c) the structural elements are constructed of timber,
(e) 不會對由註冊結構工程師設計的任何現有結構構件 masonry, steel, plain concrete or reinforced concrete;
(d) the foundations of the construction are of the spread
(5) 根據或依據第 8(1)(b)(iv)、(ba)、(bb)、(bc)、(d) 及 (l)、(3) footing type with a ground bearing pressure not
及 (4)(c) 條所需的所有岩土圖則、岩土評估、岩土詳圖及 exceeding 300 kPa and founded at not more than 2 m
計算資料、岩土報告、地盤勘測報告或土地勘測報告, below existing ground level; and
對該等岩土圖則、岩土評估、岩土詳圖及計算資料、岩 (e) there is no structural alteration to any existing structural
土報告、地盤勘測報告或土地勘測報告 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) elements designed by a registered structural engineer.
負起所有責任。 (2004 年第 15 號第 40 條 ) (5) All geotechnical plans, geotechnical assessment, geotechnical
(1990 年第 438 號法律公告 ) details and calculations, geotechnical reports, site investigation
reports or ground investigation reports required under or
pursuant to regulation 8(1)(b)(iv), (ba), (bb), (bc), (d) and (l),

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第 123A 章 第 13 條 Regulation 13 Cap. 123A

(3) and (4)(c) shall be prepared and signed by a registered

geotechnical engineer, and his signature shall be deemed to
be his assumption of all responsibility for the geotechnical
plans, geotechnical assessment, geotechnical details and
calculations, geotechnical reports, site investigation reports or
ground investigation reports, as the case may be. (15 of 2004
s. 40)
(L.N. 438 of 1990)

13. 圖則比例 13. Ratio of plans

(1) 建築工程的圖則及截面圖須以不小於 1:100 的比例繪製: (1) Plans and sections of building works shall be drawn to a ratio
但如屬範圍極廣的建築工程,建築事務監督可接受以不 of not less than 1:100:
小於 1:200 的比例所繪製的圖則。 Provided that, in the case of very extensive building works,
(2) (a) 就街道工程呈交的每份索引圖須以不小於 1:2 500 的 the Building Authority may accept plans drawn to a ratio of
比例繪製。 not less than 1:200.
(b) 如此呈交的每份布局平面圖須以不小於 1:200 的比 (2) (a) Every key plan submitted in respect of street works shall
例繪製。 be drawn to a ratio of not less than 1:2 500.
(c) 如此呈交的縱截面圖 —— (b) Every layout plan so submitted shall be drawn to a ratio
of not less than 1:200.
(i) 如屬水平面,須以不小於 1:500 的比例繪製;
及 (c) Longitudinal sections so submitted shall—
(ii) 如屬垂直面,須以不小於 1:200 的比例繪製。 (i) if horizontal, be drawn to a ratio of not less than
1:500; and
(d) 如此呈交的橫截面圖須以不小於 1:200 的比例繪製。
(ii) if vertical, be drawn to a ratio of not less than
(e) 如此呈交的標準道路截面圖須以不小於 1:50 的比例 1:200.
(d) Cross sections so submitted shall be drawn to a ratio of
(3) 每份區劃圖須以不小於 1:500 的比例繪製。 not less than 1:200.
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (e) Typical road sections so submitted shall be drawn to a
ratio of not less than 1:50.
(3) Every block plan shall be drawn to a ratio of not less than

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3-29 第3部 Part 3 3-30

第 123A 章 第 14 條 Regulation 14 Cap. 123A

(L.N. 294 of 1976)

14. 圖則必須清楚及製圖的物料 14. Plans to be clear and material thereof

(1) 每份呈交建築事務監督批准的圖則須以清楚和易於理解 (1) Every plan submitted to the Building Authority for his
的方式繪製或複製於適當和耐久的物料上。 approval shall be drawn or reproduced in a clear and
(2) 呈交建築事務監督的工程繪圖不得複製在鐵氰藍圖上。 intelligible manner on suitable and durable material.
(3) 每份圖則須有一份文本填上顏色,以清楚區別現有工程 (2) Engineering drawings shall not be reproduced, for submission
和新工程以及清楚區別新工程的某一部分和其他部分。 to the Building Authority, on ferro-prussic prints.
(1976 年第 241 號法律公告 ) (3) One copy of every plan shall be so coloured as to clearly
differentiate existing work from new work and one part of
any new work from the other parts thereof. (L.N. 241 of

15. 建築事務監督拒絕接受圖則的權力 15. Power of Building Authority to refuse to accept plans

建築事務監督可拒絕接受由 2 名或多於 2 名認可人士、註冊結 The Building Authority may refuse to accept plans from 2 or more
構工程師或註冊岩土工程師就同一處所的工程呈交的圖則。 authorized persons, registered structural engineers or registered
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 41 條 ) geotechnical engineers, in respect of works at the same premises.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 41)

16. ( 由 1976 年第 241 號法律公告廢除 ) 16. (Repealed L.N. 241 of 1976)

證明書 Certificates
17. ( 由 1990 年第 438 號法律公告廢除 ) 17. (Repealed L.N. 438 of 1990)

18. 穩定性證明書 18. Stability certificate

(1) 凡任何建築工程包括任何建築物的修葺、改動或加建, (1) Where any building works consist of repairs, alterations or
就該等建築工程製備圖則的認可人士須在該等圖則呈交 additions to any building, the authorized person who has
建築事務監督批准時,以指明的表格向建築事務監督送 prepared the plans in respect of such building works shall, at
交一份證明書,證明他已檢查該建築物,並認為該建築 the time such plans are submitted to the Building Authority
物有能力承受因該等修葺、改動或加建而可能有所增加 for his approval, send to the Building Authority a certificate,
或在任何方面有所改動的荷載及應力。 (1993 年第 347 in the specified form, that he has inspected such building and
號法律公告 ) that it is, in his opinion, capable of bearing the loads and
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第 123A 章 第 18A 條 Regulation 18A Cap. 123A

(2) 凡該建築物的建造方式是需有任何註冊結構工程師的服 stresses which may be increased or altered in any way by

務的,該證明書須由該註冊結構工程師簽署,並由就該 reason of such repairs, alterations or additions. (L.N. 347 of
等建築工程委任的認可人士加簽。 1993)
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告 ) (2) Where such building has been constructed in such a manner
as to require the services of a registered structural engineer
such certificate shall be signed by the registered structural
engineer and countersigned by the authorized person
appointed in respect of the building works.
(L.N. 188 of 1974)

18A. 認可人士等發出的證明書須與圖則一併呈交 18A. Certificate by authorized person, etc. to be submitted with

凡將任何建築工程或街道工程的圖則呈交建築事務監督批准, plans
須連同該等圖則一併呈交由製備該等圖則或監管製備該等圖 Where plans of any building works or street works are submitted
則的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師 ( 視屬何情 to the Building Authority for his approval there shall be submitted,
況而定 ) 以指明的表格發出的證明書,證明 ——  (1993 年第 together with the plans, a certificate, which shall be in the specified
347 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 42 條 ) form, by the authorized person, registered structural engineer or
(a) 該等圖則由他製備或在他監管或指示下製備;及 registered geotechnical engineer, as the case may be, who prepared
the plans or under whose supervision the plans were prepared,
(b) 盡他所知所信,該等圖則在各方面均符合本條例及 that—  (L.N. 347 of 1993; 15 of 2004 s. 42)
(a) the plans were prepared by him or under his supervision
(1975 年第 10 號法律公告; 1976 年第 241 號法律公告; 1990 or direction; and
年第 438 號法律公告 )
(b) to the best of his knowledge and belief the plans comply
in all respects with the Ordinance and the regulations
made thereunder.
(L.N. 10 of 1975; L.N. 241 of 1976; L.N. 438 of 1990)

通知 Notices
19. 製備呈交建築事務監督的圖則的認可人士、註冊結構工程師 19. Authorized person, registered structural engineer or registered
或註冊岩土工程師如不再受聘須通知建築事務監督 geotechnical engineer who has prepared plans submitted to

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3-33 第3部 Part 3 3-34

第 123A 章 第 20 條 Regulation 20 Cap. 123A

土工程師,因任何理由而不再代表獲其代為進行該建築工程 Building Authority to notify Building Authority if he ceases to

或街道工程的人行事,則他須在不再代表行事後 7 天內,以書 be engaged
面通知建築事務監督他已不再代表行事。 Where an authorized person, registered structural engineer or
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 43 條 ) registered geotechnical engineer who has prepared any plans or
other details of any building works or street works, which have
been submitted to the Building Authority for his approval, ceases,
for any reason, to act on behalf of the person for whom such
building works or street works are to be carried out, he shall, in
writing, within 7 days thereof, notify the Building Authority that
he has so ceased to act.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 43)

20. 在建築工程或街道工程展開前向建築事務監督發出通知 20. Notification to Building Authority before commencement of

(1) 在任何建築工程或街道工程展開前不少於 7 天,就該建 building works or street works
築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士須以指明的表格向建 (1) Not less than 7 days before the commencement of any
築事務監督提交 ——  (1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) building works or street works, the authorized person
(a) 由該認可人士簽署的通知,述明就該建築工程或街 appointed in respect of the building works or street
道工程所委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承 works shall, in the specified form, furnish to the Building
建商或註冊小型工程承建商及工程展開的日期;及 Authority—  (L.N. 347 of 1993)
(b) 由該註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註冊 (a) a notification, signed by the authorized person, of
小型工程承建商就上述委任而簽署的接受書、他就 the appointment of the registered general building
該建築工程或街道工程展開的日期而簽署的確認書, contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered
以及他就嚴格遵從本條例及規例的條文而簽署的承 minor works contractor in respect thereof and of the
擔責任書。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2008 年第 date upon which the building works or street works are
20 號第 34 條 ) to be commenced; and
(2) 在任何建築工程或街道工程展開前不少於 7 天的時間, (b) an acceptance of such appointment, a confirmation
就該建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、註冊結構工 of the date upon which the building works or street
程師或註冊岩土工程師在需要有監工計劃書的情況下, works are to be commenced and an undertaking of
須 ——  (2004 年第 15 號第 44 條 ) responsibility for strict compliance with the provisions
of the Ordinance and regulations, signed by the
(a) 將根據第 37 條委任任何適任技術人員一事以書面通 registered general building contractor, registered
知建築事務監督;及 specialist contractor or registered minor works
contractor. (L.N. 514 of 1997; 20 of 2008 s. 34)
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第 123A 章 第 21 條 Regulation 21 Cap. 123A

(b) 向建築事務監督提供根據第 37 條委任的適任技術人 (2) Not less than 7 days before the commencement of any
員的個人詳情、資格及經驗。 (1997 年第 514 號法 building works or street works, the authorized person, the
律公告 ) registered structural engineer or the registered geotechnical
(3) 在任何建築工程或街道工程展開前不少於 7 天的時間, engineer appointed in respect of the building works or street
就該建築工程或街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商或 works shall, where a supervision plan is required—   (15 of
註冊專門承建商在需要有監工計劃書的情況下,須 —— 2004 s. 44)
(a) 將根據第 41 條委任任何適任技術人員一事以書面通 (a) notify the Building Authority in writing of the
知建築事務監督;及 appointment of any technically competent person under
regulation 37; and
(b) 向建築事務監督提供根據第 41 條委任的適任技術人
員的個人詳情、資格及經驗。 (1997 年第 514 號法 (b) provide the Building Authority with the personal
律公告 ) particulars, qualifications and experience of the
technically competent person appointed under regulation
(1961 年 A97 號政府公告; 1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1990 年 37. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
第 438 號法律公告 )
(3) Not less than 7 days before the commencement of any
building works or street works, the registered general building
contractor or the registered specialist contractor appointed in
respect of the building works or street works shall, where a
supervision plan is required—
(a) notify the Building Authority in writing of the
appointment of any technically competent person under
regulation 41; and
(b) provide the Building Authority with the personal
particulars, qualifications and experience of the
technically competent person appointed under
regulation 41. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(G.N.A. 97 of 1961; L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 438 of 1990)

21. ( 由 1990 年第 438 號法律公告廢除 ) 21. (Repealed L.N. 438 of 1990)

22. 更換認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊承建 22. Building Authority to be notified on change of authorized

商等時須通知建築事務監督 person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechnical
(1) 凡按照本條例的條文就建築工程或街道工程委任另一名 engineer, registered contractor, etc.

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3-37 第3部 Part 3 3-38

第 123A 章 第 22 條 Regulation 22 Cap. 123A

認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊一 (1) Where, in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance,

般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商, another authorized person, registered structural engineer,
由其代為進行該建築工程或街道工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building
的人須在作出委任後 7 天內,將該認可人士、註冊結構 contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered minor
工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊一般建築承建商、註冊 works contractor is appointed in respect of building works
專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商的姓名或名稱以書面 or street works, the person for whom the building works or
通知建築事務監督。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) street works, as the case may be, are being carried out shall,
(2) 凡就某項建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、註冊結 in writing, notify the Building Authority of the name of such
構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊一般建築承建商、註 authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered
冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商在任何該等工程進 geotechnical engineer, registered general building contractor,
行期間,變得不能或不願意行事,任何結構工程 ( 如是註 registered specialist contractor or registered minor works
冊結構工程師 ) 或任何岩土工程 ( 如是註冊岩土工程師 ) contractor within 7 days of his appointment. (L.N. 514 of
或所有工程 ( 如是認可人士 ) 或有關的建築工程或街道工 1997)
程 ( 如是就上述工程而獲委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註 (2) Where an authorized person, registered structural engineer,
冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商 ) 均須停止,直至有 registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building
另一名認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、 contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered minor
註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程 works contractor appointed in respect of building works or
承建商獲委任並已按照第 (1) 款通知建築事務監督為止。 street works has, during the carrying out of any such works,
(1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) become unable or unwilling to act, in the case of a registered
(3) 根據第 37 條委任任何適任技術人員的委任如有更改,認 structural engineer, any structural work, in the case of a
可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師須於更改後 7 registered geotechnical engineer, any geotechnical work, in
天內將該項更改以書面通知建築事務監督,並須向建築 the case of an authorized person, all works, and in the case of
事務監督提供根據該條委任的新的適任技術人員的個人 a registered general building contractor, registered specialist
詳 情、資 格 及 經 驗。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2009 contractor or registered minor works contractor, the building
年第 180 號法律公告 ) works or street works for which he is appointed, shall cease
until another authorized person, registered structural engineer,
(4) 根據第 41 條委任任何適任技術人員的委任如有更改,註 registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building
冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承 contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered
建商須於更改後 7 天內將該項更改以書面通知建築事務 minor works contractor, has been appointed and the Building
監督,並須向建築事務監督提供根據該條委任的新的適 Authority has been notified in accordance with paragraph (1).
任技術人員的個人詳情、資格及經驗。 (1997 年第 514 (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608 of 1997)
號法律公告; 2009 年第 180 號法律公告 )
(3) An authorized person, registered structural engineer or
(5) 在根據第 37 條委任的適任技術人員不再獲委任時,認可 registered geotechnical engineer is required to notify the
人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師須停止進行工 Building Authority in writing of a change in the appointment
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3-39 第3部 Part 3 3-40

第 123A 章 第 22 條 Regulation 22 Cap. 123A

程中按照監工計劃書屬該適任技術人員監督的部分,直 of any technically competent person appointed under

至新的適任技術人員獲委任為止。 (1997 年第 514 號法 regulation 37 within 7 days of the change and to provide the
律公告 ) Building Authority with the personal particulars, qualifications
(6) 在根據第 41 條委任的適任技術人員不再獲委任時,註冊 and experience of the new technically competent person
一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建 appointed under that regulation. (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 180
商須停止進行工程中按照監工計劃書屬該適任技術人員 of 2009)
監督的部分,直至新的適任技術人員獲委任為止。 (1997 (4) A registered general building contractor, registered specialist
年第 514 號法律公告; 1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) contractor or registered minor works contractor is required
(7) 凡已委任任何人操作拆卸工程中所使用的或所擬使用的 to notify the Building Authority in writing of a change in the
動力機械裝置或裝備,如委任人選有所更改,則註冊專 appointment of any technically competent person appointed
門承建商須於更改後 7 天內以書面通知建築事務監督, under regulation 41 within 7 days of the change and to
並須向建築事務監督提供新委任的操作該裝置或裝備的 provide the Building Authority with the personal particulars,
人的個人詳情、資格及經驗。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公 qualifications and experience of the new technically
告; 1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) competent person appointed under that regulation. (L.N. 514
of 1997; L.N. 180 of 2009)
(1990 年第 438 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 45 條; 2008 年
第 20 號第 35 條 ) (5) An authorized person, registered structural engineer or
registered geotechnical engineer is required to cease that
part of the works, which in accordance with the supervision
plan, is under the supervision of the technically competent
person appointed under regulation 37, on the cessation of
such appointment until a new technically competent person is
appointed. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(6) A registered general building contractor, registered specialist
contractor or registered minor works contractor is required
to cease that part of the works, which in accordance with the
supervision plan, is under the supervision of the technically
competent person appointed under regulation 41, on the
cessation of such appointment until a new technically
competent person is appointed. (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608
of 1997)
(7) Where any operator of powered mechanical plant or
equipment used or proposed to be used in demolition works
is appointed, a registered specialist contractor is required to

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3-41 第3部 Part 3 3-42

第 123A 章 第 23 條 Regulation 23 Cap. 123A

notify the Building Authority in writing of a change in the

appointment of the operator within 7 days of the change
and to provide the Building Authority with the personal
particulars, qualifications and experience of the new operator
of the plant or equipment. (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608 of
(L.N. 438 of 1990; 15 of 2004 s. 45; 20 of 2008 s. 35)

23. 須就委任等向建築事務監督提供的資料 23. Information to be supplied to Building Authority respecting

(1A) 凡根據本條例第 4(1) 條就任何建築工程或街道工程委任 appointments, etc.
認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師,由其代 (1A) Where an authorized person, registered structural engineer
為進行該建築工程或街道工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的人, or registered geotechnical engineer is appointed in respect of
須以指明的表格向建築事務監督提交該項委任的通知及 any building works or street works under section 4(1) of the
有關的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師接 Ordinance, the person for whom the building works or street
受該項委任的確認書。(1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) works, as the case may be, are to be carried out shall furnish
(1) 凡就任何建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、註冊結 to the Building Authority in the specified form, a notice of the
構工程師或註冊岩土工程師因任何理由而不再獲委任, appointment and the confirmation by the authorized person,
他須在不再獲委任後 7 天內,以書面通知建築事務監督 registered structural engineer or registered geotechnical
他已不再獲委任。 engineer of his acceptance of the appointment. (L.N. 347 of
(2) 凡獲如此委任的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土
工程師已根據本條例第 4(2) 條指定另一名認可人士、註 (1) Where an authorized person, registered structural engineer or
冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師代他行事,他須在作出 registered geotechnical engineer who has been appointed in
指定後不遲於 7 天,將該項指定以指明的表格通知建築 respect of any building works or street works ceases, for any
事務監督,通知並須附有該另一名認可人士、註冊結構 reason, to be so appointed, he shall, within 7 days thereof,
工程師或註冊岩土工程師接受該項指定的確認書。(1993 notify the Building Authority in writing that he has so ceased
年第 347 號法律公告 ) to be appointed.
(1969 年第 51 號法律公告; 1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 (2) Where an authorized person, registered structural engineer or
年第 15 號第 46 條 ) registered geotechnical engineer so appointed has nominated
another authorized person, registered structural engineer or
registered geotechnical engineer to act in his stead under
section 4(2) of the Ordinance, he shall, not later than 7 days
thereafter, notify the Building Authority in the specified
form of such nomination and shall include in the notice the

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3-43 第3部 Part 3 3-44

第 123A 章 第 24 條 Regulation 24 Cap. 123A

confirmation by such other authorized person, registered

structural engineer or registered geotechnical engineer of his
acceptance of the nomination. (L.N. 347 of 1993)
(L.N. 51 of 1969; L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 46)

24. 不再獲委任的註冊承建商的責任 24. Duties of registered contractor who ceases to be appointed

凡就某項建築工程或街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、 Where a registered general building contractor, registered specialist
註冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商因任何理由而不再獲 contractor or registered minor works contractor appointed in respect
委任,他須在不再獲委任後 7 天內,以指明的表格向就該建築 of building works or street works ceases, for any reason, to be so
工程或街道工程委任的認可人士交付述明他已不再獲委任的 appointed, he shall, within 7 days thereof, deliver to the authorized
通知,以便由該認可人士按照第 38 條的條文將該通知呈交建 person appointed in respect of the building works or street works
築事務監督,他並須在表格內證明他所進行的建築工程或街 for submission to the Building Authority in accordance with the
道工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 是按照本條例及規例的條文進行的。 provisions of regulation 38 notice, in the specified form, that he
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1990 年第 438 號法律公告; 1993 has so ceased to be appointed, and shall, in such form, certify that
年第 347 號法律公告; 1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2008 年第 the building works or street works, as the case may be, carried out
20 號第 36 條 ) by him have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of
the Ordinance and regulations.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 438 of 1990; L.N. 347 of 1993; L.N. 514
of 1997; 20 of 2008 s. 36)

25. 註冊承建商及認可人士須在建築工程完成時發出證明書 25. Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized

(1) 就任何建築工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門 person on completion of building works
承建商及註冊小型工程承建商須在該建築工程完成後 7 (1) Within 7 days of the completion of any building works
天內,在就建成新建築物或並無建成新建築物的建築工 in respect of which he has been appointed, the registered
程而指明的表格 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 內,證明該新建築物 general building contractor, registered specialist contractor
是按照本條例和規例的條文以及建築事務監督就該新建 and registered minor works contractor shall, in the form
築物批准的圖則建立的,或證明該建築工程是按照本條 specified for building works resulting in a new building or
例和規例的條文以及建築事務監督就該等建築工程批准 not so resulting, as the case may be, certify that the new
的圖則進行的,並須在上述 7 天內將證明書交付就該建 building has been erected or the building works carried out
築工程委任的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and
程師 ( 視屬何情況而定 )。 (2004 年第 15 號第 47 條 ) regulations, and the plans approved in respect of the new
(2) 就任何建築工程委任的認可人士須在該建築工程 ( 拆卸 building and the building works by the Building Authority,
工程除外 ) 完成後 14 天內,在就該工程委任的註冊一般 and shall, within the said 7 days, deliver such certificate to the

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3-45 第3部 Part 3 3-46

第 123A 章 第 25 條 Regulation 25 Cap. 123A

建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程承建商按 authorized person, registered structural engineer or registered

照第 (1) 款的條文向他交付的就建成新建築物或並無建成 geotechnical engineer, as the case may be, appointed in
新建築物的建築工程而指明的表格 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 內, respect of the building works. (15 of 2004 s. 47)
證明該新建築物是按照本條例和規例的條文以及建築事 (2) Within 14 days of the completion of any building works,
務監督就該新建築物批准的圖則建立的,或證明該建築 other than demolition works, in respect of which he has been
工程是按照本條例和規例的條文以及建築事務監督就該 appointed, the authorized person shall, in the form specified
等建築工程批准的圖則進行的,且他認為該新建築物或 for building works resulting in a new building or not so
該建築工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 結構上安全,並須在上述 resulting, as the case may be, delivered to him, in accordance
14 天內將證明書送交建築事務監督。 with the provisions of paragraph (1), by the registered
(3) 如有就建成新建築物或並無建成新建築物的建築工程 ( 拆 general building contractor, registered specialist contractor
卸工程除外 ) 而指明的表格 ( 視屬何情況而定 ),由就該 and registered minor works contractor appointed in respect
建築工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商 thereof, certify that the new building has been erected or the
及註冊小型工程承建商按照第 (1) 款的條文交付就該建築 building works carried out in accordance with the provisions
工程委任的註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師,則該註 of the Ordinance and regulations, and the plans approved in
冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師須在接獲表格後 7 天內, respect of the new building and the building works by the
證明該新建築物是按照本條例和規例的條文以及建築事 Building Authority, and that the new building or such building
務監督就該新建築物批准的圖則建立的,或證明該建築 works, as the case may be, are in his opinion structurally safe
工程是按照本條例和規例的條文以及建築事務監督就該 and shall, within the said 14 days, send such certificate to the
等建築工程批准的圖則進行的,且他認為該新建築物或 Building Authority.
該建築工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 在結構上或岩土方面 ( 視 (3) Where the form specified for building works, other than
屬何情況而定 ) 是安全的,並須將證明書交付有關的認可 demolition works, resulting in a new building or not so
人士,而該認可人士須在接獲證明書後 7 天內將證明書 resulting, as the case may be, is delivered to the registered
送交建築事務監督。 (1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 structural engineer or registered geotechnical engineer
年第 15 號第 47 條 ) appointed in respect of the building works, in accordance
(4) 就任何拆卸工程委任的認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註 with the provisions of paragraph (1), by the registered
冊岩土工程師須在該拆卸工程完成後 14 天內,以就拆卸 general building contractor, registered specialist contractor
工程而指明的表格,向建築事務監督證明 ——  (2004 年 and registered minor works contractor appointed in respect
第 15 號第 47 條 ) thereof, the registered structural engineer or registered
(a) 該拆卸工程已按照經批准圖則完成; geotechnical engineer shall within 7 days of the receipt
thereof certify that the new building has been erected or the
(b) 他認為在地盤剩下的任何構築物或建築物在結構上 building works carried out in accordance with the provisions
是安全的;及 of the Ordinance and regulations, and the plans approved in
(c) 受該拆卸工程影響的任何土地或街道有足夠安全度。 respect of the new building and the building works by the
(1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) Building Authority, and that the new building or such building
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3-47 第3部 Part 3 3-48

第 123A 章 第 25A 條 Regulation 25A Cap. 123A

(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1993 年第 347 號法律公告; works, as the case may be, are in his opinion structurally or
1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2008 年第 20 號第 37 條 ) geotechnically (as the case may be) safe, and shall deliver
such certificate to the authorized person who shall within
7 days of the receipt thereof send the same to the Building
Authority. (L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 47)
(4) Within 14 days of the completion of any demolition works in
respect of which he has been appointed, the authorized person,
registered structural engineer and registered geotechnical
engineer shall, in the form specified for demolition works,
certify to the Building Authority that—  (15 of 2004 s. 47)
(a) the demolition works have been completed in
accordance with the approved plans;
(b) any structure or building remaining on the site is, in his
opinion, structurally safe; and
(c) any land or street affected by the demolition works has
an adequate margin of safety. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 347 of 1993; L.N. 514 of 1997; 20 of 2008
s. 37)

25A. 供水證明書 25A. Certificates as to supply of water

(1) 在任何按照《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工 (1) On the completion of any new building in which any water
程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) 而設有任何水 closet fitment, trough water closet, latrine fitment or urinal
廁設備、槽式水廁、廁所設備或尿廁的新建築物完成時, has been provided in accordance with the Building (Standards
就有關的建築工程委任的認可人士須將下列證明書連同 of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
第 25(2) 條所提述的證明書,一併送交建築事務監督 —— Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I), the authorized
(a) 水務監督發出的證明書,表明供水已按照《建築物 person appointed in respect of the building works shall send
( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 to the Building Authority together with the certificate referred
( 第 123 章,附 屬 法 例 I) 第 10A 條,由 水 務 設 施 永 to in regulation 25(2)—
久接駁至該建築物; (a) a certificate by the water authority to the effect that a
(b) 如建築事務監督已根據《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水 permanent connexion to the building of a supply of
管 裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 屬 water from the waterworks has been made in accordance
with regulation 10A of the Building (Standards of

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3-49 第3部 Part 3 3-50

第 123A 章 第 25A 條 Regulation 25A Cap. 123A

法例 I) 第 10A(3)(b) 條,准許由建築物用地內的水井 Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and

將供水接駁至該建築物,則 —— Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I);
(i) 就該建築工程委任的認可人士發出的證明書, (b) where the Building Authority has under
表明供水已按照《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管 regulation 10A(3)(b) of the Building (Standards of
裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
屬法例 I) 第 10A 條,由建築物用地內的水井永 Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I) permitted
久接駁至該建築物;及 the connexion to the building of a supply of water from
(ii) 就該建築工程委任的認可人士按照《建築物 ( 衞 a well within the site of the building—
生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規 (i) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) 第 10A(7) 條就該水 respect of the building works to the effect that a
井發出的證明書;或 (1990 年第 439 號法律公 permanent connexion to the building of a supply
告) of water from a well within the site of the building
(c) 如建築事務監督已根據《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水 has been made in accordance with regulation 10A
管 裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 屬 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
法例 I) 第 10A(3)(c) 條准許或指示將並非來自水務設 Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines)
施或建築物用地內水井的供水,接駁至該建築物, Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I); and
則就該建築工程委任的認可人士發出的證明書,表 (ii) a certificate by the authorized person appointed
明 該 供 水 已 按 照《建 築 物 ( 衞 生 設 備 標 準、水 管 裝 in respect of the building works in respect of
置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) such well in accordance with regulation 10A(7)
第 10A 條,永久接駁至該建築物。 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
(2) 在任何按照《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工 Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines)
程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) 而設有任何廢 Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I); or (L.N. 439 of
水設備或淋浴花灑的新建築物完成時,就有關的建築工 1990)
程委任的認可人士須將下列證明書連同第 25(2) 條所提述 (c) where the Building Authority has under
的證明書,一併送交建築事務監督 —— regulation 10A(3)(c) of the Building (Standards of
(a) 水務監督發出的證明書,表明供水已按照《建築物 Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I) permitted
( 第 123 章,附 屬 法 例 I) 第 10A 條,由 水 務 設 施 永 or directed the connexion to the building of a supply of
久接駁至該建築物; water other than a supply of water from the waterworks
or from a well within the site of the building, a
(b) 如建築事務監督已根據《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水 certificate from the authorized person appointed in
管 裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 屬 respect of the building works to the effect that a
permanent connexion to the building of such supply has

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3-51 第3部 Part 3 3-52

第 123A 章 第 25A 條 Regulation 25A Cap. 123A

法例 I) 第 10A(3)(b) 條,准許由建築物用地內的水井 been made in accordance with regulation 10A of the

將供水接駁至該建築物,則 —— Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,
(i) 就該建築工程委任的認可人士發出的證明書, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123
表明供水已按照《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管 sub. leg. I).
裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 (2) On the completion of any new building in which any waste
屬法例 I) 第 10A 條,由建築物用地內的水井永 fitment or shower has been provided in accordance with
久接駁至該建築物;及 the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,
(ii) 就該建築工程委任的認可人士按照《建築物 ( 衞 Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.
生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規 I), the authorized person appointed in respect of the building
例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) 第 10A(7) 條就該水 works shall send to the Building Authority together with the
井發出的證明書;或 (1990 年第 439 號法律公 certificate referred to in regulation 25(2)—
告) (a) a certificate from the water authority to the effect that
(c) 如建築事務監督已根據《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水 a permanent connexion to the building of a supply of
管 裝 置、排 水 工 程 及 廁 所 ) 規 例》( 第 123 章,附 屬 water from the waterworks has been made in accordance
法例 I) 第 10A(3)(c) 條准許或指示將並非來自水務設 with regulation 10A of the Building (Standards of
施或建築物用地內水井的供水,接駁至該建築物, Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
則就該建築工程委任的認可人士發出的證明書,表 Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I);
明 該 供 水 已 按 照《建 築 物 ( 衞 生 設 備 標 準、水 管 裝 (b) where the Building Authority has under
置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) regulation 10A(3)(b) of the Building (Standards of
第 10A 條,永久接駁至該建築物。 Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
(3) 水務監督須在接獲要求發出根據本條所需的證明書的書 Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I) permitted
面申請後 10 天內,發出證明書。 the connexion to the building of a supply of water from
a well within the site of the building—
(1966 年第 63 號法律公告; 1974 年第 188 號法律公告 )
(i) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works to the effect that a
permanent connexion to the building of a supply
of water from a well within the site of the building
has been made in accordance with regulation 10A
of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines)
Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I); and
(ii) a certificate by the authorized person appointed
in respect of the building works in respect of
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3-53 第3部 Part 3 3-54

第 123A 章 第 26 條 Regulation 26 Cap. 123A

such well in accordance with regulation 10A(7)

of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines)
Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I); or (L.N. 439 of
(c) where the Building Authority has under
regulation 10A(3)(c) of the Building (Standards of
Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I) permitted
or directed the connexion to the building of a supply of
water other than a supply of water from the waterworks
or from a well within the site of the building, a
certificate by the authorized person appointed in respect
of the building works to the effect that a permanent
connexion to the building of such supply has been
made in accordance with regulation 10A of the Building
(Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage
Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I).
(3) The water authority shall issue a certificate required under
this regulation within 10 days of receiving an application in
writing therefor.
(L.N. 63 of 1966; L.N. 188 of 1974)

26. 註冊承建商及認可人士須在街道工程完成時發出證明書 26. Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized

(1) 就任何街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門 person on completion of street works
承建商須在該街道工程完成後 7 天內,在指明的表格內 (1) Within 7 days of the completion of any street works in
證明該工程是按照本條例及規例的條文進行的,並須在 respect of which he has been appointed, the registered general
上述 7 天內將該證明書交付就該街道工程委任的認可人士。 building contractor or the registered specialist contractor
(2) 就任何街道工程委任的認可人士須在該街道工程完成後 shall, in the specified form, certify that such works have been
14 天內,在就該街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商或 carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance
註冊專門承建商按照第 (1) 款向他交付的指明的表格內, and regulations and shall, within the said 7 days, deliver such
證明該工程是按照建築事務監督就該工程批准的圖則進 certificate to the authorized person appointed in respect of the
行的,並須在上述 14 天內將證明書送交建築事務監督。 street works.

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3-55 第3部 Part 3 3-56

第 123A 章 第 27 條 Regulation 27 Cap. 123A

(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1993 年第 347 號法律公告; (2) Within 14 days of the completion of any street works in
1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) respect of which he has been appointed, the authorized person
shall, in the specified form delivered to him, in accordance
with paragraph (1), by the registered general building
contractor or the registered specialist contractor appointed
in respect thereof, certify that such works have been carried
out in accordance with the plans approved in respect thereof
by the Building Authority and shall, within the said 14 days,
send such certificate to the Building Authority.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 347 of 1993; L.N. 514 of 1997)

27. ( 由 1990 年第 438 號法律公告廢除 ) 27. (Repealed L.N. 438 of 1990)

28. 就緊急工程聘用的認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工 28. Certificate to be given by authorized person, registered

程師及註冊承建商須發出證明書 structural engineer, registered geotechnical engineer and
每名受聘監督任何緊急工程的認可人士、註冊結構工程師及 registered contractor engaged in respect of emergency work
註冊岩土工程師,以及每名受聘進行任何緊急工程的註冊一 Every authorized person, registered structural engineer and
般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程承建商,須 registered geotechnical engineer engaged to supervise, and
於受聘後 48 小時內在為施行本條例第 19 條而指明的表格內, registered general building contractor, registered specialist
證明他已受聘。 contractor and registered minor works contractor engaged to
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1993 年第 347 號法律公告; 1997 carry out, any work of emergency shall, within 48 hours thereof,
年第 514 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 48 條; 2008 年第 20 certify, on the form specified for the purposes of section 19 of the
號第 38 條 ) Ordinance, that he has been so engaged.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 347 of 1993; L.N. 514 of 1997; 15 of 2004
s. 48; 20 of 2008 s. 38)

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4-1 第4部 Part 4 4-2

第 123A 章 第 29 條 Regulation 29 Cap. 123A

第4部 Part 4
關於批准圖則和同意展開建築工程及街道工程的程序 Procedure in connexion with Approval of Plans and
Consent for Commencement of Building Works and
Street Works
29. 要求批准的申請 29. Application for approval
(1) 除第 33 條另有規定外,要求批准建築工程或街道工程圖 (1) Save as provided in regulation 33, application for approval of
則的申請,須以指明的表格提出,並須附同根據本規例 plans of building works or street works shall be made in the
所 需 的 文 件。 (1961 年 A97 號政府公告; 1974 年第 188 specified form and shall be accompanied by such documents
號法律公告; 1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) as are required under these regulations. (G.N.A. 97 of 1961;
(1A) 建築事務監督可就根據第 (1) 款提出的申請向申請人收取 L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 347 of 1993)
訂明費用。 (1991 年第 120 號法律公告 ) (1A) The Building Authority may charge the applicant the
(2) 除第 11A 條另有規定外,上述任何一份或多於一份的圖 prescribed fee in respect of an application made under
則可分開呈交批准。 (1982 年第 233 號法律公告 ) paragraph (1). (L.N. 120 of 1991)
(3) 在不損害第 30(3) 條的原則下,因建築事務監督根據本條 (2) Subject to regulation 11A, any one or more of such plans may
例第 16(1)(i) 或 (2)(f) 條拒絕給予批准而呈交進一步詳情 be submitted for approval separately. (L.N. 233 of 1982)
或其他圖則,須當作就建築事務監督所拒絕批准的圖則 (3) Without prejudice to regulation 30(3), the submission of
重新提出申請。 (1971 年第 152 號法律公告; 1973 年第 further particulars or other plans consequent upon the
121 號法律公告 ) refusal of the Building Authority to give his approval under
section 16(1)(i) or (2)(f) of the Ordinance shall be deemed
to be a fresh application in respect of the plans which the
Building Authority had refused to approve. (L.N. 152 of 1971;
L.N. 121 of 1973)

30. 圖則的批准 30. Approval of plans

(1) 建 築 事 務 監 督 批 准 向 他 呈 交 的 圖 則,須 以 下 述 方 式 示 (1) The approval of the Building Authority in respect of the plans
明 —— submitted to him shall be signified by—
(a) 向提出申請的人送達書面通知;及 (1993 年第 347 (a) notice in writing served on the person making
號法律公告 ) application therefor; and (L.N. 347 of 1993)

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4-3 第4部 Part 4 4-4

第 123A 章 第 30 條 Regulation 30 Cap. 123A

(b) 在該等圖則 ( 結構計算資料及岩土計算資料除外 ) (b) the stamping, signing and dating of one copy of such
的一份文本上蓋印、簽署和註明日期,該文本須交 plans, other than structural calculations and geotechnical
還認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師。 calculations, which shall be returned to the authorized
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告;2004 年第 15 號第 49 條 ) person, registered structural engineer or registered
(2) 建築事務監督可在接獲申請後,就已呈交的任何一份或 geotechnical engineer. (L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004
多於一份的圖則分開給予批准。 s. 49)
(3) 就本條例第 15 條而言,在以下期限過後須當作建築事務 (2) The Building Authority may, upon application therefor, give
監督已批准向他呈交的圖則 —— separate approval for any one or more of the plans submitted.
(a) 如屬首次呈交建築事務監督批准的圖則,則為自呈 (3) For the purposes of section 15 of the Ordinance, the period
交圖則的日期起計 60 天; after which the Building Authority shall be deemed to have
given his approval of plans submitted to him shall be—
(b) 如任何圖則以往曾呈交建築事務監督批准,在再次
呈交他批准時經大幅度修訂,以致建築事務監督認 (a) in relation to plans which are submitted for the first time
為該等圖則經重大修訂,則為自最近一次呈交該等 to the Building Authority for approval, 60 days from the
圖則的日期起計 60 天; date on which the plans were submitted;
(c) 如屬以往曾呈交建築事務監督批准而再次呈交他批 (b) in relation to plans which, having been previously
准的任何其他圖則,則為自最近一次呈交該等圖則 submitted to the Building Authority for approval, are
的日期起計 30 天。 (1973 年第 121 號法律公告 ) submitted to him again for approval so extensively
revised as to constitute, in the opinion of the Building
(4) 如建築事務監督認為再次呈交他批准的圖則對以往呈交 Authority, a major revision of such plans, 60 days from
他批准的圖則作出重大修訂,則他須在自最近一次呈交 the date on which the plans were last submitted;
該等圖則的日期起計不遲於 30 天內,通知獲委任的認可
人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師。 (1974 年第 (c) in relation to any other plans which, having been
188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 49 條 ) previously submitted to the Building Authority for
approval, are submitted to him again for approval,
(5)-(6) ( 由 1982 年第 233 號法律公告廢除 ) 30 days from the date on which the plans were last
submitted. (L.N. 121 of 1973)
(4) If the Building Authority is of the opinion that plans submitted
to him again for approval constitute a major revision of any
plans previously submitted to him for approval, he shall
notify the appointed authorized person, registered structural
engineer or registered geotechnical engineer accordingly, not
later than 30 days from the date on which the plans were last
submitted. (L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 49)

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4-5 第4部 Part 4 4-6

第 123A 章 第 31 條 Regulation 31 Cap. 123A

(5)-(6) (Repealed L.N. 233 of 1982)

31. 要求同意展開工程的申請 31. Application for consent to commence

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,要求建築事務監督同意展開任何 (1) Subject to paragraph (2), any application for the consent of
經批准圖則所顯示的任何建築工程或街道工程的申請, the Building Authority for the commencement of any building
須 以 指 明 的 表 格 提 出。 (1997 年 第 514 號 法 律 公 告; works or street works shown on any approved plans shall be
1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) made in the specified form. (L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608 of
(2) 要求建築事務監督同意展開任何拆卸工程的申請,必須 1997)
附同會在該拆卸工程中操作所擬使用的任何動力機械裝 (2) The application for the consent of the Building Authority
置或裝備的人的個人詳情、資格及經驗。 (1997 年第 514 for the commencement of any demolition works must be
號法律公告; 1997 年第 608 號法律公告 ) accompanied by the personal particulars, qualifications and
(1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) experience of the operators of any powered mechanical plant
or equipment proposed to be used in the demolition works.
(L.N. 514 of 1997; L.N. 608 of 1997)
(L.N. 347 of 1993)

32. 同意展開工程 32. Consent to commencement

(1) 建築事務監督同意展開任何建築工程或街道工程,須藉 (1) The consent of the Building Authority to the commencement
向提出申請的人送達的書面通知示明。 (1993 年第 347 of any building works or street works shall be signified by
號法律公告 ) notice in writing served on the person applying therefor.
(2) 建築事務監督可同意展開任何建築工程中有關的圖則已 (L.N. 347 of 1993)
獲批准的任何部分。 (2) The Building Authority may give his consent to the
(3) 本條例第 15 條所提述的關於當作已給予同意的期限為 28 commencement of any part of any building works the plans
天。 (1964 年第 136 號法律公告 ) of which have been approved.
(4)-(5) ( 由 1982 年第 233 號法律公告廢除 ) (3) The period referred to in section 15 of the Ordinance in
connexion with consent being deemed to have been given
shall be 28 days. (L.N. 136 of 1964)
(4)-(5) (Repealed L.N. 233 of 1982)

32A. ( 由 1982 年第 233 號法律公告廢除 ) 32A. (Repealed L.N. 233 of 1982)

33. 建築工程及街道工程的改動或加建 33. Alterations or additions to building works and street works

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4-7 第4部 Part 4 4-8

第 123A 章 第 34 條 Regulation 34 Cap. 123A

(1) 凡欲對任何已獲同意展開的建築工程或街道工程作改 (1) Where it is desired to alter or add to any building works
動 或 加 建,須 向 建 築 事 務 監 督 提 出 書 面 申 請,並 須 附 or street works for the commencement of which consent
同 —— has been given, application shall be made in writing to the
(a) 顯示該項改動或加建的圖則;及 Building Authority and shall be accompanied by—
(b) 根據第 32(1) 條就該等建築工程或街道工程所給予的 (a) plans showing the alterations or additions; and
同意通知。(1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) (b) the notice of consent given under regulation 32(1)
(1A) 建築事務監督可就根據第 (1) 款提出的申請,向申請人收 relating to the building works or street works. (L.N. 347
取訂明費用。(1991 年第 120 號法律公告 ) of 1993)
(2) 本條例第 15 條的條文適用於該等申請,而當作已給予同 (1A) The Building Authority may charge the applicant the
意的期限為 28 天。 prescribed fee in respect of an application made under
paragraph (1). (L.N. 120 of 1991)
(3) 建築事務監督可就根據本條所呈交的圖則給予批准,並
可同意展開其內所顯示的建築工程或街道工程,而他須 (2) The provisions of section 15 of the Ordinance shall apply to
以下述方式示明該等批准及同意 —— such an application, and the period within which consent is to
be deemed to have been given shall be 28 days.
(a) 以第 30 條所訂明的方式在呈交的圖則上示明;及
(3) The Building Authority may give his approval of plans
(b) 在同意通知書中的圖則列表內加入該等圖則。(1993 submitted under this regulation and may consent to the
年第 347 號法律公告 ) commencement of the building works or street works shown
therein, and he shall signify such approval and consent—
(a) on the plans submitted in the manner prescribed by
regulation 30; and
(b) by adding such plans to the list of plans in the notice of
consent. (L.N. 347 of 1993)

34. 同意恢復暫停的工程 34. Consent to the resumption of suspended work

凡建築事務監督根據本條例第 20 條的條文,重新同意展開任 Where under the provisions of section 20 of the Ordinance the
何建築工程或街道工程,他須在關於該等建築工程或街道工 Building Authority renews his consent for the commencement of
程的同意通知書上加上重新同意的附註。 any building works or street works he shall endorse a note of such
(1993 年第 347 號法律公告 ) renewal on the notice of consent relating to the building works or
street works.
(L.N. 347 of 1993)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-1 第5部 Part 5 5-2

第 123A 章 第 35 條 Regulation 35 Cap. 123A

第5部 Part 5
就建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、註冊結構工 Duties of Authorized Person, Registered Structural
程師或註冊岩土工程師及註冊承建商的職責 Engineer or Registered Geotechnical Engineer and
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 50 條 ) Registered Contractors Appointed in respect of
Building Works or Street Works
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 50)

35. 本部所施加的職責對本條例或其他規例所施加的任何其他職 35. Duties imposed by this Part not to prejudice any other duties
責並無損害 imposed by Ordinance or other regulations
本部的規例施加於就建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士、 The duties imposed, by the regulations in this Part, upon an
註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊一般建築承建商、註 authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered
冊專門承建商或註冊小型工程承建商的職責,對本條例或規 geotechnical engineer, registered general building contractor,
例的任何其他條文施加於該認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註 registered specialist contractor or registered minor works contractor
冊岩土工程師、註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商或註 appointed in respect of building works or street works shall be
冊小型工程承建商的任何職責並無損害。 without prejudice to any duties imposed upon such authorized
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2004 person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechnical
年第 15 號第 51 條; 2008 年第 20 號第 39 條 ) engineer, registered general building contractor, registered
specialist contractor or registered minor works contractor by any
other provision of the Ordinance or regulations.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 514 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 51; 20 of 2008
s. 39)

認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師 Authorized person, registered structural engineer or

(2004 年第 15 號第 52 條 ) registered geotechnical engineer
(15 of 2004 s. 52)

36. 認可人士向註冊承建商提供建築工程或街道工程圖則文本的 36. Duty of authorized person to supply copy of plans of building
職責 works or street works to registered contractor
(1) 就任何建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士,須向就該 (1) The authorized person appointed in respect of any building
工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註 works or street works shall supply to the registered general

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-3 第5部 Part 5 5-4

第 123A 章 第 37 條 Regulation 37 Cap. 123A

冊小型工程承建商提供建築事務監督就該建築工程或街 building contractor, registered specialist contractor and

道工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 批准並經由建築事務監督按照 registered minor works contractor appointed in respect
第 30 條蓋印、簽署和註明日期的每一份圖則的文本,以 thereof a copy, stamped, signed and dated, in accordance
及該建築工程或街道工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的每一份監 with regulation 30, by the Building Authority, of every
工計劃書的文本。 (1974 年第 188 號法律公告 ) plan approved by the Building Authority and a copy of any
(2) 如結構詳圖或岩土詳圖由註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工 supervision plan in respect of the building works or street
程師 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 製備,並經建築事務監督批准, works, as the case may be. (L.N. 188 of 1974)
則認可人士有責任確保註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門 (2) Where the structural details or geotechnical details have been
承建商及註冊小型工程承建商獲提供該詳圖文本一份。 prepared by a registered structural engineer or a registered
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 53 條 ) geotechnical engineer, as the case may be, and approved
(1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2008 年第 20 號第 40 條 ) by the Building Authority it shall be the responsibility of
the authorized person to ensure that the registered general
building contractor, registered specialist contractor and
registered minor works contractor are supplied with a copy
thereof. (L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 53)
(L.N. 514 of 1997; 20 of 2008 s. 40)

37. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師的職責 37. Duty of authorized person, registered structural engineer or

(1) 就任何建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士,須作出所 registered geotechnical engineer
需的定期監督和進行所需的檢查,以確保該建築工程或 (1) The authorized person appointed in respect of any building
街道工程的進行大致上是按照本條例及規例的條文和建 works or street works shall give such periodical supervision
築事務監督就該建築工程或街道工程所批准的圖則的, and make such inspections as may be necessary to ensure
並且是遵從根據本條例第 39A 條發出的技術備忘錄而製 that the building works or street works are being carried out
備的監工計劃書 ( 如有需要 ) 以及建築事務監督依據本條 in general accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance
例或規例任何有關上述各方面的條文所作的任何命令或 and regulations, the plans approved in respect thereof by
施加的任何條件的。 the Building Authority, the supervision plan prepared in
compliance with the technical memorandum issued under
section 39A of the Ordinance (if required) and any order
made or condition imposed, pursuant to any provision of
the Ordinance or regulations in that behalf, by the Building

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-5 第5部 Part 5 5-6

第 123A 章 第 38 條 Regulation 38 Cap. 123A

(2) 就任何建築工程或街道工程委任的註冊結構工程師或註 (2) The registered structural engineer or the registered

冊岩土工程師,須作出所需的定期監督和進行所需的檢 geotechnical engineer appointed in respect of any building
查,以確保該結構工程或岩土工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的 works or street works shall give such periodical supervision
進行大致上是按照本條例及規例的條文和建築事務監督 and make such inspections as may be necessary to ensure
就該結構工程或岩土工程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 所批准的圖 that the structural works or geotechnical works, as the case
則的,並且是遵從根據本條例第 39A 條發出的技術備忘 may be, are being carried out in general accordance with
錄而製備的監工計劃書 ( 如有需要 ) 以及建築事務監督依 the provisions of the Ordinance and regulations, the plans
據本條例或規例任何有關上述各方面的條文所作的任何 approved in respect thereof by the Building Authority, the
命令或施加的任何條件的。 (2004 年第 15 號第 54 條 ) supervision plan prepared in compliance with the technical
(3) 凡任何認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師根 memorandum issued under section 39A of the Ordinance (if
據本條例第 4 條就任何地盤而獲委任,如需要有監工計 required) and any order made or condition imposed, pursuant
劃書,則該認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程 to any provision of the Ordinance or regulations in that
師須各自委任適當數目的適任技術人員,在每個該等地 behalf, by the Building Authority. (15 of 2004 s. 54)
盤作出監工計劃書所規定的監督。 (2004 年第 15 號第 54 (3) Where a supervision plan is required, the authorized
條) person, the registered structural engineer and the registered
(4) 凡任何人根據第 (3) 款獲委任為適任技術人員,如建築事 geotechnical engineer are each required to appoint such
務監督不信納該人具備足夠的資格或經驗,以執行該人 number of technically competent persons as appropriate
須執行的職責,則建築事務監督具有權力拒絕或撤銷該 to give such supervision as may be required under the
人的委任。 supervision plan on each site for which the authorized
person, the registered structural engineer and the registered
(1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) geotechnical engineer are appointed under section 4 of the
Ordinance. (15 of 2004 s. 54)
(4) The Building Authority has the power to reject or revoke the
appointment of any person as a technically competent person
appointed under paragraph (3) if the Building Authority
is not satisfied that the qualifications or experience of the
person appointed are sufficient for him to carry out the duties
required of him.
(L.N. 514 of 1997)

38. 認可人士或註冊結構工程師將第 24 條所指的通知呈交建築事 38. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer to
務監督的職責 submit to Building Authority notice under regulation 24
就任何建築工程或街道工程委任的認可人士,須在接獲任何 The authorized person appointed in respect of any building works

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9.2.2012 9.2.2012
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-7 第5部 Part 5 5-8

第 123A 章 第 39 條 Regulation 39 Cap. 123A

根據第 24 條交付給他的致建築事務監督通知後 7 天之內,將 or street works shall submit to the Building Authority, within 7
該通知呈交建築事務監督。 days of his receipt thereof, any notice to the Building Authority
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1990 年第 438 號法律公告 ) delivered to him under regulation 24.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 438 of 1990)

39. 在建築工程或街道工程完成後進行額外檢查的費用 39. Fees in respect of additional inspection upon completion of

任何建築工程或街道工程完成後,建築事務監督如認為因有 building works or street works
任何違反本條例或規例的條文的情況或因任何資料不正確而 Where, on the completion of any building works or street works,
有需要對該工程進行多於一次的檢查,則可要求就該工程委 more than one inspection thereof is, in the opinion of the Building
任的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師就每次額 Authority, necessary by reason of any contravention of the
外檢查繳付訂明費用。 provisions of the Ordinance or regulations or by any incorrect
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 55 條 ) information, the authorized person, registered structural engineer
or registered geotechnical engineer appointed in respect thereof
may be required to pay the prescribed fee in respect of every such
additional inspection.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 55)

註冊承建商 Registered contractors

40. 註冊承建商在地盤備存經批准圖則及監工計劃書的職責 40. Duty of registered contractor to keep approved plans and
就某項建築工程或街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註 supervision plans on site
冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程承建商,須在建築工程或街道 The registered general building contractor, registered specialist
工程地盤備存就該工程委任的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或 contractor and registered minor works contractor appointed in
註冊岩土工程師按照第 36 條的條文向他提供的所有建築工程 respect of building works shall keep on the site of the building
或街道工程圖則及監工計劃書,並須於建築事務監督提出要 works or street works, and shall produce to the Building Authority
求時向他交出該等圖則及監工計劃書。 at such times as he requires, all plans and supervision plans of the
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1997 年第 514 號法律公告; 2004 building works or street works supplied to him, in accordance with
年第 15 號第 56 條; 2008 年第 20 號第 41 條 ) the provisions of regulation 36, by the authorized person, registered
structural engineer or registered geotechnical engineer appointed in
respect thereof.
(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 514 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 56; 20 of 2008
s. 41)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-9 第5部 Part 5 5-10

第 123A 章 第 41 條 Regulation 41 Cap. 123A

41. 註冊承建商監督的職責 41. Duty of registered contractor to supervise

(1) 就某項建築工程或街道工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商、 (1) The registered general building contractor, registered
註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程承建商,須在該工程進 specialist contractor and registered minor works contractor
行期間對該工程不斷監督,以確保該建築工程或街道工 appointed in respect of building works or street works shall,
程 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的進行,是按照本條例及規例的條 during the carrying out thereof, give continuous supervision
文、就該工程所批准的圖則、建築事務監督依據本條例 thereto to ensure that the building works or street works,
或規例任何有關該方面的條文所作的任何命令或施加的 as the case may be, are carried out in accordance with the
任何條件,以及遵從根據本條例第 39A 條發出的技術備 provisions of the Ordinance and regulations and with the
忘錄而製備的監工計劃書 ( 如有需要 ) 進行。 (1997 年第 plans approved in respect thereof and with any order made
514 號法律公告 ) or condition imposed, pursuant to any provision of the
(2) 凡任何註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註冊小 Ordinance or regulations in that behalf, by the Building
型工程承建商根據本條例第 9 或 9AA 條就任何地盤而獲 Authority and the supervision plan prepared in compliance
委任,如需要有監工計劃書,則該註冊一般建築承建商、 with the technical memorandum issued under section 39A of
註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程承建商須各自委任適當 the Ordinance (if required). (L.N. 514 of 1997)
數目的適任技術人員,在每個該等地盤作出監工計劃書 (2) Where a supervision plan is required, the registered general
所規定的監督。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) building contractor, registered specialist contractor and
(3) 凡任何人根據第 (2) 款獲委任為適任技術人員,如建築事 registered minor works contractor are each required to
務監督不信納該人具備足夠的資格或經驗,以執行該人 appoint such number of technically competent persons as
須執行的職責,則建築事務監督具有權力拒絕或撤銷該 appropriate to give such supervision as may be required under
人的委任。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) the supervision plan on each site for which the registered
general building contractor, registered specialist contractor
(4) 就某地盤獲委任的註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建 and registered minor works contractor are appointed under
商及註冊小型工程承建商,須備存與該地盤的建築工程 section 9 or 9AA of the Ordinance. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
或街道工程的監督有關的活動紀錄及資料。 (1997 年第
514 號法律公告 ) (3) The Building Authority has the power to reject or revoke the
appointment of any person as a technically competent person
appointed under paragraph (2) if the Building Authority
is not satisfied that the qualifications or experience of the
person appointed are sufficient for him to carry out the duties
required of him. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(4) A registered general building contractor, registered specialist
contractor and registered minor works contractor are required
to keep records of activities and information relevant to the

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

5-11 第5部 Part 5 5-12

第 123A 章 第 41 條 Regulation 41 Cap. 123A

(5) 建築事務監督可在任何合理時間,查閱根據第 (4) 款規定 supervision of the building works or street works of any site
須備存的紀錄及資料。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) for which they are appointed. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
(6) 註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工程 (5) The Building Authority may inspect the records and
承建商須在有關地盤的建築工程或街道工程的最後階段 information required to be kept under paragraph (4) at any
完成時呈交有關證明書後,保存根據第 (4) 款規定須備存 reasonable time. (L.N. 514 of 1997)
的紀錄及資料至少 12 個月。 (1997 年第 514 號法律公告 ) (6) The registered general building contractor, registered
(2008 年第 20 號第 42 條 ) specialist contractor and registered minor works contractor
are required to retain the records and information required to
be kept under paragraph (4) for at least 12 months after the
submission of the certificate on completion of the final stage
of the building works or street works of the site. (L.N. 514 of
(20 of 2008 s. 42)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-1 第6部 Part 6 6-2

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

第6部 Part 6
費用及表格 Fees and Forms
42. 費用 42. Fees
為施行本條例及規例,現訂明下表所列的費用 —— The fees set out in the Table hereunder are prescribed for the
收費表 purposes of the Ordinance and regulations—
須繳費的人 款額 Table of Fees

1. (a) (i) 每項要求將姓名列入認 申請將姓名列入名冊 $6,200 By whom payable Amount

可人士名冊中任何一份 的人。 1. (a) (i) For each application for Person applying for $6,200
名單或結構工程師名冊 inclusion of name in each inclusion in register.
或岩土工程師名冊的申 list of the authorized
請。 persons’ register or in
(ii) 每次將姓名列入認可人 成功獲得批准並謀求 $485 the structural engineers’
士名冊中任何一份名單 將姓名列入名冊的人。 register or geotechnical
或結構工程師名冊或岩 engineers’ register.
土工程師名冊。 (ii) For each inclusion of Successful applicant $485
name in each list of seeking inclusion in
(b) 每項要求將姓名保留於認可 謀求將姓名保留於名 每次保留姓 the authorized persons’ register.
人士名冊中任何一份名單或 冊的認可人士或註冊 名為期 5 年 register or in the
結構工程師名冊或岩土工程 結構工程師或註冊岩 $1,350。 structural engineers’
師名冊的申請。 土工程師。 register or geotechnical
engineers’ register.
(b) For each application for Authorized person or $1,350 for
retention of name in each list registered structural retention for
of the authorized persons’ engineer or registered a period of 5
register or in the structural geotechnical engineer years.
engineers’ register or seeking retention in
geotechnical engineers’ register. register.

最後更新日期 Last updated date

20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-3 第6部 Part 6 6-4

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

(c) 每項要求將姓名重新列入認 謀求將姓名重新列入 $210 (c) For each application for Person seeking $210
可人士名冊中任何一份名單 名冊的人。 restoration of name in each restoration to register.
或結構工程師名冊或岩土工 list of the authorized persons’
程師名冊的申請。 register or in the structural
engineers’ register or
(2000 年第 39 號第 7 條; 2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2004 年第 221 號法 geotechnical engineers’ register.
律公告; 2015 年第 93 號法律公告 )
(39 of 2000 s. 7; 15 of 2004 s. 57; L.N. 221 of 2004; L.N. 93 of 2015)
1A. (a) (i) 每項由第 3(7AA) 條提 申請將姓名列入名冊 $990
述的人要求將姓名列入 的人。 1A. (a) (i) For each application for Person applying for $990
檢驗人員名冊中任何一 inclusion of name in each inclusion in register.
份名單的申請。 list of the inspectors’
(ii) 每項要求將姓名列入檢 申請將姓名列入名冊 $4,400 register by a person
驗人員名冊中任何一份 的人。 referred to in section
名單的申請 ( 第 (i) 節提 3(7AA).
述者除外 )。 (ii) For each application Person applying for $4,400
(iii) 每次將姓名列入檢驗人 成功獲得批准並謀求 每次列入姓 for inclusion of name inclusion in register.
員名冊中任何一份名 將姓名列入名冊的人。 名為期 5 年 in each list of the
單。 $1,580。 inspectors’ register other
than that referred to in
(b) 每項要求將姓名保留於檢驗 謀求將姓名保留於名 每次保留姓 subparagraph (i).
人員名冊中任何一份名單的 冊的註冊檢驗人員。 名為期 5 年
申請。 $1,240。 (iii) For each inclusion of Successful applicant $1,580 for
name in each list of the seeking inclusion in inclusion for
(c) 每項要求將姓名重新列入檢 謀求將姓名重新列入 每次重新名列 inspectors’ register. register. a period of 5
驗人員名冊中任何一份名單 名冊的人。 於名冊為期 5 years.
的申請。 年 $1,550。
(b) For each application for Registered inspector $1,240 for
(2011 年第 16 號第 38 條; 2015 年第 93 號法律公告 ) retention of name in each list of seeking retention in retention for
the inspectors’ register. register. a period of 5
(c) For each application for Person seeking $1,550 for
restoration of name in each list restoration to register. restoration for
of the inspectors’ register. a period of 5
(16 of 2011 s. 38; L.N. 93 of 2015)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-5 第6部 Part 6 6-6

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

2. (a) 申請註冊為一般建築承建 謀求註冊的人。 2. (a) For application for registration Person seeking
商 —— as a general building registration.
(i) 須就以個人身分申請的 $7,030
申請人 ( 凡申請人是合 (i) a basic fee shall be $7,030
夥或法團,則指就由申 payable, covering the
請人委任以代其行事的 applicant as an individual
首名人士 ) 繳付的基本 or, where the applicant
費用; is a partnership or a
corporation, the first
(ii) 凡申請人是合夥或法 $5,800 person appointed by the
applicant to act for it;
已在申請之中委任以代 (ii) in addition to the basic $5,800
申請人行事的人繳付的 fee, where the applicant
費用。 is a partnership or a
corporation, for each
(b) 將姓名或名稱記入一般建築 謀求記入名冊的人。 為期 3 年的註
additional person
承建商名冊。 冊的費用為
appointed in the
$1,460。 application to act for it.
(c) 將一般建築承建商名冊中的 謀求續期的人。 將註冊續期 3
(b) For entry of name in the register Person seeking entry in $1,460 for
註冊續期。 年的費用為
of general building contractors. the register. registration for
$2,460。 a period of 3
(d) 申請將已自名冊除名的一般 謀求將姓名或名稱重 重新名列於名 years.
建築承建商的姓名或名稱重 新列入名冊的人。 冊的費用為
(c) For renewal of registration in Person seeking $2,460 for
新列入該名冊。 $1,220,為期 3 the register of general building renewal. renewal of
contractors. registration for
用為 $1,460。
a period of 3
(d) For application for restoration of Person seeking $1,220 for
name to the register from which restoration to the restoration
the name of the general building register. and $1,460 for
contractor has been removed. registration for
a period of 3

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-7 第6部 Part 6 6-8

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

(e) 在屬合夥或法團的註冊一般 註冊一般建築承建商。 $6,100 (e) If at any time prior to the Registered general $6,100
建築承建商在其註冊 ( 包括已 expiry of its registration building contractor.
續期或重新列入名冊的註冊 ) (including a registration that
的有效期屆滿前的任何時間, has been renewed or restored),
委任任何人以代其行事 ( 不論 a registered general building
此委任是取代某已獲委任的 contractor which is a partnership
人或是增加獲委任的人數 ) 的 or a corporation makes any
情況下,須就每項要求批准每 appointment of a person to act
名如此委任的人的申請繳付 for it, regardless of whether
的費用。 such appointment results in the
replacement of, or is in addition
(1997 年第 441 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2004 年第 221 號法律 to, persons already appointed,
公告; 2015 年第 93 號法律公告 )
then for an application for the
approval of each person so
3-4. ( 由 1987 年第 43 號第 44 條廢除 ) appointed.
(L.N. 441 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 57; L.N. 221 of 2004; L.N. 93 of 2015)
4A. (a) 就申請中所指明的專門承建 謀求註冊的人。
冊為專門承建商 —— 3-4. (Repealed 43 of 1987 s. 44)

(i) 須就以個人身分申請的 $7,030

申請人 ( 凡申請人是合 4A. (a) For application for registration Person seeking
夥或法團,則指就由申 as a specialist contractor, registration.
請人委任以代其行事的 for each sub-register in the
首名人士 ) 繳付的基本 register of specialist contractors
費用; specified in the application—

(ii) 凡申請人是合夥或法 $5,800 (i) a basic fee shall be $7,030

團,則在上述基本費用 payable, covering the
以外,須就每名額外的 applicant as an individual
已在申請之中委任以代 or, where the applicant
申請人行事的人繳付的 is a partnership or a
費用。 corporation, the first
person appointed by the
applicant to act for it;
(ii) in addition to the basic $5,800
fee, where the applicant
is a partnership or a
corporation, for each
additional person
appointed in the
application to act for it.

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20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-9 第6部 Part 6 6-10

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

(b) 將姓名或名稱記入在申請中 謀求記入分冊的人。 為期 3 年的註 (b) For entry of name in each Person seeking entry in $1,460 for
指明的專門承建商名冊中的 冊的費用為 sub-register in the register of the sub-register. registration for
每一分冊。 $1,460。 specialist contractors specified a period of 3
in the application. years.
(c) 將專門承建商名冊中的每一 謀求續期的人。 將註冊續期 3
分冊的註冊續期。 年的費用為 (c) For renewal of registration in Person seeking $2,460 for
$2,460。 each sub-register in the register renewal. renewal of
of specialist contractors. registration for
(d) 申請將已自專門承建商名冊 謀求將姓名或名稱重 重新名列於分
a period of 3
中的某一分冊除名的專門承 新列入分冊的人。 冊的費用為
建商的姓名或名稱重新列入 $1,220,為期 3
該分冊。 年的註冊的費 (d) For application for restoration of Person seeking $1,220 for
用為 $1,460。 name to each sub-register in the restoration to the sub- restoration
register of specialist contractors register. and $1,460 for
(e) 在屬合夥或法團的註冊專門 註冊專門承建商。 $6,100 from which the name of the registration for
承建商在其註冊 ( 包括已續期
specialist contractor has been a period of 3
或重新列入分冊的註冊 ) 的有
removed. years.
任何人以代其行事 ( 不論此委 (e) If at any time prior to the Registered specialist $6,100
任是取代某已獲委任的人或 expiry of its registration contractor.
是增加獲委任的人數 ) 的情況 (including a registration that
下,須就每項要求批准每名如 has been renewed or restored),
此委任的人的申請繳付的費 a registered specialist contractor
用。 which is a partnership or
a corporation makes any
(1997 年第 441 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2004 年第 221 號法律 appointment of a person to act
公告; 2015 年第 93 號法律公告 )
for it, regardless of whether
such appointment results in the
5. ( 由 1992 年第 79 號法律公告廢除 ) replacement of, or is in addition
to, persons already appointed,
6. ( 由 1996 年第 54 號第 26 條廢除 ) then for an application for the
approval of each person so
(L.N. 441 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 57; L.N. 221 of 2004; L.N. 93 of 2015)

5. (Repealed L.N. 79 of 1992)

6. (Repealed 54 of 1996 s. 26)

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-11 第6部 Part 6 6-12

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

7. 為施行第 6(2)、29 及 33 條 —— 7. For the purposes of regulations 6(2), 29
and 33—
再呈交圖則 —— 免費
for any resubmission — Free
就本項而言,再呈交圖則指 ——
For the purposes of this item, a resubmission means—
(i) 根據第 6(2) 條進一步呈交建築工程圖則或經批准圖則的修訂圖則;或
(i) a further submission of a plan of building works or an amendment plan of
(ii) 根據第 29 或 33 條呈交經批准的建築工程圖則的修訂圖則。 an approved plan under regulation 6(2); or
(1991 年第 220 號法律公告; 1992 年第 185 號法律公告 ) (ii) a submission of an amendment plan of an approved plan of building works
under regulation 29 or 33.
7A. 為施行第 29 及 33 條 —— (L.N. 220 of 1991; L.N. 185 of 1992)
(a) 就下列各項的建築工程的新
圖則或對該圖則作出重大修 7A. For the purposes of regulations 29 and
訂 —— 33—
(i) 總樓面面積為 20 000 申請人 每 100 平方 (a) for a new plan or a major revision
平方米或以下的擬建新 米為 $2,740, of such plan of building works in
工業建築物 不足 100 平方 respect of—
米亦作 100 平
方米計,但 (i) a proposed new industrial Applicant $2,740 for
最低收費為 building of a gross floor every 100
$10,400 area of 20 000 square square metres
metres or less or part thereof,
(ii) 總樓面面積多於 20 000 申請人 每 100 平方 subject to
平方米的擬建新工業建 米為 $2,200, a minimum
築物 不足 100 平方 charge of
米亦作 100 平 $10,400
最低收費為 (ii) a proposed new industrial Applicant $2,200 for
$547,100 building of a gross floor every 100
area of more than 20 000 square metres
square metres or part thereof,
subject to
a minimum
charge of

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20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-13 第6部 Part 6 6-14

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

(iii) 總樓面面積無須計算的 申請人 圖則每 841 (iii) a proposed new building Applicant $14,200 for
擬建新建築物,例如電 毫米乘 594 for which there is no each size of
力變壓站、貯油裝置、 毫米面積為 accountable gross 841 mm by
加油站、突堤式碼頭或 $14,200,不 floor area, such as a 594 mm or
相類的構築物 足該面積者亦 transformer station, an part thereof
作該面積計 oil storage installation, of the plan
(1992 年第 185 a petrol filling station, a (L.N. 185 of
號法律公告 ) jetty or similar structure 1992; L.N. 367
of 1992)
(iv) ( 由 1992 年第 185 號法律公告廢除 )
(iv) (Repealed L.N. 185 of 1992)
(v) 總樓面面積為 10 000 申請人 每 100 平方 (v) a proposed new non- Applicant $4,340 for
平方米或以下的擬建新 米為 $4,340, industrial building of every 100
非工業建築物 不足 100 平方 a gross floor area of square metres
米亦作 100 平 10 000 square metres or or part thereof,
方米計,但 less subject to
最低收費為 a minimum
$10,350 charge of
(vi) 總樓面面積多於 10 000 申請人 每 100 平方
平方米的擬建新非工業 米為 $3,480, (vi) a proposed new non- Applicant $3,480 for
建築物 不足 100 平方 industrial building of every 100
米亦作 100 平 a gross floor area of square metres
方米計,但 more than 10 000 square or part thereof,
最低收費為 metres subject to
$434,400 a minimum
charge of
就本段而言,工業建築物 (industrial building) 包括工廠、工場及貨倉。 $434,400

For the purposes of this paragraph, industrial building (工業建築物)

includes a factory, a workshop and a godown.

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《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-15 第6部 Part 6 6-16

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

須繳費的人 款額 By whom payable Amount

(b) 改動及加建工程或其他並無 申請人 圖則每 841 毫 (b) for a new plan or a major Applicant $14,200 for
建成新建築物的建築工程的 米乘 594 毫 revision of such plan of each size of
新圖則或對該圖則作出重大 米的面積為 alteration and addition works 841 mm by
修訂。 $14,200,不足 or other building works not 594 mm or part
該面積者亦作 resulting in a new building. thereof of the
該面積計 plan
(1991 年第 220 號法律公告; 1992 年第 185 號法律公告; 1993 年第 355 號法 (L.N. 220 of 1991; L.N. 185 of 1992; L.N. 355 of 1993; L.N. 366 of 1994;
律公告; 1994 年第 366 號法律公告; 1995 年第 269 號法律公告; 2014 年第 L.N. 269 of 1995; L.N. 75 of 2014)
75 號法律公告 )
8. For the purposes of regulation 39. Authorized person or $2,420
8. 就第 39 條而言。 認可人士或註冊結構 $2,420 registered structural
工程師或註冊岩土工 engineer or registered
程師。 geotechnical engineer.
(1991 年第 209 號法律公告; 1994 年第 313 號法律公告; 1995 年第 191 號法 (L.N. 209 of 1991; L.N. 313 of 1994; L.N. 191 of 1995; L.N. 442 of 1997; 15
律公告; 1997 年第 442 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 57 條 ) of 2004 s. 57)

9. 就《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管 註冊一般建築承建商 $925 9. For the purposes of regulation 73(5) Registered general $925
裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》( 第 或註冊專門承建商。 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary building contractor or
123 章,附屬法例 I) 第 73(5) 條而 Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works registered specialist
言。 and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123 contractor.
(1991 年第 209 號法律公告; 1994 年第 313 號法律公告; 1995 年第 191 號法 sub. leg. I).
律公告; 1997 年第 441 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 209 of 1991; L.N. 313 of 1994; L.N. 191 of 1995; L.N. 441 of 1997)

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20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-17 第6部 Part 6 6-18

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

By whom
須繳費的人 款額 payable Amount
10. (a) 根據本條例第 10. (a) For issue under
36G(2) 條發出 section 36G(2) of
某文件的經核證 the Ordinance of
的以下形式的 a certified copy,
文本、副本、印 print or extract
刷本或摘錄,或 of or from a
發出據該文件製 document made,
作的指明文件紀 issued or given
錄的經核證的以 under or for the
下形式的文本、 purposes of the
副本、印刷本或 Ordinance or
摘錄,而該文件 the Buildings
是根據本條例或 Ordinance 1935
《1935 年建築物 (18 of 1935),
條例》(1935 年第 or a certified
18 號 ) 或為施行 copy, print or
任何該等條例而 extract of or
擬備、發出或給 from a specified
予的 —— document record
(i) 紙張形式 申請人 $45  適用於 $8.5  適用於 that is made from
 在緊接  在緊接 the document,
  that is in—
 發出前  發出前
 沒有依  曾依據
  (i) paper Applicant $45  for $8.5  for
 據本條  本條 form  applicants  applicants
(ii) 微縮影片 申請人 $45 $8.5  
 例第  例第
形式    who  who have
 36G(3)  36G(3)  have not  inspected
 條查閱  條查閱  
   inspected  the
 該文件  該文件  the  document
 或紀錄  或紀錄  
(iii) 電子形式 申請人 $45  的申請 $8.0  的申請 (ii) microfilm Applicant $45  document $8.5 
or record
   or record pursuant
人 人 form  
 pursuant  to section
 to section  36G(3)
 
 36G(3)  of the
 of the  Ordinance
 Ordinance  immediately
 
(iii) electronic Applicant $45  immediately $8.0  before the
form  before the  issue
 
 issue 

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20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-19 第6部 Part 6 6-20

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

By whom
須繳費的人 款額 payable Amount
(b) 根據本條例第 (b) For issue under
36G(2) 條發出 section 36G(2) of
某圖則的經核證 the Ordinance of
的以下形式的 a certified copy,
文本、副本、印 print or extract
刷本或摘錄,或 of or from a
發出據該圖則製 plan submitted
作的指明文件紀 to or approved
錄的經核證的以 by the Building
下形式的文本、 Authority
副本、印刷本或 under or for the
摘錄,而該圖則 purposes of the
是根據本條例或 Ordinance or
《1935 年建築物 the Buildings
條例》(1935 年第 Ordinance 1935
18 號 ) 或為施行 (18 of 1935),
任何該等條例向 or a certified
建築事務監督呈 copy, print or
交或由建築事務 extract of or
監督批准的 —— from a specified
(i) 紙張形式 申請人 $155  適用於 $58  適用於 document record
 在緊接  在緊接 that is made from
  the plan, that is
 發出前  發出前
 沒有依  曾依據 in—
 
(ii) 微縮影片 申請人 $125  據本條 $52  本條 (i) paper Applicant $155  for $58  for
 例第  例第  applicants  applicants
形式   form  
 36G(3)  36G(3)  who  who have
 條查閱  條查閱  have not  inspected
   
 該圖則  該圖則  inspected  the plan
 或紀錄  或紀錄  the plan  or record
(iii) 電子形式 申請人 $93  的申請 $42  的申請  
  (ii) microfilm Applicant $125  or record $52  pursuant
人 人 form  pursuant  to section
(2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2008 年第 20 號第 43 條 )  
 to section  36G(3)
 36G(3)  of the
 
 of the  Ordinance
 Ordinance  immediately
(iii) electronic Applicant $93  immediately $42  before the
 
form  before the  issue
 issue 
 
 

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20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-21 第6部 Part 6 6-22

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

By whom
須繳費的人 款額 payable Amount
11. (a) 根據本條例第 (15 of 2004 s. 57; 20 of 2008 s. 43; 16 of 2011 s. 38)
36G(1) 條發出某
的文本、副本、 11. (a) For issue under
印刷本或摘錄, section 36G(1) of
或發出據該文件 the Ordinance of
製作的指明文件 a copy, a print or
紀錄的以下形式 an extract of or
的文本、副本、 from a document
印刷本或摘錄, made, issued or
而該文件是根據 given under or
本條例或《1935 for the purposes
年建築物條例》 of the Ordinance
(1935 年第 18 or the Buildings
號 ) 或為施行任 Ordinance 1935
何該等條例而擬 (18 of 1935), or
備、發出或給予 a copy, a print or
的 —— an extract of or
from a specified
(i) 紙張形式 申請人 $38  適用於 $1.6  適用於 document record
 在緊接  在緊接
  that is made from
 發出前  發出前 the document,
 沒有依  曾依據
  that is in—
(ii) 微縮影片 申請人 $38  據本條 $1.6  本條
 例第  例第 (i) paper Applicant $38  for $1.6  for
形式    applicants  applicants
 36G(3)  36G(3) form  
 條查閱  條查閱  who  who have
   have not  inspected
 該文件  該文件  
 或紀錄  或紀錄  inspected  the
(iii) 電子形式 申請人 $38  的申請 $1.4  的申請  the  document
   
人 人 (ii) microfilm Applicant $38  document $1.6 
or record
 or record pursuant
form  
 pursuant  to section
 to section  36G(3)
 
 36G(3)  of the
 of the  Ordinance
 Ordinance  immediately
 
(iii) electronic Applicant $38  immediately $1.4  before the
form  before the  issue
 
 issue 

最後更新日期 Last updated date

20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-23 第6部 Part 6 6-24

第 123A 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123A

By whom
須繳費的人 款額 payable Amount
(b) 根據本條例第 (b) For issue under
36G(1) 條發出某 section 36G(1)
圖則的以下形式 of the Ordinance
的文本、副本、 of a copy, a print
印刷本或摘錄, or an extract of
或發出據該圖則 or from a plan
製作的指明文件 submitted to
紀錄的以下形式 or approved by
的文本、副本、 the Building
印刷本或摘錄, Authority
而該圖則是根據 under or for the
本條例或《1935 purposes of the
年建築物條例》 Ordinance or
(1935 年第 18 號 ) the Buildings
或為施行任何該 Ordinance 1935
等條例向建築事 (18 of 1935), or
務監督呈交或由 a copy, a print or
建築事務監督批 an extract of or
准的 —— from a specified
(i) 紙張形式 申請人 $135  適用於 $40  適用於 document record
 在緊接  在緊接 that is made from
  the plan, that is
 發出前  發出前
 沒有依  曾依據 in—
 
(ii) 微縮影片 申請人 $110  據本條 $34  本條 (i) paper Applicant $135  for $40  for
 例第  例第  applicants  applicants
形式   form  
 36G(3)  36G(3)  who  who have
 條查閱  條查閱  have not  inspected
   
 該圖則  該圖則  inspected  the plan
(iii) 電子形式 申請人 $74  或紀錄 $24  或紀錄  the plan  or record
 的申請  的申請  
  (ii) microfilm Applicant $110  or record $34  pursuant
人 人 form  pursuant  to section
(2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2008 年第 20 號第 43 條 )  
 to section  36G(3)
 36G(3)  of the
 
 of the  Ordinance
 Ordinance  immediately
(iii) electronic Applicant $74  immediately $24  before the
 
form  before the  issue
 issue 
 
 
(15 of 2004 s. 57; 20 of 2008 s. 43; 16 of 2011 s. 38)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

6-25 第6部 Part 6 6-26

第 123A 章 第 43 條 Regulation 43 Cap. 123A

By whom
須繳費的人 款額 payable Amount
12. (a) 根據本條例第
36G(3) 條查閱以
12. (a) For inspection
under section
36G(3) of the
錄 ——
Ordinance of
(i) 紙張形式 申請人 以紙張形式備存於同一檔案的 1 份或多 a specified
於 1 份指明文件或指明文件紀錄,費用 document or
為 $80 a specified
document record,
(ii) 微縮影片 申請人 原本以紙張形式備存於同一檔案的 1 份 that is in—
形式 或多於 1 份指明文件或指明文件紀錄,
費用為 $58 (i) paper Applicant $80 for one or more specified documents or
form specified document records kept in the same
(iii) 電子形式 申請人 原本以紙張形式備存於同一檔案的 1 份 file in paper form
或多於 1 份指明文件或指明文件紀錄,
費用為 $36 (ii) microfilm Applicant $58 for one or more specified documents or
form specified document records originally kept in
就本項而言,如 2 個或多於 2 個檔案具有相同的檔案編號,該等檔案均視為 the same file in paper form
(iii) electronic Applicant $36 for one or more specified documents or
(2004 年第 15 號第 57 條; 2008 年第 20 號第 43 條 ) form specified document records originally kept in
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1985 年第 331 號法律公告; 1993 the same file in paper form
年第 103 號法律公告 )
For the purposes of this item, 2 or more files are regarded as the same file if they
bear the same file reference number.
(15 of 2004 s. 57; 20 of 2008 s. 43)

(L.N. 188 of 1974; L.N. 331 of 1985; L.N. 103 of 1993)

43. ( 由 1993 年第 347 號法律公告廢除 ) 43. (Repealed L.N. 347 of 1993)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

20.7.2015 20.7.2015
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

7-1 第7部 Part 7 7-2

第 123A 章 第 44 條 Regulation 44 Cap. 123A

第7部 Part 7
雜項 Miscellaneous
44. 製備圖則的認可人士、註冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師向 44. Duty of authorized person, registered structural engineer or
建築事務監督提供他所要求的資料的職責 registered geotechnical engineer who has prepared plans to
每名製備任何呈交建築事務監督批准的圖則的認可人士、註 supply to Building Authority such information as he may
冊結構工程師或註冊岩土工程師,須向建築事務監督提供建 require
築事務監督就該等圖則或其上所顯示的建築工程或街道工程 Every authorized person, registered structural engineer or registered
所要求的資料。 geotechnical engineer who has prepared any plans which have been
(1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 58 條 ) submitted to the Building Authority for his approval shall supply
to the Building Authority such information as he may require with
regard to such plans or to the building works or street works shown
(L.N. 188 of 1974; 15 of 2004 s. 58)

45. 認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊檢驗人 45. Duty of authorized person, registered structural engineer,

員、註冊承建商等就更改營業地址須通知建築事務監督的職 registered geotechnical engineer, registered inspector, registered
責 contractor, etc. to notify Building Authority of change of
(2011 年第 16 號第 39 條 ) business address
每名認可人士、註冊結構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊檢驗 (16 of 2011 s. 39)
人員、註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門承建商及註冊小型工 Every authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered
程承建商,須於其經營業務的地址有任何更改後的 14 天內, geotechnical engineer, registered inspector, registered general
以指明的表格將該項更改通知建築事務監督。 building contractor, registered specialist contractor and registered
(1971 年第 59 號法律公告; 1974 年第 188 號法律公告; 1987 minor works contractor shall notify the Building Authority in the
年 第 43 號 第 44 條 ; 1994 年 第 531 號 法 律 公 告 ; 1997 年 第 specified form of any change in the address at which he carries on
514 號法律公告; 2004 年第 15 號第 59 條; 2009 年第 180 號 business, within 14 days thereof.
法律公告; 2011 年第 16 號第 39 條 ) (L.N. 59 of 1971; L.N. 188 of 1974; 43 of 1987 s. 44; L.N. 531 of
1994; L.N. 514 of 1997; 15 of 2004 s. 59; L.N. 180 of 2009; 16 of
2011 s. 39)

46. 建築事務監督在某些情況下要求新圖則的權力 46. Power of Building Authority to require new plans in certain
最後更新日期 Last updated date
9.2.2012 9.2.2012
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

7-3 第7部 Part 7 7-4

第 123A 章 第 47 條 Regulation 47 Cap. 123A

如建築物的原來設計已被改動數次,而該等改動已在呈交建 cases
築事務監督批准的經修訂圖則上顯示,則建築事務監督可要 Where several alterations have been made to the original design of
求向他交付顯示完成後的建築物的新圖則。 a building and such alterations have been shown on amended plans
submitted to the Building Authority for his approval, the Building
Authority may require new plans to be delivered to him showing
the building as it has been completed.

47. 根據本條例第 25 條發出的通知須附有圖則 47. Notice under section 25 of Ordinance to be accompanied by

每份根據本條例第 25 條發出的通知,須附有顯示有關建築物 plan
的大小及位置、建築物所處地段的編號及建築物與毗鄰建築 Every notice under section 25 of the Ordinance shall be
物的關係的區劃圖。 accompanied by a block plan showing the size and position of
the building, the number of the lot on which it is erected and its
relationship to adjoining buildings.

48. 規例不適用於根據簡化規定展開的小型工程 48. Regulations do not apply to minor works commenced under
本規例不適用於根據簡化規定展開的小型工程。 simplified requirements
(2008 年第 20 號第 44 條 ) These regulations do not apply in respect of minor works
commenced under the simplified requirements.
(20 of 2008 s. 44)

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9.2.2012 9.2.2012
《建築物 ( 管理 ) 規例》 Building (Administration) Regulations

S-1 附表 Schedule S-2

第 123A 章 Cap. 123A

附表 Schedule
( 由 1993 年第 347 號法律公告廢除 ) (Repealed L.N. 347 of 1993)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

9.2.2012 9.2.2012

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