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Naijoiie Facuii

1. STAGE 1. Antecedent Conditions that Led to Conflict (PREEXISTING)
The Company where Nancy and Tess are working is involved in two types oI industry
which is Service and trading. Nancy was the chieI accountant oI the ProIessional
Management Consultancy service while Tess is the head accountant oI the trading
industry. The Structural condition that led to the conIlict is Jurisdictional Ambiguity
between the two. ChieI and Head accountant are diIIerent. A head accountant is higher
than ChieI accountant. So Supposedly Nancy the chieI accountant reports to a Head
accountant which was Tess position but in this case they we`re separated in terms oI line
in the industry. But still it is clear that Tess does have a higher rank than Nancy. The
company was trying to set up a new accounting set up Ior the new clientele network, and
they gave the assignment to Nancy, and they we`re eyeing that she can Ior see the
accounting needs oI both companies. Nancy was also asked to assist Tess with the
workloads oI the trading company. Nancy is supposed to be at the Service industry but
was given assignment to create accounting system Ior both industry and help Tess in the
Trading Industry with her Workload. So, Nancy was taking responsibility which
supposedly Ior Tess. She was crossing the line. Trading workloads should be done by
Tess. They were both accountant oI two diIIerent industries and they have equal
responsibilities but their roles & actual boundaries are unclear.
As indicated in the case, other division heads oI the company says that Tess was diIIicult
to contend with because oI her Personality. Tess has a longer tenure than Nancy because
Naijoiie Facuii

she was their when the company was Iormed. Tess tends to be more political because she
has a longer tenure and tends to have higher ambiguity.
Tess took the handling oI responsibility to Nancy in a bad way, instead oI looking on it in
a positive way that someone will help her.
. STAGE . Cognition & Points of Personalization
Perceived ConIlict - Tess is aware oI the condition in stage 1 where she took the
condition that something Ior her was taken by Nancy, particularly the Responsibility over
the Trading workloads and activities. For the Long years oI Tess in the company, she
thinks that she is the one deserving Ior the position oI becoming the accountant oI the two
industry lines oI the company. Tess perceives that Nancy is likely to thwart her goal. It
became more degrading to her when they gave Nancy the Workloads oI Tess, her
assistants in the industry department could help her instead oI Nancy.
Felt ConIlict Tess became emotionally involved and began to Iocus on her own interest,
and committed to tussle Ior her own position. She used her position being higher than
Nancy and takes it as an advantage to sabotage Nancy. Tess was Irustrated that she began
to take action against Nancy.
Perceived ConIlict Nancy began to perceive the conIlict when Tess started to pull out
bookkeeping works and changed it to paper works. She ignored it but she knew that
there`s something up to between them.
Naijoiie Facuii

Felt ConIlict With the Iollowing weeks, continuous actions against her by Tess got
more serious. She began to worry and became demoralized. She didn`t conIront Tess but
she complained to her manager.
. STAGE . Conflict - Handling Intentions Dimension
The Main ConIlict handling dimension oI Tess is COMPETING w/c lies on assertive and
uncooperative. She doesn`t want to accept that Nancy is better than her. So she did
actions that reveal her own selI intentions. They choose Nancy Over her because She`s a
CPA and proven to have excellent work. Tess doesn`t want to lose along the track so she
did everything to downplay the abilities oI her opponent which is NANCY. Here are the
Following Incidents in the Case:
O Nancy was given the task to help Tess with her work in the trading Industry. First
2 weeks was Iine then suddenly all the Iiles where Nancy was working to were
pulled out without her being given any reason.
O She was also given a workload oI papers to attend to, reducing her work to that oI
a bookkeeper or accounting clerk.
O She changed the physical setting oI Nancy`s Work space removing visitor`s area
and limiting the space.
O When her baby got sick and took a leave, she spread rumors to destroy her by
telling that Nancy was just using her baby to take a leave.
O She Iramed Nancy by putting a letter oI credit in her action Iile which had cause
withdrawal oI a client.
Naijoiie Facuii

The ConIlict Handling dimension oI Tess at Iirst was avoiding. Even though she was
intentionally and obviously being struck out by Tess, she just tend to avoid it hoping it
will just go away. The Iollowing are incidents to prove the avoiding oI Nancy:
O When Nancy`s work was pulled out and reduce and when her workspace was
rearranged, she didn`t mind it, she does have a con-conIrontational attitude. Even
thou all other staIIs are on her Side, she just Iorget about it and continue working.
O When rumors we`re spread about her using her baby Ior leave, she just kept quiet
even thou she knew that Tess was Responsible Ior it. She was aIraid to conIront
her because Tess had the Monopoly oI loyalty.
Then suddenly the avoiding oI Nancy turned out to Compromising. She sacriIices her Job
and resigned in the company to end the conIlict between them. Nancy loses her job while
Tess got what she wanted.
O In the case oI the Missing Letter which made the withdrawal oI a client, she knew
that Tess is responsible Ior this, she was Iramed up but she didn`t do anything.
She just goes with the investigation and when it was ironed out; she preIerred to
resign because it was no longer healthy Ior her to stay in the company.
O Tess intensity conIlict behavior reached the annihilator conIlict since her eIIorts
to destroy Nancy by compressing her competencies to her limit. She did
everything to destroy Nancy, showing a conIlictIul behavior. She was aIraid that
Naijoiie Facuii

Nancy was going to be the head oI the Accounting Department oI the two
industries oI the company in a matter oI time, so in order Ior her to put Nancy
away Irom the position, she would intentionally give Nancy minor tasks, to show
that she doesn`t have what it takes to be head. When she saw that the other
employees sympathized with Nancy and were already coming to her pertaining to
decisions, Tess Ielt the need to do something drastic, so she spread negative
gossip about Nancy. But with Tess knowing that management wouldn`t dare Iire
her, she even went as low as Iraming Nancy just so she could be broken and it
worked, as Nancy eventually resigned.
O Nancy as seen with how she reacted in the conIlict, she merely doesn`t want to
compete with Tess. She just wants to do her job well and tried to ignore Tess`s
action, hoping it will just go away. In the intensity, she is in the Minor level. She
just complained to her manager and tried to ignore everything Tess does, over and
over until she Iinally resigned.
O The result oI the ConIlict is Negative. It was a dysIunctional conIlict. It destroyed
interpersonal relationship and productivity. With what happened, they weren`t able to
meet the goal oI establishing an accounting strategy Ior both service and trading industry
and they lose a valuable employee. They lost productivity especially with Tess, instead oI
working; she kept on worrying about the conIlict and concentrated on sabotaging Nancy.
No goals achieved, Lose an Employee.
O BONUS: Task ConIlict

Naijoiie Facuii

Conflict Management Technique
1. ALTERING STRUCTURE VARIABLE Since Structure is one oI the antecedents
Condition that causes the Problem it is the best technique to resolve the problem. We
clear oI the role oI the two parties because their boundaries are unclear. Tess must Work
on in the trading and Nancy must work on the Service. Because Tess has higher position
she Ielt she was been overrun by Nancy. There are diIIerent accounting systems in the
two kinds oI industry, so, the plan oI the group to create one Ior the two was diIIicult.
Tess must given the task to Ioresee in the trading industry while Nancy is on The Service
industry. II not, then they should have created an accounting department Ior both
industries and promoted Nancy to be the Head to avoid discrepancies.
O In order to make it a conIlict stimulation technique, they should have just used the
Bring Outsider technique. It was a technique oI bringing outsiders in the Trading
Industry. Nancy was a CPA, and she has an excellent background than Tess. They
should give the Task to both oI them in order to have a conIlict that will be
beneIicial. They will be both challenged to work on as a partner to create a new
accounting system Ior the company. And in order Ior them to attain it, Tess will
use her Iamiliarity oI the business and accounting cycle in the Trading industry
while Nancy will use its knowledge in accounting because she is a CPA. They
will then realize that they need interaction to attain the desired goal, they have
Naijoiie Facuii

diIIerent perspective but this will help in creating a more EIIective solution. It
challenges both oI them to attain the goal and will also determined their Iuture
position as the company Expands.
COMPROMISING a Conflict-Handling Advocated by 1esus
Mathew 18: 15
'If your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he
listens to you, you have gained your brother.`
Jesus simply tells us how to handle conIlict with other people by giving up something in us like
pride. II we had a conIlict with someone, we should tell that person his Iault between you and
him alone. In a normal situation, Ior example I had a conIlict with my best Iriend oIten times, she
was the one who made mistake so I will wait Ior her to approach me which is the opposite oI
what Jesus is trying to teach us. We must be the Iirst one to approach the one who made wronged
to us, like in the case, Nancy should have conIronted Tess oI what the problem is and why is she
doing that. II you are the one wronged, hurt you must be the Iirst one to approach, Jesus is places
the responsibility to you, in order to Iix it. It is compromising; Give up your Pride to resolve the

Naijoiie Facuii

In Lev. 19.17, the Lord commanded the Israelites; o not nurse hatred in your heart for your
brother. Confront people directly so you will not be held guilty for their sin." Communication.
You have to communicate, conIront them to resolve the issue. We have to conIront each other,
whether we think it's too petty or too painIul, because when one oI us sins, we all suIIer the
eIIects; not only the one sinned against, but also the one who sins, and all oI us as a body as well.
The hurt doesn't reside within the one who has been wronged; it exists between the two parties,
hurting them both and potentially the whole community. In the case, Nancy and Tess Job are
both aIIected same with the co-employees who are observing the conIlict, because oI it; they are
bothered and make them less productive.
Mat 18:17
'If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen tell it to church`
You have done everything but still he doesn`t admit his Iault or repentance. Tell it to church or in
the case oI Nancy and Tess, tell it to the higher Authority. It is not that we tell people in order
that they might turn their backs on the individual or reIuse to have anything to do with him. We
do this to cease them Irom the sinIul actions involved. Authoritative Command.

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