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Benjamin Franklin An American Genius

Fiorella Pacheco June 28, 2011 Mrs. Pace

Benjamin Franklin An American Genius I. Early Life A. His family 1. Abiah Folger, his mother. 2. Josiah Franklin, his father. 3. James Franklin, his brother. B. Education 1. He learned to read and write without having to go to school. 2. His grandfather told to Josiah Franklin to put Benjamin in school. 3. His Father sent his son to school for only one year, because they did not have enough money. II. Adult Life A. His Careers 1. He was an author. 2. He was a printer. 3. He was a politician. 4. He was a postmaster. 5. He also was a Scientist. 6. He was an inventor. 7. He was a political theorist. 8. He was a satirist. 9. He was a civic activist. 10.He was a good stateman. 11.He was a great diplomat. B. What did he do? 1. He invented the glass harmonica, the lightning rod, the bifocal glasses etc. 2. He created and published his own newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. III. In his death A. What happened? 1. After the death of his wife, the elderly Benjamin lived with the family of his daughter. His daughter nursed him as his health weakened. Finally Ben died peacefully. 2. The name of his wife was Deborah. 3. The name of his daughter was Sarah. B. His last days 1. He was 84 years old when he died. 2. He died in April 17, 1790.

Benjamin Franklin An American Genius Have you ever imaginated a person with ten talents to be discoveredthen you are talking about Benjamin Franklin .Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706. His parents were Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger, the name of his brother was James Franklin. Before he went to school he all ready learned to read and write for his own and without needing school. His grandfather told to Josiah to put Benjamin in school.He stayed in school only for one year. By passing the time, Benjamin learned and discovered more things. He became a leading author, printer, satirist, inventor, political theorist, politician, scientist, civic activist, stateman, and diplomat. He became interested in electricity experiments; he was a famous scientist in the world that experimented with electricity. His discoveries included his investigations of electricity; he proposed that Vitreous and Resinous electricity was not different types of Electrical Fluid under pressures. He published a proposal for an experiment to prove that lightning is electricity by flying a kite in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a lightning storm. His inventions were the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, Franklin stove, the urinary catheter etc. His inventions also included social innovations like paying forward. He wrote that his scientific works were to be used for increasing efficiency and human improvement. Benjamin founded the American Philosophical society to help scientific men discuss their discoveries and theories. He was and became the first citizen of Philadelphia. He was a publisher. Benjamin developed, The Pennsylvania Gazette, into one of the most successful newspaper in the colonies. He was appointed clerk of the Pennsylvania assembly in 1736 and as postmaster the following year. Benjamin became a printer and also a publisher. He bought a press with Meredith. After years he became sole owner. Benjamin Franklin died in April 17, 1709.

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