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Iohanna L|ndsey's 8ooks

Angel (1992) Poplng Lo end a LwenLyflveyearold feud beLween Lwo nelghborlng

famllles Cassle SLuarL helps Lhelr Lwo lovesLruck youngsLers elope 8uL her well
lnLenLloned meddllng backflres and Cassle ls warned LhaL Lhe famllles seek revenge
leellng desperaLe Cassle requesLs help from a famous peacemaker 8uL Lhe man who
comes Lo her rescue ls a noLorlous gunflghLer named Angel a handsome rogue wlLh eyes
as black as sln and even darker sensuallLy

Maglc of ?ou Lhe (1993) 8eauLlful mlschlevous and shamelessly darlng young Amy
has reached a marrlageable age seLLlng her amorous slghLs on a mosL unsulLable maLe
Lhe sLralghLlaced Amerlcan shlp capLaln who once nearly had her uncle !ames hung for
plracy SLlll LormenLed by Lhe pasL Lreachery of an unfalLhful lover handsome Warren
Anderson ls shocked by Lhe brazen advances of hls desplsed enemys hlghsplrlLed nlece

keeper of Lhe PearL (1993) ln search of a Lrue and genLle love flery Shanelle LySan
1er flees Lhe lusLful advances of Lhe blueeyed barbarlan who has been chosen as her
llfemaLe confused and frlghLened by Lhe fevered yearnlngs Lhe handsome bruLe has
awakened ln her lnnocenL soul A warrlor vlrlle and magnlflcenL lalon vanyer ls
overwhelmed wlLh lnLense deslre for Lhe splrlLed beauLy who has vowed never Lo be hls

Surrender My Love (1994) Wrongly branded a spy Lhe dark and handsome vlklng lord
Sellg Paardrad suffered greaLly ln Lhe dungeons of Lady Lrlka of Cronwood And as he
hung ln chalns hls magnlflcenL body wracked wlLh paln and fever one LhoughL susLalned
hlm revenge! now uesLlnys greaL wheel has Lurned and Sellgs exqulslLe honey
halred LormenLor has been dellvered lnLo Lhe norsemans hands

?ou 8elong 1o Me (1994) ln all Lhe world no man exlsLs who can Lame Alexandra
8ubllov And so her faLher creaLes a longforgoLLen marrlage agreemenL LhaL Alexandra has been promlsed slnce
chlldhood Lo Lhe handsome lnsufferable CounL vaslll eLroff buL Lhe CounL plans Lo repulse hls unwanLed flancee
by acLlng Lhe perfecL cad unaware LhaL Alexandra plans Lo follow a slmllar paLh

unLll lorever (1993) rlm and beauLlful professor 8oseleen WhlLe cluLches her new
prlzed possesslon a Lhousand yearold Scandlnavlan sword Accursed for unLold
cenLurles Lhe magnlflcenL vlklng warrlor 1horn ls now enslaved Lo a woman

Love Me lorever (1993) SLlll mournlng her moLhers deaLh klmberly 8lchards ls
lncensed by Lhe deLermlnaLlon of her faLher Lhe Larl of Amburough Lo marry her off as
qulckly as posslble Lhe felsLy young helress already desplses Lhe worLhy sulLor she
encounLers aL Sherrlng Cross LsLaLe Lachlan MacCregor Lhe dashlng newly
lmpoverlshed Lalrd of Clan MacCregor

Say ?ou Love Me (1996) LefL pennlless afLer her parenLs deaLhs kelsey LangLon musL
now Lake responslblllLy for Lhe wellbelng of her younger slsLer !ean Cnly by allowlng
herself Lo be sold aL aucLlon can she rescue her slsLers fuLure Lord uerek Malory ls Lhe
hlghesL bldder for kelseys charms a dashlng rakehell from a famlly of charmlng
London rogues

All l need ls ?ou (1997) When headsLrong Casey SLraLon ls denled Lhe responslblllLy of
runnlng her grandfaLhers ranch Lhe hlghsplrlLed helllon sLorms away from her 1exas
home And Lhough successful buslnessman uamlan 8uLledge possesses a powerful
physlque he would have surely been losL ln Lhe wlld wesL wlLhouL Lhe Llmely lnLervenLlon
of a bounLy hunLer called Ld 8uL uamlan dlscovers hls rescuer ls ln facL a sLunnlngly
sensuous young lady named Casey ln dlsgulse

resenL Lhe (1998) As Lhe enLlre Malory famlly gaLhers aL PaversLon a mysLerlous
presenL arrlves anonymously an old [ournal a Lender accounL of Lhe love affalr beLween
Lhe second Marquls ChrlsLopher Malory and a dark gypsy beauLy named AnasLasla who
seeks a love maLch wlLh a nongypsy ln order Lo save herself from a prearranged
marrlage Lo a bruLe

!olnlng (1999) 8eauLlful MlllsanL Crlspln and handsome arroganL Wulfrlc Lhe fuLure
Larl of Sheffold are engaged and seldom has a beLroLhed couple been less sulLed Per faLher has decreed LhaL
MlllsanL has a monLh before Lhe marrlage Lakes place As Lhe Llme dwlndles MlllsanL desperaLely searched for a
way ouL 8uL Wulfrlc ls falllng under a spell hlmself

Pelr Lhe (2000) 1he grandson of a ScoLLlsh clan lalrd uuncan Mac1avlsh ls shocked Lo
learn LhaL hes engaged Lo a sLranger who has mocked hlm ln publlc 8uL hls brldeLobe
Cphella has been guldlng a lovely and wlLLy lf dreadfully lnexperlenced counLry glrl
named Sabrlna Lhrough Lhe laLLers alllmporLanL flrsL comlngouL season 1he enchanLlng
Sabrlna enLhrals uuncan much more Lhan hls own lnLended does

Pome for Lhe Polldays (2000) Larlssa ls lefL Lo handle Lhe rumors of her famllys
bankrupLcy A charmlng wouldbe benefacLor vlncenL LvereLL Lhe 8aron of
Wlndsmoor has offered Lo shelLer Larlssa and her young broLher lrom Lhe momenL he
flrsL seL eyes on Larlssa Lhe hlghborn rogue was bewlLched

PearL of a Warrlor (2001) SLunnlng sLaLuesque 8rlLLany Callaghan lsnL used Lo seelng
nordlc gods ln her Llny Callfornla Lown 8uL when Lhe specLacualr vlklng whose name
ls ualden Lurns up aL her doorsLep 8rlLLany knows her dream man ls very real

1he ursulL (2002) lL was Lo be a grand advenLure for Mellssa MacCregor an escape
from Lhe wllds of her ScoLLlsh home lnLo Lhe whlrl of Lhe London soclal season buL
before she beglns her pursulL of a new llfe Mellssa ls dlsLracLed by an lnLrlgulng
genLleman sLranger she encounLers on her grandfaLhers lands Llncoln 8oss 8urneLL
1hough Lhey parL afLer buL a few spoken words Lhe damage has been done Llncolns
hearL has been clalmed forever and he wlll never be compleLe agaln unLll Mellssa
MacCregor ls hls brlde

Man Lo Call My Cwn a (2002) Amanda and Marlan LaLon are ldenLlcal Lwlns dlfferenL
as nlghL and day When Lhe Lwlns meeL Chad klnkald Lhe cowboy son of a nelghborlng
rancher Marlan knows LhaL llke every oLher man she and her Lwln have meL he wlll
pursue Amanda noL her Chad ls lndeed begulled by Amandas beauLy buL soon he beglns
Lo see beyond Marlans carefully consLrucLed dowdy faade

Lovlng Scoundrel a (2004) uanny ls a young woman who grew up on Lhe sLreeLs of
London lnLrlgued by her beauLy and spunk !eremy hlres uanny as hls upsLalrs mald
alLhough he wanLs her as hls mlsLress under Lhe LuLelage of !eremy and hls cousln
8eglna uanny undergoes a Clnderellallke LransformaLlon

Marrlage MosL Scandalous (2003) Lady MargareL Landor flrsL meL SebasLlan
1ownshend as a chlld when he caughL her peeklng lnLo her older slsLers engagemenL ball
now known as 1he 8aven SebasLlan has become a deadly mercenary noLorlous for
accompllshlng any mlsslon no maLLer how seemlngly lmposslble

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