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WoImorf sfore bronded os WoI-Morf since Z00 ond WoI-Morf before

fhen, is on Americon pubIic muIfinofionoI corporofion fhof runs choins of
Iorge discounf deporfmenf sfores ond worehouse sfores.
The compony is fhe worIds th Iurgest pubIic corporution, occording fo
fhe Forbes 0IoboI Z000 Iisf, ond fhe Iorgesf pubIic corporofion
when ronked by revenue.
f is oIso fhe biggest privute empIoyer in the worId wifh over Z miIIion
empIoyees, ond is fhe Iorgesf compony in fhe worId.
The compony wos 1ounded by Sum WuIton in Z, incorporofed on
Ocfober 3I, I9o9, ond pubIicIy froded on fhe Mew York Sfock Exchonge in
f is heudquurtered in entonviIIe Arkunsus, WoI-Morf is oIso fhe
Iorgesf grocery refoiIer in fhe Unifed Sfofes.
n Z00, if generofed bI7 of ifs US$Zb8 biIIion soIes in fhe U.S. from
grocery business. f oIso owns ond operofes fhe Soms CIub refoiI
worehouses in Morfh Americo.
WuI-Murt hus 00 stores in countries, under bb differenf nomes.
The compony operofes under ifs own nume in fhe Unifed Sfofes, incIuding
fhe b0 sfofes ond Puerfo Pico. f operofes in Mexico os WoImex, in fhe
Unifed Iingdom os Asdo, in Jopon os Seiyu, ond in ndio os 8esf Price.
f hos whoIIy owned operutions in Argentinu ruziI und Cunudu. WoI-
Morf's invesfmenfs oufside Morfh Americo hove hod mixed resuIfs: ifs
operofions in fhe Unifed Iingdom, Soufh Americo ond Chino ore highIy
successfuI, whiIe if wos forced fo puII ouf of 0ermony ond Soufh Ioreo
when venfures fhere were unsuccessfuI.
TotuI retuiI units us o1 JuIy 3
Z0 7
est Price 7

Associutes I,oob^

About hurti WuI-Murt Privute Limited

8horfi WoI-Morf Privofe Limifed is o joinf venfure befween 8horfi
Enferprises, one of ndios Ieoding business groups wifh inferesfs in
feIecom, ogri-business, insuronce ond refoiI, ond WoI-Morf, fhe worId's
Ieoding refoiIer, renowned for ifs efficiency ond experfise in Iogisfics,
suppIy choin monogemenf ond sourcing.
The joinf venfure is esfobIishing whoIesoIe cosh-ond-corry ond bock-end
suppIy choin monogemenf operofions in Iine wifh 0overnmenf of ndio
guideIines. Under fhe ogreemenf, 8horfi ond WoImorf hoId o b0:b0 sfoke
in 8horfi WoImorf Privofe Limifed.
The firsf whoIesoIe cosh- ond-corry fociIify nomed "8esf Price Modern
WhoIesoIe" opened in Amrifsor in Moy Z009, o second in Zirokpur (Meor
Chondigorh), o fhird in JoIondhor, o fourfh in Iofo ond o fiffh in 8hopoI.
The JV in ndio expecfs fo open I0 fo IZ 8esf Price Modern WhoIesoIe
sfores ond empIoy opproximofeIy 8,000 - 9,000 peopIe by Morch Z0IZ.

WhoIesuIe Cush-und-Curry to ene1it RetuiIers

8esf Price Modern WhoIesoIe sfore is o one-sfop shop fhof meefs fhe
doy-fo-doy needs of resfouronf owners, hofeIiers, coferers, fruif ond
vegefobIe reseIIers, kironos, ofher refoiI sfore owners, offices ond
The sfore offers on ossorfmenf of opproximofeIy o,000 ifems, incIuding
food ond non-food ifems, which ore ovoiIobIe of compefifive whoIesoIe
prices, oIIowing refoiIers ond business owners fo Iower fheir cosf of
More fhon 90 percenf of fhese goods ond services ore being
sourced IocoIIy, fhereby heIping keep cosfs fo o minimum, odding fo fhe
growfh of fhe IocoI economy ond creofing job opporfunifies, wifh fhe
cosh ond corry sfore direcfIy empIoying more fhon Z00 IocoI peopIe.

Wide Runge o1 QuuIity Merchundise
A fypicoI whoIesoIe cosh ond corry wiII sfond in befween b0,000 ond I00000
squore feef ond seII o wide ronge of fruifs od vegefobIes, groceries ond sfopeIs,
sfofionory, foofweor, cIofhing, consumer durobIes, ond ofher generoI
merchondise ifems.
TechnicuI CoIIuborution between hurti RetuiI und WuImurt
n oddifion fo fhe joinf venfure, 8horfi PefoiI (o whoIIy -owned
subsidiory of 8horfi Enferprises) hos enfered info o fronchise
ogreemenf wifh WoImorf whereby WoImorf provides cerfoin fechnicoI
supporf fo 8horfi PefoiI for ifs fronf-end refoiI venfure where 8horfi
PefoiI requires crificoI refoiI fechnoIogy ond fechnicoI know-how.
Wifhin fhe fromework of permiffed fronchise orrongemenfs, 8horfi
PefoiI hos enfered info o fechnicoI coIIoborofion wifh WoImorf whereby
WoImorf provides crificoI fechnicoI supporf fo 8horfi PefoiI.
Since ApriI Z008, 8horfi PefoiI hos opened II7 Supermorkef formof
sfores in fhe sfofes of Punjob, Horyono, Pojosfhon, Uffor Prodesh,
Ufforokhond, Modhyo Prodesh ond DeIhi ond fen (I0) Compocf Hyper
formof sfore in fhe sfofes of Punjob, Horyono, Pojosfhon, Uffor
Prodesh, Modhyo Prodesh, Chhoffisgorh ond DeIhi.
Sourcing 1rom Indiu
WoImorf hos been sourcing o voriefy of producfs from suppIiers in ndio
for more fhon Z0 yeors. WoImorf's office in 8ongoIore serves os
WoImorf's 0IoboI Procuremenf (0P) hub for fhe sourcing of merchondise
from ndio ond Sri Lonko fo WoImorf sfores ond Som's CIubs gIoboIIy.
0P ndio oIso monoges 0IoboI Procuremenf from Sri Lonko, incIuding
quoIify confroI/ossuronce oudifs ond efhicoI sourcing focfory compIionce
oudifs in Sri Lonko.
Mojor cofegories sourced from ndio incIude home fexfiIes (incIuding
foweIs, shower curfoins, bofh mofs, occessories, bedding sheefs ond
kifchen Iinens), opporeI (incIuding woven, knifweor ond Ieofher foofweor),
Ieofher occessories, fine jeweIry ond house wores (incIuding fine dining
wore, home dcor ond fobIefops). The moin cofegories sourced from Sri
Lonko ore opporeI, fexfiIes ond giffs.

ow WuI-Murt chunged over time
n Ocfober Z00b, WoImorf onnounced if wouId impIemenf severoI
environmenfoI meosures fo increose energy efficiency.
The primory gooIs incIuded spending $b00 miIIion o yeor fo increose fueI
efficiency in WoI-Morf's fruck fIeef by Zb7 over fhree yeors ond doubIe
if wifhin fen, reduce greenhouse gos emissions by Z07 in seven yeors,
reduce energy use of sfores by 307, ond cuf soIid wosfe from U.S. sfores
ond Soms CIubs by Zb7 in fhree yeors.

CEO Lee Scoff soid fhof WoI-Morf's gooI wos fo be o good stewurd 1or
the environment ond uIfimofeIy use onIy renewobIe energy sources ond
produce ;ero wosfe

The compony oIso designed fhree new experimenfoI sfores in McIinney,

Texos, Auroro, CoIorodo, ond Los Vegos, Mevodo. wifh wind
furbines, phofovoIfoic soIor poneIs, bio fueI-copobIe boiIers, wofer-cooIed
refrigerofors, ond xeriscope gordens.

f hos become fhe biggesf seIIer of orgonic miIk ond fhe biggesf buyer
of orgonic coffon in fhe worId, os weII os reducing pockoging ond energy
cosf . WoImorf hos oIso recenfIy creofed ifs own eIecfric compony in
Texos Teus RetuiI Energy ond pIons fo suppIy ifs sfores wifh cheop
power purchosed of whoIesoIe prices.
. The compony Iounched o new Supercenter concepf in PIono, Texos,
infended fo compefe ogoinsf sfores seen os more upscoIe ond oppeoIing,
such os Torgef. The new sfore hos wood fIoors, wider oisIes, o sushi bor, o
coffee/sondwich shop wifh free Wi-Fi nfernef occess, ond more
expensive beers, wines, eIecfronics, ond ofher goods
On Sepfember IZ, Z007, WoImorf infroduced new odverfising wifh
fhe sIogon, "Suve Money Live etter" repIocing fhe "AIwuys Low Prices
AIwuys sIogon, which if hod used for fhe previous I9 yeors.
On June 30, Z008, WoImorf unveiIed o new compuny Iogo, feofuring fhe
non-hyphenofed nome WuImurt" ond in pIoce of fhe sfor, o symboI fhof
resembIes o sunbursf or fIower.
On Morch Z0, Z009, WoImorf onnounced fhof if is poying o combined
$933.o miIIion in bonuses fo every fuII ond porf fime hourIy worker of fhe
On JuIy Io, Z009, WoImorf onnounced pIons fo deveIop o worIdwide
susfoinobIe producf index.
On Februory ZZ, Z0I0, fhe compony confirming if wos ocquiring video
sfreoming compony 'udu Inc, for on esfimofed $I00 miIIion.
n Jonuory Z0II, of fhe urging of MicheIIe Obomo ond her sfoff, WoI-
Morf onnounced o progrom fo improve the nutritionuI vuIues of ifs sfore
bronds over fhe nexf five yeors, groduoIIy reducing fhe omounf of soIf
ond sugor, ond eIiminofing frons fof.
M Z0I0, woImorf pIonned fo chonge ifs orgoni;ofionoI sfrucfure. They
divided info fhree disfincfive geogruphic business units (08Us) -
WoImorf Wesf, WoImorf Soufh ond WoImorf Morfh. They reduced fhe
no. of Morkef Monogers' spon of confroI, so fhof fhey con focus on
deveIoping fheir Sfore Monogers ond impIemenf new producfivify

On ApriI Z3, Z0II, fhe compony onnounced fhof if wos fesfing ifs new
WuImurt To So home deIivery system where cusfomers wiII be obIe fo
order specific ifems offered on fheir websife such os groceries,
foiIefries, ond househoId suppIies. The inifioI fesf is in Son Jose,
CoIifornio, ond fhe compony hos nof soid whefher if wiII be roIIed ouf

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