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Research Title
vlsual and verbal meLhods of MarkeLlng Lxplorlng Lhe concepL of Lemporary sLore ln fashlon
markeLlng (a case sLudy of Asda sLore)

Table oI contents

Contents Page No.
2.4 SUMMARY 11
3.10 VALIDITY 14


The phenomenon oI 'temporary stores has developed into one oI the most signiIicant
innovations in marketing since it Iirst came to the attention oI commentators in 2003.
Characteristic oI the Iashion marketing sector, it deIines the establishment and operation by
established manuIacturers oI short-term retail premises. Visual and verbal marketing are two
essential tools in temporary Iashion marketing. Enhancing the sale volume oI an organization
sometimes not only depends on the traditional marketing but also on visual marketing. That`s
why these marketing tools should be chosen as a marketing and tool. An eIIective and properly
designed marketing will help to select the right visual elements and it be used as a most eIIective
system to deliver the value proposition message. The concept oI verbal marketing can be deIined
as the process through which the customers are communicated with a somewhat diIIerent ways
rather using traditional marketing tool, especially the marketing through word oI mouth.
Consumers can also be reached by just making them call or other personal marketing way.
However the personal marketing can be most IruitIul way to communicate with customers
especially to the new potential customers without meeting them physically. This study is to
evaluate how visual and verbal marketing enhance the marketing perIormance oI the temporary
Iashion store in the context oI Asda store.
While entering, a new product to the market having limited availability bears some critical
message regarding its uniqueness. Porter in 1990 said on a seminar regarding the competitive
advantage that the major success in the Italian clothing industry are mainly achieved by the
innovation oI new and diIIerentiated product as well as ensuring superior quality and better
customer service oI aIter sale. The role played by independent retailers in UK in Iashion clothing
distribution is generally assessed by their holding oI both bargaining and market power.

The major point in case oI temporary stores which diIIerentiate it Irom other is that it possesses
an exclusive pattern oI promotional activity consisting oI attracting the passers-by by addressing
them through word oI mouth.
SuccessIully operating a temporary store requires a huge emphasize on preparatory work which
will exist at least Iour week with operational inIrastructures. ustiIying itselI as a temporary store
can only be ensured only iI it can exploit the unique Ieatures oI speciIic brand aiming at to
present the other vital characteristics and beneIits and authentically projecting the world`s brand.
According to Hankinson (2001), 'the branding process enables organizations to communicate
simply and eIIectively through consistent communication oI a set oI core values. The
recommended thing oI this approach involves the retail oIIer element will work identically
rendering the identical signal. According to ridson and Evans (2004), 'Communication may
Iocus on establishing a personality Ior the brand, which is valued by consumers and resistant to
competitor replication. According to ridson and Evans (2004), 'Communication may Iocus on
establishing a personality Ior the brand, which is valued by consumers and resistant to
competitor replication
The Purpose oI this research is to evaluate how visual and verbal marketing enhance the
marketing perIormance oI the temporary Iashion store.
The aim oI this research is to explore how visual and verbal marketing enhance the marketing
perIormance oI the temporary Iashion store.
The Iollowing objectives are needed to be attained by the researcher:
i. T o explore how visual and verbal marketing enhance the marketing perIormance oI the
temporary Iashion store;
ii. To evaluate visual and verbal marketing strategy;
iii. To identiIy suitable marketing strategy Ior the temporary Iashion store.

The researcher will cover the Iollowing research questions to achieve objective oI the research:
i. How visual and verbal marketing enhance the marketing perIormance oI the temporary
Iashion store?
ii. What are beneIits oI the visual and verbal marketing strategy?
iii. Which marketing strategy Ior the temporary Iashion store?

Chapter 0ne includes background oI the proposed research, the purpose oI the research, the aim
and objective oI the research, the rationale behind the choice oI the research, and the background
oI the case company.
Chapter two will cover the theoretical review and concepts oI the visual and verbal marketing
strategy, and the concept oI temporary Iashion store.
Chapter three will provide the idea about the research design. y which research strategy,
research method, the researcher will complete the research will be explained in this chapter.



Asda Stores Ltd is a well known ritish supermarket chain. In UK it is second largest chain by
market share aIter Tesco. Food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and Iinancial services
mainly are retailed by Asda. Asda`s Head oIIice is in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Asda is a
subsidiary oI the American retail giant Walmart.
In 1990, Asda created its own range oI clothing which is known as George. This is marketed as
quality Iashion clothing at aIIordable prices. This George label was named aIter George Davies,
the Iounder oI Next, who was its original chieI designer. He is no longer associated with the
brand, although it has aimed to remain true to the high quality, low price business model that he


The major innovation in marketing is the concept oI temporary stores` which was developed
gradually and in 2003 attracted the attention oI the marketers. The concept oI temporary store
can be deIined as the building and activities perIormed by the manuIactures oI lower term
premises oI retail store. In much English-speaking countries this kind oI shops are called as pop-
up` stores or shops. This study will evaluate how visual and verbal marketing inIluence the
marketing perIormance in the context oI Asda store.
However the innovation oI temporary stores and it recent trends has drawn the major attention oI
the researcher to strategically look in it. According to Sabbadin and Lugli, the competition based
on time Iacilitates to reduce the lead time starting Irom planning up to Iabrication to distributing
channels. As mentioned by Richardson (1996) concept has improved the speed and pace at
which the competitive advantage oI structural changes in a quickly integration orgation are
renewed. To better meet the consumers` expectations and needs the need Ior limiting the time
required Ior transIerring Irom one to another department should be reduced hence ensuring the
Ilexibility in Iabrication, developing continuous innovation oI product lines redaring the market
demand are crucial Irom the industry perspective.
The temporary store is an element oI the marketing toolkit between communication and selling.
Alternatively to say this store is the system or process through which brand equity, brand
awareness, brand image oI a speciIic product are transIerred to the customers by raising sale
volume. According to Cholachatpinyo et al (2002) 'It reIlects change in aesthetic, economic,
political, cultural and social liIe.
While entering, a new product to the market having limited availability bears some critical
message regarding its uniqueness. In European Union textile the position oI Italy is dominant
especially in clothing sector playing an important role in the world wide sector oI Iashion. Porter
in 1990 said on a seminar regarding the competitive advantage that the major success in the

Italian clothing industry are mainly achieved by the innovation oI new and diIIerentiated product
as well as ensuring superior quality and better customer service oI aIter sale. The role played by
independent retailers in UK in Ishtion clothing distribution is generally assessed by their holding
oI both bargaining and market power.
Manny renowned Iashion companies having realized that retailer has a direct relation with
customers in the value chain are emphasizing on building a direct contract with consumer. They
usually can perIorm this through Iorward integration which means a relation oI manuIacturers
with the distributors and customers. As mentioned by urattinio, (2008) Temporary stores,
noticed Iirst in 2003 in ritain and gradually spread in New York are also being seen in Italy.
The major point in case oI temporary stores which diIIerentiate it Irom other is that it possesses
an exclusive pattern oI promotional activity consisting oI attracting the passers-by by addressing
them through word oI mouth.
Enhancing the sale volume oI an organization sometimes not only depends on the traditional
marketing but also on visual marketing. That`s why these marketing tools should be chosen as a
marketing and tool. An eIIective and properly designed marketing will help to select the right
visual elements and it be used as a most eIIective system to deliver the value proposition
message. The world wide traditional marketing tools used as a means which can be utilized as to
deliver the value proposition message such as electronic or print media, Ilyers, direct program oI
mailing, billboards, posters and in store point-oI-purchase displays etc. Recently there are some
websites such as Facebook, MySpace and Youtube and servicing system such as e-marketing
solutions are becoming amajor tools Ior the company to convey their value proposition message
to the customers.
As new visual marketing tools these potential mediums and system to market a product should
be evaluated critically. Among diIIerent marketing tools pictures or images are two powerIul
which provide a at glance message to the customers` mind only by clicking on this image or by
just observing once Ior a Iirst time. The presentation oI image as a marketing tool easily provides
an encouragement to the customer`s mindset which may positively inIluence their behavior,

belier and loyalty toward this speciIic brand. Some suggestions are illustrated next that could be
useIul to the marketers to properly conduct the task oI visual marketing.
Choosing the right image is curtail in visual marketing because an eIIective-right image can
positively inIluence the buying behavior oI consumer through raising the existing awareness or
Iacilitating new Ieatures in a same branded product. One oI the vital points in visual marketing is
using the eIIective color that will Iacilitate in generating positive views in the customer mind.
However customers with a neutral brand are usually supposed to be keen in the green color.
According to a research conducted by Yankelovich Group and Gette image (2007) resulted in a
powerIul impact oI green color in visual marketing. This research also demonstrated that green
color and images oI Iorest inIluence the consumer behavior through representing the
environment to them. So, the marketers in this regard should careIully choose the color used in
visual marketing which will be complied with the customers` perception and also will represent
the environment.
A complete extraction oI the track that how imagery language can demonstrate a message can
provide the marketers with an sophisticated insights about how customers are assessing,
interpreting and rearing a long-term commitment to a speciIic color are also important to the
marketers. Realizing this matter will obviously Iacilitate the marketers with proper understanding
to conduct or make a campaign to be successIul.
Selecting an image that will present a message regarding the brand should be chosen. Eluding the
empirical veriIication through using the visual marketing Iacilitate the marketers avoiding the
accountability arising in case oI verbal or written marketing and to leverage the prospect oI
image using in visual marketing (Schroeder, onathan, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on
Aesthetics, Images and Vision, Marketing Theory, (2006).
The impact oI visual marketing tool in new product innovation and development can be better
assessed by observing the marketers choosing this type oI marketing as market campaign tactics
and strategic tactics. However there is a strong association between the consumer`s perceptions
and a image chosen to convey the brand message. The selection oI an image by the marketers
should involve the Iitness oI the image with the product and there should be relatedness between.

Demonstrate Proper Techniques for Using Telecommunications Equipment
The marketing activities can be perIormed by both electronic and print media. In case oI
electronic media telephone and pagers can be better used mostly but there are other
telecommunication style named communication oI two way or radio style. In case oI hotels and
Iast Iood industry the telecommunication style oI marketing can be a better way to communicate
with customers directly by just contracting with them using the telephone. In case oI hotel
industry the concept oI using the revenue centre, point oI sale (POS) and PMS to Iacilitate the
better communication to customers and provide them with superior value proposition. In case the
POS and PMS collapse then the telecommunication will take the responsibility.
Interpret Verbal and Nonverbal Cues to Enhance Communication with Individuals Such
as Coworkers, Customers, and Clients
The concept oI verbal marketing can be deIined as the process through which the customers are
communicated with a somewhat diIIerent ways rather using traditional marketing tool, especially
the marketing through word oI mouth. Consumers can also be reached by just making them call
or other personal marketing way. However the personal marketing can be most IruitIul way to
communicate with customers especially to the new potential customers without meeting them
Locate Written Information Used to Communicate with Individuals Such as Coworkers
and Customers
Marketing as a tool to ensure customer satisIaction and communication can also be perIormed by
the written document such as memos, newsletters, notes, letters and bulletins to attract potential
customers towards an existing or potential new product or brand. Using & maintaining the shiIt
log book can be the key item in sustaining a good communication. The curtail thing is
inIormation directory that is used to answer virtually to the any query by guest about the area.
However, being aware oI the written inIormation oI the customer is used as a strong tool to
communicate with them.

SuccessIully operating a temporary store requires a huge emphasize on preparatory work which
will exist at least Iour week with operational inIrastructures. ustiIying itselI as a temporary store
can only be ensured only iI it can exploit the unique Ieatures oI speciIic brand aiming at to
present the other vital characteristics and beneIits and authentically projecting the world`s brand.
The temporary store is an element oI the marketing toolkit between communication and selling.
Alternatively to say this store is the system or process through which brand equity, brand
awareness, brand image oI a speciIic product are transIerred to the customers by raising sale
volume. According to Cholachatpinyo et al (2002) 'It reIlects change in aesthetic, economic,
political, cultural and social liIe. The major point in case oI temporary stores which diIIerentiate
it Irom other is that it possesses an exclusive pattern oI promotional activity consisting oI
attracting the passers-by by addressing them through word oI mouth.
Visual and verbal marketing are two essential tools in temporary Iashion marketing. Enhancing
the sale volume oI an organization sometimes not only depends on the traditional marketing but
also on visual marketing. That`s why these marketing tools should be chosen as a marketing and
tool. An eIIective and properly designed marketing will help to select the right visual elements
and it be used as a most eIIective system to deliver the value proposition message. The concept
oI verbal marketing can be deIined as the process through which the customers are
communicated with a somewhat diIIerent ways rather using traditional marketing tool, especially
the marketing through word oI mouth. Consumers can also be reached by just making them call
or other personal marketing way. However the personal marketing can be most IruitIul way to
communicate with customers especially to the new potential customers without meeting them
physically. This study will evaluate how visual and verbal marketing inIluence the marketing
perIormance in the context oI Asda store.


Saunders et al., (2008) says, 'There are Iour types oI research philosophy; such as pragmatism,
positivism, realism and interpretivism. Pragmatism philosophy allows the researcher to use
choice any research methods in conducting the research. On the other hand 'Positivism
philosophy is related to the social reality and support the positive relation evaluation study,
Saunders et al., (2009). Realism supports the idea that there is a reality independent oI human
thoughts and belieIs. Interpretivism philosophy emphasizes on the human behavior diIIerences
that are essential Ior the researcher.
In this research the research philosophy was Interpretivism, as the study will evaluate how visual
and verbal marketing enhance the marketing perIormance oI the temporary Iashion store.
In general, exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research approaches are available. Scholz
and Tietje, (2002) says, 'Exploratory approach is useIul when the purpose is developing
hypotheses, models or theories. The descriptive approach is used to explain event revealed with
a reIerence theory or model. According to Scholz and Tietje, (2002), 'the explanatory approach
is useIul to test cause-and-eIIect relationships. Thereby, in the proposed research I will use
explanatory approach.
According to Dubois and Gadde, (2002), 'three are types oI research method- inductive,
deductive or abductive Irom which the researcher uses the suitable one. Saunders et al (2007)
says that 'when a theory is being tested whether it is right or wrong deductive or quantitative
research method is helpIul.
The Inductive or qualitative research method is suitable when their needs hypotheses on a
progressive basis to grow a theory and to draw the impact oI the theory. 'A qualitative research

method exercises deIinite case studies and relies signiIicantly on subjective meaning given by
respondents, (urns & Grove, 1997).
Since the research is related to the speciIic case company and qualitative data in this study I will
Iollow the inductive or qualitative research method.
Yin, (2003) says, 'Research strategy is classiIied into Iour areas; Such as case study,
experiments, surveys, histories and an archival analysis. Most oI the researchers Iollow case
study strategy. According to (Yin, 2003) 'when the research questions include how` and why`
the case study strategy is appropriate. Yin has classiIied the case study strategy as Iollows-

Figure- Types oI case study designs (Yin, 2003)
In the box a clear guideline has been provided. ased on the research purpose researchers choose
one oI them. In this research a single case (holistic) design has been chosen.
Asda Stores Ltd is a well known ritish supermarket chain. In UK it is second largest chain by
market share aIter Tesco. Food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and Iinancial services
mainly are retailed by Asda. Asda`s Head oIIice is in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Asda is a
subsidiary oI the American retail giant Walmart. In 1990, Asda created its own range oI clothing
which is known as George. This is marketed as quality Iashion clothing at aIIordable prices.

In this research data has been collected Irom two data sources- secondary data and primary data.
Secondary data is someone used data. Such data is helpIul to make a theoretical Iramework oI
the research. Secondary data has been collected Irom various sources including internet, article,
journal, thesis paper, dissertation, text books, company web sites etc.
Primary data is the new Iresh data regarding the research purpose. The common primary data
collection methods are- experiments, survey, observation. The researcher himselI will collect
primary data through the survey method.
In order to collected primary data a sample oI customers was developed. The sample was
developed by applying simple sampling technique because oI its ease oI use. Simple sample
technique is sampling technique where each item oI the population has equal probability to be
To conduct the research very eIIectively a questionnaire was developed based in the concepts,
theories and past research inIormation. The details oI the questionnaire will be attached in the
To analyze the collected data I will use descriptive statistics, percentage analysis, and Irequency
distribution. Mean and standard deviation will be used as descriptive statistics.
Validity oI a study is the concern about that how much the Iindings oI the study are relevant to
the actual meanings oI the Iindings. Saunders et al., (2003) says that 'validity is the concern

about the Iindings that whether they are relevant to what they actually are. Yin (2003) suggests
'collect the chain oI evidences which will increase the validity oI the study. Considering his
suggestions I have collected evidences (interviews).

According to (Saunders et al., 2003), 'The reliability oI the research is whether the procedures
will yield the same results on other occasions or not, whether will the similar observation be
reached by other observers or not? He Iurther states some threats related to reliability, like
participant error, participant bias, observer error, observer bias. Yin (2003) states that, 'the
objective oI reliability is to give assurance that iI the same research is done with the same cases
by any other investigator again, he should get the same Iindings and conclusions. He Iurther
mention that the goal oI as %e goal of reliability is to minimi:e te errors and biases in a
study`. He suggests the proper documentation oI the procedures. I will Iollow this strategy to
increase the reliability.

In research studies ethical consideration is very much crucial. The researcher might take ethical
approval beIore proceeding Iurther. 'Research ethics are the suitability oI a researcher`s behavior
regarding the rights oI participants in case oI being aIIected by the research work (Saunders et
al., 2007). 'Code oI Ethical Conduct Ior Research` should be known by the researcher. To
maintain ethical matters the researcher needs to pay attention to consent, conIidentiality. In this
research all participants will remain anonymous. I will ensure anonymity by not mentioning
name in the question paper. For this in the question paper there is no option to write the name oI
the respondent.
Time limitation is the major limitation oI this study. Another limitation is that temporary Iashion
store may not represent the actual implication oI the visual and verbal marketing strategy.

The phenomenon oI 'temporary stores has developed into one oI the most signiIicant
innovations in marketing since it Iirst came to the attention oI commentators in 2003. The
concept oI temporary store can be deIined as the building and activities perIormed by the
manuIactures oI lower term premises oI retail store. In much English-speaking countries this
kind oI shops are called as pop-up` stores or shops.
SuccessIully operating a temporary store requires a huge emphasize on preparatory work which
will exist at least Iour week with operational inIrastructures. ustiIying itselI as a temporary store
can only be ensured only iI it can exploit the unique Ieatures oI speciIic brand aiming at to
present the other vital characteristics and beneIits and authentically projecting the world`s brand.
According to Hankinson (2001), 'the branding process enables organizations to communicate
simply and eIIectively through consistent communication oI a set oI core values. The
recommended thing oI this approach involves the retail oIIer element will work identically
rendering the identical signal. According to ridson and Evans (2004), 'Communication may
Iocus on establishing a personality Ior the brand, which is valued by consumers and resistant to
competitor replication. According to ridson and Evans (2004), 'Communication may Iocus on
establishing a personality Ior the brand, which is valued by consumers and resistant to
competitor replication. Communicating with real and prospective customers is the optimal
output oI this exceptional marketing tool. However regarding a temporary store it should be
cleared to the customer that the liIe span oI this store is limited, making them realized that
investment in the store cannot aIIord to build a strong brand and may construct a negative image
to the brand representing the short liIe span, the count-down clocks in the store express the
critical message that days leIt to come the store`s operation end. So, the communication between
the customers and the store needs to be critically handled requiring the Iact that the vital
inIormation is being shared Irom the starting to the end. To say conclusively the temporary store
is an eIIective marketing driver oI the communication and selling oI a speciIic or wide rage
product. Alternatively to say this store is the system or process through which brand equity,
brand awareness, brand image oI a speciIic product are transIerred to the customers by raising
sale volume. According to Cholachatpinyo et al (2002) 'It reIlects change in aesthetic, economic,
political, cultural and social liIe. The emerging change in Iashionable products should be

properly monitored and the change according to this should also be ensured to keep pace with
market demand. Rising oI temporary store will obviously Iacilitate the company to adapt their
product and services with the temporary store complying with the change in customers` tastes
and preIerences because Iashion is the process which requires a continuous adaptation with the
rapid change in demand.

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