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ChapLer 1wo


ArL 23 leooltles wblcb moy be lmposeJ 1he penalLles whlch may be lmposed accordlng Lo Lhls Code and Lhelr dlfferenL
classes are Lhose lncluded ln Lhe followlng
rlnclpal enalLles
copltol poolsbmeot
Affllctlve peooltles
8ecluslon perpeLua
8ecluslon Lemporal
erpeLual or Lemporary absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
erpeLual or Lemporary speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
rlslon mayor
cottectloool peooltles
rlslon correcclonal
ArresLo mayor
llqbt peooltles
ArresLo menor
ubllc censure
leooltles commoo to tbe tbtee pteceJloq closses
llne and
8ond Lo keep Lhe peace
Accessoty leooltles
erpeLual or Lemporary absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
erpeLual or Lemporary speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
Suspenslon from publlc offlce Lhe rlghL Lo voLe and be voLed for Lhe professlon or calllng
Clvll lnLerdlcLlon
lorfelLure or conflscaLlon of lnsLrumenLs and proceeds of Lhe offense
aymenL of cosLs
ArL 26 wbeo offllctlve cottectloool ot llqbt peoolty A flne wheLher lmposed as a slngle of as an alLernaLlve penalLy shall
be consldered an affllcLlve penalLy lf lL exceeds 6000 pesos a correcLlonal penalLy lf lL does noL exceed 6000 pesos buL ls noL
less Lhan 200 pesos and a llghL penalLy lf lL less Lhan 200 pesos

ChapLer 1hree
uu8A1lCn Anu LllLC1S Cl LnAL1lLS

SecLlon Cne uuraLlon of enalLles

ArL 27 eclosloo petpetoo Any person senLenced Lo any of Lhe perpeLual penalLles shall be pardoned afLer undergolng Lhe
penalLy for LhlrLy years unless such person by reason of hls conducL or some oLher serlous cause shall be consldered by Lhe
Chlef LxecuLlve as unworLhy of pardon
eclosloo tempotol 1he penalLy of recluslon Lemporal shall be from Lwelve years and one day Lo LwenLy years
ltlsloo moyot ooJ tempototy Jlspoollflcotloo 1he duraLlon of Lhe penalLles of prlslon mayor and Lemporary dlsquallflcaLlon
shall be from slx years and one day Lo Lwelve years excepL when Lhe penalLy of dlsquallflcaLlon ls lmposed as an accessory
penalLy ln whlch case lLs duraLlon shall be LhaL of Lhe prlnclpal penalLy
ltlsloo cotteccloool sospeosloo ooJ Jestletto 1he duraLlon of Lhe penalLles of prlslon correcclonal suspenslon and
desLlerro shall be from slx monLhs and one day Lo slx years excepL when suspenslon ls lmposed as an accessory penalLy ln
whlch case lLs duraLlon shall be LhaL of Lhe prlnclpal penalLy
Attesto moyot 1he duraLlon of Lhe penalLy of arresLo mayor shall be from one monLh and one day Lo slx monLhs
Attesto meoot 1he duraLlon of Lhe penalLy of arresLo menor shall be from one day Lo LhlrLy days
8ooJ to keep tbe peoce 1he bond Lo keep Lhe peace shall be requlred Lo cover such perlod of Llme as Lhe courL may
ArL 28 compototloo of peooltles lf Lhe offender shall be ln prlson Lhe Lerm of Lhe duraLlon of Lhe Lemporary penalLles shall
be compuLed from Lhe day on whlch Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon shall have become flnal
lf Lhe offender be noL ln prlson Lhe Lerm of Lhe duraLlon of Lhe penalLy conslsLlng of deprlvaLlon of llberLy shall be compuLed
from Lhe day LhaL Lhe offender ls placed aL Lhe dlsposal of Lhe [udlclal auLhorlLles for Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe penalLy 1he
duraLlon of Lhe oLher penalLles shall be compuLed only from Lhe day on whlch Lhe defendanL commences Lo serve hls senLence
ArL 29 letloJ of pteveotlve lmptlsoomeot JeJocteJ ftom tetm of lmptlsoomeot Cffenders who have undergone prevenLlve
lmprlsonmenL shall be credlLed ln Lhe servlce of Lhelr senLence conslsLlng of deprlvaLlon of llberLy wlLh Lhe full Llme durlng
whlch Lhey have undergone prevenLlve lmprlsonmenL lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner agrees volunLarlly ln wrlLlng Lo ablde by Lhe
same dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon convlcLed prlsoners excepL ln Lhe followlng cases
1 When Lhey are recldlvlsLs or have been convlcLed prevlously Lwlce or more Llmes of any crlme and
2 When upon belng summoned for Lhe execuLlon of Lhelr senLence Lhey have falled Lo surrender volunLarlly
lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner does noL agree Lo ablde by Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon convlcLed prlsoners he shall be
credlLed ln Lhe servlce of hls senLence wlLh fourflfLhs of Lhe Llme durlng whlch he has undergone prevenLlve lmprlsonmenL (As
amended by 8epubllc AcL 6127 !une 17 1970)
Whenever an accused has undergone prevenLlve lmprlsonmenL for a perlod equal Lo or more Lhan Lhe posslble maxlmum
lmprlsonmenL of Lhe offense charged Lo whlch he may be senLenced and hls case ls noL yeL LermlnaLed he shall be released
lmmedlaLely wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe Lrlal Lhereof or Lhe proceedlng on appeal lf Lhe same ls under revlew
ln case Lhe maxlmum penalLy Lo whlch Lhe accused may be senLenced ls desLlerro he shall be released afLer LhlrLy (30) days of
prevenLlve lmprlsonmenL (As amended by LC no 214 !uly 10 1988)
arL 61 oles fot qtoJootloq peooltles lor Lhe purpose of graduaLlng Lhe penalLles whlch accordlng Lo Lhe provlslons of
ArLlcles 30 Lo 37 lncluslve of Lhls Code are Lo be lmposed upon persons gullLy as prlnclpals of any frusLraLed or aLLempLed
felony or as accompllces or accessorles Lhe followlng rules shall be observed
1 When Lhe penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe felony ls slngle and lndlvlslble Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degrees shall be LhaL
lmmedlaLely followlng LhaL lndlvlslble penalLy ln Lhe respecLlve graduaLed scale prescrlbed ln ArLlcle 71 of Lhls Code
2 When Lhe penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe crlme ls composed of Lwo lndlvlslble penalLles or of one or more dlvlslble
penalLles Lo be lmpose Lo Lhelr full exLenL Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be LhaL lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe
lesser of Lhe penalLles prescrlbed ln Lhe respecLlve graduaLed scale
3 When Lhe penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe crlme ls composed of one or Lwo lndlvlslble penalLles and Lhe maxlmum
perlod of anoLher dlvlslble penalLy Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be composed of Lhe medlum and mlnlmum
perlods of Lhe proper dlvlslble penalLy and Lhe maxlmum perlods of Lhe proper dlvlslble penalLy and Lhe maxlmum
perlod of LhaL lmmedlaLely followlng ln sald respecLlve graduaLed scale
4 when Lhe penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe crlme ls composed of several perlods correspondlng Lo dlfferenL dlvlslble
penalLles Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be composed of Lhe perlod lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe mlnlmum
prescrlbed and of Lhe Lwo nexL followlng whlch shall be Laken from Lhe penalLy prescrlbed lf posslble oLherwlse
from Lhe penalLy lmmedlaLely followlng ln Lhe above menLloned respecLlve graduaLed scale
3 When Lhe law prescrlbes a penalLy for a crlme ln some manner noL especlally provlded for ln Lhe four precedlng
rules Lhe courLs proceedlng by analogy shall lmpose correspondlng penalLles upon Lhose gullLy as prlnclpals of Lhe
frusLraLed felony or of aLLempL Lo commlL Lhe same and upon accompllces and accessorles
1A8uLA1lCn Cl 1PL 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PL CPA1L8

enalLy rescrlbe
for Lhe crlme
enalLy Lo be
lmposed upon Lhe
prlnclpal ln a
frusLraLed crlme
and accompllce ln
a consummaLed
enalLy Lo be
lmposed upon Lhe
prlnclpal ln an
aLLempLed crlme
Lhe accessory ln
Lhe consummaLed
crlme and Lhe
accompllces ln a
frusLraLed crlme
enalLy Lo be
lmposed upon
Lhe accessory ln
a frusLraLed
crlme and Lhe
accompllces ln
an aLLempLed
enalLy Lo be
lmposed upon
Lhe accessory ln
an aLLempLed
llrsL Case ueaLh eclosloo
ltlsloo Moyot ltlsloo
Second Case eclosloo
letpetoo Lo
ltlsloo Moyot ltlsloo
Attesto Moyot
1hlrd Case eclosloo
1empotol ln lLs
maxlmum perlod
Lo deaLh
ltlsloo Moyot ln
lLs maxlmum
perlod Lo
tempotol ln lLs
medlum perlod
cotteccloool ln lLs
maxlmum perlod
Lo ptlsloo moyot
ln lLs medlum
Attesto Moyot ln
lL s maxlmum
perlod Lo ptlsloo
cotteccloool ln lLs
medlum perlod
llne and Attesto
Moyot ln lLs
mlnlmum and
medlum perlods
lourLh Case ltlsloo Moyot ln
lLs maxlmum
perlod Lo
tempotol lo lts
meJlom petloJ
cotteccloool ln lLs
maxlmum perlod
Lo ptlsloo moyot
ln lLs medlum
Attesto moyot ln
lLs maxlmum
perlod Lo ptlsloo
cotteccloool ln lLs
medlum perlod
llne and Attesto
Moyot ln lLs
mlnlmum and
medlum perlods
ArL 76 leqol petloJ of Jototloo of Jlvlslble peooltles 1he legal perlod of duraLlon of dlvlslble penalLles shall be consldered as
dlvlded lnLo Lhree parLs formlng Lhree perlods Lhe mlnlmum Lhe medlum and Lhe maxlmum ln Lhe manner shown ln Lhe
followlng Lable
1A8LL SPCWlnC 1PL uu8A1lCn Cl ulvlSl8LL LnAL1lLS Anu 1PL 1lML lnCLuuLu ln LACP Cl 1PLl8 L8lCuS

enalLles 1lme lncluded ln Lhe
penalLy ln lLs enLlreLy
1lme lncluded ln lLs
mlnlmum perlod
1lme lncluded ln lLs
medlum perlod
1lme lncluded ln lLs
eclosloo tempotol lrom 12 years and 1
day Lo 20 years
lrom 12 years and 1
day Lo 14 years and 8
lrom 14 years 8
monLhs and 1 day Lo
17 years and 4
lrom 17 years 4
monLhs and 1 day Lo
20 years
ltlsloo moyot
dlsquallflcaLlon and
speclal Lemporary
lrom 6 years and 1
day Lo 12 years
lrom 6 years and 1
day Lo 8 years
lrom 8 years and 1
day Lo 10 years
lrom 10 years and 1
day Lo 12 years
ltlsloo cotteccloool
suspenslon and
lrom 6 monLhs and 1
day Lo 6 years
lrom 6 monLhs and 1
day Lo 2 years and 4
lrom 2 years 4
monLhs and 1 day Lo
4 years and 2
lrom 4 years 2
monLhs and 1 day Lo
6 years
Attesto moyot lrom 1 monLh and 1
day Lo monLhs
lrom 1 Lo 2 monLhs lrom 2 monLhs and 1
day Lo 4 monLhs
lrom 4 monLhs and 1
day Lo 6 monLhs
Attesto meoot lrom 1 Lo 30 days lrom 1 Lo 10 days lrom 11 Lo 20 days lrom 21 Lo 30 days

AC1 NC 4103
{4s 4mended by 4ct No 4225 ond kepub/ic 4ct No 420l lune 19 195)


Sec1 PereafLer ln lmposlng a prlson senLence for an offense punlshed by Lhe 8evlsed enal Code or lLs
amendmenLs Lhe courL shall senLence Lhe accused Lo an lndeLermlnaLe senLence Lhe maxlmum Lerm of whlch
shall be LhaL whlch ln vlew of Lhe aLLendlng clrcumsLances could be properly lmposed under Lhe rules of Lhe sald
Code and Lhe mlnlmum whlch shall be wlLhln Lhe range of Lhe penalLy nexL lower Lo LhaL prescrlbed by Lhe Code
for Lhe offense and lf Lhe offense ls punlshed by any oLher law Lhe courL shall senLence Lhe accused Lo an
lndeLermlnaLe senLence Lhe maxlmum Lerm of whlch shall noL exceed Lhe maxlmum flxed by sald law and Lhe
mlnlmum shall noL be less Lhan Lhe mlnlmum Lerm prescrlbed by Lhe same

Sec 2 1hls AcL shall noL apply Lo persons convlcLed of offenses punlshed wlLh deaLh penalLy or llfelmprlsonmenL
Lo Lhose convlcLed of Lreason consplracy or proposal Lo commlL Lreason Lo Lhose convlcLed of mlsprlslon of
Lreason rebelllon sedlLlon or esplonage Lo Lhose convlcLed of plracy Lo Lhose who are hablLual dellnquenLs Lo
Lhose who have escaped from conflnemenL or evaded senLence Lo Lhose who havlng been granLed condlLlonal
pardon by Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve shall have vlolaLed Lhe Lerms Lhereof Lo Lhose whose maxlmum Lerm of
lmprlsonmenL does noL exceed one year noL Lo Lhose already senLenced by flnal [udgmenL aL Lhe Llme of approval
of Lhls AcL excepL as provlded ln SecLlon 3 hereof

Sec 3 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8oard of ardons and arole Lo be composed of Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce who shall
be lLs Chalrman and four members Lo be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs who shall hold offlce for a Lerm of slx years rovlded 1haL one member of Lhe board shall be a
Lralned soclologlsL one a clergyman or educaLor one psychlaLrlsL unless a Lralned psychlaLrlsL be employed by Lhe
board and Lhe oLher members shall be persons quallfled for such work by Lralnlng and experlence AL leasL one
member of Lhe board shall be a woman Cf Lhe members of Lhe presenL board Lwo shall be deslgnaLed by Lhe
resldenL Lo conLlnue unLll uecember LhlrLy nlneLeen hundred and slxLyslx and Lhe oLher Lwo shall conLlnue unLll
uecember LhlrLy nlneLeen hundred and slxLynlne ln case of any vacancy ln Lhe membershlp of Lhe 8oard a
successor may be appolnLed Lo serve only for Lhe unexplred porLlon of Lhe Lerm of Lhe respecLlve members
Sec 4 1he 8oard of ardons and arole ls auLhorlzed Lo adopL such rules and regulaLlons as may be necessary for
carrylng ouL lLs funcLlons and duLles 1he 8oard ls empowered Lo call upon any bureau offlce branch subdlvlslon
agency or lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe CovernmenL for such asslsLance as lL may need ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
performance of lLs funcLlons A ma[orlLy of all Lhe members shall consLlLuLe a quorum and a ma[orlLy voLe shall be
necessary Lo arrlve aL a declslon Any dlssenL from Lhe ma[orlLy oplnlon shall be reduced Lo wrlLlng and flled wlLh
Lhe records of Lhe proceedlngs Lach member of Lhe 8oard lncludlng Lhe Chalrman and Lhe LxecuLlve Cfflcer shall
be enLlLled Lo recelve as compensaLlon flfLy pesos for each meeLlng acLually aLLended by hlm noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe
provlslons of SecLlon Lwo hundred and flfLynlne of Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code and ln addlLlon LhereLo
relmbursemenL of acLual and necessary Lravellng expenses lncurred ln Lhe performance of duLles rovlded
however 1haL Lhe 8oard meeLlngs wlll noL be more Lhan Lhree Llmes a week
Sec 3 lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence Lo look lnLo Lhe physlcal menLal and moral
record of Lhe prlsoners who shall be ellglble Lo parole and Lo deLermlne Lhe proper Llme of release of such
prlsoners Whenever any prlsoner shall have served Lhe mlnlmum penalLy lmposed on hlm and lL shall appear Lo
Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence from Lhe reporLs of Lhe prlsoners work and conducL whlch may be recelved
ln accordance wlLh Lhe rules and regulaLlons prescrlbed and from Lhe sLudy and lnvesLlgaLlon made by Lhe 8oard
lLself LhaL such prlsoner ls flLLed by hls Lralnlng for release LhaL Lhere ls a reasonable probablllLy LhaL such prlsoner
wlll llve and remaln aL llberLy wlLhouL vlolaLlng Lhe law and LhaL such release wlll noL be lncompaLlble wlLh Lhe
welfare of socleLy sald 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence may ln lLs dlscreLlon and ln accordance wlLh Lhe rules
and regulaLlons adopLed hereunder auLhorlze Lhe release of such prlsoner on parole upon such Lerms and
condlLlons as are hereln prescrlbed and as may be prescrlbed by Lhe 8oard 1he sald 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe
SenLence shall also examlne Lhe records and sLaLus of prlsoners who shall have been convlcLed of any offense
oLher Lhan Lhose named ln SecLlon 2 hereof and have been senLenced for more Lhan one year by flnal [udgmenL
prlor Lo Lhe daLe on whlch Lhls AcL shall Lake effecL and shall make recommendaLlon ln all such cases Lo Lhe
CovernorCeneral wlLh regard Lo Lhe parole of such prlsoners as Lhey shall deem quallfled for parole as hereln
provlded afLer Lhey shall have served a perlod of lmprlsonmenL noL less Lhan Lhe mlnlmum perlod for whlch Lhey
mlghL have been senLenced under Lhls AcL for Lhe same offense
Sec 6 Lvery prlsoner released from conflnemenL on parole by vlrLue of Lhls AcL shall aL such Llmes and ln such
manner as may be requlred by Lhe condlLlons of hls parole as may be deslgnaLed by Lhe sald 8oard for such
purpose reporL personally Lo such governmenL offlclals or oLher parole offlcers hereafLer appolnLed by Lhe 8oard
of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence for a perlod of survelllance equlvalenL Lo Lhe remalnlng porLlon of Lhe maxlmum
senLence lmposed upon hlm or unLll flnal release and dlscharge by Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence as hereln
provlded 1he offlclals so deslgnaLed shall keep such records and make such reporLs and perform such oLher duLles
hereunder as may be requlred by sald 8oard 1he llmlLs of resldence of such paroled prlsoner durlng hls parole
may be flxed and from Llme Lo Llme changed by Lhe sald 8oard ln lLs dlscreLlon lf durlng Lhe perlod of survelllance
such paroled prlsoner shall show hlmself Lo be a lawabldlng clLlzen and shall noL vlolaLe any of Lhe laws of Lhe
hlllpplne lslands Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence may lssue a flnal cerLlflcaLe of release ln hls favor whlch
shall enLlLle hlm Lo flnal release and dlscharge
Sec 7 1he 8oard shall flle wlLh Lhe courL whlch passed [udgmenL on Lhe case and wlLh Lhe Chlef of ConsLabulary
a cerLlfled copy of each order of condlLlonal or flnal release and dlscharge lssued ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons
of Lhe nexL precedlng Lwo secLlons
Sec 8 Whenever any prlsoner released on parole by vlrLue of Lhls AcL shall durlng Lhe perlod of survelllance
vlolaLe any of Lhe condlLlons of hls parole Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence may lssue an order for hls re
arresL whlch may be served ln any parL of Lhe hlllpplne lslands by any pollce offlcer ln such case Lhe prlsoner so
rearresLed shall serve Lhe remalnlng unexplred porLlon of Lhe maxlmum senLence for whlch he was orlglnally
commlLLed Lo prlson unless Lhe 8oard of lndeLermlnaLe SenLence shall ln lLs dlscreLlon granL a new parole Lo Lhe
sald prlsoner
Sec 9 noLhlng ln Lhls AcL shall be consLrued Lo lmpalr or lnLerfere wlLh Lhe powers of Lhe CovernorCeneral as seL
forLh ln SecLlon 64(l) of Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code or Lhe AcL of Congress approved AugusL 29 1916 enLlLled
An AcL Lo declare Lhe purpose of Lhe people of Lhe unlLed SLaLes as Lo Lhe fuLure pollLlcal sLaLus of Lhe people of
Lhe hlllpplne lslands and Lo provlde a more auLonomous governmenL for Lhose lslands
Sec 10 Whenever any prlsoner shall be released on parole hereunder he shall be enLlLled Lo recelve Lhe beneflLs
provlded ln SecLlon 1731 of Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code
ApptoveJ uecember 3 1933

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