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Cl PL8CLS uSL8 AC8LLMLn1 SL1LM8L8 1 2011

?Cu MuS1 8LAu unuL8S1Anu Anu ACCL1 1PL 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 8LlC8L CLlCklnC
l ACCL1 8LLCW ll ?Cu uC nC1 ?Cu MuS1 CLlCk l 8L!LC1 8LLCW
1hls agreemenL ls enLered lnLo by and beLween nCsofL and ?ou (as deflned below) by cllcklng l ACCL1
below and Lhe followlng provlslons are agreed upon
1 uLllnl1lCnS
(a) AccounL Any accounL provlded by nCsofL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo a MasLer AccounL or a Came
AccounL Lo whlch Lhls agreemenL and/or oLher agreemenLs beLween ?ou and nCsofL may apply
(b) AccounL lu An AccounL deslgnaLlon LhaL nCsofL can use Lo ldenLlfy an AccounL
(c) CharacLer lu A deslgnaLlon LhaL can be used Lo ldenLlfy a characLer ln Lhe Came
(d) ConLenL Any maLerlal relaLed Lo Lhe Came LhaL ls nelLher SofLware nor Servlce lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo any lLem 1eam Message 8oard and/or aragon olnLs
(e) nCsofL nC lnLeracLlve lnc
(f) Came Servlce ConLenL or SofLware relaLed Lo Lhe game whose LlLle appears above
(g) Came AccounL An AccounL relaLed Lo Lhe Came buL noL oLher games LhaL may be made avallable
from Llme Lo Llme by nCsofL
(h) l rlghL Any lnLellecLual properLy rlghL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any copyrlghL Lrademark
paLenL Lrade secreL lndusLrlal deslgn rlghL daLabase rlghL sofLware ldea concepL meLhod lnvenLlon
ConLenL lLem or comblnaLlons Lhereof
(l) lLem ulglLal maLerlal relaLed Lo Lhe Came whlch ls used ln connecLlon wlLh ConLenL or a CharacLer
lu lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any lnCame currency arLlcles or resources
([) MasLer AccounL An AccounL relaLed Lo Lhe Came and poLenLlally oLher games LhaL may be made
avallable from Llme Lo Llme by nCsofL
(k) Message 8oard Any elecLronlc source of lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came wheLher or noL provlded
by nCsofL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any webslLe wlkl forum Lhread posL bulleLln board chaL room
useneL neLwork or oLher elecLronlc lnformaLlon dlsLrlbuLlon mechanlsm
(l) Message 8oard lu A Message 8oard deslgnaLlon LhaL can be used Lo ldenLlfy Lhe source of a user or
a posL relaLed Lo a Message 8oard
(m) noLlce ConLacL ALLn CusLomer SupporL by facslmlle Lo (312) 6238098
(n) aragon olnLs ulglLal maLerlal nCsofL may make avallable under cerLaln resLrlcLlons
(o) rlvacy ollcy nCsofL pollcy regardlng prlvacy 1he currenL verslon ls found aL
(p) 8ules of ConducL nCsofL rules relaLed Lo use of Lhe Servlce 1he currenL verslon ls found aL
(q) Servlce Any onllne servlce provlded by nCsofL for Lhe Came
(r) SofLware Any sofLware provlded by nCsofL relaLed Lo Lhe Came lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
sofLware lnsLalled on a compuLer owned by ?ou or someone else along wlLh any subsequenL verslons
enhancemenLs modlflcaLlons upgrades or paLches Lo such sofLware
(s) 1eam MulLlple CharacLer lus LhaL are assoclaLed on a Lemporary semlpermanenL or permanenL
basls lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any form of group class lnCame race leglon league alllance super
group house pledge facLlon gulld or Lhe llke
(L) ?ou / ?our A person who may cllck l ACCL1 accordlng Lo SecLlon 9 below
2 LlMl1Lu LlCLnSL SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1 Anu SCl1WA8L LlCLnSLu nC1 SCLu
(a) 1he Came requlres Servlce ConLenL and SofLware from nCsofL ?ou acknowledge LhaL ?ou musL
obLaln SofLware from nCsofL Lo use Lhe Came and LhaL such sofLware may have a serlal code number /
access key LhaL can only be used once ?ou also acknowledge LhaL ?ou musL obLaln Servlce from nCsofL
Lo use Lhe Came And ?ou acknowledge LhaL ?ou are responslble for supplylng any necessary
communlcaLlons connecLlons (such as lnLerneL access) and hardware Lo use Lhe Came as well as any
cosLs or expenses relaLed Lo Lhe foregolng ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may ln lLs sole and
absoluLe dlscreLlon allow ?ou full or parLlal access Lo ConLenL lncludlng one or more Message 8oards
1eams or lLems and may condlLlon such full or parLlal access upon ?our compllance wlLh Lhe provlslons
ln SecLlon 4 below as well as oLher provlslons relaLed Lo Lhe foregolng
(b) Servlce ConLenL and SofLware Llcense reCondlLlons ?ou acknowledge LhaL any nCsofL llcense Lo
use Servlce ConLenL or SofLware ls precondlLloned upon ?our agreemenL Lo comply wlLh all provlslons
of Lhls agreemenL Accordlngly ?ou also acknowledge LhaL any nCsofL llcense Lo use such Servlce
ConLenL or SofLware would noL exlsL wlLhouL ?our agreemenL Lo comply wlLh all provlslons of Lhls
agreemenL ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL use of Lhe SofLware may requlre addlLlonal llcenses such as a
llcense Lo any appllcable operaLlng sysLem or oLher LhlrdparLy sofLware and LhaL ?ou are responslble
for obLalnlng and agreelng Lo any appllcable LhlrdparLy llcense before ?ou enLer lnLo Lhls agreemenL
(c) Llcense CranL Any Servlce ConLenL or SofLware supplled by nCsofL ls llcensed noL sold by nCsofL
All LlLle and rlghLs noL expressly granLed ln Lhls agreemenL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any l rlghL and
Lhe dlsplay Lhereof are reLalned by nCsofL and/or LhlrdparLles under agreemenL wlLh nCsofL nCsofL
hereby granLs ?ou a revocable nonexcluslve llcense for personal and noncommerclal use of Servlce
ConLenL and SofLware LhaL ls nonLransferable excepL as permlLLed under SecLlon 9(c) ?Cu
ACknCWLLuCL 1PA1 An? SuCP LlCLnSL 1L8MlnA1LS lMMLulA1LL? ll ?Cu 88LACP vlCLA1L C8
C1PL8WlSL lAlL 1C CCML? Wl1P LACP Anu LvL8? 8CvlSlCn Cl 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 Anu PL8L8?
WAlvL An? 8lCP1S ?Cu MA? PAvL PAu 1C nC1lCL Cl 1L8MlnA1lCn l8CM nCSCl1 ln 1PL LvLn1 Cl
1L8MlnA1lCn Cl An? SuCP LlCLnSL nCSCl1 MA? ln l1S SCLL Anu A8SCLu1L ulSC8L1lCn MCull?
C8 uLLL1L ?Cu8 ACCCun1 ALL 8LLA1Lu CCn1Ln1 Anu An? CPA8AC1L8 lu
(d) CharacLer lu reCondlLlons ?ou acknowledge LhaL any nCsofL llcense Lo any CharacLer lu ls pre
condlLloned upon ?our agreemenL Lo comply wlLh all provlslons of Lhls agreemenL Accordlngly ?ou also
acknowledge LhaL any nCsofL llcense Lo use such CharacLer lu would noL exlsL wlLhouL ?our agreemenL
Lo comply wlLh all provlslons of Lhls agreemenL ?ou addlLlonally acknowledge ?ou may noL and ?ou wlll
noL selecL any CharacLer lu LhaL would requlre any llcense from any LhlrdparLy
(e) 1he Came may also requlre aL leasL one CharacLer lu LhaL ?ou mlghL ln parL be allowed Lo selecL
sub[ecL Lo resLrlcLlons lmposed ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 3(e) below ?ou acknowledge LhaL (l) ?our llcense Lo use any CharacLer lu Lo
selecL any 1eam AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam deslgnaLlon Lo selecL
characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu or Lo provlde any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any
Message 8oard shall be wlLhln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL (ll) LhaL Lhe foregolng may be
modlfled for any reason aL any Llme and ln any way by nCsofL ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon and
(lll) LhaL Lhe foregolng are under llcense noL sold by nCsofL ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may
ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon choose Lo modlfy or Lo deleLe or choose noL Lo modlfy or noL Lo
deleLe any CharacLer lu lf ?ou are noL ln compllance wlLh Lhe provlslons ln SecLlon 4 below or any oLher
provlslons relaLed Lo Lhe foregolng ?ou addlLlonally acknowledge LhaL nCsofL has no ongolng and/or
fuLure duLy Lo ?ou regardlng any llcense relaLed Lo a modlfled or deleLed CharacLer lu
(f) AddlLlonal Llcense 8esLrlcLlons ?ou acknowledge ?ou wlll noL dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
(l) reverse englneer LranslaLe adapL dlsassemble decomplle or reduce Lo any human
percelvable form any SofLware or parLs Lhereof
(ll) copy dlsLrlbuLe or reproduce any Servlce ConLenL SofLware or parLs Lhereof
(lll) modlfy or creaLe a derlvaLlve work of any Servlce ConLenL SofLware or parLs Lhereof
(lv) sell subllcense renL lease granL a securlLy lnLeresL ln borrow lend loan neLwork or
engage ln any acLlvlLy LhaL could ln any way Lransfer or provlde oLhers access Lo any Servlce
ConLenL SofLware or parLs Lhereof lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any serlal code number access
key or Lhe llke
3 uu8A1lCn Cl AC8LLMLn1 ACCCun1 1L8MlnA1lCn
(a) uuraLlon unless modlfled or amended by nCsofL Lhls agreemenL and lLs provlslons shall remaln ln
effecL 1ermlnaLlon of any llcense granLed by nCsofL under Lhls agreemenL does noL affecL any oLher
provlslons of Lhls agreemenL
(b) ulscreLlonary AccounL 1ermlnaLlon ?ou may noLlfy nCsofL LhaL ?ou wlsh Lo LermlnaLe an AccounL by
noLlfylng Lhe noLlce ConLacL of ?our deslre Lo do so Any such requesL musL be made Lo Lhe noLlce
ConLacL and lnclude ?our name address conLacL lnformaLlon and a reason for Lhe requesL nCsofL may
also ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon provlde oLher means by whlch ?ou may choose Lo so noLlfy
nCsofL WheLher or noL ?ou wlsh Lo LermlnaLe an AccounL nCsofL may aL any Llme or for any reason
boLh of whlch shall be concluslvely deLermlned ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL modlfy or
deleLe ?our AccounL as well as any oLher AccounL nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu 1eam and/or
characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu 1ermlnaLlon of an AccounL under Lhls provlslon also LermlnaLes
any llcense granLed by nCsofL under Lhls agreemenL buL does noL affecL any oLher provlslons of Lhls
(c) AccounL 1ermlnaLlon for Cause nCsofL may deleLe ?our AccounL for cause (eg ?ou breach vlolaLe
or oLherwlse fall Lo comply wlLh each and every provlslon of Lhls agreemenL) as well as any oLher
AccounL nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu 1eam and/or characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu
Any LermlnaLlon under Lhls SecLlon 3(c) as well as Lhe Llmlng Lhereof shall be concluslvely deLermlned
ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL 1ermlnaLlon of an AccounL under Lhls provlslon also
LermlnaLes any llcense granLed by nCsofL under Lhls agreemenL buL does noL affecL any oLher provlslons
of Lhls agreemenL
4 ACCCun1(S) Anu A?MLn1S 1C nCSCl1
(a) AccounL(s) 1he Came requlres aL leasL one AccounL from nCsofL ?ou acknowledge LhaL lL ls ?our
responslblllLy Lo esLabllsh any AccounL needed for Lhe Came and Lo comply wlLh any nCsofL provlslons
for esLabllshlng and malnLalnlng such AccounL(s) ?ou are responslble for any use and relaLed llablllLles
wlLh respecL Lo any AccounL for whlch ?ou cllck l ACCL1 wheLher or noL such use and relaLed
llablllLles were ln any way auLhorlzed by ?ou and lL ls ?our responslblllLy Lo safeguard any access conLrol
mechanlsms ?ou may have relaLed Lo an AccounL such as a password or ln nCsofL does noL ask for
such lnformaLlon vla emall or Lelephone buL ?ou may have Lo use lL as parL of Lhe logon process for
Lhe Came
(b) erlodlc aymenLs 8elaLed Lo AccounLs Servlce and ConLenL nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe
dlscreLlon requlre ?ou Lo pay Lo esLabllsh or malnLaln any AccounL Lo use any Servlce or Lo use any
ConLenL ?ou acknowledge LhaL lf ?ou are requlred Lo do so buL do noL Lhen nCsofL may LermlnaLe ?our
AccounL under SecLlon 3(b) ?ou addlLlonally acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may requlre such paymenLs on
any basls lL deems approprlaLe ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any per
use or perlodlc basls (such as a number of hours days or monLhs) And ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL
may lL lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon esLabllsh Lhe Llmlng and form ln whlch such paymenL musL be
made lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo credlL cards or onllne paymenL servlces ?Cu ALSC ACknCWLLuCL
1PA1 nCSCl1 PAS nC C8LlCA1lCn 1C 8Llunu An? A?MLn1S ln WPCLL C8 ln A81 8LLA1Lu 1C
An ACCCun1 WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 SuCP A?MLn1S WL8L MAuL C8 Au1PC8lZLu 8? ?Cu lC8 An?
8LASCn WPA1SCLvL8 lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C ln1L88u1lCn C8 unAvAlLA8lLl1? Cl
SL8vlCL (SLL ALSC SLC1lCn 10) ?Cu ACknCWLLuCL Anu lu81PL8 AC8LL 1PA1 nCSCl1 MA? ln l1S
SCLL Anu A8SCLu1L ulSC8L1lCn 1L8MlnA1L unuL8 1PL 8CvlSlCnS Cl SLC1lCn 3(c) An? ACCCun1
8LLA1Lu 1C An? A11LM1 1C C81Aln A 8Llunu Cl An? A?MLn1S WPL1PL8 SuCP A11LM1S A8L
MAuL 8? CCn1AC1lnC An lSSuL8 Cl C8Lul1 CA8uS C8 C1PL8WlSL Anu 1PA1 nCSCl1 MA? 1AkL
An? C1PL8 AC1lCn l1 uLLMS A8C8lA1L unuL8 1PL Cl8CuMS1AnCLS lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1
LlMl1Lu 1C 8LCCu8SL 8? WA? Cl An? CCLLLC1lCn ACLnC? Anu/C8 C8Lul1 8LC81lnC ACLnC?
WPLn A 8Llunu PAS 8LLn C81AlnLu Wl1PCu1 SlCnLu W8l11Ln CCnSLn1 l8CM A LLCALL?
Au1PC8lZLu 8L8LSLn1A1lvL Cl nCSCl1
(c) nCsofL Came LnhancemenLs ModlflcaLlons upgrades and aLches ln addlLlon Lo any lnlLlal
paymenL ?ou may have made relaLed Lo Lhe SofLware nCsofL may provlde subsequenL verslons
enhancemenLs modlflcaLlons upgrades or paLches relaLed Lo Lhe SofLware nCsofL may ln lLs sole and
absoluLe dlscreLlon requlre ?ou Lo pay for Lhe foregolng or Lo be maklng paymenLs under SecLlon 4(b)
and lf ?ou do noL nCsofL may LermlnaLe ?our AccounL under SecLlon 3(b)
(d) aragon olnLs ?ou may obLaln aragon olnLs from nCsofL (or a Lhlrd parLy auLhorlzed by nCsofL)
for use ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe Came aragon olnLs ls a vlrLual currency whlch you may aL nCsofLs
sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon exchange for lLems servlces or Lo access oLher speclflc forms of ConLenL
noL oLherwlse avallable wlLhouL aragon olnLs 1he lLems servlces or Lo access oLher speclflc forms of
ConLenL offered by nCsofL ln exchange for aragon olnLs may be dlsconLlnued modlfled or removed
from Lhe AccounL by nCsofL aL any Llme ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon
(l) nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon deLermlne Lhe avallablllLy of aragon olnLs
wlLh respecL Lo any AccounL Lhe Llme perlod appllcable Lo such avallablllLy and Lhe avallablllLy
and Llme perlod appllcable Lo any lLem or oLher speclflc forms of ConLenL noL oLherwlse
avallable wlLhouL aragon olnLs lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo lLem characLerlsLlcs or
characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu such as gender changes server changes lnvenLory
space sloLs skllls sklll packs peLs or LlLles
(ll)nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon requlre ?ou Lo pay for aragon olnLs and
esLabllsh Lhe Llmlng and form ln whlch such paymenL musL be made lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
credlL cards or onllne paymenL servlces
(lll) lf aragon olnLs ls made avallable for Lhe Came each aragon olnLs relaLed Lo an AccounL
wlll be deleLed lmmedlaLely upon LermlnaLlon of such AccounL or as such aragon olnLs ls
exchanged (ln Lhe order whlch such aragon olnLs were obLalned) as requlred Lo use an lLem or
Lo access oLher speclflc forms of ConLenL noL oLherwlse avallable wlLhouL aragon olnLs ?ou
have no rlghLs ln or Lo any aragon olnLs wheLher assoclaLed wlLh Lhe AccounL or oLherwlse
and nCsofL may deleLe aragon olnLs from Lhe AccounL for any reason lncludlng wlLhouL
llmlLaLlon your fallure Lo comply wlLh Lhls AgreemenL
(lv) lf aragon olnLs ls made avallable Lo ?ou for Lhe Came ln quanLlLles deLermlned ln Lhe sole
and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL aragon olnLs may only be avallable for purchase ln a few
denomlnaLlons ?ou are responslble for any Laxes LhaL may resulL from ?our parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
aragon olnLs servlce
(v) nCsofL may also choose ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon Lo make any quanLlLy of aragon
olnLs avallable ln connecLlon wlLh any AccounL on a llmlLed and promoLlonal basls lncludlng
buL noL llmlLed Lo ?our aLLendance aL evenLs vlrLual or oLherwlse as well as occaslonal glfLs
from nCsofL or LhlrdparLles (collecLlvely romoLlonal aragon olnLs) aragon
olnLs/romoLlonal aragon olnLs wlll be deducLed from such AccounL on a flrsL ln flrsL ouL
(vl) nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon choose Lo make avallable aragon olnLs only
for Lhose AccounLs ln compllance wlLh all provlslons of Lhls agreemenL and Lo llmlL Lhe amounL
of aragon olnLs lncludlng romoLlonal aragon olnLs LhaL may be obLalned ln connecLlon
wlLh an AccounL for any reason or for no reason whaLsoever
(vll) ?ou acknowledge LhaL aragon olnLs ls dlglLal maLerlal wlLh no cash value LhaL no lnLeresL
ls pald or earned wlLh respecL Lo aragon olnLs LhaL aragon olnLs ls noL personal properLy
LhaL Lhe quanLlLy of aragon olnLs ln ?our AccounL may be lncreased or decreased by nCsofL ln
lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon for any reason or no reason whaLsoever LhaL ?ou have no rlghL
Lo a refund relaLed Lo aragon olnLs LhaL Lhere ls no rlghL Lo Lransfer or exchange aragon
olnLs and LhaL nCsofL may llmlL ?our llcense Lo use aragon olnLs wlLh respecL Lo any lLem /
ConLenL or Llme perlod relaLed LhereLo ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL addlLlonal resLrlcLlons
relaLed Lo aragon olnLs as deLermlned ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL may be
appllcable lf and when aragon olnLs ls made avallable Lo ?ou or LhereafLer nCsofL may
resLrlcL Lhe award or use of aragon olnLs based on ?our counLry of resldence or oLher facLors
(e) CLher paymenLs relaLed Lo Lhe Came ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL has no responslblllLy wlLh
respecL Lo any paymenLs or donaLlons relaLed Lo Lhe Came LhaL ?ou make Lo any LhlrdparLy lor
example such paymenLs could be wlLh respecL Lo lnformaLlon servlces or an lLem offered or provlded
by any LhlrdparLy ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL aLLempLlng Lo make or maklng such paymenLs or
donaLlons may also fall wlLhln Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 8 below
3 CCnuuC1
(a) lL ls ?our responslblllLy Lo read undersLand and accepL Lhe 8ules of ConducL ln effecL each and every
Llme ?ou use Lhe Servlce ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may make changes Lo Lhe 8ules of ConducL aL
any Llme ?ou also acknowledge LhaL each and every Llme ?ou cllck l ACCL1 ?ou warranL and
represenL LhaL ?ou dld read undersLand and accepL Lhe mosL recenL verslon of Lhe 8ules of ConducL ln
effecL aL LhaL Llme
(b) lf ?ou vlolaLe Lhe 8ules of ConducL Lhen nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon LermlnaLe
?our AccounL under SecLlon 3(b)
(c) lf ?ou help anoLher user of Lhe Came vlolaLe Lhe 8ules of ConducL Lhen nCsofL may ln lLs sole and
absoluLe dlscreLlon LermlnaLe ?our AccounL under SecLlon 3(b) or SecLlon 3(c)
(d) nCsofL has no obllgaLlon under any clrcumsLances Lo revlew any communlcaLlons regardlng
vlolaLlons of Lhe 8ules of ConducL relaLed Lo any Came AccounL nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe
dlscreLlon choose Lo revlew communlcaLlons made Lo Lhe noLlce ConLacL regardlng vlolaLlons of Lhe
8ules of ConducL relaLed Lo any Came AccounL nCsofL may also ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon
provlde oLher means by whlch lL may choose Lo revlew communlcaLlons regardlng vlolaLlons of Lhe 8ules
of ConducL relaLed Lo any Came AccounL
(l) 8eporLed vlolaLlons of 8ules of ConducL LhaL have merlL nCsofL may Lake any acLlon or no
acLlon whaLsoever based on communlcaLlons regardlng vlolaLlon of Lhe 8ules of ConducL
relaLed Lo any Came AccounL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo LermlnaLlon of an AccounL under
SecLlon 3(b) or SecLlon 3(c) nCsofL has no obllgaLlon Lo explaln any declslon Lo Lake any acLlon
or no acLlon whaLsoever based on communlcaLlons regardlng vlolaLlon of Lhe 8ules of ConducL
relaLed Lo any Came AccounL
(ll) 8eporLed vlolaLlons of 8ules of ConducL LhaL lack merlL lf nCsofL ln lLs sole and absoluLe
dlscreLlon deLermlnes LhaL ?ou are assoclaLed wlLh any communlcaLlon regardlng vlolaLlons of
Lhe 8ules of ConducL LhaL lacks merlL nCsofL may Lake any acLlon lL deems approprlaLe under
Lhe clrcumsLances lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo LermlnaLlon of ?our AccounL under SecLlon 3(b)
or SecLlon 3(c)
(e) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe 8ules of ConducL ?ou acknowledge LhaL Lhere are resLrlcLlons on ?our ablllLy Lo
selecL any AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam deslgnaLlon or provlde any
communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any Message 8oard lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any nCsofL l rlghL
and/or any LhlrdparLy l rlghL lf ?ou vlolaLe Lhese resLrlcLlons Lhen nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe
dlscreLlon Lake any acLlon lL deems approprlaLe under Lhe clrcumsLances lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
alLerlng Lhe foregolng LermlnaLlng ?our AccounL under SecLlon 3(b) or SecLlon 3(c) and/or modlfylng or
deleLlng any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any nCsofL Message 8oard 1haL llsL of resLrlcLlons
(l) ?ou may noL provlde nCsofL any lnaccuraLe lnformaLlon regardlng an AccounL lu or selecL an
AccounL lu LhaL represenLs ?ou are anoLher person
(ll) ?ou may noL selecL an AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam
deslgnaLlon LhaL would requlre any llcense from any LhlrdparLy
(lll) ?ou may noL selecL an AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam
deslgnaLlon LhaL lmplles any afflllaLlon wlLh nCsofL
(lv) ?ou may noL selecL an AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam
deslgnaLlon or provlde any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any Message 8oard LhaL nCsofL
ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon deems Lo be vulgar LhreaLenlng raclsL sexlsL or oLherwlse
offenslve lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo references relaLed Lo any rellglon or delLy
(v) ?ou may noL selecL an AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam
deslgnaLlon or provlde any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any Message 8oard LhaL nCsofL
ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon deems Lo be confuslng glbberlsh or slang (eg Asdf 8ClL
ln?ourlace) and
(vl) ?ou may noL selecL an AccounL lu nCsofL Message 8oard lu CharacLer lu and/or 1eam
deslgnaLlon or provlde any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any Message 8oard LhaL nCsofL
ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon deems afflllaLed wlLh a rank LlLle or poslLlon (eg Colonel)
LhaL ls noL relaLed Lo Lhe Came
6 ln1LLLLC1uAL 8CL81?
(a) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL ?ou have no l rlghL relaLed Lo any Servlce ConLenL
SofLware or any comblnaLlon of Lhe foregolng or parLs Lhereof excepL Lhe llmlLed llcense provlded ln
SecLlon 2 above
(b) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL ?ou have no l rlghL relaLed Lo any AccounL lu any nCsofL
Message 8oard lu any communlcaLlon or lnformaLlon on any nCsofL Message 8oard provlded by ?ou or
anyone else any lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came any CharacLer lu or
characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu any comblnaLlon of Lhe foregolng or parLs Lhereof or any
comblnaLlon of Lhe foregolng wlLh any Servlce ConLenL SofLware or parLs Lhereof 1o Lhe exLenL ?ou
may clalm any such l rlghL(s) ?ou hereby granL nCsofL a worldwlde nonexcluslve nocharge royalLy
free subllcensable perpeLual and lrrevocable llcense and full auLhorlzaLlon Lo exerclse all rlghLs of any
klnd or naLure assoclaLed wlLh such l rlghL(s) and all anclllary and subsldlary rlghLs LhereLo ln any
languages and medla now known or noL currenLly known ?our llcense Lo nCsofL lncludes buL ls noL
llmlLed Lo all necessary Lrademark llcenses all copyrlghL llcenses needed Lo reproduce dlsplay publlcly
perform dlsLrlbuLe and prepare derlvaLlve works of any such l rlghL and all paLenL llcenses needed Lo
make have made or oLherwlse Lransfer use offer Lo sell sell exporL and lmporL relaLed Lo such l
rlghL(s) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 13 below ?ou furLher agree Lo defend lndemnlfy and
hold harmless nCsofL wlLh respecL Lo any clalm by LhlrdparLles LhaL any such llcense Lo any such l
rlghL(s) mlsapproprlaLes vlolaLes or lnfrlnges any LhlrdparLy l rlghL or oLher proprleLary rlghL
7 8lvAC?
(a) lL ls ?our responslblllLy Lo read undersLand and accepL Lhe rlvacy ollcy ln effecL each and every
Llme ?ou use Lhe Servlce ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may make changes Lo Lhe rlvacy ollcy aL any
Llme ?ou also acknowledge LhaL each and every Llme ?ou cllck l ACCL1 ?ou warranL and represenL
LhaL ?ou dld read undersLand and accepL Lhe mosL recenL verslon of Lhe rlvacy ollcy ln effecL aL LhaL
(b) nCsofL has no obllgaLlon under any clrcumsLances Lo revlew any lnformaLlon feedback or
communlcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon choose Lo revlew
any lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came nCsofL may Lake any acLlon or no
acLlon whaLsoever based on any lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo publlcly commenLlng upon or publlshlng Lhe foregolng nCsofL has no
obllgaLlon Lo explaln any declslon Lo Lake any acLlon or no acLlon whaLsoever based on any
lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL
?ou have no obllgaLlon Lo provlde nCsofL any lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlons relaLed Lo Lhe
Came ln addlLlon Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 13 below ?ou furLher agree Lo defend lndemnlfy and
hold harmless nCsofL wlLh respecL Lo any clalm relaLed Lo any lnformaLlon feedback or communlcaLlons
?ou provlde under Lhls SecLlon 7(b)
(c) nCsofL has no obllgaLlon under any clrcumsLances Lo monlLor ConducL or oLher acLlvlLles relaLed Lo
Lhe Came nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon choose Lo monlLor ConducL or oLher acLlvlLles
relaLed Lo Lhe Came ?ou consenL Lo Lhe foregolng monlLorlng and acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may
conducL such monlLorlng lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo monlLorlng lnCame communlcaLlons and
Message 8oards provlded by nCsofL as well as LhlrdparLy Message 8oards and Lhe llke ?ou also
acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may Lake any acLlon or no acLlon whaLsoever based on such monlLorlng
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo acLlon under SecLlon 3 and LhaL nCsofL has no obllgaLlon Lo explaln any
declslon Lo Lake any acLlon or no acLlon whaLsoever based on such monlLorlng
(d) nCSCl1 PAS 1PL 8lCP1 8u1 nC C8LlCA1lCn 1C MCnl1C8 CL8A1lCn Cl An? SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1
C8 SCl1WA8L A1 An? 1lML Anu ln An? MA11L8 lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C MCnl1C8lnC
MA? ALSC lnCLuuL 8u1 lS nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C MCnl1C8lnC lC8 1PL u8CSLS Cl uL1LC1lnC
SCl1WA8L unuL8 SLC1lCn 8(c) or 8(e) ?Cu CCnSLn1 1C 1PL lC8LCClnC MCnl1C8lnC Anu
ACknCWLLuCL 1PA1 nCSCl1 MA? A1 An? 1lML Anu ln An? MAnnL8 CCMMunlCA1L An?
lnlC8MA1lCn 8L1WLLn PA8uWA8L ?Cu uSL Wl1P 1PL CAML Anu An? MLCPAnlSM nCSCl1 MA?
MCnl1C8lnC nCSCl1 MA? ln l1S SCLL Anu A8SCLu1L ulSC8L1lCn 1AkL An? AC1lCn C8 nC AC1lCn
WPA1SCLvL8 lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C
(l) CPAnClnC An? C81lCn Cl 1PL SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1 C8 SCl1WA8L
(ll) SLLklnC 8LCCu8SL ACAlnS1 ?Cu 8? WA? Cl An? 8CCLLulnC nCSCl1 uLLMS
A8C8lA1L unuL8 1PL Cl8CuMS1AnCLS Anu/C8
(lll)uL1L8MlnlnC 1PA1 ?Cu A8L nC1 ln CCMLlAnCL Wl1P ALL 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PlS
AC8LLMLn1 Anu 1L8MlnA1lnC ?Cu8 ACCCun1 unuL8 SLC1lCn 3(b) C8 SLC1lCn 3(c)
nCSCl1 PAS 1PL 8lCP1 8u1 nC C8LlCA1lCn 1C 8CvluL ?Cu Wl1P nC1lCL 8LlC8L SuCP
8 8CPl8l1Lu Anu l88LA8A8L? PA8MluL AC1lvl1lLS CCnCL8nlnC nCSCl1
?ou acknowledge LhaL ?ou may noL wlLhouL slgned wrlLLen consenL from a legally auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve of nCsofL do any of Lhe followlng
(a) MlsapproprlaLe vlolaLe or lnfrlnge any LhlrdparLy l rlghL
(b) use any nCsofL l rlghL excepL as permlLLed under Lhls agreemenL
(c) use or provlde oLhers wlLh any sofLware relaLed Lo Lhe Came lncludlng any auLomaLlon sofLware
(aka boL) or sofLware deslgned Lo change or modlfy operaLlon of Lhe Came
(d) use or provlde oLhers wlLh any hack cheaL explolL or mod
(e) use or provlde oLhers wlLh any servlce relaLed Lo Lhe Came lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
(l) any servlce LhaL lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe SofLware or
(ll) any servlce LhaL LhaL would change characLerlsLlcs relaLed Lo a CharacLer lu such as
lncreaslng Lhe level of a characLer (aka powerlevellng)
(f) Lngage ln any acLlvlLy prohlblLed under SecLlon 0 above
(g) knowlngly affecL Servlce ConLenL or SofLware vla any bloaLware malware compuLer vlrus worm
1ro[an horse spyware adware crlmeware scareware rooLklL or any oLher program lnsLalled ln a way
LhaL execuLable code of any program ls scheduled Lo uLlllze or uLlllzes processor cycles durlng perlods of
Llme when such program ls noL dlrecLly or lndlrecLly belng used
(h) 8e a parLy Lo any commerclal acLlvlLy relaLed Lo Lhe Came lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
(l) provldlng or obLalnlng any lLem or
(ll) use of Servlce ConLenL or SofLware aL an lnLerneL cafe cyber cafe or compuLer gamlng
(l) use obLaln or provlde daLa relaLed Lo operaLlon of Lhe Came lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
(l) sofLware LhaL reads areas of compuLer memory or sLorage devlces relaLed Lo Lhe Came
(ll) sofLware LhaL lnLercepLs or oLherwlse collecLs daLa from or Lhrough Lhe Came
(lll) sofLware LhaL redlrecLs communlcaLlons from any SofLware or Servlce or
(lv) sofLware noL provlded by nCsofL whlch creaLes or malnLalns any communlcaLlon Lo Lhe
SofLware or Servlce lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any sofLware LhaL emulaLes Lhe SofLware or any
parL Lhereof as well as any server LhaL emulaLes Lhe Servlce or any parL Lhereof
([) vlolaLe any law or governmenLal regulaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Came
(k) vlolaLe or lnfrlnge Lhe ulglLal Mlllennlum CopyrlghL AcL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo 17 uSC 1201
eL seq ln any way such as clrcumvenLlng any nCsofL Lechnologlcal measure lnLended Lo effecLlvely
conLrol access Lo Lhe Servlce ConLenL SofLware or any oLher nCsofL l rlghL clrcumvenLlng any
proLecLlon afforded by an nCsofL Lechnologlcal measure Lo any nCsofL l rlghL or engaglng ln any
Lrafflcklng relaLed Lo Lhe foregolng
(l) lnsLlLuLe any arblLraLlon or oLher proceedlng agalnsL nCsofL excepL as permlLLed under Lhls
agreemenL lncludlng any legal proceedlng ln courL or before an admlnlsLraLlve agency
(m) rovlde anyone whose AccounL was LermlnaLed under SecLlon 3(c) any access Lo Servlce ConLenL or
SofLware or
(n) Pelp oLhers vlolaLe Lhls agreemenL
(a) 8y cllcklng l ACCL1 ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL you 1) are aL leasL 18 years of age and
oLherwlse legally compeLenL Lo read undersLand and accepL Lhe provlslons of Lhls agreemenL on behalf
of yourself 2) are aL leasL 18 years of age and oLherwlse legally compeLenL Lo read undersLand and
accepL Lhe provlslons of Lhls agreemenL on behalf of yourself and a mlnor age 1317 for whom you are
legally permlLLed Lo allow access Lo Lhe Came or 3) are a mlnor age 1317 LhaL has been auLhorlzed Lo
cllck l ACCL1 under Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 9(c) below ?Cu A8L PL8L8? lC8LWA8nLu 1PA1
nCSCl1 MA? ln l1S SCLL Anu A8SCLu1L ulSC8L1lCn LxL8ClSL l1S SLC1lCn 3(c) 8lCP1 1C
1L8MlnA1L 8ASLu Cn lAlLu8L 1C CCML? Wl1P 1PL C8l1L8lA A8CvL
(b) Lach Came AccounL may only be used by one person lf a mlnor has been allowed access Lo a Came
AccounL under SecLlon 9(c) below only LhaL mlnor may use Lhe Came AccounL LhereafLer LxcepL as
provlded ln SecLlon 9(c) below ?ou may noL make any asslgnmenL or Lransfer of rlghLs obllgaLlons or
llablllLles relaLed Lo Lhls agreemenL and any aLLempL by ?ou Lo do so ls null and vold
(c) lf you are aL leasL 18 years of age and oLherwlse legally compeLenL Lo read undersLand and accepL
Lhe provlslons of Lhls agreemenL on behalf of yourself and a mlnor age 1317 for whom you are legally
permlLLed Lo allow access Lo Lhe Came you can choose Lo allow use of your Came AccounL by LhaL
mlnor lnsLead of yourself sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng provlslons
(l) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL each and every Llme LhaL mlnor cllcks l ACCL1
Lhey are enLerlng lnLo an agreemenL wlLh your consenL
(ll) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL each and every Llme LhaL mlnor cllcks l ACCL1
Lhey are enLerlng lnLo an agreemenL on your behalf
(lll) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL each and every Llme LhaL mlnor cllcks l ACCL1
you are responslble for all Lhe provlslons Lhey have agreed Lo on your behalf
(lv) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL each and every Llme LhaL mlnor cllcks l ACCL1
you are legally responslble for all acLlons of LhaL mlnor lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any
paymenLs damages and/or llablllLles relaLed Lo Lhe acLlons of LhaL mlnor
(v) lL ls acknowledged and furLher agreed by Lhe adulL LhaL boLh Lhe adulL and Lhe mlnor are
bound by all provlslons of any agreemenL for whlch LhaL mlnor cllcks l ACCL1 and LhaL Lhe
adulL has explalned Lhe provlslons of Lhls SecLlon 9 Lo Lhe mlnor lncludlng Lhe facL LhaL boLh Lhe
adulL and Lhe mlnor are [olnLly and severally responslble under all Lhe provlslons of Lhls
agreemenL ln addlLlon Lhe adulL hereby walves all rlghLs Lo any and all noLlces under Lhls
agreemenL LhaL may be provlded Lo Lhe mlnor and agrees Lo pay any and all cosLs lnLeresLs or
aLLorneys fees nCsofL may be enLlLled Lo obLaln under Lhls agreemenL Accordlngly lL ls
acknowledged and furLher agreed LhaL Lhe deflnlLlon of ?ou under Lhls agreemenL lncludes
boLh Lhe adulL aL leasL 18 years of age and oLherwlse legally compeLenL Lo read undersLand and
accepL Lhe provlslons of Lhls agreemenL on behalf of Lhemselves as well as Lhe mlnor age 1317
for whom Lhe adulL ls legally permlLLed Lo allow access Lo Lhe Came
(vl) ln conslderaLlon for nCsofL allowlng access Lo Lhe Came by a mlnor and ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
provlslons of SecLlon 13 below Lhe foregolng adulL hereby guaranLees and agrees Lo pay for any
and all llablllLles of any naLure whaLsoever lncurred under Lhls agreemenL and Lo defend
lndemnlfy and hold harmless nCsofL wlLh respecL LhereLo and
(vll) 1he foregolng adulL acknowledges and undersLands LhaL Lhls guaranLee ls a conLlnulng
uncondlLlonal and lrrevocable guaranLee Lo pay for and Lo defend lndemnlfy and hold harmless
nCsofL wlLh respecL Lo any clalm relaLed Lo such llablllLles All rlghLs remedles and recourses
afforded nCsofL by reason of Lhls guaranLee or oLherwlse are separaLe cumulaLlve and non
excluslve Such rlghLs remedles and recourses may be pursued separaLely successlvely or
concurrenLly and any acLlon Laken by nCsofL wlLh respecL Lo such rlghLs remedles and
recourses shall ln no way llmlL or pre[udlce any oLher legal or equlLable rlghL remedy or
recourse whlch nCsofL may have
(d) ?ou acknowledge LhaL Lhe Came ls noL lnLended for mlnors under age 13 and ?ou wlll noL allow
access Lo Lhe Came or Lhe vlewlng of any dlsplay Lhereof by any mlnor under age 13
10 SL8vlCL Anu AvAlLA8lLl1?
(a) ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon provlde subsequenL verslons
enhancemenLs modlflcaLlons upgrades or paLches relaLed Lo any parL of Lhe Servlce
(b) ?ou acknowledge LhaL Servlce may be lnLerrupLed for reasons wlLhln or beyond Lhe conLrol of
nCsofL LhaL nCsofL cannoL and does noL guaranLee ?ou wlll be able Lo use Lhe Came or any AccounL
whenever ?ou wlsh Lo do so LhaL nCsofL wlll lnLerrupL Lhe Servlce on a regular basls for purposes of
malnLenance or updaLes and may do so wlLhouL provldlng ?ou wlLh noLlce before such lnLerrupLlon and
LhaL nCsofL may provlde subsequenL verslons enhancemenLs modlflcaLlons upgrades or paLches
relaLed Lo Lhe SofLware LhaL ?ou musL accepL and/or lnsLall before ?ou wlll be able Lo use Lhe Came
11 Auul1lCnAL WA88An1lLS Anu 8L8LSLn1A1lCnS 8? ?Cu
(a) ?ou acknowledge LhaL Lhe Came ls deslgned and lnLended Lo be used for enLerLalnmenL purposes
only and
(l) ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou undersLand Lhe Came seLs forLh a vlrLual world and noL
Lhe real world LhaL ?ou undersLand Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween a vlrLual world and Lhe real world
LhaL ?ou undersLand LhaL ?ou have no fundamenLal rlghL whaLsoever Lo use Lhe Came and LhaL
?ou undersLand LhaL nCsofL may ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon LermlnaLe ?our ablllLy Lo use
of Lhe Came for any reason or for no reason whaLsoever
(ll) ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou undersLand LhaL ?our prlvacy as well as Lhe prlvacy of
oLhers who do noL know each oLher personally ln Lhe real world ls well served by keeplng
lnLeracLlons ln a vlrLual world separaLe from Lhose ln Lhe real world ?ou warranL and represenL
LhaL ?ou wlll noL use any Servlce ConLenL or SofLware Lo provlde any lnformaLlon LhaL could be
used dlrecLly or lndlrecLly by anoLher user of Lhe Came Lo ldenLlfy ?ou ln Lhe real world ?ou
warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou wlll noL use any Servlce ConLenL or SofLware Lo obLaln any
lnformaLlon LhaL could be used dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lo ldenLlfy anoLher user of Lhe Came ln Lhe
real world
(lll) ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou undersLand LhaL Lhere may be communlcaLlons or
lnformaLlon on any nCsofL Message 8oard as well as parLs of Lhe Came known or unknown Lo
nCsofL LhaL may be consldered ob[ecLlonable by some persons lncludlng yourself
(lv) ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou have no hlsLory or paLLerns of behavlor LhaL would
lead Lo use of Lhe Came ln an addlcLlve or compulslve manner and
(v) ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou have no economlc physlcal emoLlonal psychologlcal or
prlvacy relaLed conslderaLlons LhaL would be adversely lmpacLed by ?our use of Lhe Came
1he foregolng shall apply Lo Lhe maxlmum exLenL permlLLed by law 1he foregolng are essenLlal Lerms of
Lhls agreemenL and lf any of Lhese Lerms are consLrued as unenforceable fall ln essenLlal purpose or
become vold or deLrlmenLal Lo nCsofL any LhlrdparLles under agreemenL wlLh nCsofL any parenL
subsldlary or afflllaLe of nCsofL or any employee agenL suppller llcensee cusLomer dlsLrlbuLor
shareholder dlrecLor or offlcer of any of Lhe foregolng Lhen any llcense ?ou may have under Lhls
agreemenL shall LermlnaLe lmmedlaLely Moreover you warranL and represenL LhaL you undersLand Lhe
foregolng shall survlve any explraLlon or LermlnaLlon of any llcense agreemenL or use relaLed Lo Lhe
12 nCSCl1 ulSCLAlML8 Cl WA88An1lLS LlMl1A1lCn Cl LlA8lLl1? Anu 8LLLASLS
(a) An? SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1 C8 SCl1WA8L l8CM nCSCl1 An? 1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1
Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1 C8 An? LMLC?LL ACLn1
SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8 C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL
lC8LCClnC lS 8CvluLu A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk Cn An AS AvAlLA8LL AS lS 8ASlS ln l1S Cu88Ln1
CCnul1lCn Anu Wl1PCu1 An? 8L8LSLn1A1lCn CuA8An1LL C8 WA88An1? Cl An? klnu C8 ln
An? WA? 8LLA1Lu 1C SL8vlCL SuC81 lnuLMnl1? L88C8 l8LL C8 unln1L88u1Lu CL8A1lCn
uuA1LS CC88LC1lCn Cl uLlLC1S C8 1PA1 l1 lS l8LL l8CM uLlLC1S C8 vl8uSLS C8 PA8MluL
?Cu PL8L8? ACknCWLLuCL 1PA1 nCSCl1 An? 1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1
An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1 Anu An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL
CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8 C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC
Lx8LSSL? ulSCLAlM ALL WA88An1lLS C8 CCnul1lCnS Cl An? klnu W8l11Ln C8 C8AL Lx8LSS C8
lMLlLu S1A1u1C8? C8 8? CL8A1lCn Cl LAW lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C An? WA88An1lLS
Cl 1l1LL nCnlnl8lnCLMLn1 CulL1 Ln!C?MLn1 ACCu8AC? CCMLL1LnLSS CL8A8lLl1? CuALl1?
Cl SL8vlCL ML8CPAn1A8lLl1? C8 ll1nLSS lC8 An? A81lCuLA8 u8CSL C8 uSL SCML S1A1LS uC
8? Ln1L8lnC 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 1C uSL nCSCl1 SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1 C8 SCl1WA8L ?Cu ACCL1 1PL
lC8LCClnC ulSCLAlML8 Cl WA88An1lLS / ALLCCA1lCn Cl 8lSk Anu AC8LL 1C 8LLLASL nCSCl1 An?
1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1
Anu An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8
C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC l8CM An? Anu ALL WA88An1lLS Anu C8LlCA1lCnS 1C 1PL
MAxlMuM Lx1Ln1 L8Ml11Lu 8? LAW 1PL lC8LCClnC A8L LSSLn1lAL 1L8MS Cl 1PlS AC8LLMLn1
Anu ll An? Cl 1PLSL 1L8MS A8L CCnS18uLu AS unLnlC8CLA8LL lAlL ln LSSLn1lAL u8CSL C8
8LCCML vClu C8 uL18lMLn1AL 1C nCSCl1 An? 1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1
An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1 Anu An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL
CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8 C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC 1PLn
An? LlCLnSL ?Cu MA? PAvL unuL8 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 SPALL 1L8MlnA1L lMMLulA1LL? MC8LCvL8
?Cu ACknCWLLuCL 1PL lC8LCClnC SPALL Su8vlvL An? Lxl8A1lCn C8 1L8MlnA1lCn Cl An?
(b) ln nC LvLn1 SPALL nCSCl1 An? 1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1
Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1 C8 An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8
ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8 C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC 8L LlA8LL lC8 An?
ul8LC1 lnul8LC1 lnCluLn1AL SLClAL unl1lvL LxLMLA8? LlCuluA1Lu C8 CCnSLCuLn1lAL
uAMACLS (lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C 8CCu8LMLn1 Cl Su8S1l1u1L CCCuS C8 SL8vlCLS
LCSS Cl uSL 8LvLnuL uA1A C8 8Cll1S C8 8uSlnLSS ln1L88u1lCn) PCWLvL8 CAuSLu C8 8ASLu
Cn An? 1PLC8? Cl LlA8lLl1? (lnCLuulnC 8u1 nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C CCn18AC1 S18lC1 LlA8lLl1? 1C81 C8
An? lC8M Cl nLCLlCLnCL) A8lSlnC ln An? WA? 8LLA1Lu 1C 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 C8 uSL Cl 1PL CAML
LvLn ll An? 8LMLu? lAlLS Cl l1S LSSLn1lAL u8CSL Anu LvLn ll AuvlSLu Cl 1PL CSSl8lLl1? Cl
ALL AL? 1C ?Cu 8? Ln1L8lnC 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 1C uSL nCSCl1 SL8vlCL CCn1Ln1 C8 SCl1WA8L
?Cu ACCL1 1PL lC8LCClnC LlMl1A1lCn Cl LlA8lLl1? / ALLCCA1lCn Cl 8lSk Anu AC8LL 1C 8LLLASL
nCSCl1 An? 1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8
AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1 Anu An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8
SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8 C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC l8CM An? Anu ALL LlA8lLl1lLS
C8LlCA1lCnS CLAlMS C8 uLMAnuS 1PA1 MA? A8lSL unuL8 l8CM C8 ln An? WA? 8LLA1L 1C 1PlS
AC8LLMLn1 ul8LC1L? C8 lnul8LC1L? ln LxCLSS Cl An Ln1l8L Anu ACC8LCA1L MAxlMuM
AMCun1 WPCSL 1C1AL SPALL nC1 LxCLLu 1PL LLSSL8 Cl 1) CnL Punu8Lu (100) uS uCLLA8S C8 2)
1PL AMCun1 Alu 8? ?Cu ln CCnnLC1lCn Wl1P CnL ACCCun1 ln 1PL 8LCLulnC Slx (6) MCn1PS
1PL lC8LCClnC SPALL AL? 1C 1PL MAxlMuM Lx1Ln1 L8Ml11Lu 8? LAW 1PL lC8LCClnC A8L
LSSLn1lAL 1L8MS Cl 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 Anu ll An? Cl 1PLSL 1L8MS A8L CCnS18uLu AS
unLnlC8CLA8LL lAlL ln LSSLn1lAL u8CSL C8 8LCCML vClu C8 uL18lMLn1AL 1C nCSCl1 An?
1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1
Anu An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8
C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC 1PLn An? LlCLnSL ?Cu MA? PAvL unuL8 1PlS AC8LLMLn1
An? Lxl8A1lCn C8 1L8MlnA1lCn Cl An? LlCLnSL AC8LLMLn1 C8 uSL 8LLA1Lu 1C 1PL CAML
13 lnuLMnl1?
(a) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlons 6(b) 7(b) 9(c)(vl) and 13 ?ou agree Lo defend lndemnlfy
and hold harmless nCsofL any LhlrdparLles under agreemenL wlLh nCsofL any parenL subsldlary or
afflllaLe of nCsofL and any employee agenL suppller llcensee cusLomer dlsLrlbuLor shareholder
dlrecLor or offlcer of any of Lhe foregolng as well as any person uslng Lhe Came and any person or enLlLy
LhaL becomes aware of ?our use of Lhe Came aL any Llme wlLh respecL Lo any and all clalms llablllLles
ln[urles damages losses or expenses (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo aLLorneys fees and cosLs) LhaL arlse
under from or ln any way dlrecLly or lndlrecLly relaLe Lo
(l) 1he provlslons of SecLlon 8(a) 8(n) above
(ll) ?our fallure Lo comply wlLh any provlslon of Lhls agreemenL
(lll) ?our use of Lhe Came lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo economlc physlcal emoLlonal
psychologlcal or prlvacy relaLed conslderaLlons and
(lv) ?our acLlons Lo knowlngly affecL Servlce ConLenL or SofLware vla any bloaLware malware
compuLer vlrus worm 1ro[an horse spyware adware crlmeware scareware rooLklL or any
oLher program lnsLalled ln a way LhaL execuLable code of any program ls scheduled Lo uLlllze or
uLlllzes processor cycles durlng perlods of Llme when such program ls noL dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
belng used
(b) ?ou acknowledge and furLher agree LhaL nCsofL has no obllgaLlon Lo defend lndemnlfy or hold
harmless ?ou ln any way relaLed Lo Lhls agreemenL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo ?our use of Lhe Came
use of Lhe Came by any person or any connecLlon beLween Lhe foregolng and any oLher person or
enLlLy LhaL becomes aware of ?our use of Lhe Came aL any Llme
14 ulSu1L 8LSCLu1lCn
(a) lnformal 8esoluLlon WlLh respecL Lo Lhe resoluLlon of any conLroversy relaLed Lo Lhls agreemenL
(herelnafLer ulspuLe) (excepL as provlded under SecLlon 14(c) below) ?ou agree Lo Lry Lo resolve any
ulspuLe lnformally for aL leasL LhlrLy (30) days before lnlLlaLlng any arblLraLlon or oLher proceedlng
lncludlng any legal proceedlng ln courL or before an admlnlsLraLlve agency ?ou agree Lo noLlfy nCsofL
LhaL ?ou wlsh Lo resolve a ulspuLe by noLlfylng Lhe noLlce ConLacL of ?our deslre Lo do so Any such
requesL musL be made Lo Lhe noLlce ConLacL and lnclude ?our name address conLacL lnformaLlon any
appllcable serlal code number / access key an explanaLlon of ?our slde of a ulspuLe and aL leasL one
reason why a ulspuLe should be resolved ln ?our favor nCsofL may also ln lLs sole and absoluLe
dlscreLlon provlde oLher means by whlch ?ou may choose Lo so noLlfy nCsofL 8ased on
communlcaLlons regardlng a ulspuLe nCsofL may Lake any acLlon as concluslvely deLermlned ln Lhe sole
and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL or no acLlon whaLsoever lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo LermlnaLlon of
an AccounL under SecLlon 3(b) or SecLlon 3(c) nCsofL has no obllgaLlon Lo explaln any declslon Lo Lake
any acLlon or no acLlon whaLsoever based on communlcaLlons regardlng any ulspuLe lf ?ou are noL
saLlsfled wlLh a declslon by nCsofL regardlng a ulspuLe ?ou agree Lo Lry Lo resolve LhaL ulspuLe
lnformally for aL leasL anoLher LhlrLy (30) days by submlLLlng a requesL by facslmlle Lo t(312) 6238098
ALLn Legal ueparLmenL and lnclude ?our name address conLacL lnformaLlon any appllcable serlal
code number / access key an explanaLlon of ?our slde of a ulspuLe and aL leasL one reason why a
ulspuLe should be resolved ln ?our favor ?ou furLher agree LhaL nCsofL may exLend Lhe Llme Lo Lry Lo
resolve a ulspuLe lnformally for successlve LhlrLy (30) day perlods noL Lo exceed a LoLal of nlneLy (90)
days by noLlfylng ?ou uslng Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon ?ou provlded under Lhls SecLlon 14(a)
(b) MandaLory 8lndlng ArblLraLlon LxcepL as provlded under SecLlon 14(c) below lf ?ou are noL able Lo
saLlsfacLorlly resolve a ulspuLe lnformally wlLhln a LoLal of nlneLy (90) days or lf nCsofL ln lLs sole and
absoluLe dlscreLlon deLermlnes LhaL lL wlll noL be posslble Lo saLlsfacLorlly resolve LhaL ulspuLe
lnformally wlLhln a LoLal of nlneLy (90) days ?ou agree LhaL elLher ?ou or nCsofL may requesL resoluLlon
by flnal and fully blndlng arblLraLlon conducLed under Lhe Commerclal ArblLraLlon 8ules of Lhe Amerlcan
ArblLraLlon AssoclaLlon 1he arblLraLlon shall be conducLed by a slngle arblLraLor who shall be an
lmparLlal aLLorney 1he arblLraLor shall compleLe all proceedlngs lnsLlLuLed hereunder wlLhln slx (6)
monLhs of lnlLlal presenLmenL 1he arblLraLlon may be conducLed ln person ln AusLln 1exas Lhrough
Lhe submlsslon of documenLs by phone or onllne as allowed by Lhe arblLraLor and Lhe rules of Lhe
Amerlcan ArblLraLlon AssoclaLlon 1he arblLraLors wrlLLen oplnlon (lf any) shall be llmlLed Lo 3000 words
or less 1he arblLraLor shall have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo award Lhe cosLs of arblLraLlon lncludlng aLLorneys
fees Lo Lhe prevalllng parLy LxcepL as oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls agreemenL ?ou and nCsofL may seek
Lo compel arblLraLlon sLay oLher proceedlngs pendlng arblLraLlon or Lo conflrm modlfy vacaLe or
enLer [udgmenL on an award enLered by Lhe arblLraLor by recourse Lo any oLher proceedlng lncludlng
any legal proceedlng ln courL or before an admlnlsLraLlve agency ?Cu unuL8S1Anu Anu lu81PL8
AC8LL 1PA1 ?Cu PAvL 1PL 8lCP1 1C CCnSuL1 Wl1P lnuLLnuLn1 LLCAL CCunSLL Cl ?Cu8 CWn
CPCCSlnC 8LCA8ulnC 1PlS Anu An? C1PL8 8CvlSlCn ln 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 Anu 1PA1 ll ?Cu CLlCk
l AC8LL 1PLn 1PlS 8lnulnC A88l18A1lCn 8CvlSlCn WlLL LLlMlnA1L ?Cu8 LLCAL 8lCP1 1C SuL ln
CCu81 Anu/C8 PAvL A !u8? 18lAL Wl1P 8LSLC1 1C An? SuCP ulSu1L ?ou and nCsofL furLher
acknowledge and agree LhaL Lhls SecLlon 14(b) may only be used wlLh respecL Lo a ulspuLe beLween ?ou
and nCsofL Accordlngly ?ou and nCsofL agree LhaL nelLher shall aLLempL Lo have any oLher ulspuLe
relaLed Lo any oLher parLy lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any class acLlon [olned Lo any arblLraLlon ln
whlch ?ou are lnvolved 1hus Lo Lhe fullesL exLenL permlLLed by law no arblLraLlon proceedlng shall be
[olned wlLh any oLher or declded on a classacLlon basls
(c) rohlblLed AcLlvlLles / LxcepLlons Lo lnformal ulscusslons and ArblLraLlon ?ou acknowledge and
furLher agree Lhe provlslons of SecLlons 14(a) and 14(b) above are noL appllcable Lo 1) any acLlvlLy
relaLed Lo SecLlon 8 above 2) any ulspuLe LhaL may arlse under from or ln any way relaLe Lo lnvaslon of
prlvacy LhefL plracy or oLher crlmlnal acLlvlLy by ?ou or any person(s) oLher acLlng ln concerL wlLh ?ou
and 3) any clalm for ln[uncLlve rellef ?Cu A8L PL8L8? lC8LWA8nLu 1PA1 nCSCl1 MA? CCCL8A1L
Wl1P LAW LnlC8CLMLn1 Au1PC8l1lLS 1C An? Lx1Ln1 nCSCl1 uLLMS 8CL8 ln l1S luLL Anu
A8SCLu1L ulSCL1lCn Anu 1PA1 ?Cu PAvL nC LLCAL 8lCP1S C8 8LCCu8SL ACAlnS1 nCSCl1 An?
1Pl8uA81lLS unuL8 AC8LLMLn1 Wl1P nCSCl1 An? A8Ln1 Su8SlulA8? C8 AlllLlA1L Cl nCSCl1
C8 An? LMLC?LL ACLn1 SuLlL8 LlCLnSLL CuS1CML8 ulS18l8u1C8 SPA8LPCLuL8 ul8LC1C8
C8 ClllCL8 Cl An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC 8LLA1Lu 1C SuCP CCCL8A1lCn
13 1Pl8u A81? 1LCPnCLCC?
?ou acknowledge LhaL (l) Lhe Came may conLaln oLher sofLware or componenLs LhaL are elLher owned
by a Lhlrd parLy or ln Lhe publlc domaln and (ll) nCsofL has no proprleLary lnLeresL ln such sofLware or
componenLs (collecLlvely and each Lhe 1hlrd arLy SofLware) and as such cannoL granL you a llcense
Lo use such 1hlrd arLy SofLware A llsLlng of such 1hlrd arLy SofLware ls made avallable Lo you ln Lhe
uocumenLaLlon Lhe 8ead Me flles for each componenL of 1hlrd arLy SofLware and ls seL forLh ln Lhe
1Pl8uA81?SCl1WA8L8LAuMLLxL flle locaLed ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon dlrecLory of Lhe SofLware and ls
avallable upon wrlLLen requesL from nCsofL ?our rlghLs ln Lhe 1hlrd arLy SofLware are governed by and
sub[ecL Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons seL forLh ln Lhe appllcable Lhlrd parLy llcenses seL forLh ln Lhe
uocumenLaLlon Lhe 8ead Me flles for each componenL of 1hlrd arLy SofLware and ln Lhe
1Pl8uA81?SCl1WA8L8LAuMLLxL flle locaLed ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon dlrecLory of Lhe SofLware 8y lnsLalllng
or uslng such 1hlrd arLy SofLware you acknowledge and agree Lo fully comply wlLh such Lerms and
condlLlons ln Auul1lCn 1C An? ulSCLAlML8S SL1 lC81P ln SuCP 1L8MS Anu CCnul1lCnS 1PL
ulSCLAlML8S SL1 lC81P ln SLC1lCn 12 A8CvL Anu 1PL LlMl1A1lCnS Cl LlA8lLl1? SL1 lC81P ln
SLC1lCn 12 A8CvL SPALL AL? 1C nCSCl1 Anu l1S LlCLnSC8S Wl1P 8LSLC1 1C SuCP 1Pl8u A81?
SCl1WA8L nCSCl1 lS nC1 C8LlCA1Lu 1C 8CvluL SuC81 SL8vlCLS lC8 An? SuCP 1Pl8u A81?
SCl1WA8L unLLSS Lx8LSSL? AC8LLu 1C ln W8l1lnC 8? nCSCl1 unuL8 A SLA8A1L AC8LLMLn1
?Cu lu81PL8 AC8LL 1C lnuLMnll? PCLu PA8MLLSS Anu uLlLnu nCSCl1 Anu l1S LlCLnSC8S l8CM
Anu ACAlnS1 An? CLAlMS C8 LAWSul1S lnCLuulnC A11C8nL?S lLLS 1PA1 A8lSL C8 8LSuL1 l8CM
1PL uSL C8 ulS18l8u1lCn Cl SuCP 1Pl8u A81? SCl1WA8L
16 CLnL8AL 8CvlSlCnS
(a) lL ls ?our responslblllLy Lo read undersLand and accepL Lhls agreemenL each and every Llme ?ou use
Lhe Servlce ?ou acknowledge LhaL nCsofL may make changes Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls agreemenL aL any
Llme and LhaL SecLlon headlngs ln Lhls agreemenL are for purposes of convenlence only ?ou also
acknowledge LhaL each and every Llme ?ou cllck l ACCL1 ?ou warranL and represenL LhaL ?ou dld
read undersLand and accepL Lhe provlslons ln effecL aL LhaL Llme
(b) ?ou acknowledge LhaL any unlform 8esource ldenLlfler lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe
wwwncsofLcom unlform 8esource LocaLor (u8L) ls ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of nCsofL
sub[ecL Lo change aL any Llme
(c) lorce Ma[eure 8oLh ?ou and nCsofL shall be excused from any fallure Lo perform any obllgaLlon
under Lhls agreemenL Lo Lhe exLenL such fallure ls caused by war Lerrorlsm acLs of publlc enemles
sLrlkes or oLher labor dlsLurbances flres floods acLs of Cod or any causes of llke or dlfferenL klnd
beyond Lhe conLrol of ?ou or nCsofL as appllcable under Lhe clrcumsLances
(d) Walver Slgned wrlLLen consenL from a legally auLhorlzed represenLaLlve of nCsofL ls requlred Lo
walve any provlslons of Lhls agreemenL Any walver of any provlslon of Lhls agreemenL lnLenLlonal or
oLherwlse shall noL be deemed a walver of any oLher provlslons of Lhls agreemenL
(e) no 8ule of SLrlcL ConsLrucLlon noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe facL nCsofL drafLed Lhls agreemenL no rule of
sLrlcL consLrucLlon shall be applled agalnsL nCsofL lf any provlslon of Lhls agreemenL ls deLermlned Lo be
unenforceable as a resulL of any proceedlng (eg any arblLraLlon or oLher proceedlng lncludlng any
legal proceedlng ln courL or before an admlnlsLraLlve agency) LhaL provlslon shall be deemed Lo be
modlfled Lo Lhe exLenL necessary Lo allow lL Lo be enforced Lo Lhe exLenL permlLLed by law or lf lL cannoL
be so modlfled LhaL provlslon wlll be severed and deleLed from Lhls agreemenL and Lhe remalnder of
Lhe agreemenL wlll conLlnue ln effecL
(f) ln[uncLlve 8ellef ?ou and nCsofL acknowledge LhaL breach of Lhls agreemenL may resulL ln
lrreparable harm and loss and upon a breach of Lhls agreemenL Lhe nonbreachlng parLy (le ?ou and/or
nCsofL) shall be enLlLled Lo lmmedlaLe ln[uncLlve rellef from a courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon whlch ls ln
addlLlon Lo noL ln lleu of remedles aL law and/or any oLher remedles seL forLh ln Lhls agreemenL
(g) Covernlng Law and venue 1hls agreemenL and any conLroversy relaLed Lo Lhls agreemenL shall be
lnLerpreLed ln accordance wlLh and governed by Lhe laws of Lhe sLaLe of 1exas or as approprlaLe by
federal law as applled by a federal courL slLLlng ln 1exas boLh wlLhouL regard Lo 1exas cholce of law
rules ?ou and nCsofL expressly agree LhaL Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on ConLracLs for Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Sale of Coods do noL apply Lo Lhls agreemenL or Lo LransacLlons processed under Lhe
agreemenL 1o Lhe exLenL noL oLherwlse precluded by any oLher provlslon of Lhls agreemenL (see
SecLlons 14(a) and 14(b) above) any and all ulspuLe(s) and llLlgaLlon(s) arlslng ouL of or relaLed Lo Lhls
agreemenL lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon maLLers connecLed wlLh lLs performance shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courLs of 1exas slLLlng ln AusLln 1exas and/or Lhe lederal courLs slLLlng
Lhereln ?ou and nCsofL hereby lrrevocably submlL Lo Lhe personal [urlsdlcLlon of such courLs and
lrrevocably walve all ob[ecLlons Lo such venue
(h) LxporL ConLrols ?ou acknowledge LhaL lL ls ?our responslblllLy Lo fully comply wlLh all relevanL
exporL laws and regulaLlons of Lhe unlLed SLaLes (LxporL Laws) so LhaL no parL of Lhe game ls exporLed
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln vlolaLlon of LxporL Laws or lnLended Lo be used for any purposes prohlblLed by
Lhe LxporL Laws
(l) noLlces unless oLherwlse sLaLed ln Lhls agreemenL all noLlces musL be made Lo Lhe noLlce ConLacL

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