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Arlel Colllns
Ms Caruso
LnCL 1101
04 CcLober 2011
Confesslons of a uoll
8eauLy ls how you feel lnslde and lL reflecLs ln your eyes lL ls noL someLhlng physlcal"Sophla
Loren When you Lhlnk of makeup ln general you lmaglne perfecLlng or enhanclng a face Lo make lL
beauLlful 8uL lf Lhls quoLe was ln facL Lrue and beauLy ls noL physlcal Lhen why would makeup
companles spend Lhelr Llme produclng makeup for every skln Lone LhaL exlsLs? Are makeup companles
sendlng subllmlnal messages saylng LhaL Lhere ls a flaw ln aL leasL one person of every skln Lone LhaL
Lhey make concealer for? 1he genre of makeup ls a very lnLrlcaLe and broad one LhaL has many
componenLs and deLalls LhaL could posslble cause loLs of conLroversy When you Lhlnk of makeup you
lmaglne colorful lLems of all forms As a professlon lL ls a way for a makeup arLlsL Lo produce arL on Lhelr
canvas whlch [usL so happens Lo be a face loundaLlon eye shadow and mascara are [usL a few elemenLs
of Lhls genre
Concealer has been around for years and years ln many shapes and forms and can mosL llkely be
found ln Lhe 'average' Amerlcan glrls' makeup bag 1he flrsL avallable concealer was produced ln 1938
by Max lacLor and was called fn 1hls LlLle alone speaks so many words abouL whaL Lhe purpose of
concealer was back Lhen and whaL lL sLlll ls Loday Concealer can be found ln llquld or powder form and
ranges from Lhe llghLesL skln Lone Lo Lhe darkesL 1he LhoughL of [usL Laklng a dab or Lwo of powder or
[usL a sploLch of llquld and suddenly hldlng all Lhe Lhlngs you haLe abouL yourself amazes me 8uL
everyone was born beauLlful 8lghL?
1he message behlnd makeup goes much farLher Lhan [usL maklng one more beauLlful 1he
amounL of makeup and parLlcularly concealer a person has on can Lell many Lhlngs from how hlghly
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Lhey Lhlnk of Lhemselves Lo how low lL ls a world ln lLself LhaL can alLer ones' mlndseL of who Lhey are
and Lhe message Lhey send off Lo oLhers 1hey all have dlfferenL purposes even Lhough Lhey are
consldered Lo be ln Lhe same famlly lor example mascara and concealer even Lhough ln Lhe same
genre have Lwo compleLely dlfferenL maln purposes 1he purpose of concealer ls Lo conceal flaws and
make Lhe face look spoLless Mascara on Lhe oLher hand ls used only Lo glve eyelashes lengLh and Loo
add color lf havlng shorL eyelashes would be consldered a flaw Lhen Lhey would ln Lurn have Lhe exacL
same purpose 8uL who's Lo [udge whaL ls a flaw and whaL's noL?
Concealer ls Lhe Lype of Lhlng LhaL celebrlLles have made such a blg deal Clrls of all ages sLrlve
Lo look exacLly llke Lhelr ldol whlch ln reallLy ls almosL lmposslble When you look aL Lhe Lyplcal celebrlLy
you see no flaw whaLsoever llaws are naLural Lo everyone buL ln Lhelr world lLs forbldden whlch sends
off Lhe message for lL Lo be accepLed 1hey have concealed behlnd a mask LhaL lsn'L who Lhey Lruly are
whlch makes lL seem rlghL Lo oLher glrls So when asked Lhe quesLlon do l Lhlnk concealer does Lhe [ob lL
was lnLended Lo do l say yes WlLh Lhe rlghL producLs and Lechnlques l Lhlnk concealer can be used Lo
hlde almosL any flaw you wanL 1haL ls whaL concealer ls supposed Lo do lf Lhls purpose wasn'L belng
fulfllled l Lhlnk people would have come up wlLh oLher alLernaLlve Lo Lhls producL by now 1he facL LhaL
concealer ls porLable says a loL abouL Lhls purpose also no maLLer whaL form lL ls ln lL's noL Loo large or
bulky and can be carrled around aL any Llme MosL of Lhem come equlpped wlLh Lhe necessary brush or
appllcaLor LhaL ls needed Lo apply Lhem 1hls means aL any polnL ln Llme a young woman can dlscover a
new flaw on her face and easlly excuse herself and have lL hldden by Lhe Llme she geLs back 8ecenLly lL
was broughL Lo my aLLenLlon LhaL Lhe label on my personal concealer had been rubbed off 1hls [usL
shows how much l depend on lL every day Lo make me feel preLLy
1he purpose of ralslng a person's self esLeem may noL have been one of Lhe lnLended purposes
when concealer was lnvenLed buL lL surely fulfllls LhaL Loo 1he companles who make concealer
probably never had ln mlnd LhaL Lhelr producL could make a person feel beLLer abouL Lhemselves even
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Lhough lL does When people have on concealer Lhey have a cerLaln confldence and look abouL Lhem
LhaL make Lhem shlne 8elng more confldenL allows people Lo engage ln conversaLlon wlLh oLhers and
be open Lo everyLhlng A person wlLh low self esLeem's body language ls dlfferenL from a person wlLh
hlgh self esLeem l belleve LhaL everyone ls beauLlful and you should learn Lo love Lhelr self buL l [usL llke
Lhe way makeup makes me look and feel abouL myself l would probably be a LoLally dlfferenL person lf l
dldn'L wear my concealer Lven Lhough self esLeem ls a menLal lssue many physlcal Lhlngs conLrlbuLe Lo
lL WlLh Lhls belng sald concealer can change people lor beLLer or for worse lL alLers a person's
personallLy dramaLlcally Some say makeup can make a person Loo confldenL Lo where Lhey become
arroganL Concealer can send off Lhe wrong messages Lo people Lo Lhe polnL where Lhey feel llke Lhe
person ls fake" and hldlng someLhlng 1hls ls cerLalnly noL Lhe purpose producers lnLended because Lhls
would mean Lhelr producL would noL be sold as much
Lven Lhough Lhere are many dlfferenL forms of concealer l wouldn'L say LhaL one ls necessarlly
beLLer Lhan Lhe oLher lL [usL depends on LhaL parLlcular person AfLer Lrylng all of Lhem l sLlll feel Lhey all
achleve Lhelr lnLended purpose owder may be preferred over llquld Lo a person who ls more acLlve or
Lo people wlLh olly skln l Lhlnk lL's greaL LhaL Lhey have dlfferenL forms so LhaL way everybody ls
Concealer means so much Loo many dlfferenL klnds of people MosLly l belleve young Leenage
glrls geL more ouL of lL Lhan anybody uurlng Lhls age from abouL 13 Lo 19 Lhere are so many facLors ln
Lhelr llfe LhaL have Lo be perfecL" 1hey have Lo dress a cerLaln way acL a cerLaln way and more
lmporLanLly look a cerLaln way 1he pressure from peers and Lhelr ldol's greaLly lnfluence how far Lhey
go Lo achleve Lhls goal Lven afLer Lhose years concealer remalns an everyday parL of applylng makeup
All ln all makeup has been around for many years and l don'L feel llke lLs golng anywhere soon
lL doesn'L hurL anybody Lo wear lL and lsn'L a problem lL's a freedom Lo expresslon and can be used for
all Lypes of people dally Concealer has many vlews and lL all depends on how you look aL lL and whaL lL
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does Lo Lhe lndlvldual l [usL wlsh lL wasn'L such a necesslLy ln oLher people llves lncludlng mlne
Lveryone should embrace Lhelr flaws and noL care whaL anyone else Lhlnks 8uL l obvlously don'L
pracLlce whaL l preach look aL my face l love Lhe way l look wlLh makeup and haLe Lhe way l look
wlLhouL lL LasL Llme l checked ln Lhe mlrror l was sLlll uglyLhe only dlfference now was LhaL l was ugly
wlLh makeup on" Anonymous

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