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Lntry # 1

1 nment Name LlLerary Lxperlences

2 ate 1me Sheet
ate Start 1me Stop 1me
am pm

ef|ectn Cn our Wrtn Lxperence

wbete JlJ yoo wotk oo tbls osslqomeot ooJ wbot wete tbe cooJltloos of yoot
wotkloq eovltoomeot(s) llke (le polet looJ Jlsttoctloq bosy comfottoble
oocomfottoble etc)?

O worked on Lhls asslgnmenL all alone ln Lhe coolness of my dorm room L was
quleL and noL very dlsLracLlng aL all was very comforLable because my room ls
a very appeallng LemperaLure and have snacks Lo keep me from geLLlng
hungry had Lo flnlsh Lhls asslgnmenL early slmply because dldn'L wanL Lo geL
behlnd durlng my flrsL week of class

wbot type of mooJ wbete yoo lo befote Jotloq ooJ oftet wotkloq oo tbe

O was ln a fanLasLlc mood whlle was composlng Lhls work 1he reason was ln a
good mood ls because knew LhaL when goL Lhe paper done Lhen would be
free for a whlle and could do whaLever wanLed Lo do 1he oLher reason was
ln a good mood ls because am ln college now And college ls Lhe SP1 AfLer
was even happler because had [usL compleLed my flrsL Lngllsh asslgnmenL

tlefly oottote wbot yoot wtltloq expetleoce wos llke lloce beovy empbosls oo tbe
octloos ooJ ptoctlces yoo employeJ Jotloq yoot wotk sessloo(s)

O 1he wrlLlng experlence was relaxlng ln a way L made me mellow ouL and [usL
concenLraLe on Lhe work LhaL was dolng Maklng me fall away from everyLhlng
LhaL can dlsLracL you ln an envlronmenL llke college don'L llke Lo wrlLe buL
when acLually geL sLarLed dolng lL become lnvoked and Lry Lo make my work
as lnfluenLlal as posslble

Lntry # 2
4 nment Name LlLerary 8esponse
S ate 1me Sheet
ate Start 1me Stop 1me

7 pm

3 pm

ef|ectn Cn our Wrtn Lxperence

wbete JlJ yoo wotk oo tbls osslqomeot ooJ wbot wete tbe cooJltloos of yoot
wotkloq eovltoomeot(s) llke (le polet looJ Jlsttoctloq bosy comfottoble
oocomfottoble etc)?

O 1hls asslgnmenL Look me longer Lhan Lhe flrsL one slmply because had Lo uLlllze
my Llme more efflclenLly dld noL flnlsh Lhls asslgnmenL before had Lo aLLend
my nexL one so had Lo come back Lo lL and LhaL was dlsLracLlng was worklng
ln my dorm room agaln L was nlce and cool and my condlLlons were very
comforLable had Lo puL on a hoodle because Lhe condlLlons were [usL rlghL
and ended up geLLlng a llLLle cold was hungry durlng Lhe flrsL work sesslon
buL noL hungry enough Lo dlsLracL me from dolng my work

wbot type of mooJ wbete yoo lo befote Jotloq ooJ oftet wotkloq oo tbe

O was ln a Lrance n my head was saylng geL work done so LhaL you can have
fun laLer" was Lrylng Lo concenLraLe buL Lhe concenLraLlon kepL leavlng me
gave Lhe work my besL efforL buL found myself loslng concenLraLlon

tlefly oottote wbot yoot wtltloq expetleoce wos llke lloce beovy empbosls oo tbe
octloos ooJ ptoctlces yoo employeJ Jotloq yoot wotk sessloo(s)
My acLlons durlng Lhls work sesslon was me [usL slmply slLLlng aL my desk Lrylng Lo provoke
LhoughLs LhaL would become lnLeresLlng Loplcs durlng my asslgnmenL

Lntry #
nment Name Analysls Log
8 ate 1me Sheet 811
ate Start 1me Stop 1me

93 am

ef|ectn Cn our Wrtn Lxperence

wbete JlJ yoo wotk oo tbls osslqomeot ooJ wbot wete tbe cooJltloos of yoot
wotkloq eovltoomeot(s) llke (le polet looJ Jlsttoctloq bosy comfottoble ooJ
oocomfottoble etc)?

O worked on Lhls asslgnmenL ln my dorm room L was preLLy comforLable goL
dlsLracLed a few Llmes L was so cold had Lo snuggle up ln Lhree layers of
cloLhes SLopped once for lunch Lhen came back afLer my nexL class and
flnlshed Lhe asslgnmenL

wbot type of mooJ wbete yoo lo befote Jotloq ooJ oftet wotkloq oo tbe

dld Lhls asslgnmenL ln a mad mood because dld noL wanL Lo be dolng lL wanLed
Lo be chllllng wlLh my frlends lnsLead of wrlLlng anoLher sLupld essay

tlefly oottote wbot yoot wtltloq expetleoce wos llke lloce beovy empbosls oo tbe
octloos ooJ ptoctlces yoo employeJ Jotloq yoot wotk sessloo(s)

pracLlced Lhlnklng abouL all of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL could be dolng besldes dolng Lhls
asslgnmenL! dld everyLhlng LhaL could do Lo sLay concenLraLed and flnlsh Lhls

Lntry # 4
1nment Name 8ough urafL
11ate 1me Sheet
ate Start 1me Stop 1me
9 am pm

12ef|ectn Cn our Wrtn Lxperence

wbete JlJ yoo wotk oo tbls osslqomeot ooJ wbot wete tbe cooJltloos of yoot
wotkloq eovltoomeot(s) llke (le polet looJ Jlsttoctloq bosy comfottoble ooJ
oocomfottoble etc)?

O My condlLlons were very comforLable and noL very dlsLracLlng had no Lrouble
comlng up wlLh ldeas for my rough drafL and found lL relaxlng Lo be ln my room
alone whlle dolng Lhls acLlvlLy

wbot type of mooJ wbete yoo lo befote Jotloq ooJ oftet wotkloq oo tbe

O was ln a plssed off mood because had a loL of work Lo geL done and [usL
wanLed Lo be flnlshed wlLh lL all have a hard Llme sLaylng focused on acLlvlLles
LhaL Lake a long Llme So have Lo manage Lhem wlLh brakes Lucklly Lhls dld noL
Lake Lo long

tlefly oottote wbot yoot wtltloq expetleoce wos llke lloce beovy empbosls oo tbe
octloos ooJ ptoctlces yoo employeJ Jotloq yoot wotk sessloo(s)

O Jhlle was wrlLlng Lhls rough drafL slmply saL aL my desk and kepL slLLlng Lhere
unLll compleLed lL goL up and cracked open a fresh drlnk SaL down aL Lhe
desk and sLarLed Lyplng Jhen flnlshed slmply saved Lhe documenL and
Lhen prlnLed Lwo of Lhem ouL Lo brlng Lo class

our name !acob McCee
Course #
uaLe 3
Project #1 Mu/tiModo/ Literocy Norrotive Port 2 cu/turo/ uomoin 4no/ysis

ntructon (art 1 oman na|y Chart) Jhen lnLroduclng Lhe MulLlModal LlLeracy narraLlve
pro[ecL we esLabllshed LhaL your mlnd ls lnfluenced by dlfferenL culLural/soclal sysLems LhaL work boLh
separaLely and LogeLher Lo shape your ldeas bellefs and pracLlces as a reader and wrlLer 1o analyze
Lhese sysLems your flrsL Lask ls Lo compleLe Lhe domaln analysls charL ln whlch you musL reflecL on each
of Lhe four domalns llsLed below and ldenLlfy as many pracLlces ldeas/values/bellefs ob[ecLs or
slgnlflcanL deLalls from each culLural/soclal sysLem LhaL you Lhlnk has lnfluenced your llLeracy and
composlLlon skllls

nome work

O mmedlaLe famlly Mom uad SlsLer
O Mlddle Class lamlly uad ls a carpenLer
Mom ls a hlgh school Leacher
O Mom sLayed aL home unLll was a senlor ln
hlgh school uad works mosL of Lhe day
geLs home aL nlghL
O lamlly speaks Lngllsh and LhaL ls Lhe only
language besldes mounLaln slang haha
O have famlly LhaL llves ln Lhe mounLalns
and LhaL ls dlfflculL because my famlly Lalks
greaL Lngllsh 1hey have a hard Llme Lalklng
proper Lngllsh
O MoLher and laLher graduaLed from
unlverslLy of norLh Carollna aL CharloLLe
O My chlldhood was spenL aL school and
playlng sporLs
O My moLher was very lnfluenLlal ln my
educaLlon She always pushed me Lo do Lhe
besL could do Lven when wanLed Lo sLop
O My chlldhood aL home was greaL My
moLher was lovlng and carlng and my faLher
worked hard Lo supporL us My slsLer was a
good example Lo me because she was a
greaL person and sLudenL
O My mom used Lo read Lo me when was
llLLle and she encouraged me Lo read on my
O ur famlly ls conservaLlve and rellglous Je
go Lo church every week and we Lry Lo llve
lL ouL
O MosL llLeracy was learned from Lhe blble
when was young
O My moLher always lnsLrucLed me Lo read

O Plgh School !ob Pelper aL SLanley
O Pad Lo regularly calculaLe uslng no ruler
O Pad Lo learn a small amounL of Spanlsh
because worked wlLh some Plspanlc
O Pad Lo work wlLh people from a dlfferenL
eLhnlc background and learned many
Lhlngs from Lhem
O now my [ob ls Lo be a full Llme sLudenL and
Lo glve my all Lo make good grades

when was llLLle
O Jhen was younger could read a very
hlgh level of readlng for my age

choo/ Neiqhborhood / community / Peers

O 9reschool llrsL 9resbyLerlan
O 8ead small books and plcLure books
numbers and dlfferenL symbols were
O Made llLLle plcLures and played games
Learned Lo share and make frlends
O Made some llfe long frlends ln preschool
O LlemenLary School da 8ankln LlemenLary
O Learned how Lo read small books and
learned Lhe alphabeL and how Lo counL
O Slowly buL surely Lhe LexL and Lhe numbers
goL harder so my mlnd was belng
O Learned how Lo wrlLe ln curslve and how Lo
wrlLe papers and essays
O lrequenLly Look a Lechnology class where
we worked on Lhe compuLers
O Mlddle School MounL Polly Mlddle School
O Learned how Lo make frlends and go Lo
dlfferenL classrooms
O Learned how Lo learn from dlfferenL
O Jas noL a good experlence because dldn'L
llke Lhe Leachers My frlends were sLlll fun
Lo be around Lhough
O 9layed sporLs for Lhe school Learned how
Lo lnLerpreL plays and average numbers
O Learned a varleLy of maLh and llLeraLure
O Plgh School LasL CasLon Plgh School
O Learned many dlfferenL Lypes of llLeraLure
and culLures
O Learned how Lo fend for myself and how Lo
communlcaLe wlLh dlfferenL people and
O Learned how Lo use all of Lhe Soclal
O MosL of my wrlLlng was purely for
educaLlonal purposes !usL Lo geL me Lo
pass Lhe wrlLlng exam

O Chlldhood nelghborhood ln ML Polly
O 8alsed ln a nelghborhood LhaL was full of
young klds for me Lo lnLeracL wlLh and have
fun wlLh
O MosL of Lhe people ln my nelghborhood
were mlddle class
O Learned many new and lnLeresLlng words
and phrases from my slsLers frlends ( she
was older Lhan me so were her frlends)
O have llved ln Lhe same house my enLlre
O haven'L had many experlences wlLh
movlng and changlng my llvlng
O now llve ln a dorm room aL unCC
O My peers have been my frlends slnce was
very young
O Jhen sLarLed playlng baskeLball year
round was around mosLly Afrlcan
Amerlcan people
O My communlLy ls a suburban Lown abouL
mlnuLes away from CharloLLe
O 1aughL me how Lo soclal neLwork
O 1aughL me how Lo emall
O 1aughL me how Lo grow up fasLer

O Learned how Lo read plays on Lhe
baskeLball courL and calculaLe speed
qulckness and ablllLy
O Learned how Lo read plays so LhaL could
pass Lhe ball beLLer
O Learned LhaL eye conLacL ls a language of lLs
O learned LhaL readlng can be done ln many
dlfferenL ways
O ou have Lo learn how Lo read peoples llps
body language lmages shapes numbers
and all dlfferenL klnds of Lhlngs ln hlgh
O College unCC
O Learnlng LhaL Lngllsh and LlLeraLure ls a
varleLy of dlfferenL Lhlngs comblned lnLo
one blg mess called LlLeraLure
O Learnlng how Lo use Llme wlsely and how Lo
read my alarm clock

ntructon (art 2 oman na|y Narrate) now LhaL you have compleLed Lhe charL and generaLed
some ldeas abouL Lhe culLural/soclal sysLems you engage wlLh lL ls Llme Lo flesh ouL Lhose ldeas and
analyze/explaln how you Lhlnk each domaln has lnfluenced your llLeracy and composlLlon lor each of Lhe
sysLems llsLed below wrlLe between 75 ond 100 words Lo explaln Lhe ma[or deLalls of each culLural/soclal
sysLem and how Lhe quallLles of each sysLem have lnfluenced your llLeracy and composlLlon (Lhls means
you wlll compose foot shorL analyses LoLal) ou may compleLe your essays below Slmply Lype your essay
nexL Lo each of Lhe headers

nome lun lovlng and compasslonaLe ls Lhe words LhaL come Lo mlnd when Lhlnk abouL
my home llfe 1he blble ls and was a ma[or parL of my young home llfe L was one of Lhe
flrsL books LhaL was ever read Lo me AL home my moLher LaughL me Lhe lmporLance of an
educaLlon and she LaughL me LhaL golng Lo school and college was lmporLanL My laLher
was hard worklng and loved belng wlLh hlm and spendlng Llme wlLh hlm Je were a
mlddle class famlly and my moLher for Lhe ma[orlLy of my llfe has been a sLay aL home mom
My slsLer and me wenL Lo Lhe same elemenLary mlddle and hlgh school and we had a loL of
Lhlngs ln common LhaL we could share and learn from each oLher

work Pardworklng Smelly SweaLy ls whaL my [ob makes me Lhlnk of uurlng Lhe heaL of
Lhe summer worked hard ouL on Lhe farm by learnlng how Lo use machlnery such as
backhoes dump Lrucks pump Lrucks loaders and skld sLeers Learnlng how Lo use Lhls
machlnery helped me Lo beLLer communlcaLe wlLh Lhe people LhaL also worked where
work had Lo learn how Lo lnLerpreL a small amounL of Spanlsh because mosL of Lhe people
LhaL worked on my [ob slLe were Plspanlc learned how Lo llsLen Lo someone glvlng me
dlrecLlons on how Lo work someLhlng My frlend knew how Lo work every machlne aL Lhe
farm and he LaughL me how Lo use all of Lhem So learned llLeracy Lhrough

3 choo/ School ls where learned mosL of Lhe llLeraLure LhaL know lrom Lhe alphabeL Lo
Lhe novels LhaL read ln hlgh school Ls hard Lo belleve LhaL 3 years ago dldn'L even know
how Lo counL Lo or spell Lhe word klLLen School has LaughL me everyLhlng LhaL know
abouL llLeraLure and language have learned language ln oLher areas of llfe buL lL was noL
as lmporLanL as whaL learned when was ln school learned how Lo do grammar and how
Lo read and wrlLe wenL Lo 9reschool and klndergarLen and LhaL helped me Lo become
more lnLelllgenL Lhan mosL of Lhe people ln my flrsL grade class loved school growlng up
because all of Lhe people LhaL meL and encounLered uurlng elemenLary school meL many
new people and many llfe long frlends learned Lhe baslcs of readlng wrlLlng and
arlLhmeLlc Mlddle school was a dlfferenL experlence learned many lnLeresLlng Lhlngs LhaL
weren'L LaughL Lo me by Leachers loved Lhe experlence buL dld noL en[oy Lhe Leachers
Mlddle school was fun buL Lhe Leacher sucked Plgh school was Lhe besL Llme of my llfe so
far loved every second of lL and wouldn'L Lake lL back for anyLhlng MeeL a loL of
awesome people and my beauLlful glrlfrlend learned many new forms of llLeraLure and
dlfferenL sLyles of wrlLlng ln hlgh school also And college ls a mysLery because don'L know
whaL lles ahead of me

Neiqhborhood / community / Peers spenL my chlldhood growlng up ln a nelghborhood
LhaL was full of young klds LhaL had many fun experlence wlLh Je dld noL do much
readlng buL we dld play vldeo games and sporLs learned how Lo emall ln my nelghborhood
because LhaL ls how we communlcaLed when we dld noL wanL Lo call 1he people ln my
nelghborhood also LaughL me abouL soclal neLworklng 1hey LaughL me how Lo use
language and communlcaLlon Lo Lalk Lo people onllne JlLh my slsLer belng older always
hung ouL wlLh her and her frlends learned how Lo flL ln wlLh an older age group from a
very young age 1haL Lo me ls a klnd of llLeracy llLLlng ln ls a hard Lhlng Lo do and lL Lakes
pracLlce and lL ls a Lype of language My slsLer helped me Lo do LhaL very well My
communlLy was full of mlddle class famllles grew up ln a place were people had a good blL
of sLuff ln common so LhaL made everyLhlng a llLLle blL easler

1rp|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

b[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle 8lble
Soclal/CulLural SysLem b[ecL 8epresenL (le Pome Jork School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) Pome

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O use evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O Answer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

8lack on Lhe ouLslde wlLh whlLe
pages and black and red wrlLlng
My name engraved ln Lhe fronL ln
Sacred book and lL has senLlmenLal
Iery well wrlLLen buL lL was wrlLLen
a long Llme ago so Lhe Lngllsh ls
somewhaL ouL of daLe L sLlll has Lhe
same meanlng Lhough
Pave many dlfferenL chapLers and
many dlfferenL books wlLhln

1he lmmedlaLe reacLlon when you
see a blble ls ChrlsLlan
My blble and me used Lo be closer
Lhan we are now have noL had as
much Llme Lo lndulge ln Lhe
My parenLs for graduaLlon gave lL
Lo me 1o Lell me Lo never lose my

1hls ob[ecL has lnfluenced my readlng
because aL an early age was read Lhe
sLorles of Lhe blble and Lhey were a hlgh
level readlng So lL helped me Lo become
a more lnLelllgenL reader
1hls book was one of Lhe flrsL books LhaL
ever sLarLed readlng
1he sLorles lnslde Lhe book were

road Conc|uon bout Cberaton

9osslbly ncludes
O 8eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above uslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

found LhaL Lhe blble was one of Lhe maln lnfluences of llLeraLure ln my llfe lrom looklng aL Lhe book from Lhe
ouLslde you wouldn'L know LhaL lL could change your llfe 8uL can and lL wlll lf you geL deep lnLo lL My parenLs led
me Lo sLarL readlng lL and lL has lnfluenced my enLlre llfe L made me a more lnLelllgenL reader

1rp|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

b[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle Money
Soclal/CulLural SysLem b[ecL 8epresenL (le Pome Jork School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) J8

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O use evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O Answer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

1he only Lhlng LhaL helped me Lo
read aL work was money
1he only reason LhaL worked was
for money
learned a llLLle blL of Spanlsh buL
LhaL was only because wanLed Lo
make money

Jow 1hls guy ls a Lerrlble worker
because he ls Lhere for Lhe money
worked hard because dldn'L wanL
Lo rlp my boss off
Jhy work lf you don'L en[oy lL?
L was hard work buL lL was

conclude LhaL Lhe only reason LhaL my
work helped me llLerally ls because lL
showed me how Lo read paychecks and
how Lo read Lhe money made
L LaughL me a small amounL of Spanlsh
worked because made money and
because Lhe work was rewardlng

road Conc|uon bout Cberaton

9osslbly ncludes
O 8eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above uslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1he only poslLlve Lhlng LhaL can draw from my worklng experlence ls LhaL lL LaughL me how Lo be a hard worker L
LaughL me how Lo be wlse wlLh my money and lL LaughL me how Lo work Lhrough hard Llmes and heaL dldn'L learn
much abouL llLeraLure buL dld learn a loL abouL llfe and myself

1rp|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

b[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle no speclflc ob[ecL
Soclal/CulLural SysLem b[ecL 8epresenL (le Pome Jork School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) School

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O use evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O Answer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

have no speclflc ob[ecL LhaL could
use Lo deflne my llLerary experlences
from school
can Lell you LhaL remember very
vlvldly many of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL was
LaughL ln school LhaL helped me wlLh
my llLerary experlences
My Lngllsh Leacher ls Lhe maln
person LhaL asslsLed me ln galnlng
Lhe mosL knowledge abouL llLeraLure
LhaL have ever galned ln one year

Jhy canL you plck an ob[ecL?
Jhy ls lL so hard Lo slngle ouL one
Lhlng LhaL deflnes years of your
enLlre llfe?
LlLeraLure does noL make me
emoLlonal aL all

My enLlre school experlence and
learnlng's helped lnfluence my readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
f hadn'L learned Lhe alphabeL
wouldn'L be able Lo wrlLe aL all
1here ls no slngle ob[ecL LhaL can slngle
ouL Lo deflne my schoollng experlence
wlLh llLeraLure 8ecause lL ls all ln my
1he only Lhlng LhaL can Lhlnk of for an
ob[ecL ls my braln

road Conc|uon bout Cberaton

9osslbly ncludes
O 8eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above uslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1he concluslon LhaL can draw from Lhls observaLlon ls LhaL Lhere ls Lo many years puL lnLo school Lo pull ouL one
ob[ecL LhaL can descrlbe school for you had Lo use someLhlng LhaL would glve me a broad range of years 1he only
Lhlng LhaL could come up wlLh was my braln 1here ls Lo much LhaL have learned Lo slngle ouL a slngle Lhlng LhaL
has lnfluenced my llLerary experlence aL school

1rp|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

b[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle
Soclal/CulLural SysLem b[ecL 8epresenL (le Pome Jork School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) x8x 3

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O use evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O Answer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

8lack xbox wlLh sllver Lray and sllver
hard drlve
Crey power cord and PuM cable Lo
Lhe back of Lhe 1I
8lack red whlLe conLrollers
PeadseL LhaL ls used Lo
communlcaLe wlLh oLher players
Jords on Lhe slde LhaL say xbox
3 And C8 Pard urlve

Pow Lhe heck does Lhls have
anyLhlng Lo do wlLh llLeraLure?
Jhy would you use Lhls ob[ecL Lo
descrlbe llLeraLure for your peers?

1hls ob[ecL has helped me Lo
communlcaLe wlLh so many of my
frlends and lL has helped me Lo learn
how Lo use communlcaLlon L flgure
many Lhlngs ouL
Jhen you can'L see someone you have
Lo use communlcaLlon Lo geL your polnL
across or Lo Lell dlrecLlons and
xbox Llve has everyLhlng Lo do wlLh
language and llLeraLure f you canL read
Lhen you are noL able Lo play Lhe game
or communlcaLe
Me and my frlends have had some greaL
and funny Llmes over xbox Llve

road Conc|uon bout Cberaton

9osslbly ncludes
O 8eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above uslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

xbox 3 has been a blg parL of my llLerary llfe L has LaughL me Lo become a beLLer communlcaLor and a beLLer
dlrecLlon glver xbox llve LaughL me how Lo communlcaLe Lo my frlends and my LeammaLes Lo geL polnLs across Lo
Lhem wlLhouL seelng Lhem have had many greaL Llmes and experlences on xbox Llve wlLh my frlends and
wouldn'L Lrade Lhe Llme or experlences for anyLhlng

Jacob McGee
Mr. Borrero
ENGL 1101
August 23, 2011
Literary Experience #1
To start out this essay I am going to let you know a little secret about myselI.
Nothing that is going to disgust you or make you cringe, just something that will assist
you in gathering a Ieeling Ior this paper. I am not a very intelligent or creative writer,
and I struggle with coming up with comprehensive ideas that will expand on the thoughts
that are already submitted in the assignment. With that being said, I am going to try me
best to give you a brieI yet descriptive history oI my past experiences with literature,
reading, and writing. For example, I will discuss books, and articles that I have absorbed
and used in daily liIe. I will discuss previous assignments that I have been required to
write Ior classes similar to this one. Finally I will discuss the challenges that writing and
reading have created Ior me and how I heroically overcame these challenges.
To start oII, I am going to talk about previous books and articles that I have
absorbed. During my high school days there were many books that were assigned to us
Ior casual reading and academic reading. In my 11
grade AP English class I was
assigned a book to read every 2 weeks. First was the interesting, yet slightly conIusing
Gospel According to Larry, and next was the awIully, dreadIul Great Gatsby. We had to
read both oI these books over the summer and we had to do a project on both oI the
books. I wasn`t the biggest Ian oI either oI the two books but sometimes you have to
read books simply Ior the experience and the pleasure you get when you Iinish it. Both
oI the books were written with extreme thought and elegance. The next book that we had
to read was the Scarlet Letter. There is only one solitary word Ior a novel with such a
name, and that is dreadIul. I am not going to lie about this novel; I only read about IiIty
total pages oI the novel. The writing style and the explicit description oI every single
object, person, place, thing, plant, animal, and Iingernail were terribly uncalled Ior. This
novel did so happen to shape the way that I write and expand thoughts on literature. It
showed me the thought that 'II you think that you have enough descriptive words in your
essay. THINK AGAIN. So now I try to recreate, and extract various ideas that were
produced Irom the brilliant author oI the Scarlet Letter. The Great Gatsby, The Gospel
According to Larry, and The Scarlet Letter are the three primary novels that shaped the
way that I calculate literature now.
In succession I will begin to talk about my progression as a developing writer.
Trust me when I utilize the word 'developing because it is without a shadow oI a doubt
that I remain undeveloped. It has taken an abundance oI intelligent people, and teachers
to construct my writing in to something that I am not embarrassed to render over to the
teacher. My 11
Grade English teacher single handedly evolved my essay writing skills,
and technique into something that I am can at least hang my hat on. Now I try to do my
best and to utilize the skills that she encouraged me to develop. It took years oI repetitive
practice and hard work to get my work to this point!
I have had many challenges during my time indulging in reading and writing.
When I was in my elementary school days I loved to read and write, but as liIe
progressed I started to grow less and less Iond oI the later. It became a challenge to read
and comprehend the high level books, and novels that I would read in class. When I got
to high school it was a very rude awakening. My 11
Grade English class taught me that
reading and writing was important to be a successIul person. I am very grateIul that I had
someone to take extra time out oI his or her schedule just to assist me. My Iirst
assignment in that class I received a Iorty-Iive. It was an uphill battle Irom there, but it
motivated me to amend, alter, and modiIy my writing style to become a more
sophisticated writer.

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