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Ln[oy |uxury cru|se abroad the Superstar V|rgo

Superstar V|rgo ls an ulLlmaLe luxury crulse shlp whlch ls heaven for

enLerLalnmenL and hosplLallLy on Lhe seas 1he SupersLar vlrgo comblnes Lhe
classlcal and MedlLerranean deslgn wlLh vlbranL decoraLlons colored marbles
pasLels and wooden flnlsh 1hls flve sLar shlp follows Lhe freesLyle crulslng
concepL offerlng cholce and freedom Lo lLs guesLs ?ou can en[oy dlnlng aL any
resLauranL or dress anyLhlng whlle crulslng or you can do whaLever you feel llke
1he shlp offer you wlde range of enLerLalnmenL and fun acLlvlLles Ln[oy llve
muslc dance lounge and cockLall snacks Lea and cockLalls aL Lhe Ga|axy of the
Stars 1he L|do ls Lhe show lounge where you can en[oy lnLernaLlonal cabareLs
?ou can caLch you favorlLe blockbusLer movles aL Lhe |cture nouse and can
dance Lhe enLlre nlghL ln Lhe Ce|ebr|ty D|sco
Slng your hearL ouL ln Cut of Afr|ca a karaoke lounge and cafe ?ou can en[oy
varlous games ln Lhe Cas|sand
1he Mah[ong koom 1eenagers and Chlldren wlll en[oy a loL ln Lhe Neptune
rsquos Wet and w||d whlch ls a chlldren's fun pool or can waLch a kld's movle ln
Lhe Star||ght C|nema ln Lhe chlld care cenLre or can play vldeo games ln Star||ght
V|deo arcade ?our Loddlers wlll be safe and secure ln Lhe Char||e's Ch||d Care
Centre 1he crulse offers varlous sporLs PealLh and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles 1he
SporLs deck presenL ln deck 13 offers a Colf drlvlng range mlnl golf and
baskeLball ?ou can en[oy [ogglng ln Lhe Star 1rack whlch ls a [ogglng clrculL SLar
deck ls Lhe place where you can en[oy lnLeracLlve deck games and can play Lable
Lennls and chess ln Lhe Amph|theatre Check ouL Lhe Apo||o Spa and I|tness
Centre where you can en[oy sLaLe of Lhe arL unlversal Cym and varlous oLher spa
and massages ?ou can en[oy shopplng for varlous souvenlrs ln Lhe orts C' Ca||
and Star 8out|que urchase some memorable phoLo souvenlrs from 1he Ga||ery
and buy wlnes and clgars from Lhe W|ne Shop
1he Superstar V|rgo offers you amazlng dlnlng experlences and varlous
lnLernaLlonal culslnes ln lLs resLauranLs lounge and bars Ln[oy lndlan culslne ln
Lhe 1a[ and experlence Lhe SouLheasL Aslan culslne ln 8|ue Lagoon 1ry ouL lLallan
Culslne ln a|azzo and sample varlous Chlnese dellcacles ln Lhe av|||on koom
Samura| kestaurant ls famous for !apanese culslne Ln[oy buffeL dlnlng ln Lhe
Med|terranean 8uffet and 1errace and Lry ouL varlous lnLernaLlonal cullnary
dellcacles ln Lhe 8e||a V|sta Chlll ouL ln 8e|||n| and 1he Den where you can en[oy
varlous beverages Caf Ge|ato ls famous for lLs lce cream and 1he 1avern ls Lhe
poolslde snack barSuperstar V|rgo has around 933 cablns all well appolnLed and
comforLable and ls ln dlfferenL prlce range 1he SupersLar vlrgo CperaLes from
S|ngapore and V|s|t enand]Langkaw| and huket 1he crulse also organlze day
excurslon ln enang]Langkaw| and huket Ln[oy pleLhora of acLlvlLles llke scuba
d|v|ng snorke|||ng deep sea d|v|ng w|nd surf|ng parasa|||ng water sk||ng and
many more Ln[oy Lhe local slghLseelng and chlll ouL on prlsLlne unexplored and
exoLlc sand beaches and have greaL memorles
llnd Lhe rlghL crulse for your holldays aL dpualscom LhaL speclallzes ln hollday
crulses lncludlng lnformaLlon on creaLlng a memorable crulse 8ook your
SupersLar vlrgo aL Slngapore crulse wlLh besL prlces

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