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?ou wlll be surprlsed Lo know LhaL refrlgeraLors use heaL Lo keep Lhe food lLems aL a low LemperaLure Coollng
helps Lo keep Lhe food fresh for a longer Llme 8efrlgeraLlon and freezlng are Lhe modern meLhods of preservlng
food lLems revlously food was preserved uslng varlous meLhods of preservaLlon llke salLlng and plckllng 1he
worklng of a refrlgeraLor ls governed by laws of Lhermodynamlcs LeL us undersLand how does a refrlgeraLor work

now Does a kefr|gerator Work 8as|c r|nc|p|e
1he baslc prlnclple used for refrlgeraLlon ls xpoosloo of o qos teJoces lts tempetotote
1he second prlnclple LhaL answers how does a refrlgeraLor work ls 5ecooJ low Of 1betmoJyoomlcs wbeo two
sotfoces of Jlffeteot tempetototes come lo cootoct wltb eocb otbet tbe sotfoce tbot ls ot blqbet tempetotote cools
ooJ tbe sotfoce ot lowet tempetotote wotms

now Does a kefr|gerator Work kefr|gerator arts
1he mechanlsm used Lo keep Lhe LemperaLure lnslde Lhe refrlgeraLor cool lnvolves dlfferenL componenLs LhaL
perform dlfferenL funcLlons 1he dlfferenL parLs and funcLlons of Lhe refrlgeraLor are llsLed below
kefriqeront 1hls ls Lhe subsLance LhaL performs Lhe coollng funcLlon ln Lhe refrlgeraLor Lhrough Lhe changes ln lLs
LemperaLure and pressure 1he refrlgeranL usually used ls ammonla or PlCs Larller freon was used as a
refrlgeranL 1he llquld used ln Lhe refrlgeraLor evaporaLes aL a very low LemperaLure and resulLs lnLo a freezlng
LemperaLure lnslde Lhe refrlgeraLor
voporotor lL ls Lhe parL LhaL absorbs Lhe heaL lnslde Lhe refrlgeraLor wlLh Lhe help of Lhe evaporaLlng llquld
neot xchonqinq Pipes 1he enLlre unlL of Lhe refrlgeraLor ls surrounded by a serles of heaL exchanglng colls 1hese
colls carry Lhe refrlgeranL from one parL of Lhe refrlgeraLor Lo Lhe oLher MosL of Lhe heaL exchanglng plpes are
placed behlnd Lhe compressor
compressor lL ls a heavy meLal devlce LhaL ls powered by a moLor and compresses Lhe refrlgeranL 1he maln
funcLlon of Lhe compressor ls Lo ralse Lhe pressure and Lhus Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe refrlgeranL gas
condenser lL ls a parL of Lhe refrlgeraLor LhaL condenses Lhe vaporlzed refrlgeranL (converLs lnLo llquld form) and
reduces lLs LemperaLure
xponsion vo/ve 1he expanslon valve reduces Lhe pressure on Lhe llquld refrlgeranL usually Lhe expanslon valve ls
made of Lhln copper coll

now Does a kefr|gerator Work Work|ng
1he worklng of Lhe refrlgeraLor ls a cycllc process LhaL comprlses of changes ln Lhe LemperaLure and pressure of
Lhe refrlgeranL Clven below ls a sLepbysLep explanaLlon of how does a refrlgeraLor work
1he refrlgeranL gas ls passed Lhrough a compressor Pere Lhe gas ls compressed and Lhus Lhe pressure on lL
lncreases 1he LemperaLure of Lhe refrlgeranL gas ln Lurn lncreases as a resulL of Lhe lncreased pressure and lL Lakes
Lhe form of superheaLed vapor
1he refrlgeranL passes Lhrough Lhe heaL exchanglng plpes and releases heaL Lo Lhe surroundlngs 1hus Lhe
refrlgeranL cools down due Lo Lhe loss of heaL Lo Lhe surroundlngs
As Lhe refrlgeranL passes Lhrough Lhe condenser lLs LemperaLure reduce Powever Lhe pressure on Lhe refrlgeranL
remalns Lhe same uue Lo Lhe reducLlon ln lLs LemperaLure Lhe refrlgeranL geLs converLed lnLo lLs llquld form
1he expanslon valve causes a sudden reducLlon ln Lhe pressure on Lhe refrlgeranL Some of Lhe refrlgeranL
evaporaLes and expands 1hls expanslon resulLs ln Lhe lowerlng of Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe refrlgeranL
uurlng Lhe evaporaLlon of Lhe llquld refrlgeranL lL ls presenL ln Lhe evaporaLor whlch absorbs Lhe heaL from Lhe
foodsLuffs kepL ln Lhe refrlgeraLor and Lhus cools Lhem 1he second law of Lhermodynamlcs ls used here
1he refrlgeranL agaln heaLs up Lo form a gas 1hls refrlgeranL whlch ls now ln Lhe gaseous form agaln enLers Lhe
compressor and Lhe cycle repeaLs
1hls ls Lhe explanaLlon Lo Lhe query of how does a refrlgeraLor work lrom Lhe above dlscusslon we can conclude
LhaL refrlgeraLlon ls Lhe resulL of Lhe Lransfer of heaL from one place Lo oLher wlLh Lhe help of expanslon and
compresslon of Lhe refrlgeranL

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