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Chlcago lL 60601

l 3124338774
wwwMoLlvaLedModelscom | P: 707-968-7536 | E:

TRADE SHOW MODELS: Product Specialists

1rade show ta|ent at Mot|vated Mode|s ls avallable Lo speclallze ln slngle producL durlng a one day
evenL or Lo learn an enLlre producL llne for a yearlong naLlonwlde Lour! 1hese arLlculaLe college
educaLed professlonal models wlll learn how Lo use your producL develop Lhelr own brand sLory and
learn how Lo overcome common quesLlons concerns and ob[ecLlons posed by poLenLlal cllenLs WlLh
experlence ln person Lo person sales Lhe LalenL has been LaughL Lechnlques Lo elevaLe your brand brlng
enLhuslasm Lo your poLenLlal cusLomers and onslLe sLaff engage and develop confldence ln your
producLs and glve you LhaL valuable reLurn on your lnvesLmenL 1hrough educaLlng Lhe masses clearlng
up common mlsconcepLlons answerlng quesLlons and gaLherlng leads and asslsLlng ln sales Lhey
easlly lnLegraLe wlLh your own sLaff (and ofLen Llmes requesL our sLaff [oln Lhelr company fullLlme)!

1he d|fference We do all Lhe work you [usL slL back and relax our sLaff ls dedlcaLed Lo your success and
wlll creaLe Lralnlng maLerlals for your chosen LalenLs revlew hold a Lralnlng call wlLh Lhe LalenL Lo
answer any quesLlons and make sure Lhey undersLand Lhe maLerlal and lmplemenL producL and servlce
qulz Lo make sure Lhey fully reLalned Lhe lnformaLlon MoLlvaLed Models ls Lhe only agency LhaL arms lLs
producL demonsLraLors wlLh updaLed currenL and perLlnenL knowledge abouL Lhe producLs and
servlces your company ls showcaslng Lurnlng Lhem lnLo a beauLlful enLhuslasLlc and lnLelllgenL
exLenslon of your sales sLaff WlLhln our handplcked and personally Lralned LalenL daLabase are Lhe
names proflles educaLlonal lnformaLlon resumes and demo cllps of producL demonsLraLors wlLhln
mosL ma[or clLles ALlanLa Chlcago Las vegas Los Angeles San lranclsco new ?ork Crlando
WashlngLon uC uallas Mlaml and uenver 1hey can become a face of your company and Lravel wlLh
you Lo your varlous shows and Lours or be hlred as a local and avallable for a speclflc evenL

I|nd a roduct Spec|a||st!
LeL us know whaL show you have comlng up and whaL Lypes of producLs/servlces you wlll be showcaslng
wwwmoLlvaLedmodelscom/conLacL and we wlll handle Lhe resL!

lf you wanL Lo reach us lmmedlaLely
7079687336 | lnfo[moLlvaLedmodelscom

A llsL of our feaLured LalenL can be found on our webslLe

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