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1915 Waveily Couit, Apaitment 5, Columbia, Missouii 652O1 Cell Phone: 615.977.6585


Bachclnr nf Ccncral Studics, Fall 2012
Emphasis: Busincss Managcmcnt, English, and Thcatrc
&niveisity of Missouii Columbia, Missouii
Majoi CPA: 3.5/4.O

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Carccr Spccialist, Tiulaske College of Business &niveisity of Missouii, Columbia, Missouii, Novembei 2O11 Piesent.
O Coached students thiough the job hunt piocess including seaiching foi a position, ieviewing iesumes and covei letteis,
piepaiing foi inteiviews, and negotiating offeis.
O Piesented 4O woikshops foi up to 1OO students each semestei on iesume wiiting, inteiview piepaiation, netwoiking, diessing
piofessionally, and othei vaiious caieei ielated topics.
O Woiked with employeis and ieciuiteis to identify hiiing tiends that could be used to help students find jobs upon giaduation.

Hcalth Scrviccs Assistant, APS Healthcaie, Nashville, Tennessee, 1anuaiy 2O11-Octobei 2O11.
O Managed a team of 3 to 1O staff membeis who distiibuted, piocessed, and enteied all of the sensitive health data that came
into the Tennessee office.
O ielded questions, lead tiainings, and solved issues with systems, data, and staff that aiose on a daily basis.
O Oiganized and planned the paiticipation of APS Staff in health faiis, employee benefits faiis, and membei help sessions.
O Cieated communication and tiaining mateiials including an in-office newslettei and new tempoiaiy employee woik-flows.

Carccr Scrviccs Supcrvisnr, &niveisity of Missouii Caieei Centei, Columbia, Missouii, August 2OO8 Decembei 2OO9.
O Supeivised a staff of between 3O and 4O undeigiaduate and giaduate student paiapiofessionals.
O Oiganized the selection of new Caieei Specialists by ieciuiting, inteiviewing, and hiiing 15 new student staff membeis out of
ovei 1OO applicants.
O Co-instiucted a Caieei Exploiations class foi undecided undeigiaduate students.

Cnmmunity Evcnts Intcrn, Human Rights Campaign, Washington, D.C., May 2OO8 August 2OO8.
O Paiticipated with the Events Team in planning moie than 1OO diffeient community events and celebiations acioss the countiy,
including aiianging some of the team's tiavel and lodging, and ienting tables, tents, and chaiis.
O Cieated spieadsheets detailing the laige financial contiibutions the Events Team iaised thioughout the summei, as well as the
membei giowth foi the 2OO8 estival Season.
O Helped in the ieciuitment of new membeis at events located in the Washington, D.C. aiea.

Carccr Spccialist, &niveisity of Missouii Caieei Centei, Columbia, Missouii, 1anuaiy 2OO6 May 2OO8.
O Advised students and community membeis on caieei planning and placement, iesume and covei lettei wiiting, and
employment seaich stiategies.
O Completed 1OO houis of paiapiofessional tiaining in communications skills, ieciuitment stiategies, and diveisity tiaining.
O Paiticipated in 1st and 2nd iound inteiviews and selection of Caieei Specialist positions, and acted as a mentoi to new Caieei
Specialists in tiaining.

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Spnt Bnnus Rccipicnt APS Healthcaie Nashville, TN Apiil 2O11
Dircctnr nf Dcvclnpmcnt and Markcting Wiitei's Stage Nashville, TN 1uly 2OO7 Piesent
Vicc Prcsidcnt Camma Rho Lambda Columbia, MO August 2OO7 August 2OO8
Cnnrdinatnr/Mcmbcr Diveisity Advisoiy Team Columbia, MO August 2OO7 Decembei 2OO8
Crcatnr/Facilitatnr "Supeivising Students" Tiaining Piogiam Columbia, MO Septembei 2OO7 May 2OO8


Pioficient in both Windows and MAC OS X Opeiating Systems, Miciosoft Office Suite including Access, Woid, Powei Point,
Excel, and Publishei, woiking knowledge of Photoshop, and a basic undeistanding of HTML and website publishing.

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