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8uss 1

!ordan 8uss
Mr 8orrero
Lngllsh 1101017
CcLober 6 2011
Analyzlng ?our orLralL"
As l waLched my vldeo LhaL l shoL of myself wrlLlng abouL my wrlLlng l noLlced many
flaws ln my wrlLlng sLyle LhaL l would noL have noLlced lf l had noL recorded myself l found
myself preparlng myself Lo wrlLe by focuslng lnLenLly on Lhe screen lnsLead of ponderlng Lhe
way l do when l wrlLe wlLh pencll and paper by looklng around Lhe room for ldeas l dld noLlce
LhaL also occaslonally l would look down for my drlnk LhaL wasn'L Lhere and l saw a cerLaln look
on my face LhaL urged myself Lo geL up Lo grab anoLher drlnk and l do belleve LhaL lL dlsLracLed
me and my focus was redlrecLed Lowards grabblng a drlnk raLher Lhan worklng on Lhe
asslgnmenL aL hand l noLlced many Lhlngs whlle waLchlng Lhe recordlng of my wrlLlng
experlence buL one of Lhe mosL prevalenL Lhlngs l noLlced ls LhaL l cannoL mulLlLask
l noLlced LhaL Lhe only way l could efflclenLly generaLe ldeas and creaLe loglcal
sLaLemenLs and senLences was when l sLayed sllenL Speaklng durlng my wrlLlng experlence
dlsLracLed me Lhe mosL Whlle speaklng Lo my webcam l could noL puL LogeLher my LhoughLs ln
Lhe way l usually am able Lo l noLlced LhaL l also dld noL drafL or plan my wrlLlng Lhe way Lhe
normal" wrlLer does Many Llmes whlle l was narraLlng my wrlLlng l reallzed LhaL my ldeas
were very spasLlc and eclecLlc My ldeas were across Lhe map and deflnlLely dld noL llnk
LogeLher Lhe way Lhey usually do 1he way l worked Lhrough my ldeas and Lhe way LhaL l
generaLed ldeas were very dlfferenL as well usually l geL up Lake a walk and Lhlnk abouL Lhe
8uss 2

Loplc LhaL l'm wrlLlng abouL buL Lhls Llme ln parLlcular l felL awkward belng recorded whlle l
worked l do Lhlnk LhaL Lhe vldeo recordlng dampened my ablllLy Lo wrlLe a good paper
l do belleve LhaL my wrlLlng ls weak ln lLs ablllLy Lo palnL a vlsual plcLure and Lo descrlbe
ln a very descrlpLlve and eleganL manner llke many wrlLers My wrlLlng ls more of an
lnformaLlve Lype of wrlLlng lnsLead My wrlLlng process excels ln geLLlng Lhe ldea across Lo Lhe
reader however someLlmes l do belleve Lhe deLalls of Lhe parLlcular ldea l am wrlLlng abouL ls
usually losL ln Lhe LranslaLlon l Lhlnk my hablLs of noL plannlng drafLlng and prewrlLlng are
hablLs LhaL are holdlng me back as a wrlLer and as a sLudenL as well l do hope Lo grow ln Lhls
area of experLlse

Pow have my pracLlces lnfluenced my vlew of wrlLlng"
wrlLe an lnLroducLlon Lo esLabllsh Lhe purpose for Lhls paper"

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