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1) 1he 1uskegee study of untreated syph|||s |n the negro ma|| |n 1972

1he Study 8eg|ns

ln 1932 Lhe ubllc PealLh Servlce worklng wlLh Lhe 1uskegee lnsLlLuLe began a sLudy Lo record Lhe naLural
hlsLory of syphllls ln hopes of [usLlfylng LreaLmenL programs for blacks lL was called Lhe 1uskegee SLudy of
unLreaLed Syphllls ln Lhe negro Male
1he sLudy lnlLlally lnvolved 600 black men 399 wlLh syphllls 201 who dld noL have Lhe dlsease 1he sLudy was
conducLed wlLhouL Lhe beneflL of paLlenLs lnformed consenL 8esearchers Lold Lhe men Lhey were belng
LreaLed for bad blood a local Lerm used Lo descrlbe several allmenLs lncludlng syphllls anemla and faLlgue
ln LruLh Lhey dld noL recelve Lhe proper LreaLmenL needed Lo cure Lhelr lllness ln exchange for Laklng parL ln
Lhe sLudy Lhe men recelved free medlcal exams free meals and burlal lnsurance AlLhough orlglnally pro[ecLed
Lo lasL 6 monLhs Lhe sLudy acLually wenL on for 40 years
What Went Wrong?
ln !uly 1972 an AssoclaLed ress sLory abouL Lhe 1uskegee SLudy caused a publlc ouLcry LhaL led Lhe AsslsLanL
SecreLary for PealLh and SclenLlflc Affalrs Lo appolnL an Ad Poc Advlsory anel Lo revlew Lhe sLudy 1he panel
had nlne members from Lhe flelds of medlclne law rellglon labor educaLlon healLh admlnlsLraLlon and publlc
1he panel found LhaL Lhe men had agreed freely Lo be examlned and LreaLed Powever Lhere was no evldence
LhaL researchers had lnformed Lhem of Lhe sLudy or lLs real purpose ln facL Lhe men had been mlsled and had
noL been glven all Lhe facLs requlred Lo provlde lnformed consenL
1he men were never glven adequaLe LreaLmenL for Lhelr dlsease Lven when penlclllln became Lhe drug of
cholce for syphllls ln 1947 researchers dld noL offer lL Lo Lhe sub[ecLs 1he advlsory panel found noLhlng Lo
show LhaL sub[ecLs were ever glven Lhe cholce of qulLLlng Lhe sLudy even when Lhls new hlghly effecLlve
LreaLmenL became wldely used

2) 1he med|ca| study of Naz| doctors |n the 1940's
nazl human experlmenLaLlon was a serles of medlcal experlmenLs on large numbers of prlsoners by Lhe nazl
Cerman reglme ln lLs concenLraLlon camps malnly ln Lhe early 1940s durlng World War ll and Lhe PolocausL
rlsoners were coerced lnLo parLlclpaLlng Lhey dld noL wllllngly volunLeer and Lhere was never lnformed
consenL 1yplcally Lhe experlmenLs resulLed ln deaLh dlsflguremenL or permanenL dlsablllLy and as such can be
consldered as examples of medlcal LorLure AL AuschwlLz and oLher camps under Lhe dlrecLlon of ur Lduard
WlrLhs selecLed lnmaLes were sub[ecLed Lo varlous hazardous experlmenLs whlch were supposedly deslgned Lo
help Cerman mlllLary personnel ln combaL slLuaLlons develop new weapons ald ln Lhe recovery of mlllLary
personnel LhaL had been ln[ured and Lo advance Lhe raclal ldeology backed by Lhe 1hlrd 8elch

ur ArlberL
Pelm conducLed slmllar medlcal experlmenLs aL MauLhausen Carl vaerneL ls known Lo have conducLed
experlmenLs on homosexual prlsoners ln aLLempLs Lo cure homosexuallLy AfLer Lhe war Lhese crlmes were Lrled
aL whaL became known as Lhe uocLors 1rlal and revulslon aL Lhe abuses perpeLraLed led Lo Lhe developmenL of
Lhe nuremberg Code of medlcal eLhlcs
LxperlmenLs on Lwlns 8one muscle and nerve LransplanLaLlon experlmenLs Pead ln[ury experlmenLs lreezlng
experlmenLs Malarla experlmenLs Sulfonamlde experlmenLs Sea waLer experlmenLs SLerlllzaLlon experlmenLs
LxperlmenLs wlLh polson lncendlary bomb experlmenLs and Plgh alLlLude experlmenLs
) 1he m|rac|e study on |nfert||e women |n 2001
Cn CcLober 2 2001 Lhe new ?ork 1lmes reporLed LhaL researchers aL presLlglous Columbla unlverslLy Medlcal
CenLer ln new ?ork had dlscovered someLhlng qulLe exLraordlnary (1) uslng vlrLually foolproof sclenLlflc
meLhods Lhe researchers had demonsLraLed LhaL lnferLlle women who were prayed for by ChrlsLlan prayer
groups became pregnanL Lwlce as ofLen as Lhose who dld noL have people praylng for Lhem 1he sLudy was
publlshed ln Lhe !ournal of 8eproducLlve Medlclne (2) Lven Lhe researchers were shocked 1he sLudy's resulLs
could only be descrlbed as mlraculous 1hls was welcome and wonderful news for a shaken naLlon
Columbla unlverslLy lssued a news release clalmlng LhaL Lhe remarkable sLudy had several safeguards ln place Lo
ellmlnaLe blas and LhaL Lhe sLudy lLself was carefully deslgned Lo ellmlnaLe blas (3) 1hls was no hoax Medla
aLLenLlon lmmedlaLely focused on Lhe mlraculous sLudy and arLlcles LouLlng lLs specLacular resulLs qulckly
appeared ln newspapers around Lhe world 8ogerlo Lobo chalrman of Lhe ueparLmenL of CbsLeLrlcs and
Cynecology aL Columbla and Lhe sLudy's lead auLhor Lold 8euLers PealLh LhaL LssenLlally Lhere was a doubllng
of Lhe pregnancy raLe ln Lhe group LhaL was prayed for" (4) ur 1lmoLhy !ohnson A8C news medlcal edlLor and
Cood Mornlng Amerlca commenLaLor sLaLed A new sLudy on Lhe power of prayer over pregnancy reporLs
surprlslng resulLs buL many physlclans remaln skepLlcal" (3)
1he facLs l wlll relaLe here abouL Lhe Columbla unlverslLy mlracle" sLudy conflrm LhaL Lhose physlclans who
doubLed Lhe sLudy's asLoundlng resulLs had exLremely good reasons Lo be skepLlcal lL remalns Lo be seen
wheLher A8C's ur !ohnson a medlcal docLor who also serves as a mlnlsLer aL Lhe evangellcal CommunlLy
CovenanL Church ln WesL eabody MassachuseLLs wlll reporL or lgnore Lhe followlng shocklng lnformaLlon LhaL
has slnce been revealed abouL Lhe alleged sLudy and lLs auLhors

4) 1he M||gram obed|ence study |n 196
1he Mllgram experlmenL on obedlence Lo auLhorlLy flgures was a serles of noLable soclal psychology
experlmenLs conducLed by ?ale unlverslLy psychologlsL SLanley Mllgram whlch measured Lhe wllllngness of
sLudy parLlclpanLs Lo obey an auLhorlLy flgure who lnsLrucLed Lhem Lo perform acLs LhaL confllcLed wlLh Lhelr
personal consclence Mllgram flrsL descrlbed hls research ln 1963 ln an arLlcle publlshed ln Lhe !ournal of
Abnormal and Soclal sychology and laLer dlscussed hls flndlngs ln greaLer depLh ln hls 1974 book Cbedlence Lo
AuLhorlLy An LxperlmenLal vlew
1he experlmenLs began ln !uly 1961 Mllgram devlsed hls psychologlcal sLudy Lo answer Lhe quesLlon Was lL
LhaL Llchmann and hlsaccompllces ln Lhe PolocausL had muLual lnLenL ln aL leasL wlLh regard Lo Lhe goals of Lhe
PolocausL? ln oLher words Was Lhere a muLual sense of morallLy among Lhose lnvolved? Mllgrams LesLlng
suggesLed LhaL lL could have been LhaL Lhe mllllons of accompllces were merely followlng orders desplLe
vlolaLlng Lhelr deepesL moral bellefs 1he experlmenLs have been repeaLed many Llmes wlLh conslsLenL resulLs
wlLhln socleLles buL dlfferenL percenLages across Lhe globe 1he experlmenLs were also conLroverslal and
consldered by some sclenLlsLs Lo be uneLhlcal or psychologlcally abuslve moLlvaLlng more Lhorough revlew
boards for Lhe use of human sub[ecLs

S) 2|mbardo pr|son study |n 197
1he SLanford prlson experlmenL was a sLudy of Lhe psychologlcal effecLs of becomlng a prlsoner or prlson guard
1he experlmenL was conducLed from AugusL 14Lh20Lh 1971 by a Leam of researchers led by psychology
professor hlllp Zlmbardo aL SLanford unlverslLy lL was funded by a granL from Lhe uS Cfflce of naval
8esearch and was of lnLeresL Lo boLh Lhe uS navy and Marlne Corps ln order Lo deLermlne Lhe causes of confllcL
beLween mlllLary guards and prlsoners
1welve sLudenLs were selecLed ouL of 73 Lo play Lhe prlsoners and llve ln a mock prlson ln Lhe basemenL of Lhe
SLanford psychology bulldlng AnoLher Lwelve of Lhe same 73 were selecLed Lo play Lhe Cuards 8oles were
asslgned randomly Lo Lhe 24 men 1he parLlclpanLs adapLed Lo Lhelr roles well beyond whaL even Zlmbardo
hlmself expecLed leadlng Lhe offlcers Lo dlsplay auLhorlLarlan measures and ulLlmaLely Lo sub[ecL some of Lhe
prlsoners Lo LorLure ln Lurn many of Lhe prlsoners developed passlve aLLlLudes and accepLed physlcal abuse
and aL Lhe requesL of Lhe guards readlly lnfllcLed punlshmenL on oLher prlsoners who aLLempLed Lo sLop lL 1he
experlmenL even affecLed Zlmbardo hlmself who ln hls capaclLy as rlson SuperlnLendenL losL slghL of hls
role as psychologlsL and permlLLed Lhe abuse Lo conLlnue as Lhough lL were a real prlson llve of Lhe prlsoners
were upseL enough by Lhe process Lo qulL Lhe experlmenL early and Lhe enLlre experlmenL was abrupLly sLopped
afLer only slx days 1he experlmenLal process and Lhe resulLs remaln conLroverslal 1he enLlre experlmenL was
fllmed wlLh excerpLs made publlcly avallable

6) numphreys tearoom study |n 197
1earoom 1rade ls a LlLle of a conLroverslal 1970 hu dlsserLaLlon and book 1earoom Lrade a sLudy of
homosexual encounLers ln publlc places by Laud Pumphreys 1he sLudy ls an analysls of homosexual acLs Laklng
place ln publlc LolleLs Pumphreys asserLed LhaL Lhe men parLlclpaLlng ln such acLlvlLy came from dlverse soclal
backgrounds had dlfferlng personal moLlves for seeklng homosexual conLacL ln such venues and varlously self
percelved as sLralghL blsexual or gay Pls sLudy called lnLo quesLlon some of Lhe sLereoLypes assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe anonymous malemale sexual encounLers ln publlc places demonsLraLlng LhaL many of Lhe parLlclpanLs
llved oLherwlse convenLlonal llves as famlly men and respecLed members of Lhelr communlLles and LhaL Lhelr
acLlvlLles posed no danger of harassmenL Lo sLralghL males 8ecause Lhe researcher mlsrepresenLed hls ldenLlLy
and lnLenL and because Lhe prlvacy of Lhe sub[ecLs was lnfrlnged durlng Lhe sLudy 1earoom 1rade has caused
a ma[or debaLe on eLhlcs ln observaLlon and ls now ofLen used as an example of hlghly conLroverslal soclal

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