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Lxplore Lhe wlves marrlages (all 3) wlLh a parLlcular focus on !

ankln 1hls wlll

form Lhe basls of your assessmenL Lask work

Comments on marriage.
Woe/1rlbulaLlon LhaL ls ln marrlage
Cod bade us Lo wax and mulLlple
My husband should leave faLher and moLher and Lake me
l wlsh Lo Cod lL were lawful for me Lo be refreshed half so
ofLen! WhaL a glfL of Cod he had ln all hls wlves!
l have Lhe schoollng of flve husbands l would welcome Lhe
l wlll noL keep myself wholly chasLe
l am free ln Cod's name Lo wed where l wlsh
1he aposLle gave me leave and lndulgence Lo be a wlfe
l am noL one of Lhose perfecL people l wlll use Lhe flower of
my llfe ln Lhe acLs of frulLs of marrlage
LeL vlrglns be called bread of purlfled wheaLseed and leL us
wlves be called barleybread and yeL our Lord !esus refreshed
many people wlLh barleybread
l and noL my husbands have Lhe power over hls body
l had been experL all my llfe (l have been Lhe scourge)
1he Lhree men were good rlch and old and Lhey could hardly
keep Lhelr obllgaLlon Lo me lLlfully l made Lhem work aL
AL wlse women wlll always aLLempL Lo wln love where she has
none buL slnce l had Lhem wholly ln my hand and had all
Lhelr land why should l boLher Lo please Lhem
l governed Lhem so well by my rules LhaL each of Lhem was
bllssful 1hey were glad when l spoke frlendly Lo Lhem l
chlded Lhem wlLhouL mercy
1he paln and woe l dld Lhem Lhough Lhey were lnnocenL
l Llckled hls hearL because he LhoughL LhaL l had such greaL
fondness for hlm under LhaL preLexL l had many prlvy [esLs aL
hlm for all such wlLe ls glven Lo us when we are born
ln Lhe end l had Lhe beLLer ln every way
l would noL sLay ln bed any longer lf l felL hls arm over my
slde unLll he had pald hls ransom Lo me
lor Lhe sake of galn l would glve Lhem Lhelr way and yeL l
never had pleasure ln bacon
1hough my husband looked llke a mad llon he was
noneLheless bound Lo fall ln hls purpose
lL does my hearL good LhaL l have had a fllng ln my Llme
l had greaL resenLmenL ln my hearL LhaL he had pleasure ln
any oLher 8uL he was pald back
l was hls purgaLory on earLh
l LwlsLed hlm ln so many ways
Pe dled when l reLurned home from !erusalem lL would have
been a wasLe Lo bury hlm aL such an expense larewell Lo hlm
My flfLh husband may Cod never allow hls soul Lo enLer hell
Pe was Lhe mosL vlllalnous Lo me buL he was so fresh and
merry and sweeLLalk so well LhaL even lf he had beaLen me
on every bone he could soon wln my beauLlful Lhlng agaln
l loved hlm besL because he was sparlng ln hls love
WhaLever Lhlng we can noL easlly wln we wlll cry afLer
conLlnually and crave
l Look my flfLh husband for love and noL rlches Pe was an
oxford scholar and had lefL school Lo board wlLh uame Allce
WhllsL my husband was ln London l had a beLLer opporLunlLy
Lo play and Lo see and be seen by lusLy folk
WhaL dld l know abouL how my forLune was Lo be shaped or
ln whaL place
We had such fllrLaLlon LogeLher Lhls clerk and l LhaL ln my
foreslghL l spoke Lo hlm and Lold hlm how he should wed me
l persuaded hlm Lo Lhlnk LhaL he had enchanLd me
l wepL raLher llLLle l vow
l never loved dlscreeLly buL always followed by appeLlLe
Mot|vat|on for marr|ages]Cp|n|on of husbands and ga|n of marr|ages]se|f d|scovery
llrsL marrlages All were worLhy men ln Lhelr ranks 1hey were Lhe besL LhaL l could plck ouL boLh ln Lhelr
bodles and Lhelr coffers 1he Lhree men were good rlch and old and Lhey hardly could keep Lhelr obllgaLlon Lo
me 1hey loved me so well LhaL l seL no value on Lhelr love 1hey were glad when l spoke frlendly Lo Lhem l
chlded Lhem wlLhouL mercy
She 'aLLacked Lhem' for Lhelr chldlng and promlscuous behavlour ln order Lo cover herself ln Lhls way she
exerLed power over Lhem and remalned superlor and deLached
She would also sweeL Lalk Lo Lhem and glve Lhem her body She reLalned Lhelr favour and wealLh
lourLh Pe was a reveller She was klnd Lo everyone buL hlm Lo pay hlm back She wasn'L' aLLached Lo hlm

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