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A81nL8 ulSCuSSlCn CuluL

MlcrosofL Lxchange Server 2007 ls a proven enLerprlsegrade
messaglng plaLform bullL for easy lnsLallaLlon and deploy
menL lLs subsLanLlal feaLure seL enables lL Lo serve buslnesses
of all slzes and Lypes lL can be deployed as an onpremlses or
hosLed soluLlon 1hese reasons make lL one of Lhe mosL wlde
ly deployed messaglng plaLforms ln Lhe world Loday
ln 2007 Coogle lnLroduced Coogle Apps 1hls sulLe of onllne
appllcaLlons ls frequenLly poslLloned as a lowcosL alLernaLlve
Lo MlcrosofL Lxchange and oLher MlcrosofL producLs 8ecause
cusLomers percelve Coogle Apps' cosL Lo be low and lLs fea
Lures Lo be adequaLe for Lhelr needs some may conslder
movlng from Lxchange Server 2007 Lo Coogle Apps 1hls dls
cusslon gulde wlll help you Lalk Lo your cusLomers abouL Lhe
poLenLlal buslness lmpacL of such a move ?ou can help Lhem
undersLand Lhe real dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo soluLlons
and enable Lhem Lo make Lhe rlghL cholce for Lhelr buslness
About Goog|e Apps
version 4udience kevenue
per user
Coogle Apps
LdlLlon (CASL)
Small and
lree ad
27+ C8 none
Coogle Apps
remler Ldl
Llon (CAL)
Small Lo
large busl
$30 per
user per
year Lo
23 C8 999
Coogle Apps
lree 27+ C8 none
Coogle Apps
arLner Ldl
lSs lree n/A n/A
roducLs lncluded
Product lunction
Cmall Lmall
Coogle ChaL/C1alk lM CC vol
Coogle Calendar Calendarlng
Coogle age CreaLor 1eam slLes
Coogle uocs SpreadsheeLs
Cfflce producLlvlLy
SLarL age orLal
AddlLlonal funcLlonallLy ln CAL and LducaLlon LdlLlons
O 24/7 phone supporL
O CpLlonal adverLlsemenLs
O 8oom and resource schedullng
O Als for exLenslblllLy and dlrecLory lnLegraLlon
O Lmall rouLlng conLrols
O ollcy managemenL and message recovery (osLlnl)
O Lmall mlgraLlon Lools
O 1hlrdparLy appllcaLlons and servlces
Goog|e Apps os|t|on|ng
O Cpen sLandards slmpllfy lnLegraLlon wlLh exlsLlng lnfra
O Lnhance and exLend communlcaLlon
O Allow everyone Lo work LogeLher across mulLlple appllca
Llons and common servlces
O use Coogle's lnfrasLrucLure and supporL lnsLead of ln
house archlLecLure
O CeL cuLLlng edge Lechnology from Coogle
O Clve endusers ease of use personal and group schedullng
realLlme collaboraLlon
O Clve l1 admlns ease of seLup and provlslonlng cenLrallzed
conLrol no hardware no malnLenance no deploy
menL/downLlme no cosLs ease of use for users
Goog|e Apps Strengths
O Slmple userfrlendly lnLerface
O Can be used wlLh any C3enabled cllenL
O ulsLrlbuLed daLa cenLers mean qulck access Lo cusLomer
lnformaLlon worldwlde
O MalnLalned and hosLed by Coogle
O Moblle access lncluded (vla WA slLe and/or moblle cllenL)
O 8ullLln anLlvlrus/anLlspam leverages Lhe Cmall user base
for fllLerlng
O uses Coogle Search
O 8rand sLrengLh/repuLaLlon
O SupporLed ln 40+ languages
O Slngle slgnon
Goog|e Apps Weaknesses
r|vacy Secur|ty
O lnformaLlon conLrolled and malnLalned by Coogle whlch
has had securlLy lncldenLs (example1 and example2)
O Coogle can see all cusLomer daLa ads served based on e
mall conLenL for adsupporLed edlLlon (CASL)
O Lmall ls poLenLlally never deleLed Coogle reserves Lhe
rlghL Lo malnLaln coples of all lnformaLlon ln backups per
Lhelr Lerms of use (see)
O Coogle wlll noL guaranLee cusLomers LhaL lf subpoenaed
Coogle would noLlfy cusLomers before releaslng daLa
O CusLomer relles on Coogle Lo malnLaln backups of all ln
formaLlon whlch ls noL guaranLeed (see)
nterpr|se Iunct|ona||ty ke||ab|||ty
O no naLlve offllne cllenL C for emall only lMA avalla
ble buL does noL maLch onllne experlence
O no naLlve AcLlve ulrecLory supporL LhlrdparLy connecLors
cosL exLra
O SlmpllsLlc dlrecLory llmlLed Lo baslc lnformaLlon and com
blned wlLh personal sLored conLacLs
O no ablllLy Lo dlfferenLlaLe conLacLs
O CASL users are requlred Lo vlew ads poLenLlally dlsLracLlng
employees and reduclng producLlvlLy
O AdmlnlsLraLlve funcLlons noL cenLrallzed for example
Coogle Apps ls admlnlsLered uslng a dlfferenL lnLerface
Lhan osLlnl

O no 1asks feaLure
O no slmple mechanlsm for password recovery or reseL
musL conLacL a domaln admlnlsLraLor
|dden Costs
O CorporaLe requlremenLs such as offllne access rlch dlrec
Lory supporL and regulaLory compllance requlre Lhlrd
parLy appllcaLlons resulLlng ln addlLlonal cosL and com
O Compllance Lools llke [ournallng or rulebased rouLlng re
qulre LhlrdparLy appllcaLlons lncreaslng cosL and complex
keduced Contro|
O AppllcaLlons and funcLlonallLy are dlsLrlbuLed Lo users
wlLhouL warnlng or admlnlsLraLlve conLrol
O users cannoL be Llered buslnesses can choose CASL or
CAL buL noL boLh
O Coogle's 999 upLlme SLA has reporLedly noL been kepL
(example1 and example2)
O roducLs sLlll labeled 8eLa" whlch means Lhey may noL be
ready for broad enLerprlse use and lack a clear publlc
producL roadmap
os|t|on|ng change aga|nst Goog|e Apps
O MlcrosofL Lxchange ls a proven enLerprlsegrade messag
lng plaLform
O MlcrosofL Lxchange lncorporaLes wlLh Lhe MlcrosofL Cfflce
sulLe AcLlve ulrecLory Lhe Wlndows plaLform Wlndows
Moblle and MlcrosofL Cfflce ShareolnL provldlng flexlblll
Ly and ease of deploymenL
O CusLomers conLrol Lhelr lnformaLlon wlLh MlcrosofL Lx
change securlLy and prlvacy are malnLalned Lhrough se
cure connecLlons sLrong auLhenLlcaLlon and granular
managemenL rlghLs and compllance rules
O 8lch seL of cllenLs (MlcrosofL Cfflce CuLlook CuLlook Web
Access MlcrosofL Cfflce CuLlook Moblle CuLlook volce
Access) enable access Lo MlcrosofL Lxchange onllne or of
fllneeven wlLhouL a compuLer
O MlcrosofL ls commlLLed Lo a publlc producL roadmap LhaL ls
responslve Lo cusLomer needs
O MlcrosofL and parLners offer hosLed verslons of Lxchange
enabllng cusLomers Lo place some or all Lhelr users on a
hosLed plaLform
O MlcrosofL and parLners offer a breadLh of supporL offerlngs
for buslnesses of all slzes
;uest|ons to Ask Customers
O Can you LrusL Coogle Lo malnLaln Lhe securlLy and prlvacy
of your lnformaLlon?
O WhaL happens when Coogle Apps ls down?
O WhaL mechanlsms does Coogle provlde for malnLalnlng
backups of your daLa? 1he SLA covers downLlme buL does
lL also cover losL daLa?
O uo you conLrol lf and when upgrades are dlsLrlbuLed Lo
Coogle Apps users?
O WhaL ls Lhe Coogle producL roadmap and does lL allgn wlLh
your buslness needs?
O WhaL funcLlonallLy or feaLures ls Coogle developlng for Lhe
enLerprlse markeL?
O WhaL happens lf you don'L have lnLerneL access for a Llme?
O WhaL ls Lhe experlence of uslng Cmall offllne really llke?
O Pow wlll your users work when Lhey don'L have lnLerneL
O Pow wlll Coogle noLlfy you lf Lhe servlce ls down? WhaL
backup mechanlsms are ln place Lo keep buslness golng?
O uoes Coogle Apps supporL all your buslness needs or are
you loslng funcLlonallLy for a percelved prlce beneflL?
b[ect|on and||ng
Goog|e Apps |s a hosted serv|ce so |t doesn't requ|re the
|nsta||at|on conf|gurat|on and comp|e |nfrastructure re
qu|red by M|crosoft change
As opposed Lo Lhe pure" hosLed model of Coogle Apps Ml
crosofL Lxchange offers Lhe cholce of onpremlses or hosLed
soluLlons or uslng boLh aL once Companles can choose Lhe
archlLecLure LhaL works besL for Lhelr buslness needs adapL
lng as Lhose needs change Coogle does noL offer Lhls flexlblll
AddlLlonally Lhe slmple feaLure seLs of Coogle Apps are noL
comparable Lo Lhose of MlcrosofL Lxchange and oLher Mlcro
sofL producLs whlch are deslgned Lo meeL Lhe needs of busl
nesses ranglng from sole proprleLorshlps Lo Lhe largesL enLer
prlses lus MlcrosofL has one of Lhe wldesLranglng parLner
neLworks ln Lhe l1 lndusLry maklng lL easy Lo flnd Lhe supporL
you need Lo keep your l1 lnfrasLrucLure runnlng
GAS |s free and GA |s |nepens|ve
CASL ls supporLed by ad cllcks generaLed by your employees
uo you wanL employees dlsLracLed by ads whlle Lhey are Lry
lng Lo work? lor CAL Lhe $30 a year fee doesn'L lnclude
LhlrdparLy producLs such as dlrecLory lnLegraLlon or com
pllance/archlvlng Lools whlch can add Lo Lhe cosL lf Lhe com
pany needs Lhe full producLlvlLy feaLures of MlcrosofL Cfflce
Lhey wlll pay Lwlce for Lhe same funcLlonallLy MlcrosofL offers
dlscounLs for purchaslng MlcrosofL Cfflce ln comblnaLlon wlLh
Lxchange Server and Lhe Wlndows operaLlng sysLem
Goog|e |s a we|| known serv|ces company and |s we|| res
pected so why |s the pr|vacy of my |nformat|on a concern?
Coogle reserves Lhe rlghL Lo change Lhelr prlvacy pollcy and
Lerms of servlce aL any polnL ?our daLa whlch aL presenL
cannoL be easlly removed from Coogle Apps ls avallable for
Coogle Lo use
Coogle also malnLalns rlghLs Lo your lnformaLlon even afLer
you deleLe lL 1he rlsks of daLa loss confldenLlal lnformaLlon
belng released or employees belng proflled by Coogle for
adverLlslng revenue should be welghed agalnsL Lhe upfronL
cosLs of Coogle Apps edlLlons
Goog|e Apps |s comp|ete|y |ntegrated and easy to use I
don't need anyth|ng e|se
Coogle Apps provldes some sharlng and collaboraLlon buL
does noL provlde Lhe subsLanLlal buslness process lnLegraLlon
and rlch collaboraLlon feaLures offered by MlcrosofL Lxchange
and oLher MlcrosofL producLs 8uslnesses should conslder
Lhelr fuLure needs when chooslng a messaglng soluLlon
M|crosoft roducts and Serv|ces
O MlcrosofL Lxchange wwwmlcrosofLcom/exchange
O MlcrosofL Cfflce Llve wwwofflcellvecom
O MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces wwwmlcrosofLcom/onllne/
-ews Stor|es
O lnformaLlonWeek Cfflce Llve vs Coogle Apps
O C World Low rlced Coogle Cfflce SulLe noL 8eady
O C World Could Coogle be bad for your career?
O uneL 1he roblem wlLh Coogle Apps Lnglne

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