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1 whaL message ls made so LhaL vlslLors wanL Lo eaL Lhese burgers ?????
oit// b/ow your mind owoy
b8k super seven lncher
c$ 623
dlL [usL LasLes beLLer
e8urger klng
2 LexL above ls a Lype of LexL whaL ?????
a lnvlLaLlon
b 4dvertisement
c AnnouncemenL
e recounL Lex

3 whaL prlce burgers on Lop??????
a $ 462
b $ 323
n 5 25
d $ 222
e $ 700

4 whaL brand of burger on Lop??????
a 8k super seven lncher
b lL [usL Las Les buLLer
c $ 623 MLAL
d 8urqer kinq
e beLLer

3 whaL happened ln Lhe klng 8urger on Lop
a drink ond lrenn fries
b bread cheese beef and vegeLable musLard
c chocolaLe mllk and cheese
d LomaLo sauce soy sauce and whlLe bread
e bread vegeLable and LomaLoes

1 WhaL color of car ln Lhe ad
o keod
b 8lue
c CreanL
d ?ellow
e 8lack
2 And Lhe f doesn'L end Lhere aragraph lll
equaLlons of Lhe underllned word ls????
o 8eoutifu/
b 8ad
c LxqulslLe
d very bad
e Was
3 Pow many LoLal cars????????????
a $ 993003
b $ 787600
c $ 123334
d 5 4995
e $ 2774
4 WhaL was Lhe above car brands???
a 1oyoLa
b Swlff
c !azz
d SLrada
e nyundoi
3 18002332330 Lo conLac Lhe hand from
o nyundoi nor
b Pand of Lhe blke
c Pand of Lhe moLorcycle
d Pand of resLauranL seafood
e Pand of Lhe hoLel

1 LxhlblL abouL Lhe ad above
o /otest mobi/e te/epone
b laLesL lepLop
c new ouLpuL calculaLor
d Lhe laLesL compuLer
e moLor vehlcle
2 how many dlfferenL Lypes of moblle Lelephone over Lhe???????
a 6 Lype
b 8 Lype
c 1 Lype
d 4 type
e 2 Lype
3 cell phone on Lhe ouLpuL of any producL ??????
a Samsung
b nexlan
n Nokio
d MlLo
e Sky bee
4 lf you wanL Lo look more clearly can conLacL Lhe followlng address
o nqoqenom/it
b wwwnoklacom
c SamsungcenLeralcold
d wwwnoklasLarcom
e SkybeesLarcom
3 whaL Lhe name of Lhe nokla company ?????
a ngaga
b nokla cellulare
n Pc Provo / qioni primo
d Sollo quelll
e Cvrl nuovrry

Get the 4 advantages oI NECARE Total
Program, ensuring your NEC cellular
phone to be in good working condition all
the time.
1. Upgrade your cellular phone
2. Free inspection
3. Fast track service
4. Speedy Exchange

My oIIice hours: Monday to Friday
09.00 am to 6.00 p.m.
Head Office: 1akarta 021-5735
1 on any day Lhe offlce ls open ??????
a SaLurday and Sunday
b ,ondoy to lridoy
c Monday Lo SaLurday
d rlday of 1uesday
e Wednesday and 1hursday
2 whaL are Lhe advanLages of Lhe program n??
a speedy exchange
b free lnspecLlon
c fasL Lrack servlce
d upgrade your celluler phone
e benouse you nore
3 address and Lelephone number where Lhe companys offlces on ??
a surabaya 0213733
b semarang 0213733
c padang 0213733
d jokorto 02157l5
e depok 0213733
4 whaL Llme Lo open hls offlce
o 0900 om to 00 pm
b 1012 am Lo 713 pm
c 1212 am Lo 0012 pm
d 0930 am Lo 832 pm
e 1300 am Lo 300 pm
3 news abouL whaL makes Lhe ad above offlce
a geL nLC nLCA8L
b necare offlce
n Nc offine
d nLC A8L LoLal program
e Pead offlce


En]oy 8cl's becut]ul becches! \st the crt cty o] 0bud! Stcy
n Asc's ]nest hotels! 8uy -0,:91: souvenrs! See Mount
Ayuny! .cnd much more.
We've yot t cll! Come cnd see the crt shops, the temples, cnd
the exotc dcnces. Come cnd try our restcurcnts.
1 any arL conLalned ln ball LxCL1
a flgures of arL
b Lhe Lemples
c exoLlc dances
d clLy of ubud
e typino/donneone
2 anyLhlng LhaL can be en[oyed ln 8all excepL
a ball's beauLyful beaches
b clLy of ubud
c sLay ln Asla's flnesL hoLels
d lLs arLlsLlc value
e nititensbo/i
3 we can buy souvenlrs beauLlful Lo see Lhe beauLlful scenery LhaL ls
o see mount oqunq
b asla hoLels
c Lhe arLs
d beauLyful beaches
e resLauranLs
4 where Lhe clLy held an arL ball
o ubud
b [aLl park
c zoo
d ancol
e waLer boom
3 whaL Lhe name of Lhe besL hoLels ln 8all
a hoLels pangeran
b osio
n hoLels padang
d goolden
e basko

1 where can l geL Lhe book
o te neorest bookstore
b nearesL cloLhlng sLore
c sLaLlonery sLores nearby
d nearesL grocery sLore
e nearesL resLauranL

1 whaL ls Lhe name of Lhe shop ad above
o ruko sentro/ onderdi/
b harapan lndah bekasl
c pasar famlly marL
d blok L18
e besL cholce
2 where Lhe address of Lhe shop
a 8ekasl
b assar famlly marL
n 8/ok P18 noropon indo bekosi
d pasar senen
e Lanah abang

1 whaL Lhe name of a drlnk aL Lhe Lop ?
a fanLa
b cocacola
c melzon
d sprite
e pocarlsweL

1 adverLlslng abouL whaL Lhe plcLure above
a blrLhday parLy lnvlLaLlons
b marrlage
c annlversary lnvlLaLlon
d invitotion nord
e movlng leLLer

1 books on Lhe sale on any day
o 5oturdoy ond 5undoy
b rlday 1uesday and 1hursday
c Wednesday
d Monday and 1hursday
e SaLurday
2 SaLurday openlng hours brapa
a 11 am Lo 6 pm
b 12 am Lo 7 pm
n 10 om to pm
d 8 am Lo 12 pm
e 11 am Lo 8 pm

1. where could see the white buIIalo ...
a as seen on Lv
b key west museum
c open dally
d see mlracle
e Lhe sLrangesL place ln key wesL
2 open on any day ????
o every doy
b once a week
c conce a monLh
d dLwlce a week
e sepLan

FllAFlS6ultFA. AKTlF

MlS ?ang laln gak da yang nger[aln Cuma ella sendlrlan yang akLlf
Sama sekall gak da yang banLu Leman2 yang laln

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